
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Welcome DD and congrats!!

Jas, Amelia is like Co...she doesn''t cry in the middle of the night. Just some whimpers. That''s why the screaming was such a shock!

I''m weaning Amelia off the miracle blanket. First day was yesterday. Basically I am leaving one arm out. Naps were fine, but she woke up earlier than usual at midnight. I put the pacifier back in her mouth and she went back down for another hour. Then same thing. At 2:30, she had busted out completely and couldn''t go back to sleep with both arms flailing so I knew it was time to feed and re-swaddle. The second half of the night I put her in full swaddle and she stayed asleep until 8am.

It''s kinda scary to try to wean her off (I''m going to wean her off her pacifier in another month or so after this experiment) but I can''t have her rely on the swaddle because...well, she''s gonna get too big for it! I don''t think there are sizes for it...just one size. It''s actually so funny...I just went up to check up on her and she was awake and her fist was on her nose and she was all cross eyed looking at''s going to be fun trying to get her to sleep with both her arms out...such a distraction!!

Re: sleeping through the night...Jas, Co is technically doing just that. Sleeping through the night is defined by a 5 hour stretch of straight sleep. So if you put the baby down at 7pm and the baby goes until midnight, it counts as sleeping through the night. As for Amelia, as you know, she''s a champion sleeper (and thus sucky at motor skills, which you kind of need to be awake for!). She goes down at 7pm and usually wakes up somewhere between 2 am to 4 am, with the average being 3 am. Then she''s down until 7:30 or 8 in the morning (and interestingly, it does not matter what time in the middle of the night she wakes...she always sleeps until at least 7:30 and not much later). She has a very consistent nap schedule, which I think it a bit unusual for her age...about a 1 hour to 1.5 hour nap from 9:30 to 10:30/11, a two hour nap starting at about 12:30/1, and a shorter later afternoon nap at about 4:30 which is 45 minute to an hour on the long side.

Because she sleeps so much, I spend every waking minute with her doing some form of therapy/exercise. This is partly mandated by her physical therapist and partly because I figure, how can she figure out things like rolling over if she''s always in a swing or sleeping? Her tummy time has gotten way better, but she still doesn''t roll well from side to she''s pretty delayed on that one.

All in all, she is a happy baby. Who, speak of the devil is getting a bit squawky so I''d better go get her! More later...
Hey mommies and preggos...

Since DD started a "barely preggos thread" I thought I would bring this up...

Common comment here is that this thread moves too fast and I guess for some it is "scary". I think it moves fast because it''s now a combo of us a lot of us "graduate" mommies and new preggos. It definitely is a lot crazier than when I first started here...way back on page 50ish.

I thought maybe we could start a mommies thread. I actually don''t love the idea myself (and am only bringing it up since DD started an entire new preggo thread) since I don''t think I can keep up with a preggo thread AND a mommy thread and I like supporting and encouraging the new preggos, but it just seems like this thread is too crazy now. Maybe we should leave this thread to preggos only? What do you moms and preggos think?
Tgal-- i was thinking the exact same thing about a mommy-thread ! I like reading about all the stages everyone goes thru, but it would be more informative and easier to access if in two spots. Interested to see what everyone else thinks.

As for Amelia''s sleep--she must need it, and I am still jealous ;-) She will catch up on the motor skills and actually, i am sure she is getting just as much one-on-one stimulation b/c while she sleeps and you have your "me time" our non-sleepers are sitting in swings or chairs listening to their mothers babble about how the garbage needs to be taken out during our "me time" (well, maybe that is just me---i now understand why some older women talk out loud to themselves in shopping aisles, they were probably SAHM who had one-sided conversations with infants for years

and as for the paci--i am scared about that weaning process. I don''t let Cohen use it at night to go down b/c i figure the night sleep associations are the ones that are most important and long-lasting (naps will eventually disappear and the ''props'' along with them) but during the day, he does use it a lot and i should cut back.
Date: 6/19/2008 3:27:58 PM
Author: Jas12
Tgal-- i was thinking the exact same thing about a mommy-thread ! I like reading about all the stages everyone goes thru, but it would be more informative and easier to access if in two spots. Interested to see what everyone else thinks.

As for Amelia''s sleep--she must need it, and I am still jealous ;-) She will catch up on the motor skills and actually, i am sure she is getting just as much one-on-one stimulation b/c while she sleeps and you have your ''me time'' our non-sleepers are sitting in swings or chairs listening to their mothers babble about how the garbage needs to be taken out during our ''me time'' (well, maybe that is just me---i now understand why some older women talk out loud to themselves in shopping aisles, they were probably SAHM who had one-sided conversations with infants for years

and as for the paci--i am scared about that weaning process. I don''t let Cohen use it at night to go down b/c i figure the night sleep associations are the ones that are most important and long-lasting (naps will eventually disappear and the ''props'' along with them) but during the day, he does use it a lot and i should cut back.
So one vote for the mommy thread...

