
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Curly, that''s interesting about the test. Do all pregnant ladies take that test?
IG, yup, as far as I know all preggos have to take the test. Generally it''s around 25-28 weeks but I imagine they do it earlier for twin mamas, although I''m not positive. Apparently, gestational diabetes is not uncommon but women who are over 25, have a history of diabetes in their family or are overweight have a higher risk factor. GD can affect your baby by causing excess growth, low blood sugar, jaundice, probably a few other things that the other researchers can look up! I believe that a mother who is diagnosed with GD has to be monitored more closely and adjust her diet and exercise and in some cases, take insulin injections. From what I''ve heard, it goes away after giving birth but it can be a precursor to type 2 diabetes later in life. That''s my medical lesson for the day!
sorry about the GD test Snlee

indy -
really sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she gets through all of this and has plenty more years to enjoy those twin cubs you''re baking :)

btw, does anyone know why babycenter would say i''m going to be in my 2nd trimester next week (week 14)? I always thought you were officially into the 2nd trimester at the end of week 12
SBDE, because pregnancy is 40 weeks, 1/3 of that (i.e., one trimester) is 13(.3) weeks. Does that makes sense?

Thanks for your good wishes. Mom just tried to convince me (via cellphone from downstairs) to fly back to the USA early so she wouldn't radioactivate the cubs. Now THAT is overreacting. I'm sure we can stay 5 ft from each other!
aah yes - thanks. i believe i was oversimplifying by thinking prenancy = 9 months, so after 3 mos (12 weeks) i'd be into the second trimester.

and i agree, it can't be too tough to stay 5 ft away from your mom! what country are you in right now btw?
Thanks for all of your supportive words about the GD test ladies! I know it''s not the end of the world if I do have GD. I felt so bad yesterday - I think it''s the hormones. At least my iron level is normal so I don''t have to take an extra pill a day!

Indy, yes, every pregnant woman has to take the one-hour screening test. Here''s some info about the one-hour glucose screening test and three-hour glucose tolerance test. Don''t feel bad for having to stay away from your mom to keep your babies safe. Hang in there!

curly, thanks for all of the advice! Very useful. The doctor did say to fast for 12 hours before so I guess I do have to. I''ve heard it''s better to take the one-hour test in the morning. I took it around 2pm and yea, I did eat some stuff in the morning - some cereal and curry with rice. I have no idea is that affected my test results.

eph, I''ve been thinking about you! You haven''t checked in for a long time. I really hope you and baby are okay!

sbde, each trimester is actually 13 weeks long, so you begin your second at 14 weeks. The third trimester begins at 27 or 28 weeks since pregnancy lasts 40 weeks so there''s an extra week.

Speaking of which, I''m officially into my third trimester! I can''t believe it! The second trimester flew by so fast! The baby celebrated by giving me some good kicks to the ribs yesterday. Oww! I still love feeling his movements though!
SBDE Ah, but if you count on your calendar, you'll find 3 months = 13+ weeks, because a month is usually 2-3 days longer than 4 weeks. Tricky business! I'm really into the history of time (and how we count it) right now and actually find this stuff super-interesting. Why are some months 30 days and others 31? Did you know the year starting in January is super new? Like 18th century new?

Anyway, blah blah blah.

SNLEE Congrats on the third trimester!

My mom has locked herself in her room.
This all seems so farcical!
snlee - Bummer about the GB test. I failed the 1 hour test with 153, and passed the 3 hrs test with all four readings being normal. From what I''ve read, the 1 hr test is a screening test. So it doesn''t mean that you have GD if you fail. And only about 1/3 of women who failed the 1 hr screening actually have GD. Good Luck with the 3 hrs GTT. Definitely bring something to read or do.

Indy - I agree with your family friend that the two grandbabies are bringing lots of joy to your mom. So don''t feel bad about not being able to take your mom to treatment.

sbde - Ditto what Indy said about 14 weeks being 2nd trimester. Enjoy the honeymoon trimester. hehe.

