
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Beautiful babies, Diver and Monnie.

Aw, Mrs. Mitchell...hang in there, girl!

Thanks mrssalvo.
Diver-- D is as cute as always!
i think i am unintentionally following a similar sleep schedule as you. At first Co was going to bed at 12ish every night, with a 3 and 6 wake up --over the past 2 weeks i have managed to move him up to 9pm --we now wakes b/w 1 and 2 (last night it was 3am--6 hours, yipee!) and then again at 6ish. I can usually get him to go down again at 8am--like i did this morning so i can eat brekkie, shower or sleep some more.

i doubt i''ll get an 8-8 routine going by 2 months, but that''s okay. I don''t think BF babies sleep thru the night for a long time.


I am back at home now so maybe i can keep up with the thread a bit better...hope everyone is well!
Diver~Delaney is an absolute doll, as usual!! You''re so lucky your kids are such good sleepers. My "T" is an absolute bear after 7 pm (even if she just napped) so it''s just best that we put her to bed. She sleeps until 4am-6am but it would be so much easier if she would go from 9pm- 6 or 8am!!! Oh well.

Monarch~your niece is so cute. I LOVE her cheeks!!!

MrsMitchel~I gave birth at week 39.....You''re so close!!! SO exciting!!!!

Jas12~Way to go Cohen!! 6 hours!!!

janine~Congrats on joining team pink!!!
I love having a little girl. Do you have any names picked out?

Jess~happy anniversary!!

LIA~Glad your spotting stopped. That''s scary stuff. I had a lot of spotting due to a placenta previa.

Tacori~you MUST post of pic of Tessa in her highchair when you get it put together!!

Ahhhh...gotta run. Some stupid kid wrote a bomb threat on the bathroom wall..... I''m the computer teacher so they expect me to be the "technical support" and help take pictures and download them ect.............
Date: 5/13/2008 12:39:32 AM
Author: divergrrl

Delaney is crawling, sitting, being a food tyrant (aka Chris Farley in SNL as the fat chick ''get your own fries'' LOL) She is such a piggy and gets so mad if we aren''t shoving food in her mouth. She''s a RIOT!
Oh my gosh she is soooo adorable!!!! She looks like so much fun; she looks like she has a lot of energy (little fireball)!! hehe

Monnie, baby Heather is Darling
MrsM, you are almost there! How exciting!
Hang in there!

Diver, Delaney is a cutie!

monarch, your niece is so adorable!
Date: 5/13/2008 9:00:01 AM
Author: Jas12
Diver-- D is as cute as always!
i think i am unintentionally following a similar sleep schedule as you. At first Co was going to bed at 12ish every night, with a 3 and 6 wake up --over the past 2 weeks i have managed to move him up to 9pm --we now wakes b/w 1 and 2 (last night it was 3am--6 hours, yipee!) and then again at 6ish. I can usually get him to go down again at 8am--like i did this morning so i can eat brekkie, shower or sleep some more.

i doubt i''ll get an 8-8 routine going by 2 months, but that''s okay. I don''t think BF babies sleep thru the night for a long time.


I am back at home now so maybe i can keep up with the thread a bit better...hope everyone is well!
More later, but have to say, Jas...maybe our babies are twins too? Hehehe. I have been moving bedtime earlier too since I got the go ahead from the doc to feed at will at night (previously we had to wake her every 2.5 hours). At first it was 10:30 and she woke up at 2:30. Then it was 9:30 and she woke up at 3. Last night I put her down at 9 and she didn''t wake up until 3:45...I was so excited I couldn''t go back to sleep after her feed. She then slept until 8 am today morning (she normallly sleeps until 6 am.) I fed her, did her exercises for her neck and she''s now back down at 9am for a morning nap. Morning naps seem easiest to get her down for.

We''ve also been practicing putting her down drowsy, but awake at bedtime. It''s been working well. She squawks a bit here and there but falls asleep relatively quickly. We swaddle using the miracle blanket at night and I do offer her the pacifier so she has something to help sooth her.

