
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 6/3/2008 6:34:59 PM
Author: lili

Date: 6/3/2008 5:57:47 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Burk, I am glad someone else can understand my phone issues
I''ve ALWAYS been like this. I even hate calling for take-out.
Ha, same here.
DH could not understand why that is.
LOL! I guess lots of people are like that. I prefer email over phone any day! DH hates the phone and always has.
Thanks Kay, Snlee, and MsF --
I was going to post that pix with her u/s profile.
It''s amazing how at 18wk in utero, her features are already fully developed.
And no Snlee, it is not a professional.
I took it with my 5-yr digital camera.

Jen --
Hehe, cute belly button.
Mine popped too. Fortunately, it did go back in after delivery.
Now it''s really sunken in cuz there is a thick layer of fat from giving in to my newly developed sweet tooth.
It''s weird.....I''ve got the worst chocolate and sweet craving after delivery.
Anyone experience that?
Yeah, I know what you mean about making sure what you feel is normal, especially since this is your first pregnancy.
I have the same aches and pain as it is perfectly normal.
That''s good that your uterus is moving up.
Hehe, I don''t know if that''s good cuz now you''ll be feeling stuffed after every little bit of food you eat

How sweet of DH to give you a massage every night.
Ok, where are my mommy buddies (TGal, MrsS and Jas12) ???
Hope you ladies are doing ok.


Ok, this is so not fair.
TMI alert. I think I got my AF already

I thought it would not come until at least 6 months if you are BFing.
Oh well.
Yay for that belly, Jen!!!!!! You look fantastic - wear it with pride!
hi ladies...

lili, i''m here reading just not typing much. love the avatar pic of little J..what an angel. sorry about the AF. i got mine just a couple months after having my first. it happens.

Jen-you look fab woman. my belly button turned into an outie too when i was preggo.

LC- MIller is such a cutie pie..happy b-day to him...

snlee-yay for finally showing. I loved when I actually started looking pregnant too.

So Jake is 8 weeks old today. boy has time flown''s a pic I took little man...

we spent last week in Florida and went to the beach. jake slept most of the days away..the sound of the ocean knocked him right out. I liked this pic of him though..

oh mrsS that sleepy pic makes me want to cry its so beautiful....they grow so fast...enjoy these early months. baby is so big now!

lil: chiclets...HAHA...yes they are!

tacori: dh makes me call everyone, he hates the phone too!
Hi''s been a few wacko days. I won''t go into details about the in-law-palooza because honestly I''m starting to wonder if I''m being punk''d.

On the upside, my SIL was going to recommend a lactation consultant who makes house calls. That was cool. What was not cool was that she contacted this lady and basically told her we want her to be our LC without my actually meeting her. SIL is all bestest friends with her, so now I hope I like the woman! Otherwise I''m going to not enjoy whipping out the gals in front of her. But that''s me. I worry about getting along with people (when my b**bs are exposed.)

Dealing with round ligament pain when I wake up -- it''s brief and really painful, just north and to the right of my ever-shrinking belly button. This must be that sexy side of pregnancy I''m always hearing about. I know labor is a gazillion times worse and I''m not looking forward to that. Icko. I told the doctor yesterday that she should feel free to use the jaws of life to get the babes out as quickly as possible.

Saw the dr. yesterday. Had another U/S (the total benefit of being preggo with twins)...I apparently have a gift for making big fat babies, because they are measuring HUGE for their age and for the fact that they''re twins. I''m so happy about that! Baby A is 1 lb 12 oz and Baby B is 1 lb 11 oz. They are just adorable and both trying to suck their toes. Baby B''s head is next to Baby A''s butt, which means the fraternity pranks must be starting already. All systems look healthy. Yea! Baby A is head-down and Baby B is transverse, so I have four feet concentrated in one area in my upper right abdomen. I don''t worry about positions too much; there''s lotsa time for them to squirm around. Baby A totally gave us a full-face shot, and I kept thinking SKELETOR (tm whoever came up with that about 150 pages ago). I now wave that picture in front of DH and say, "By the Power of Grayskull!"

