
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

As for friends, thankfully a lot of my friends have had babies right around the same time I did (or within 18 or so months), so that''s been great. My best friend had her son two weeks after G & K were born, so it''s perfect! I think that my friendships with other people started to fade more just as a matter of growing apart in general, even before I had babies. I just don''t have much in common anymore with my old college friends, you know? It''s sad, but such is life. When one door closes, another opens, right?

Ephemery, yep, I second Curly''s advice to drink MORE water than you even think you need. I never ever drank water before I was preggo (I pee constantly anyway, so I didn''t want to make it worse), so it was a hard adjustment for me to do it, but I forced myself to drink a full glass pretty much every hour. This may sound silly, but what helped me was finding the right glass. One that wasn''t too big so that I would be sitting there with a glass of warm icky water after a little while, and one that wasn''t too small that I had to refill it constantly. For me, the POM pomegranite glass was the perfect size

Neatfreak, have you checked out the Expecting Twins forum over at twinstuff? Pretty much every question has been asked and answered about a gabillion times there, so it''s a good place to start. Believe it or not, I can''t remember back that early in my pregnancy, so I can''t help you out here personally!

Jas, have you ever tried the dream feed? It never worked for us, but I''ve heard great things about it for other people. I think all bets are off though when it comes to growth spurts! They can be tough to get through, but thankfully they don''t last too long!

Congrats and welcome DD!

MrsS (and anyone else), I just saw this posted on the twins forum -- it''s a swaddling blanket that goes up to 22 lbs. for bigger babies: Snug & Tug

snlee, yay for belly moves!!!
Exciting, isn''t it?

OK, I think that''s all I can handle for tonight!
EBree I found this interesting advocacy website today that might give you some ideas for questions to ask your doctor and tests you might want to ask for. According to the website, most doctors don't really bother to properly try to figure out what's going on, and in some cases, the problem is easy to treat. So this woman gives a lot of information and advocates getting ACTIVE with the doctor to make sure you're getting the full range of testing.
Date: 6/19/2008 7:45:57 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 6/19/2008 5:03:23 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
I totally was not trying to start a thread revolution! Sorry if it seemed that way! I love having mommies around on this thread, but it does mean that the number of women regularly posting on here will continue to expand and expand... like our waistlines I guess... I started the new thread as sort of a ''bridge'' for people between the TTC and this thread, since sometimes it can be nice to have a ''smaller'' group to talk to, and since I personally am not ready to really accept being preggers yet! Maybe in 2 more months...

I think staring a mommy thread is a good idea and would make this thread more focused, but I also think this thread will be very different without you experienced folks... we would miss you!!

Again, sorry if I seemed antisocial!
DD, don''t take it personally...I totally see that this thread can become overwhelming wasn''t that way when I joined but it has grown so much. I joined at around page 50 when I was 4 weeks preggo and it took 8 months to get to page 200 when I gave birth. Now, only 2.5 months after that, we have jumped 100 pages. That''s a lot.

To be honest though, I don''t quite get the need for a barely preggo thread. I DO get that it''s great to bond with preggos at the same stage without having to read/weed through this other stuff. But at what point are you barely preggo to regular preggo? And then do you leave that thread to come here? Which I would imagine would be kind of unnecessary since the bonding with other newer preggos would occur over there.

Don''t get me wrong...*this* isn''t the only preggo thread...and PSers can start/do whatever they''d like. I just find it odd that you need a entire thread to talk about early pregnancy when that''s what''s been going on here for 300 pages...
Well, I think I have expressed a few times the reasons why I started that thread. Everyone transitions to being pregnant in different ways and people probably have different needs for different types of support from different circles of people at different stages. There''s only 4 of us right now who are newly preggo, some who got preggo the week before me, and they/we were all hanging out in the TTC thread because we weren''t ready to be in "full preggo mode" yet. So I started a new thread. It may die, or some people may like it. As for when to trasition, I honestly imagined myself transitioning at 12 weeks when I go public with my pregnancy in real life and start getting into full preggo mode, so I don''t really see the problem with having a sort of "limbo zone" for the newly preggo. Some others seem to agree, so I guess I am not totally "odd"

I think we should let sleeping dogs lie and keep things as they are. There''s no need to over think this stuff... as the months go by, some people may feel as you do and opt to jump straight from the TTC thread into the preggo, others may like a month or two to "acclimate" to the idea of being preggo with a smaller group of women before talking about nursuries, and breastfeeding, and strollers, and GD tests...
Couple of quickies before I post my belly shot and try and answer the rest of this thread!

