
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tgal- The SNS is super slow. the reason for this is that all the ''work'' they do is supposed to stimulate production. it is really a strange transition from the SNS, but i stopped using it at about 6 weeks, after it was truly proven that there would be no milk coming in. After I stopped using the SNS I would feed at the breast(no more than 5 minutes) and then give him a bottle. although I understand this opposite method bottle first method I just couldnt stop "pretending" to BF, so I continued this way for several months taking more milk plus and reglan! I think the SNS is great and using all methods seemed to eliminate nipple confusion.

BPA concerns-I use Dr Browns, i know they aren''t BPA (although they will be come June) but i dont heat them in the microwave or dishwasher. ian actually takes bottles straight from the fridge or as soon as i make them. I have bought Nuby and Born Free sippy cups, and i actually have a whole collection of the Born Free glass bottles, but Ian hates them. So although it is something easy to avoid I dont feel bad using the bottles, since the major BPA issue is the seeping with heat (i think).

Curly- that pic of lily is adorable! she certainly looks like a busy girl!

Ella- your kids are also getting so big! it happens so fast.

Tacori- when it comes to babyfood there are so many different ways of doing things. i started Ian at 5.5 months. we started with avocado, then sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, squash, and then banana. I make about 80% of his food...its really easy. But always have some earths best organic on hand in case i''m feeling lazy!

Diver- Congrats on the botox...its on my list of things to try, shortly after laser hair removal and a breast lift :) All of my friends get it done at a medspa owned by another friend...but i have never done it. (my DH has though...)
TGal, I was beginning to think the last month would fly past too, then yesterday I got all the fun stuff all over again - sickness, nausea, heartburn, rib pain, hip joint pain. I''ve been free of the worst of it for weeks now, so it was a shock to the system. If it''s going to be like this to the end, the last month is going to drag, for sure!

Curly, with a month to go, I''m mostly scared, I think! Visting the midwife centre was really good for me though, I''m starting to feel a bit more excited. I''m not great with anything medical / hospital (ok, I''m downright phobic!) so it made me feel so much better to see that this place isn''t a hospital. I can start to get excited now that my anxiety is coming down a little. Oh, and that has to be one of the cutest baby pics ever! I think your little girl is going to be a high flyer - she''s got emailing sorted already! She''s gorgeous!

Burk, I''m so excited to meet my little one. I really wish I knew for sure whether it was a boy or girl, but the ultrasound wasn''t conclusive and I haven''t had any other tests, so a surprise it is!

My biggest problem right now is that I''m turning myself inside out trying to finish as much work as possible for my law degree before my due date, so I''m spending way too long sitting at a desk some days. Due date is the 20th May, dissertation due in on the 22nd, last exam on the 23rd. I did not plan this as well as I could have LOL. I had my last formal class yesterday and I sat in the bar with everyone else afterwards, sipping my OJ. That''s the first time I''ve really, really wanted a drink!

Diver, the botox sounds fab - if I wasn''t such a chicken with needles I''d be having this done right now! My BFF is having botox next week (our dentist does it) and I''m really interested to see the results. I''m glad you''re pleased with it.

Good morning -- it''s been freakishly gorgeous here in Chicago and I''m loving being able to have the windows open during construction. I cannot believe how much dust is in the house now!

Babies still kinda gurgling around in there -- no other kicks, although twin B appears to have done a sommersault, as his/her heartbeat is now on the opposite side of my belly. I now officially look like a Dr. Seuss character...all belly pooch. Woke up angry at DH because I had a dream that he left me because he was bored. Thankfully, he''s used to my subconscious lunacy.

Am reading Childbirth without Fear. Terribly amused by the dated language, but am waiting to get to the "good parts"

Dr. wants me to go for my 1 hour glucose test this week -- which seems awfully early (18 weeks). I am not looking forward to it. I''m going tomorrow, I suppose.

