
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 6/5/2008 11:01:46 AM
Author: HaloAngel
I just thought of another burning question I have for Tacori E-Ring or anyone else who has advice.....sorry in advance if TMI!

Since my wedding is early next year, I thought it would be nice to finally get laser hair removal ''down there''. I am so over shaving & expensive waxing! I have done a Pricescope search on the topic & I came across a thread & discovered Tacori did the same thing before her wedding. I am also an ideal candidate with light skin & dark hair. here is the old thread:

I told a friend that I was considering it & she said that since we plan on trying for a baby after the wedding there is ''no point'' to gettiing lasered. She said the new surge of hormones while pregnant will cause the hair to come back!
I definitely dont want to spend the money if that is the lasered moms & mom-to-be please advise!

Once again, sorry if TMI....eek!
I did it years ago. I have some strays grow back but I don''t think it was because I was preggo (it had been happening a little before. So in my case, I was fine, but I do hear that other have different experiences. So if you haven''t done it yet, I''d just say wait then. On the other hand, you''ll have way less time to get it done AFTER you have a baby. I barely have time to look down there and check out what''s going on!
Date: 6/5/2008 10:54:15 AM
Author: HaloAngel
Hello Mommies & expectant Mommies!

I am an occasional lurker on this thread (your stories touch my heart & I can''t wait to be finally TTC)!

My question is courtesy of my newly pregnant sister (I''m going to be a 1st time Auntie! Wooo!):
-She is really interested in the BOB stollers, particularly the BOB Revolution. She was very active pre-preg & she plans on re-starting her passion for running as soon as she recovers from the birth. The BOB strollers seem well-suited to her lifestyle.
Anyway, her question is how do these strollers accomodate a newborn who can''t support their own head yet? Is there a way to use an infant carseat with these safely? Here is the stroller in question:

Thank you so much ladies
First, she should not be running with the baby until at least 6 months. Their necks/heads are fragile and jogging will shake them up too much.

I have the revolution and used it with my daughter starting from one week old. You don''t need the carseat adapter IF you have a 2007 model or later, as the recline is 70% and sufficient for a newborn. You would need some kind of positioner for the baby though...I use a Snuzzler and it works great for her. Again, I do not jog with the stroller at this point and highly recommend she does not either.
Qtiekiki, you look great!

Ooh Tacori, cool highchair! I couldn't get something like that would look out of place (and way too nice) for our blah apartment!

Burk, yay for rollling over! I'll bet her surprised expression is priceless!

Gemma, my back is better thanks! So is my neck, which I threw out of whack lat week. Let's hope it doesn't come in threes as everyone says it does! It's great that your BFF is so excited for you...I've heard lots of stories with responses that aren't as nice!

MsF, hope Ian is better!! And yeah....prices are coming down. It's bummer for those of you who bought now. I believe I know where you live and know they are selling much lower than they did a couple of years ago (my friend was interested in buying there). But it's a great place and awesome convenient to everything. And at least you OWN now.

Ella, happy belated bday girl! Good to hear about the great 6 month appointments. Wow, your K is petite! Amelia is coming up on 11 pounds at 2 months. At this rate, she's going to be a monster by 6 months! I'm scared, but she doesn't look overweight or anything. Just a normal healthy girl!

Diva, happy belated to you too!

Janine, I change Amelia on the floor on a towel in the living room (in her bedroom, I have the changing pad on a little IKEA cabinet.) The funny thing is that since my dad is pretty much an invalid now, my mom had all these pee/incontinence pads (the kind you will get under your bum in the hospital after you deliver) and they work GREAT. I just put them over the towel. She's already had a few accidents so it's been handy...just throw it away and don't have to wash the towel immediately.

Curly...Lily whispering sounds too cute. Kids whispering in general has gotta be a great thing!

Diver, that is a bummer about the watch. Let us know how the new one turns out! Cute pic of her teeth!

LC, Miller just looks TOO cool!

