
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 7/29/2008 3:59:46 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Yeah we just had an earthquake, and I am fine. I am not sure what''s going on now because I am spotting. I was spotting light pink since the red glob, then I was spotting brown. But now I am spotting bright red again. And the contractions are very far apart. I am going to call my dr at 1pm when they get back from lunch.

Gee whiz! What a lot of excitement! An earthquake and labor in one morning! Good luck QT!
QT, I don''t know what any of this means, but good luck! I''m glad the earthquake wasn''t too bad though. My last earthquake was 1999 in SoCal...
Date: 7/29/2008 3:55:40 PM
Author: TravelingGal

At least you husband is thinking about taking 6 weeks off. Mine went back to work after 2 days.

If he had decided to go back to work after 2 days, I would have been fine with that... so long as he took at least one of his two babies with him.
No way in heck am I caring for TWO infants completely by myself, night and day. No chance! Luckily, he was wise enough not to even suggest this.

And actually, I won''t technically be getting any leave at all. I can just get away with shifting work around, since I have a set task to complete during the period of my contract. So as long as it gets done, they don''t care whether I happen to be hard at work Jan-March. Plus I don''t have to go into an office if I don''t want to. We''re both aware that no work will get done in the first three months or so, but thereafter, he''s smoking something I''m probably not allowed to have if he thinks that his work is taking precedence over mine.
I made it clear to him before we married that if we have babies, they are as much his responsibility as mine, and that it would be a serious sore spot in our marriage if I ended up shouldering too much of the burden. I assume it will end up like chores: a 60/40 split that we pretend is 50/50, and that I can live with, but I''ll be damned if he''s up and leaving town to go to work and leaving me with two infants unless there''s no way around it!

It extra-sucks because he''s actually on something like ''secondment'', and he would have got 10 weeks of paid leave, apparently, with his regular employer.
Date: 7/29/2008 4:22:00 PM
Author: Independent Gal

Date: 7/29/2008 3:55:40 PM
Author: TravelingGal

At least you husband is thinking about taking 6 weeks off. Mine went back to work after 2 days.

If he had decided to go back to work after 2 days, I would have been fine with that... so long as he took at least one of his two babies with him.
No way in heck am I caring for TWO infants completely by myself, night and day. No chance! Luckily, he was wise enough not to even suggest this.

And actually, I won''t technically be getting any leave at all. I can just get away with shifting work around, since I have a set task to complete during the period of my contract. So as long as it gets done, they don''t care whether I happen to be hard at work Jan-March. Plus I don''t have to go into an office if I don''t want to. We''re both aware that no work will get done in the first three months or so, but thereafter, he''s smoking something I''m probably not allowed to have if he thinks that his work is taking precedence over mine.
I made it clear to him before we married that if we have babies, they are as much his responsibility as mine, and that it would be a serious sore spot in our marriage if I ended up shouldering too much of the burden. I assume it will end up like chores: a 60/40 split that we pretend is 50/50, and that I can live with, but I''ll be damned if he''s up and leaving town to go to work and leaving me with two infants unless there''s no way around it!

It extra-sucks because he''s actually on something like ''secondment'', and he would have got 10 weeks of paid leave, apparently, with his regular employer.
I have the same rules with my hubby. He is taking 6 weeks off as well when the babino is born. Should be `fun`! Not!
Hi all,

Good to hear everyone is doing well...and Qtiekiki--I keep checking in for updates and you''re always still here!
Sounds like it''s anyday..eek, it''s so exciting.

Curly, I love the new photo!! I read in other thread how you described your LO as being mellow--mine is too! Sometimes I get worried and I also notice more movments than kicks, but I''m assuming it''s all good. I wish I could have another scan though!

IG: I actually think 6wks paternity leave is pretty good. My DH gets 4wks which I also think is not bad--it''s pretty common for DH''s to get zero from people I talk to, and that''s how it is at my firm. A male co-worker of mine is expecting # 4 on top of 1 boy and 1 set of twin boys he already has, and he''s having to resort to 2 wks vacation. It''s too bad really. But as long as I''m getting my 3 months paid, I''m happy enough. I''ve got friends who get 3 mo''s unpaid, so I can''t complain.

