
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Indy - I wore my regular underoos my entire pregnancy. I did get some "granny panties" for the post-partum period and they are totally worth it!
Peony - I am 5''3", 110lbs pre-pregnancy. And I wasn''t obviously showing until around 20 weeks to people who didn''t know I was pregnant. I and DH noticed the bump early, but that''s because we see my body everyday. So you can totally hide it until 14 weeks. I told my boss at my old job when I was 14 weeks. Then I got a new job when I was around 18 weeks, and told my new boss when I was 19 weeks. Even then, people at the new workplace couldn''t tell until a couple more weeks later.

Kaleigh & snlee - Thanks. I feel like a big baby for complaining since my pregnancy had been so easy.

Indy - Yay on maternity clothes deal. What kind of panel did the jeans have? Just curious because I find the full panel the most comfortable later on in pregnancy, so it might be something for you to keep in mind. Regarding maternity underoos, I didn''t need them (I am still wearing my pre-pregnancy underoos comfortably). I would hold off buying them until when/if you need them. And some ladies just buy their pre-pregnancy underoos in a bigger size.
Indy, I bought a 2 pack of Bravado Maternity Briefs from Nordstrom. I like them. They are very stretchy and fit over the belly comfortably but sometimes gets on my nerves after going to the bathroom for the millionth time. You have to pull them way up. Most of the time I wear my regular undies. Some don''t fit comfortably anymore so depending on how you carry, you may need to get bigger sizes.
Hi again gals! So I''m reading my Mayo Clinic pregnancy book, and I noticed that it said no herbal tea during pregnancy! Have you guys heard that too? I''m bummed because I love the stuff (it really relaxes me), but apparently herbs'' effect on pregnancy are not really known, thus they recommend avoiding them completely. Maybe I can still drink ginger tea b/c it''s not a herb?
Date: 7/26/2008 10:39:53 AM
Author: Independent Gal
DD, welcome back! We missed you, girl! Glad to hear everything is coming along and that your midwife appt is coming up. How are your symptoms? To answer your q, the twins share a chorionic sac (and hence a placenta) but my understanding is that they are in separate amniotic sacs, probably, because they each appeared to have a yolk sac of their own. That''s my understanding anyway. I will have a follow up with the doc on Monday.
Indy that''s great that they seem to have separate sacs. I can''t wait for more information, feel free to post any nerdy things you learn I find twins so facinating!

As for symptoms, I think I am doing pretty well. I feel more tired some days than usual, and I tend to get queazy around 7:30 onwards. I have found that drinking some sort of sugary-ish drink really cuts the nausea... my fave is about 1/3 OJ and 2/3 soda water. I guess the nausea comes at least in part from sugar?
Other than that my bbs are simply too big for my liking (though I have''t needed a new bra thank goodness) and for the last week I have had what can only be considered a "beer belly". Now I am not a sleek lady like many of your here, but although my stomach is "womanly", lets say
, I have always kept it nicely tucked in thank you very much. Well this is not possible at all anymore, and because of that I have a decided pooch! Not cute! And it makes it uncomfotable, and unattractive, to button my pants! Siggghhhh... luckily for me I have lots of dresses that flow away from the body, and skirts, and those look good still.

But I also went and bought some maternity clothes today! LOL! I am supremely disappointed with the selection. I got one pair of summery capris, and a pretty non-maternity dress that is basically pleated al lthe way around and you belt it so it will be suitable until I am much larger than I am now! I plan to shop better when I go to Vancouver in a week, since they have better shops.

QUESTION When did you all need to start wearing maternity clothes? Belly busting seems to vary so much from woman to woman...
peony, I haven't heard that herb teas are bad for you during pregnancy. I've been drinking Organic Pregnancy Tea. Make sure you stay away from green tea while you TTC and are pregnant.

dreamer, how far along are you? I'm sorry about the m/s. My m/s was worse at nights as well. A lot of nights I would just go to bed early since I was super tired too! I was in my maternity pants by 13 weeks. My other pants were so uncomfortable. I couldn't button them I couldn't zip it up all the way and the bella band wasn't working that well. It was just so much more comfortable to start wearing the maternity pants early! For shirts, you can start later around 16-20 weeks. Have you tried Old Navy? I really love their maternity jeans. I am living in them when it's not hot.
Jas, Jen, of course you have babies in a T. T is for TWINS.