Jen, great belly shot! Definitely all belly, hehehe. I like the colors in that pic too...

MrsS, that sleeping pic of Jake is definitely frameworthy. I never can get good pics like that of Amelia.

Jackie, I've heard even with the u/s, the measurements and weights can be off, so there's no telling until they are out! I actually kinda wish I could have had that u/s to measure Amelia right before she came out because I'm curious as to what it would have said. (we were schedule for April 1 for the u/s but of course she was born that day). Remember that the doc estimated Amelia at 9 pounds? She was barely over 7...

Jas, glad you got some sleep last night! Been concerned about you...especially since you said you were a great sleeper before. The worry does keep me up if I let my mind go, but most nights I conk out before then. I try not to go to sleep "overtired"...what's good for the baby is good for mom! And you wore heels? Gosh, I can barely stand wearing running shoes...I just live in flip flops and hate shoes! Especially post preggers!!!

MrsSmitty, welcome!! Cute pics!!

Well, I flea bombed the house yesterday and my mom came by a bit earlier to air the place out. Vacuuming everyday. Seems to be good for now. The apartment manager, who I have a great relationship with, is going to have the exterminator spray all around the outside of my apartment tomorrow. She also said she is going to call animal control if that cat keeps getting out. Amelia has never been bitten, and I want to keep it that least while she is this young!

I did take some 2 month pics of Amelia but need to get them from my camera and reduce the size. Hopefully I can do them tonight or tomorrow!
Ooo...3 boys at home?
That''s a handful

Like Tacori, I get BH fairly early myself too, say around wk 14.
They weren''t painful or anything...just weird feeling.
Some people just get them and some (like TGal and Jas12 I think) don''t.
I like to think that the BH helped me in speeding up the labor and delivery
Halo Angel: I used the carseat adaptor on my double BOB (3yo son & infant daughter, it just adapted her side) but it kinda sucked. I mean it converts to a snack tray later...very expensive snack tray. And Tgal is right, she can''t jog with her baby until 6 mos..but she can power walk, I did...from the very beginning, but it was no different than a regular walk, just quicker.

If I had to do it all over again, I''d get a Snap-n-go like Tacori gushes endlessly on about. My daughter was OUT of her infant carseat by 5 months she was so GINORMOUS.

And if she does use the carseat with the Bob & adaptor, do NOT get a Graco Infant carseat. Research which other ones can go with the BOB adaptor, but I will tell you, the Graco snugride does not sit nicely in the Bob adaptor at all. Safe wasn''t going anywhere, but it was all cockeyed and never stayed straight, so she''d be pitched forward all goofy.


Just saw your PP.
It''s to die for.
I love the engraving.
Tessa is one lucky girl

And lucky you for not having AF yet.
I thought that I would have at least a few months break since I''m BFing.
Date: 6/5/2008 1:43:34 AM
Author: Bobo ^__*
As for his crazy hair, I told DH that it look like hair implant went bad
because the hair is long but not thick enough to cover up the scalp. We blow dry it down everynight after bath but by the time the hair is dry it''s all standing up.

Ha, I think the blow dryer makes it worse.
DH thought that it would help and decided to break out the dryer yesterday.
Her hair stick up higher than before.
I guess before, some of them get encouraged by my hand matting them down.

He, little B is such a cutie.
Love his chubby little cheeks and those marble eyes.

Tacori, I might go ahead and take the BFing class since it is only $25 and 2.5 hours. It will probably depend on how tired I get of taking classes. What is up with temperamental photographers?

Ella and Jess, happy belated birthday.

Pave, hope you enjoyed your time in Palm Desert. How was the tram?

Curly, Lily sounds like a lot of fun. I love your description of your conversations.

Diver, bummer about the ebay watch – hope the next one is much better. Love your mommy necklace, though. D looks so cute in her latest pic.

Burk, glad to hear T is doing better. Hopefully the allergist will help her do ever better. Yay for 12 hours of sleep.

