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Date: 4/20/2008 5:51:34 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 4/20/2008 5:45:34 PM
lili, I''m surprised that your doc won''t check her for one month. I thought that was standard? But hopefully the other mommies will put in their two cents.
Yeah...thanks for that info on the diapers. It''s probably not cost effective to give that version out to the general public. It really saved us when we were trying to get her to pee, and sometimes we could only tell by the stripe since it was mixed in with the meconium. I''d pay extra for that feature though...although now there is no doubt that she is wetting since her diaper is so heavy when she does, so I guess I really don''t need it.
ETA, a SNS is a supplemental nutrition system (I think). It''s a bottle with a thin tube that the baby sucks to get milk. You can tape the tube to your finger or your nipple, and with the suckling, milk comes through the tube. They control the flow, unlike a bottle nipple. I dig it.
Yeah, I am too. I''d thought that the 1-month checkup is standard.
That''s okay, I''m going to make another consultation with the lactation nurse in 2 weeks just to see if she''s getting enough to eat.
SNS-- Is that offered to BFing mothers who are waiting for their milk to come in?
Wished I had known about that before giving Jadie the bottle.
I had to supplement with formula initially because my milk wasn''t coming in and she didn''t have a good latch.
The nurses didn''t know that she wasn''t latching. All they went by was her poop and how long she stayed on my boobs.
I didn''t know that she wasn''t latching until the lactation nurse came to visit me on the day I was scheduled to be discharged.
So we bottle fed her when we got home. Couldn''t stand to see her go hungry and her mouth go parched.
When my milk finally came in, I had to fight with her for a day before she takes to the breast again.
Now, she doesn''t like the bottle. Go figures.
Date: 4/17/2008 9:21:13 AM
Author: ephemery1
Seriously... now I''m praying for the same experience!! Congrats, Lili!!Date: 4/17/2008 8:44:33 AM
Author: LitigatorChick
Congrats on your natural birth, Lili. That was super fast - wowsers!!!!![]()
Date: 4/16/2008 10:59:51 PM
Author: snlee
lili, wow, great job! What an amazing birth story. Congrats on the natural birth! I think I recall you saying you''re around 5''? Gives me hope that I''ll be able to push out my baby and not get a c-section.
I don''t want to stop, but I am not having much of a choice. If I could pump 2-3 oz, that would be great! I am only getting 1-3 cc''s out of my right breast. That is not even a TENTH of an ounce. On my left, on a good pump I am getting a half ounce. Mostly I get a third of an ounce. Today''s weighins confirm that what she draws out is the same as what I am pumping...so there is no "secret stash". But speaking of pumping, I''m doing it right now...just because...well, I think it''s habit!Date: 4/20/2008 9:11:53 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Thank you for all your sweet comments about Tessa. Made my day!
TGal, I am so sorry that BFing is not working out for you.Sounds like you have decided to stop 100%. Maybe you could just supplement after each feeding? Whatever decision you make remember it is yours alone. You need to do what is best for you and Amelia. I remember pumping and barely getting 2-3 oz the first few months. Chrono is right you do make more but honestly if you don''t want to BF, don''t. Everyone will judge. People judge women who DO just as much as those who DON''T. You gave it your best. Tessa gets much more formula now b/c she is kind of on a nursing strike. I still nurse her 5-6 times a day and give her 3-4 bottles. Also she had her first bottle of expressed milk when she was a week old. No confusion (though I do use that stupid shield) She actually sometimes takes it off and I try w/o and she just gets frustrated. Ah well.![]()
Burk, oh I can wait for #2....awhile. Haha!
Lili, she is getting big! Her eyes haven''t changed yet but sometimes they look bluer. Sometimes greener. Oh the suspense!
Msb, he is darling! Happy 1 year to him!
Snlee, I am 5''1'' and had a VB.
That''s what I was hoping for. But the lactation consultant weight after each breast. I was right on target...1/2 ounce for my left and nothing on my right.Date: 4/20/2008 9:32:57 PM
Author: lili
I didn''t get that much when I pumped even when I was engorged.
But when the lactation nurse weigh her, she found that she''s getting 1 oz per breast on a 15 minute feeding.
Thanks sweetie. If there''s one thing you probably know about me by now, it''s that I manage to take everything in stride. Even something that''s such a bummer like this. Amelia/TTot/the Beast will survive.Date: 4/20/2008 9:42:08 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
TGal, I so wish I had some helpful advice for you. BFing is one of the hardest things I have ever done. We have different problems but I know how discouraged you feel! (((hugs)))
Date: 4/20/2008 9:52:48 PM
Author: TravelingGal
So in other news, the lactation consultant (who is also a NICU nurse) said today not to cover the baby's hands. Keep the nails trimmed, but she said they need to explore with their hands. Anyone heard of this? We had been covering, but I clipped her nails again today (and drew a bit of blood) and now they are free as a bird!![]()
Date: 4/20/2008 9:35:55 PM
Author: TravelingGal
That's what I was hoping for. But the lactation consultant weight after each breast. I was right on target...1/2 ounce for my left and nothing on my right.
I feed her two ounces of formula at each feeding. A week or so ago, she could barely figure out how to have an ounce. Now she''s just chowing, which is great. She''s up to 7lb 8oz in weight, so 6 oz over her birth weight, which is great. She''s still a little thing. Must be those 7.02 oz babies when they are born! Still, with this formula stuff, I figure she''ll pork up just fine.Date: 4/20/2008 10:01:48 PM
Author: lili
Date: 4/20/2008 9:35:55 PM
Author: TravelingGal
That''s what I was hoping for. But the lactation consultant weight after each breast. I was right on target...1/2 ounce for my left and nothing on my right.
That''s not much...
So how much is Ttot eating at each feeding?