
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Mrs. Salvo, Jake is adorable!!! So darling!
I love your highchair, boy have things changed since I had my babies.

Fleas are the worst
I hope you enjoy your night out!!!
Tgal--glad you checked in. Fleas Bite! (sorry, bad joke
) yuck, tell your neighbours to get that mangy cat cleared up!
Enjoy SATC! I saw it on opening night. Charlie surprised me with a date night--and my inlaws came to watch Cohen (Luckily i had some pumped milk in the freezer!) It was really fun. I wore heels for the first time since becoming preggo.

Tacori--i am going to show Charlie your ring. I am not a fan of blue and i don;t think boys are as keen on getting jewlery passed down to them so i am not in need of a PP right now, but since i do like pink if i ever do have a girl i''ll all of a sudden feel really entitled to a little something

Thanks for the vote of confidence on the sleep front. I do remember your posts--i should go back and re-read them for comfort hehe. As for getting Charlie to feed Cohen, i''ve considered it, but he works hard-labor and really long days so i would feel bad for him, plus i think i would get really engorged overnight. Above all that i think this is something that is more about me than him--i''ve gotta work on understanding what is keeping me up/worried all night
Kaleigh, cool huh?

Jas12, you could get a diamond band for Co. Give it to his daughter (if he has one). Or his wife if you like her
You will get engorged but your body adjusted after a few days and gets used to one less feeding. Maybe he could do it on the weekend? Maybe someone could give him a bottle during the day while you nap? Honestly you need HELP! Trust me. I knew it was bad when DH came home from work and I was a crying mess. I was SOOOO tired and wasn''t doing Tessa or me any good. One less feeding helped so much. Just think about it.
Jas~I was the same way the first couple weeks. The only time I would sleep was in the evenings when my husband was home and was watching T. I have been around babies my whole life and I still don''t know why I couldn''t just relax and sleep...I just laid in bed thinking of anything and everything that could go wrong, checking to make sure she was breathing, ect. I was a mess. I agree with Tacori, get your husband (or anyone else) to take over one feeding. And, we moved her into her own room partially for my sanity. I was able to sleep a lot better without her right there for me to check and hear her every move. I hope you are able to find a way to get some sleep. I feel for you!

Tgal~Good to *see* you! Sorry about the fleas. Our dog got them from my in-laws dog and it was miserable getting them out of the house. I was preggo at the time and I was not happy to be big as a house AND itchy! Good luck!

Tacori~sounds like you had your hands full today! Yep, boobs were out for everyone to see. Giving birth is NOT pretty....on so many levels!
We have a cleaning lady because I''m allergic to dust. Really. How rediculous is that? I''ve been a ton better since I was pregnant and had T, but it used to be pretty bad. Soooo nice to have a baby that sleeps 12 hours. Not that I''m thinking it''ll happen again tonight, but last night was amazing and now we know she can.

Question for mommies: how much cereal did you feed your 4.5 mo old? I always read to go by your baby....they will let you know. T has always let me know when she''s had enough (turns her head, ect) but in the past week she has found a new love for cereal. The girl is crazy. She lunges into the spoon, practically falling out of the Bumbo. I had to refill the bowl 3 times tonight and I think she would have kept eating if I made more?!?!

Tgal, sorry to hear about the flea problem. My dog use Advantage and we don''t have flea problem at all, maybe you can pass this info. on?

Tacori, I wish little B will go to bed early. Usually he''ll stay up until 10:30 for his last feeding. We can see he is super tire and fussy but he just won''t go to sleep until he is bathe and take that last bottle. As for his crazy hair, I told DH that it look like hair implant went bad

because the hair is long but not thick enough to cover up the scalp. We blow dry it down everynight after bath but by the time the hair is dry it''s all standing up.