Congratulations to the new preggos-DD, Erika, SBDE, IG and welcome!

Mela lu, I am so sorry to hear your news. I hope you are getting a chance to rest and recuperate. Thoughts and hugs go out to you

Ebree, I did have clomid the cycle we got pregnant. Happy to answer any questions you have-I had no side effects from it, and no effect on the CM as some have reported. And it worked for us!

Okay, here's an 18 week belly the spirit of making everyone feel better about themselves I am letting it alllllll hang out
ETA: eeek! sorry that is huge. I'm a complete doofus when it comes to correctly resizing photos. I hope noone was eating

18 week belly shots.jpg
DD, 4 newly preggos posting is A LOT! I don't think there was anyone due around the same time as me posting from the start. Diver was 1.5 months ahead. Njc was the closest to my EDD but I guess she is busy (we miss you! Post soon!) So to have 4 women (and I am sure a few more will join you soon) is awesome! I don't understand if you were TTC why you need an adjustment thread. I vote to move to a mommy thread so all the preggos can comfortably post *together*. I know the times I post in TTC I am usually ignored so maybe I need to understand that some people aren't ready to know *everything*.

TGal, I feel such a strong bond with you ladies. I honestly would let you all babysit her which is SO CRAZY!!! I don't even know you! Haha! Seriously, I would have gone CRAZY w/o my PS preggo friends. So thank you everyone.

Ella, I know they grow up so fast! Did you try the prunes? You and MrsS are braver than me! I really, really need her to have a paci. I think b/c she didn't sleep for so is a crutch. But she loves it and for now it is not a problem. Once she gets to be a bit older we will have the paci fairy come! My parents have a good friend who is a orthodontist and he says pacis are better than thumbs (for teeth).

MrsS, I think we should have him open it. I feel like I have overstayed my welcome now!

ETA: Gemma you are tiny! You look great!

You look terrific! Are you wearing maternity denim, or do you use something else? I''m not at that stage yet, but I''m wondering whether I should invest in a pair of nice maternity jeans.
Gemma you look beeee-oooo-tiful!
Tacori, yay for Tessa saying mama! Must have melted your heart!

jen, you look great!

curly, wow lady! Only 12 pounds at 26 weeks? I'm jealous.
I have an appointment tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to getting onto the scale. At my last appointment, I had only gained 6 pounds. But this last month I've gained around 8 pounds!
So at 22w4d I'll have gained around 14 pounds. Ekkk! The pounds are sure coming on quickly! Good luck on your glucose test! I'll be getting my glucose test in the next month too. I'm not looking forward to it.

Gemma, you look great! You are tiny!

Eph, my doctor said you need around 48-64 ounces of water a day, which is crazy! Before I was pregnant, I hardly drank water, maybe a bottle a day. I had to pee often before so now it's even worse! I try to drink 3-4 bottles a day. It's hard but I force myself to drink even when I'm not thirsty. Water makes your skin better so that's a plus!

Regarding a separate thread, this thread could be overwhelming but I love it. When I'm busy, I just skim through the posts. It's exciting to follow everyone through their pregnancies and into motherhood. It's only natural for us to bond with people who are due around the same time. We're going through similar experiences. I'm fine with whatever happens. But if the mommies go to a different thread, you'll be missed here! You all have lots of good advice. For the newly pregnant ladies, I understand how the first few months is an adjustment period but I don't think you need a separate thread. 4 newly pregnant people is a lot! You could post here. That's what this thread is for.
Thanks for everyone who chimed in on my q's from last time (esp qtekkeki, NF, janine, TGal, Lili who had already answered one of them-thanks again!!, snlee, Tacori, et al!)

Cute photos of Cohen, Tessa (LOVE the swing shot!), love the new avi Burk!

