
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

and WELCOME Mrs!!! There are a great group of ladies here. Sending sticky vibes your way for the baby!!!!
Date: 7/12/2008 10:57:02 AM
Author: Mrs

So I'm thrilled since I never imagined we would be so fortunate to get pregnant so soon! But I'm also a little confused. How far along am I? Do I count from the day of my last period even though my cycle is so long? I'm still kinda crampy but there's no blood. Did any of you have that crampy feeling too?


Hi Mrs!

Docs usually start by counting from your LMP, but if you know you ovulated late, then that will end up adjusted, and it will be easier for you if you mentally adjust to thinking you're not as far along. Crampy feeling is normal! That's your uterus starting to stretch out.

By the way,

Jas & NF , thanks for the info. I won't fuss about extra nutrition until 2nd trimester then.

And incidentally, what made me realize they really MIGHT be identical is that I looked at the u/s gallery on Fertility Friend. There are 22 u/s of identicals at around 7 to 8 wks, all (but one or two, I think?) in the same black blob. And the 200 or so u/s of fraternals at that stage all appeared to be in different blobs. Not a guarantee of course! And frankly, I still want a girl & a boy so I hope they are fraternal after all!

Oh yeah, and JAS, I totally hear ya on the insurance thing. I think it''s barbaric that women have to worry about that in this country!
Indy, congrats on the twins! I am a twin and just wanted to share our story with you in case it puts your mind at ease at all.

My brother and I were born 10 weeks early and we were VERY small. I think we may have each weighed little more than a pound. When my mom went into labor so early they found that my umbilical cord was wrapped around my brothers neck so they did a Csection. I was in the hospital for 2 months more and my brother was in for 3. There were LOTS of complications. My brothers heart stopped beating many times. But the doctors and nurses at NY presbyterian hospital were great and we were fine. We''re both very healthy strong adults now.

We shared a placenta which is unusual for fraternal twins. They had though we would be identical twins since we shared the same sac.

Also, my mom didn''t stop drinking alcohol through her pregnancy with us - she says it''s because they didn''t know better back then but I''m not so sure about that since I''m only 28...

Anyway, I can only imagine the fears that one would have to deal with if one were pregnant with twins but I think you (and they) will be fine. Medical science has improved significantly since we were born 28 years ago so try not to worry!

Congrats again!
Indy--didn''t mean to imply that anyone uses PS or other blogs as their research for pregnancy/L &D ( i used it for diamond research, but that''s a bit different), like u said, it''s more a source of support. I sought out reputable websites for anything that was of interest to me and often just discussed it on this thread.
There are so many twin mom''s to be on this site that you may have to start your own thread so you can easily access and exchange twin-specific experiences and advice!
Jas12, I'm totally with you! What you said just made me think of what my doc had said, is all!


Mrs., thanks for sharing your story. My mom told me that she knew not to drink alcohol (a couple of years before you guys came along) but that she mistakenly thought it was to prevent Down's Syndrome!
Indy I am glad you are feeling so positive, that is awesome! And I agree with what NF said about the stats... you don't have all the same predictors as the "general population", since you are very health conscious and will have excellent medical care, so I am sure that you are going to be fine and your babies will go on to drive you mental pretending to be one another when they do something bad! LOL! I had identical twin best friends growing up and they did this all the time. They also tricked teachers

Mrs. Welcome and congrats! That is really exciting news! Like Indy said, cramping in the first while is normal. I felt it was more like a pulling stretching feeling than anything else. It stopped for me after a couple weeks, and now I don't really feel anything where my uterus is (I'm 7 weeks, like Indy)... all I feel is upset stomach
so you can look forward to that soon! TUMS really help me, since I only have chronic indigestion not nausea.

As for you due date, you should calculate your due date from your LMP and then ADD 11 days. The usual calculation assumes that you O on CD 14, so if you O'd on CD 25, you are actually 11 days "behind" that calculation. Depending on your doctor, they may or may not listen to you when you tell them you O'd later. They will probably order an ultrasound around 6 - 7 weeks after your LMP, which is great so you can see you baby!!, but if you have a doctor like someone I know who did not trust her charting, then they may be like, "Oh your baby is measuring small etc etc" and have you come back a week later to make sure it is developing properly. This freaked my friend out since she hadn't charted temps, she just knew from CM when she O'd, but if you go through this just hold strong to the fact that you know when you O'd so your baby will be 11 days "behind" what the LMP would predict! Hopefully your doc will just trust you and then you don't have to worry!

