
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Q - thinking of you and sending you labor vibes!

Jackie - I was very uncomfortable in my last weeks of pregnancy (with a singleton) and I feel for you, woman! Hang in there and enjoy this relatively calm time before birth.

Eph - I hope everything is all right. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

LIA - I didn''t leak until like a week before I delivered and then continued leaking after delivery.
Just wanted to pop in real quick to say HURRAY for QT!
Tomorrow morning is my first midwife appointment! Wish me luck! I am hoping she can give me some proof there is actually a creature in there b/c it is still really
hard to believe!

Boy that is a lot of exclamation points!!!
DD, I hope you have a really great meeting with your midwife! Aside from the nausea and hair loss, it''s hard for me to believe that I''m pregnant, too.
DD, can''t wait to hear how it goes!

Q, thinking of you. Hope all is going smoothly.
Well I''m back! It was a great meeting, I love midwives. My appointment was a whole hour, talk about personalized care. Basically just did my health history, took my weight
, blood pressure, I peed on some sticks and told her my results (You monitor your own pee sticks and weight, since they trust we are grownups and can do that stuff ourselves). Everything looks great. She is not a weight Nazi like some docs, which I liked a lot. She said most of her moms gain between 20 and 50 lbs and lose all but about 10lbs by 6 weeks when they breastfeed. The midwives come visit you at home about 4 times in the first week you are home with the baby and offer breastfeeding support which is awesome.

She looooooved my FAM chart that I used to conceive! LOL! She adjusted my due date based on my ovualtion day, which was 2 days later than "normal", so my EDD is February 28, 2009, and today I am 9w5d. She even kept my chart and put it in my file b/c she said that we may need it if I go over my due date, they can whip it out if we need to convince an OB to give me a couple more days etc.

We tried to find the little bean''s HB with the doppler but not surprisingly it wasn''t audible yet. Oh well. I have my NT scan and blood work sheduled for when I get back from vacay on August 11, so I can''t wait for that, though I am a little apprehensive about poor results
. Otherwise, it was fun!

Next appointment in 4 weeks. Hubby really enjoyed meeting her and liked her a lot, so that''s a good thing too. He plans to come to all my appointment, though maybe not when they get more often. She actually attended the births of both our best friends'' kids, so that is a funny/cool thing.
DD, that's great! She sounds fab-o. I love that she lets you do your own weighing and p'ing. teehee! I wish that we could go with a midwife too.

One of my bebes is synched up with yours 9 weeks, 5 days, and the other is 10 wks. But I'll probably pop before you, what with the twin thing and all. But we'll be pretty much lined up until late on!

Hey Twin Preggers, how much did you put on in the first trimester? I've put on 4 pounds, which I thought might be a bit much, with two weeks to go.
Date: 7/31/2008 11:01:07 AM
Author: Independent Gal

Hey Twin Preggers, how much did you put on in the first trimester? I''ve put on 4 pounds, which I thought might be a bit much, with two weeks to go.
Indy, since singleton mommies are "supposed" to put on around 4 lbs, and you are slim and carrying twins, that is probably a-okay if not on the lower end.
DD, I''m glad you had a good meeting with your midwife. My nurse/midwife rushed us through everything. When she went through my medical history, she read the list so quickly as if expecting me to say ''no'' to everything. It''s nice to hear that you''re receiving such personalized care. All my nurse did was hand me a huge packet of material to go over at home. She didn''t ask about exercise or diet, nor did she mention anything about weight. I had to do the pee test twice, one for the clinic and one to be sent for ''analysis''. So of course I had to wait about 3 hours and go back to do the second test because there''s only so much you can produce at a time!

Indy, have they adjusted your EDD for twins, or do they stick with the original and see what happens later on? Mine is Feb. 23, so it looks like you''ll go a couple of weeks (at least) before me, and then DD right after me. That is, of course, if everything goes to plan, and that rarely happens.
And as for weight, it sounds like some women retain more water than others. Plus, you have two babies! Isn''t 2-3 pounds in the first trimester fairly normal? I''ll probably outgrow my shorts in a few weeks, but for now, everything fits exactly the same. Apparently I managed to escape the bloat, but boy, you should see my face!
Thanks DD, I feel like I was only just comforting YOU about that! It's just so weird to see the scale inch toward 110. I haven't been that heavy in YEARS!

Erica, I read that 3 pounds is good in the first trimester, but that seems fairly exact. Maybe a range of 3-5 would be more friendly? I'm sure i'll be up at 5 by the end of week 13. Probably closer to 6.