LitChick, Miller looks fly with his hoodie and bling. What a big guy he is getting to be.

Jen, you look great – awesome twin belly.

Snlee, your DH is such a sweetie for giving you regular massages. So far the only person who has asked if I am pregnant is the lady at the spa who massaged me. I am still feeling more chubby than pregnant. My regular clothes are too tight, but maternity clothes don’t fit right either. I’m at a loss re what to wear to work.

Lili, sorry about AF. I was in Costco over the weekend and thought how weird it was not to be buying feminine products.

MrsS, happy 8 weeks to Jake! That sleeping pic of him is beautiful.

Jas, ROFL over the nurse’s “dance of joy” over urine – woman has a serious screw loose.

I can’t believe your SIL “hired” the LC for you. When we had the u/s last week, I kept think our girl looked like Skeletor too. I don’t think the tech was amused by my comments.

Jas12, I have had insomnia for years and know it is miserable lying there thinking about how tired you are. 1 hour per night is really extreme. Anxiety can make your mind race when you are supposed to sleep. I’m glad you had a better night. Keep up with the acupuncture or whatever helps you relax.

Bobo, hope you like the new ped.

Tgal, ick on the fleas. What a PITA to deal with when you don’t even have pets. Glad to hear the apt manager is have an exterminator over to spray the outside. Maybe they should spray inside your place too. One of the benefits of renting is that the owner should deal with infestations.

Mrs. Smitty, welcome to the thread!

Brayden is adorable.

Ella, happy 6-month B-day to G and K!

I met with my OB yesterday. The Dr. who did the u/s did not send over his report yet, so I had to tell the OB about the placenta previa. He did a u/s, but the in-office machine is not as sophisticated. He couldn’t tell for sure how bad the previa is. He said it is unlikely I would start bleeding and have to deliver at 26-28 weeks, but if I did it would not be good to be in a foreign country. My hospital has a dept that specializes in high-risk pregnancies, preemies, etc. so it is safer to be here. I am very depressed about having to cancel the trip. I am having another u/s 1 week before the trip and hope the placenta moves up higher by then, otherwise we will have to cancel. I was so looking forward to strolling through Paris and enjoying the food!


I am just past the 21-week mark – it’s hard to believe how soon she will be here. I must get shopping done soon, especially in case I might have to go on bed rest. I have just been too busy dealing with work and other things. I’ve been feeling pretty healthy, but minor annoyances are starting to get me. I am starting to feel like our couch and chairs are too low, at least when I have to get up. I have been feeling rib pain too (just a few inches below my breasts) – I guess it’s because of stretching? I’m starting to get uncomfortable sleeping, and not just because I have to pee constantly.

I’ve read about using pillows, but don’t know what kind/size to get. Any recommendations? Also, any recommendations on creams/oils to try to avoid stretch marks? I tried natural cocoa butter, but it is such a pain to use.

Is there a certain point when food cravings and hunger kick in? I am back to eating normally since m/s passed, but have not been feeling any hungrier than pre-pregnancy. Other than wanting sweets more than normal, I have not had any crazy cravings yet.
Date: 6/3/2008 6:41:42 PM
Author: snlee

Date: 6/3/2008 6:34:59 PM
Author: lili

Date: 6/3/2008 5:57:47 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Burk, I am glad someone else can understand my phone issues
I''ve ALWAYS been like this. I even hate calling for take-out.
Ha, same here.
DH could not understand why that is.
LOL! I guess lots of people are like that. I prefer email over phone any day! DH hates the phone and always has.
I hate calling people too. DH and I argue over who will call a store to deal with a problem, call for reservations, etc. I much prefer e-mail.
ella, happy 6 months to G and K! I can't believe it's been that long! Yay for healthy babies!

