
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Q, you are all belly! Don''t stress about your weight. If your doc isn''t worried neither should you.
Date: 4/22/2008 9:35:55 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Q, you are all belly! Don''t stress about your weight. If your doc isn''t worried neither should you.
Ditto. I think it''s all belly too. You look great!!!
Tacori: She got her bottom 2 teeth on St. Patty''s Day. So...she was a few days shy of 6 months old. She turned 7 mo a few days ago...She''s not a great crawler, but she gets up on her hands & knees and rocks back n forth...then she takes off...lands on her belly, pulls her legs up under her & starts again. She can cross a room like that...

So I missed it...where is your pressie? Was it your ring?
Qtekiki: Could you be prettier? You look amazing! Your baby is gonna be a looker!

Ella: Awww...there''s "Gabe the Babe".

Ok, I have to figure out what to feed The Picky One. So far today he ate mostly oatmeal cookies. (Before you all gasp in shock...I tried to make "healthy ones" for me and they taste like a$$. Whole wheat flour, splenda, brown sugar, egg whites, applesauce instead of butter or oil....Jake thinks they are heaven though)

Oh hey...scrambled eggs...he eats those. With some fresh veggies & a slice of whole grain toast. Blueberries for dessert. Ok...I''ll have the same. LOL.

Then we need "dance party" afterward. We stayed in today for Earth Day (since DH has the company car with good mileage...I chose not to drive my guzzler SUV) and we have cabin fever.

ew...............runny diaper alert...damn antibiotics..

back later....much later....

stinky stinky
Hi ladies. I too love all the baby pics. tgal you should still post some even if they are sleeping pics. I love seeing the newborn pictures just as much as the cute smiles of the older babies.

qtiekiki- you look so darling and are all baby. seriously, 17lbs at week 25 is wonderful.

gotta run...Jakester needs me...

hope you have a great night..
Diver, yes it is my pink sapphire band. I just keep wondering when the monster will get her first teeth. She has ALWAYS been a drooler so I can''t really use that as an indicator. And she loves to chew on things (bibs, blankets, my arm, anything).
OK...a few photos you go:

In her "newborn" pants that are waaaaaaaaaay too big for her...she looks like MC Hammer! Her feet don''t even make it out the bottom...

I think she is trying to hide from the paparazzi here. They were trying to get her with her pants down...a shot a la Britney Spears...

Ooooh...she was mad when the paparazzi got the shot!!

But then she found out that she''s a star in all the pubs!

TGal! She is absolutely adorable. I love her in those cute pants.

May I ask what that is taped up to her crib in the first pic?

ETA: And you can TOTALLY see the Korean influence there Tgal! She ain't no white baby!
Date: 4/22/2008 11:15:59 PM
Author: neatfreak
TGal! She is absolutely adorable. I love her in those cute pants.

May I ask what that is taped up to her crib in the first pic?

ETA: And you can TOTALLY see the Korean influence there Tgal! She ain''t no white baby!
She''s totally a white baby. All my Korean friends say so. All my white friends say so. Everyone thinks I''m the nanny. I''m going to the slammer for kidnapping...I know it.

She has this weird thing where she favors being on the right side of her head. We can''t get her to stay on the other side. So I taped some black and white patterns on the side of her bassinet to look at today.
Tgal she is so adorable; I bet you are so proud of her! What a doll!
Qtiekiki, your doc is on drugs. Are you sure you want him to deliver your baby? I mean, even if you gained a pound a week going forward, you''d be 37 pounds total weight gain...just a touch over the 25-35 pound "ideal". Asian docs...sheesh.
You really look great!!!

Diver, I do like the choc/pink, but thought it be a softer pink. It''s a cute stroller for sure. Delaney deserves it!

Tacori, can''t wait to see hand shots of it!
Amelia is adorable. Love those too big pants, what a cutie pie!!!
Tgal, Amelia is so fricken cute...I can''t get over it. She has the face of an angel!! And maybe she only looks Korean in photographs? lol.

The paparazzi shot photo had me laughing out loud!!! Not good since FI is passed out next to me. He rolled over and went "huh?"
Tgal: Oh...I big puffy heart Amelia...yeah...she''s not white. She may have light skin for a Korean baby, but she''s not white...she''s simply beautiful. I love the smiley pic. oh...can I introduce her to Delaney in October? We''ll be in L.A.!!! I''ll also be in Marina Del Rey on Friday May 16th...(getting some spa treatments with my prego girlfriend before her shower, I won''t have any kids), and then her shower in Bev. Hills on Saturday, and then Sunday we are knocking around Pasadena before I have to catch my flight at 5pm... but if that doesn''t work...the whole mess of us are driving through LA in October on our way to AZ. one else is here to play...

i''m bored.