Janine you can totally go a belly shot! I for one would love to see one!
Jess ditto the above-I'm sorry that you are getting back pain. Hope the heat isn't getting to you too much... I'm sorry about the house dramas-that sound awful!

I want to respond to your other thread as well but YAY for getting healthy-you've had a really tough time lately!

LIA yay for team blue! Congrats on a great US! Cute belly shot-you look great!

Jas, I'm sorry I didn't see your post until now. My friend was on escitalopram (not sure of the trade name in the US). She found it helped her sleep (which was her main symptom) but I note that one of the listed side effects is insomnia. She was breastfeeding and her doc said that was fine. There are some where bf is out, but I think most of the time they work around it. The other thing she did was express milk and her hubby did the 10 pm feed (bb fed at 7pm/10pm/3am during the night) so she went to bed at about 8 pm and slept through till 3am. She mentioned that the broken sleep made it harder for her to get back to sleep each time. Don't know if that helps-hope it does! I'm sorry about the drs appointment-it's always nice to get answers but no fun if they don't lead to something helpful, but it's great that your doc knows how you feel. I really hope that you can get more unbroken sleep-that cannot be fun. I'm so glad bf is going well for you though-I really look forward to that time with the baby.

Tacori, YAY for saying MAMA!!! And congrats on the new car-I'm glad you are having fun!

Jackie, glad you are back! How did the wedding go-did you get some great reactions?

Regalada, congratulations on getting to 37 weeks!
on the bed rest! I love the name Isabelle
. We are going it alone too so I'll be interested to hear what you have to say about the experience....

Curly, you look GREAT! Cute bump-I could hardly tell that you had a bump in that front on pic (where you are holding Lily)! Looks like the family had a great time at the beach. I might have missed it but have you picked out a name yet? You just look gorgeous!

Q, will you believe us now when we tell ya you're all bellly?
Yay for a growing belly though.

Kay, thanks for that list-I'm trying to keep track of all the things I need to get so that is super helpful!

MSB, awww on the new photos-he is a heartbreaker!!

Snlee, I haven't had anything more that a quick belly pat-but I feel a bit odd with that. I'm thinking maybe I should pat back on their bellies?!
Yay for belly moves!

IG, I had MS from week 8 to mid week 15. It was bad in the last week, but then disappeared over about 2 days. I had constant nausea that got worse through the day. But it's different for everyone! Re weight gain, I lost a kilo (2 pounds) in the first trimester-but have well and truly gained that back (and some!) now. I look like I weigh about 15 pounds more that average bc of the bloating though! I just find I eat when hungry and it sort of evens out. My doc doesn't weigh so I don't know how much I'm gaining, but she is happy with the measurements each time.

Diver, congrats on the MacBook!

Jen ugh on the tooth, glad it is sorted. You look great! What a great belly shot!

Re: acne, I have always had pretty average skin, except when on the pill. PG is no different! It's mostly hormonal (chin) and I can totally identify with the bacne issue-no swimming for me

Re: one or two threads-I really feel I benefit from all of the advice here, and am okay with staying with one, but will go with the general consensus! (Like the growth spurt thing-would totally not have known that!)

Eek, have to run-will be back with more! I'm sorry to anyone I missed!

ETA: awww, thanks, you guys are the sweetest
! E, they are maternity jeans-I finally caved!!! I'll post a pic of them later, I big puffy hear them!!!
Gemma -t You look fabulous. Your belly is tiny.

I vote to leave the thread as it. It''s a selfish reason on my part since I would not fit in the mommies thread or the newly preggers thread at this point. Diva is the only one whose EDD mine is closed to, so it''s not like that''s a bunch of us at the same stage. So I would feel left out. But I really like having the different stages here because there''s ladies who can offer me advices and opinions since they''ve been through their pregnancy and early parenthood, and there''s ladies here who I can offer my opinions/experiences to. There''s so much wisdoms here.
Aw Qtiekiki, when I hear stuff like that, I think it would be a shame to start another thread, but I am kind of with Tacori on this one in that it would be nice to have a mommy thread. Hard call..

DD, I am hoping I didn''t offend you. Obviously your thread was received well and I said as much. I don''t think I put what I said well at all and apologize if I sounded harsh.

