
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Jas, I''m so sorry to hear about your inlaws...

Maybe this is stemming from my own resentment about my inlaws, but I think you should put your foot down and refuse to be coerced through guilt. You have a lot to contend with, and really, truly, feeling comfortable should be one of your top priorities. They need to respect your desire to stick with what''s working, be it dog sitting or hanging out. Hopefully you can explain to your husband that as much as you appreciate your inlaws'' willingness to help, right now you feel more comfortable relying on your family. After the babies are born, there will be more than enough ''work'' to go around.

Indy, I dunno if you should be eating more fattening things. I know you have two cubs to feed and all, but I thought we were supposed to eat super nutritious healthful things rather than fill our happy little bellies with lots of sugar and fat, and all that delicious stuff? If you feel the desire for something fatty, maybe you should eat an avocado salad? Or guacamole and low-sodium tortilla chips? I''ve never been a fan of restricting my caloric intake. It''s more about eating sensibly and trying to prepare food so it''s as nutritious as possible. I agree, though. It''s weird to switch from focusing on diet and exercise to taking into consideration your babies'' need and your own physical limits (no more wind sprints for me).

So sad about your mom. She''s going through so much, I really feel so bad about the extra stress in both your lives...
Jas, I agree you gotta put your foot down and do what you're 100% comfortable with. Tell you IL that you'll be glad of their help once the babies are born.

Erica, I just don't think I can take in enough calories eating the way I normally do (practically no fat, mostly vegetables, super-lean proteins)! I'm not going to fill up on fries, but I think switching to 2% milk, e.g., might be smart. I think eating an ice cream cone now and then might be good too!
I tried eating some red meat the other day too and that was actually not too bad (first time in 16 years, I think)! Everything I've read says that the earlier you pack it on with twins the better, since you stop being hungry and often stop gaining around 30-32 weeks. It's just hard to find advice about how much to put on in the first trimester, vs. the second and it sounds like JAS put on a lot early, and her fab-sized boys are encouraging evidence in that regard, so I'm going to really try to pack it on between now and week 28. Then I won't have to worry if I have no room for food after that point.
Date: 8/8/2008 2:20:09 PM
Author: Lorelei

Concerning your beloved doggie, I would make sure your parents care for him as they usually do. Not only is your SIL not caring for him in the way you would wish by the sound of it, if she lets her kids annoy him and one day they hurt him and perhaps he did snap, then that is not a situation you want your sweet doggie in, or for yourself. Personally I wouldn''t risk it, let your parents take him. It is not up to your SIL to tell you that she will be caring for your dog, tell her it is already arranged, he is going to your parents - ''thank you all the same though for your kind offer''.
Ditto! My sister is the very same way with her dog. She leaves her outside most of the time. And her kids are constantly putting my dog in a headlock, climbing on his back, sitting on him, etc. He''s a very tolerant dog, but, all dogs have their limits. The kids aren''t bad, they are just allowed to treat animals too rough. I once caught them smashing my cat''s face into the floor.

Jackie, I swear we have the same ILs!!! Gotta love the passive aggressive nonsense! You are the one carrying twins (and doing a very fine job from the sound of it
) and you should be the one to make decisions on where you will be most comfortable. That''s the bottom line. Don''t feel bad about it. And maybe give DH a gentle reminder that it is his job to support YOU during this time. I''ve learned the hard way during the last 13 years that I just have to be very direct with his parents or they continue trying to manipulate me or whatever the situation may be. Stick you finger in their faces and say, "BACK OFF!!!" Haha...Well, maybe that would be a bit much, but, you get the idea!
Good luck! You will be in my thoughts!

*back to lurking*
I am going to ditto the other''s responses re: where to leave the dog. Letting your SIL take your dog is only going to add stress to you during the birth of your children!! Your dog should be somewhere that you are comfortable with and know that he is well taken care of, and somewhere that he is comfortable too. I also have a very tolerant dog but I do think if children were allowed to constantly pull on his tail at some point he might snap.
I feel for you, but your DH is going to have to stand up to them.
Seriously though, these people must be really passive aggressive if they are fighting over where you and the dog spend your time. Tell them to save it for when you are home with 2 babies crying in the middle of the night, then they can see who wants to help out!!
Indy, maybe you could have more yogurt. I can''t stand the taste of milk, so I get most of my fat from yogurt, avocados, cheese, and nuts (mixed into my oatmeal). If you don''t like yogurt on its own, you could always make your own smoothies or add it to various dips. I find that greek yogurt works really well.