Too funny about talking to yourself. My friend is a SAHM with a 6 and 3 year old and for ages she had to "snap" herself out of it when she talked to adults because she found herself still kind of talking in baby talk! And she still babbles on like no tomorrow.

Amelia is the opposite with the paci...only when she goes down do I give it to her. You are probably right about the sleep associations, so I''ll let you know how the weaning goes. I don''t think either of us should stress too much about it right now...we are all doing the best we can do to maintain our sanity and if a paci works, so be it!
Hi ladies! Popping in for a quickie. Thank you to everyone who commented on the photos of me and Lily. She is an absolute trip to be around!!! And I can''t believe I actually posted my bare belly for all to see. I''ve only shown it to DH, Lily and my very private May Moms group so you''re all part of the elite bunch!!! I feel huge compared to the teeny weeny first time preggos but I''m embracing my final pregnancy bump and loving the movements coming from it. I am really trying to hold onto these memories because that feeling is the thing I missed the most after giving birth and it''s kind of sad to think after this one, I''ll never experience it again.

OK, enough preggo dramatics. I just had an appointment and the baby is measuring right on schedule. Everything is looking good except my shocking gain of 6 lbs. in one month!!
My scale only showed 4 lbs. and it is the afternoon so I''m taking all of that into account, not to mention my lobster and ice cream binge last week! My doctor is not at all concerned because my weight gain had been so insignificant up to this point but she knows I don''t want to get too big so she just told me to be a little more cautious. Although I have to say that I guess 12 lbs. in almost 26 weeks ain''t too bad, right? I have to go for one hour glucose test in 2 weeks and I truly hope I pass it because I can not endure that horrible 3 hour ordeal again. Anyone have any tricks to make sure I pass?!

mela lu, I''m so sorry for your loss but it sounds like you have a great attitude. Hope to see you back here really soon!

msb, it took a while for Lily to get into "real" foods and she''s still somewhat picky about certain textures but I basically gave her no choice! I think if they are hungry, they will eat whatever you give them!!! We started out with simple things like yogurt, pasta, grilled cheese sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, string cheese--yes, she''s a cheese hound just like her mother! We give her organic graham crackers as a treat and it''s hysterical to watch her bite into them with her front teeth! Now she eats pretty much everything but sometimes it takes a few attempts to get her to eat certain things. She''s not a fan of broccoli (unless it''s pureed) and she spits out the olives I put in her pasta but I''m determined to get her to eat these things because I love them and I want her to as well!!!! She loves pineapple and bananas but she''s weird about most other fruits. And veggies are still a bit of a struggle but it''s strange because she loves them when they''re pureed. She loves potatoes and edamame! Very carb-heavy but I''m just happy to see her eat. And we had kebabs and bulgur again the other night and she was eating like it was her last meal! We don''t eat as a family most nights because DH gets home too late but we always eat together on weekends and I think that has a lot to do with it. She wants to be just like us so she''ll eat what we''re having and thinks she''s so cool! Give K some time but just keep offering him whatever you''re having and eventually he''ll get the hang of it. BTW, he is absolutely GORGEOUS!! Amazing hair and eyes, my kinda guy!!

janine, come on, post your belly! I''m sure you are tiny!!!! I hope you passed your GD test. Regarding bumpers, we didn''t even get a crib till Lily was 5 months old. We didn''t put the bumpers in at that point but we did by the time she was maybe 7 or 8 months. I think it kind of makes no sense to NOT have them in when the babies are little and can''t move around anyway. I don''t really get the whole concept!! But we have kept them in and haven''t had any issues. Lots of kids use them to climb on when they are pulling up but fortunately, this child seems to know that it''s there to make everything look pretty!
No exersaucer or swing here and we survived without both of them but I think each child is different. And like you, the crib, stroller, changing table and bedding were all purchased by me and DH. I think you and I are totally preggo twins!!!

snlee, strangers haven''t really touched my belly. Really not that many people do. More people touch Lily and that TOTALLY freaks me out more than people touching my covered skin. Strangers have touched her bare face, arms and legs and I just get soooo disgusted and shocked. WHO DOES THAT?!?!?
Regarding seeing your belly move, it is so funny. Put the remote control on your belly and watch it move around--fun game in our house!

Jas12, so sorry to hear about your sleep issues but it sounds like Co is doing well. According to my pedi, 5 or more hours=sleeping through the night! Woohooo!!!!

Independent Gal, congratulations!!! You''ll see that everyone has different experiences with morning sickness. With both pregnancies, mine started at around 8-9 weeks and sadly lasted till around 16 weeks. Not fun but not totally unbearable, just annoying. But once it''s gone, you''ll feel like a new person and it''s awesome! Regarding weight gain, I gained 25 lbs. with Lily and lost it all within the first 4 months post partum and I did not breastfeed. I did continue to exercise throughout the pregnancy (as I am doing with this one) and I think it really helps during labor and delivery and after. Most of my friends gained up to 40 lbs. and were able to lose it after. I think it all depends on your body type and what your doctor tells you. I don''t think any OB is going to admonish you for an extra 5 lbs. here and there. But I could be wrong!