QT, hang in there...mentally we just get fried and done at 37ish weeks and those last 3 weeks are TOUGH. I was SO over it.

IG, sorry about the nausea. Sorry girl, most likely you have another month of that crap to go. But if it makes you feel any better mine subsided at around week 11, I think...

And your bargains made me laugh...I must be cheap. I don''t consider things a bargain unless they''re like 10 bucks! But maternity clothes don''t come cheap, that is for sure and when I found something that made me feel nice, I paid for it.

Re: herbal is not all herbal teas, but I forget which ones are a no-go. I am sure the info is on the Internet somewhere.
peony - I think the concern with herbal teas is that they are not FDA approved and effects of some herbs are not proven. Check out this link: From talking to my mom, MIL and herbalists, there are some herbs that are used in Chinese medicine that can cause m/c. But I don't think those herbs are widely sold as tea.

DD - I started wearing maternity jeans when I was 15 or 16 weeks; they were just more comfy. I didn't wear maternity tops until around 19 weeks.
Hang in there.
Not too much longer now

So is that 5 days from your original EDD before Dr will induce?

You hang in there as too.
I''d say 35 wks and 1 day for you.
Have fun at the wedding.

That''s sweet hubby to go and keep you company for the 3-hr test.
When will you get the results.
Fingers crossed that you pass.

Hope all you preggos are keeping cool in this summer heat.

RE: underoos.
I wore my pre-preggo as well.

RE: full panel pants
They are more secure, but I don''t know if i''d say they were more comfortable-- at least for me.
I find that those full panel pants (or non-bikini undies) make my belly itch like crazy.
Hey all!

Snlee, bummer about the longer test. Hopefully you'll pass with flying colours and it will just be an opportunity to catch up on reading... When do you get the results? I think I have to do a longer test at the start because I have a family history of gestational DM. Bummer. Yay on the third trimester!!

Curly thanks for the tips on the GTT! Also good to know on the 'up close and personal' nursing after birth-now I'm prepared
! Sounds like you are doing great-hope you can work something out for Lily while you are in labour!

Q, I'm sorry you are uncomfortable-I don't think you're complaining at all! Yay on the duckie-hopefully I'll get over to the other thread and comment but soooo cute!!

Jackie HA on your Costco story. Your posts crack me up. I hear you on people feeling like pregnancy is a license to comment on your size. These tshirts made me laugh - do you think they would make a custom one that says 'You can comment on the belly size if I can kick you in the shins'?
(Um Gemma, cranky much?
- I think I have SIC too) I hope you don't vomit during labour-many women don't. 33lb??? Girl, if I am only up 33 lb at 8 months I'll be doing the shimmy. I'll probably be doing the shimmy anyway just to get around. I'd guess your delivery date but ya know I've got my own bun going here so....

Pave that sounds like baby moves!
Yay-how exciting!

Indy I'm glad you got some answers at your ultrasound but sorry you are feeling sick
. My ms was much worse with jet lag and travelling-it took me MUCH longer to recovery from nights too. Mine lasted from 7ish weeks to about 15 weeks (sorry). I found icy poles (frozen ices? not sure what they are called in the US) helped on the worst days. How is your mom doing?

Dreamer glad your conference went well. Hope you are sleeping okay-does the MS keep you awake?

Jen, glad you had a great u'sound! Go girls! Don't worry about replying to everyone. I try to because I check in so infrequently but I'm not insulted if you don't reply to me! It's just nice to hear how everyone is going.

Peony I started 'showing' at about 16-17 weeks in my normal clothes (first baby) but I was soooo bloated in the first trimester that I looked fat and so wore slightly different outfits to usual. A lot of people don't tell until after the first scan (about 12 weeks) so I think it would be fine if you waited. No one guessed I was pg until after 16 weeks. I'm tallish tho so might be different for the more petite. On the teas-I go by Baby Centre but I think that is advice geared to Australia. Maybe check the ingredients. Green tea may interfere with folate absorption if consumed heavily so go easy there. Peppermint, ginger, lemon etc are all safe. I have a yummy blend that I'm not drinking cos I don't know exactly what is in it. Oh, and liquorice and raspberry leaf tea increase uterine tone so go easy on them until you are ready for that bebe to arrive!!