I guess it''s kind of the sentiment that Qtiekiki has that leaves me wondering if having all these other threads is a good idea (including a mommy thread)...the newer preggos may orm their own bond and share without others partaking in all the bonding/fun unless we actively go over to that new thread. I had 3 other women pregnant right at the same time as me as well, and as you may know we all gave birth within a week and a half of each other. While I feel a special closeness with them (and of course the moms before me that I mentioned), I am so glad that we were on this thread so we could share with others and feel their support, as well as give them ours even though they were at different stages. The first few weeks/first tri are the toughest when it comes to stress, I there is a lot of bonding that goes on during that time.

Anyhoo, I doubt I am making much sense as I had a gal pal over tonight and we had our fair share of wine. One of the very FEW benefits to not breastfeeding.
Date: 6/19/2008 10:44:40 PM
Author: Gemma12
Couple of quickies before I post my belly shot and try and answer the rest of this thread!

Congratulations to the new preggos-DD, Erika, SBDE, IG and welcome!

Mela lu, I am so sorry to hear your news. I hope you are getting a chance to rest and recuperate. Thoughts and hugs go out to you

Ebree, I did have clomid the cycle we got pregnant. Happy to answer any questions you have-I had no side effects from it, and no effect on the CM as some have reported. And it worked for us!

Okay, here''s an 18 week belly the spirit of making everyone feel better about themselves I am letting it alllllll hang out
ETA: eeek! sorry that is huge. I''m a complete doofus when it comes to correctly resizing photos. I hope noone was eating
14.gif look FABOO!!!!!
Date: 6/19/2008 9:00:43 PM
Author: TravelingGal
I actually really like the one thread format too...however, honestly, I am kind of thinking that a separate thread might be a good idea because of what Jackie said...

I know that one of the things I really valued was going through my pregnancy and having a bit of bonding with Jas12, MrsS and lili. I also loved the support of Tacori, Ella, Diver and Curlygirl (am I forgetting anyone...if so, sorry!!). When I was pregnant, there wasn't that much mommy talk...and it was still pretty well predominantly a preggo thread.

Now I feel like the tide has turned and it kinds of leaves the new preggos out in the cold. There are a TON of new preggos who have due dates close together and I don't want them to miss out because this thread runs so fast with talk other than preggos. It was so fun to have my preggo partners that it would be a shame for them to miss out on that because this thread is so action packed that they disappear from it out of fatigue.

In that sense, I understand why DD started the barely preggo thread. Maybe TanDogMom has a point...I think babycenter has threads based on expecting dates. Although as I said...I know personally I wouldn't be able to keep up with a separate preggo thread and would feel badly that I couldn't offer much support...
I'm a total doof. How the hell could I forget Kaleigh who started this thread for us? I am sorry my dear lady!!!

ETA, totally forgot Dani too...the woman only helped me through my LABOR! Note to self, do not mention people by name when you have mommy brain. UGH!!!
What cute pix of you and Lily

Have fun registering.
I don''t know if the Target in your area is the same as ours down here.
We can return items without receipt if you show them your driver''s license.
The caveat is that you can only use your license with that Target twice in that year.

Cute belly

Hehe, yup, the belly can balloon up during those growth spurts.

What a prince you''ve got there.
his curly locks.

I totally hear you on touching your belly.
I would sit in my office and massage my buddha belly instead of working.
And once the kicking start, it''s like I have my hands permanently glued to my belly.
It''s so fun, and it''s a total trip when you "see" the movements huh?

Amazingly enough, I haven''t had one person touched my belly.
Maybe I have this "don''t mess with me look" or something.

Congrats to sbde, DD, erica k and IndyGal.
Lots of sticky dust to you all.

regarding the a baby girl "stealing" the mother''s beauty
my complexion was actually better during preggo and I had a baby girl.
Maybe it''s because I was eating healthier
and was more active.

That''s such a cute pix of T clonked out in her jumperoo

17 lbs only? She''s really petite, but she doesn''t look it in the pix.
How long is she now?

