
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Kay~We must have been posting at the same time. Thanks for compliments on my little on!
As for fingers changing size I think it just depends. For me, mine got bigger the last 3 weeks of my pregnancy and within a week after having her they were back to normal. We don''t have a designated changing table...we just have a changing pad on top of a dresser. We also have her pack ''n play set up on the main floor with the changing station on it. HTH.
kay- my fingers didn''t swell or change sizes through any of my 3 pregnancies but I do know that they will swell for a lot of women. also, some women sizes do not go back to normal so for such an expensive purchase I''d hold off at least until you have one baby so you can get an idea of what your body will do.

re: the changing table. I don''t have one. I change Jake in his pack-n-play or on a bed/couch/floor with a changing pad under him. I had a changing table with my first and never used it. it was upstairs in my oldest daughters room and i never wanted to go upstairs just for a diaper change and had a stash of diapers wipes in the family room that I always went to. I ended up selling the table at the next garage sale we had and made my money back.

burk, I don''t know what advice to give you for Tayva. Kids will sometimes change habits quickly and maybe her medicine is causing her to lose her appetite during the day and then after she sleeps for a while without a med. dose she gets hungry and that is what is waking her up?
Lil MsK and BigG are getting so big now.
The pics are sooo cute. I love their outfits.
I know what you mean about the poopy stink.
I only have one here and already my place is smelling like a daycare.
Between her poopy diapers and spitups, it''s hard to keep any place smelling clean.

Awee....Amelia is just a cutie pie.
I love the shape of her lips.
That MC hammer pix is too cute.
I don''t even bother with pants for jadie. Just too much hazzle when it comes to diaper change.

Wow, Amelia is a good eater.
Sounds like she''s gaining weight just fine.
In a way, I think bottle feeding is kinda nice in that you can tell how much your little one is getting.
With the boobs, it''s pretty much guess work, unless you can to one of those lactation consultation and have her weighed after she takes to each boob.
I''m always wondering if my lil one is eating too much. Her stomach will ballooned up so after each feeding and she''s still rooting for more and then afterwards, she''d spit up.

Happy 7th month to Ian.
Awee...poor thing. Hope the cold passes soon.
I hate seeing little kids especially babies with colds.
How did the interview go?

You are so close.....just a few more weeks.
Yeah, the last few weeks are surprisingly long, especially when if you go over EDD like Jas12 and Tacori :)
Hang in there, May is just around the corner.
Can''t wait to meet your little one.

How fun to feel twice the amount of kicking.
Yeah, like TGal, I missed feeling my little one kick and squirm from within.
Good luck with your GD test next week!

Love the Belly Girl shot.
She seems so relaxed in her tub.
My lil one wailed bloody murder whenever we disrobed her.

uh oh...lil monster is up.
gotta run

My fingers swelled during the last trimester so I went ringless for the last 3 months. They did go back to my original size but not right away. It took about 6 to 9 weeks for that to happen. I have also heard about others whose fingers did recover from the swelling but never went back to their original ring size though, so I think it differs from person to person.

I never used a dresser or changing table. I used the crib and pack & play initially, then the floor with a towel once the baby became more mobile. Sometimes I put a towel on the bed and changed the baby there.
Finger Sizes: I had lots of swelling. I had to stop wearing my wedding set somewhere around 30 weeks. It took a few months after T''s birth for me to fit into them again. Of course I gained a lot of weight and it was very hot here when I was in the third tri. My fingers are back but my feet are 1/2 a size larger.

Changing Tables: We have a real one in the nursery and yes we use it now that she sleeps in there. We have a card table set-up in our bedroom that we use and the PNP has a changing part downstairs. Out of all I would say I use our PNP the least. using the sofa is easier b/c it is flatter.
Kay: Changing table: I have a contour changing pad (comes with a strap & hardware to screw & secure it to the back of the dresser) on top of D''s dresser. With Jake I had a changing table, but her room so small, that I chose to make the dresser double duty. I have to say, I love it. I only use it for morning/after nap changes...otherwise I change her on the pnp on my main floor.

Fingersizes: Mine went up a half size..starting to go down now that I''m losing again.

