
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

mela lu - I am so sorry. You and your DH are in my prayers. Big Hugs to you both.

Jen - Good luck with the tooth. Maybe you don''t need too much pain killers.

snlee - My dental office is asking me for a dr. note to get my semi-annual cleaning. I guess they don''t want to be responsible, but it''s not a dangerous procedure or anything. I am thinking of just waiting til after I give birth.

Love the new avatars, Burk & Tacori!
I am so sorry. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your hubby. Hoping to see you on here soon. HUGS!!!
So sorry Mela. Rest and take care of yourself.

I''m so sorry to hear your news. Just remember that nothing you did caused this, it just wasn''t meant to be with this little one. I''m sure you''ll be back on here sooner than you think!
Date: 6/18/2008 4:51:39 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Hey MrsS, how is Jake doing with the miracle blanket? I am beginning to wean Amelia off hers by leaving an arm free. I have LONG since not bundled her her legs...I just use it as a straitjacket around her arms. She still loves it.

Hey tgal, I basically stopped using it. he can roll side to side (managed to roll over once, total fluke i''m sure, but still did it) anyway, he''d roll back and forth and manage to break out. I sure loved it while I could use it effectively. My sister started using her''s from day one with her 4 week old and her little girl LOVES it too. Her baby is sleeping a good 5 hours straight, feeds once a night and then sleeps another 3-4 hours. My sister credits the mirable blanket.
i''m so sorry mela...thinking of you...
mela, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your DH. Big hugs to you.

qtiekiki, really? That''s surprising. My dentist recommends that I get cleanings every 3 months while I''m pregnant. Pregnancy can take a toll on your health, as well as the health of your baby, as gum disease has been linked to preterm birth. I had a cleaning in April, probably another one in July, and one in October before I deliver. In April I had some gingivitis (due to pregnancy hormones, which does the most harm on your gums during the first trimester). If I get a cleaning in July, I''ll have to pay out of pocket but I think it''s worth it. If I were you, I would get a doctors note. Don''t wait till after your deliver.

MrsS and TGal, I''ve heard so many great things about the miracle blanket. We bought two. I hope our baby love it and sleeps longer!
I''m so sorry, Mela Lu. Sending along my sympathies to you and your husband ...
Quick question for solids-feeding mamas: how did the prunes go? I made some today and now I''m really nervous to give them because I fear a butt explosion. Gabe could use the help now and again, but Katelyn really doesn''t need any help in that area (perhaps that is the reason behind their significant weight difference!). So when you give prunes, do you just give a really small portion? And is it only when necessary? Or do you give it the same as any other food?

I''m a''scared of prunes.

By the by, as much as I love making baby food, I don''t rec doing prunes. I''ve got a TON of prune cubes in the freezer and I really don''t think we''ll ever eat them all (unless I start sneaking them in smoothies for hubby or something!). Plus the dried prunes have preservatives in them, so it''s not like they''re really any better than buying jarred food. I''m sure if I broke it down per ounce, it''s a lot cheaper, but since I''m sure a lot of these will just be tossed in two months, I think it was a dumb move to make them. Oh well. Live and learn.
Kay, WOW girl, you've done your homework -- your list looks great! re: the breast pump, did you check with your insurance yet to see if they cover it? Mine paid for my pump entirely, as well as for five lactation consultant appts (up to $75 each appt.), so definitely look into it before you purchase a pump. As for sterilizing, I agree with Tacori on the steam bags. They're super cheap ($5 for a box of 5), each bag lasts for 20 cleans, and they're easy to store. Loved 'em!

Jackie, the jiggling is awkward at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's great! And don't be scared to crank up both the volume of white noise and speed of the swing to 11. Seriously. It looks/sounds so wrong, but it works like a charm! Oh, twinstuff has a decent BFing forum in case you're interested (I never knew it existed until I was BFing), and I did it for just over three months, so I'm here for you if you have any questions (not that I'm an expert by any means, but experience counts for somethin' , right?)! Have fun at your parents' house -- and clench, sister, clench!!

Jen, congrats on those two healthy baby girls!!
Bummer about the tooth - doesn't sound fun to deal with in a normal circumstance, nevermind when preggo with two bambinas!

Burk, how's Tayva doing?

OK, this tired mama is off to bed ... night!
mela lu, I am sorry for your loss. Hugs to you.