TGal, the growth spurts suck but they are a part of the process. And they don''t stop either! The other night, Lily had 8 oz of milk before bed and was crying for more. I had to give her 4 more ounces and then she passed out. Granted she''s on regular milk now and she doesn''t take as much as she did when she was on formula but I''m pretty sure she was having a growth spurt since she had a horrible night of sleep too and ended up in a peaceful slumber in our bed. Peaceful for her, I mean! DH and I were pummeled with arms and legs and butt! BTW, we loved the Miracle Blanket but Lily figured out how bust out too early! She still wanted to be swaddled though so we would do it and finally weaned her off by around 4.5-5 months. The pacifier is another story! Good luck with that one and let me know how you do it because Lily is still using hers for sleep. And just saw your post about a mommy thread. Count me in. I think we had started one a while back so maybe we should look for it or just start a new one, but I know there is one on here that didn''t get much action because everyone kept coming here instead!

sbde, congratulations and welcome!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!

ellaila, I totally blow my hair out, hence notcurlygirl!! But it is naturally super curly. Regarding prunes, I only give them to Lily if she''s backed up. I don''t think you''ll have too much of an explosion but you might want to mix them with cereal just to be safe!

softly, you bring up a great point about friendships post baby. I am sad to say that I no longer talk to most of my friends who are single or don''t have children. There is a strange disconnect there and while I don''t feel good about it, I think it''s just one of those things that goes with the territory. I have a single guy friend who owns 2 bars here in NYC and he can''t understand why I can''t just pop down to one of the bars at 11pm on a Thursday night like I used to. It''s a tough adjustment all around. It frustrates me when childless friends will call and ask to meet up for a drink after work--on that day. Sure, it used to be easy but now I have to PLAN for everything. I can''t just drop Lily off at home to fend for herself while I go out and socialize! But I think eventually it will all work itself out one way or the other...

. Congrats on the new MacBook. I also wanted to comment on your Mountain Girl necklace--love it. I''m thinking about getting the little girl versions for my chicks at some point. They are so nice!

ephemery, I LOVE chunky thighs! Lily''s have actually thinned out some since she started walking but it''s fun to take big bites out of them!!! I was a chubby baby but it didn''t last! I don''t think Lyla will be a huge baby because you are tiny. Lily was 6 lbs. 15 oz. and she''s pretty average size now and I''m only 5''2" but DH is 6''3". So you just never know! Hope you''re enjoying "nesting". Regarding water consumption, make sure you drink even MORE than you think is enough in this weather. Dehydration is really bad for you and believe it or not, my doc says that the more water you drink the less water weight you''ll carry. I guess you just pee it all out so you don''t get too swollen in the heat!

. Hope you''re doing ok. Harvey Karp''s DVD saved our lives. It really does work!!!!

Tacori, could Tessa be any cuter?! Love the photo of her asleep in her jumper. She is going to laugh pretty hard when she sees that one as an adult!

sk8erjen, yay for the confirmation of 2 girls!!
Double the pink fun! Hope your tooth issue gets better. I see the periodontist every 4 months, so twice during this pregnancy. I hate going but I guess it''s important to keep an eye on the teeth while pregnant.

dd, congratulations and welcome!! A line is a line is a line, although it probably will get darker as your hcg increases. I know this thread is overwhelming but a researcher like you will gather so much info here! Jump in at anytime, we''re happy to have you!! H&H 9 months.

erica k, congrats to you too! I don''t think I''ve welcomed you yet but hope you have a great pregnancy. You''ll get tons of support from everyone here.

Burk, I hope Tayva will do well with all the solids. I''m sorry for her vomiting experience but hopefully the extra meds will help. Poor baby and poor mommy!

Diva, only 5 weeks to go?? Holy cow, time flies. I remember when announced your pregnancy! Sorry about all the house issues but you have 3 years to figure it all out, right?! It sucks when family lets you down though...

Regarding acne and losing your beauty if you''re having a girl, I''m totally not bragging but it didn''t happen to me with either pregnancy. My skin has actually been great both times and while my face is fuller, everyone seems to tell me I have the happy glow of pregnancy. I see a chick with a few chins staring back at me in the mirror but I don''t think the old wives'' tales are true as to the sex of the baby and the mother''s appearance.

OK, I''m sure I missed someone but I''m trying to catch up!
Mela -- I''m so so sorry to hear the bad news -- (((hugs))) to you and your DH!! We''ll all look forward to seeing you back here soon... FWIW, i had one (m/c) right before I conceived these twins, so stay positive!!