More in a bit...have visitors coming today. She''s six weeks, so technically can start taking her out because if she gets a fever she doesn''t get automatically admitted to the hospital!
I hope you ladies don''t mind this Nana popping in here, but I LOVE looking at all of these babies. They are all so darn adorable!!!! I would love to give them little kisses all over their little heads. LOL.

Hey Tgal--yep baby twins! hehe
i had the same reaction to the 3am wake-up--i looked at the clock twice, and 2 different clocks in disbelief ;-)
and yes, morning naps are much easier for him as well.
I put Co to sleep awake almost always--i swaddle him and put him in the bassinet and just walk away--about 90% of the time he puts himself to sleep with no help--for naps he often needs the soother.

what kind of neck exercises do you do with Amelia? I''ve noticed Co is favoring one side as well.
and one more thing--are we not supposed to take the babies out yet? Oh oh, i''ve taken him out dozens of times!
Does anyone know if the doctors can give an anti-nausea medication during L&D? I have a ridiculous worry that I''m gonna be barfing with every contraction...and/or barfing from any epidural I may or may not have. I''d honestly rather poop on the table than throw up!

Just curious...
Date: 5/13/2008 2:47:40 PM
Author: Jas12
Hey Tgal--yep baby twins! hehe
i had the same reaction to the 3am wake-up--i looked at the clock twice, and 2 different clocks in disbelief ;-)
and yes, morning naps are much easier for him as well.
I put Co to sleep awake almost always--i swaddle him and put him in the bassinet and just walk away--about 90% of the time he puts himself to sleep with no help--for naps he often needs the soother.

what kind of neck exercises do you do with Amelia? I''ve noticed Co is favoring one side as well.
and one more thing--are we not supposed to take the babies out yet? Oh oh, i''ve taken him out dozens of times!
typing with one hand...

I''ve taken her out for tons of walks...just not to public enclosed places...and believe me, I''ve wanted to!!! I keep asking the doc and he asks me to wait!!

I do the same...walk away. I use the paci half the time. And I looked at two different clocks too!

Torticollis is not common Jas so I hope Co doesn''t have it. Is it hard to get him to look/face the other way? Does he quickly revert back to his favored side? If so, do ask your ped about it. I stretch her neck ear to shoulder and chin to shoulder. i also try and get her gaze to cross midline as often as possible.
Jas--i was offered an IV gravol during my labor after i threw up the 1/2 of a popsicle the nurse gave me--it was not pleasant, I was nauseated thru the early contractions, but i did not take the gravol and that feeling did eventually pass. I ate during very early labor but as others have mentioned, stay away from food when things really get going.
L&D is not pretty--i experienced it all, every icky thing possible, amiotic fluid everywhere, blood, vomit, sweat--etc. etc.--if my poor DH can still find me attractive after witnessing all that stuff he''s a keeper for sure!

Speaking of hubbies--how are the new dads doing? Charlie is pretty smitten and he seems to shower me with admiration when i am nursing etc. which i totally use to my advantage.."oh Char, can you get me...."

but i also know he worries SO much--the day after Cohen came home, Co choked a little in his sleep and a little later Charlie was sick to his stomach--he said it was something he ate, but later admitted he thought it was ''nerves'', and he was literally ''worried sick'' --poor nervous daddy.
Date: 5/13/2008 3:08:14 PM
Author: Jas12
Jas--i was offered an IV gravol during my labor after i threw up the 1/2 of a popsicle the nurse gave me--it was not pleasant, I was nauseated thru the early contractions, but i did not take the gravol and that feeling did eventually pass. I ate during very early labor but as others have mentioned, stay away from food when things really get going.
L&D is not pretty--i experienced it all, every icky thing possible, amiotic fluid everywhere, blood, vomit, sweat--etc. etc.--if my poor DH can still find me attractive after witnessing all that stuff he''s a keeper for sure!

