
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Happy Mothers'' Day everyone! I didn''t realise it''s the same day in the US as here!

LIA, I''m so glad everything was okay! How fun that your DH could organise that for you. I''m an anesthesiologist (we call ourselves anaesthetists in Oz). It''s a great job to balance family and work. I''m 12w4d today.

Eph, I''ve been wondering where you are too! Hope you are okay.
Jas, just wanted to say
on the unintentional early wake up. I loooove my sleep-it sounds like you need as much as possible at the moment! I was glad to hear Co is sleeping better too-yay for the Baby Whisperer!
Tacori, the pics of Tessa are hilarious!!! What a cutie, and good idea feeding her with only her diaper on...boy those little rascals are messy!
Date: 5/11/2008 4:36:31 PM
Author: snlee
Tacori, T is such a cutie. Love the eating pictures! I am glad your parents will help out of the pictures. That''s great news!

lisa, I had some whitish discharge before implantation bleeding. I hope you get your BFP soon!

LIA, sorry about the spotting. I''ve heard/read you can spot after sex. I had some spotting at 8 weeks and they said not to have sex for a week so you may want to do the same. I am glad you were able to get an u/s in so you don''t have to worry. It''s always reassuring to see your little!

Jas12, I am sorry you were woken up early today but am glad Charlie made it up. I hope you get some good sleep soon!

Eph, thinking of you! I hope you check in soon!

NF, I hope your m/s gets better soon.

It is crazy how much deliveries cost! I am pretty sure my insurance covers most of the birth if not 100% but now I want to find out for sure.

I am not looking forward to the GD test. I always thought the drink was really nasty but hearing from so many of you that it''s not that bad and tastes like sweet orange soda makes me feel a little better. I forget if it was someone here or if I read this somewhere else, but did any of you take home the drink to refrigerate it before drinking? I heard if it''s very cold it goes down easier.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!
My drink was refrigerated and carbonated so it wasn''t too bad - but I don''t like orange flavored anything (except ice cream) and that''s why it was so gross for me. I didn''t have any side effects from it either - no nausea or vomiting.

My next appt is on Thursday and the doc is giving me the lab order for the second test. I don''t know if he''s just having me redo the 1 hour or if we''re moving onto the 3 hour since I only "failed" by 1 measly point.

Hubby got me a card and made a great breakfast for mother''s day yesterday. He will get me a gift, but is combining it with our anniversary gift - we''ve been married 3 years on Wednesday!

The GD test is, as Diva put it, very sweet, but not awful. It was gross for me because I don''t like super-sweet drinks, but I was able to down that puppy (10 oz I think) in about 2 minutes. Watch out for the belching afterwards!

Hi all. I am going to have to demote myself ...I just cannot keep up with the 4-7 pages at a time if I miss a day or two or three. It''s hard!
Happy Belated Mother''s Day to all!!!

Still POAS and driving myself crazy - dpo 8?

BFN so far.

Wishing everyone well.

I hear ya Jas, this board''s hoppin'' - can''t keep up!
Happy belated mother''s day to all as well! A few people wished me happy mother''s day when I was home for the weekend, and I have to admit it felt a bit odd since I still can''t believe I''m going to be an actual mommy!

Anyway, onto some fun news, I had my 20wk scan this morning, and all looked wonderful! Little feet, hands, heart, kidney, spine, all there. It was kicking (might''ve been the juice I downed 20mns earlier), but I still don''t feel it.

And it''s a little girl!!!!! Curly was right! Although the tech never showed me 3 lines, just wrapped up the scan and said it''s a girl..99% sure! I sure hope I can take that as 100% because I''m about to go buy alot of pink stuff! DH wanted a girl, so we''re thrilled (I was ok with either).

Oh and Curlygirl--thanks for the earlier post and I''d love to get your dr''s name when you have a chance. I''m still debating whether to change docs/hospitals, so it''d be a big help to start with referrals. Thank you so much and let me know how you are doing!!
Congrats Janine! How wonderful that you''ll have a little girl! (at least a 99.9% chance of one!) I''m so happy for you!
Jess: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! 3 years...that''s great!
Lisa: keeping my fingers crossed...can''t wait to hear good news!!
Janine: a GIRL!!! how exciting! i LOOOOOVE pink!

nothing new to report on my end... spotting SEEMS to have stopped, thank goodness.
happy monday everyone!!
Jess, that''s sweet of your husband to get your a mother''s day gift. Happy 3 years!