And I''m gettting really worried about Eph--was something going on before she disappeared? Does anyone have her email address?

As for me, I''m doing good. Still going to the beach on wkends, still walking to work in 90 degree heat. We''re also very busy with new house stuff--had the inspection today. We''re delaying close until the end of the year, but it''s a done deal otherwise. Anyway, all the distractions makes me sometimes forget I''m preggers and only 9 more weeks to go. It''s a bit scary for this first-timer! I''m also in denial about idea what to expect, what these contractions will be like,etc. DH and I will have to do some cramming soon to get up to speed! My shower is in 2 wks as well, so that should be fun--otherwise, not much else to report!
Janine, I think Eph was having PTL symptoms before she disappeared, which is why I''m worried. Otherwise, I''d just put it down to her getting busy or distracted, but under the circumstances, I worry that she actually went into labor that early. I really hope that she and her bebe are OK.
Date: 7/29/2008 4:59:10 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Janine, I think Eph was having PTL symptoms before she disappeared, which is why I''m worried. Otherwise, I''d just put it down to her getting busy or distracted, but under the circumstances, I worry that she actually went into labor that early. I really hope that she and her bebe are OK.
None of us have her email address.

janine, how long is the walk to work? That''s great. The 90 degree heat must be no fun though. Congrats on the house! I hope you have a wonderful shower!
Indy, your ''leave'' situation sounds like a best case scenario considering your field and your contract. I know quite a few grad students who used a year of funding to have a baby. The rest were luckily not married to another grad student, so they could rely on thei spouse for financial support. I think it''s great that your husband is going to have 6 weeks leave, but I agree, it still isn''t adequate. Just wait until you put your bambini in day care. At our university affiliate co-op, the tuition is $1200 full-time and $800 part-time. I''m hoping with our flexible work schedules, we won''t have to do this. But lordy, it''s going to be hard finishing this dissertation with a young baby.

TGal, boy I sure miss my home state (earthquakes and all) right now! And hooray for banning trans fats!
Q -- sounds like progress!! I hope this is it!

Gemma -- that t-shirt is hilarious :) Glad you are feeling well -- i think 37 wks for a shower would be *ok* in your case (delaying it for a good friend) but only b/c you are having one baby! haha all the twin moms get 'em early

Indy -- i hear ya abot the insurance thing -- ugh! If it makes you feel any better, i have a very large out-of-pocket bill to pay to my dr's office for my *2* march visits/bloodworks/u/s's b/c i was having spotting etc -- my insurance kicked in in April. To top it off, my family would actually qualify for "pregnancy medicaid" since there are now *7* of us including babies, but since i have access to boys' college savings, i can't get on it (and i'm not spending their money, so i'm screwed too). PITA ps with twins i have heard you may want/need more than 6 weeks. i took 8 weeks with my singles and will take probably a bit longer with the twins -- out of pocket of course. Your situtation sounds a bit different, so i hope it works out ok :)

Snlee -- yay for passing the GD test!

Dreamer -- i had bad first-tri bloat for the first few weeks, then it was baby :) you're right tho, everyone's a bit different about this...oh, and my skin was crystal-clear and beautiful with my boys -- and with these girls it has been nightmare-skin! So it can change too from one pg to the next.

Eph -- thinking about you and hoping everything's ok!

TGal -- i'm easily amused these days, but "T for twins" cracked me up

Jackie -- so the boys are still grounded? Glad they're obeying
Time for one more belly shot??

I dunno if i mentioned it the other day or not, but i passed my 1-hour GD test! SOooooo glad since i failed it and had to do the 3 hour when i was pg with donovan! Also with Marina being head-down it seems to have *helped* the evil crotch pain -- don't ask me why, but i haven't had to crawl to any room in the house this last week....

Hope you all have a great evening...
Q this could be it!! Good luck!!

Snlee, yay for passing your test. You must be so relieved.

Ephm, thinking of you!!!