Yay for big healthy babies.
Cute belly pix by the way.
Your boys look like you

Sorry about the tooth abscess.
Hope you get the relief you need soon.
I''m a bit late....
Sorry for your loss.
Take good care of yourself and hope you see you back here soon.
Co has a pretty night time schedule going.
And his daytime nap is getting better too.
I can''t say the same for J.
She falls asleep during the day, but just can''t remain asleep for long.
Maybe I''m taking her off the breast too soon and she''s not satiated.

Hehe, J hates tummy time too.
She''d be red in the face within the first minute initially.

Awwee....her first words.
Must totally melt your heart.
Date: 6/19/2008 9:26:16 PM
Author: mrssalvo
re: seperate threads. I think diver tried to start a mommy thread right after she and tacori had Delany and Tacori had Tessa but it never really took off. I have a much harder time keeping up here and would probably easily go for a thread where tgal and jas12 and lili posted since we''re all at the same place. honestly, I will just skim and look for their posts when i''m in a rush. I figure the new preggo''s probably skip over many of my posts too
so, all that to say, i''m game for whatever. if we want to try the new mommy thread again, i''m all for it, otherwise i''m cool with staying here to. Plus, when I do have more time, i''d still read and contribute to the preggo thread b/c I think just having going through pregnancy i might have some helpful words to share

Ha, same here.
There are definitely many more members on here than when it first started.
I guess we could migrate over to the mommy thread and keep this to purely preggo topics.
But like TGal, I personally wouldn''t be able to keep up with another thread.
I know because I already lose track with the TTC thread.
Date: 6/20/2008 2:04:32 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 6/19/2008 9:00:43 PM

Author: TravelingGal

I actually really like the one thread format too...however, honestly, I am kind of thinking that a separate thread might be a good idea because of what Jackie said...

I know that one of the things I really valued was going through my pregnancy and having a bit of bonding with Jas12, MrsS and lili. I also loved the support of Tacori, Ella, Diver and Curlygirl (am I forgetting anyone...if so, sorry!!). When I was pregnant, there wasn't that much mommy talk...and it was still pretty well predominantly a preggo thread.

Now I feel like the tide has turned and it kinds of leaves the new preggos out in the cold. There are a TON of new preggos who have due dates close together and I don't want them to miss out because this thread runs so fast with talk other than preggos. It was so fun to have my preggo partners that it would be a shame for them to miss out on that because this thread is so action packed that they disappear from it out of fatigue.

In that sense, I understand why DD started the barely preggo thread. Maybe TanDogMom has a point...I think babycenter has threads based on expecting dates. Although as I said...I know personally I wouldn't be able to keep up with a separate preggo thread and would feel badly that I couldn't offer much support...

I'm a total doof. How the hell could I forget Kaleigh who started this thread for us? I am sorry my dear lady!!!

ETA, totally forgot Dani too...the woman only helped me through my LABOR! Note to self, do not mention people by name when you have mommy brain. UGH!!!

Imagine how many more names you would have missed if you didn't have the sleep you have
You looked fab!
Date: 6/20/2008 2:37:46 AM
Author: lili

Date: 6/20/2008 2:04:32 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 6/19/2008 9:00:43 PM

Author: TravelingGal

I actually really like the one thread format too...however, honestly, I am kind of thinking that a separate thread might be a good idea because of what Jackie said...

I know that one of the things I really valued was going through my pregnancy and having a bit of bonding with Jas12, MrsS and lili. I also loved the support of Tacori, Ella, Diver and Curlygirl (am I forgetting anyone...if so, sorry!!). When I was pregnant, there wasn''t that much mommy talk...and it was still pretty well predominantly a preggo thread.

Now I feel like the tide has turned and it kinds of leaves the new preggos out in the cold. There are a TON of new preggos who have due dates close together and I don''t want them to miss out because this thread runs so fast with talk other than preggos. It was so fun to have my preggo partners that it would be a shame for them to miss out on that because this thread is so action packed that they disappear from it out of fatigue.

In that sense, I understand why DD started the barely preggo thread. Maybe TanDogMom has a point...I think babycenter has threads based on expecting dates. Although as I said...I know personally I wouldn''t be able to keep up with a separate preggo thread and would feel badly that I couldn''t offer much support...