There have been some super cute baby pics, again! How did we all end up with such cute babies?

sk8rjen- you look great! I so wish i would have had a cute preggo belly.

tgal- agghhhh! the fleas, i would be so pissed off! prices are finally coming down in the south bay, maybe you will be able to get a place soon! i sure wish we would have waited till now. we could have gotten a tall and skinny in hermosa for what we paid here!

I went to listen to Dr Karp tonight up in Pacific Palisades. He is the happiest baby on the block guy, he was giving his happiest toddler on the block speech. Scared me to death! I didnt think about this little guy turning into a temper tantrum toddler. My friends and I looked at eachother during the Q&A like, what is coming? screaming, biting, fits...I totally bought the video.
Date: 6/5/2008 1:43:34 AM
Author: Bobo ^__*

Tgal, sorry to hear about the flea problem. My dog use Advantage and we don''t have flea problem at all, maybe you can pass this info. on?

Tacori, I wish little B will go to bed early. Usually he''ll stay up until 10:30 for his last feeding. We can see he is super tire and fussy but he just won''t go to sleep until he is bathe and take that last bottle. As for his crazy hair, I told DH that it look like hair implant went bad

because the hair is long but not thick enough to cover up the scalp. We blow dry it down everynight after bath but by the time the hair is dry it''s all standing up.

Just reading for now so I can post more tomorrow (so much to comment on!) but I have to say, this cracked me up. Babies'' hair is so funny...I think Amelia''s is the same as little B''s!

I already posted this in the "Preggos in Waiting List" thread, but realized I should have posted it here. Sorry for the repeat. I''m still learning...

Hi, I am fairly new to the forum so I am late posting my son''s birth information on here. Brayden was born on 12/14/07, weighing in at 5 lbs. 15 oz. His due date was 12/31/07, but my water broke on the 13th. On the morning of the 14th, I had to have an emergency c-section because they lost his heartbeat.

Here is a picture of my little one...

And here is a more recent picture...

hello ladies!! hows everyone doing....

loooooooooove all the new baby pics!!! is it weird that i feel like i really know these babies even though ive never met you or them in real life?? heheh..i guess this is the beauty of the PS community!

Tacori: LOOOVE ur PP!!! it was definitely worth the wait :)

love all the belly shots! u ladies have such 'neat' preggo bellies!!

Hurray to all the various milestones!! (crawling, turning over, teething (which is a horrible process they go thru, but too cute when they have tiny teeth when they smile)...

ETA: MrsSmitty-thats such a cute pic!! welcome to the thread :)
Burk, my T was never a fan of the rice so I sneak it in her bottle.

Bobo, you need to put him down at FIRST signs of being tired (yawning, rubbing eyes). Sounds like he is getting OVER tired and so it is harder for him to sleep. We did the same thing with T and once we started putting her to bed earlier (between 7-8) it was like we got a new happier baby (and parents). You might have to adjust his bedtime 15-30 mins earlier until you get the desired time (very a period of a few days per adjustment). Give him his bath at 6. I love his crazy hair. SO cute!

MsF, love Dr Karp. His advice is the only reason we got through the "fourth trimester" alive. You will have to let me know what his advice is for handling toddlers.

Mrs. Smitty, congrats and welcome! He is ADORABLE! T sleeps like that too. I love it.

msb, thanks
I wonder if I started a new trend?!?
Date: 6/4/2008 9:53:08 PM
Author: Jas12
Tgal--glad you checked in. Fleas Bite! (sorry, bad joke
) yuck, tell your neighbours to get that mangy cat cleared up!
Enjoy SATC! I saw it on opening night. Charlie surprised me with a date night--and my inlaws came to watch Cohen (Luckily i had some pumped milk in the freezer!) It was really fun. I wore heels for the first time since becoming preggo.