ETA: If you are trying to think how far along you are, it may help to just add 11 days from your LMP and then count from that day instead. So even though it is CD 40 now, you are not actually nearing the end of your sixth week, you are in fact just past 4 weeks preggo!! Yeah!
congrats and welcome mrs!!!
i was off the pill, but not charting or anything when i got my bfp. was THRILLED but not expecting it. i had been having bad period-like cramps about 4-5 days before my bfp and was convinced that i was about to start my period...
Thanks for the warm welcome and replies ladies! I''m glad to know the cramps/tightening is normal and that I''m likely 4 weeks along! I''m so excited I want to shout from the rooftops but I know it''s too soon for that.... whatever happens, it''s exciting to know that we can get pregnant. I hope the next 4 weeks speed along!

Thanks again!!
Hi everyone
Welcome Mrs! I too O''ed late and take that in consideration each time I have an u/s and I show a little further behind by 5 days or so. I did mention it to my Dr when I went in for my first appt so they know too that all your measurments will show a little off. How exciting for you and DH!

So, here I am at 13 weeks thinking I''m in the clear for any major concern for m/s and last night we went grocery shopping and the flood gates opened. I''ve been sick for almost a week coughing my head off so I thought maybe that caused it. By the time we got home it was pretty bad so we ended up spending the night in the ER. They still gave me no real answer but it let up and now I''m just having light brown spotting. I have my regular OB appt on Tues so hopefully my dr will have a better answer. I hope none of you newly pg ladies have to ever experience this... what a freaky experience!

I hope you all have a great weekend and take it easy
Welcome Mrs!!!! You will enjoy the knowledges and supports on this thread.
Date: 7/12/2008 2:07:37 PM
Author: Loves2Laugh
Hi everyone
Welcome Mrs! I too O''ed late and take that in consideration each time I have an u/s and I show a little further behind by 5 days or so. I did mention it to my Dr when I went in for my first appt so they know too that all your measurments will show a little off. How exciting for you and DH!

So, here I am at 13 weeks thinking I''m in the clear for any major concern for m/s and last night we went grocery shopping and the flood gates opened. I''ve been sick for almost a week coughing my head off so I thought maybe that caused it. By the time we got home it was pretty bad so we ended up spending the night in the ER. They still gave me no real answer but it let up and now I''m just having light brown spotting. I have my regular OB appt on Tues so hopefully my dr will have a better answer. I hope none of you newly pg ladies have to ever experience this... what a freaky experience!

I hope you all have a great weekend and take it easy
L2L, that sounds really scary! I know someone else on here (can''t remember who, sorry!) told a story once of a friend who had the same thing happen when she was on a plane, and she went on to have a perfectly healthy baby. I have also heard that the type of thing you describe can sometimes be caused by a tear or something in the cervix, and so the blood doesn''t come from the uterus. Hopefully you doc will have some more answers!
L2L -- what a scary experience -- I really hope you are able to get more answers soon and I'm glad the heavy flow has let up! Hang in there

Indy -- I meant to tell you before, check out if you haven't already -- it's a great resourse to have and even though the community isn't as tight-knit as it is here, there are plenty of women at verious stages of multiple pregnancies ready to offer support and advice! As for supplements, my doctor told me right from the beginning to supplement with iron and calcium (hadn't had my iron tested at that point, just his standard advice). I use a target-brand prenatal, nothing expensive, btw... also i have been advised to have a very high-protein diet (and actually a lot of the twinstuff women speak highly of adding protein shakes later in the pregnancy). HTH. So, now that the initial shock is worn off, how're you feeling?
I know there are more fears that go along with a twin pregnancy, but the way I am looking at it is "double the rewards," and while i am at a stage where i am definitely worried about things like pre-term labor, i am excited enough abot what the future holds to not entertain those negative thoughts for too long...anyway
And, of course i'll be praying for you and the cubs!


ETA -- i just came back from a short shopping spree where i purchased "fake bling" -- my fingers hit a point where the wedding and engagment ring *had* to come off (i really had to work at it to get them off too!) and I kept panicking without my rings there... anyone else experienced this? My original plan was to get a cute birthstone ring or a band or something, but i decided i would never be able to wear it after the pregnancy, so i settled for a $25 CZ ring. It feels SOOOOOOOOOOO wrong!
Attention fellow NERDY MOMMAS

I just found the most adorable flash cards. Nevermind the A is for Apple, how about A is for Atom??? I just bought some to frame in our nursery. My DH is in love with them. Hehe. I am such a big nerd.
Indy-Congratulations!!! I''m just getting caught up on these threads so I''m a little late. I''m so excited for you!!!!