My dr. freaked me out by saying that, essentially, I am in my third trimester (24 weeks!) as she expects me to go 36-37 weeks max. I''m wondering where the time went. I need to order stuff, like CRIBS, stat! The nurse did the Dance of Joy over my urine again, but hey, if that makes her happy, I''m not going to deny her.

Lots to worry about these what i''m going to do with the rest of my life. But other than that I''m feeling really good!

Tgal -- I can''t believe it''s been two months already! I hope you, at least, are having some cake!
Sk8rjen -- I am so sorry about the flu. I can''t imagine how you got through that. Glad you are feeling a little better! LOL about butt twin envy. I hear you on that. My has more than compensated. Isn''t it fun to feel them rocking and rolling in there? Your picture is awesome times a gazillion! I think you have the best twin belly!
Pavelover -- hope the vacay is awesome and relaxing. Congrats on the apt. and the U/S -- aren''t they fun to watch? BabyTV rocks!
QT -- you are the TINIEST preggo ever!!!! Adorable! I''m glad you passed your 3 hr. GT.
Tacori -- I don''t remember if I commented on the crawling, but I''m agog at how time has flown! What a huge milestone! Thanks for more great photos. I swear you have a baby model there! Sorry about the teething. Maybe a frozen waffle??? (They did that on Roseanne once...said it soothed the gums and had all the pockets for the drool)
Count me in as a fellow phone hater. Hate it. Hated it before email was invented!
Burk -- hooray for turning over! It''s just been a week of milestones all around. I adore lil'' Tayva''s hat in your avatar. Sweetness!
Gemma -- thanks for the compliment. I really am all belly, but that''s a lot a belly we''re talking about!!!! I''m so glad that telling people has been so positive for you!
Hiya Msflutter -- I''m sorry Ian had the he better?
Happy belated Birthday Ella! Yea! I checked the website you linked...some interesting factoids!
Diva -- can''t wait to see the nursery! I can''t believe your time is so close!
Snlee -- yea for 20 weeks! We''re taking multiples classes and the "how to get your parents into the hospital without them being arrested for trespassing" tour. No lamaze for us. We''re also spending a lot of time with new parents and their little ones in the upcoming weeks. I am totally going to get one of those massager thingies. Sounds heavenly.
Mrssalvo -- congrats on 8 weeks. What a wonderful little guy you''ve got there!
Curly -- so good to hear from sounds like you are in a good place right now! Hooray!
Diver -- never a dull moment with the ebay stuff, huh? Blech. I''m so glad you''re getting a different one! Great story, though. You crack me up! Seriously love your necklace and the great grinning babe you have there!

Ebree -- I loved my babystork monitor. The company is really great. I had a few times where I had to chase the babies around, but I think they like to play hide and seek with anything pressed on my belly. If you can allow yourself some time to find the heartbeats, it''s really great for peace of mind. If you''re the type of person who will get anxious if you cannot find a HB in 3 seconds, you may want to at least wait a few weeks til the bean grows a bit.
Litchick -- great photos, as usual! I love the color of his hair!

I think that''s all for now. I''m off to have a little ice cream (hey, if it''s making my babies big, I''ll make that sacrifice!!!!)
Date: 6/3/2008 9:16:09 PM
Author: jas I''m off to have a little ice cream (hey, if it''s making my babies big, I''ll make that sacrifice!!!!)

Lol. Is it really really wrong that I''ve been using that excuse for weeks already?
Whenever the morning sickness isn''t rearing it''s ugly head I am stuffing my face to try and compensate!
So tired so will catch up later. Just wanted to let you know my PP is here!
jen, you look great!

jackie, great news about your big babies! Sorry to hear about the round ligament pain. It sucks! Wow, you'll be holding your twins before you know it!