Tacori--i am going to show Charlie your ring. I am not a fan of blue and i don;t think boys are as keen on getting jewlery passed down to them so i am not in need of a PP right now, but since i do like pink if i ever do have a girl i''ll all of a sudden feel really entitled to a little something

Thanks for the vote of confidence on the sleep front. I do remember your posts--i should go back and re-read them for comfort hehe. As for getting Charlie to feed Cohen, i''ve considered it, but he works hard-labor and really long days so i would feel bad for him, plus i think i would get really engorged overnight. Above all that i think this is something that is more about me than him--i''ve gotta work on understanding what is keeping me up/worried all night
Jas12, ya gotta get a push present!!! The idea is not necessarily to hand it down, but to reward yourself for pushing! Mine is a 3 stone asscher ring, and I don''t really know what will become of it in the future (Miller''s wife/daughter), but I enjoy it now and it reminds me of my precious boy!
Thank you to everyone who recommended dopplers! I found a couple nice looking 3hz (?) choices for rent on, so now I have to decide whether or not I want to shell out the extra $$$ for the digital readout. With a digital display, the cost almost doubles! But is it worth it?
LC--i saw your 3 stone beauty, that is some PP, i was swooning over it!--we could never afford something like that now ( i think i am a low SES PSer compared to most of you gals and threw all our crazy spending into my e-ring) i was just happy to get a T & Co locket for mother''s day

However, I hoping for a pair of diamond earrings one day ...DH saw what i went thru that night and day drug free and i think he is still in awe/shock, so i''ll never let him forget it!

I slept fairly well last night!!
One of the first nights i went to sleep and didn''t feel anxious for hours (or the whole night) before falling asleep--i am hoping this wasn''t just a fluke and it''s lifting--so knock on some wood for me everyone *knock knock*

off to an acupuncture appnt (something about tiny needles all over my body is relaxing to me)
Jas~Hurray for sleep!!

Bobo~ I agree w/ Tacori, Little B is probably over tired. Maybe trye to move his bath/night time routine up. Even if Tayva had her last feed close to her bed time feeding, she will still eat. She knows the routine and is typically asleep by 7 or 7:30. Lately it''s been 6:30 because she''s been so tired and I refuse to wait because then she''ll get fussy and over tired and be a bear. Worth trying.

Mrs. Smitty~Welcome!! I was a late comer as well. Your litte one is so cute!

Tacori~T didn''t like it at first, but I kept trying every couple days because I wanted her to learn to eat from a spoon and all of a sudden one night she was all about it.

Okay...I''m off to start a thread in SMTR......
Hello Mommies & expectant Mommies!

I am an occasional lurker on this thread (your stories touch my heart & I can''t wait to be finally TTC)!

My question is courtesy of my newly pregnant sister (I''m going to be a 1st time Auntie! Wooo!):
-She is really interested in the BOB stollers, particularly the BOB Revolution. She was very active pre-preg & she plans on re-starting her passion for running as soon as she recovers from the birth. The BOB strollers seem well-suited to her lifestyle.
Anyway, her question is how do these strollers accomodate a newborn who can''t support their own head yet? Is there a way to use an infant carseat with these safely? Here is the stroller in question:

Thank you so much ladies
I just thought of another burning question I have for Tacori E-Ring or anyone else who has advice.....sorry in advance if TMI!

Since my wedding is early next year, I thought it would be nice to finally get laser hair removal "down there". I am so over shaving & expensive waxing! I have done a Pricescope search on the topic & I came across a thread & discovered Tacori did the same thing before her wedding. I am also an ideal candidate with light skin & dark hair. here is the old thread:

I told a friend that I was considering it & she said that since we plan on trying for a baby after the wedding there is "no point" to gettiing lasered. She said the new surge of hormones while pregnant will cause the hair to come back!
I definitely dont want to spend the money if that is the lasered moms & mom-to-be please advise!

Once again, sorry if TMI....eek!
msb700, Tacori & Burk - thank you! He''s my pride & joy. I know that sounds cliche, but it is so true.