Jen so glad you passed your one hour test!!
My maternity benefits ar okay... I get 4 months at 100% of my salary, but I can take up to 12 months. My plan is to teach this fall and save the $$, plus the maternity pay, and take the full year off. DH get''s 6 weeks at reduced salary too, but it is worth it to have the time to bond with the baby and for us to co-parent for those early rough weeks.

After 2 dry years on the Canadian academic job market, I know for certain that there are two great jobs in my area so far
I am very happy about this, especially since both places have been "recruiting" me for the last year or so by making efforts to meet me at conferences, take me to dinner, and basically talk up their schools. One of them is truly my *dream* job at a top Canadian university with a great international reputation... Sigghhhh I just hope that me being pregnanct doesn''t mess up my chances! I know it shouldn''t but you never know. Although I want to take a year off, if they offer me the job and will not defer for one semester, I will start in September. I am just not willing to jeaopardize this opportunity! Anyways, they probably won''t interview until early December or January, so it is a waiting game!
RE: eph

Perhaps admin could send her an email? Or is that above and beyond their call of duty? It could be considered a tad intrusive too, I guess--especially if her absense is intentional.
I agree that the contractions (and now her absense) is very unsettling. I have been thinking of her daily, and checking this section every chance I get to see if she''s stopped by.
I really hope she''s okay!

Darn internet world! This is definitely one of the cons.
luckystar, I think having the admin email her is a bit intrusive. I''m sure that when eph is able to she will check in. It''s crazy how we don''t know each other IRL yet we feel like we do? There''s definitely a big sense of community here.

jen, yay for passing your 1-hour glucose test!

dreamer, that is awesome you get a whole year off and your DH gets 6 weeks. Canada''s maternity leave is so much better than the US! ARGH! I wish I had that much time off.
7.gif''s 5 pm already and QT hasn''t checked back in.
I wonder if she''s enroute to L&D?
for passing your 1 hr GD test.
Bummer about the crotch pain though.
Hang in there, you are getting closer

That''s great that you would be able to take a yr off.
Date: 7/29/2008 8:18:29 PM
Author: lili''s 5 pm already and QT hasn''t checked back in.

I wonder if she''s enroute to L&D?

I wonder! Exciting! QT, hope you have a smooth delivery!

jas, you haven''t checked in today. How are you doing?
Date: 7/29/2008 7:11:45 PM
Author: snlee

dreamer, that is awesome you get a whole year off and your DH gets 6 weeks. Canada''s maternity leave is so much better than the US! ARGH! I wish I had that much time off.

I think we take it for granted in Canada, but it really is lucky. My heart really goes out to all the american women who have to leave their babies at only 6 weeks or even three months
It is really unfair, especially in a country that promotes "family values"... but I guess the idea is that if you are a truly family-oriented woman you will be a SAHM and quit your job permanently?
That just isn''t possible for every family, even if every woman wanted to do that!
I am still here. I am having a hard time timing the contractions. I would get like 4 or 5 of them 5 mins apart, then the next one is no longer 5 mins apart. The last hour, the contractions are pretty painful where I have to stop moving and lean on something. But since I still haven''t got a hour of 5 mins apart contraction and my water hasn''t break. I am just hanging out at home. I plan to stay at home as long as possible.

As far as the spotting, dr said it''s most likely bloody show. So it could mean that I can go any time during the next few days.
Date: 7/29/2008 9:54:07 PM
Author: qtiekiki
I am still here. I am having a hard time timing the contractions. I would get like 4 or 5 of them 5 mins apart, then the next one is no longer 5 mins apart. The last hour, the contractions are pretty painful where I have to stop moving and lean on something. But since I still haven''t got a hour of 5 mins apart contraction and my water hasn''t break. I am just hanging out at home. I plan to stay at home as long as possible.