Tgal: Man, I love it when I listen to you. I looked on babycenter again, and D''OH! the chocolate & pink IS in stock!!! So I pulled the trigger on it. (the rain cover was not in stock...that''s what I saw & got confused on) I took pictures & listed my other single jogger, my travel system, and a bunch of gear. I was going to wait to buy the BOB until I had made $300 in sales on gear/clothing, but hell, its on SALE and that''s why they call it "savings". LOL.

i hear you on the funny looking baby thing. sometimes when i would look at my newborns, i''d see a weird space alien. They don''t always look quite human when they are new. yes, all babies are precious, blah blah blah...but let''s face it...when we are all new, squinty, and smooshy....well,things can look strange. Don''t worry, she is a gorgeous baby, i love that smiley pic of her.

Anyone know how to snap the cover back on my Shift key? Delaney popped the dang thing off in 2 seconds. i have a dell laptop.
Diver, my return key popped off and I had to take it back to Apple. Took them two seconds. The pink/brown BOB is so cute!!! I am excited for you.
I love all of the baby pictures! Your little ones are all so cute!

TGal, DH and I both think Amelia looks mixed. She''s adorable! The hiding from the paparazzi shot is so cute!

JackieJas, how exciting you are feeling your babies move! I can''t wait to feel movement!

Eph, I''m sorry to hear you still have m/s. I hope you feel better soon.

Qtiekiki, you look great! What a cute baby belly. Your doctor is nuts. If you gained a pound per week, which is what is recommended, you''d be at 32 pounds, which is normal!

Diver, glad you treated yourself! You deserve it! I hope you can lift your eyebrows soon. You crack me up!

I am officially into my 2nd trimester! Woohoo! I''m so excited. I am feeling better – no more m/s and more energy. I am worrying less about the baby, which is a relief.

I decided to do the combined screen and it came back negative. 1 in 7,100 chance of having Down''s Syndrome and 1 in 10,000 for trisomy 18. So that is reassuring.

I also had my 14 week appointment today and got to hear the baby''s heartbeat again.
I''ve gained 3 pounds in the 1st tri. I think I''m going to have a hard time adjusting to the weight gain. I know a pound a week for the rest of my pregnancy is normal and good for my baby but it is scary. The thought of weighing 25-35 pounds heavier scares me. Maybe it''s because I''ve been skinny or thin all of my life. Maybe it''s this fat stage. Maybe it''s the hormones. Maybe it''s because I''m now into the point of my pregnancy where I''ll start gain weight. It''s probably a combination of it all. It just hit me today and I can''t help but feel some ambivalence. Are these feelings normal?
Sorry about the Shift key Diver. Miller can do something to the TV with the remote in about 2 seconds that takes me about 30 minutes to fix. Damn babies....

Ring size - mine stayed the same throughout. But I only gained 25 pounds and didn''t have a lot of "swelling".

Change table - we bought a pad for the top of a dress. I never used it once. I always change Miller on the floor on a little towel or blanket.

Sleep - Miller was consistently sleeping all night. Then he got sick, Daddy went away, got 4 new teeth (last one busted through yesterday), went through a growth spurt, etc. So we have had about 6 weeks or more of night waking. But for the past week it has been way better, and for the last 2 nights, he slept through. I did nothing different, just respond to him when he wakes and sleep when I can. Damn babies....
mrss~thanks for responding. Yes, she is waking up hungry. She does just eat and go back down...

diver~congrats on getting your BOB!! I teach computers and my kids pop the keys off all the time...they think they''re funny (middle schoolers....) Anyway, I am able to just pop them right back on?!?

Snlee~hurray for 2nd trimester!!

LC~Thanks. I guess I''m just scared she''s making this habit, but I supposed this too shall pass. It''s just been hard because DH was out of town so I was doing it all by myself. She did a little better last night....more on that later (we started cereal last night!!!
) yesterday Tayva ate only 6 oz from 7:30 am and 3:30 pm so I called her ped on the way home from daycare and asked about starting cereal during the day to get some food in her (and I also read it''s good for reflux) he said it was a great idea so we tested it last night. Hilarious!! She was smiling and giving me goofy looks like "mom, what the heck is this crap?" but overall she wasn''t spitting it out or anything so I consider it a success. She''ll be eating cereal today at daycare....can''t wait to see how that goes.
Hi ladies,

I know this question has been discussed a thousand times, but any recommendations for strollers (I''m thinking ahead a little bit)?Something good for the City (ie space saver) and suburban visits, but also stands the test of time?
I heard great things about the Bugaboo-but boy is it pricey! Does it last for a few years--some versions looked tiny to me (the carriers)?