My belly is actually quite noticeable at this point, although my clothes still fit fine. Seriously. I'm sure it's half bloat, but I think that uterus is getting pretty big too.
Date: 7/31/2008 11:15:24 AM
Author: erica k

And as for weight, it sounds like some women retain more water than others. Plus, you have two babies! Isn''t 2-3 pounds in the first trimester fairly normal? I''ll probably outgrow my shorts in a few weeks, but for now, everything fits exactly the same. Apparently I managed to escape the bloat, but boy, you should see my face!
Yeah I am really really happy about the care, so lucky.

Apparently the range is 0lbs to 10lbs! LOL! Like everything, averages seem to mean little or nothing! But I think you hit it on the head with the water thing, seems some women get it and some don''t. Same with skin probs! But everyone gets hit somehow!
Date: 7/31/2008 11:15:51 AM
Author: Independent Gal
Thanks DD, I feel like I was only just comforting YOU about that! It''s just so weird to see the scale inch toward 110. I haven''t been that heavy in YEARS!

Erica, I read that 3 pounds is good in the first trimester, but that seems fairly exact. Maybe a range of 3-5 would be more friendly? I''m sure i''ll be up at 5 by the end of week 13. Probably closer to 6.

My belly is actually quite noticeable at this point, although my clothes still fit fine. Seriously. I''m sure it''s half bloat, but I think that uterus is getting pretty big too.
LOL!! I was at the midwife and of course
, their scale is higher than mine at home, so I told her I was fairly certain I had gained 4 lbs so she adjusted my "start weight" to reflect that. I weigh a lot more than any of you guys, and I said, "I have a feeling we are going to see some scaaaary numbers this pregnancy!" and she said, "I think you are probably right about that!" And we laughed. That''s when she told me that most of her patients lose it all quickly, whether they gained 20 or 50.

I really think this is a tough pill to swallow, but you have to trust your hunger and trust your body. Eat healthy foods and a balanced diet, and stay active, and let the numbers fall where they may. Seems like everyone is so different! My one friend lost 15 lbs her first tri and then gained 35 (net gain 20lbs), my other friend gained 50lbs, my other gained about 30lbs, still another gained 25lbs with both pregnancies... all breastfed and all ended up back at their start weight, or lower!, within about 3 months. Actually, everyone I know breatfed and ended up losing it all... I know there are exceptions and that last 5 - 10lbs can be tricky (the moms in the mom thread talk about this), but this is probably one of those things where you can''t sweat it too much since you are gonna gain what you are gonna gain!

Especially you indy, you will gain like 40 or 50 lbs for sure!
Enjoy your new size, you will get in shape again I am sure.
Date: 7/31/2008 11:15:51 AM
Author: Independent Gal
Thanks DD, I feel like I was only just comforting YOU about that! It''s just so weird to see the scale inch toward 110. I haven''t been that heavy in YEARS!

Erica, I read that 3 pounds is good in the first trimester, but that seems fairly exact. Maybe a range of 3-5 would be more friendly? I''m sure i''ll be up at 5 by the end of week 13. Probably closer to 6.

My belly is actually quite noticeable at this point, although my clothes still fit fine. Seriously. I''m sure it''s half bloat, but I think that uterus is getting pretty big too.

I should hope so, what with two bambini! Mine is apparently the size of a grapefruit now, how about yours?

As for that scale inching up to 110, I used to be 110 for most of my young adult life (I''m about 5''5"). However, I started jogging and bicycling consistently after I started grad school 5 years ago. I was shocked to find out that I weighed 125 even though all of my college clothing still fit more or less. So I decided to stop caring about the weight (mostly muscle anyway) and focusing more on measurements (waist, arms, hips, thighs) in order to gauge things. Still, it''s a bit unnerving to think that I''ll weigh around 150 by the end of this. It''s amazing how a silly little number can have so much power over me even when I consciously try to deflect it.

DD, you''re right, we''re going to gain what we''re going to gain. I''m hungry all the time, but unfortunately I don''t eat as much as I want to. We''ve been really bad about groceries this week (still in vacation mode), but tonight I''m going to stock up on Larabars and fresh fruit. I think I might buy a Banana Guard to protect my favorite fruit! Things get pretty mashed up during my bike ride to work.
Date: 7/31/2008 11:15:51 AM
Author: Independent Gal

Erica, I read that 3 pounds is good in the first trimester, but that seems fairly exact. Maybe a range of 3-5 would be more friendly? I''m sure i''ll be up at 5 by the end of week 13. Probably closer to 6.

My belly is actually quite noticeable at this point, although my clothes still fit fine. Seriously. I''m sure it''s half bloat, but I think that uterus is getting pretty big too.
I gained 3 pounds in the first 14 weeks. It''s normal to gain 3-5 in the first trimester with a singleton so with twins, you''re supposed to gain more. So up 4 pounds sounds fine, even on the low side.

Any belly pictures yet?
dreamer, your midwife sounds awesome! I''m glad you had a great appointment! I really like that she visits you after the birth.