MrsS, good to hear from you! Jake is adorable! I love the picture of him sleeping. It's so cute! He's getting big.

Tacori, I can't wait to see your PP!
Date: 6/3/2008 8:05:21 PM
Author: mrssalvo
we spent last week in Florida and went to the beach. jake slept most of the days away..the sound of the ocean knocked him right out. I liked this pic of him though..
Awwwwww...Where''s his halo! He looks like a little angel!
Where''d Tgal scamper off to?
Date: 6/3/2008 8:05:21 PM
Author: mrssalvo
we spent last week in Florida and went to the beach. jake slept most of the days away..the sound of the ocean knocked him right out. I liked this pic of him though..
Awwww, love a sleepy baby pic. Jake is adorable.
Thanks for the kind words about Miller. He is a big boy at 2 - 37 inches tall!!! The doctor described him as a "Saint bernard puppy" - all cute and fun and one day, he will grow into his feet and be huge!!!

MrsS, Jake is soooo cute. Love the sleeping pic - that is priceless. I would have that made up in black and white and framed.

Diver, Delaney is a heartbreaker! What a cutey!

Hang in there preggo and new mommies!!!
Hi guys

Like MrsS. i am still reading, but have been busy and not much posting lately

Tacori--just saw your Tessa-ring--i LUV it--so pretty!!

Lili--luv the new avatar!!! so pretty

Mrs.S and LC--luv the new pics of y our little dudes! MrsS.--a week in florida with a beach-sleeping baby sounds divine!

Jen--your belly is beautiful!

jas--i remember round ligament pain and it was nasty--it did get better for me in the 3rd tri (don''t know why--maybe the stretching is over by them?) but good to hear the babes are growing well. Go order those cribs....

I am still struggling with sleep problems--it''s bad. I am going to see a Dr. today to look at some solutions. I think i''ve just gotten into the habit of dreading the night (b/c i''ve had so many nights with less than 1 hr of sleep--boy am i looking hot these days). Co still continues to sleep fairly well--although he ''wake times'' for feedings are allll over the place, but reallyt i have nothing to worry about, i think i just created a problem. I really don''t want to stop BF in order to take a sleep aid so i think that adds to my anxiety as well. I am trying to stay positive, but sleep deprivation is HARD! I want a new brain
Date: 6/4/2008 9:46:53 AM
Author: Jas12
I am still struggling with sleep problems--it''s bad. I am going to see a Dr. today to look at some solutions. I think i''ve just gotten into the habit of dreading the night (b/c i''ve had so many nights with less than 1 hr of sleep--boy am i looking hot these days). Co still continues to sleep fairly well--although he ''wake times'' for feedings are allll over the place, but reallyt i have nothing to worry about, i think i just created a problem. I really don''t want to stop BF in order to take a sleep aid so i think that adds to my anxiety as well. I am trying to stay positive, but sleep deprivation is HARD! I want a new brain
Jas12, I''m worried about you!! What''s going on? Why can''t you sleep when Co is sleeping? What about when he naps? We are here to help you.
Thanks everyone for their compliments on my belly.

I love all the new baby/toddler pics. You ladies are really making the last couple months hard for me. I am so anxious for our little one to be here. hehe.

LC - Your little man is the cutest "gangsta". Showing off his bling bling. hehe.

Keep posting those belly pics. I love seeing the growing bellies and pregnancy glow on your faces.

Jen - Your twin belly is so adorable.

Jas12 - Hope you find something that will help you sleep. Are you just too stressed/worried to sleep? Maybe you need to have some "YOU" time to just relax.

Still working on the nursery. Will post more when I have more time.
Jen~Your belly is perfect!

Tacoir~I always make DH call for take-out!

snlee~Your DH is a saint! I had to beg mine for massages!

mrss~Jake is such a cute boy. He''s getting so big!