Thank u!
snlee, yay for 2nd tri!

Burk, glad she is doing better. Hope she starts sleeping better. I feel ya pain!

Janine, I love my snap ''n go. I will be sad when she outgrows her infant car seat.
Morning all...

Jen, glad to hear you are doing don''t need to feel compelled to post, but please don''t feel like you have to only lurk if you have nothing to "contribute". Sometimes just chatting is fine!

MrsS, you have a healthy boy, that''s for sure. Amelia was 21 inches (90th percentile) and 7lbs 1 oz (35th percentile) when she had her 2 week doc''s visit last Tuesday so you can imagine she just looks like a lollipop!

MsF, my mom stopped by yesterday so I could run errands alone (ahhhh..freedom!) so I went to carters and bought some preemie pants that fit her great. It''s says to 17 inches only and she''s 21, but she''s so skinny they fit her fine! Thanks for the tip!

Kay, we have the changing pad on the dining room table right now (apartment fun.) I would imagine I would just change her on the floor too once we move her to her crib, although I do have a table that will work up there too.

As for finger sizes...I stopped wearing my rings around week 34. My knuckles felt like they had arthritis or something...I could not close my hands when I woke up in the morning and I still feel a bit of that left over. My rings feel snug still, but at least they slide over my knuckle still, which was tough when I was preggo. We''ll see if they go back to the right size or not.

lili, normally I don''t bother with pants for Amelia, but when I go for walks or we go out somewhere and she''s in her carseat, she needs pants so that the restraints don''t chafe. She lived pretty pant free for most of her young life now!

We need more pics of your girl!

Diver, I''m stoked for you! Whoo hoo on the BOB. Post pics when you get it with Delaney cruising!

snlee...glad you are feeling better! Honestly for me, even though I gained 35 pounds, it didn''t *feel* that bad. I don''t know...maybe because I know it''s good for the baby and normal? Plus a lot of tiny women don''t gain the full 25 pounds and it''s may be one of them. You gain it slowly, so it''s a bit harder to notice than ballooning up overnight. But I know it''s tough to think you could gain almost FORTY pounds!!!

Burk, glad to hear it went well yesterday!

Janine, check out the thread where we talk about great finds. Lots of talk of strollers there. Ephemery turned me on to the I''coo...worth a look as I think it would make a great urban stroller!
Tacori~I knew you''d be able to empathize

Tgal~LOL! A lollipop! At Tayva''s first appts she was always 95 percentile for length and like 45 percentile for weight and then around 25 percentile for head...she looked like a lollipop that had been licked down!! I struggled to find things that fit since she was a skinny minny...all the pants looked like capris (and it was January!!) Anyway-Carters stuff always fit her the best..even now when she''s in their 9 month pj''s!!
Completely random question here.

I know the Quinny Buzz was mentioned on the other thread about preggo stuff, but has anyone owned or tried one? Ephemery-I know the little girl you babysit has one, do you have any complaints besides the aisle thing? I have a 25% off coupon for Saks F&F this week and am wondering if it is worth it to buy one now with my coupon. If so, it might make sense to buy now because those things never seem to go on sale! I just don't know if they are worth the $.

Oh and BTW, I am 3-4 weeks pregnant. Shhhhh!!!! No one knows IRL except DH.
So I guess I am officially joining this thread! Hopefully it sticks!
Congrats, Neatfreak!
I also told the people here about my pregnancy before anyone in real life. Actually, they knew before DH because he came home very late the night I took the test and I had to tell someone. Of course, he thinks he was the first to know.

I am also starting to wonder about strollers. I love how high the baby sits in the Stokke Xplory because DH and I are both tall, but it is so darn expensive. We live in a strictly residential area, so the stroller would only be used after being driven somewhere. So, I need something that fits in a car easily, but still rolls around well. I also wonder how often we will use a stroller versus a BabyBjorn active carrier.

Thanks everyone for the replies re rings and changing tables. It is so hard to know what we actually need, because there are so many types of products for sale.

