
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 7/18/2008 12:03:12 AM
Author: qtiekiki
Just checking in, so no one think I am in labor. =P I am really tired today, will post more tomorrow.

WOW! How time has flown... I remember when you first posted about being PG.

Here''s to a smooth labor- when it''s time!
Thanks for checking in Q! And sorry I have no idea about the leakage, Kay, but I''m curious what the answer will be.

My mom''s results finally came back and it''s way worse than we expected. In fact, it could barely be any worse. So I''m working hard at keeping physically calm and keeping the stress level down as I adjust to the fact that my mom''s now got a 1 in 3 chance, not a nearly 100% chance, of being around to play with her grandchildren. Anyway, we are all staying super upbeat and positive around my mom and trying to keep things easy going. But let me tell you, it ain''t easy!
Prepare for the worst, hope for, pray for, and fully force yourself to EXPECT the best outcome. That and loooots of deep breaths. I don''t want the stress to affect the cubs!
Kay, I never had that happen but I have heard it is normal. Don''t try to express it though. You could wear a pad if you are worried about embarrassing moments. I like the fabric ones better. The other ones were itchy.
Indy - I''m so sorry to hear that. Your mom has been in my thoughts...

On the positive side, she''s got a lot of reasons to try to beat it (twin grandbabies to name one!) and good support...

You''ll both be in my thoughts.
Indy- I am so sorry about the news. Do your best to stay strong, and project that to your mom, she needs to stay strong and positive for sure. I''m sure you and your cubs are helping to keep her pushing forward. My thoughts are with you.
jen, you look great!

Kay, I hope you're having a fabulous trip! Can't wait to see pictures! I've heard that leakage is normal but I haven't had any myself.

Indy, I am so sorry to hear the news. My thoughts are with you and your family.

qtiekiki, you are getting close! Do you have your hospital bag packed?

jas, yay for the home stretch! Sleep has been on and off this week. One night I wake up often and can't fall back to sleep and the next I sleep straight through. I guess I should be thankful I'm not having a bad nights sleep every night. Thanks for asking. So you never told us about the book you're writing. What's it about? I'm curious.

eph, hi! How are you doing?

I had my 26 week appointment yesterday. I was annoyed that I had to wait 30 minutes to see the doctor (the longest we've had to wait so far). I gained 5 pounds and am up to 18 pounds. The MA said that I need to drink more water (even though I do drink a lot!) since there was a tiny bit of protein found in my urine. The doctor didn't seem concerned though since my BP was normal (much lower than last time so that was good to see. I was starting to get worried it was getting higher each visit.) and it was a very small amount.

Today we're going on the hospital tour. I have my glucose test today too. Wish me luck! I hope I pass.
Indy - So sorry about your mom''s situation. Stay strong and positive. You and your family are in my thoughts.

Kay - Don''t worry. Leaky boobs are normal. You''ll just have to get some nursing pads. Hope you are having fun in Paris.

Thank you, Chargergrl

snlee - My hospital bag is basically packed, except for things that I am using that will need to be packed when I am ready to go.
Good luck with the GD test and have a good hospital tour.
I had the same thing happened with my BP. One time, my BP was up 130/90 and I was worried since it''s a lot higher than usual (100/60). But it went back down the next appt.

I had an appointment yesterday, and I still have no progress. Just fingertip dilated. So I am going to start walking more and see if that would help. I do feel a lot of pressure between my legs though, and it hurts when I turn in bed or get out of bed or stand up from sitting. But I guess the pressure isn''t doing much.
Sending prayes to your Mom. Hoping things turn around for her. I know it''s a stressful time for you. You sound good, so hang in there.

Hoping the walking helps. Best of luck to you!!
Q, time to bake a cake? Hope your bebe comes soon! The waiting must be torture.

snlee, that''s interesting about the protein and good to know. So if you don''t drink enough water, it affects if you have enough protein too? Let us know the results of the glucose test!

Thanks to everyone for their good wishes. I think I''m pretty much adjusted to the new reality with my mom and things relaxed a lot yesterday. All I can say is, I''m so glad that my only real symptom is sore boobs. Not sure I could handle all this plus puking!
Indy, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Thoughts and prayers going out to you.
I hope you continue to feel okay physically, too. Did your DH go with you?