Jackie Jas~You crack me up!! I think you''ll find that you get to the point where you don''t really care who''s seen the b**bs anymore.....I was modest before birth, but by day two after T was born I think 7 different nurses and LC''s had seen my b**bs, not to mention my friends and relatives (all female of course)! Yea for good baby growing!

Jas~I''m so sorry you''re still having sleep problems, but so glad you are seeing a doctor! Have you always had sleep problems, or is this new with mommyhood? I hope the doctor can help you out. I don''t know what I''d do with 1 hour of sleep a night.
Keep us posted!

So, speaking of sleep, Miss Tayva slept 12 hours last night!!!
Then, she woke up, ate, and played for an hour and went back down for a 3 hour nap! She has been so happy lately and sleeping much better so I think we''ve maybe got this allergy thing under control. Let''s hope......

Okay, gotta run, cleaning lady will be here any minute so Tayva and I are going to run errands. BBL
Tacori, just commented in SMTR, but YOWZA, your Tessa ring is *so* pretty!!!!

And Burk, what do you have coming your way, hmmmmm?? I am so happy for you guys that Tayva seems to be on the right path -- what a relief! I have no clue what''s going on with Gabe. When we start him on something new (cereal, formula, meds), he always seems to improve temporarily but then it goes right back to arching and unhappiness. He''s got his six-month visit tomorrow and then a follow-up with gastro next week, so we''ll see what they say. I really have the feeling that he''s just got to outgrow this, which stinks.

Lili, any improvement in Jadelyn''s eating? Bobo, how about your little guy?

Jackie, what does your hubby (Charlie, right?) say about his family''s behavior??! I''m kinda looking forward to when you''re postpartum and emotional b/c I want you to use that excuse to just GO OFF on them! (Did I say that out loud?) That''s when I had a little run-in with my MIL and it''s great being able to be like, "What? It''s my hormones, I can''t control it." And yep, Burk is right about not caring who sees your boobies anymore when you''re BFing. It''s like showing your wrist for an IV or something - it just gets that routine to whip ''em out.

Aww, happy eight-weeks to Jake! What a handsome guy he is, MrsS! That sleeping shot is really lovely.

Jas, honey, I''m sorry that things are so rough right now. The first three months are hard enough with adding in additional problems. I mean, some sleep deprivation is normal, but it definitely sounds like yours is extreme. Good luck at the doctor today! I hope you can come up with some solution. Have you tried accupuncture and/or massage to relax? I think those would be easier to get than a new brain
Date: 6/4/2008 2:43:23 PM
Author: ellaila

Jackie, what does your hubby (Charlie, right?) say about his family''s behavior??! I''m kinda looking forward to when you''re postpartum and emotional b/c I want you to use that excuse to just GO OFF on them! (Did I say that out loud?) That''s when I had a little run-in with my MIL and it''s great being able to be like, ''What? It''s my hormones, I can''t control it.'' And yep, Burk is right about not caring who sees your boobies anymore when you''re BFing. It''s like showing your wrist for an IV or something - it just gets that routine to whip ''em out.
Ella -- It''s complicated. Charlie has suffered from depression and some other issues that (IMO) stem from some wacko family dynamics. He just can''t (won''t/doesn''t) "see" a lot of this stuff. It''s the only way he can cope sometimes...I don''t fault him, and he has jumped to my defense in some really extreme cases, but he only has so much in reserve. He suffers a lot and doesn''t even fully realize it.

However, I am also looking forward to an "Oopsie, that''s the hormones" moment. It may happen any time now.

Question for you -- I am attending a rather formal wedding in week 32ish of my pregnancy...I am terrified of getting a dress now as I''m afraid it won''t fit in 2 months. What do you think is the EARLIEST I can go shopping for that??? (I''m just assuming my belly and butt will just be planetary at that point).


Neatfreak -- I don''t even try to justify the ice cream anymore. I just tell DH to get the hell outta my way!