This is probably a dumb questions, but is there such a thing as a car seat that is safe to use in the front seat? I just realized yesterday that I may not be able to get a car seat into the "back seat" (aka tiny package shelf) of my 2-door convertible roadster. Even if I can wedge the seat in, it will be hard getting the baby in and out since there are no back doors (although I guess I can put the top down). I absolutely love my car. It is 8 years old, but only has 32,000 miles on it, and I would happily drive it for another 10 years. We got a great deal buying it used when it was 3 years old with 10,000 miles on it, and I know I would never get that kind of deal again if I let this one go (it was about half of list price for a new model). I don''t want to be stuck driving DH''s RAV4 (which he loves) everyday if we put the baby in daycare near my office.
Thanks Kay! My DH is also tall so we are struggling with that too, as the first stroller I thought seemed easy and was comparing the Quinny to (the combi flare) we heard is really uncomfortable to push if you are tall. We live in an urban area (well as urban as Madison, WI can get!) so we walk downtown very frequently, so I want a stroller that is good for long walks. But at the same time we are also in and out of the car somewhat frequently, so it needs to be an easy fold too. So the quinny seems somewhat ideal, but it just seems so expensive for a stroller when all the others I like seem to be in the $100-200 range! We can do the research together.

The reality is that we wouldn't even be visiting this issue yet except for this darn 25% off coupon. And I LOVE me a sale, so I would be really mad at myself if we end up paying full price later...but who knows what the future holds. It doesn't really seem smart to make such a big baby purchase now, but at the same time it's 25% off which is a lot on these expensive strollers!
Date: 4/24/2008 1:01:51 AM
Author: snlee

I am officially into my 2nd trimester! Woohoo! I''m so excited. I am feeling better – no more m/s and more energy. I am worrying less about the baby, which is a relief.

I decided to do the combined screen and it came back negative. 1 in 7,100 chance of having Down''s Syndrome and 1 in 10,000 for trisomy 18. So that is reassuring.

I also had my 14 week appointment today and got to hear the baby''s heartbeat again.
I''ve gained 3 pounds in the 1st tri. I think I''m going to have a hard time adjusting to the weight gain. I know a pound a week for the rest of my pregnancy is normal and good for my baby but it is scary. The thought of weighing 25-35 pounds heavier scares me. Maybe it''s because I''ve been skinny or thin all of my life. Maybe it''s this fat stage. Maybe it''s the hormones. Maybe it''s because I''m now into the point of my pregnancy where I''ll start gain weight. It''s probably a combination of it all. It just hit me today and I can''t help but feel some ambivalence. Are these feelings normal?
Welcome to the second trimester and goodbye m/s! Those sound like great test results. Are you doing amnio also?

I am not happy about the idea of gaining weight. I was so skinny most of my life, but my metabolism slowed when I hit 30 (sitting at a desk 10+ hours a day doesn''t help either). In the last 5 years, I have gone from a size 4/6 to a 10/12. Thanks goodness I am tall -- most people wouldn''t guess what I actually weigh. Since I was 20-25 pounds overweight before I became PG, the nurse said they won''t worry if I don''t gain too much weight. At 15 weeks, 2 days, I am actually still down the 3 pounds I lost during the m/s of the first trimester. I am back to eating like normal, definitely not dieting or starving myself, so I wonder when I will start gaining. I want the baby to be healthy, but I do not want to gain more than is necessary. So far, I haven''t been extra hungry or had strange cravings. DH is sure we are having a girl because he read women PG with boys feel hungrier, especially in the morning. (Of course, I may have lost weight due to giving up my regular glass of wine with dinner -- that''s a lot of calories.)
congrats neatfreak...sending sticky dust your way...

snlee- the weight gain was always the hardest thing for me and I went through it 3 times gaining close to 40 each time. the good news is, if you stay active I do think you''ll lose it faster. I braved the scale at the gym on monday, so just shy of 2 weeks post-partum and am down 25 lbs already and back into my "big" jeans, you know the one''s you wear on the i''m feeling big days. everyone is different though and my rule 9 months on, 9 months to get off. it also helped to have a 9 lb baby
i think you''ll feel better once you are feling the baby and really looking pregnant and not like you just gined weight and pooched out...

tgal- amelia is so cute, i don''t see lollipop in her at all
Congrats neatfreak, how exicitng, sending lots of sticlky dust your way!!!