Update for me - I've been feeling baby movements more regularly now - it's so exciting! I'm able to feel movements from the outside too!
I look like a big weirdo sitting around with my hand near my crotch but I don't care!
And DH was able to feel the baby too! Yesterday morning our little boy was moving around a lot and he was able to feel the movements many times in a few minutes. It was so exciting!
Mrs. Smitty, your son is sooo cute!!

Bobo, I love your avatar, love the hair on your little one, way too cute!
Happy 6-month to G and K

Wow, G is a good 3 lbs heavier than lil MsK.
She''s a tiny thing.
Like Amelia, Jadie is approaching 11 lbs for her 2 month.
She''s got that double chin going already.
I hope it is just baby fat.

Jadie is eating well....
but she''s still got her episodes of spit up.
I''ll bring it up with her pedi on her next appt.
Date: 6/5/2008 3:56:58 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Her day is like this:

7am: wakes up gets an 8 oz bottle with rice
9am: morning nap
11:00am: wakes up gets a fruit and veggie. Followed with a bottle.
2pm: (around then it is loose) afternoon nap.
4pm: (usually 1.5-2 hours) wakes up gets a fruit and veggie. Followed with a bottle.
7pm: 8oz bottle with rice and bed

That looks like a nice schedule...especially the from the last bottle to the first


At what age will your little one start feeding and sleeping more to a schedule?
Date: 6/5/2008 5:35:05 PM
Author: snlee
Update for me - I''ve been feeling baby movements more regularly now - it''s so exciting! I''m able to feel movements from the outside too!
I look like a big weirdo sitting around with my hand near my crotch but I don''t care!
And DH was able to feel the baby too! Yesterday morning our little boy was moving around a lot and he was able to feel the movements many times in a few minutes. It was so exciting!

You are doing what TGal coined "the Al Bundy" move huh?
Yeah, the movements are so fun.
Pretty soon, you will not only feel like more consistently, but you''ll see your little boy move.
Oopps...congrats and welcome to MrsSmitty.
Brayden is a doll.
He''s got lots of hair too!
Tacori & Burk, little B takes about 5.5 ~ 6 oz each feeding. We''re scare to give him more because he will spit up a little after each feeding when we burp him. I''m gonna try to bath him and put him to bed today at around 9 pm today to see what happen. Maybe just give him 4 oz instead of 6 oz since he previous feeding will be at around 6:30 ~ 7 pm.

Thanks Skppy & Kay
Tgal~Glad to hear your landlord is helping out with the flea situation. Can''t wait to see the pics of Miss Amelia!

Kay~Thanks! Sorry to hear you may have to cancel your trip. I hope it moves!!! I know lots of women who had body pillows and loved them! They have them on babycenter. I just used regular pillows, and lots of them!

snlee~Hurray for movements!! Tayva was sooo wiggly. She hardly ever settled down....and she''s still like that! awake...bbl
snlee, aren't those baby movements the best. So glad your DH got to feel your little boy too!!

Tgal, glad the landlord is helping with your flea probelm, thank goodness for that. Can't wait to see pics of Miss Amelia, bet she has grown a lot since the last pics.

Kay, I hope all goes well with you. I had a friend who had previa, she had to be on bed rest towards the end of her pregnancy but all was fine.
Ella: Happy Birthday to you and the twins! Time

Snlee: That is SO SO exciting I am so jealous...I want to feel something besides tubby over here.

Jen: I don't know if I said this before, but girl you look GREAT!

Smitty: Welcome!!! Glad to have you, this is a great group here, they've been so wonderful to me so far, I'm sure you'll love it!

Jas: I am so glad you got some sleep. I have anxiety that often affects my sleep, so I'm used to it, but it really sucks. Hope that it's a fleeting thing for you!

Kay: We'll be thinking of you here! As a twin momma I'm potentially facing bedrest too, so I understand the fear.

TGal: So glad that the fleas will hopefully be retreating for you soon. That would annoy me to no end, I can't believe they tried to deny it with the cat right there scratching away. Lol.