To all -- I''m thinking of just practicing whipping my boobs out in public now, just to practice. I think they''d look a ton better if they weren''t currently resting on the tippy top of my abdomen (my belly is just from boobs to pelvis! Whee!)
Jen, cute belly shot...

Mrs.S, Jake is so cute~ love the sleeping pix...looks like a advertisement

Jas12, sorry to hear about your sleep problem, hope your doctor will be able to help. Not able to sleep sucks.

Burk, I'm so happy Tayva is feeling better and happy.

ellaila, Little B is doing well, we still need to put on a show for him while he take his bottle but at least he eats. He get to see his new doctor next week and get his four months vaccines. Hope this new ped is a good one, little worry about his coming up vaccination. Last time he had a fever and cried so hard after the shots it was heart breaking for DH and I to watched.

I Hope Gabe will outgrow his reflux problem soon.

Tacori, just have to say it again, love the Tessa ring.

I've been too busy at work to post and when we got home it's usually a hectic time of playing, bathing and feeding little B. we have no time to ourselves or to each other which really sucks...
Ella~Oh no!! I didn''t realize that Gabe wasn''t doing better permanently. That is EXACTLY how Tayva was....for a few days she''d do great when we did something new, then BAM back at it. So, we''d try something new and again, she''d get better usually for anywhere from 3 days to a week. What formula are you on now? Similac Alimentum ready serve has been what Tayva has done well on for the past 2 weeks. Please let me know how the doctor''s appointments go. I can totally relate and it is SOOOO heartbreaking.

Bobo~I hear ya on life with a kid being hectic. I swear, I had more time for PS when I was at that I''m home, I am either playing, feeding or trying to get my house in order. Glad Little B is eating better. I hope you like your new Pedi!!
Ella, Q, neatfreak, snlee, bobo, jackie, tacori, mrss, jas and burk -- thanks!! (you do realize i''m only 18 weeks along right? haha )

Jackie -- yay for big babies!! even bigger yay for when you finally click on the inlaws -- can''t WAIT to read *that* story
LOL about being "planetary" at 32 weeks, but then it''s probable so what can i say? I hear mumu''s are hot...haha. On a more serious note, tho, i''m assuming you don''t have to go far for the wedding? take care of those big''uns....

Tacori -- where are pics of the PP?? Do i have to look for another thread?

MrsS -- oh, he is beautiful! what great pics!

Jas -- so sorry to hear that you are having sleep probs and I hope your dr was able to help you! hang in there!

Burk -- glad to hear Tayva''s feeling better and getting some sleep!

I''m having a lot of BH''s today, which i''m becoming more and more aware of on a regular basis... hopefully they don''t mean anything. I know it can be different with twin pgs, but i won''t worry just yet. I think I''m a bit stressed b/c tomorrow is my boys'' last day of school!

LC and Burk--no, i have not always had sleep problems--i slept perfectly while pregnant. It''s a new thing and i think it''s a mix of hormones and anxiety (i''ve had some minor anxiety in the past)
The problem started the first couple of weeks of motherhood, i kept saying to myself "got to sleep--Cohen will be up to eat again soon" and trying to make myself sleep was of course counterproductive --i got over that when i realized that he would just natually wake me up, no big deal, i am not worried about him anymore so it is strange that i just can''t fall asleep at night--some nights are dreadful, some are fine so i am not sure what the problem is. My dr. does not want me on a sleep aid while BF (and ideally i don''t want to be on one either) so i just have to give it some more time and keep working on relaxing. Somehow i manage to get thru the days in a reasonably good mood.
I''ll post a bit more tomorrow (going out tonight to watch SATC since mom can watch the kid due to early bedtime), but wanted to say I''m alive!

I''m pissed off though! I posted in hangout some time ago about the neighbor''s cat and how we had a few fleas in our house but we have no pets? Well, yesterday when I was changing Amelia on the ground and put her pants back on, there was a flea on it! UGH! I was surprised since I have not gotten a bite in a few weeks (they love me) and wasn''t sure if I had just brought it in due to that darned cat who sits in front of our house!