I gained the same amount with both kids and it didn''t take me long to lose the weight. Hoping the same for you. MrsSalvo is right, nine months to put in on...
CONGRATS neatfreak! How exciting! Welcome to the thread!

If you are interested and they have a good return policy, snag it. Personally I didn''t love the stroller, but you may like it. And if you don''t like it, you could probably reseller it for what you paid for it if you don''t use it.

BTW, I love corporate office is there so I visit there at least twice a year and have been going with my other jobs since 1998. Love it!

Kay, unfortunately part of being a mom is driving a more mommy car. I have a mustang convertible, which TGuy now gets to drive full time.
It''s also 8 years old and only has 54K miles on it. We had to buy a Ford Freestyle (a minivan disguised as a "cross over" IMHO). I don''t believe you can put a carseat in the front seat. The problem is the airbag.

Thanks MrsS, but she''s definitely a sucker.

Burk, lol..that''s funny.

Weight...I''m down 20 pounds, 15 more to go, but I need to lose 25 to get to my wedding weight and 35 to get to my smallest fittest state. I''ll be happy with the wedding weight. OK, I''ll be happy with the pre-preggo weight. OK, who am I kidding, I''m actually happy right now that I don''t have to wear maternity clothes!!!!
Kay, front airbags and children don''t go together. Deaths or something terrible like that in accidents. Some cars do have anchors for carseats in the front, but the airbag must be turned off. Also, the safest place for a child is in the backseat until they are 12 or something. I believe (but don''t quote me) that most states have laws requiring this.

Both DH & I had 4 door cars before kids, so it was no problem fitting the carseats in. car syndrome. Just don''t wear mom jeans.

Tgal: So how do you like your single Bob? I know how fab the double bob is, but it is a big ''un. I saw an orange single the other day & its a TON smaller than the red single schwinn jogger I''m selling right now. Will I be able to use it everywhere? I plan on putting this on in my car, as Jake walks when we go shopping, etc. I keep my double in the garage & use that on my long neighborhood walks.

But I have 2 people coming to buy my Schwinn jogger & my Metrolite travel system & extra base, so that''s $200 right there! And I have a ton of baby gear/clothes going to a consignment sale this weekend, so I should be able to make about the same that it cost! God I love commerce. LOL.

Weight: Mine won''t come off easily. I lost another 2lbs over the last 2 months. Delaney is 7 months. So technically I lost ALL of her baby weight, but I still have 10lbs of Jake weight and I am so discouraged. He''s 3. The only time I start losing is when I cut out all sweets, alcohol, and yummy food. I am basically living on rabbit food right now. I can''t seem to get into a routine of working out, because as soon as we get in gym groove, the kids get sick from the germ infested daycare..(we all had strep last week). And the weather is so bad (hail, snow, rain, freakin'' not normal for here) that I can''t even walk. I have a gym in my home, but by the time I have both kids asleep, I''m too I sit on here with a cuppa tea and veg.

I need to try and get up before they do and run on my treadmill, but I''m normally so beat (dh travels all week) that I stay in bed until someone wakes up. I do get to kickboxing every Sat. cuz dh is home & can watch the kids. If I could just run from 7 to 7:30 am, I could be showered & dressed before they got up!

I need to try that, even if I only do it 2 days a week...then with kickboxing on saturdays...that''s 3x of hard cardio. Hmmm...that doesn''t seem so bad..

omg NEATFREAK!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love your reset btw....
Lily''s a beauty! And her outfit is so cute.
Her little sister is going to have so many nice things to wear!
And yay for feeling the movement.
So can you tell if this wee one''s movement is different from Lily''s?

You are a QT

I can''t believe your dr would give you grief about your weight gain.
Like others have said, even if you continue to gain a lb a week here on out,
you are still within the recommended gain.
I love how you take your belly shots in the same outfit.
Makes it easy to see the progression.
Diver, I love it. I''ve been to places where people have called it a "hummer" or a tank (like the cramped doc''s office...but I walk there so I needed to use the BOB). However, since you are used to the duallie, this one is gonna seem tiny to you.