Ice cream is my major indulgence. Hey, I live in Boston, I''m allowed!
The biggest culture shock was moving here and watching people line up for ice cream during the freezing winters.

If you''re concerned, maybe you should talk to a nutrition counselor about a modified diet for the cubs. I would stay away from processed sugars and empty carbs. Lean protein is always a good idea. You''re lucky that you don''t mind meat after all these years. My husband suggested I order a chicken sandwich from our local Tunisian place, but even the thought of meat makes me nauseated. Even when I was vegan, I didn''t mind the idea of meat. Pregnancy does some crazy stuff to us!

Oh, and there''s nothing wrong with fries, or fish and chips, for that matter
. But too many deep fried things makes me super queasy...
Erica, I love yogurt and I eat a tonne of it! The only easy part for me is getting enough milk and veg. That stuff is easy. I think it''s a SUPER idea to see a nutritional counselor! Thanks! As soon as we move, I''m going to ask the doctor for a referral to a dietitian with pregnancy expertise. That way, I can figure out what''s the best way to get the calories and the nutrition and be able to fit it all in.
Indy, when are you moving? I totally understand your desire to gain more weight now rather than later when it might be more difficult to do. I think everyone should see a nutrition counselor at least once. I did a free consult with one, and part of her services includes going to the store with you so that you learn to maximize your grocery bill. I''m considering meeting with her a few times because this fall semester is going to be extra tricky, what with teaching duties, writing, and making sure I eat well. My husband and I rarely eat meals together due to work, so it can be difficult cooking for one and not feel completely bored by the food.
Jas I am 19 weeks tomorrow and we are totally finding out the genders! On August 22 as a matter of fact! I cannot wait. I am super excited to find out. Everyone's $ here and IRL seems to be on a boy and a girl. So we'll have to see...I think that the one already lodged permanently in my diaphram is a girl (my reasoning is that baby has a consistently much higher HR AND she's already being a PITA!) and the other one is carrying really low and likes to kick me all the time. A budding Pele maybe? But that is just my guess! I haven't seen them in awhile because we declined the NT scan, so I'll be curious to see what positions they are in. But my Dr. was able to find their HR's right away when I pointed and said where I thought they were, so one is most definitly around my midsection and the other is lodged waaaaay high.

And I CANNOT believe your outlaws. They just get worse and worse don't they? I totally am in support of you leaving your precious puppy with your parents, I wouldn't trust SIL's kids either! God forbid what if they push your pup past his comfort level? Not something you need to worry about now, and DH needs to back you up on it!!!! You are a saint woman.

I can't wait to have twin GTG's once we're both recovered (so maybe in like 18 years?
). Should be fun!

Indy I'm not 100% positive but I want to say by the end of the first tri I had gained like 7-8 lbs or something? But I have been catching up recently, and actually I don't think I am really eating much more, my body is just retaining it. I think you should certainly up your fat a bit if you usually eat super super lean. Good fats are really important, especially with 2. So nuts, avocados, even ice cream, cheese, etc. are all good sources according to my doctor. He basically said don't go crazy with "empty" fat and calories like chips and soda but it is perfectly fine to supplement your diet with some higher fat foods right now as long as you are also getting in the veggies and fruits. So that is what I've been doing. I think as of now I have gained like 17 lbs? And I am at week 19, so pretty on target.

And my doctor (and my own research on pubmed!) suggest that for twins the most crucial weight gain time is between weeks 20-28, so that is why they often suggest 1lb per week before that and about 1 1/2 lbs per week during that period. So that is what I am aiming for!
Thanks NF! It does sound like I could do with another pound or two before the end of the first trimester. I''m going to check in with a nutritionist, like Erica suggested, but it sounds like that''s the way to go.