mrsmitchell -- I cannot believe it''s only a month for you! Oh my goodness, that is so exciting. The birthing center sounds faboo!
diver -- congrats on the Botox. You''ve given me something to think about. I need a total overhaul! And, by the way, I am sure D. will not harbor any resentment about breastfeeding (of course you don''t need me to tell you that.) Mom guilt is a powerful thing, no?
burk -- love the tayva picture. So adorable. I''m so sorry about the eating problems!
janine -- good luck sorting through all the living arrangements. No fun. Good to see you, though!
ella -- also sorry about gabe''s tummy troubles. So stressful for the whole family.
Curly! Good to see you! Yea for good dr. appointments! Tell Miss Lily to text me when she has a chance. I lurve that photo!!!!!! Yea for butt-dancin'' babies!
Tacori -- have I mentioned how much I love the newest avatar? I swear you have a real gift for photography (of course you have a stunning subject as well!) Hooray for going to the gym!
Gemma -- Sorry you are not feeling well. This too, shall pass. I am feeling round, but otherwise really good. It is exciting to feel the babies regularly. Thanks for asking!
Veteran mums,
How do you coax your toddler into eating more solids? Mine will happily subsist on bits of adult cereal (low sugar type) and biscuits if given the opportunity. He turns his nose up at everything else and takes lots of breastmilk to make up for it. How do I get him to eat more solids? He used to be very adventurous with food and loved to eat everything. I no longer offer him cereal and biscuits as they aren''t really nutritious but he still won''t eat much. I''m talking just a few mouthfuls at each meal.
Well crud....So Chrono plants the seed of doubt re: Botox & off I go researching...there isn''t anything on PubMed (evidence based research) but I did find the Newsweek article & few others covering the same story. Appears the deaths were in children being treated with Cerebal Palsy to calm muscle spasms in the legs. People with nervous system disorders are highly susceptible. That treatment is legal, but not FDA approved yet. There was one hospitalization (but not death) of a woman who had injections for forehead wrinkles. At any rate..the mice were injected with human sized doses. You take enough Tylenol (safe) and it''ll kill ya too.

At any rate, I do think it warrants more research. I have to be honest, had I seen this prior to getting Botox, i''d have opted not to get them for safety''s sake. (I mean, who wants to be that mom who orphans her kids in the name of vanity? Not me) So I''ll just ride this treatment out & wait until more conclusive research states its either safe or the FDA pulls it. I did notice on Pubmed that there are a lot of papers researching the use of Botox on things like Parkinson''s, urinary incontinence, psoriasis, etc...and they are recent papers, so it is under the microscope on a regular basis so to speak. I try not to get too wound up about any "articles" I read, because magazines & papers slant stuff to sell sell sell, and so much of what we read is so heavily biased. I will be making some calls to the Doc at the clinic as well as my own to get their takes on it.

Guess I won''t grow out my bangs just yet!

Mitchell: Mrs. I wouldn''t let my dentist do it...unless he''s really been trained. Tell your friend to go to the Botox website and search for a doctor who has been trained properly.

BPA bottles: yeah, I found out prior to Delaney''s arrival, so we''ve used the Playtex drop in system. less cleaning & good colic prevention. I have about 12 nipples/rings and about 6 shells, so I can go a few days between running my dishwasher & I never have to wash a bottle by hand. Bliss!!!! I hate buying the liners,but she loves those bottles. I tried the Nuby''s but she hated the nipple. Tacori---what nipple did you put in there??? Wish I had known that, I don''t want to switch bottles now. I''m going to get her off bottles by 12 mo (she is such a big eater & can drink from a cup/straw/sippy now, there''s no reason to prolong bottles past her 1st bday) so i''ll just keep doing what I''m doing. I did tell my girlfriend about it & she''s getting the Born Free bottles. I even switched out my own water bottles. Did you guys hear that Nalgene is going BPA free?

Oh, and don''t eat canned food, canned sodas, etc...the plastic that lines the cans have BPA in them.

I also try to microwave my food in glass bowls covered in wax paper.

Baby Food: D likes rice cereal, so she gets 2tbs of that in the morning, with a half jar of apples/apricots, for lunch she gets smooshed avacado, and for dessert some banana. For dinner she gets a jar of veggies (squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, whatever) and the rest of her fruit. She still drinks 6oz at each bottle feeding,but she''s down to 3 or 4 a day (from 5 or 6 before she started solids). She''s real good about pulling off the bottle and turning her head away from her spoon when she''s I don''t worry about over/under feeding her. Costco carries Earth''s Best jarred babyfood in large boxes with multiple flavors, so I just buy her that. It winds up running me .44 cents a jar (for the big jars) instead of double that (on sale even) at the grocery store. I was going to make my own, but then when I got done laughing at myself (shoot I can barely feed myself...Jake has to have his meals prepared different from ours, damn picky toddler) I just figured, ah shucks.....just give in and go for convenience. At least I give her organic baby food. Although I did read that regular baby food is produced at much higher standards than regular food & is pretty darn safe. And Earths Best did have a recall last year. I swear..everything is going to kill us.