Eph, I hope you are okay. Please check in when you can!

Snlee, you look great-what a cute belly! Fingers crossed for your GTT.

Mrs, I didn''t have my first appt until 10 weeks. I''m glad you''ve found another practice that you feel better with. It''s great when you see that heartbeat too!

Q yay for a good shower-I am glad you had fun. Are you ready to bake that cake??

Jas, doesn''t a ''noble spirit embiggen the smallest man?''
wikitionary Not exactly college application material though... I love Shakespearean names but DH is having none of it. He likes Elizabeth (I went to school with a not-so-nice Elizabeth) and Julia (an ex-girlfriend of his). Um, hello? No. For boys he likes his brother''s name (good....) and MY brother''s name. I''ve told him that our generation and the one below are off limits, name wise! I''m sure we''ll reach an agreement before the child is at school! Bumbos, great gift.

Did we get the nursery thread unlocked? I''d love to see what people are doing for their nursery(s)...

Jen, you look fab! Yay for getting your crib together...I''m sorry you are so sore. Did you have PSD with the other pgs? I hope it settles-it would be
to miss your shower!

LIA I hope you had a good trip to LA!

Dreamer, hope you had a good trip! I had some shortness of breath in first trimester-we need to breath harder to get out CO2 also so the baby''s CO2 can cross the placenta more easily. About 70% of women experience shortness of breath during pregnancy, so it''s pretty normal. Your cardiac output (amount of blood pumped per minute) will also increase about 30% in the 1st tri, so your heart rate will prob go up. Plus your blood count will go down because even though you make more Hb, you make a LOT more blood! So there''s lots of reasons to feel a bit puffed

Kay, sounds like you have had a great time in Paris! I''m looking forward to seeing photos of all the clothes....Have a great time in Burgundy! I''m so glad you got to France, and I hope the jet lag has settled! Several of my friends had nipple leakage-sometimes it just occurs once and others had it for nearly the whole pg.

Thanks for attending my pity party last week- I am feeling a lot better (a little bit of pampering will do that to you)
! We went to a party today where there were tonnes of kids running around and myself and another pg friend were like ''oh my, this is my life!'' Sometimes I have a bit of a freak out about how real it suddenly seems and how unprepared I feel. The nesting instinct has kicked in but I''m really tired when I get home from work so sometimes I feel frustrated that I don''t have the energy to do what I''d like to with the nursery. I just need to set aside a weekend to get started and I''m sure it will come. I am sooo thankful that I''m feeling well but aware that I''ll get more tired in a couple of months so I need to crack on!!
Indy, I am keeping you, your Mom and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Indy I am so sorry to hear about your mum. Hoping for the very best for you both.
Indy, I have you and your dear mom in my prayers; I pray for strength during this time! Sending you both a hug and good thoughts. sorry to hear about your mom. hang in there and think positively!!

gemma: thanks for checking in. SO glad you''re feeling better this week

QT: anxiously awaiting the arrival of your little one! i second that you should start baking SOON.

kay: glad you made it safely to france. how did the flight go? hope you didn''t get too swollen or uncomfortable. i have NO idea about the nipple leakage, but hopefully it portends well for breast feeding.

i''m doing just fine. we had a LONG drive out to LA on friday (took 9 hours...usually takes 7.5). i think dh was in grandpa mode and was driving really slowly. which would have been fine, but around hour 7, one of our dogs got SICK and vomited x 3 and then had diarrhea. in the car. totally FOUL. thank goodness it was really only on his crate and it didn''t get on him too much but it smelled SOOO bad. we had to find the closest gas station (thank goodness we were no longer in the middle of the desert!) and do a major cleanup. of course we didn''t have any paper towels (and the gas station was out too!!
) but i had put some rags in that we used and then just threw away. UGH.

anyway, now we''re up in vancouver for a week. the weather here is SO WONDERFUl and it''s such a gorgeous city!! nothing exciting to post re: pregnancy, although it is fun now that people really KNOW that i''m pregnant. one lady was my best friend when she told me that i was positively tiny (I''m not!), and then asked me if i worked out every day (i definitely do NOT). i wanted to take her home with me for my self esteem!!

ok, that''s all for now!
hope everyone is doing well....
IG, hang in there!