I keep saying to DH that our baby girl isn''t coming, and he is like, "you still have 2 weeks. I want her to come in 2 weeks." I guess he is not as anxious as I am. I am hanging in there.
Q, hang in there. My little girl was late but I soon realized...why was I rushing it?!? ENJOY sleep, long showers, eating hot food, and quiet time. It is ALL about to change.
QT, I totally understand, but hang in there. And PLEASE take this time to enjoy yourself. Take long naps. Go for walks. Read a good book. Go on a date night with DH. As soon as Meena comes, you are going to wish you had a couple of extra weeks, I swear!

Now, once you hit 40 weeks, all bets are off. There''s no rationalizing with a preggo woman then!!!
Date: 7/22/2008 7:47:19 PM
Author: TravelingGal
QT, I totally understand, but hang in there. And PLEASE take this time to enjoy yourself. Take long naps. Go for walks. Read a good book. Go on a date night with DH. As soon as Meena comes, you are going to wish you had a couple of extra weeks, I swear!

Now, once you hit 40 weeks, all bets are off. There''s no rationalizing with a preggo woman then!!!
Oh yes!! Pamper yourself, take time to do for yourself what you won''t be able to do once Meena arrives. Mani / pedi, go out for a nice dinner out. Lay in bed and read, watch some movies. Just enjoy this quiet time. It won''t be long I''m sure. Best of luck to you QT!!!
Hi all -- I''ve been in Crazy Town for about a week (population me and everyone in my family.) Life is busy and strange and making me tired. My MIL has gotten a little out of control...long story that would probably bore everyone.

Babies are fine...huge little dudes. I''ve been so proud of how I''ve been carrying until I went to Costco the other day and we were in the checkout line with some skinny thing who looked like her t-shirt was just bunched up funny on her tiny frame. She asked me my due date and then she said, "OMG, I''m due the same day." It was no compensation that she''s only carrying one. So, justifiably, I smacked her with my 30 pack of toilet paper.

Everything aches...back, front, bbs, legs, arms for some reason. The only thing that doesn''t hurt is complaining, but really, that is only fun for so long. I honestly think I''m gonna go rather soon...U/S next week and I''m guessing they are at or over 5 pounds by then.

I''ve had a few B/H, but they were totally painless EXCEPT that the tightening on the upper belly (which is now synonymous with my rib cage) smooshes the baby or something up into my ribs. But it''s kinda fun (I will so EAT those words later on, just like I''m eating my previous desire to show in my maternity clothes).

Had a dr. appointment yesterday...have gained 33 pounds, measuring 38cm on the belly, still 1 cm dialted, but the dr. could feel a head. He''s really down there. I don''t know if that means he''s "engaging" but that was really an eye opener. For him, too, I''m sure. I wonder if he felt the finger on his head!

Also had the hospital tour last night. Very cool...saw about 5 newborns, one getting her first bath, so the tour group just pressed our noses up against the windows. What was so awesome was that every recovery room (whatever it''s called...the place you are for the 2-4 days post-delivery) is private. Every L&D room is fully loaded with a fridge, TV, DVD player and, oh yeah, all necessary medical equipment. Each room has a shower, there are birthing balls available, and we''re allowed to bring non-flaming aromatherapy. They also have a room w/ a birthing tub, but that does not apply to me. I get to labor in the nice room, then I''m carted off to the OR to deliver the boys in front of 18 or so of my newest best friends.

Funny story...the tour guide (who is a L&D nurse and my new favorite person cuz she''s so funny) mentioned at one point that the nurses will want to be there when we go to the bathroom for the first time after delivery. So, of course, that sends me and my shy bladder into a tailspin. I talk to her privately and say, "Did you mean that they come into the bathroom and STAY THERE?" She explained why they do that, and it makes perfect sense and all, but I was aghast.

Now I''m only worried about 2 things for delivery...barfing and having to pee in front of someone.

Oh, yes, I know, at that point I won''t care, but right now, it''s something to perseverate on.

DH was cracking up all the way home and told me to stop stressing about the "Bathroom Nurse," which of course made me laugh because I though that would be an odd speciality to have in nursing school. And the poor nurse who has to do that. And I met some of the nurses last night and they are super awesome and very smart and the last thing they need is the title "Bathroom Nurse."

See what I mean about living in Crazy Town?