I just have to train myself NOT to reach for the low fat triscuits! It''s ok to have the full fat ones! I''m also going to start with the pumpkin seeds again. LOTS of fat, but crazy amounts of iron too. So a good use of fat.
Date: 8/8/2008 6:23:00 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Thanks NF! It does sound like I could do with another pound or two before the end of the first trimester. I''m going to check in with a nutritionist, like Erica suggested, but it sounds like that''s the way to go.

I just have to train myself NOT to reach for the low fat triscuits! It''s ok to have the full fat ones! I''m also going to start with the pumpkin seeds again. LOTS of fat, but crazy amounts of iron too. So a good use of fat.
I am sure that either way your twins will be fine! The best thing about my doctor(s) is that they have stressed that people gain at different times and that the first trimester gain is NOT a big deal in the scheme of things as long as you pick up the pace later.

I started by replacing my low-fat favorites with fuller fat/calorie versions when possible, I think that has helped. I''ve also just upped my serving sizes a bit of favorite foods, so instead of 100 grams of pasta I''ll make 125, etc. I think that has helped add a few pounds while not going nuts with gorging. I''ve also been adding more olive oil when I cook, a bit more liberal with the cheese, etc. The little things have made a big difference with me.
Date: 8/8/2008 12:17:12 PM
Author: jas
btw...where is JACKIE???? i was looking forward to the post on the latest inlaw drama! i wonder if she''s back in the hospital. jackie, you are in chicago right? what hospital are you delivering at? no particular reason i ask... :)

* runs into thread, panting*
I''m here! I''m here! Just dealing with a lot of out-law stuff, which of course I will share...

You are too funny jas!
Can''t wait for you to come over to the mommy thread

Sounds like the appt went well.
Glad to hear that your bambinos are staying put.
I still have my bet on 35wk1d (or was it 35wk3d?) to read your anecdote.
Date: 8/8/2008 2:07:40 PM
Author: snlee
erica, it''s normal to have a hard time connecting with the baby. I don''t think I started to until I felt the baby''s movements.
The baby''s movements really makes it seem real!

I second that.
Im not pregnant but, i lurk from time to time to read all your updates..And learn from the masters!

I saw this today and had to share it!

Hope everyone is doing well

Stry, love that shirt.

I''m also a huge lurker, but I''m coming out to ask if anyone is pregnant in Orlando, FL and if so, who is your OB and would you recommend them? My OB who delivered my first daughter passed away this year due to cancer and I feel so lost without him...was an amazing doctor and person.

Thanks in advance.
Date: 8/9/2008 1:56:17 AM
Author: lili
Date: 8/8/2008 2:07:40 PM

Author: snlee

erica, it''s normal to have a hard time connecting with the baby. I don''t think I started to until I felt the baby''s movements.
The baby''s movements really makes it seem real!

I second that.

Good to hear that, ladies! Yesterday my husband leaned over in the car and yelled, ''Hello baby, I''m so excited you''re there!'' I told him recently that it would help me feel better about the pregnancy if he would mention once in awhile that he''s excited about the baby. I love that he manages to both make me feel better and poke fun at my lecturing.

Stryeyes, I love that shirt! I''m hoping that the arms folded across my chest will prevent unwanted belly rubs. Otherwise I''ll give them my best stink-eye.
hi guys,
sorry not to update until now. yesterday was VERY crazy. i got to my ob''s office around 10:15 for my 10:30 appt. unfortunately, she was running an hour late so i attempted to study in her waiting room (all the while being accosted by a 2 year old whose mom was also waiting for my ob). contrax at that point were pretty mild, but by the time i actually saw her, they had ramped up to pretty impressive. i had 3 good ones during my 10 minute appt with her. she checked my cervix and said that she was worried it may be "softening" a bit, and still thought the baby was way too low. i also started to bleed from the very light exam, which did not make her happy. thank goodness i wasn''t dilated! given the frequency and intensity of the contrax, she basically said, "you know you''re not going to chicago, right?" and i did know. instead, i got to go to the hospital to be monitored! so much fun. i was there for about 4 hours again, and continued to have pretty significant contractions. i was given 800mg of motrin (instead of terbutaline...yay!!) which actually helped a LOT, and seemed to be longer acting than the terbutaline. i guess motrin is safe to use for very limited times (ie not longer than 2-3 days) and prior to 32 weeks. i did have a ffn which was NEGATIVE! so at least some good news. they also did a CBC and my white count was pretty high, which can be a sign of infection (but i also thought it can be elevated just b/c of pregnancy). they''re sending my urine for culture even though the dip was negative just to make sure i don''t have an occult UTI.