I''m a total doof. How the hell could I forget Kaleigh who started this thread for us? I am sorry my dear lady!!!

ETA, totally forgot Dani too...the woman only helped me through my LABOR! Note to self, do not mention people by name when you have mommy brain. UGH!!!

Imagine how many more names you would have missed if you didn''t have the sleep you have
That made me laugh out loud.

All this talk about support from this group has me going back and reading some of the earlier posts. Oh my god, I must be hormonal, because I am CRYING. You gals have said some pretty hilarious things in the past...and I''m all emotional reading about the births and tough times. Then I hopped over to where I gave birth (haven''t read it since I wrote it) and I''m in tears amazingly supportive you all were.

I wonder if there is an easy way to print out this entire thread. I''d love to keep it for Amelia to read...
Gemma, you look great!!! Teeeeeeeeeeny belly, lady!

So to all the twin mommies, I''ve been awake for a while and thinking (it''s only 5 am - sigh. Figures the one morning that K isn''t up screaming like a banshee at this time, I''m unable to sleep anyway!), and ....

Of all the real-life twin mommies I know/have met:

1. Me - water broke at 36 weeks, delivered two healthy babies (4 lbs, 9 oz, and 5 lbs, 12 oz) via c-section (b/c K was breech) with no NICU time. No bedrest (other than the fact that I was so uncomfortable that I didn''t want to get off the couch!)
2. My cousin - scheduled c at 37 weeks (b/c of fibroid), two healthy babies with similar weights to mine, no NICU. Same situation re: bedrest.
3. Girl from multiples classes - scheduled c at 37 weeks (she had gest diabetes - not sure if that''s why?), two healthy babies, no NICU. No bedrest.
4. Random twin mom I recently met - went to 40 weeks! Delivered two healthy babies both over 5 lbs. No bedrest.
5. Random twin mom I recently met - delivered at 37 weeks (I assume it was a scheduled c but didn''t ask). Two healthy babies, each over 6.5 lbs!
6. And though I don''t know how big they were or how far along she went, just wanted to throw out there that I met a woman yesterday who has 5-year-old boy triplets AND 18-month-old twin girls. No infertility treatment involved. Holy moly. That makes my two little ones seem like a walk in the park!

(And by the way, you''ll soon learn that it''s perfectly normal to start conversations with random twin mommies you see by asking, "How far along did you get?" and "What were their weights?" Double strollers [esp. Snap-and-Go since those are clearly for twinnies, as compared to a BOB or something which can be used for different-aged kids] - or triple! - seem to have some magnetic pull to each other when in public. You''ll see.)

And for a few mommies that I don''t know in real life, I think Tacori said her aunt went to 42 weeks (
), and I think Penn''s babies were born at at least 37 weeks because one was over 7 lbs and the other was over 5.5!

So while I know that it''s totally normal to worry about things like hospital bedrest and PTL, I thought I''d throw some reassuring numbers out there!
Of course I''ve read the stories on twinstuff as well about having the babies early, but I think a website devoted to multiples births is obviously going to skew the numbers a bit! Plus even on there you see mostly 36-37-weekers, I think.

And TGal, you crazy, hormonal woman, you! Now you''re going to get me all teary-eyed thinking about how much this thread has meant to me over the past year! And I think Qtiekiki''s feeling of having nowhere to belong if the thread split up says it all. I totally understand feeling connections with some people more than others, but I think that''s OK. I tend to relate most to Tacori''s and Diver''s posts the most because I''m curious about what K and G will be up to in a month/few months based on what Tessa and Delaney are dong, but I also look forward to other people''s posts for totally different reasons, you know?

Ahhhh, there''s my little singin'' girl!! She''s awake and crooning, so I''m going to go bring her into bed and snuggle with her.
I think we should keep this thread intact. I LOVE having the new mommies on here to offer support and it gives me a peek into what the future holds for me and my growing family. It makes me feel not so alone in feeling apprehensive about becoming a mom. I think the early preggos should join too because those of us that are farther along can offer our advice and share stories.