Oh and then we get home and I find out I''ve been summoned for jury duty at a place about 1 hour from my house on my 35th week...and of course I just need to get a note from Dr. about my being on bed rest and all that, but for some reason it totally is stressing me out today. Knowing the Chicago system, and my luck, I''ll have to go to jury duty strapped to a gurney and end up having my water break all over the District Attorney. Eh, he/she probably deserves it.


Snlee - so sorry about the glucose test. So very few women actually get GD (I think it''s 2-5%), so this is most likely just a lot of anxiety and wasted time for you. Yucko. I wish you lots of luck with it. When is the new test? Yea for third trimester!
Indy -- hang in there girl. You are certainly coping with so much right now. Stay strong! Eat lotsa ice cream...I find it a cure-all.
Hi SBDE -- how are you feeling these days?
QT -- I''m sending you lots of easy labor vibes and good timing vibes. Stay cool, honey!

All righty then, I think I''ve been weird enough for one morning. Off to call my doctor and beg for a jury-duty release form.
Jas, how exciting!!!
Yay for the twins, you made me LOL about hitting the other preggo w/30 rolls of TP. hehe
You are beautiful and all belly!!!
qtiekiki, sending labor vibes your way. But I agree, try to enjoy the time you have left.

Gemma, jas - I'll take the 3-hour GD test on Saturday. Hopefully I will pass and it's just a wasted half a day.

I am so tired! I've been getting 8-9 hours of sleep a night and everyday I feel like I haven't slept at all. The fatigue has set in just like how it was during the first trimester. Except now I'm tired and sloooooow! 8.5 weeks of work left. I am so ready to not work!

I need a nap!
Date: 7/23/2008 2:47:59 PM
Author: Skippy123
Jas, how exciting!!!
Yay for the twins, you made me LOL about hitting the other preggo w/30 rolls of TP. hehe
You are beautiful and all belly!!!
Thank are such a sweetie!

Snlee - I totally hear you...I''m a nap whore these days.

Ok, I know I''ve said this before but I am so terrified of barfing during labor...I am barf-phobic anyway. I know, I know..."it''s the last thing" I''ll be worried about, but really, that''s a nightmare for me...

Any thoughts? My mom said she never got sick, and considering my pregnancy has mirrored hers (and the women in our family, i.e. weight gain, no morning sickness, no stretch marks) I''d like to think this is hereditary.

Of course, I am also of the mindset that the more I think "I will not barf" the greater the likelihood that I will.

For all the beauty of childbirth, really, there are a lot of bodily functions that come into play.
qtiekiki - i know you feel like you're ready to pop but just like everyone said, enjoy these last few days where you can just LOUNGE and REST and SLEEP! good luck with everything! trust me, i am SO ready for the honeymoon trimester.

jas - your posts always crack me up...too funny! the hospital tour sounds like so much fun! i'm doing well thanks...i was hoping the m/s would be gone by now, but i've learned that i'm still not in the 2nd trimester just yet so i should suck it up and down that zofran until i need it. it doesn't help that the biggest trigger to the m/s is the smell of my HOUSE! it's brand spanking new and smells of paint and varnish and 1.5 months later i still can't get it out no matter how long i keep the windows open. (did i mention i work from home too lol? ) of course hubby dear can't smell a thing.