Speaking of hubbies--how are the new dads doing? Charlie is pretty smitten and he seems to shower me with admiration when i am nursing etc. which i totally use to my advantage..''oh Char, can you get me....''

but i also know he worries SO much--the day after Cohen came home, Co choked a little in his sleep and a little later Charlie was sick to his stomach--he said it was something he ate, but later admitted he thought it was ''nerves'', and he was literally ''worried sick'' --poor nervous daddy.
Thanks for responding -- I''ve had a bad reaction to anesthesia in the past and would really like to avoid worrying about that while I''m contracting! I guess it can''t hurt to bring it up to my doc next week.

Your Charlie sounds very sweet. Mine is in full worry mode!
Jas 12~we took Tayva out before 6 weeks too. Our ped said it was up to us.

Tgal~hurray for sleep! That''s great! You and Jas are both lucky your babes can put themselves to sleep. I have a high maintenance baby who only puts herself to sleep in her swing, in the car or in her stroller!!

Jas~I got an anti-nausea medicine in my IV because I was pretty sure I was going to have my lunch all over the floor! It helped....and fast.
Diver, she is beautiful! Guess they don't look like sisters anymore! cute pics. My PP isn't due until the end of the month. It will be here in a few weeks *hopefully*!!!

Monnie, Heather is adorable! Hope you get to see her soon.

Burk, love the new AV. She is a cutie. I'll be sure to post a pic of the high chair when it is put together.

Sleeping: Well T has never been a good sleeper and I didn't try to manipulate it until 4 months. I think before that is too young for sleep trainer (but you may be lucky like Diver). So my best advice it just to take it one day at a time and get through it. Things do get better.

Public Outings: well I have been taking T in public since she was a week old (in the cold and flu season to boot). I am not really a worrier. I figure germs are good. Not to say I would hang out in a hospital with her but Target, the mall, restaurants...she's a pro now.
Can I ask a random question? Do ALL babies need to be checked back into the hospital before 6 weeks if they get sick? Even a cold? Obviously I am no expert, but it seems crazy to keep them in the house until 6 weeks and it seems like a real waste of resources to bring back every baby to the hospital who gets a sniffle....
Date: 5/13/2008 4:24:51 PM
Author: neatfreak
Can I ask a random question? Do ALL babies need to be checked back into the hospital before 6 weeks if they get sick? Even a cold? Obviously I am no expert, but it seems crazy to keep them in the house until 6 weeks and it seems like a real waste of resources to bring back every baby to the hospital who gets a sniffle....

No. First off my doctor NEVER said I couldn''t bring Tessa out in public for 6 weeks. That is so crazy. Tessa got her first cold I think at 2.5 months and she only went to the doc once (for a respirator) after her cold wasn''t getting better. ER/Hospitals are dangerous for newborns and often times they get sicker. BFing does help ward off illnesses. She got sick right after my dad said my immunities aren''t being given to her anymore
he''s so smart. Haha.
Diver and Tacori, LOVE the new photos! The nose-scrunching is so cute, isn''t it, T (and fully visible in Tessa''s photos!)? K and G do it too, and it always melts me. Diver, Daners is just delish! PS babies aren''t just the cutest but they''re the happiest too! And Monnie, your little HH (HHH, yes?) is a doll too!

Janinegirly, congrats on your little janinegirly!
I think having "girl" in your PS name ensures that you will have a little bambina -- both you and Curly(girl) did/are!

I kept my babies in for the first EIGHT weeks per doc''s orders. They were born in early December during RSV season and they were little to boot so I wasn''t taking any chances. I went absolutely stir-crazy though. Nutso.

Oh and MrsS, I don''t think I ever commented on your little man''s photos -- he''s such a cutie! A big dude just like Gabie is now!

Oh MrsM, you are SO close, mama!!!
God, your pregnancy just seemed to fly by (to me at least)!

Jas and TGal, I love your check-ins! It''s crazy how quickly the babies grow up, and beleive it or not, readign your posts gets me a little nostalgic for when the babes were that young! (Not that I want to relive those days ... at all ...
) Jas, I think I have a little crush on your hubby. Hope that''s OK.

How''s everyone feeling?