Carseats: WEll I moved D to her convertible carseat because the infant carrier was killing my back something fierce. So I could not get the dang angle of it right (45 degrees) and dh & I took our cars to the certified carseat tech for install (they have all the great pool noodles, I wanted to see how my "install skills" were on Jake''s seats). I got an A+!!! Fella said I did a great job installing my seats, but I did learn a trick or two for getting those huge rear facing seats in right. Take THREE pool noodle pieces (I was using a towel rolled up) and tape together in a triangle and then use THAT to get the correct angle. FYI, it needs to be 45 degrees so that the baby''s airway stays open when they snooze.

Advice from the trenches: that D is out of her seat, she''s sitting in a regular stroller. I noticed my MacLaren & Metrolite (used with Jake) were all dirty & needed a bath, so we took them outside, & scrubbed them down with soapy water & let them dry in the sun. Then I realized, they''d fare a lot better with a dose of Scotchguard. And so would our carseats. I''m scotchguarding the hell out of everything.

BOB: Someone tell me when the singles go on sale. I want the pink/chocolate one for Delaney for when Jake goes to school next year. I''m selling a TON of baby stuff, so I think I can swing a clean trade with the proceeds.
I still use my double all the time.....but I won''t need a double when he''s in school and I like to walk on nice days. I have a single jogger, but I just can''t go back to schwinn after pushing a Bob now! LOL.
Date: 4/22/2008 11:59:13 AM
Author: Chrono
Veteran mums,
How do you coax your toddler into eating more solids? Mine will happily subsist on bits of adult cereal (low sugar type) and biscuits if given the opportunity. He turns his nose up at everything else and takes lots of breastmilk to make up for it. How do I get him to eat more solids? He used to be very adventurous with food and loved to eat everything. I no longer offer him cereal and biscuits as they aren''t really nutritious but he still won''t eat much. I''m talking just a few mouthfuls at each meal.

How old is your little fella? The cereal is important if they are breastfed for iron supplementation (unless he''s got them in vitamin drops now). Jake was an adventurous eater until he turned two. He''d eat ANYTHING, and when I do cook its all healthy & from scratch (veggies, lean proteins, complex "good" carbs, olive oils, variety of yummy spices,etc) I eat a mediterranean style diet...

But then he turned two, and then three. Now my good eater lives on Chicken nuggets (i found whole grain, no transfats, free range local chicken ones), yogurt, cheerios, cheese, whole grain bread slices (plain...he''s weird), chicken noodle soup, noodles w butter & parmesan, Wheat Thins, pickles, bananas, oranges, edamame, carrots, any berry/fruit really, tomatoes, (he likes the cherry ones in all shapes/colors) whole grain tortillas with melted cheese dipped in low fat ranch, and of course, cheeseburgers & french fries (treat a few times a month).

They will live....just feed him the 3 foods he likes and ride the wave. I try to introduce new things or old favorites (hummus, greenbeans) and he won''t eat them. I won''t argue over food, not a battle I choose to fight. He''s gaining weight & his ped is aware of it & just says to offer as much healthy food as I can & let him decide how much to eat.

It is weird to feed him raw veggies, cheese, bread & yogurt for dinner, but shoot, it looks healthy enough and he likes it. Oh,he also LOVES pinto beans, so that''s a good protein. Just plain & warmed.

Curly~Thanks for complimenting Tayva. Lily is an absolute doll!!! Love the name Lucy... two exciting!! I hope our next is a girl.

Thanks Skippy!

Tacori~One big play date would be so fun!! DH was offered a job somewhere in North Carolina yesterday. Isn't that where you are?? I told him we'd be able to find Tayva a playmate if we move to the right city!!
And I hear ya on the depressing muffin top!! It's so hard to get to the gym these days. I've been aiming for 5 days a week, but really only making it 2-3! But, I have been eating well so I have hope. I really want to be in a swimsuit and not be scary looking this summer!!