i finally got home around 5pm. it was a LONG day. i also had to try to contact the board of dermatology to tell them i wasn''t coming to the exam and talk about putting my money towards next year''s test (but couldn''t ever get ahold of them...yikes!), cancel my flight and hotel. UGH. i''m pretty depressed, but in my heart, i know it was the right decision to make. as my SIL puts it...this just signifies the beginning of a lifetime of sacrifices for your child. and i''m ok with that. :)

i''m on complete bedrest for this weekend and already bored!! it''s just weird to sit and NOT have to think about studying! i need to get dh to go to the store to get good snacks (i was also instructed that i need to eat more b/c there were ketones in my urine) and trashy magazines! i am excited to pick up my knitting again which has been kind of on the back burner for awhile.

we don''t have a specific long term plan right now. as my ob said, "if you were dilating and this was true PTL, i could certainly handle that!" but we don''t know why i''m having such strong contractions... if it continues, i''m supposed to go into L&D, and she will most likely refer me to a perinatologist. good times.

ok, enough about me. sorry this is so long!!!
Jackie, I would not trust your SIL to take care of your dog. That''s the last thing that you need to be worrying about during labor, and it''s really not fair to him if something does happen. That whole situation sounds so aggravating.

IG, so sorry about your mom.

LIA, sorry you have to miss your exam. That sucks. At least your ffn was negative. How far along are you again?

I have a sore throat and am feeling pretty fatigued. My MW thinks that I should be okay just staying at home and resting, as long as I don''t develop a fever as well (which could indicate strep, which I''d need to get treated). So I''ll just be hanging out here today. Hopefully it''s just a cold.

Blen, FWIW I had a sore throat and runny nose for about 3 weeks straight when I was first pregnant. My doctor said it's normal and is a symptom that shows up in some pregnant women. I wouldn't worry just yet, mine went away on it's own, so if it's the same thing or you it'll just be annoying for a few weeks.

19 weeks!
Sorry you''re feeling under the weather, Blen. You should be OK. Just make sure that if your fever creeps up, you take a tylenol (safe in pregnancy, but aim for the least dose you can). High fever would be the worrisome thing there. How are your other symptoms?

Stry, that t-shirt is pretty cute. Just yesterday one of my friends was all, "Oh can I nuzzle your belly?" Uhm WHAT? Are you kidding me? Absolutely not. I mean, she actually wanted to rub her face against my stomach. Geez. People! Behave yourselves! We were out at a restaurant, just to make it worse. Sushi. I had veggie.
But it was still good.
LIA, I am SO sorry that you have to miss your test. I really, really hope they let you defer the payment till next year. Hopefully, them being doctors and you having a medical emergency, they will be reasonable. Maybe you can get your OB to fax them a letter? Still, what a drag.

Maybe, to keep all that studying in your head, try to quiz yourself every other week or so over the next year (you know, because you won''t be busy with the baby or anything).
Hey, I just noticed I broke 5000 posts. Scary!

Oh, and my tiny update. I had my first prego emotional outburst. DH and I are starting to pack up for our move on Friday and as he was bringing the boxes in, he stepped on my bare toes in his fancy boots. It HURT! He is 6''5" and 180 lbs, but still, come ON, it''s not like my toes were severed or anything. But I still just started BAWLING. Poor DH didn''t know what to do! He was panicked that he had really seriously hurt me. I had to tell him, through my tears, that the toes were really OK, and it was just the hormones out of whack (and the suppressed stress?).
Date: 8/9/2008 1:56:22 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Sorry you''re feeling under the weather, Blen. You should be OK. Just make sure that if your fever creeps up, you take a tylenol (safe in pregnancy, but aim for the least dose you can). High fever would be the worrisome thing there. How are your other symptoms?