Is this where we share stories? If so, I will post about Brayden being wide awake at 3:30 this morning. Since I was up until after midnight on PS, 3:30 came very early to me. Are any of you other mothers out there getting woken up at such awful hours? He didn''t go back to sleep until after 5.....argh!

Needless to say, I am a tad bit on the grumpy side today. LOL.

Thanks again for the warm welcome. I have turned into a PS addict!
Welcome Mrs Smitty. Brayden is adorable!!!
Welcome Mrs. Smitty! The first picture of Brayden brought tears to my eyes! What a precious picture! He''s adorable!
Welcome MrsSmitty! Brayden is such a doll - I loves me some happy babies. Sorry your delivery was so scary, but you''ve got a beautiful little guy there to show for it!

TGal, eeeek and ewwww about the fleas. That sucks big time. Good luck getting that situation fixed pronto! Any new pics of Amelia?? I was looking through old posts today and saw her newborn pics and they made me smile

Burk, I think as long as you''re not replacing any formula feedings with cereal then Tayva is free to eat as much as she wants! Just as long as she''s still getting 24-32 oz. of formula in her (I think that''s the amount - or maybe it even goes up to 40 oz?) a day, then she''s good. Nice to see her wanting to gobble up loads of food, isn''t it??

Bobo, little B''s hair is awesome. Just awesome. I think he and Jadelyn need to get together and do some hair photo shoots!

MsF, I am SO not thinking ahead to the crazy toddler years ... lalallalalla, I don''t hear you ...

Jas, congrats on sleep! Do you feel like a new woman or what? I am defininitely knocking on wood for you that it happens again! And I find acupuncture so relaxing too.

HaloAngel, BOB sells an infant carseat adapter to work with the stroller. I think TGal and Diver both have them so maybe they could tell you more about them ... Congrats on being a soon-to-be Auntie!

So today is G & K''s SIX-MONTH birthday!! They had their doc visit today and got more vaccines. Boooo. G weights 17 lbs, 1 oz and is (I think) 25.5 inches tall, and K weights 13 lbs, 14 oz and is 25 inches tall. He''s 50th percentile for both height and weight, so he''s just perfect! K is obviously still pretty petite - 12th percentile for weight and 25th for height. But that''s OK - she''s totally healthy but just a wee thing. All in all a good visit!
Ella~6 months! Already. Everyone told me they grow up too fast and I just thought ah whatever, but they really do grow up too fast! What''s the story with Gabe lately? Is he eating better? Thanks for the thoughts on cereal. I kept making more and feeding it to her....I am just so happy she has a new found love for the stuff! And, I think it may be helping with her sleep....

Mrs. Smity~Sorry Brayden didn''t want to sleep last night. We can all relate to sleepless nights! Does he normally wake at night or is this rare?
That pix of Jake sleeping looks like a page out of a magazine.
I agree with the others in framing it.
So precious.
Can you believe that it''s almost 2 months already?
Where did all the time go?
Our babies are growing too fast!

Sounds like you and family (particularly Jake) had a relaxing time in FL.

About AF, I was hoping that she''d leave me alone for at least 6 months

Well, at least I got a 9-month break.
You always have some funny in-law stories to tell

And I love the way to tell it too.

Anyway, yay for big healthy babies.
You (and all the twinsy preggos) are so lucky for the many u/s you get.
You basically get to see your little ones grow in utero.
Oh, you can thank TGal for the term SKELETOR for those full-face shot.

Wow, 37-in for 2?
Lucky kid to have tall genes.

Yay for the 12-hr sleep.
That''s great to see Tayva happy again.
Sorry that you've been having sleep problems.
Yay for a decent night sleep last night.
Hope this is the beginning of some more routine sleep.

How often is Co waking up at night to feed?
Is he still sleeping in the same room as you?
My lactation nurse said that babies tend to wake up more when they sense the mom is in the room.