Neatfreak-I love those flash cards. I actually might get them for my niece for Christmas (my brother claims I''m a nerd).
(back to lurking)
Okay, NF, those cards are AWESOME!!! I think I will also get them and frame them all in a large frame, what a cool idea.

Nerd Mommas Unite!
Date: 7/12/2008 7:06:00 PM
Author: neatfreak
Attention fellow NERDY MOMMAS

I just found the most adorable flash cards. Nevermind the A is for Apple, how about A is for Atom??? I just bought some to frame in our nursery. My DH is in love with them. Hehe. I am such a big nerd.

Hm...what about for lush mommas?

A is for Alcohol
B is for Booze
C is for Champagne
D is for Drunk...

Think it would be a good seller?

Date: 7/12/2008 2:44:43 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Welcome Mrs!!!! You will enjoy the knowledges and supports on this thread.
Ditto!! Hoping you have a smooth pregnancy MRS!! Welcome!!
Neatfreak, I love those! Just showed my DH and he did too!
Oh my goodness INDY congratulations!!
I kind of feel like an intruder on here since I'm only brewing a single bean!

How exciting!

I think NF beat me to it but the first u/sound doesn't tell you much about ID or otherwise. Dark on ultrasound= fluid, so it could be the amniotic sac or if it's off to one side, the yolk sac. The placenta starts forming at about 8 weeks but is often not visible on US until later. Even at my 12 week ultrasound the OB didn't tell me too much about the placenta because so much can change. It's pretty obvious in the 20 week ultrasound.

I def feel like it's possible to know too much so I'm focussing on the good ('Ultrasound went well. I feel pretty good. I'm not knowingly ingesting toxins. Hurrah!') rather than the bad ('Will the baby have Aspergers? If it's a girl will she have AIS or be an actual girl? Did they miss a VSD on the US?' and so on). You've been under so much stress with your family I would just hate for you to be worried about the cubs. I'm soooo glad you have great insurance! Also v jealous that you can knit!!

Eph, I am so bummed for you. I would be really p*ssed if that happened so I can totally understand where you are coming from. It just sounds miserable-can you even sleep?? Big hugs honey. When do you have another checkup? Are you doing bed rest at the moment??

Pave, I have read that the average pushing time for first moms is 1 hour or more and for moms who have done it twice or more it can go down to 15 mins. I don't know if hypnobirthing helps with this-my understanding is that it is more a technique to deal with first stage-I could be wrong on this since I've not looked that closely at it. Second stage is usually pretty active, even with an epi in place or assistance.

DD it's interesting to read about midwifery training in Ontario-it's very different in Australia (they are moving to a degree where they don't even do nursing first
). So I was a bit concerned about having so much of my labour managed by a midwife so that is why I put a lot of research into finding an OB who has a similar philosophy. I think you put it really well-a similar philosophy is really important for a positive experience, since we are all in agreement about wanting a good outcome!

LIA, LOL on the epi! One of my medical friends joked that she wanted to have two contractions-one so she knew she was in labour and one while they put the epi in! How fun that you can 'play' with your son!

L2L I'm so sorry you had bleeding!! Glad it's settled down-hope your ob appointment goes well-please check in to let us know. Re bella bands: I bought mine off ebay for super cheap. I used them till about 17 weeks and expect to use them again towards then end. I've been mostly wearing athletic bras-so much more comfy!

Q girlfriend if you have 'big hips' I shouldn't be able to fit through doors! Have you packed your bag?? I'm following your other thread with interest....

NF I'm sorry you won't be able to travel to your conference! How's it going with your co-authours?

Jen I think I'm going to be emotional for the whole pg
is me at the moment! Yay on getting some fun stuff at BRU!

Jackie LOL on the weirdo names! I have suggested some pretty out there names as a diversionary tactic-he's not biting. Maybe we will end up going with 'Thursday Next' (any Jasper Fforde fans out there?). 30 weeks-woohoo! Bummer that your DH is away so much-I really struggle when DH is away. When is your shower going to be? Y'know, cos you'll have so much spare time once the babies are out

Kay I'm so glad you love the Musee de l'orangerie too! In the times I've been to Paris it's only been open once-and my visit had about the same number of people
-weird but great for me! On the support hose thing-I bought mine at a pharmacy in Australia so I'm not much help there. I have a 20-30mmHg one which works really well for when I'm on my feet but is too tight when lying down. I'll have a look at the brand and see if Amazon might sell them. When do you go?? I'm sorry about the back pain! Sciatica is usually in the buttock or down the leg.