LIA, I''m glad the spotting has stopped.

Lisa, I''m crossing my fingers for you!

janine, congrats on a girl!
That is so exciting! I am happy for you! I will find out in a few weeks and if it''s a girl I''ll ready to buy lots of pink stuff too! Baby girl clothes are just so cute! I got a few happy mother''s day messages too and it felt strange! Yes, it''s hard to believe we are going to be mommies soon!
Date: 5/12/2008 9:57:19 AM
Author: jas
The GD test is, as Diva put it, very sweet, but not awful. It was gross for me because I don''t like super-sweet drinks, but I was able to down that puppy (10 oz I think) in about 2 minutes. Watch out for the belching afterwards!

Hi all. I am going to have to demote myself ...I just cannot keep up with the 4-7 pages at a time if I miss a day or two or three. It''s hard!

I didn''t mind the GD test at all. I actually like orange crush/sunkist though and that''s what it tasted like to mine. mine was also served cold.

Jas, don''t demote yourself. This thread is always hopping and hard to keep up with, I can''t keep up with it either. I thought about subscribing a while back and realized just how many posts happen here and didn''t really want all that email coming in so I do the best I can. I mostly lurk nowadays when I can b/c it''s too hard and time consuming to type one-handed and Jake just takes up so much time, in a good way of course. All that to say, I LOVE getting updates from you so even if your post are Jascentric (to coin jas12''s phrase) till chime in and report.
Happy Belated Mother's Day to all!!! I got the best card from Lily--she made it at daycare and I will treasure it forever! This was my 2nd mother's day as an actual mother but last year she was only like 8 days old so it didn't really have an impact on me. This year seemed more special because I have my big girl and my little one on the inside!

JANINE!!!!! Congratulations!!!
I knew it was a girl! Yay!!!!!! So glad everything went well at your scan. Isn't it amazing to see a real baby moving around in there!?!?! My doctor is Anita LaSala--212-305-4070. She is great and she has an office on 60th between Madison and 5th so it's easy to get to for monthly appointments. I don't know if she's taking new patients but she does work with a group so if she's not, maybe you can get someone else from the group. Dr. Sreedhar Gaddipati is the one who actually delivered Lily--he's really nice and well liked by all the staff from what I understand! You can always do a search on Columbia Presbyterian's website too. Let me know if you need any more help. I'm soooo excited for you!!

Tacori, I love the photos of Tessa and the peas!! She is a trip. We used the Bumbo for early feeding as well--it was so great.

lisa, 8 dpo is too early--don't drive yourself crazy!!! Try to hold out for a few more days and save up those expensive tests. I'm sending you BFP vibes!

jackiejas, I know what you mean--I'm finding it virtually impossible to keep up!

Hope everyone is doing well. I'll try to post more later!
snlee, I am glad she agreed too. I was worried she wouldn''t b/c she likes to give gifts for us (not like a high chair for *my* present). Personally I don''t care if it is something I need. I feel like I will treasure this photos much more than clothes or something like that.

Burk, I got the Boon Flair
I can''t wait to see it put together.

Gemma, my dad is an anesthesiologist too but I can''t say it was well balanced
But he is Type A and *loves* to stay busy and work. He is constantly traveling, speaking, helping his residents, etc...

Monnie, she is so messy I figure I might as keep clean up as simple as possible! She is a funny girl. Have you seen your niece yet?

Jess, happy anniversary!

Janine, yay team pink! I love having a DD!

Curly, I like the bumbo as well. Easy to clean too
I know what you mean about the thread moving so fast!

Janine,yay for a girl! I''m excited for you-girls stuff is sooo cute!

LIA, I''m glad your spotting has stopped!

Snlee fingers crossed for your GTT.

Tacori, I guess I mean balanced compared to other jobs in medicine (like surgery-hee!)! Like anything it can be as busy as you like-usually you have a bit of control over what hours you work but then extra stuff like teaching and speaking can eat up lots of free time! I really enjoy the work, which makes it hard to leave some days too.