If you don''t mind lifting it in and out of the car, I can''t see why you can''t use it everywhere. You''re already partial to the BOB, so I think you will find it worth it to take for every day errands. I''m still using my snap and go for that kind of stuff and will buy a umbrella stroller later for quick trips.
Little B. has been having diaherra since Tues. afternoon and his doctor told me to give him pedialyte. I spoke to the on call doctor that night before giving him the pedialyte, he said I can do "whatever I like" so I asked him if it''s ok to give him pedialyte mixed with formula and he said that is fine.

Spoke to little B. doctor today and she said it''s not a good idea to mix them. and she said to just give him pedialyte. I asked if he will starve with just pedialyte since it''s like gatarade, she said no. But she also said it''s not a good idea to mix formula with pedialyte because I''m dialuting the formula so he will get very hungry quickly (me thinking so little B. won''t starve on 2 oz of pedialyte every three hours?)

so..I''m not really getting a clear answer from my baby''s doctor what I should do....and really upset because their attitude is like it''s up to you what you want to do, I''m not taking any responsibility....
Hi Bobo,
I''m sorry that you are frustrated- I know it''s a pain when the docs tell you it''s up to you...I think that if I understand the information correctly, you are supposed to try pedialyte for a few hours, then switch back to formula full strength, ad lib. Then give pedialyte 2-4 oz for each large watery stool. So extra fluid in addition to the regular amount of formula to keep baby from being dehydrated when he has the big stools. Does that make more sense? The basic idea is, you want him to drink alot, look for signs that he is hydrated like wet diapers, saliva, tears,etc. Hope your guy is better soon
If I gain 1lb a week for the rest of the pregnancy, I''ll be in the normal range. But I''ve been gaining ~1.5lbs a week, so it''s adding up. I''m blaming DH for the weight. He keeps telling me to eat, and then offers to buy ice-cream and cakes. hehe. I think I make my dr. sounds worse than he is. He isn''t that mean.

Tgal - In the very beginning, I actually wasn''t sure about my dr. But now I like him, and had heard a lot of good things about him from our friends. So I am going to stick with him.

Love your captions for Amelia''s pics. She is totally a star. I think a lot of Asian babies are high in height percentile and lower in weight percentile. Both of our nephews were like that when they were babies; their weight is catching a little bit now.

jen - glad you are feeling better. How is your son doing at space camp?

MrsS - Jake is growing fast.

Kay - Whenever you are ready, post your belly pics.
I think it''s illegal to put a carseat in the front seat. The RAV4 can''t be that bad. I used to drive a CRV and now I have a Pilot; I love them. So maybe you''ll like the RAV4 after driving it.

Snlee - Welcome to 2nd trimester! Yay for feeling better and awesome results to the combined screening. I think I have the same issue as you with regard to weight gain. I feel so big now, and I can''t imagine gaining another 15 or more lbs.

Burk - Sounds like Tayva enjoyed her cereal.

janine - I''ve seen a 4yo boy in a bugaboo, and he looked comfy. It''s supposed to be a stroller that can be used for years (from infants to toddlers). There are many other options out there. It''s a personal preference thing, so you really need to go and check them out.

neatfreak - CONGRATULATIONS! The PS ladies are the first ones I told too.

We are set on getting the Quinny Buzz. We like how easy it is to handle and steer, and how smooth it moves when we were pushing it in store. We are not tall, so I don''t know if it''s hard to use for tall people. It''s the only stroller that DH is excited about, so it was an easy decision for us. Like I wrote to janine, it''s a personal preference thing. There''s always going to be someone who loves one stroller and other who hates it. So go back and try the strollers out until you are find one you like.

lili - That was the reason I wear the same outfit for the belly pics. The tank top was a pre-pg tank, so I will have to switch to a brown maternity tank soon. It''s too short to cover the growing belly.

Bobo - Hope little B feel better. I wish your dr can give you more definite answer.
Mrs. S, Kaleigh, and Diver- THANK YOU! You guys don''t know how much info I have already gathered from this thread from being a lurker!

And TGal- I know you usually don''t do GTG''s but you should swing by next time you are in town! And THANK YOU for the stroller advice. I like the idea of the bob too, so we''ll see. I think I will just order the Quinny and see how I like it. I can''t seem to find anywhere super close here to try one, but Saks does have a good return policy.