Q -- the semi-annual appt should be no prob and even fillings and extractions can be fine as long as your dentist doesn''t use anything with epinepherine in it. Like you, I planned on not having any work done at all until after pregnancy, b/c that usually *can* wait -- but I wasn''t going to go without my cleaning! Re: painkillers, I think I should be able to be fine with just tylenol after my extraction, but there was NO way I could have gotten through those 2 days last week without ''em....

LIA -- thanks :) I''ll have to get a recent belly shot -- haven''t done one in a couple of weeks b/c i''m 1) lazy and 2) appalled at how the rest of me decided to play catch-up with the growing belly! haha

Ella -- I never gave the boys prunes as a baby! I just figured there were plenty of other foods to work with and kinda skipped those
My sympathies in advance....
And yeah, this is not the most opportune time to have to deal with teeth crap -- but on the plus side, everyone at both dentist offices seem to be completely enthralled with my belly and the babies it''s carrying...

NF -- definitely felt that pain -- and now my most recent "aches and pains" is my newfound pelvic pain --- much worse than that pressure from the beginning. I slept with a pillow between my legs from 8 weeks on (helped with the hip thing too ) -- so yeah, normal, moreso b/c of the twins factor (LOTS more to come you won''t be able to look up, btw!)

Jas -- lots of babies are different in this department, especially when they growth spurt, so yeah, i''d say the 5-hour part is your "sleeping through the night, but it should improve soon! LOL about Charlie -- ugh, men!

Dreamer -- congrats and welcome!!!!!! Don''t stress too hard if you can help it b/c the dyes can be very different in the tests. That said, my tests that i took a WEEK after my first BFP were much darker than my early ones, and they NEVER got asa dark as the control line (and i''m pg with twins and my hcg level was out of this world, so go figure....) -- you got a couple of lines, you''re pregnant

Snlee-- oooooh i LOVE that part -- there will be lots of belly-watching in your future :)!

Tacori and Burk -- thanks!

Jackie -- (snort) i''m gonna have to try that..... so when do you get your results?

Jess -- sorry to hear about the house situation. That really sucks, but at least they can''t kick you out for a while! Hope you have a great shower this weekend!

TGal -- my group from babycenter did the same thing when several of us got pg and broke off into 2 threads -- both of which i have a hard time keeping up with, but i''m "friends" with people from both groups... also, as an already-mom and pregnant again, i like being active in both sides of the conversations (of course, i''m not here nearly as often as the rest of you, but i still read it all and reply when i can!) --- even though it does move fast, i knda of like it that we are all one... but of course, that''s only my one little ole opinion, so if you do decide to start a second thread, i''ll do both....

Speaking of which -- I have a question for the new mommies -- it''s be over 5 years since i had a baby, so i wasn''t privvy to the "miracle blanket" but it sounds great! Do i need more than one??

Twin mommies -- ella, did you have a shower and when? Jackie are you having one? My friend wants to give me one at 30 weeks and i''m thinking it should be earlier, but i''d like to know what you guys think. I gave one to a singleton mommy back in march and she was 31 weeks (that way she had time to buy what she needed while she still could....) and I am worried already about PTL and bedrest, plus i am already huge so i may be VERY uncomfortable at 30 weeks... i''m sure NF will be interested in this answer as well...

AFM -- pelvic pain set in and isn''t fun, but that''s par for the course these days. i can deal with that better than some of the other stuff. my DH is annoying me more as the days go by, so i''m thinking these poor girls are gonna be nameless for a while, at least until we can have a civil conversation.

Curly -- we posted at the same time -- yay for a great appointment!! Sounds like you are doing perfectly in the weight dept. too!

Which reminded me -- re: girls stealing your, YEAH. I had glowing beautiful skin with all 3 of my boys -- that pregnant glow was crazy. With these girls, i have acne and yuk hair and just everything unattractive (and extra size in my bum and boobs right off the bat) -- so i truly believe in the theory!!

DD, my faint line is 7.5 months! Congrats lady!

Jas12, make sure you stop swaddling the arms at 3 months. Doc''s suggest they need to be free for development. I know you have sleep problems but really, I would just try one night. My doc says wait 15 mins....but since he is younger maybe 10? Whatever you feel comfortable with. T wakes up crying all the time but usually for one a min or two and then passes out again. Is he in his own room yet? Maybe that would help you sleep (babies are noisy!!!!)

snlee, I remember the belly waves!

Diva, thanks! I was excited to find it. T has more clothes than I do. It is beyond crazy! have fun at your shower! Sorry to hear about the house drama. Hope it all works out.

TGal, I love the pacifier! I need it just as much as she. I have decided not to worry about it until she is at least a year. BTW don''t worry about Ame''s belly time. Remember how Tessa hated it? Well she is an early crawler so just goes to show you they really are the boss and will do what they want, when they want!

Curly, good luck with the sugar test! Thanks for the compliment. Lily is a cutie too. Too bad they can''t be friends. They would have all the little boys chasing after them.