TGal, she is so beautiful!!!
Oh TGal, Amelia is perfect!! What a little cutie pie, and she looks so teeny! You quickly forget how small they really are as newborns. And I agree with everyone else that though her skin tone may look white, there''s def. some Korean in her too. It''s really common for babies to have a preference for one side (typically the right), but you should definitely try to make her look the other way too to avoid a flat head. We had to put a rolled up receiving blanket under Gabe''s sheet as a bolster to keep him from always looking left. He''s still a little flat on one side though.

Qtiekiki, you are so little. So so little. Your doctor is insane if he thinks you are gaining too much weight! Here''s a breakdown from the March of Dimes of what weighs what so you know that you''re not gaining fat but good stuff (for an average 29-lb weight gain):

Blood - 3 lbs.
Breasts - 2 lbs.
Womb - 2 lbs.
Baby - 7.5 lbs.
Placenta - 1.5 lbs.
Amniotic fluid - 2 lbs.
Fat, protein, and other nutrients - 7 lbs.
Retained water - 4 lbs.

And remember twin mamas, you''ll have double that for the amntioc fluids and placentas!

Diver, LOL at the "can''t lift my eyebrows"

Tacori, can''t wait to see your PP!!
Tgal, Amelia is so cute, and I love her li''l pants!!!
LOL at MC Hammer, thats going back a bit....
Tgal~Amelia is so adorable!

Ella~Gabe is such a cutie! Tayva also loves to hang out on the changing station of her pack ''n play!

Tacori~So exciting! Can''t wait to see hand shots of your PP! And, yes, if we do move, a GTG will have to be arranged!

qtiekiki~You are ADORABLE!! Shoot, I was probably up 17 lbs at 17 look perfect. Don''t worry about the number.
Tgal: I love the britney shot, hilarious! So cute!! BTW, What kind of carrier do you have her in? Looks comfy but like a space saver..
Date: 4/22/2008 11:12:53 PM
Author: TravelingGal
I think she is trying to hide from the paparazzi here. They were trying to get her with her pants down...a shot a la Britney Spears...
Oh, this one had me cracking up -- love the commentary, TGal! She''s just beautiful!!!
Morning ladies!

Thanks all for the compliments on my girl. Sometimes I think she is just so funny looking. Other times I think she''s cute. It''s strange...she just keeps changing on me.

Ella, good idea...I will keep that in mind about the rolled up receiving blanket. I''m am going to ask the ped next week about things I can do as well. If I get any good tips, I will pass them along.

Janine, it''s a bassinet that my friend gave me. I got so many hand me downs, I don''t know what brand anything is, but this one is good as it is pretty big.

Diver, May will be hard as the inlaws will probably be here. Possibly October if it isn''t the weekend of my anniversary. I normally don''t do PS get togethers, but for you, I''d consider it.

And total bummer that the choc/pink is sold out! It was there when I looked last week. Hopefully they will restock, or maybe you can call their customer service and get a raincheck? And double check REI...they should be able to special order.
Thank you all for enabling my pie-filling habit. Fruity, indeed! I confessed to DH and he was appalled; this did not stop him from getting us breakfast burritos (read: delicious grease bombs) for breakfast.

QT -- you are gorgeous and TINY. I refuse to post my belly shots because I look like such a porker. I think my GD test is early because of the twin thing and the advanced maternal age thing. Ella, when did you have yours?

TGal -- I can only add to the chorus of oohs and aahhs! She''s a beauty!

Diver, I hope that the diaper blowout didn''t hit Defcom 2!
Sorry I have been more of a lurker than anything else lately -- I have been LOVING all of the PS baby pics (and kid pics)!!! I''ve been reading a lot but just don''t feel like i''ve had anything worth writing to add to the discussion, you know what i mean?

Q-- I love your belly shot -- you are precious!

Diver -- so are the eyebrows working yet? ;)

jackie -- i''ll post my 12-wk gargantuan belly if you''ll post yours. I dunno why, but i have a feeling i''m bigger than you! i''m well on the way to becoming a whale already

i feel like i''ve been doing better lately overall... feeling better, spotting less, resting more. i might as well be carrying quads for how i look at 12 weeks, tho
My 10-yr-old (gabe) left for space camp this morning and it''s his first trip away from family, so i''m excited for him and nervous as can be! ah, the joys of parenthood
i guess it''ll be a bit quieter around here for the next couple of days without big brother for the other 2 to fight with!