General question to did you diffuse the desire to start stocking up on baby stuff? DH thinks I'm nuts (but we are total opposites, I'm a planner and he's a procrastinator), but I've been researching and bookmarking like crazy. And If I see something on sale that we need, I feel compelled to buy it. But realistically I know we won't need this stuff until December. Did you all go with the urge or resist??? Mostly we're talking practical things here, because my thought process is that things will only get more expensive so if I find a sale now on something I know we want, we should get it now. Also hoping to diffuse the costs over a few months so it doesn't feel like we're spending so much at once.
Lili--Cohen usually wakes up around 2:30am (he goes to bed around 8:30 or 9) and then again at 5:30ish. He then sleeps till around 7:30 or 8 --i play with him a bit and then try to put him down for his morning nap as soon as he shows signs of sleepiness (if he has a good AM nap i am now starting to get him to to nap a little more thru the day) What does J''s day look like now?

Bobo-- Unless you are really worried about relux, i think you can keep the evening bottle amounts the same. i ''cluster feed'' Cohen in the evenings (meaning i feed at 4:30, 7pm and then at 8:30) i read about that technique in the Baby Whisperer book and it works for me--just gives the baby a few extra calories prior to bed so they hopefully go longer in the night. During the day i nurse about every 3 hours.

Neatfreak--i bought a lot of stuff early on--the way i justified it is by ''absorbing the cost'' so instead of having to buy it all at once, just get a little at a time and it won''t seem so expensive. Some moms on here admitted to not wanting to buy stuff too early (in case the unmentionable happens) but i didn''t feel that way.


I am taking Cohen to visit my sister this weekend (and to see a concert and do a little shopping

i am hoping he''ll want to sleep during the 4 hr drive! I can''t believe how much stuff i need for one night--my sister''s one-bedroom condo is going to be transformed into a giant nursery
Bobo~T takes a big (8-9oz) bottle her first morning feeding and her feeding before bed. Her other bottles are usually 6ish oz. But, we feed her every three hours. Maybe if you move his feeding closer, you'll still have that last feeding in there without it having to be at 10pm? And also, some nights, it just works out that T's feeding is at 4:30 and then bed time feeding at 6:30 and she never has a problem downing her big bottle. I know you worry about little B's spiting up, but T has reflux and seems to do well with this schedule. Hope tonight goes well!

neatfreak~We waited to get stuff until we knew the sex of the baby. My MIL got some general stuff (wash clothes, ect) early on, but I didn't buy much until after 20 weeks....then the flood gates were opened.....

Jas12~Have a great weekend with your sister! I'm sure Cohen will be a terrific travel partner!

So, I'm sure Tayva is going to hate me some day for doing this...but I HAVE to post this picture of her. It's her latest favorite facial expression. My child is crazy, I tell ya!

I don''t have a lot of time but wanted to say to snlee congrats on the boy. I have my 2 girls but must admit that my little Jake has captured my heart in a way that is different than I expected. especially since I love being a girl mommy. I think you are just going to fall in love with your little, we do need some more boy mommies around here

burk--love the pic of Tayva...she''s adorable.

tgal- sorry about the fleas
i''ve got my dog and am paranoid about fleas that I treat her monthly year round. she likes to sleep on my girls beds and fleas and kids beds just don''t mix
i hope the bomb works for you...

jas12- i hope youget another night of sleep...
lili, have I told you I love your avatar? She looks positively angelic! and J looks pretty little...I think 11 lbs sounds good for 2 months, doncha think?
Plus I LOVE the little double chin on babies. It will go away later when they stretch out. Amelia doesn't even have a neck right now and when I stretch out her neck to see it (for her PT exercises), it's so scrawny, it seems like it will NEVER hold up her giant noggin!

Kay, if the fleas persist, I am going to insist that the manager do something about it. However, I want to stay away from too many chemicals in the apartment right now with the little one.

snlee...yup, you're doing the Al Bundy! I was definitely doing that too...I just loved trying to feel the baby and didn't care if people thought I was trying to feel something else!

