
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Q, Meena''s poopy face is the best! Why do I have this feeling that taking photos of my baby will be even more fun than photographing my kitties?

NF, you''re right, those hospital issued papers are really outdated. Mine look like xeroxes of xeroxes of xeroxes! I can''t wait to have a pear and gogonzola salad, not to mention goat cheese galore. I''m so glad you set me straight on the soft cheese because I''m starting to feel more cheerful already

Janine, so exciting that you''re in full nesting mode now! I''ll be in denial until my mom arrives in late January (with checkbook in hand), no doubt

DD, I hope you had a relaxing vacation! I thought we would be more public after the u/s, but now I think we''re going to wait until just before it becomes obvious (October?). I told one of the department administrators because I couldn''t teach my spring course, and perhaps the news is traveling slowly. I''m going to tell my advisers right before school begins, but I haven''t sent out a mass email to my friends.

You''re right about letting the emotions flow. I have a hard time expressing happiness or enthusiasm, so it''s been a struggle for me to accept the good that comes with the pregnancy. Hopefully once the semester begins, I''ll be too busy to dwell on things. Writing and researching is time-consuming, but I also spend a lot of time obsessing and being negative because I don''t really interact with anyone most of the week. Good luck revising your manuscript, that''s excellent news!

It''s great that you already have a baby bump! Did you end up getting a Bella Band? I like to wear mine in the evenings or when we go out to eat.

Jas, your poor husband! You know what they say about dull knives being more dangerous than properly sharpened ones. My husband complained about his back aching and I laughed for a good minute at him. Not very nice of me, I know, but he was laughing at me earlier for hobbling about the house moaning about my rickety tailbone.

Gotta love passive-aggressive inlaws! I''m just happy that mine have the sense to live far far away from us.

Blen, speaking of pressure points, apparently there''s a spot on your shoulders that can also induce labor if pressed too hard. Not that any well-trained massage therapist would do that, but sometimes my husband likes to give me what he considers a ''massage.'' I had to tell him to please avoid putting all his weight on my shoulders.
Date: 8/11/2008 6:24:32 PM
Author: erica k

It''s great that you already have a baby bump! Did you end up getting a Bella Band? I like to wear mine in the evenings or when we go out to eat.
It''s more like a belly roll than a belly bump
I just jumped right into the maternity jeans. I got a great pair of dark wash straight leg pants with a nice thin, easy to wear belly cover thing from Motherhood Maternity. They are very cool looking. When I got back from vacay I couldn''t even get my zipper up on my jeans, there was like a two inch gap
so I think I may have skipped the whole bella band phase totally!

Regarding the coversation about loving or hating being preggo over in the TTC thread: I always thought I would loooove being pregnant, like I''d feel like a godess or something. Maybe that phase will come later, but right now, all I feel is fat fat fat
I cannot WAIT until I start showing properly! I made a commitment to myself to excercise at least 4 times a week and reduce or eliminate my sugar intake as much as possible, I think that will make me feel better about myself and it''s healthy anyways.

As a little aside, we should really try not to talk about being pregnant in the TTC thread too much. Sometimes I find myself mentioning my own pregnancy when I post but I''m going to try to avoid it as much as I can now, it can be such an emotional time when TTCing and I know I always felt a little sad when I read too much about being pregnant and I wasn''t
Date: 8/11/2008 9:39:52 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 8/11/2008 6:24:32 PM

Author: erica k

It''s great that you already have a baby bump! Did you end up getting a Bella Band? I like to wear mine in the evenings or when we go out to eat.

It''s more like a belly roll than a belly bump
I just jumped right into the maternity jeans. I got a great pair of dark wash straight leg pants with a nice thin, easy to wear belly cover thing from Motherhood Maternity. They are very cool looking. When I got back from vacay I couldn''t even get my zipper up on my jeans, there was like a two inch gap
so I think I may have skipped the whole bella band phase totally!