Welcome Mrs! I agree that you are about 4 weeks along-counting back to your first period assumes that you ovulate on day 14 or there abouts. Yay for your BFP and **sticky vibes**!

TGal I love your idea for flash cards. I'm missing my glass of wine
big time. I know it's all for a good cause...

I've had a busy week this week and am feeling really tired. My call roster has been pretty punishing and we've had some financial upheaval in the last month as well so I haven't been sleeping that well. Thankfully the ms is gone and I can function sooo much better that in 1st tri but I'm still kind of hanging out for when I finish up my on call commitment. Okay, pity party over! I'm thinking of booking in for a mani/pedi/massage next week to pamper myself-may as well while I can still see my toes to enjoy it
Date: 7/13/2008 12:09:20 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 7/12/2008 7:06:00 PM
Author: neatfreak
Attention fellow NERDY MOMMAS

I just found the most adorable flash cards. Nevermind the A is for Apple, how about A is for Atom??? I just bought some to frame in our nursery. My DH is in love with them. Hehe. I am such a big nerd.

Hm...what about for lush mommas?

A is for Alcohol
B is for Booze
C is for Champagne
D is for Drunk...

Think it would be a good seller?

For nerdy lush mommas
E is for Etoh
Welcome Mrs!

L2L, what a scary experience. I hope you get some answers from your doctor on Tuesday. Hang in there! Keep us posted.
Thanks again for the welcome everyone!

You and your babies are all so beautiful - I love all the photos! I''m hoping my connection to you all through this thread might increase the chances that our bundle of cells (I''m trying not to think about it as a baby at this point since it''s so early... I don''t want to jinx it) grows into a child good looking enough to fit in here!

I''m VERY aware of my belly right now. I know it''s not really possible that I''m showing now but I **feel** like I''m already growing down there. Is that wierd? Must be the cramps/tight/heavy sensation I''m having.

I hope you''re all having a great sunday! I''m off to the beach.

Gemma- Thanks for the suggestion for checking out e-bay for a bella band. I just won one for half what I would have paid otherwise! I usually think of e-bay and just didn''t even cross my mind to check it for this too! I swear pg brain has already set in.

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. I''m still spotting some but I''ll be calling my dr first thing tomorrow. I re-read my post and I put m/s instead of m/c (again, pg brain making me goofy!) I wish it was just a little m/s still lingering.

Has anyone read or heard that you can have too many u/s? I was just wondering because I have had so many and I hope it''s ok for baby. If my OB does another one with this appt to check out that everything is ok, it''ll be u/s #5 for me at 13 weeks. Thanks and I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Date: 7/13/2008 9:54:12 PM
Author: Loves2Laugh
Gemma- Thanks for the suggestion for checking out e-bay for a bella band. I just won one for half what I would have paid otherwise! I usually think of e-bay and just didn't even cross my mind to check it for this too! I swear pg brain has already set in.

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. I'm still spotting some but I'll be calling my dr first thing tomorrow. I re-read my post and I put m/s instead of m/c (again, pg brain making me goofy!) I wish it was just a little m/s still lingering.

Has anyone read or heard that you can have too many u/s? I was just wondering because I have had so many and I hope it's ok for baby. If my OB does another one with this appt to check out that everything is ok, it'll be u/s #5 for me at 13 weeks. Thanks and I hope everyone had a great weekend!
No worries L2L! I love my ebay bella bands.

On the ultrasound thing-that has been a source of debate in the literature. There is no evidence that ultrasounds damage humans. I do remember when Tom Cruise bought an ultrasound to look at Suri that there was debate about whether he would damage the baby, but I think the risk is more theoretical. I've not read every study but even if each ultrasound lasted 30 min (which is a long time!), that's still only 2.5 hours of ultrasound exposure. When you think about all the other things we get exposed to (radiowaves, microwaves, UV exposure, stuff in the atmosphere etc) all day long and there are so many healthy babies born.... I had two ultrasounds (at 7 weeks and 9 weeks?) before my 12 week NT scan, and have had a 20 week scan, and my OB wants to do possibly 1-2 more scans before I'm done. Also she uses a Doppler to check the baby's heart each time I go in (a different type of ultrasound), when now you can hear the heartbeat with a stethoscope so I think she figures it's pretty safe. I hope this helps and puts your mind to rest.