I am so sorry. If you ever need someone to talk to that''s been through it, I''m here.
OMG...i''ve been so bad about the dentist lately! i have my favorite dentist (close family friend) in tucson, and haven''t gone since i moved up to phoenix a year ago (never able to make it during the week!!). SOOO bad. now i feel guilty!! MUST. MAKE. APPOINTMENT.

ella: so funny about the prunes. they have become such a staple for me lately!! it will be interesting to hear how the kiddos react! :)

quick request from you all...
i jsut posted a new thread in the "shopping forum" (obviously didn''t belong on here). would SO appreciate any input though, so if you have time, would you mind checking it out and giving me your opinion? i can''t decide which watch to get!!

thanks guys!
Mela Lu, I am so sorry for your loss. There is nothing you could have done to prevent it. Rest and take care of yourself. I am sure you will be back here soon. Hugs.
Mela, I am so sorry for your loss =(
Date: 6/18/2008 10:54:49 PM
Author: EBree

I am so sorry. If you ever need someone to talk to that''s been through it, I''m here.

Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. i love this forum!!

Ebree - while it was all happening, i thought of you
. Thanks for your offer to talk. I actually may have some questions about the ''aftermath''...but I''ll call you out in a differnt thread?? is that ok? I''m going to my dr. today and hoping that she can answer all my q''s. it''s nice to know that you are here in case i need a shoulder or advice. thanks ebree.

Thanks again everyone!!! It''s so much easier going thru the tough times when you''re not alone.
mela lu, i''m so very sorry for your loss...please take care of yourself, and rest, and take your time to get through this. our thoughts and prayers are with you and hopefully we''ll see you back on this thread in no time. *hugs*
Mela -- I''m so sorry. Big hugs to you.
Question about "stretching" for all you ladies-especially the twin mommas!

So I''ve been feeling cervical pressure for the past few days pretty steadily. It''s not painful, but somewhat uncomfortable. I am 12 weeks. Is this normal? My doctor said it was, but I just cannot find ANY information on this except for preterm labor and incompetent cervix. So of course I turn to my knowledgeable PS ladies to see if any of you had this sensation so early in pregnancy. My Dr. said I am measuring about 4 weeks ahead so this might be more in line with 15-16 weeks for singletons? Maybe? Don''t really know...
mela, I am so sorry! We are hear for you if you want to talk about it. I know several mommies here have had m/c and then carried healthy babies. Take care of yourself!!!

Jen, sorry about the dental work! No fun! But congrats on being over 1/2 way done.

emp, she has fat rolls for sure. I love her chubby little thighs and her elbow dimples.

Burk, they are so funny. We are always laughing at our T too.

Q, thanks! I had a routine cleaning when I was preggo. Just no x-rays.

ella, T LOVES prunes. No butt explosions but I usually wait to give them to her when she is a little backed up. I give her a normal 2.5 portion when I give it to her. Some foods are more binding like carrots and bananas. If you are worried give them both at the same meal.
Mela--so sorry to hear about the loss--you have lots of women to turn to on this site if need be. *hugs*

Tgal--Cohen is going thru a growth-spurt too. He was up at 2:30. 4:30 and 6:30 this morn--uggh. I knew he was heading into one cuz usually he poops around 3 x a day and then all of a sudden he went 3 days with nothing. My Dr. said it''s perfectly normal in BF babies (they use all the milk with no ''waste'') sure enough he started demanding more, and just like amelia he was crying lat night-loudly! Cohen almost never cries in the night--i usually wake up (if i am sleeping in the first place) just moments before he stirs and makes little whimpers so charlie is oblivious to it all. Last night Charlie rolled over and muttered ''oh, you guys are up?" Umm, ya for the 3rd time! Oh to be a dad....

For the veteran moms--Co is going down to bed for the night b/w 8:30--9:00 and usually sleeps till around 2-3:30am . He is then up to eat again b/w 5:30-6:30 and will go down again for a couple of hours. Does this sound typical. He''s around 13 lbs now so i keep reading he should sleep thru the night--but is the initial 5 hour stretch the ''sleeping thru the night'' part?

I''ll have to add a product to the shopping thread. A friend bought Cohen a mobile that he is intoxicated by! Seriously, he can be screaming, put him under this thing and he is almost laughing at it! It''s by the Manhattan toy company and has bold patterns that can be changed as the baby''s eyesight develops (won a bunch of awards, if that means anything)
oh, found it at TRU
Jas12, T only started sleeping through the night at 6 months (15+ lbs). Do you let him cry for a little bit or feed him right away? I was always confused about the length that is considered sleeping through but if you are getting a 5 hour stretch at his age that is *wonderful*. I would have killed for 5 hours! haha!
Hello everyone... I guess I can join this thread since I got my BFP yesterday at 11 days past ovulation (yes I am an obsessive charter
)... anyhoo, I am probably not going to jump into the fray too much yet since it is so early, but I wanted to ask all you experts a question about home pregnancy tests.