Mrs glad your blood work and u/sound went well! Hope you are still feeling okay!
Oops, hit submit too soon.

Maternity clothes: I used the belly band and bella bands until about 17 weeks when I just cracked it and got into maternity jeans. I still wear my pre pg pants with the bella bands. I mix it up between prepreggo tops (which are often just too short or don''t fit the boobs) and maternity tops. Maternity clothes are sooooo much more comfy-and I bought some stuff at 6-7 weeks because it was on sale!! I found the full panel pants that I got second hand or hand me down are so stretched that I have to keep hoiking them up (mmm, attractive) so that is probably an area to splurge.

Maternity undies: I wear boy leg panties that usually hit me half way between the pubic symph and the umbilicus (which is getting flatter by the day-the only bit of me that is!). They are starting to get uncomfy. The bikini pants that I have tho fit just fine. As long as your pants fit under your belly I think you should be comfy through the second tri. I think I remember TGal saying tho that they sat right on the caesarean line so I plan to take some granny pants to hospital with me. Somehow I don''t think postpartum is a Gstring kind of time


So I am still pg and feeling well. I hope to finish up call in a few weeks time which I am looking forward to. We are still trying to get a house move organised which I am starting to stress about-I only have one more month in my ''honeymoon'' trimester
. I feel LOTS of kicks and pokes through the day but every time DH puts his hand on my belly it stops!

Shower question: Is 37 weeks too late for a shower? I have a friend from overseas visiting who is SUPER keen to come to the shower and I am considering delaying it for her. My friend who is throwing it is happy to do it whenever I want but just raised this as an issue. Thoughts?

Peony Re the herbal teas, what I''ve read is: "Don''t drink it unless you''d also be eating it." So if it''s got lemon or mint or whatnot, go for it! But if it''s got wild concoctions of gingko and special roots that you''ve never heard of, better to stay away.

T''Gal, you''ll be proud to know that, with the exception of the purple dress, most of the items were around $10! $15 for the maternity jeans, and between $7 and $15 for the tops. The purple dress was designer and a splurge, but since it was 75% off, made me feel purdy, and is reusable post fat lady stage, I thought it was worth it.

SNLEE, how was the test?

Thanks for all the info about the underoos, ladies! I think I''ll stick with what I''ve got for the moment.
snlee I am 9.5 weeks and I am fairly certain that I am suffering from the dreaded bloat. In the am, my pants all fit, with the exception of the button
, and it looks like my butt and thighs are the same size as pre-preggo. But by the evening, there is no way I can wear the pants, my tummy is too big
and spillage is not cute. Actually, it is only my jeans where this is an issue, my other pants are fine, maybe just a little unbutton action sometimes. I also noticed that through the day my weight can fluctuate by like 6 lbs??? if I drink a tonne of water. I am going to focus on drinking even more water this week and see what that does to normalize things.

Thanks for everyone's commisseration on the m/s. It never really kept me up at night, I would just drink a glass of milk and take some tums and that seemed to work well. Actually, it seems to have passed the last couple days (knock wood!!) so we shall see. It was the worst in weeks 5 - 7 for sure, but who knows what the future holds.

Gemma I don't think 37 weeks is too late at all, especially if you have a great friend coming, but what do I know
I am generally clueless about norms. The only downside would be rushing to buy stuff after that you didn't get at the shower, or possible being in labour and missing your shower: happened to my one friend.
I should find out my test results today. I am nervous.
I will keep you updated!

Indy, the test was BORING. The fruit punch flavored drink (which I hear is better tasting than the orange?) had double the sugar - 100mg - so it was harder to get down and made me feel a little nauseas in the beginning. I kept telling myself I would NOT vomit because I was NOT going to come back and take the test again! Thankfully I didn't so all was well and I was so happy to finish! Now I just have a sore arm that got pricked too many times!

I hope I passed.