I have my 12 week ultrasound tomorrow (at nearly 13 weeks-oops!). Hopefully we''ll get some photos because my OB''s ultrasound couldn''t print them. I''m excited to get a look at little bean''s face!
Gemma, you are right. He moonlights a lot too. He would be on a trip and I wouldn''t realize it for a few days. He is a good dad though. Don''t want you to get the wrong impression. Like you he just loves his job. Good luck with your scan!
Thanks Tacori! I''ve lurked a while on this thread and it sounds like he''s been great to have around for some of the decisions you had to make about labour etc! Sometimes I wish I wasn''t the only doc in my family-it''s great to have someone to bounce ideas off!

Tacori, we call our baby “wiggle worm” too, because he/she is always moving around whenever we go for a u/s. I think I can make the mesh bumper work with a crib with a solid back because it comes in two pieces: one to wrap around the back and two short sides, and a separate piece for the front to accommodate drop-down cribs. Since the crib we are considering has a padded leather backside, I could just wrap the bumper around the front and sides where there are slats. Of course, we haven’t made any final decisions yet. Yay for Tessa sitting up – she looks so pleased with herself.

The pea pictures are priceless.

Curly, Miss Lily looked so cute in her birthday dress attacking her cupcake. Yay for her first steps!


Jas, I like Harrison and Jackson. A pair of sapphire earrings sounds like the perfect way to celebrate two September baby boys!


Diva, good luck with the house! I look forward to seeing nursery pics. Congrats on 3 years of marriage.


Lisa, LOL at Olivia walking “slowly and like a drunken sailor.” Sorry to hear about the problem with your wrist. 2WW, huh – hope you’ll be expecting with us soon.

Ellaila, I hope the steroid injection works for K. That is so cute that she is blowing raspberries. Yay for Gabe holding his own bottle.


Lili, little J is so precious.

Neatfreak, sorry to hear about the fire. I hope you are ok. You should definiately stay away from the smoke filled apartment.

LIA, glad your NT scan went well! Cute u/s picture. Glad to hear DH could arrange to do a u/s to reassure you after the scare. Did your parents enjoy seeing the scan?

MrsS, Jake and Teddy are so cute! I bet your mom loved her Mother’s Day pressie.

TGal, I hope Amelia does well with her exercises.

Burk, I hope your grandpa is okay.

Gemma, I think I would kill my MIL if she pulled that trick of telling everyone – I can see why you want to keep the sex to yourself. If you decide to tell, you should call everyone else first, and MIL last – that’ll fix her wagon. Cute nappy bag! Who makes it?

Janine, congrats on your little girl!
Go team pink!

I am going crazy waiting for my amnio results. I just want to know everything is alright so I can relax and we can tell people. The nurse at my doctor’s office must think I am crazy. I called first thing this morning to see if they had the results because the Dr. said they might be in today and it was my parents’ last day in town. She said they weren’t in yet, but might come from the lab in the afternoon mail. I called back at 1, and she said the mail comes at 2. I called back at 3 (from the bathroom as my parents were packing the car), and still no results. She said maybe tomorrow.
Jess - Happy 3rd Anniversary!

Janine - Yay for little girl! Your tech was really sure. My tech only says 80%, but my dr confirmed last sat that we are having a girl.

LIA - glad the spotting stopped and everything is good.

Curly - Your first Mother's Day card from Lily - that's special.

Tacori - Oooo you got the Boon Flair. You better post a review after you use it. I am still debating between Boon Flair, Bloom Fresco or Inglesina Zuma.

Gemma - Good luck at your scan.

Kay - Hope you get your amnio results soon.

My co-worker gave me a baby journal today. It's pretty cute. Good thing I didn't get one yet. I was about to.
Gemma, my dad was actually not their during my labor....working as usual
Haha! He''s specialized in peds though so he is helpful with questions I have (like when T suddenly broke out in hives) FIL is also a doctor. He did ER for 20 years not is just family practice.

Kay, she wiggles constantly! Changing her diaper is quite the procedure these days. She always wiggles her hips (like she is itching her butt) and then starts to roll over. It is no longer safe to leave her unattended.