By the way did I tell you girls she started saying "Mama" last week? Not always directed at me of course! But it''s a start
Curly, even if Amelia needs her paci until way older, I''m really not opposed to it. Usually it''s going to be a pacifier or a thumb, so most have to wean of something...

I hope you pass the one hour Curly!!!

Jen, I would get two. If something happens to one of them in the middle of the night, you might be screwed. I find that 2 is enough.

Tacori, I agree on the swaddling, which is why I am starting to wean now when Amelia is not 3 months yet (plus TGuy is out of town which makes all this much less stressful). She just woke up 50 mins into her afternoon nap because of the one arm swaddle. I had to go up and pat her for a couple of minutes for her to conk out again. Still, I think it will be worth it if she can get weaned and I don''t mind backtracking on the sleeping a bit. I totally forgot Tessa hated tummy time...that gives me hope! Actually for the last two days she has done it without any crying...yay!! And that must have melted your heart to hear mama...even if it was directed at dada or her high chair or whatever...hehehe...
Regarding a mommies thread, there is one called PS Mommies Thread that Diver started but it looks like it''s locked or something, nobody has posted on it since November 2007...
OK...if enough mommies are interested, I''ll ask Andrey to open that one up and if it''s well trafficked, we can request it to be a sticky..
OK, got DH to take a belly shot, so brace yourselves... oh, and I cannot bring myself to do any more that expose the skin. And yes, the dress on this big belly looks like an acid trip gone bad, but it''s a million gajillion degrees here and this dress is light and airy. OK, disclaimers aside, here we go:

19 wk 1 day belly shot to post.JPG
Re: swaddling--i actually think Co gets ''more'' of a work-out trying to bust out of the swaddle!

He doesn''t nap long enough for me to wean him from that just yet--his naps would be around 10 min-lol. and i don''t need to leave an arm out cuz he always gets one out on his own.
I just started stroking his head a few times when he goes down without it and the soother--seems to work, his eyes start to close with every stroke and I leave the room before he falls asleep completely.

Tacori--I''ll try leaving him a few minutes before feeding tonight (he''s still in our room) and ya, he is noisy but it''s so easy/comfy to nurse him in the night without getting out of bed or turning on a light etc. that i am going to keep him around a little longer..

Burk--T had a great schedule too! I am wondering if i put Cohen to bed earlier he''ll still sleep till 2-3ish. Poor kid is my living experiment
I totally was not trying to start a thread revolution! Sorry if it seemed that way! I love having mommies around on this thread, but it does mean that the number of women regularly posting on here will continue to expand and expand... like our waistlines I guess... I started the new thread as sort of a "bridge" for people between the TTC and this thread, since sometimes it can be nice to have a "smaller" group to talk to, and since I personally am not ready to really accept being preggers yet! Maybe in 2 more months...

I think staring a mommy thread is a good idea and would make this thread more focused, but I also think this thread will be very different without you experienced folks... we would miss you!!

Again, sorry if I seemed antisocial!
Date: 6/19/2008 11:59:03 AM
Author: erica k

I was wondering about that, too. I tested positive on CD26, supposedly 10 DPO if my chart is correct, and it was lightning fast and as dark as the control line. Since then I''ve tried 3 different types of tests with the same results. But I see so many faint BFP lines on PS, it made me wonder what on earth a dark/faint line means. Maybe I O''d a few days earlier than my chart claims, or maybe I''m super-hormonal?

Or maybe you are having twins?

There are a number of options including unfortunately is ectopic/molar pregnancy, but when you go in for your first blood test they will test your HCG level and if it is abnormally high (like mine was) you''ll get an ultrasound right away. If you have any really bad pain on one side go to the ER IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise it is probably nothing and don''t worry about it.

But really, it''s probably NOTHING to worry about. Lines do get darker in my experience though. My later ones were most def. darker than the really super early ones.
Jen: I think Ellaila had her shower earlier...and we are planning on it too. Just doesn't make sense to wait so much longer when you are likelier to "go" a lot earlier too. One of my twin books recommends about 28 weeks for a twin shower...I think that is what my best friend is aiming for with my shower but who knows. And BTW: You look GREAT!!!! All belly there!

THANK YOU ALL who responded about the stretching. I figured it was probably one of the many "twin things" that I can't look up. Drat! My Dr. said not to worry, but I was worried when I couldn't find any information on it online. So I am glad y'all are here to reassure me! It's not painful, just annoying.

Jas: As of right now my babies are on the lower side too and baby B is being squished completely by A. So we might have a little bit of that going on here too. Glad to hear that it was normal for you.

And the Mommies thread: I would vote no to a separate thread simply because I think the real helpfulness of this thread for me is from the experience of moms who have been through it before...but of course I will support any decision everyone makes. This thread does move fast, but what is nice about it is that if you ask a question you are likely to get a response ASAP, which is GREAT IMO. Just another perspective.
Date: 6/19/2008 5:35:16 PM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 6/19/2008 11:59:03 AM

Author: erica k


I was wondering about that, too. I tested positive on CD26, supposedly 10 DPO if my chart is correct, and it was lightning fast and as dark as the control line. Since then I''ve tried 3 different types of tests with the same results. But I see so many faint BFP lines on PS, it made me wonder what on earth a dark/faint line means. Maybe I O''d a few days earlier than my chart claims, or maybe I''m super-hormonal?