Is a really dark line better than a light line? Yesterday our line was really light, then I tested again today and I think it is darker, but it is no where near as dark as the test line. It is so early (12 DPO) that I can't imagine there are huge amounts of the hormone in my blood yet, but when there is tonnes of hormone, will the line be really dark? I know the tests are supposedly dichotic (yes/no), but I just wondered whether the darkness of the line means anything...

Here is a side-by-side picture of the test I took yesterday morning (left) and the test I took this morning (right)... Does the right look darker? Should I even care
? I plan to contact a midwife on Monday to confrim the pregnancy etc., but I just thought I'd obsess for a couple days on my own first
hee hee hee hee hee

PS: Don't worry, I am not really crazy, just a researcher and very curious.

PPS: Ok. I am crazy. I'll admit it.

Dreamer--i think congrats are soon in order--b/c from what i''ve read *any* line is a good line (well, good if you are TTC
it''ll probably be stronger in color a day or two from now as the pregnancy hormone is easier to detect.

Tacori--ya, i guess i should be happy with the 5 hour stretch (would be a heck of a lot nicer if i were sleeping along with him, so i don''t even know why i care so much in the first place

I haven''t been letting him cry much--reason is that since i have the sleep issues i''ve been taking the easy route and getting him fed and myself back to sleep asap. I am afraid if he does go back to sleep he''ll be up again in an hour or something--in which case he''s waking me twice instead of once,followed by another couple hours of sleep....i know that''s a selfish reason so maybe i should experiment with just leaving him for a while. I do give him the soother in the morning when he is stirring and that seems to put him back to sleep. I hate becoming dependent on them, but damn, they work!

MrsS--forgot to mention, i think Cohen''s days with the Miracle blanket are numbered--he busts out of that thing every mornin like Jake, but i keep using it--he really needs to be swaddled.

Does anyone know if the MB''s come in different sizes?
A friend of mine still swaddles her 11 month old! (in a big quilt)

...chalie says he wishes they made adult-swaddles (for me-ha!) oh how blissful it would be to be swaddled up and rocked to sleep (ya, i know, iam sleep obsessed!)

My fave baby items so far are....
--the Miracle blanket
--the wipes warmer (for cloth wipes)
--the stimi-mobile
--jelly bean reversible sling
I was wondering about that, too. I tested positive on CD26, supposedly 10 DPO if my chart is correct, and it was lightning fast and as dark as the control line. Since then I''ve tried 3 different types of tests with the same results. But I see so many faint BFP lines on PS, it made me wonder what on earth a dark/faint line means. Maybe I O''d a few days earlier than my chart claims, or maybe I''m super-hormonal?
mela~Like everyone else, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your DH. So sorry for your loss. Hope to see you around here again soon!

Jen~ Hope getting your wisdom tooth out goes well. I think tooth pains are the worst.


Ella~regarding prunes..I''m scared too! We just started solids last week and since T has intollerances they wanted us to trial each new food at least 6 days so we''ve only done sweet potatoes and peas. T is doing pretty good. She had a rough patch (spit up everything she ate at every feeding with sad) last week so we switched formulas and increase her med dose. She''s eating solids like a champ but still isn''t eating formula great. She has an appt with a ped GI specialist on July 1st. How about Gabe? Any progress? Is he starting to grow out of it? I hear 6-12 months usually?

Jas12~regarding sleep...I think Cohen is in a good patern. 5 hours at his at his age is great. I never have understood "sleeping through the night" because T was sleeping 8-10 hours at 10 weeks but it wasn''t "through the night" since she went to bed at 7! Once you think you have it figured out, something new happens and their patterns growth spurts, teething, ect!

dreamer_dachsie~I agree, a line is a line no matter how faint. Congrats!!!
Ebree, how are you doing? I've been thinking of you. Have you gotten any answers from your doctor yet?

NF, I felt some pelvic/cervical pressure around 16-19 weeks. For a few weeks I was really uncomfortable! I was worried too because I didn't think I'd feel that kind of pressure that early. The doctor checked my cervix to make sure it was long and closed. Everything was good. At my big u/s I found out our little boy was very low, so I think that's why I was feeling pressure, along with some stretching. Did you doctor check your cervix?