Yikes about the flea.
Hope all the bug bomb works.
I can only imagine how irritated it is for Amelia with the bites.
Halo, honestly I should have gotten another BK band instead
I do have probably 75% hair loss in some places but I still have to shave. Shaving a few hairs is pretty much the same as shaving more. It is expensive and painful! I would wait until after you have kids for sure b/c pregnancy wakes up some sleeping hair folicles for sure!

Burk, she LOVES solids so I am not worried about it. I gave her green beans today for the first time (preparing for the usual gag, spit, faces, shaking of head like she always done when she tries a new veggie) so LOVED them! So weird. So she had a mean of green beans and pears.

MrsSmitty, (we are going to have to come up with a nickname for you as MrsS is already taken...hmmmm....maybe just Smitty) It is not cliche. DD is my entire world. I never knew I could love this way. Hope B sleeps better tonight.

Ella, yeah to K&G''s 1/2 b-day! Are you going to give them solids today? K is a little thing. But as a petite girl it can be helpful sometimes
Mrs.Smitty, Brayden is so cute~ full head of hair...

Burk & Tacori, right now his eating schedule is 6:30 am. 10:30 am (sometime 11 am if he refuse to get up from his nap) 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm and last one at 10:30 pm. Should we just bath him and put him to bed after the 6:30 pm feeding? But that means he only get 4 feedings a day...

Plus we don''t get home until 8 pm because we pick him up at MIL house and feed him there for his 6:30 pm feeding and we go and have dinner or take out home by the time we''re all settle down it''s 8 or 9 pm.

DH is afraid if we put him down too early he''ll wake up in the middle of night. Right now he wake up at around 6 or 6:30 am

Jas12, knocking on wood for you...

ellaila, Jadelyn have lot more hair than little B. I think we''ll shave his head once the weather start to get really hot.

Happy B-day to G & K!!
Bobo, Can you move up his last feeding to 9-9:30? Tessa only has 4 eight oz bottles a day. Otherwise try increasing the remaining bottles each an oz so you can drop the last feeding. T goes from 7-7 (give or take 30 mins here and there). Healthy sleep habits suggest a 7 pm bedtime. It just worked out that that worked for her. We were keeping her up until she crashed before...bad idea. I would just try it. You might be surprised

Her day is like this:

7am: wakes up gets an 8 oz bottle with rice
9am: morning nap
11:00am: wakes up gets a fruit and veggie. Followed with a bottle.
2pm: (around then it is loose) afternoon nap.
4pm: (usually 1.5-2 hours) wakes up gets a fruit and veggie. Followed with a bottle.
7pm: 8oz bottle with rice and bed

Obviously some days things change or like tonight we are going to friend''s for dinner but she seems to thrive on a schedule. She is a MUCH happier baby this way. 80% of the time she cries herself to sleep for a few minutes. Another sleep tip don''t rush to him. If he starts crying in the middle of the night give him 10 mins. If he is STILL crying them go comfort him. Helps teach them to put themselves to sleep. HTH!
Tacori~That's great that Tessa loved the green beans!! I still love the idea of framing your pics of her with the different colored food! I was/am worried about Tayva and solids/spoon feeding because she has a tongue thrust issue. I know, the poor girl has more problems.....
She has an appointment with an occupational therapist next week. I think she's been doing pretty good with the spoon and better with her bottle and paci, but we'll see what the therapist says!

Bobo~you, of course, have to do what works for you. Tayva sleeps BETTER when she gets to bed early, right when she's tired. She has gone from 6:30pm-6:30am and 7pm-6am the last couple nights. It's when we let her get over-tired and don't get her down until 8:30 or 9 that she wakes up earlier. As for feedings, how much is he eating in a feeding? Maybe if you go up an oz or 2 at each feeding, it will compensate? Just some thoughts.


eta:looks like Tacori beat me to it, but I agree with everything she said! I must go get my child out of her jumperoo...she gets soooo mad that she can't get the bug off of the jumperoo and into her mouth....she is "yelling" at it right now......