Burk, how''s Tayva doing? Curly, how''s your big one-year old?

I had a nice first Mother''s Day on Sunday. My mom is actually in town, so we just had a mellow day -- did a little book shopping and BBQd for dinner that night. Q was lovely and brought us flowers that morning (pink and white roses) and my present should be here this week -- a necklace with initial charms and the babies'' birthstones (from here) -- I can''t wait for it!!
Ella, yeah with premies I know they are more careful. Love the necklaces. So cute. When do you get them? Did he find them or did you?

MrsM, forgot to say I hope you continue to stay comfortable. The last weeks are the worst.
Date: 5/13/2008 4:30:47 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Date: 5/13/2008 4:24:51 PM

Author: neatfreak

Can I ask a random question? Do ALL babies need to be checked back into the hospital before 6 weeks if they get sick? Even a cold? Obviously I am no expert, but it seems crazy to keep them in the house until 6 weeks and it seems like a real waste of resources to bring back every baby to the hospital who gets a sniffle....

No. First off my doctor NEVER said I couldn''t bring Tessa out in public for 6 weeks. That is so crazy. Tessa got her first cold I think at 2.5 months and she only went to the doc once (for a respirator) after her cold wasn''t getting better. ER/Hospitals are dangerous for newborns and often times they get sicker. BFing does help ward off illnesses. She got sick right after my dad said my immunities aren''t being given to her anymore
he''s so smart. Haha.

Thank you Tacori! A slightly crazy friend of mine insisted this was true and I was also thinking that hospitals were the WORST place a sick baby could be brought unless they were in insolation somewhere...just seemed weird to me. But she INSISTED she was right.
NF, we had a REALLY scare incident when she was a newborn where she broke out in hives after violently throwing up formula. This is when I was 99% BFing. We called her doc and the nurse on call said bring her to the ER. (I should add her breathing was normal the hives were just external) Both my dad and FIL (both docs) said wait it out. My dad really didn''t want us to bring her to the ER. As quickly as they came they went so we never went. But it was scary.
Date: 5/13/2008 4:40:43 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Ella, yeah with premies I know they are more careful. Love the necklaces. So cute. When do you get them? Did he find them or did you?

MrsM, forgot to say I hope you continue to stay comfortable. The last weeks are the worst.
Oh, I found the necklaces. I set up an email acct. for K and G and "they" emailed Daddy weeks ago with a few different links to necklaces "they" liked
But Daddy kind of messed up and didn''t act on anything until last like Tuesday or so, so the present will be a little late. I think it''s supposed to ship tomorrow though, so not too bad!

Can''t wait to see your PP!!

Mommies, when you feed solids, how do you do it? We''re still just giving the babies cereal once a day right now (though I swear I''m going to start fruits and vegs next week once my family leaves). I''ve read that you should give the cereal like an hour after a bottle, but then do you still give them a bottle with the cereal (to help wash down the solids)? Or no? So would it be full-size bottle at, say, 4; then cereal (with small bottle or no?) at 5-5:30ish; and then full-size bottle again at 7 before bed? That''s what we''ve been doing, but for some reason I keep questioning myself ...
Ella I am no expert but my doc drilled 6 months into me. He really wanted us to wait until then (4 months for RC). I think they have a greater chance of food allergies if you introduce it too soon though my neighbor started giving her twins solids at 3.5 months
To each their own I guess. T never took to the spoon so young so we just put the RC in her nighttime bottles. Helped her sleep longer too
. Just started solids. Three days of sweet peas and now had one day of squash. I am starting with veggies first. I divide the jar into 1/3 since she doesn't eat that much anyways. Feed them in their bumbos in the tub for easy clean up.