snlee - i can see how your heart wouldn't be in work right now. i'm 6 mos away and am already longingly thinking ahead to when i will stop.
jas, you seriously make me laugh out loud with your posts!!! Regarding the barfing, I know it''s going to be hard but I wouldn''t worry about it too much. When you say you''re going to the OR to deliver, does that mean you''re having a c-section? The thing that might make you feel a little sick would be the drugs. I felt slight nausea for a minute once I had my epidural but it went away quickly. To be safe, just make sure you don''t eat a lot while in early labor and definitely don''t have anything but liquids while you''re in active labor. They didn''t let me eat anything at that point and food was the last thing on my mind anyway. I couldn''t stop my teeth from chattering even though I don''t think I was cold! I was more worried about pooping on the table, the idea of vomiting never even crossed my mind!! Fortunately, one of my early labor symptoms at home was diarrhea so I think my system was completely cleaned out before I even got to the hospital!
But as cliche as it sounds, while I was actually pushing, I really wasn''t thinking about poop either--your mind seriously goes to another level and all the fear and anxiety about these bodily functions along with every other thing you''ve obsessed about seems to be miraculously erased from your mind. I was just talking to DH about this the other night and remembering how terrified I was about actual labor and delivery until it was actually happening to me and at that point, you sort of go on automatic pilot and don''t really think about anything. I don''t know if that was just me or not but I wanted to just put it out there as a real life experience. And if you do end up puking, it''s no biggie--they''ve seen it all and MORE!!! Hang in there, girl!!!!!
Date: 7/23/2008 5:29:53 PM
Author: curlygirl
jas, you seriously make me laugh out loud with your posts!!! Regarding the barfing, I know it''s going to be hard but I wouldn''t worry about it too much. When you say you''re going to the OR to deliver, does that mean you''re having a c-section? The thing that might make you feel a little sick would be the drugs. I felt slight nausea for a minute once I had my epidural but it went away quickly. To be safe, just make sure you don''t eat a lot while in early labor and definitely don''t have anything but liquids while you''re in active labor. They didn''t let me eat anything at that point and food was the last thing on my mind anyway. I couldn''t stop my teeth from chattering even though I don''t think I was cold! I was more worried about pooping on the table, the idea of vomiting never even crossed my mind!! Fortunately, one of my early labor symptoms at home was diarrhea so I think my system was completely cleaned out before I even got to the hospital!
But as cliche as it sounds, while I was actually pushing, I really wasn''t thinking about poop either--your mind seriously goes to another level and all the fear and anxiety about these bodily functions along with every other thing you''ve obsessed about seems to be miraculously erased from your mind. I was just talking to DH about this the other night and remembering how terrified I was about actual labor and delivery until it was actually happening to me and at that point, you sort of go on automatic pilot and don''t really think about anything. I don''t know if that was just me or not but I wanted to just put it out there as a real life experience. And if you do end up puking, it''s no biggie--they''ve seen it all and MORE!!! Hang in there, girl!!!!!
Thanks curly -- it''s good to hear other stories. The TLC/Discovery Health shows are a bit sensational.

I have to deliver in the OR b/c it''s SOP for matter how they come out.

I am all about cleaning out the system before I get to the hospital. Why can''t I have one of those pretty 1950s TV show births?

Thanks are you doing?????
Jas - I can''t wait for your book to come out. You are hilarious. Usually people are worried about pooping on the table not barfing. hehe. I am worried about pooping, so hopefully my body knows to clean itself out before then. You lucky girl to not get stretch marks.

Tacori, Tgal, Kaleigh, Jas, snlee, sbde - Thanks for well wishes and labor vibes. I know I need to chill and just enjoy myself. I am trying.

snlee - I think the fatigue in 3rd trimester is worse because it''s more uncomfortable with the big belly. I was counting down to my last day for two months, and now that I am at home, I am so bored. I''ve been doing a little bit of cleaning everyday, but am running out of things to clean. hehe.

sbde - I hope your m/s goes away soon. New paint/varnish smells are hard to get rid of. Hopefully it won''t be too long until it''s fully out of the house.

We are finished with the nursery. I should really take pics and post them. My SIL, who is moving to NY soon, is over and cleaning out the bathroom for our daughter. She bought a bunch of ducky theme things (towels, hooded towel, sponge, etc), bathing crayons and organic bath products to decorate the bathroom. Plus she got a rocking ducky, which is really cute. I wanted to buy it when I saw it at Cost Plus, but DH said to wait and now SIL got it. She got it because she thought it was really cute, and she didn''t know I wanted to buy it. It''s such a coincidence.
Hi guys- I wanted to stop in and say hello. I am as usual soooo terribly behind but I will try to post and catch up...

Kay I hope you are having a fabulous time in Paris- well France anyway I can''t remember if it was Paris or not right now. I know you posted things were good so far and the shopping sounded really fun!!! I am starting to get the itch to find out my l.o. sex so I can buy some cute stuff. We''ll see.
BTW i know you are on vacay but the 2008 uppa baby is on sale online for 549 on superior car seats. free shipping. did you buy yours yet?
Also I heard you could have colustrum come out I think even as early as I am- so it doesn''t sound abnormal from what I remember reading.

Independent Girl I am so sorry to hear of your mom''s news. I am glad you can be there with her, though. I hope the testing is almost finished for you guys. Keep taking good care of yourself too!!