RE: BPA~we went with the drop-ins because of the BPA. Tayva likes them and like Diver, I love the easy clean-up!

thanks for the compliment and the link qtiekiki!

Mrs Mitchell~WOW you have a lot on your plate before the little one comes! At least it'll take your mind off how bad you want to be done being preggo!
What year are you? My sister is a first year law student and she studies ALL THE TIME!!!

jas~yea for good's about time! I'm in Nebraska and if we don't get the spring like weather to stick around I'm going to lose my mind!!

I'm sure you're all getting sick of seeing Tayva, but we had her 3-month pics taken on Saturday. Here are a few proofs the photographer emailed me yesterday. I was worried because she "lost her smiles" super early in the shoot because she was tired and I felt like we weren't going to get any cute ones...

Burk, these pics are gorgeous! Every time I see a PS baby, I get even more excited to meet my own! She''s a doll - love the photos.

I''m in my final year (it''s an undergrad degree here) but I''ve been studying part time, so it''s been 5 (long) years instead of 4. I''ve enjoyed it but I''ll be glad to be done. Hope your sister is enjoying her course too.
Jen is a new Daners pic....BELLY GIRL!

Burk -- I will never get sick of seeing Tayva pictures!

I need help -- I just ate cherry pie filling out of the jar. And loved it. And am now trying to convince myself it was a helping of fruit.
And my son the ham...(eta: excuse the chipped paint on my shop door....the shop/garage is not attached to my house, so therefore, I ignore it! LOL)

And baby girl with her mama...will I ever lose the weight? DH took these pics a week or so ago I can''t believe how much heavier I look in pictures compared to what I see in the mirror...why is that? I look in the mirror & think I look fine, I see pics & go "gah! ugh!that''s not me!". wtf?

Diver, you look AWESOME!!!! Don''t be hard on yourself at all!!!
Burk, where in NC? Love the new pics!

Jas, thanks you are sweet! I take so many pics to get a few good ones.

Diver, you can use any that are the "small" size. I think I bought gerber (with the "x" cut for rice) she didn''t like the nipple either. Love the new pics. You look great. I think the single BOBs are on sale NOW!

Curly, ok green first. We don''t microwave our bottles but sanitze in dishwasher....which gets hot.

MsF, thanks for the food info. She is 5.5 months now...maybe I should give her something yummy
Diver, you look great! Jake and Delaney are so cute!!! Love the outdoor pics and that one of Delaney in her pool/bath is so funny; she is so cute! hehe

Burk, your daughter is darling!!!

I love all the baby pics
sooooo cute!
Thanks Mrs Mitchell! You're almost done with the law degree...that's so exciting. My sister really likes it!

Thanks Jas! I don't know if you need help...I'd consider cherry pie filling a fruit, has cherries in it!

Diver~ Cute new pics. You look great, but I can totally relate to how you feel!

Tacori~Thanks. Raleigh. Probably not even close to you...not like North Caroline isn't a big state!

Skippy~Thanks so much!!
Date: 4/22/2008 2:09:25 PM
Author: jas
Burk -- I will never get sick of seeing Tayva pictures!

I need help -- I just ate cherry pie filling out of the jar. And loved it. And am now trying to convince myself it was a helping of fruit.
OMG! I did that yesterday!

It is a helping of fruit. Totally!


ETA but only if you eat the whole jar
Burk, Diver, and Curly -- what cutie patoots your kiddies are!!! And Diver, you look fab, you pretty lady you! Believe me though, I totally understand where you're coming from though I'm the opposite. I feel like I look decent in photos but when I see myself in the mirror, it's like a funhouse fat mirror. Elch.

Curly, I cannot believe Lily is almost 1!!! Where does the time go? So, when and where is the big party so we can all be there?

We use the Born Free plastic bottles -- quite happy with them. We were using Dr. Browns b/c of colic/reflux/gas, etc., but then switched over to these once I started to get too paranoid. From one study I read, Doc B's rated one of the worst for BPA. It's not just heat that leeches out the chemicals, it's also scratches so when you wash with a scratchy bottle brush in hot water ... bad and badder.