Or maybe you are having twins?

There are a number of options including unfortunately is ectopic/molar pregnancy, but when you go in for your first blood test they will test your HCG level and if it is abnormally high (like mine was) you''ll get an ultrasound right away. If you have any really bad pain on one side go to the ER IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise it is probably nothing and don''t worry about it.

But really, it''s probably NOTHING to worry about. Lines do get darker in my experience though. My later ones were most def. darker than the really super early ones.

So far, no unusual pain, but I will be on the look out for anything suspicious.

I mentioned twins to my husband, and he was like, ''not a chance in hell!'' We''ll find out soon enough.... I haven''t scheduled an appointment yet, still too shocked about the whole thing.
TGal, she''ll be fine. I have realized her development is way more about *her* than *me*. Though she was motivated to roll to get OFF her tummy. She hated it. Now that she is mobile she loves it and has been sleeping on her tummy since 5 months. The first few times I rolled her over but she would ALWAYS roll back so I just left her. The doc says it is not dangerous once they can roll both ways. We were shocked when she said "mama" for the first time. I was shaking her bottle and she looked over at me and SHOUTED "MAMA!" DH and I just stared at each other. So now her favorite words are "dada", "nana" and "mama".

Jas12, we get T in our room for 4 looooong months. We ALL slept better in our own rooms (baby included). But it is a personal decision with no right or wrong answer.

Jen, you are all belly! It is so hot here too

Burk, used the fabric cart thing today at Target. I think she liked it even though she kept tipping over. She can sit so well but I guess in a moving cart it is harder. The one I have has a few toys on it which makes it so NICE! She was just playing while I was shopping.

Re: another thread...I''ll go with whatever everyone wants.
Burk, this is the cart cover I have.
Tessa said Momma, you must have melted. Love that she''s got 3 words already. Love the new avatar pic.

You are all belly, you look great!!!
Date: 6/19/2008 5:03:23 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
I totally was not trying to start a thread revolution! Sorry if it seemed that way! I love having mommies around on this thread, but it does mean that the number of women regularly posting on here will continue to expand and expand... like our waistlines I guess... I started the new thread as sort of a ''bridge'' for people between the TTC and this thread, since sometimes it can be nice to have a ''smaller'' group to talk to, and since I personally am not ready to really accept being preggers yet! Maybe in 2 more months...

I think staring a mommy thread is a good idea and would make this thread more focused, but I also think this thread will be very different without you experienced folks... we would miss you!!

Again, sorry if I seemed antisocial!
DD, don''t take it personally...I totally see that this thread can become overwhelming wasn''t that way when I joined but it has grown so much. I joined at around page 50 when I was 4 weeks preggo and it took 8 months to get to page 200 when I gave birth. Now, only 2.5 months after that, we have jumped 100 pages. That''s a lot.

To be honest though, I don''t quite get the need for a barely preggo thread. I DO get that it''s great to bond with preggos at the same stage without having to read/weed through this other stuff. But at what point are you barely preggo to regular preggo? And then do you leave that thread to come here? Which I would imagine would be kind of unnecessary since the bonding with other newer preggos would occur over there.

Don''t get me wrong...*this* isn''t the only preggo thread...and PSers can start/do whatever they''d like. I just find it odd that you need a entire thread to talk about early pregnancy when that''s what''s been going on here for 300 pages...
Date: 6/19/2008 4:59:53 PM
Author: Jas12
Re: swaddling--i actually think Co gets ''more'' of a work-out trying to bust out of the swaddle!

He doesn''t nap long enough for me to wean him from that just yet--his naps would be around 10 min-lol. and i don''t need to leave an arm out cuz he always gets one out on his own.
I just started stroking his head a few times when he goes down without it and the soother--seems to work, his eyes start to close with every stroke and I leave the room before he falls asleep completely.

Tacori--I''ll try leaving him a few minutes before feeding tonight (he''s still in our room) and ya, he is noisy but it''s so easy/comfy to nurse him in the night without getting out of bed or turning on a light etc. that i am going to keep him around a little longer..

Burk--T had a great schedule too! I am wondering if i put Cohen to bed earlier he''ll still sleep till 2-3ish. Poor kid is my living experiment
Hahahaha! That is EXACTLY what I said about Amelia to a friend the other day. I just keep "experimenting" with everything!