Snlee sorry you didnt pass the one hour test. Hope the 3 hr goes better. I think the tips that Curly gave seem to be good- are you gona try them? When are you posting another belly pic?

Ephemery I am hoping that you are really busy and that is why you havent'' been around...I am sending you good vibes/thoughts.

Qtiekki I hope things progress quickly for y- and if not then I hope you take others advice and spend some good time with your dh.

gemma Hi glad you are feeling better. Did you get anywhere with what you would like to get done in your place yet?

LIA Wow your road trip doesnt seem like it was too fun- hope Vancouver is way better than the car ride. You have a great attitude though.

Janinegirly hope things are good with you! HOw is the house buying going? fingers crossed for you!

Curly HOpe you enjoyed your vacation. I would like to go to PUerto Rico some day. Your little girl is so cute.

nf hope you are enjoying your vacation in Idaho. That is another place i would like to visit. When are you gonna post a belly shot? It is a relief to be in my 16th week- I am showing a little. I like it but probably still just look a little "fat" to people who don''t know.

SBDE Isnt it soooo confusing about the 12 wks vs 13 weeks of the first trimester? People were telling me oh your out of the worrisome period but then the book what to expect says the 2nd tri doesnt'' start until the 14th week. ah well.

Tacori Im glad to see you hear. I missed you while you were on vacation. I have been following along on the mommy thread still. Have a great time in vegas.
Jas why does the nurse have to watch you? so you don''t faint? or to make sure it''s enough? just curious. You always make me laugh. I am hoping to need maternity clothes- I mean I don''t fit in regular but don''t quite feel right in maternity clothes, yahknow? Your private rooms sound really nice. cool for you.
I really hope that they don''t make you show up at jury duty. but it would be funny to see a woman strapped to a gurney to show them she can''t serve. I hope that is not what it takes!!oh yeah and that made me laugh too when you wanted to hit the lady with the toilet paper! hehe.

Okay well sorry if I missed anyone and I just wanted to say that I am in my 16th week!!! I feel relieved and had my checkup today. The HR was in the 160''s. I haven''t gained any weight but she is not toooo worried about it yet. She thinks I will probably start soon(by the 5th month). she can see my belly growing and I can see it so I know things are happening. I am pretty sure I felt some flutters/gas a few times. The dr. said she believes me cause I am on the smaller side. Even if I have it wrong it''s cool to think I feel it. I will have my detailed u/s in a few weeks. I guess that is it for now.
Hope everyone continues to be well!
jackiejas- you know I had gained 30+ pounds by month 8 and I only had ONE baby in there, you are amazing to have 2 baking in your 8th month and only up are all babies for sure...I gained 39 lbs by 38 weeks and stayed there until baby J was born. anyway, congrats girl. those babies are going to be here before you know it.

and Q- hang in there girl. i agree with tacori and tgal..take advantage of the last few minutes of sleep, taking a long bath, uninterrupted dinners etc. while you can. you''re little one will be her b/f you know it.

hope all the other mommies to be are feeling well today...
jas, I totally forgot to comment on the "Bathroom Nurse"! They told me to call the nurse before I went to the bathroom for the first time as well. She helped me get out of bed and walked me to the bathroom in my room. Then she said, "Let me see your perineum." Uh, my WHAT?????? So I pulled down my sexy mesh panties (which you will LOVE!) with the huge pad and ice pack in it and she crouched down and looked at my crotch!
I kid you not. Then she filled up the squirt bottle for me and told me that after I peed, I should just spray that area with the warm water from the squirt bottle and pat dry and then if I wanted to I could also spray on the Dermaplast stuff which is an awesome numbing spray. She set me up with a new pad/ice pack/mesh panty contraption and then I believe she left the room while I actually peed. I certainly don't remember her being in there the whole time but I was on such an endorphin high that I don't really know what was going on at that point!!! And honestly, once you've given birth your private parts are not so private anymore!!!!