I slept horribly last night because my back hurt so bad. I took some Tylenol before bed but it only takes the edge off sometimes. No contractions though. I even resorted to somewhat sleeping on all fours - only to wake up with sleeping hands and arms! All fours is one of the only positions that I really feel good in. Do you think the boss would understand if I crawled around the office?

Just weighing in on the whole 2 vs. 3 vs. 4 threads topic...

I see pros and cons each way. It is nice to have all the preggos and mommies in the same place, because the new mommies can share their expertise... helpful to us preggos! But it DOES get overwhelming. Many times I feel like I don't have the time/energy to respond to everything I want to, so I avoid the thread altogether.

So I see the most value in having 3 separate threads:
"TTC Thread"
"Pregnant PSers"
"PS New Parents"

Those are 3 natural and distinct separations, therefore not confusing to know where to "belong". But more manageable in terms of size. Personally, I think having a "Newly Pregnant" thread might be a bit overkill and somewhat blurrier in terms of who would post there, why, and for how long... but that's just an opinion. I guess because when I was newly pregnant, I liked sharing my concerns with the people who were a bit further along as well as the people who were in my shoes... the more perspective the better!
Plus I think it just makes for a better sense of community, overall... rather than things feeling so divided. Not to be selfish, but we "halfway preggos" want to get to know you "newly preggos" too, all as one big happy family!

I think having 3, I'd be comfortable going back to the TTC thread and sharing occasionally (as Tacori sometimes does to be helpful), and going forward to the "New Parents" thread and asking questions or catching up on former preggos. But I'd probably spend most of my time in the pregnant thread... then be excited to move on in October!

So there's my 2 cents... except that was a lot of paragraphs... probably more like 5 or 6 cents.
Well I had Andrey open the mommy thread. I think we forget there are a lot more preggo PSers/new mommies on here that NEVER step foot in this thread. I re-read the other and there were some new faces who seemed excited. No wonder the thread didn''t take off. I was PP (and we all know *I* am a talker

Lili, she is 50% for height and weight.

emp, I think I might stay away from TTC thread. I never get responses to my comments so why waste my time

Kaleigh/Lisa, thank you SO much for starting this thread. It has meant the world to me!
Date: 6/20/2008 5:36:04 AM
Author: ellaila
Gemma, you look great!!! Teeeeeeeeeeny belly, lady!

So to all the twin mommies, I''ve been awake for a while and thinking (it''s only 5 am - sigh. Figures the one morning that K isn''t up screaming like a banshee at this time, I''m unable to sleep anyway!), and ....

Of all the real-life twin mommies I know/have met:

1. Me - water broke at 36 weeks, delivered two healthy babies (4 lbs, 9 oz, and 5 lbs, 12 oz) via c-section (b/c K was breech) with no NICU time. No bedrest (other than the fact that I was so uncomfortable that I didn''t want to get off the couch!)

2. My cousin - scheduled c at 37 weeks (b/c of fibroid), two healthy babies with similar weights to mine, no NICU. Same situation re: bedrest.

3. Girl from multiples classes - scheduled c at 37 weeks (she had gest diabetes - not sure if that''s why?), two healthy babies, no NICU. No bedrest.

4. Random twin mom I recently met - went to 40 weeks! Delivered two healthy babies both over 5 lbs. No bedrest.

5. Random twin mom I recently met - delivered at 37 weeks (I assume it was a scheduled c but didn''t ask). Two healthy babies, each over 6.5 lbs!

6. And though I don''t know how big they were or how far along she went, just wanted to throw out there that I met a woman yesterday who has 5-year-old boy triplets AND 18-month-old twin girls. No infertility treatment involved. Holy moly. That makes my two little ones seem like a walk in the park!

(And by the way, you''ll soon learn that it''s perfectly normal to start conversations with random twin mommies you see by asking, ''How far along did you get?'' and ''What were their weights?'' Double strollers [esp. Snap-and-Go since those are clearly for twinnies, as compared to a BOB or something which can be used for different-aged kids] - or triple! - seem to have some magnetic pull to each other when in public. You''ll see.)

And for a few mommies that I don''t know in real life, I think Tacori said her aunt went to 42 weeks (
), and I think Penn''s babies were born at at least 37 weeks because one was over 7 lbs and the other was over 5.5!