As far as the spotting, dr said it''s most likely bloody show. So it could mean that I can go any time during the next few days.
Congrats QT!! That''s great! And good for you for staying home as long as possible... supposedly women who wait longer to go in end up with fewer interventions. But don''t wait too long
Meena doesn''t need to be born in a car after all! LOL!! It sounds like you are really progressing well if the contractions are getting so strong you can''t do things! It should be soon! Yippee!
I''d stay at home as long as you are comfortable. Best of luck to you!!!!
Wishing you a smooth and easy delivery!!!
Good luck, Q! Hopefully this early labor picks up and you get to meet Meena in person soon:) Sending you easy-delivery vibes!
It won''t be long now before you have Meena in your arms.
I delivered within 12 hours of my bloody show.
Sending you lots of easy labor vibes.
Good luck qtiekiki! Hopefully your early labor progresses quickly. You'll be holding Meena soon! I wish you a smooth delivery!
Hooray QT!!! This is so exciting! Sending you lots of labor love and good vibes!

Date: 7/29/2008 9:11:46 PM
Author: snlee

I wonder! Exciting! QT, hope you have a smooth delivery!

jas, you haven''t checked in today. How are you doing?
Aw you are sweet. I''m here. I have just felt awful the last few days...not sleeping well and very very uncomfortable (sometimes pained) by baby B, who is transverse (horizontal) at the top of the uterus. It feels like two softballs (his head and his tush) jammed up against my ribs. Bending over at all is yucky, he just sticks out, so my skin is achy.

But again, I''ve had it so easy I don''t feel right complaining too much. Not that I won''t complain. It is me after all.

Holy cow, now that QT is most likely delivering, I''m at the top of the list. Totally freaky. It''s hitting me again how life is about to change, and I haven''t cleaned the house yet! Or made all those dinners I was going to freeze.

Hi to all! Jen, good to hear from you. Belly shot? Maybe once I''m spiffied up for the rehearsal dinner on Friday or the wedding Saturday. We''ll see.
Qtiekiki-- Yipppeee! Hang in there--i had the same thing--my contrax were alllll over the place for a while (days actually, but just try to think of it as your body prepping itself)--keep moving so things don''t stall--any time now. I wish you the best of luck!!! Can''t wait to see the babe

Thinking of all the other preggo moms...i don''t have much time to keep up with this thread but want you to know i do lurk and i am thinking about all of you.

Eph--your blogger friends are worried about you. I think i do remember you not posting for long intervals before so hopefully you are just really busy.
Just wanted to check in on qtiekiki! Can''t wait to hear all about it and meet Miss Meena!!!! Hope everything went smoothly.

jackie, looks like you and I and janine are next--and I''m guessing you''ll go way sooner than janine or I do! As hard as it may be, enjoy these last few weeks with your little guys on the inside. It''s such a special time before you "share" them with the rest of the world!!
QT can''t wait for the update and REALLY can''t wait to "meet" little miss Meena!!!
Hope you are doing well!!

SOrry I have been MIA lately...still in LA with the dogs...just studying studying studying. Or trying to!! My test is a week from Monday. I can''t wait until it is OVER.

One quick question for you girls...(probably TMI!!!). Have any of you experienced breast/nipple leakage??!! I took off my bra last night and it was spotted and damp...I hadn''t even realized. I think I remember someone posting about it awhile ago, but don''t remember where?? Is this going to happen for the rest of the pregnancy???

Thanks guys. SOrry no time for personalized posts. I will be back in full force after August 11th! :)
lover in athens--yep, i leaked milk on one side for the last tri. weirdly enough, even thou iam BFing i don''t leak now.
Curly, thanks for the tip about the glucose test. Next time I''ll try eating some toast a few hours before taking the test.

Jas12, thanks for checking in. I know it''s hard to keep up with both threads! I meant to comment on the recent pictures you posted. Co is getting big! He''s so adorable!

Jas, sorry about the pain Baby B is causing. Sounds painful! Sometimes I am very uncomfortable with only one baby in me so I can only imagine two. You are right - your boys will be here before you know it so try and enjoy the quiet time. Hang in there!

, good luck with your test! I haven''t experienced any leakage but some women do. It''s normal. Kay had some leakage too.

When does Kay get back from her vacation? I can''t remember.

QT, thinking of you! Hope you are in L&D now. Can''t wait to meet Meena!