I'm doing well, thanks for asking!! I am past the 30 week mark and now will start my 2 week appointments. I've gained 16 lbs. so far and have continued to avoid stretch marks once again so I'm hoping they don't decide to make an appearance with this pregnancy! I generally forget that I'm pregnant which gives me a little bit of guilt but I guess it's good because I'm not obsessing over anything this time! My biggest anxiety this time is about what I will do with Lily when I go into labor. I mentioned it to my doctor and hoped that she would have some brilliant solution for me but she basically said that I have to just lay out some plans to friends and/or family members and just make sure someone is "on call" at all times. Never a dull moment, I tell ya!

q, don't rush it--seriously!! Enjoy these last few weeks of freedom and "me" time. Go and indulge in all the things you will miss--manicure, pedicure, hair cut, massage, shopping, anything!!! You will have your hands full in no time so make the most of these last moments. She'll be here before you know it!
Hi Ladies! It sounds like everyone''s doing relatively well though I wish we knew how Eph is doing. If you''re out there Eph, we''re all sending you our best wishes!

I has my first appointment on Monday which went well - the NP was great and I met my Dr. briefly and she was very nice as well. My test results came back today and they are all good. My hCG level was 8,227. I have my 1st tri u/s scheduled for friday to find out the size and how far along I am. I can''t wait!

Anyway, just wanted to chime in and say hi. I know I don''t post much here but I read daily and am so thankful to all of you for this community! It''s very comforting to have some of you mommies (TGal and Tacori!!) come back to say hi here too!
Date: 7/22/2008 3:47:46 PM
Author: qtiekiki
I keep saying to DH that our baby girl isn''t coming, and he is like, ''you still have 2 weeks. I want her to come in 2 weeks.'' I guess he is not as anxious as I am. I am hanging in there.

Funny, DH is the same with me too.
He actually wished that I am really Overdue -- meaning more than 42 wks.
I told him that that''s easy for him to say and want, he''s not the one having to carry the extra weight
and later having to push a bigger baby out.

Hang in there, you are so close.
Like the other ladies suggested, take the next 2 weeks pampering yourself and relax...
cuz it''ll be a while before you get your restful night back (unless you are lucky like TGal
Wow, only 33 lbs and 8 months with twins?
You''ll be back to your old self in no time!

And yay for the not dilating any further

Good luck with the extended GD test on saturday.

Enjoy your honeymoon trimester.
That''s great about the weight gain (or lack of).
If the Dr is okay with it and your belly is growing, weight gain or no weight gain, it''s all good.
We got to see a belly shot

Hope you are doing well.
Please do check in.

So sorry to hear about your mom.
Hope the testing isn''t too much longer.
Hehehe Jackie, too funny.

Curly, you''re not the only one who forgets you''re preggo...I nearly did too! You don''t post enough about your preggo-ness!

Mrs, I still lurk...I just don''t address each post but I do read em all.
Public Service Announcement:

If I am walking my dog at 10PM and
If I pass you and your boyfriend as you are finishing up a bike ride (at 10PM?) and
If I don''t know you and
If you immediately give the impression that you are one of those cutesy gals who makes little digs at other women to somehow "enrapture" said boyfriend and
If I am 31 and 1/2 weeks pregnant and waddling around AND
If I still don''t know you...

You do NOT get to say the following to me (or my dog):

"Wow, you look like you''re about to pop! You''re huuuuuuge!"

Thank you. This message brought to you by my case of the Stupidity Induced Crankies (i.e. "S.I.C." which, incidentally, I wanted to say to my dog.)
Jackie are too much.
Jas - LOL. I think we all have serious cases of SIC.
jas, you are too funny. I agree, we all have SIC!

pave, I posted a 26 week belly shot a few pages back. I may try the tips curly gave but DH did bring up a good point. Why alter your diet a lot if the test is supposed to test for GD. If you have GD, don't you want to know? So part of me doesn't want to change much...I just hope I don't have GD! Yay for hitting the 16 week mark! Soon you'll start feeling movements. Enjoy the honeymoon trimester! The big u/s is so exciting! Are you finding out the baby's sex?

Mrs, good luck on your first u/s! It's really amazing. I loved seeing the baby (the beating blobby) for the first time.

curly, glad to hear you're doing well! I would think the second pregnancy is a lot different, especially since you have your hands full with Lily!

qtiekiki, beautiful nursery pictures! I am sure when I am home, I'll be super bored. I'm just looking forward to sleeping in and napping anytime I want.
That sounds so good right now! Did you stop working at 36 weeks?