Stry, that t-shirt is pretty cute. Just yesterday one of my friends was all, ''Oh can I nuzzle your belly?'' Uhm WHAT? Are you kidding me? Absolutely not. I mean, she actually wanted to rub her face against my stomach. Geez. People! Behave yourselves! We were out at a restaurant, just to make it worse. Sushi. I had veggie.
But it was still good.

I''ve been nursing a mean cold for the past 6 days, which is pretty unusual for me. I know Tylenol is safe, especially in low dosage, but I used to pop Tylenols nearly every other day because of my headaches (especially worse on sunny days, even with sunglasses and a hat). I miss those little pills.

Indy, I can''t believe your friend wanted to ''nuzzle'' your belly!
When my friend told us we could touch her bump, I refrained. I don''t feel comfortable touching a person''s stomach in any circumstance. I bet people will be even more fascinated by your bump due to the cubs.

Your poor toes! I''ve already had many an emotional outburst, most of which are related to the unplanned nature of the pregnancy and its impact on my work and teaching prospects. Lucky husband is ''barely'' going to be affected. Except for the sleepless nights and frazzled wife, etc. I told him to buy a book on expectant fathers so that he can better understand why things seem to be a bigger deal than they used to be. Like taking out the trash in a timely fashion.
But really, you know, you''re under a lot of stress right now. Toe stomping or not, I would be in tears during a move, not to mention everything else you have to deal with.

LIA, I''m so sorry you won''t be able to take your board exam! I agree, you should try and get a refund for the exam. Although maybe they have some silly rule about that. At least you have a legitimate reason for not being able to travel.
erica, that''s so cute. I love when my DH talks to the baby.
Unfortunately, arms folded across your chest won''t prevent unwanted belly rubs. Some people are so clueless!

Stryeyes, cool tank top.

LIA, I''m so sorry you had to spend your day at the hospital yesterday and you have to miss your exam.
It''s a sucky situation to be in but your SIL is right, it''s the beginning of a lifetime of sacrifices for your child, and it''s all worth it. I hope you''re able to defer your payment to next year''s exam. A bacteria infection could cause PTL so hopefully they find out if you have an infection, treat it with antibiotics, and your contraptions will go away. A negative fFN test is good news! I know the bed rest is BORING. Hang in there!

Does anyone know when your cervix is supposed to soften during pregnancy? My doctor said my cervix was short and soft.

Blenheim, sorry you aren''t feeling well. Get lots fo rest and I hope you feel better soon.

Indy, congrats on 5K posts! Here''s toe 5K more! Glad your toes are okay. Those hormones are crazy huh!? I had tears in my eyes watching the opening ceremony yesterday. WTH? Seeing Yao Ming with the little boy was so moving. The little boy survived the earthquake that killed 20 out of 30 of his classmates and he saved some of them. What a hero.

Indy, those booties you are knitting are so cute. Love the little chameleon onesie – can’t beat that price. Glad your acrobatic cubs are doing well. I’m thinking of your mom.

Jen, glad to hear your spotting stopped. Sounds like you had an exhausting time getting the boys checked into their schools.

Pave, yay for the Vista in red. Ours just arrived a couple of days ago, and there was minimal assembly required. I love the way it looks – I’ll have to take pictures later.

Erica, sorry the officials at your school are being such jerks. Sounds like they want to discourage motherhood. Good to hear everything looked good at your NT scan.

SBDE, glad the m/s is getting better. Cute onesie!

Neatfreak, sounds like a good Dr. appointment – congrats on strong heartbeats and good growth. I really like your name choices.

Janine, glad you are doing well over all. Around 29 weeks, I started feeling very tired and large – definitely slowing down a bit. I also want to work up to the end, but am starting to wonder if it will be possible.

Q, hope you are getting some rest. Show us some more pics of your little cutie. Glad to hear 20 pounds of your PG weight disappeared so quickly.