Jas, you're entitled to eat cherry pie filling if that's what the babies are telling you they need right now
It's all for the babies, you know. I think all pregnant women b/c Queens of Justification when it comes to food and that's their hard-earned right!

OK, I need to go back and read what's going on with all the preggos! I'm really losing track of who is how far along ...

Also, gotta post a cute pic of my little man since I posted one of K yesterday and I gotta play fairsies and show 'em both off equally. It's forthcoming once I get it off the camera.

BtW, can I tell you how happy I am that it's SPRING!! OMG, we have had picture-perfect weather for the past week (70, bright sunshine, not a cloud in the sky), and more is predicted for the next few days. It's bliss. I've got two napping babies right now, and I just made a yummalicious-smelling strawberry rhubarb crumble that is cooling, and I'm just happy as a pig in mud
OK, here's my Gabester. He rolls over onto his belly all the time -- and anywhere as can be seen in this photo where he's happily chillin' out on the changing station of the pack-and-play! (please ignore the drool rash on his chin.)

My toddler is 15 months old. The 3 foods he likes are fruit, cookies and cereal. And he''ll only eat 3 mouthful max per meal. When he''s done, I let him go but can a child really survive on 10 bites a day? I know he''s making it up with nursing but I''m thinking he should be taking more solids by now. The crazy boy still nurses 6 times a day.
Chrono, you make LOTS of yummy, filling whole milk (I make skim hehe) I am would talk to his doctor if you are worried. Maybe if you cut out some nursing he will be hungry enough to eat more.

Burk, oh we are in Charlotte. Not too far away. Around 3-3.5 hours. Still close enough for a GTG (maybe?!?)

PP is ordered!
Don''t know why I am nervous. Guess I just want it perfect.
Ella, your twins are soooo cute! My cousin up the street from me has a boy and girl (now age 10) and they are the best of friends; it is so cute! What a handsome little man!

Tacori, can't wait to see your PPress!

ETA: Diver, your son is so funny. hehe
Date: 4/22/2008 5:12:17 PM
Author: Chrono
My toddler is 15 months old. The 3 foods he likes are fruit, cookies and cereal. And he''ll only eat 3 mouthful max per meal. When he''s done, I let him go but can a child really survive on 10 bites a day? I know he''s making it up with nursing but I''m thinking he should be taking more solids by now. The crazy boy still nurses 6 times a day.

I''m not laughing at you babe....but I swear, you sound JUST LIKE me when Jake was that age.

Yes, he can survive on 10 bites a day...I always marvel at how my son grows on 3 bites of food per meal.

And when I said 3 foods, I was using 3 as a sarcastic reference....for instance, I say "Jake only likes 3 foods" but truly, there are quite a few things he will eat. I have an odd sense of humor.

Look at your little guys fist...that is the size of his stomach. Those 3 bites don''t seem so small now do they? Toddlers are notorious for birdlike appetites...its ok. As long as he''s growing. If he''s not growing then see his doctor.

I do remember doing a few things to help get Jake used to eating solids:

Always feed him breakfast, lunch, or dinner before a bottle (or in your case, a nursing)
Only serve water with meals (so he doesn''t fill up on milk)
Start substituting one liquid meal (nursing) with yogurt or some other dairy...

If little man is nursing at night, I''d cut that feeding out first.

FWIW, Jake has always been 5th to 9th percentile for weight, and 85th for height. He''s skinny you ask? Look below...he''s got grover he likes his sweats pulled up like that...the freak! So don''t worry if your doctor is not worried! HTH....

hey, how are you liking the new stone? your avatar makes me it set yet?


The little tyke has a true milk allergy so no yogurt, cheese, or dairy of any sort which is why he's still nursing a lot. As for his tummy size, I believe it but how come his cousin who's tiny eats an entire refrigerator? My niece wallops 4 to 5 jars easily, on top of adult food AND milk. I'm trying to offer food first with water but if he doesn't want something, he'll not only turn away, he'll throw it. A very determined guy.

Jake's a skinny minny, but oh so cute.

Thanks for asking about my new cushion. I love it and don't miss my old Jubilee one whit.
I set it back into the original setting and GOG squeezed it in without a hitch.
Gemma, where do you live in Oz? My hubby is Australian, not sure if you know. I love it there. Except for the bugs!

Qtiekiki, great blog, thanks! I have bookmarked it!