Q, I love the look of it. I will let you know how it works out. It was the most *I* personally was willing to spend on a high chair but I know you want that orange pad
I actually read in the reviews the flair was better because there is NO pad to clean. I''ll be sure to post a pic too!

Just wanted to pop in and say that chances are that all will be great w/results.

The counselor from the genetics lab called and simply said, "I have good news for you!"

As u know I was a complete wreck waiting.

A 46 XX!! Nothing was better than getting that call.

Thinking of you.

Thanks for the positive vibes.

Ok, I admit it, I peed on 3 sticks today. I hate this part.

I bought 25 HPT on Ebay for like $10 - sensitive to 20 miu.

So I guess Ebay has enabled me.
Happy Belated Mothers day to all my pregger PS peeps!!!!

Sorry I''ve been MIA, but I had the "shower of the century" to throw (and the drama that ensued...horrible customer service, entire bill wound up getting comp''d for my friends dh...thank goodness...oy) and then we skipped off to Montana to hang with a girlfriend of mine while dh worked. car....for 14 hours one way....with a 3yo and a 7 month old? NEVER AGAIN!!!! I WENT MAD I TELL YOU ALL!! STARK RAVING MAD!

Hotels....with 2 small kids....for 5 days? NEVER AGAIN!!!! JAKE WENT MAD I TELL YOU ALL!! STARK RAVING NO NAP FOR ONE SECOND MAD!

So glad i spent $80 on fancy schmancy ''compact'' travel beds (so i didn''t have to lug pack n plays) for the kids....little monkeys slept with me & dh every night. Daners in one bed with me, Jake in bed with his dad.

We finally got home on friday & Jake promptly got sick. Puking all over last night. So I''m on no sleep.

But I just wanted to drop in and say HOWDEE and I''ll try and catch up, but I have a few questions...

Well one really..

TACORI: where is that push present? I wanna seeeeeeeee!!!!! I clicked on your user name and no SMTR thread!!


Love to all you wonderful mama''s and mama''s to be.

kiss kisss
Date: 5/5/2008 2:37:37 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Burk, Tessa goes to sleep between 6:30-7:30 (I try to keep it at least 7 but sometimes she is just too tired). Wakes up around 2am-3am for a feeding. Then wakes up at 7am for the day. She always has a morning nap (9:00-10:00) for a 1.5-2 hours and her afternoon nap varies. Last night she didn''t wake up until 5:30 for her bottle but she is sick so not as hungry. She probably COULD go longer but DH is in charge of the nighttime bottle so I leave it up to him. I would a bit longer b/c you know she CAN go 9 hours.

Tacori: I had my kids off the nighttime feeding by 8 weeks, but I backed into totally differently than a lot of folks do, it just depends on what you want to deal with. I preferred to stay up late, watch tv, and then sleep for 8 hours straight...

I let both my kids have a dinner time nap (about 45 mins) around 6pm and then they seemed to stay up until midnight...but slept thru the night till 8am. Then it became up till 11pm & sleeping until the time both of them were about 3 months old i had them in bed from 8pm to 8am.

Just an idea if anyone is looking for things to try.
Tgal: YUMMY AMELIA!!! Oh shes is so itty bitty and adorable!

Tacori: You wound up with a blondie!! I can''t get over how fair Tessa is! She is so beautiful & petite..big ol'' Delaney would eat her up.

Bobo: awww...what a cutie!

Jas12: love your baby!

Jas: Your twin belly is so tiny and cute!!

Elailla; how are the babies???

Delaney is crawling, sitting, being a food tyrant (aka Chris Farley in SNL as the fat chick "get your own fries" LOL) She is such a piggy and gets so mad if we aren''t shoving food in her mouth. She''s a RIOT!

Bathing beauty......

Slap happy Daners

Sheesh, you all have the cutest babies ever! Diver, she is adorable. I am posting a new pic of my niece, Heather Haley...she is almost 3 months old now! She definitely has my chubby cheeks!

oooh those cheeks...must kiss & nibble!!! Oh Monarch, she''s GORGEOUS!
Well, I haven''t been able to keep up with this thread either! Sorry.

Nothing much to report. Still pregnant (39th week) and really quite enormous now! Not finding it too uncomfortable so far, but ask me again if I''m 2 weeks overdue lol!