Regarding weight gain, I had trouble with it early on too. It''s hard to imagine putting on that much weight! But it''s all for the baby and worth it. Once you start showing it''ll help too. Early on I freaked out but now at 28 weeks and up around 20 pounds, I''m okay with the weight gain. Just eat healthy and your body will put on as much weight as it needs to.
Dreamer -- yea for an awesome appointment! A hcp who you groove with makes all the difference!

Twin weight gain...ahem...let me start by bonking a certain slim and gorgeous lady on the head for "heading towards" 110.

That being said, I was on the one-pound-per-week plan pretty early 14 weeks, 14 pounds, 24 weeks, 24 pounds...and now that I''m 32 weeks, I''m up about 33-35 pounds. But I think that, at least on these boards, the average has been much lower the first trimester. I figure I''ll end up at about 45 pounds, possibly 50 and I''m fine with that. Not fine with weighing as much as DH, but he''ll never know. I make him cover his eyes and ears when I get on the scale at the doctor''s office.

However, I never had the morning sickness and ate like a frickin football team the first trimester.

I have another U/S this afternoon, followed by a regular appointment, followed by dinner out with my folks, assuming I''m not admitted to the hospital. I''ve been having lots of BH and electric tingles in the hoo-ha that some sites say is the cervix dilating.

However, knowing my luck, I''ll end up going 42 weeks with these babes.

I hope we get more of the 3D shots like we did last time. Those are fun.

QT -- You''re in my thoughts!
SNLEE, I don''t think I''ll post belly pictures. I''m camera shy in general, and extra shy about stuff like that! So I''ll just be a free rider and enjoy everyone else''s pics, while selfishly keeping my belly to myself. Maybe I''ll change my mind somewhere along the line.

In fact, I''m not much of a one for documenting in general. I throw everything out. Have a tiny box of keepsakes. That type.

I found a fabulous website that helps you plot healthy weight gain ranges, based on your beginning BMI, etc. Linky: Pregcalc . According to this, I''m about a 1/2 to a 1 lb over the recommended maximum, because NOW I''m supposed to start gaining in earnest with twins (like, 1.5 lbs per week!). But if I end up 1 lb or 2 or 3 above the recommended max, that''s OK, I guess!
Indy -- all gentle teasing aside (and I hope you know I loves ya, gal) I''m sure you''ll be fine. You are smart and conscientious enough to eat well, and, as Snlee put it, your body will put on the right amount of weight when you eat the right things (with the occasional splurge, of course!)

What is interesting is that round about the 3rd trimester, I''ve not been hungry AT ALL. As in I could go all day with no hunger pains and not eat. I have a baby pretty much squishing my tummy into a non-entity. Weight gain for twin mommies is supposed to be most "intense" 2nd trimester, as I recall...

No worries, although it is indeed creepy to see numbers on that scale we never want to see. Trust me, I have serious body image issues and I''ve had to give myself a lot of talkings-to in order to get over it.

We (almost) all go through this -- yes, we all know weight gain is good for the baby, but there is that nagging voice that clings to scale numbers and "data" and what we''re supposed to be gaining...that nagging voice is a b!tch!
jas, have a great u/s, appointment, and dinner! Those 3D shots creeps me out. We got a 3D shot of our baby boy at around 22 weeks when they were trying to see his face and make sure everything was okay. It is amazing what technology can do though!

Indy, 1-2 pounds is nothing! That's just water weight!

QT, hope you are holding Meena in your arms now! Thinking of you and can't wait for an update!

I had some bad stomach cramps yesterday that scared me. I wasn't having any contractions and the baby was moving around just fine but I felt so uncomfortable as I tried to go to sleep. It was probably something I ate but the achy stomach gave me a scare. Finally feel asleep and things seem normal today thank goodness. Third trimester is a little scary. I don't want to have this baby early!
Date: 7/31/2008 12:32:30 PM
Author: snlee
jas, have a great u/s, appointment, and dinner! Those 3D shots creeps me out. It is amazing what technology can do though!

Indy, 1-2 pounds is nothing! That''s just water weight!

QT, hope you are holding Meena in your arms now! Thinking of you and can''t wait for an update!

I had some bad stomach cramps yesterday that scared me. I wasn''t having any contractions and the baby was moving around just fine but I felt so uncomfortable as I tried to go to sleep. It was probably something I ate but the achy stomach gave me a scare. Finally feel asleep and things seem normal today thank goodness. Third trimester is a little scary. I don''t want to have this baby early!
I am glad you are feeling better today. That''s no fun. I find 3rd trmester is the worry trimester (ironic, yes, because I did not worry about things too much in 1st or 2nd.) Early delivery is my worst fear...I see on those intense Discovery Health Channel shows what really premie babies look like and have to go through...don''t want that at all.

Are you on the 2-week dr. schedule yet?