Well, I had had it. I went over to the neighbor''s and the son (who is in his 20''s I think) was there. I asked if they had a flea problem. He said no, the cat was treated and they shampoo their carpets with flea shampoo. He said in their old apartment (they moved from another unit because it got flooded due to water heater busting) it was infested with fleas and he thinks it''s the entire building. That''s bullsh*t since I have NEVER had a flea problem until they moved in next door 3 years ago and I have lived here for 12 years! His dad is a nice guy and came home right then so I mentioned it to him. He said "Frankie" is treated and they hadn''t had a problem. Well, coincidently, Frankie was sitting right in front of us scratching his guts out! My neighbor slowly said, Hmmm...Frankie, have you got fleas? And then told me maybe he''d better treat Frankie again. That cat is a fleabag and I''ve seen him scratch for weeks. I have no idea how the neighbors can not have a flea issue when our pet free home is seeing them.

So I''ve been spending time boraxing the carpet again and had to be away from the home because I decided to set off flea bombs (I hadn''t wanted to because of Amelia previously). My mom came and opened the windows to air it out so I wouldn''t have to bring Amelia in to the smell of flea bomb fumes. I''m just going to keep vacuuming and boraxing. Hopefully this is going to nip it on the bud for the season (we go through this EVERY spring for the last 3 years) and we will be moved by next year.

I keep telling myself to be patient, continue to save our pennies and we will be able to buy a house soon.
I am glad I am not the only one with phone issues. My mom makes fun of me. If it is someone I regularly talk to I am fine. Just strangers or people I don''t know very well.

Well today I found out what it would be like to have a 3.5 year old and twins
I think I would become a drinker.
My neighbor had to take one of the twins to the doctor so I watched her other twin (5 months), Tessa, and her oldest. It was only for an hour but was tough. Lots of respect for the twin mamas.

MrsS, love Jake''s new pics. He is so cute!

lili, I still haven''t gotten my AF yet...

Jas, you are sweet. She has always been a drooler but this week....she gross. Poor baby. That is great your babies are growing so much. Every bit helps those babes. Doctors LOVE fat babies.

LC, Miller will be tall but so are his parents. I am hoping T will take after her dad not shortie me.

Jas12, thanks it turned out EXACTLY what I wanted. It is very comfortable too. Listen Jas, I can TOTALLY relate to the no sleep. Do you remember T''s newborn posts? This is what you NEED to do...let your DH feed him a bottle (formula or milk you pumped). It REALLY helps to have one feeding off. Sleep deprivation is the worst. I promise it WILL get better. T now sleeps 12-13 hours straight and naps around 3 hours a day (divided into two naps).

Q, did you see my high chair???

Burk, I think 100 people saw my boobs! I used to be modest too. Amazing how giving birth changes all of that! You are so lucky you have a cleaning lady! I am jealous. Great news on T''s sleeping. Isn''t it awesome???

Ella, thanks!!! I love it!

Bobo, put him to bed earlier so you and Mr Bobo have some time to hang out. It really helps. Love the new crazy hair.

Jen, YOU LOOK GREAT! Don''t worry. I had a lot of BHs (with my singleton) They got really bad my last tri. I bet you are stressed.

TGal, what a PITA! We had fleas once...not fun! Enjoy your night out.
Tacori - I did see the high chair. I love it. Seeing Tessa in it really gives me the perspective of the size. From online pics, the baby always look so big in the chair and I keep wondering how it can fit a 50lbs kid. Are you going to get a color pad?
Q, no I like the white (or at least I don''t like any of the other colors ENOUGH to pay for another one but know you love orange). The pad comes out for toddlers (to make more room). When I was watching a friend''s 18 month, 30 lb boy he fit in it (and LOVED it). He wanted to sit in it to watch his video. It was funny. I LOVE the tray liner. So easy. Fits perfectly in dishwasher and it comes with 2.