Please let us know how you go with your OB on Tuesday!

Snlee, Jen, Janine, Jas, Eph, Curly, LIA, I'd love to see more belly pics if you have a chance
. Eph, how are you doing? Kay, looking forward to your belly-in-France pic! NF, Pave, DD, Indy, you guys need to post some pics when you start showing
not long now!

SBDE I hope your ms is settling-sorry I must have missed a post from you last time.

Curly, I hope things are going well with you!

Janine are things working out with the house/move/childcare/etc extravaganza you've got goin' on?? Thinking of you-hope you can check in when you have a chance.

Mrs I had a belly at six weeks
from all the bloating! How are you feeling otherwise?

ETA DD, Indy, Mrs don't forget to add your EDDs to Preggos in Waiting when you get a chance or when you feel comfortable to!
I feel great Gemma. No upset tummy and not sleepy. Thanks for askin!

I''m glad your m/s is gone but sorry to hear you''ve been on call so much and that you''re dealing with some financial stress. Enjoy the mani/pedi next week!
Good morning all, and happy Monday!

Brief responses now as I have to gear up for my weekly cervix tickle and weigh in. They are now using a truck scale. I also beep when I back up.

Mrs. Welcome! We''re so glad to have you here!
L2L -- How scary! I hope the weekend was better for you and that you get answers tomorrow.
Jen -- Hey gal! Mums the word on the CZ

Gemma -- I like your philosophy of focusing on the positive. I''ve been very careful about what I "put out there" in the Universe, if you know what I mean. It''s tough...believe it or not I have a worrier/research nature as well, and it''s easy to veer into the abyss. Any word on names yet? I will not be having a shower...apparently my mother told the entire world that I (meaning SHE) did not want a shower before the babies were born because of a religious superstition (i.e. What if something terrible happened...I''d have to look at the stuff afterwards.) I am pretty annoyed by that because, yes, I would have loved a shower...if only because it would be a few less things to buy...and NO, I don''t want a shower when the babies are 3 weeks old and I''m working on 36 seconds of sleep. I know how bratty that sounds. But for some reason, everyone in my life is taking mom''s word for it over mine.
Yea for the m/s alleviation!

As far as belly shots, I''ve blasted beyond the "cute" preggo into the "Good Lord I hope I never get that big" preggo. P.U. Unless of course my hair looks good in one of them. In that case, all bets are off.

Off to start the day...I have promised myself 1 hour of writing every day until the bambinos are born, despite the loss of 20 IQ points and the ability not to topple over from a standing still position.
Indy thought I''d continue this conversation over here where it makes more sense than in the TTC thread: How certain are you at this point that the babies even share a sac or placenta? Did you have another u/s? I recall NF pointing out a while back that it is really hard to tell on the early ones what''s really going on... I just hate to see you worry too much now when so much can happen in the next 10 weeks that will make things clearer. I totally vote for seeing a specialist asap, better safe than sorry, but I just hate to see you worry about the complications of mono mono or whatever when you don''t know 100%...
jas I''d still like to see the belly shot
I love them.

Gemma my belly shots are still weeks away I am sure. I do have a little belly, but I think it is from chips and pizza not from babies
Hiya DD, at this point, I would say I'm 95% certain that it's mono-di ID twins (no evidence that it's mono-mono, which I gather is very rare). Our ultrasound showed two embryos in a single black area. If you look at the ultrasound gallery on FF, you'll see that all the identical twin u/s from 6-8 weeks show two embryos in one black area, whereas all the fraternal ones show two embryos in separate black areas. I showed DH, in case I had been imagining things, and he said ours was definitely the same as the ID u/s's (N = 22 ID u/s, N=300+ nonID). Of course some ID twins are in separate chorionic sacs but the overwhelming majority of ID twins share a chorionic sac (and hence a placenta, though I still don't understand the connection) and no fraternal twins do, even if they don't share an amniotic sac.

Now what could conceivably be happening is that the two sacs are just so squished together that it looks like one sac when it's really two. That's what I'm hoping for, and we'll hopefully find out at the next u/s.

I'm attaching pics so you can see what I mean. Here are ID twins in a single chorionic sac...