Gemma, yay for feeling lots of baby movements! Pretty soon they will get stronger and your DH will definitely be able to feel them. Having a baby shower at 37 weeks would make be a bit nervous and you may be tired then. Ideally, I'd prefer to have a shower earlier to give yourself time to shop for things you need and didn't receive at the shower, but for a good friend it may be okay to have it at 37 weeks.

eph, please please please check in if you can! We are all thinking about you!
lili - Yeah it would be 5 days from my original EDD before he will induce. So the induction, if necessary, will be on 8/8/08.
Date: 7/28/2008 2:54:09 PM
Author: qtiekiki
lili - Yeah it would be 5 days from my original EDD before he will induce. So the induction, if necessary, will be on 8/8/08.
qtiekiki, I hope Meena makes her appearance sooner but IF you had to be induced, 8/8/08 would be such a cool birthday!
That''s what my mom, sisters and one of their bfs said. But I don''t want to wait that long. hehe. Well actually I wouldn''t mind it if she just naturally comes that day, but I am really hoping that I don''t need to be induced.
Date: 7/28/2008 3:07:40 PM
Author: qtiekiki
That''s what my mom, sisters and one of their bfs said. But I don''t want to wait that long. hehe. Well actually I wouldn''t mind it if she just naturally comes that day, but I am really hoping that I don''t need to be induced.
Does it have to happen only 5 days after your EDD? Many doctors are less aggressive in suggesting induction... Here''s hoping she comes one her own very soon!
We haven''t talked about induction in details. We just asked my dr. when will he induce, and he said he starts getting worried when the baby is 5 days overdue, and will usually induce then. I think if I still don''t have any progress at my appt this Fri, then we will talk about induction in details. I will try to get him to hold off induction if our baby and I are doing fine.
DD, more water, less sodium, maybe? My Bella Band should arrive in a week, but everything seems to fit fine until after dinner when I have to unbutton my jeans. Have you bought something similar yet? It might help with the pants (which I never found to be comfortable in the first place, being a skirt/dress person, myself). I had to buy a ''high impact'' sports bra the other day for jogging, because they''re feeling sore. But I doubt I could fill an A cup still. My mom didn''t start showing noticeably until she was well past 5 months, and we have the exact same build.

On a side note, did anyone else experience hair loss during pregnancy? I always shed quite a bit, and my hair is pretty long, so it always looks worse than it is. But for the past few weeks I''ve been losing more hair than normal. Thankfully I have more than enough hair left, but there''s something depressing about large amounts of hair coming off in the shower.

I have a nuchal scan scheduled for next Wednesday at the real hospital (not the clinic), so that should be fun. My poor friend has 6 weeks left and is uncomfortably huge (she''s shorter than 5 feet tall). The doctor told her to gain no more than 20 pounds, and I think she''s really close to that mark by now. She was 16 pounds 3 weeks ago. Is it normal for tiny women to deliver earlier because of their size relative to the fetus?
Q, I was induced 6 days late and it was really the best thing. I hope to be induced next time as well. Just wanted to let you know not to worry. She''ll come one way or another. Rest up!
erica, good luck on your NT scan!

Regarding hair loss - I''m actually experiencing the opposite. I''m losing less than before and my hair is fuller. But after pregnancy, you start losing a lot of hair. I just read that it could be the opposite for some women, so if you''re losing more hair than usual now, it''s not out of the ordinary.

I haven''t heard anything about shorter women giving birth earlier. My mom is less than 5 feet tall and she went full term with both pregnancies. I''m surprised your friend''s doctor said to gain no more than 20 pounds! I''m 5 feet and at 28 weeks I''m already very close to 20 pounds.
Date: 7/28/2008 4:33:56 PM
Author: snlee
erica, good luck on your NT scan!

Regarding hair loss - I''m actually experiencing the opposite. I''m losing less than before and my hair is fuller. But after pregnancy, you start losing a lot of hair. I just read that it could be the opposite for some women, so if you''re losing more hair than usual now, it''s not out of the ordinary.

I haven''t heard anything about shorter women giving birth earlier. My mom is less than 5 feet tall and she went full term with both pregnancies. I''m surprised your friend''s doctor said to gain no more than 20 pounds! I''m 5 feet and at 28 weeks I''m already very close to 20 pounds.