QT, buy a box of Duncan Hines...just in case.
Thanks everyone for your good wishes and support. This morning the dog went running after his ball and knocked my mom right off her feet, she went flying in the air and landed no her backside. Poor thing. Her ribs are still broken from the surgery and she''s still got stitches in, and now she''s freaked that this may make it worse. I think it''s probably OK, but she really didn''t need that!

LIA, that trip sounds horrible! Poor you with the dogs!

Gemma, glad you''re feeling better!
Date: 7/15/2008 12:06:44 PM
Author: janinegirly
Jas and snlee~ you guys look great!

This is a quick drive by from me b/c things are quite busy right now!

Curly~ you out there fellow NY ''girly''?
I have a bugaboo question--you mentioned that Lily slept in it for the first 3 months. Does this mean you kept the bassient in the stroller frame and rolled it next to the bed? I''m trying to see how this works as this might mean I won''t have to purchase a bassinet/travel crib as well. How are you doing?
Hey girl! We just got back from a week in Puerto Rico so I''m trying to catch up but I didn''t want to leave you hanging. Yes, we used the Bugaboo for Lily to sleep in for the first 3 months or so and will do the same this time around. We would just roll it right next to the bed and it was perfect. She was swaddled too and I think it made her feel very secure to be in there all bundled up! She started to move around by around 3 months when I went back to work so we moved her into the pack n play bassinet in the other room at that point because we didn''t buy a crib till she was about 5 months old. You can probably just move her into the crib when she outgrows the Bugaboo and you won''t have to worry about any extra bassinet, etc. I''ll be back with more advice soon. Hope you''re feeling well and surviving the heat!!!
Hey Curly! I was wondering where you went, you were very missed!! Hope you had a great vacation.

Thanks for the bugaboo bassinet response--it''s a big help! It''ll save space to not have to buy another bassinet and I''ll move her into the crib at 3 months, or if for some reason that doesn''t work, can buy something then.

Anyway, hope you''re doing fab, and can''t wait for the update
Hi all!!! Just checking in from Idaho! We are staying at my IL''s cabin which has no internet access and no cellphone service. And no TV. And I can''t have alcohol to deal with my MIL (which is my usual coping strategy). But despite all that it is a fantastic trip. DH and I escaped into Coeur D''Alene (beautiful beautiful beautiful if anyone is ever looking to get away to the mountains) today for some much needed alone time and internet time.

Glad to see I didn''t miss much here and that everyone is hanging in there!

Indy I am so sorry to hear about your mom! But she''s got a lot to look forward to, so hopefully she can hang in there for the grandbabies!

I am getting bigger by the day. I just measured my stomach and it gained almost 2 inches from 1 1/2 weeks ago! I am most certainly in the "can no longer hide it" range. Which isn''t great because there are a few people at school I haven''t told yet...OOPS! Just random people I am working on projects with, but still. What a surprise it''ll be for them. But I am happy that I can now wear whateever and look pregnant if that makes sense. For awhile I only looked pregnant in tight clothes and in anything else looked a little tubby, so it''s nice to be firmly in the "pregnant" stage!

Hope everyone else is doing well and hanging in there...if I don''t get to check in again we''ll see y''all at the end of the month! And I''ll post pictures.

Seem like everyone is away from home, and on a trip.

I am going bake if I still have no progress next week. hehe. I still have two more weeks before I am 40 weeks.
Date: 7/21/2008 5:32:48 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Seem like everyone is away from home, and on a trip.
I am going bake if I still have no progress next week. hehe. I still have two more weeks before I am 40 weeks.