So while I know that it''s totally normal to worry about things like hospital bedrest and PTL, I thought I''d throw some reassuring numbers out there!
Of course I''ve read the stories on twinstuff as well about having the babies early, but I think a website devoted to multiples births is obviously going to skew the numbers a bit! Plus even on there you see mostly 36-37-weekers, I think.

Just jumping out of lurkdom to add some data--my sisters are identical twins and my mom went 40 weeks with them--I think they were 6.2 and 6.9 lbs.
I''m sorry for not responding to your well wishes (and Skippy, and Lisa and Lady Pirate and Monkey Pie and so many others)! I am still adjusting to rapid-fire thread mode, and I''m sure I forget to respond all the time. Even the relatively slow TTC thread moves too quickly for me.
I really do appreciate all the support from preggo and mommy PSers, even if I''m not vocal enough about it. So, I''m sorry that you feel like posting on TTC is a waste of your time...

Anyway, the reason why I feel tentative about posting on this thread is because I''m still incredulous about the whole pregnancy thing. Definitely there are things happening to my body, and it''s a lot to think about, but more than half of me isn''t betting on it working out. So, it''s not that I don''t want to talk about babies and pregnancies, it''s just that I don''t really identify myself as a thrilled newly preggo.

This doesn''t mean I''m not going to post here, though. I enjoy learning about everyone else''s experiences, no matter what stage they''re at. I don''t think the ''Barely Preggo Thread'' participants are ''only'' posting there. And often when I comment in a thread where I''m not super-involved, I don''t necessarily expect a response. I do, however, apologize if I''ve offended you. PS is about community and support, and I really do support the wealth of wisdom present in all these various threads.
I feel very much like Erica does. I don''t feel confident that everything will progress. Which is not to say that I am worrying a lot - what will be will be, and there ain''t nothing I can do about it - just that I won''t feel like an Expectant Mother as opposed to a Knocked Up Lady until the risk of miscarriage is much lower.

I appreciate everyones'' good wishes though! And all the advice and ideas. I don''t think I can completely keep up with everyone and everything on here as it moves so fast, but that doesn''t mean I don''t appreciate y''all!
Ella--i tried the ''dream feed'' twice and Co did not wake up enough to really eat anything. To be honest i don''t think i gave it a good enough try (i think it is a great idea) and if i have another kid i think i''ll try to est. that routine from the get-go.
Interesting info on the twins--my twin-mom co-worker also went full term with no bedrest and delivered 2 7.5 lb boys!

Mrs.S. --i don''t think i''ll use the paci with my next kid. I can totally see a ''first time'' mom response happening in me when i use it --like OMG the baby is crying in public! Must. make. baby. quiet.

I think veteran moms are more confident in their abilities and more relaxed so they actually respond to the poor kid instead of plugging in the paci
--exaggerating a bit of course, but u know what i mean

Gemma--thanks for the info. I think if the PP insomnia is caused by depression or anxiety then a mood-altering drug will help with the insomnia (even if that is one of the side effects) I read that Zoloft is highly compatible with BF (in one study 7 out of 11 samples of breast milk didn''t even detect the drug in the milk at all, and the other 4 showed trace amounts) i am not taking anything now b/c my dr does not think that is what the problem is, but it''s good to know.
Date: 6/20/2008 11:07:21 AM
Author: Jas12

Mrs.S. --i don''t think i''ll use the paci with my next kid. I can totally see a ''first time'' mom response happening in me when i use it --like OMG the baby is crying in public! Must. make. baby. quiet.

I think veteran moms are more confident in their abilities and more relaxed so they actually respond to the poor kid instead of plugging in the paci
--exaggerating a bit of course, but u know what i mean

Jas12, I totally get what you mean and agree. Like I said, I used it with my first, I needed to cope and at times needed her calm her and the paci worked. believe me, there are times I wish I could just give Jake one...(like on the 12 hour car ride to Florida a couple weeks ago
) there''s no right or wrong, just what works. the paci is what helped it work with my first, no paci is what works well for me with my second and now 3rd. I think you are right there is some mommy confidence that is built after the first so you can cope a bit better without it.