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Date: 5/13/2008 12:39:32 AM
Author: divergrrl
Delaney is crawling, sitting, being a food tyrant (aka Chris Farley in SNL as the fat chick ''get your own fries'' LOL) She is such a piggy and gets so mad if we aren''t shoving food in her mouth. She''s a RIOT!
More later, but have to say, Jas...maybe our babies are twins too? Hehehe. I have been moving bedtime earlier too since I got the go ahead from the doc to feed at will at night (previously we had to wake her every 2.5 hours). At first it was 10:30 and she woke up at 2:30. Then it was 9:30 and she woke up at 3. Last night I put her down at 9 and she didn''t wake up until 3:45...I was so excited I couldn''t go back to sleep after her feed. She then slept until 8 am today morning (she normallly sleeps until 6 am.) I fed her, did her exercises for her neck and she''s now back down at 9am for a morning nap. Morning naps seem easiest to get her down for.Date: 5/13/2008 9:00:01 AM
Author: Jas12
Diver-- D is as cute as always!
i think i am unintentionally following a similar sleep schedule as you. At first Co was going to bed at 12ish every night, with a 3 and 6 wake up --over the past 2 weeks i have managed to move him up to 9pm --we now wakes b/w 1 and 2 (last night it was 3am--6 hours, yipee!) and then again at 6ish. I can usually get him to go down again at 8am--like i did this morning so i can eat brekkie, shower or sleep some more.
i doubt i''ll get an 8-8 routine going by 2 months, but that''s okay. I don''t think BF babies sleep thru the night for a long time.
I am back at home now so maybe i can keep up with the thread a bit better...hope everyone is well!
typing with one hand...Date: 5/13/2008 2:47:40 PM
Author: Jas12
Hey Tgal--yep baby twins! hehe
i had the same reaction to the 3am wake-up--i looked at the clock twice, and 2 different clocks in disbelief
and yes, morning naps are much easier for him as well.
I put Co to sleep awake almost always--i swaddle him and put him in the bassinet and just walk away--about 90% of the time he puts himself to sleep with no help--for naps he often needs the soother.
what kind of neck exercises do you do with Amelia? I''ve noticed Co is favoring one side as well.
and one more thing--are we not supposed to take the babies out yet? Oh oh, i''ve taken him out dozens of times!
Thanks for responding -- I''ve had a bad reaction to anesthesia in the past and would really like to avoid worrying about that while I''m contracting! I guess it can''t hurt to bring it up to my doc next week.Date: 5/13/2008 3:08:14 PM
Author: Jas12
Jas--i was offered an IV gravol during my labor after i threw up the 1/2 of a popsicle the nurse gave me--it was not pleasant, I was nauseated thru the early contractions, but i did not take the gravol and that feeling did eventually pass. I ate during very early labor but as others have mentioned, stay away from food when things really get going.
L&D is not pretty--i experienced it all, every icky thing possible, amiotic fluid everywhere, blood, vomit, sweat--etc. etc.--if my poor DH can still find me attractive after witnessing all that stuff he''s a keeper for sure!
Speaking of hubbies--how are the new dads doing? Charlie is pretty smitten and he seems to shower me with admiration when i am nursing etc. which i totally use to my advantage..''oh Char, can you get me....''![]()
but i also know he worries SO much--the day after Cohen came home, Co choked a little in his sleep and a little later Charlie was sick to his stomach--he said it was something he ate, but later admitted he thought it was ''nerves'', and he was literally ''worried sick'' --poor nervous daddy.
Date: 5/13/2008 4:24:51 PM
Author: neatfreak
Can I ask a random question? Do ALL babies need to be checked back into the hospital before 6 weeks if they get sick? Even a cold? Obviously I am no expert, but it seems crazy to keep them in the house until 6 weeks and it seems like a real waste of resources to bring back every baby to the hospital who gets a sniffle....
Date: 5/13/2008 4:30:47 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Date: 5/13/2008 4:24:51 PM
Author: neatfreak
Can I ask a random question? Do ALL babies need to be checked back into the hospital before 6 weeks if they get sick? Even a cold? Obviously I am no expert, but it seems crazy to keep them in the house until 6 weeks and it seems like a real waste of resources to bring back every baby to the hospital who gets a sniffle....
No. First off my doctor NEVER said I couldn''t bring Tessa out in public for 6 weeks. That is so crazy. Tessa got her first cold I think at 2.5 months and she only went to the doc once (for a respirator) after her cold wasn''t getting better. ER/Hospitals are dangerous for newborns and often times they get sicker. BFing does help ward off illnesses. She got sick right after my dad said my immunities aren''t being given to her anymorehe''s so smart. Haha.![]()
Oh, I found the necklaces. I set up an email acct. for K and G and "they" emailed Daddy weeks ago with a few different links to necklaces "they" likedDate: 5/13/2008 4:40:43 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Ella, yeah with premies I know they are more careful. Love the necklaces. So cute. When do you get them? Did he find them or did you?
MrsM, forgot to say I hope you continue to stay comfortable. The last weeks are the worst.
Date: 5/13/2008 4:24:51 PM
Author: neatfreak
Can I ask a random question? Do ALL babies need to be checked back into the hospital before 6 weeks if they get sick? Even a cold? Obviously I am no expert, but it seems crazy to keep them in the house until 6 weeks and it seems like a real waste of resources to bring back every baby to the hospital who gets a sniffle....
Date: 5/13/2008 5:09:26 PM
Author: mrssalvo
Date: 5/13/2008 4:24:51 PM
Author: neatfreak
Can I ask a random question? Do ALL babies need to be checked back into the hospital before 6 weeks if they get sick? Even a cold? Obviously I am no expert, but it seems crazy to keep them in the house until 6 weeks and it seems like a real waste of resources to bring back every baby to the hospital who gets a sniffle....
neatfreak, Jake''s dr. office will admit a baby automatically into the hospital if they are running a 100.4 degree or higher fever and less than 4 weeks old. They suggest keeping babies out of places where people will want to touch the baby...i.e. church, nursery''s ect. until they are 6 weeks. places like target, the park etc. where no one is likely to touch them is usually fine. they also suggest keeping kids under 5 away from them b/c they are little germ carriers. jake went to costco at one week old and has been out and about a ton since. there is no way i can stay in with him with 2 other kids. But, I won''t put him in the gym nursery or church nursery until he is older. he hasn''t had any vaccines yet and I don''t want him around other sick kids.