I am willing to bet that he will sleep fine even if you put him to bed earlier. Don''t be discouraged if it doesn''t happen on the first night though. Remember I started putting Amelia to bed at 10pm. From there, it progressed pretty rapidly down to her current bedtime of 7. The reason was that she kept sleeping until 2-3 no matter what time I put her down. So every night I''d move it 15 minutes to a half hour earlier. I stopped tracking it here on PS, but I believe she went from a 10 pm bedtime to a 7 pm bedtime within 3 weeks. (Hmmm...doing mental calculation...10pm bedtime started happening at almost 6 weeks. She''s 11 weeks now and has been having a 7 pm bedtime for...three weeks now...which means it happened...yup, in three weeks.)
hey, I have a suggestion (as a lurker!)

What if you keep this, the original preggo thread, for the people who became pregnant approximately certain dates (maybe from the beginning of the thread thru, last month or something).

Then the new thread DD started can be for people who get pg starting now thru... whenever.

Of course new people can join up wherever they see fit, but that might help keep people together who are going through the same thing at the same time, without any thread expanding to the point where nobody can keep up anymore.

When the new thread starts getting to "capacity" as determined by its regular posters, someone can start a third.

Just an idea from a lurker! I have learned so much from you all!
Re: new thread.

It is indeed hard sometimes, as I feel like preggo posts (vs. the new mommy posts) are in the minority on some days. ...on those days, I just want to enjoy the wonder of the moment with others who are going through what I am at the moment.. On other days, I crave and need the experience that the mommies give, as it gives me comfort and solice and a calm voice saying, "it''s all going to be ok." But I''m mercurial that way.

This has certainly evolved into a mommy (and mommy-to-be) thread. But I feel like either way we go, someone is going to be offended, ya know? What I don''t want to do is sacrifice the support and genuine care of this thread. On days when I''m overwhelmed with how quickly the thread moves, I just stay off for a few days and forgive myself for not addressing everyone.

Which is my special way of saying, "Whatever y''all do is good with me."

Please take no offense. I am not pointing fingers nor (hopefully) acting the martyr here. It is what it is.
OK, the babies are sleeping and my belly is full (thank you, PF Changs!), so I can hunker down and catch up!

As for different threads ... hmm. This one is definitely overwhelming at times, but I'd hate to see it split up. I love the excitement of the new preggos, following people through trimesters, the birth stories and new babes, and of course the camaraderie we get from going through this crazy experience together! On the other hand, I feel bad because I have a hard time keeping up with all the new preggos and I feel like I often don't get to respond to them individually b/c I'm more in mommy mode. But as long as we all feel like we've got a niche we fit into here, then I'm for keeping just this one thread. If the new preggos don't respond to my posts, I'm not offended, so I hope they're not offended if I don't respond to all of their posts either!

Eeeeek, check out this story: Teens Had Pact to Get Pregnant
Oh God, I'm already scared for Katelyn and Gabe's teenage years.

re: swaddling and pacis -- I stopped nighttime swaddling at about 4 months I think, right around when Gabe started to roll over (we stopped for naps earlier than that). It was rough for a few nights, where he in particular would thrash himself awake, but within a few days, they caught on. As for pacis, Katelyn never really took to it, and we took Gabe off of it early because I just wanted to save us the pain of trying to get them off of them later. Gabe liked it, but he had no problem giving it up either. Both suck on their fingers here and there, but neither is a true thumb sucker in the sense that they need it to comfort themselves to sleep (though maybe that comes later?). It's just a pet peeve of mine when I see older kids with pacis, so I didn't want to go down that road. The only time I feel bad is when I'm at the doc's office and a baby is crying, and the doc is like, "Do you have a paci or something to soothe them?" And then I feel like a bad mommy.

I think I need to reply in a few posts, so this one doesn't get too long ...
I actually really like the one thread format too...however, honestly, I am kind of thinking that a separate thread might be a good idea because of what Jackie said...

I know that one of the things I really valued was going through my pregnancy and having a bit of bonding with Jas12, MrsS and lili. I also loved the support of Tacori, Ella, Diver and Curlygirl (am I forgetting anyone...if so, sorry!!). When I was pregnant, there wasn''t that much mommy talk...and it was still pretty well predominantly a preggo thread.

Now I feel like the tide has turned and it kinds of leaves the new preggos out in the cold. There are a TON of new preggos who have due dates close together and I don''t want them to miss out because this thread runs so fast with talk other than preggos. It was so fun to have my preggo partners that it would be a shame for them to miss out on that because this thread is so action packed that they disappear from it out of fatigue.