Good thing you check in today.
I was thinking that you were in L&D :) when I didn''t see you check in.
Still no progress huh?
Try getting on all hour and clean the floor

I did that the day after when my doctor said that i was still long but soft.
Went into labor a day and half later!
haha. Funny you said that. I got on all four and cleaned my bathroom floor on Saturday, in addition to scrubbing the toilet, shower and tub. I was so tired, but still nothing.
Quick check in -

I''m bummed.
I didn''t pass my 1 hour glucose test.
The cutoff is 140 and mine was 151 so now I have to take the 3 hours test. I am not looking forward to fasting for 12 hours and sitting there for 3 hours.

More later.
NF: yay for internet and especially for looking pregnant. it''s such a bonus of the 2nd trimester. we get to feel good AND look good. :)
QT: hang in there are SO CLOSE
SNLEE: ugh, what a bummer on the glucose test. hopefully you''ll pass the 3 hour with flying colors. i LOVE sugar and am so dreading these tests.... UGH UGH UGH
JANINE and CURLY: thanks for checking in. would love to hear how you girls are doing!
Indy, glad you checked in. Your poor mom. I hope she heals quickly.

NF, yay for looking pregnant! Now you know what we need....belly shots!!

LIA, urg on the vomit. Glad you are having a great time tho-isn''t it beautiful!!

Snlee, bummer about the GTT-when is the extended one??

Q, you''ll have to check in so we don''t think you''re in labour
! I have heard nesting kicks in super strong just before labour so.....fingers crossed for you!

Work has gone nutso so if I don''t check in that is where I am!

Speaking of...Eph you are on my mind. I really hope you are okay honey. Big hugs....
Date: 7/21/2008 9:23:10 PM
Author: Gemma12
Speaking of...Eph you are on my mind. I really hope you are okay honey. Big hugs....

Bummer about the GD test.
Hope you pass with the long test.
Remember to bring something to read for the 3 hour wait
and something to munch on for afterwards.
SNLee, phooey about the glucose. Does that mean gestational diabetes? Pardon my ignorance. And what will happen now? Is it dangerous?
snlee, sorry you didn''t pass the one hour test. I failed it with my first pregnancy but passed the 3 hour test with flying colors. Did you eat anything before the test? I blame my first failure on that--this time around, I ate a piece of whole wheat bread 2 hours before going in and I think it made a difference. But anyway, don''t let it stress you out too much because it''s not a GD diagnosis. My advice is to seriously carbo load for a few days before you do the 3 hour test. It will stimulate your body to produce more insulin and therefore be more able to break down the huge dose of sugar you will ingest. So for about 3 or so days before, eat lots of carbs including fruits, dairy, starches, etc. I also wouldn''t fast for 12 hours unless you doctor specifically told you that. I would make it more like 10 hours and have a small protein snack before going to bed (like 9-12 hours before the test). My cousin is a doctor and she gave me this advice because we were pretty sure that I didn''t have GD but just wanted to cover all the bases. Also, if you exercise regularly, you should keep doing that and try to stay away from excessive caffeine. Just a few tips that may help you out. Other than that, I totally feel your pain because the 3 hour test was the most BORING thing I ever did! Bring lots of books, magazines, ipod, anything to keep you busy because it truly feels like an eternity when you''re watching that clock each hour. Good luck and remember, it''s not the end of the world even if you are diagnosed with GD. Keep us posted!
So get this preggo twist: my stepdad had to leave town because his mother is also fighting cancer and is in the hospital, probably on her last legs. She's almost 90 and isn't someone who has really brought joy into the world, if you know what I mean, so I don't think he's exactly torn up about it.

But anyway, it meant that I was left in charge of my mom's care since she has to do a lot of tests to figure out her course of treatment. I took her to the clinic to have a bone scan thingy and all over the place there are big signs that say in the local language:


In fact, my mother is not allowed to go within 1.5 meters of me (5 ft?) for 24 hours after the test, lest she fry her grandbabies with her radioactive glow. Great. So not only did I have to leave her alone at the clinic, we have to have dinner in separate rooms, I can't hug her, etc. Is that nutty or what?
Luckily, there are people around who can help out with getting her to her tests tomorrow, cause geez, did I ever feel useless!
But our family friend I got to help out said "You're not useless, grandbabies are what's keeping your momma cheerful!" Still, what a helpless feeling, abandoning your mom!