Tacori, Amelia is following a very similar schedule to Tessa right now, except that she has that middle of the night feeding. I've been getting some flack from my friends who are wondering why I'd put her down at 7 pm because then I can't go out anywhere. I'm like, hello! It's BETTER this way! I can put her down and then go out WITHOUT her (god bless my mom) and not have to come back by 8 or 9 to put her down to sleep. My mom goes to sleep at midnight so we can easily come home at around 10 or so without putting her out too much. I do feel bad asking her though...only because when I come back, something has been cleaned up! Yesterday she got the kitchen sink sparkling...I'm thinking, that's wonderful mom, but you are not my maid!!!

neatfreak, I didn't buy much at all before the baby was born, but that's because I was super lazy. If you see good deals, buy it! I bought the BOB during the holidays when I was in Oz. It also helped that I didn't know the I didn't buy clothes and stuff. And seriously, don't buy clothes. I had nothing when she was born and oh my god...once people found out the sex, I got waaay too much stuff. Of course it's all newborn or 3-6 months...poor thing is going to be naked when she turns 7 months!

Jas, I went to my friend's house for one night last week. You should have seen my was ridiculous. As new moms, we don't know what we'll need, so we bring the whole darn house! I brought a pack and play but didn't use it. I really wasn't crazy about using it because it seems like I'd blow out my back again lifting her out. So I just bought the peapod by Kidco. I'll let you know what I think of it, but I LOVE the idea of a bed that only weighs 4 pounds and that I can easily pack in a bag.

and the youtube video demo:

If it's any good, I'll post it in the baby finds thread.

Amelia is already taking 5 oz a feeding. It's scary. But the doc told me to space out her feedings to every 4-5 hours so she wouldn't expect to be fed so often, plus he said it may cause her not to sleep for long periods at night. Well, she's doing great at night, so I figure I don't want to mess with it and will follow his advice. He said 4-5 oz per feeding, but I only feed her 5 times a day now (down from 10!!) so I need to give her 5 in order to get her at least 25oz a day. I can't believe only a week and a half ago I was giving her only 3 oz...but she was definitely getting mad after the food was gone.

ETA Burk, great expression that she has! hehehe. I wonder if PS will be around when our kids will be old enough to surf the net and see all these pics of themselves posted for the world to see!!
Date: 6/5/2008 6:50:45 PM
Author: lili

Date: 6/5/2008 5:35:05 PM
Author: snlee
Update for me - I''ve been feeling baby movements more regularly now - it''s so exciting! I''m able to feel movements from the outside too!
I look like a big weirdo sitting around with my hand near my crotch but I don''t care!
And DH was able to feel the baby too! Yesterday morning our little boy was moving around a lot and he was able to feel the movements many times in a few minutes. It was so exciting!

You are doing what TGal coined ''the Al Bundy'' move huh?
Yeah, the movements are so fun.
Pretty soon, you will not only feel like more consistently, but you''ll see your little boy move.
LOL re the "Al Bundy." Snlee, when did you start feeling movements? I haven''t felt anything yet (at least that I recognized). I thought it was too early still, but I guess not. She moves around so much when you have a u/s, so it''s funny I don''t feel anything. I guess I''ll have to start doing the Al Bundy too.

Burk, love the new pic of Tayva.

Tgal, I hear you on the chemicals. We are trying to slowly transition to more eco-friendly cleaning products as we run out of stuff.
Gotta love the Al Bundy move!