And yes, the 3Ds were kinda weird; some of the shots were so CUTE and others looked like what you see on the shelves of mad scientists in horror movies...blech. I just look at the cute ones. One baby looks like me, the other like DH.
Date: 7/31/2008 12:19:37 PM
Author: jas
Indy -- all gentle teasing aside (and I hope you know I loves ya, gal) I''m sure you''ll be fine. You are smart and conscientious enough to eat well, and, as Snlee put it, your body will put on the right amount of weight when you eat the right things (with the occasional splurge, of course!)

What is interesting is that round about the 3rd trimester, I''ve not been hungry AT ALL. As in I could go all day with no hunger pains and not eat. I have a baby pretty much squishing my tummy into a non-entity. Weight gain for twin mommies is supposed to be most ''intense'' 2nd trimester, as I recall...

Jas, I know!!! You''re riiiight! I have to just let go. I''ve mostly been eating healthy, but I''ve DEFINITELY been eating way more than usual, probably even more than I''m hungry for, trying to get those nutritional requirements in. Especially the crazy amounts of protein! But I should just go with the flow.

What you say about slowing down in the third trimester is right in line with what I''ve read, and also with what the pregcalc suggests, if I recall correctly, for twins. Apparently (and you probably know this!), twins, unlike singletons, do much of their growing in the second trimester, and slow down a lot in the third, so you''re actually "supposed to" (whatev) gain more weight per week in the second tri than the third. So, sounds like you''re right on target! Plus, didn''t you say that your bebes were measuring 5lbs +? That''s awesome! I hope mine get to that point!

SNLEE, scary about the tummy pains. I hope everything''s OK!
Date: 7/31/2008 12:35:53 PM
Author: jas

I am glad you are feeling better today. That's no fun. I find 3rd trmester is the worry trimester (ironic, yes, because I did not worry about things too much in 1st or 2nd.) Early delivery is my worst fear...I see on those intense Discovery Health Channel shows what really premie babies look like and have to go through...don't want that at all.

Are you on the 2-week dr. schedule yet?

And yes, the 3Ds were kinda weird; some of the shots were so CUTE and others looked like what you see on the shelves of mad scientists in horror movies...blech. I just look at the cute ones. One baby looks like me, the other like DH.
Thanks jas! At 26 weeks, they had me come back in 3 weeks. After next week's appointment at 29 weeks I'll be seeing them every 2 weeks. I can't believe it! Almost there!

That is so cool you can tell one baby looks like you and the other like your DH. That's awesome. I've been wondering who our baby will look like.

Are you on weekly appointments yet?

Thanks Indy! I think it was just a tummy ache.
Qtiekiki - hope all is going well!!

to all the ladies up next - good luck! fingers crossed for all of you.

dreamer_dachsie - glad you had a great first appt. i love my dr too, she took so much time with me, and does so whenever we meet. it''s always nice to not be rushed and to have someone actually *listen* to you. good luck with the NT scan next week. it was TRULY magical to see the baby at that 12 week mark. seriously, the 6 wk ultrasound (not sure if you had one?) just showed a little (still cute!) blobula.

to all the newbie preggers with me - i''ve gained about 3-5 lbs in my first 14 weeks (changes based on when i weigh myself!), but i SWEAR my belly is out there. it''s gotta mostly be bloat, but its definitely starting to become noticeable, particularly at the end of the day.

indy - thanks for that website! it''s put me at underweight to begin with, and right now i''m still below what they''ve classified as "normal" but i think i''m right about at that minimum wt. gain mark. hopefully once the nausea starts to dissipate i can get those numbers up a bit. BY THE WAY girls, monday was the first full day that i didn''t feel any nausea and didn''t need to take my zofran. yay for small victories! of course wednesday was still pretty bad but still, i was thrilled to have that one day of normalcy. hopefully there will be more of those to come!!

erica k - all of our due dates are so close - i can''t wait to see the flurry of baby pics that pricescope will see in early 2009!

eph - thinking of you, hoping all is ok.
Thanks ladies for all the well wishes. I just got home from the hospital, so I am doing a quick drop in. We only stay at the hospital for 1 1/2 days. I''ll post the birth story later.

Meena was born on 7/30/08 at 2:26am. She weighs 7 lb 1 oz and is 19.75 in long.

Here she is at the hospital

This one I just took when we got home.

Awweee QT,
Meena is just precious!
Congrats to you and family.

Can''t wait to hear your birth story!
QT- Meena is so pretty..can''t wait to hear how your L&D went. thanks for checking in...
Congratulations QT! Welcome Meena! She's beautiful! I can't wait to hear your birth story. Sounds like you had a smooth delivery since you only stayed at the hospital for 1.5 days. Get lots of rest. Thanks for checking in!
Delurking: Qt! She''s an absolute love. Congrats!
Q she''s just gorgeous!! Congratulations!