Snlee, I hope you are not going too crazy with the bed rest. My plan, back when I thought it was a strong possibility, was moving a DVD player into the bedroom and getting a Netflix subscription. It’s so cute your DH came home from Costco with a baby outfit. It’s great the fFN test was negative. You should send your hubby to Trader Joe’s for some yogurt dip.

Jas, glad you are feeling more yourself. LOL re the potty fairy – she has been visiting me far too often. Your out-laws sound bonkers. They couldn’t manage to get to the hospital in 3 days to visit and were annoyed with you? It’s pretty lame that they turn down your invitations to visit you at home, but are being so pushy that you stay with them instead of your parents. I think I would have told SIL no when she asked for keys. Make sure you call your parents first when you go into labor so they can go get your doggie – you do not need to be worrying about him while you are in labor.

Lisa, it’s exciting that you’ll have an answer in 2 weeks. I will admit that I have called wiggle worm a “parasite” more than once. Especially going into the third trimester and feeling so huge all of a sudden, and then her movements have increased a lot – I’m just drained. I think about the movie Alien frequently. I’m with you on the nip/tuck if needed later.

Stryeyes, I love that tank top!

LIA, I am sorry you will miss your exam, but I would imagine it would be pretty hard to concentrate at this point. I hope you resolve what is causing the contractions soon.

Blen, I hope you feel better soon.

I feel like the pregnancy really started to hit me a couple of weeks ago, right in the middle of our trip. My belly has grown so much in just a few weeks and it is getting hard to lug around. I get tired and short of breath easily, and have had frequent heartburn – I can’t wait until my internal organs are back where they belong. I shouldn’t complain since there have been no complications so far.

I will try to post some details and pictures from our trip tomorrow. I need to go to bed now. Here is a quick pic from Noyers-sur-Seine, a very pretty town in Northern Burgundy.

Drive by question: Do I need to drink 32 oz water before the NT scan this week, like a normal ultrasound? They didn''t tell me to, and I just thought of this and wondered.
Date: 8/10/2008 10:39:04 AM
Author: Independent Gal
Drive by question: Do I need to drink 32 oz water before the NT scan this week, like a normal ultrasound? They didn't tell me to, and I just thought of this and wondered.

The point of the water is to have your bladder filled if it's an abdominal US. So assuming it's abdominal (we skipped the NT because the false positive rate was so high and it really didn't give us much info we could do anything with-and I am a total worrier) yes you should drink the water. If it's transvaginal you'll need to have an empty bladder, which can easily be rectified if you weren't supposed to drink the water!
Date: 8/10/2008 10:39:04 AM
Author: Independent Gal
Drive by question: Do I need to drink 32 oz water before the NT scan this week, like a normal ultrasound? They didn''t tell me to, and I just thought of this and wondered.
Yes, you need a full bladder.
But hopefully not too full! I really really had to go to the bathroom, and it was super unpleasant to have the technician jabbing hard in order to get the baby to move (which of course it refused to do). I didn''t realize I had to have a full bladder, it just happened to be that way. Good to know, though. Next time it happens, I''ll drink the water slightly beforehand so I don''t need to pee as badly.
HI Everyone- Hope you are all doing great and things are quiet. Gonna try my best to catch up...

Lisa Hi- hope things are sticky for you. I never get sick of your medspeak- not sure what you were talking about the other day but don''t stop on my account. How are you feeling? I think you were talking about having nausea? That''s not so fun but always made me feel more comfortable that my body was doing the right thing...I think you said you have an u/s in a couple of weeks, is that right? GL

IG I love the onsie- so cute. I haven''t bought too much yet as I am kinda superstitious but now stuff is starting to pile up. I ordered my stroller and have a few other little things plus my friend is giving me a toon of handmedowns that I will have to store. I think she is sick of having them in her house. Sorry your mom is having a hard time with the s/e(related to hair/wig)with chemo. I heard the hair can be a real tough one.