I know i missed a lot of you, but i hope you are all feeling good and having a happy hump day

I''d love to see more preggo belly pics too so come on all you preggo mom''s to be out there...

so, jake had his 2 week check-up and he''s a whopping 10lbs 2 oz and 21 1/4 inches long. 90% tile for both height and weight. the dr. said he''s obviously not having any trouble eating. his a big boy that''s for sure..
i love all these baby photos...and of course your belly Q! you look awesome!!

Tgal- BBB has some pink and white striped preemie pants. Ian wore them for at least 8 weeks the blue. They were like $12 but we got so much use out of them. I think its so funny now, that he was ever so tiny. Sine he is now such a chunk!

I have been busy at work the past few days, but wanted to check in. Sorry if I miss anybody – the thread moves so fast.

Lili, that is one cute sleeping monster!

MsF, what a score on the bag – I love bargains. I hope the job comes through.

Qtiekiki, Meena Cecilia is a very pretty name. It is sweet that you are naming her after your adopted grandmother. You are so tiny and cute and look like you are all belly – your Dr. should not be hassling you about your weight.

Bobo, your avatar pic is so cute.

Tacori, Tessa looks like such a happy baby. Time to get that push present ordered!

Burk, I love your push present – rubies & diamonds = yum! Your rings look great stacked together. Looks like Miss T did not enjoy that medicine! Sorry to hear she is still having trouble eating. Her 3-month pics are adorable, though!

Msb700, happy first b-day to K. What a lucky kid to have 3 parties. He looks like such a happy big boy ripping into his presents.

TGal, that was one hell of an effort you put into BFing – sorry it didn’t work out, but TTot will survive and will still feel close to you. She is so adorable – love the MC Hammer pants – stop, Hammer time.


Ella, love the peanut onesie. Your twins are so cute. Sorry to hear feeding time is such a nightmare for Gabe – I hope the gastro can find a better solution.

MrsM, glad to hear you had a good visit to the midwife unit. I look forward to hearing about the waterbirth – I have been curious about that option.

Diver, you look great and Jake and Delaney are both so cute. Love the belly girl shot!

Curly, Yay for good amnio results and little taps!

Miss Lily is so adorable – I love her little hat and her concentrated stare at her “blackberry.” LOL at the butt shaking dance.

Gemma, sorry you are still feeling queasy. I also worried people at work would wonder why I was not drinking at social events, since we are trying to keep the PG on the down low for now. My doctor said it is ok to have a glass of wine occasionally, so at the monthly dinner meetings, I just have the waiter pour me one glass and take tiny sips throughout the course of the night. I don’t think anyone notices I am not getting refills, but they would notice the complete lack of a glass (I was quite a wino pre-PG.) I only recommend this method if your Dr. says a small amount of drinking is ok. Alternatively, you could go to the bar and order something that just looks like a mixed drink, like cranberry juice or seltzer water with a lime wedge.

Jas, I hope the glucose test goes well. I have been having crazy dreams lately too. Of course cherry pie filling counts as a serving of fruit.

Jen, glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. Space camp sounds like a lot more fun than work.

MrsS, glad to hear Jake’s check up went well.

Question for the moms: did your fingers change size much with pregnancy? Was it a permanent change or did they go back to normal? I have wanted a Cartier Trinity ring (the one with scattered diamonds) for a long time now. I have decided it would be the perfect combo pp & anniversary gift. The baby is due in October, which is also the month of our 3rd wedding anniversary, so the 3 rings would celebrate both our 3 years together and baby making us a family of 3. Unfortunately, the ring cannot be sized, so I am a little nervous about this choice, although symbolically I think it is perfect. (Heck, DH can count it as my X-mas present too if he wants – I just want that ring!)

One more question: how many of you use a dresser as a changing table rather than having a dedicated changing table? Can you just put a changing tray on the dresser, or do you have to secure it in some way? The nursery furniture line I love does not have a matching changing table. I know a lot of people just change diaper son a mat on the floor, but I have a bad back and knees so that is not a good option for me.

I don’t think I am ready to post belly pics yet. My tummy just looks chubby, not PG.
HELP ME!!! My great sleeper has gone backwards and is now a monster!!!! Since Tayva has started the reflux medicine she has decided that she will eat better only at night. She eats maybe 5 oz. during the day at daycare and then the other 20 oz. or so I feed her between 4pm after I pick her up (she is ALWAYS starving at this time)and 7am when I leave to take her to daycare. She used to sleep 10 hours at night and now she''s only going 6!!! Any suggestions welcome. I''m dying to get more sleep.