ETA: LOVE the e-mail idea. So cute.
Date: 5/13/2008 4:24:51 PM
Author: neatfreak
Can I ask a random question? Do ALL babies need to be checked back into the hospital before 6 weeks if they get sick? Even a cold? Obviously I am no expert, but it seems crazy to keep them in the house until 6 weeks and it seems like a real waste of resources to bring back every baby to the hospital who gets a sniffle....

neatfreak, Jake''s dr. office will admit a baby automatically into the hospital if they are running a 100.4 degree or higher fever and less than 4 weeks old. They suggest keeping babies out of places where people will want to touch the baby...i.e. church, nursery''s ect. until they are 6 weeks. places like target, the park etc. where no one is likely to touch them is usually fine. they also suggest keeping kids under 5 away from them b/c they are little germ carriers. jake went to costco at one week old and has been out and about a ton since. there is no way i can stay in with him with 2 other kids. But, I won''t put him in the gym nursery or church nursery until he is older. he hasn''t had any vaccines yet and I don''t want him around other sick kids.

Diver, delaney is so pretty, love the swim suit picture.

tacori- i can''t wait to see you PP. Did you find out anything else on the swim pants/diapers thing?

Jas12 and tgal- yay for your babies sleeping. jake is still random but usually gives me one good stretch a night. last night he was up at 1:30 to eat and then again at 4:00 and then slept until 7:00. I can live with 2x a night.

Lili, i saw in the other thread where you asked about my sister. still no baby. she''s due on thursday.
Diver, love the pics of D. She has the greatest smile!!

Heather is sooooo cute, what a love !!!
MrsS, we haven''t been to the pool yet (though it is warm enough here). I bought a package of swim diapers (target has a web coupon right now for $1.50 0ff) and a fabric one from BRU. I did notice the swim diapers START at 16lbs. Little Jake might not fit into them. I don''t know. My one friend swears by the disposible the other swears by the fabric. I''ll let you know when I test them out.
SHE JUST GIGGLED!!!!!! It was non stop for like 3 minutes. I was laughing because she was laughing and so I think it kept her going. I had tears in my eyes. It was so great. I can''t wait for more!!!! Be back later with more.......
Yay Tayva!!! Isn''t that the best sound you have ever heard? Tessa did the same thing. It came out of no where and she did it for several mins. straight. I am so happy for you! How old is she now?
Hooray for baby giggles! What a wonderful treat for you mamas!
Oh yay for Tayva!! When they laugh it makes you feel like you''re finally getting rewarded for all your hard work, doesn''t it? Just wait till she starts laughing at something you actually do and not just randomly -- you become this superstar comedienne in their eyes. It''s just awesome :)

Katelyn is a laughaholic, I swear. And she screeches like a screech monkey. We always say, "That girl''s gone WILD!" (please God, don''t let her ever be in "Girls Gone Wild" for real though!) whenever she starts in with all her crazy noises -- it''s so funny! Gabe is a little more reserved, but when he giggles, it''s just the cutest sound in the world.

Burk, have the video camera nearby at all times now so you can try to capture it on film -- it''s the best thing to send grandparents who don''t get to see their grandbabies often.
Date: 5/13/2008 5:09:26 PM
Author: mrssalvo
Date: 5/13/2008 4:24:51 PM

Author: neatfreak

Can I ask a random question? Do ALL babies need to be checked back into the hospital before 6 weeks if they get sick? Even a cold? Obviously I am no expert, but it seems crazy to keep them in the house until 6 weeks and it seems like a real waste of resources to bring back every baby to the hospital who gets a sniffle....

neatfreak, Jake''s dr. office will admit a baby automatically into the hospital if they are running a 100.4 degree or higher fever and less than 4 weeks old. They suggest keeping babies out of places where people will want to touch the baby...i.e. church, nursery''s ect. until they are 6 weeks. places like target, the park etc. where no one is likely to touch them is usually fine. they also suggest keeping kids under 5 away from them b/c they are little germ carriers. jake went to costco at one week old and has been out and about a ton since. there is no way i can stay in with him with 2 other kids. But, I won''t put him in the gym nursery or church nursery until he is older. he hasn''t had any vaccines yet and I don''t want him around other sick kids.

That also makes more sense than what my friend was claiming. Thanks Mrs S! I can''t imagine being inside with a newborn for 6 weeks straight!