I am 5''1" and would probably STILL be preggo right now
My hair loss has slowed down but it was out of control. I have the baby fringe. Very sexy
Qtiekiki--we are thinking of you--hang in there. I know how hard it is wait. I was 2 weeks overdue and thought i would *never* have Cohen, but i was a firm believer that babies come when they are good and ready so i am glad i waited. Just know that if you don''t want to induce you don''t have too, but if you wish to, 8*8*8 is a very cool b-day!!
I''d heard that hair loss was more common after delivery, but I guess my hair decided to fall out sooner rather than later. I''m still hoping for that ''glow'' someday because right now I walk around with a disgusted/nauseated look on my acne-fied face. Ugh.

As for my friend, it sounds like she''ll end up gaining whatever she needs to for the baby. I''m not sure why her doctor told her 20 pounds, but she seems pretty miserable with 6 weeks to go, so hopefully it won''t drag out for too long.

Snlee, I hope the test results are good! I had no idea we would end up being so poked and prodded. The last time I had a blood test, my arm was black and blue for two weeks. That sugary solution sounds so icky.
Hi Guys,

So, today I finally FINALLY talked to the specialist who'll be looking after me after we move. Well, him and his team of 13. Apparently, they're responsible for the whole state's high risk roster so he said I may not always get to see him cause they have to travel around quite a lot. Frankly, I don't like that at all, but I think if I get a little pushy and plan enough in advance, I might be able to schedule my appointments with the same guy.

I did like HIM though. He was clear, helpful, respectful, and straightforward. And I also liked his mixture of "we'll be monitoring you very closely" and "don't worry too much, just be sensible, eat well and exercise!" A good combo: chill but vigilant. He says they do u/s every other week in mono/di twin cases and more frequently if a problem comes up.

The only problem now is that he said I should get a full 1st trimester risk assessment, but the ideal timing for that will fall just after we move, and before my new insurance kicks in. I'm still covered by my old insurance, but only for doctors in state unless it's an emergency. Which leaves me... screwed.

You know, no offense, but America has the most f**ked up medical system EVAR!

Erica, sorry to hear about the hair loss! I'm with you on the acne. My face is a MESS! a MESS!

DD, are you going to get the Nuchal Scan thing too? Or would you rather not know?
Indy~I wore my regular undies my entire pregnancy. No problem.

DD~ THe bella band was my friend. I started wearing my Bella band with some of my pants around 22 weeks maybe? I didn''t cave to maternity pants until 26 weeks. And then the maternity jeans I bought at 26 weeks only lasted until 33 weeks!
It''s different for everyone. I only had 3 pairs of maternity pants. Just wore my bella band with my pre PG pants (not all of them worked with it). You do what is most comfy for you. I have seen some adorable maternity stuff lately. I actually considered buying a few things for my next pregnancy!

Jackie~You always make me laugh!

Peony~For those who didn''t know me, I didn''t really look preggo until 22 weeks or so. I had a little "bump" that I noticed at around 18 weeks.

Gemma~37 weeks is fine if your little one decides to stay in there!
I think Diva delivered at 37 weeks? If you want your friend to be there, do it. There''s more of a chance you''ll be preggo than not.

QT~Hope you''re on soon with a delivery story and pics to share!!

Okay...back to my "home." Hope everyone is doing well!
We''re supposed to wear underwear?
Date: 7/28/2008 6:51:09 PM
Author: jas
We''re supposed to wear underwear?

Indy, I hear you on the American health care system. I'm very curious to hear how the birthing center is for my friend. I hate the idea of not knowing whether my doctor/midwife is going to actually do the delivery, but I don't really have much of a say. I guess that's why you have to make the effort to talk to all the doctors who 'might' be in the delivery room.

DD, my Bella Band arrived today, and I love it! Apparently there's this thing called a haramaki that many Japanese wear to keep their tummies warm whether they're pregnant or not. Judging from my instant love for the Bella Band, I think I'm a good candidate for wearing something like this all the time.

I hope I don't have to buy special underwear. Burk, it's too bad your maternity jeans only lasted until 33 weeks. Has anyone worn A Pea in the Pod's "Secret Fit Belly" denim? I don't want to spend $150+ on denim unless I'm pretty confident that they'll last me the whole way. I'm planning on wearing jeans with a button down shirt pretty much every day in the fall (and then a muumuu for the final month when I refuse to leave the house because of the snow
), so hopefully I can find a pair that works.