In that sense, I understand why DD started the barely preggo thread. Maybe TanDogMom has a point...I think babycenter has threads based on expecting dates. Although as I said...I know personally I wouldn''t be able to keep up with a separate preggo thread and would feel badly that I couldn''t offer much support...
To me this thread is working. Yes it''s long, had no clue when I started it, that it would reach as many pages as it has. But if it ain''t broke don''t fix it. The barely preggo thread is being recieved well, people are responding to it. I would imagine once they get to a certain point, they will join this thread. What ever you guys decide, is fine with me. I love reading all your stories, seeing the pics and helping out when I can.
Jen, I LOVE YOUR BELLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay for healthy baby girls in there!!! And UGH for the pelvic pain. I send you my empathy and hope you can find some relief. That was by far the worst part of my pregnancy. By. Far. As for showers, yes I had mine at 28 weeks, and I couldn''t imagine having had it any later than that. My OB told me from the get-go that most twin mommies "hit the wall" at 28 weeks, and he was right -- that was exactly when I started to go from "I''m scared to give birth" to "I''m ready for this pregancy to be over!!" (though I obviously wanted to go farther along than that timewise). I would *definitely* shoot for the 25-28-week range if I were you. And if anyone thinks that''s too early, then pppfffft to them. The last thing you want is to have to be the center of attention when you''re miserably uncomfortable.

Burk, oh no! Sorry to hear that you guys had to switch formulas *again*! What is she on now? Gabe is doing well. He still arches a lot, but I really am starting to just think that that is who he is. Can''t even tell if it''s reflux-related or not anymore. I think he definitely had it and he does have more stomach issues (painful gas, constipation) than Katelyn does, so I think he''s just uncomfortable a lot. Hopefully I can give him the right solids to keep everything on track (though I unknowingly gave him almost all constipating foods yesterday - oopsie! Who knew that apple juice is good to relieve constipation, yet apple sauce causes it?? Here''s why.) Glad that Tayva is doing well on solids! That''s got to be a relief for you. Curious what the GI specialist says. Has she had an upper GI done yet?

We decided to forgo prunes and went with peaches instead

Jas, I think five hours is great for Co''s age!

Curly, 12 pounds??! Oh woman, I officially hate you. Adorable daughter, another on the way, great NYC apartment, had a *fabulous* wedding dress, and only up 12 lbs. at 26 weeks. Yep, I''m a hater.
Good luck with the GD!

Tacori, Ohhhh!!! Tessa said MAMA!!!!
That''s awesome! Wow, all these milestones are coming up FAST, aren''t they??

TGal, I don''t think Amelia is delayed just b/c she''s not rolling side to side yet. Actually, she still seems sort of young to me to be doing that (from what I remember). K used to hate tummy time too, but then just one day she was like, "Hey, I kinda like this!" once she realized she could see things from a totally different perspective. So Amelia will do it on her own time, no worries. I''ve yet to meet a grownup who is unable to pick their heads up or to roll around

OK, off to read some more and reply some more ... this is hard work!
Date: 6/19/2008 12:21:39 PM
Author: snlee
Ebree, how are you doing? I''ve been thinking of you. Have you gotten any answers from your doctor yet?

Thank you for thinking of me! We''re doing okay, given the circumstances. Right now, I''m on CD 12 of the post m/c cycle and I can tell my body is gearing up to ovulate, but we''re going to wait one, possibly two cycles before trying again. To give my body time to replenish all that needs to be replenished, I guess. It isn''t easy.

A week or so ago, I had 39582 vials of blood drawn and tests run. Everything came back completely normal. My doctor wants to put me on Clomid, which was confusing, because I have no problem ovulating, or getting pregnant for that matter (of the three cycles we tried, two were successful- knock on wood). She explained that it can also help with luteal phase defects, and could help ''build'' a nice strong egg. Either this next cycle or the cycle after, I''ll start the low dose. Does anyone on this thread have experience with Clomid?

Anyway, I hope to be joining you here again soon! In the meantime, I''ll be a silent lurker.
tgal and Jas12- Jake is doing about the same thing as your little ones regarding his sleeping, although he does take good naps still. he went from 1-4 yesterday and slept in the stroller/carseat the entire time I was at the playground with my girls. my mom friends kept hoping he'd wake up so they could hold him but no way was I moving him out of his wonderful quiet napping. Jake's bed time is still around 9-9:30 but I do want to start moving him up. he wakes up anywhere from 2-4 a.m still. the other night he actually slept 7 hours straight and of course the next night he was up every 3

re: paci's...i used one with my first. she loved it and had it until she was 3. it was too long and we should have taken it sooner but I had my second only 20 months after the frist and needed to cope. I opted to not use a paci with my second and don't use one with jake either. It is harder and there are times I wished I could just give him a paci but I do love the fact that he can easily fall asleep without the help. I think everyone just has to do what works and what will keep them sane.

re: seperate threads. I think diver tried to start a mommy thread right after she and tacori had Delany and Tacori had Tessa but it never really took off. I have a much harder time keeping up here and would probably easily go for a thread where tgal and jas12 and lili posted since we're all at the same place. honestly, I will just skim and look for their posts when i'm in a rush. I figure the new preggo's probably skip over many of my posts too
so, all that to say, i'm game for whatever. if we want to try the new mommy thread again, i'm all for it, otherwise i'm cool with staying here to. Plus, when I do have more time, i'd still read and contribute to the preggo thread b/c I think just having going through pregnancy i might have some helpful words to share