Jas12, how interesting about Co loving his mobile. In the article merrijoy posted a few pages back, it says boy babies are drawn more to movement, like a whirling mobile. We bought an animal mobile from BRU so I hope it calms our baby boy down too. How funny about him being intoxicated by it!

dreamer, a line is a line and I definitely see two lines in both pictures. Congratulations again!

Last night was very exciting! I noticed I could see my belly move! The movements have to be strong and near my belly button for me to see. DH and I were able to see it many times. One time he felt it and saw it. It was amazing. It made me laugh every time I saw my baby/belly move! The movements are becoming stronger and more frequent and I am really loving it!
Thanks for the congrats everyone, it is very exciting...

Date: 6/19/2008 11:59:03 AM
Author: erica k
I was wondering about that, too. I tested positive on CD26, supposedly 10 DPO if my chart is correct, and it was lightning fast and as dark as the control line. Since then I''ve tried 3 different types of tests with the same results. But I see so many faint BFP lines on PS, it made me wonder what on earth a dark/faint line means. Maybe I O''d a few days earlier than my chart claims, or maybe I''m super-hormonal?
Erica I just read on that every embryo differs in how much hcG is releases, so our little embryos must just be very different!
Apparently at 14 DPO the "normal" range is like 3 - 426 mlU/ml!! That is quite a range! So they say what matters is not the base amount of hCC, but how quickly it doubles (should be every 2 - 3 days).
Congrats DD!

NF -- I get intermittent pressure there, too. I have a low-flying baby who is squished by not only Baby B, but a poorly placed fibroid. Feel free to check with your doctor, of course.

Just got back from the GD test. Another preggo was there getting the same test and asked for a wedge of lime with her orange drink. I looked around to see if I had walked into a bar (insert your own joke here.)
Mela - I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Please get some rest and take care of yourself. I will keep your family in my prayers.

Igal and sb - congrats on your pregnancies! (I hope I''m not missing anyone).

Tacori - I love that table for your nursery. We are only getting a crib, dresser and glider since I already have a hope chest that matches pretty closely.

Dreamer - a line is a line is a line - faint or not. If there''s a line then you have HCG and are PREGGO! Yay! I got my first bfp at the doc''s office and then tested at home. My first test was faint (probably around 5 weeks pg) and the second test was much darker than that.

I am so ready to have the baby. I have 5 more weeks till my due date and am counting down the days. I feel huge these days. We started our childbirth ed classes two weeks ago and they are pretty informative. We were on the fence about taking any because I know I want drugs so I figured I wouldn''t need the classes. My mom talked me into signing up and I will admit that we''ve learned a lot. I really want to get a birthing ball for the hospital! My back feels so much better if I get down on my hands and knees and use that as support. I wish I could sleep like that!

I had slight nesting yesterday after some people came through our house (long story - will post below). God rid of a lot of clutter and organized the baby''s clothes and other gear that I''ve already gotten. We have sooo many clothes already. I''m glad we didn''t register for any although I''m sure that people will buy clothes anyway.

My mom and sister are hosting a shower for me this weekend so hopefully we get some goodies from our registry. I peeked yesterday and I know that one of my best girlfriends already bought some stuff off of it, but there are other things purchased that she did not get us so yay for that! My MIL and SILs are having a shower for me to but they haven''t planned it yet and are quickly running out of time. I guess I''m not overly concerned since that''s pretty much how DH''s family operates. Same thing happened with our wedding shower and everything turned out fine in the end.

House story - We are renting our house from the estate of a relative - my husband''s great uncle. The executor told us that our rent would be escrowed and then used toward the downpayment so we could buy the house from the estate. Well, long story short, the executor lied about it and never told the attorney for the estate that she told us that so basically we''re out all of that money and the house will likely be sold out from underneath us
. We are still able to purchase the house, but without the rent for a downpayment we will not qualify for a mortgage since I''ll be on mat. leave until October and won''t be getting my full wage. The original purchase price (for us) was $80K, which would have been fair if the rent was applied but it''s now listed with a realty for $87K. The house has decreased in value since it was appraised thanks to the sucky real estate market so I think it won''t sell for that. I think the estate would be lucky to get $70K for it.

Luckily, we have a lease until March of 2011 that is binding on the estate and whoever purchases the house so we''re not homeless just yet. We are not totally crazy about the house but we feel really taken aback by the whole situation. The executor of the estate is my husband''s aunt and this is not the first time she has lied about house-related issues so it really should come as no surprise. It just sucks to be blindsided by family
. There are 17 heirs to the estate and the majority are as upset as we are - so much so that they have confronted the executor and told her what a s****y person she is for doing that to us
. Sigh.