Snlee I think I have to read ahead as I am backtracking in the posts- but how are things going for you? If I remember correctly you are on bedrest and it''s kinda boring? I hope you are finding things to keep you busy. I am a t.v. addict and would probably be fine but I have a feeling the mindset changes when someone tells you that you have to be there and also I would imagine it would give a lot of time for the mind to wander to not so good places. I hope you are hanging in there. That is sweet that your dh is so supportive.
Did you already register? That might be one fun thing to do while you are on this "break". I started yesterday and it is amazing how many things baby needs. whew. I am getting lots of equipment from a friend but still there is alot.

Erica how are you feeling? I was reading your post that you exercise to stave off worry/anxiety. I know that is supposed to help, I just dont know why I can''t force myself to exercise. It is a joke unless I am meeting someone I don''t do it. I am gonna have to change my mindset-maybe focus on how it will help the baby? I also take omega3 that help my mood alot. OH I missed your nt scan- so happy things went well for you. Did you decide if you are gonna find out the sex?

Ephemery I am thinking of you. Hope you are well and we all miss you lots.

MelaLu Great to see you- can''t wait to see you on a more regular basis. I love reading all the updates on ttc.

Sbde hope you are well? what is new?

Jen how''s it going? I hope you enjoy your "quiet time" while the boys are at school and before the l.o''s come.

Neatfreak Yay for a good appointment with strong heartbeats!!! It is so reassuring whenever I get to hear the heartbeat. My tummy is really starting to come out- I love it right now...Got some cute jeans at target and a shirt. I feel official and it really makes me look pregnant. In regular clothes ppl might still be confused but maybe not since over the past couple of days I really seemed to pop out. I bet you can''t wait for your big u/s. Mine is only 3 days away. I am impatiently counting down. Poor dh has a big meeting with his boss- not sure if he will be able to make it but I sure hope so. OMG you really have alot going on. How soon do the publications go out and how is the reno going?

janinegirly Wow you are really getting there at 32 Weeks! Whooooo! Sorry ppl feel the need to comment. I guess it probably gets annoying after a while. Meanwhile I am still just waiting for a stranger to comment- but I get nothing. haha.

LIA how are you? I am so sorry to hear about the contraction issues and that you can''t go take your boards. that stinks so bad. I sound like I am in 6th grade, but it does. Are you on bedrest still? I hope baby cooperates and you can relax a little now that you don''t really have to study. Thinking of you.

Qtiekki Hope you are feeling well. I love the pic of meena in your avatar. She is sweet. How is the baby feeding/sleeping? Are you getting some rest? Post more pics soon please.

Blenheim Can''t remember if I congratulated you or not but Welcome!!! My m/s started around 6 weeks or maybe a little earlier and stopped right around 12 weeks. I had mild to mod nausea and it usually felt better after I ate. I had less than a handful of days where I really didn''t feel better after I ate or was feeling low enough to just lay down for relief.

jas Hope you are feeling well and that the babies are cooperating. I can''t remember if I commented on your recent hospital visit or not but I am glad that things are better and you got to go home and keep things cooking for a bit longer. So sorry to hear about your outlaws( like that term). I hope you and dh can come up with a plan you feel more comfortable with. Not cool that the little kiids are too rough with your doggie. I can understand feeling more comfortable in your own parents house vs. your inlaws. makes sense. PPl can be so manipulative, or try. yuck. Oh I haven''t done anything with lucy yet(my dog). Talked to my dog walker who said she would be so happy to adopt lucy I am just not sure when. I am secretly wishing that I could put her on something (my friend rescues dogs and really swears that it can help certain dogs- she had one dog that tried to rip her face off and is totally different now on meds) and keep her. My cat got arrested by the animal control last week for being outside and now I am trying to switch him to an indoor cat and that means lucy can''t use her dog door. That sucks for her. Wow this is becoming a long story.
I went to a meet the doula night. Hoping we get one. DH is not 100% convinced- we will see. I know it is expensive - but wow I am glad you guys are gonna get some help at night. think that is a fantastic idea for a twin mommy!