Curlygirl, wish we could post video here...would love to see your little girl boogie! What are the plans for her bday?

MsF, thanks for the tip on the SNS...I didn''t know it was THAT slow compared to the bottles. I guess the 25 minutes vs the 6 or 7 minutes it takes to bottle feed is SUCH a difference, it''s a shocker. But when she eats 3 or 4 ounces later, I guess that makes sense that it would take 15 or more minutes to finish a bottle. Phew.

MrsM, that is no fun. But there is a method to the madness...that last month SUCKS so you will decide it''s way better to get into labor fast and get rid of all the annoying pains!

Jackie, I had SO many dreams about TGuy leaving me when I was preggo. Must be all the stress eh?

Diver, the BOBs are on sale at Babycenter right shipping and 10% off. I know it''s not as good as the REI 20% off, but if you wanted it now and didn''t want to wait for the member sale, it might be the way to go. Have you seen the pink and choc in person? The pink is pretty bright...I thought it would be paler from the web pics. I think I like the new blue and choc one. But I have to say, I still love the orange. And like Ella said, my BOB rocks my world!

And woman, you look great. Stop sniffing that glue.

Ella, have you wondered why napping babies make us so happy? I was thinking, I LOVE it when Amelia naps. Shouldn''t I be happier when she''s awake so I can hang out with her? Oh yeah...maybe it''s because newborns are just so...doy.

Tacori, can''t wait to see your PP! (Does that sound wrong to anyone?)

The best thing about this thread (beside the camaraderie) are all the baby pics. I''m still not a real baby person, but maybe it''s because I *chat* with you all every day that I love seeing pics of your kids. The latest pics from everyone just make me happy! Can''t wait until I can post some of my own that aren''t boooring......
Tgal: Of course they are sold out of the choc/pink at Babycenter...I have an email alert notification if they get it back in...the sale is on for a little longer. I did see the choc/pink in person where I got the double BOB, and I liked the shade of pink a lot. REI doesn''t carry the pink durnit....

But I''m selling a TON of stuff this weekend at a baby sale. Tons of baby items...some big stuff, swings, strollers, I should be able to completely pay for the BOB or darned close anyway. I''ll just get it from the baby store here in town, or from one of the many online retailers with free shipping if Segals is out of it.

I just REALLY want a *cute* stroller for curvy girl here.....She needs better than her big brother''s hand me downs. And I admit it, I''m a stroller snob. Love the BOB. it will be great for this summer when Jake is playing soccer.

Guess who''s crawling?

Yup....curvy girl.
Diver, the pink is so cute. I saw it in the mall yesterday. I can't believe D is crawling! How fun! How old was she when she started getting teeth again?

TGal, I agree seeing baby pics are so much fun! Such cute mini PSers

Ella, Gabe is so handsome!

Skippy, I should get it in 6 weeks or so. Can't wait!
All the PS babies are soooo cute. Tayva, Gabe, Lily and Miss D. I can't believe D is crwaling already. Man time sure flies by!!

Tacori, I love that last pic of Tessa, she's so pretty!!!
What age do babies usually grow out of the infant car seat? I am trying to figure out what we should do on our vegas trip (since we take a lot of cabs).

Lisa, thank you. I think she is special
Her outfit today was so cute. I should have taken a photo.
I gained another 4lbs at the appt, so I am up 17lbs at 25 weeks. *sigh* I don''t think I am not eating more than before, but I am trying to eat healthier now. My dr. said that "since I am pretty small to start, he''ll let it go. But if I continue to gain that much, then I''ll gain too much and he''ll be mad."

I am going to get an u/s and take the 1 hr GD test at my next appt. Hopefully I''ll pass.

MrsMitchell - Hope all the fun stuffs will ease up for you in the last month. Also good luck with school.

jackiejas - You are taking the GD test pretty early. Is it because you are having twins?

diver - Thanks for the tips on keeping carseats and strollers clean. I am sure it''ll come in handy. You look fab in the pic with D - hot mama and cute baby. Jake is funny and really handsome.

Burk - Tayva is adorable in those pro pics.

ella - G and K are so big now, and super cute.

Tacori - I can''t wait to see your PP too.

And my latest belly pic, showing off my newly gained 17lbs.
You girls should post your belly pics too.