Kay, I started feeling slight movements around 16 weeks. I wasn't positive until 18 weeks, when it got stronger. At 20 weeks, I'm able to feel the baby's movements from the outside and the movements happen very frequently. I'm actually surprised I was able to feel anything this early, as my last u/s revealed I have an anterior placenta and the little bugger wasn't moving around much at all! We'll see how he acts during my follow-up u/s in a week. If you haven't felt anything yet, don't worry. I'm sure it'll happen soon!
Yah Snlee on a little boy!!! I agree with MrsS about how awesome it is to have a little boy. I wanted a girl deep down, and I was a bit disappointed when the ultrasound tech said it was a boy. Now, I can''t imagine it any other way. I love being a mommy to a boy! The moment he was born, I called him my "little prince" and he has been ever since. It is really awesome.

Bucket/infant seats. I spent way too much on that whole system. Miller grew out of his by 4 months (yes that''s right). He is a tall boy, so he grew out of it for length. We have had the Britax carseat since then and love it. Also, I got rid of my whole "travel system" stroller with the bucket long ago, and when we do use a stroller (which is never for me and about once a week for the nanny), we use the little travel stroller. When we go for walks, I take his radio-flyer wagon - he likes to ride and it can store way more stuff than the stroller (ie. a least 3 cases of beer!!!).

Thanks for all the comments on Miller - he''s pimpin'' in his hoody and bling (a gag gift from his 1st birthday party - he wears it to parties and otherwise, it is on Winnie the Pooh). He looks more like a 3 (or 4) year old, and not a 2 year old. My doc called him a "saint bernard puppy". I think that is kind of cute!!!
just a quick post to say HI to everyone! sorry i''ve been so MIA...things have been super crazy...
i have definitely been following along the thread as a lurker and have loved hearing everything that''s going on with all you wonderful mommies...and especially seeing the pics!!

my big u/s is in a couple hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then we are off to hawaii (the island of lanai) for 6 days and then to LA so i can be with my parents for my (
) 30th bday next friday. sooo excited to take a week of vacation!! DH and i have spent this year living in different cities while i finish up my residency and this is the first time that we will have spent over a week together in a year!! we are celebrating my graduation and moving back in together, my bday, AND our 1 year anniversary which was on tuesday. soo many happy things going on!

anyway, sorry for my INCREDIBLY ego-centric post.
don''t know when i''ll be back again, but will try to update on the baby''s sex soon!!
i am 99.9% sure it''s a boy (btw...congrats snlee!!!), so if they say girl i will be SHOCKED.

happy friday everyone...hope you all have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!
(always wanted to try the rainbow emoticon)
Kay, I hope you are doing okay. Sorry about your trip! I know this probably won''t make you feel better but my brother was born at 28 weeks and he is a healthy, normal *almost* 22 year old. But hopefully that will not happen. Stretch marks are genetic. No magic creams. BTW, are you the one getting the espresso urban? If so I just got great nightstands at Target that match perfectly.

snlee, yay for feeling movement! That is the ONLY part of pregnancy I miss.

lili, remember YOU are in control not her.

Bobo, T spits too. It''s fine as long as they aren''t in pain. But she is also at the age that she will STOP eating/drinking if she is full.

Jas12, I bet he DOES sleep the whole way. Have fun!

Burk, Tayva is so cute!

TGal, the 7-7 really works for her (though I don''t like getting up so early...oh well). A is still little. T JUST cut out the middle of the night feeding last month.

LIA, good luck on the u/s!
BTW, I am taking her to get her photo taken at 1 pm! She JUST went down for a nap though. It is like she KNEW something was planned and wanted to derail me. Also I wanted to share a little tip. We went to a friend''s house last night for a party. Silly us should have brought our p''np (another kid was using theirs). Light bulb went off...we put her in their garden tub (lined with thick blankets) worked out perfectly! And she looked SOOO darn cute sleeping in the tub. We should have taken a picture.
Thanks MrsS and LC! I love hearing from boy mommies, especially with all the girl mommies on here!

LIA, good luck on the big u/s! Thanks for the congrats! Can't wait to hear if you're having a boy too! Happy birthday, happy anniversary, and have a great trip! I hope you and DH enjoy your time together! How exciting! So much going on!