Lili omg that diaper pic of jadie is adorable. I just love her hair. she is getting so big. wow.

jas12 thanks for the honest assessment of your feelings from when your l.o was born. I think it is so good to hear the real deal because we tend to judge ourselves so harshly and it''s helpful to know what others are feeling.

tgal and LIsa- you guys have me hopeful that some of my looks might come through to my l.o. My dh is japanese and I am kind of mourning the fact that my baby probably won''t have blue eyes or look like me at all- I know you guys are in the opposite camp but it is kind of giving me hope that my baby will have a nice mix of both sides.

kay great to have you back. how did the glucose test go? So glad you like your stroller- I am waiting for mine to come. yahoo! Started registering last night- your list and tacoris have been helpful so thank you. Can''t believe how much stuff you need. crazy. did you register yet? Did you do stuff for the whole year or just the beginning? I feel kind of selfish if I register for more than one car seat but if ppl want to buy something and I will need a convertible so thinking maybe I should register for it now? I dunno. Interested to hear other ppl''s thoughts.

IG- ditto to what Erica said about the u/s. I didn''t know I was supposed to drink(duh I am only a nurse- but I swear they did not tell me)but was drinking anyway. and I really had to pee. and I peed right before the test. it worked ok.

Ok now- about me haha. I Felt the baby!!!!! I thought i had felt flutters before(maybe a few times) but yesterday I used my little bebe heart beat amplifier and I swear I heard the heartbeat in addition to kicks that I have been hearing for a few weeks. It was so amazing and reassuring as usual. This time when the kicks were happening I could actually feel them at the same time!! And then I felt a bunch of flutters that woke me up from my nap. And later I felt three full on kicks when I was laying on the couch! OMG it is so exciting.
I am registering for the little one. it is fun. I think I already said this three times in my post so far- any new/good suggestions please send them my way and thank you in advace.
U/s only three days away! I feel good. That is basically it.
Regarding nurseries- I am 18 weeks and a few days. My current room for baby is a yellow that is sort of mustardy but not ugly- I currenlt feel that that color will be fine and I am not finding out sex so it has to be neutral. My bff is telling me I will probably change my mind and want it to be more special for baby as time goes on. I think the baby will never know and it was just painted last year- what are your experiences with the babes room? I was thinking of taking something from Qtiekkis'' nursery and adding a big white stripe in the middle to brighten it up a little and then we could hang stuff in that white area? I dunno.
Take care everyone and have a great week!!!
Pave, that''s so exciting that you can feel the baby moving now! I think yellow is a lovely color for a baby''s room. We''ll keep the crib in our bedroom for the first six months or so, and when my mother moves back home, the guest bedroom will be turned into a nursery, so I don''t have to think too much about decorating just yet. Phew!

I did, however, decide to paint the walls of our condo different shades of pale grey. Hopefully we won''t have to do any scraping, though, since our place isn''t deleaded.
There are so many layers of paint, hopefully we''ll be ok without deleading it (over 100 yr old building, never renovated).

So, we''re going to find out the gender at the next big u/s, but mainly because I''m having a hard time coming up with names. I''ve never been good with surprises, either. Plus, we need time to decide whether or not to circumcise if it''s a boy.

I''ve been feeling less than super this past week due to a stubborn head cold that won''t go away. It''s hard to sleep at night because I''m so congested, and it makes it impossible to concentrate or get work done. I''ve also had a bit of low-grade nausea, and my tailbone area is killing me
. I''m guessing it has something to do with all that relaxin, but sometimes it''s difficult for me to walk or sit. I''ve been doing more yoga and pilates to help with that, but I''m losing my motivation to go swimming. I jog every other day in spite of my minor physical ailments, but it''s not easy!

My major motivation for exercising is that if I don''t, I''ll feel much worse physically and emotionally. I''m not very good with meditation or prayer, so exercising has always been my mode of meditation. It''s the only time I have where I can really focus on my body and learn to distinguish between good and bad pain. I''ll have to take a look at omega3, too, that might help keep me more cheerful.

Good luck with your next u/s! I can''t believe you''re already past 18 weeks. It''s amazing how time just zips by now. I''m hoping that after this week (12) the nausea and fatigue will subside a little bit.