Regarding the coversation about loving or hating being preggo over in the TTC thread:

As a little aside, we should really try not to talk about being pregnant in the TTC thread too much. Sometimes I find myself mentioning my own pregnancy when I post but I''m going to try to avoid it as much as I can now, it can be such an emotional time when TTCing and I know I always felt a little sad when I read too much about being pregnant and I wasn''t

Agreed, but I have to be honest, all these separate threads for similar topics makes my poor preggo mind confused about what thread I am in! I thought that WAS a conversation from the preggo thread!
Date: 8/11/2008 9:45:03 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 8/11/2008 9:39:52 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 8/11/2008 6:24:32 PM

Author: erica k

It''s great that you already have a baby bump! Did you end up getting a Bella Band? I like to wear mine in the evenings or when we go out to eat.

It''s more like a belly roll than a belly bump
I just jumped right into the maternity jeans. I got a great pair of dark wash straight leg pants with a nice thin, easy to wear belly cover thing from Motherhood Maternity. They are very cool looking. When I got back from vacay I couldn''t even get my zipper up on my jeans, there was like a two inch gap
so I think I may have skipped the whole bella band phase totally!

Regarding the coversation about loving or hating being preggo over in the TTC thread:

As a little aside, we should really try not to talk about being pregnant in the TTC thread too much. Sometimes I find myself mentioning my own pregnancy when I post but I''m going to try to avoid it as much as I can now, it can be such an emotional time when TTCing and I know I always felt a little sad when I read too much about being pregnant and I wasn''t

Agreed, but I have to be honest, all these separate threads for similar topics makes my poor preggo mind confused about what thread I am in! I thought that WAS a conversation from the preggo thread!
Well, if anything, pregnancy kind of makes a woman self absorbed...I''ve been there and it''s understandable.

But I agree about the whole sensitive thing. Which is why on this thread I would rather keep it preggo talk than mommy talk.

However, THIS thread is about pregnancy and you should all post all you want about yourselves - self absorbed preggies unite!!!!
I agree with TGal. Pregnancy does make you self-absorbed and it''s understandable. It''s all about me now and soon it''ll be all about the baby. It''s the only time people will be nice to you and ask you how you''re doing all the time so might as well enjoy it.

Regarding loving or hating being pregnant, I''ve always wanted to experience pregnancy. Now that I am, I have to say most of the time I love it. Creating a life inside you is an amazing feeling and I feel blessed. It''s easy to love being pregnant during the second honeymoon trimester. The first and third not so much. The first trimester, you''re sick and tired all the time. The third, you feel big and you start to get tired of being pregnant and excited to meet your baby. The best part of pregnancy by far is feeling the baby movements!
Okay, can we stop talking about all of you now *Booooring!!* and talk about me?
LOL! Yup, self-absorbed, right here...

snlee I think you are right that when I show and feel the "baby" (in quotes because I still don''t believe there is one in there
I really need that u/s on friday!!) I will start feeling more excited and happy about being preggo. And after I tell me work and they get over their shock and things return to normal. After that, maybe I''ll feel more like a godess and less like the circus fat lady!

Indy when in you NT scan? I know it is this week like mine since one of your twins is my twin too... please post pictures when you can, I love twin pictures.
hiya everyone,

hope all is well. i see it's a big NT scan week for some of the newer preggos - good luck!

thanks to all who asked abt my m/s - it's hanging around but is MUCH better!

i'm sorry for not replying indiv to everyone, but i'm out of the country once again for work and have been having an insane week so far. the ONE update i wanted to give however, was that i felt the baby for the first time this wkend!!

i was getting worried that i had hit 16 wks without feeling anything, but now that i a feeling! there is actually something in there, and when you can feel it, it just becomes more 'real'
also, now that i know what to look for, i feel little jelly poking me all the cute!
Hi gals!

OMG......I am sooo tired and underwater these days!!!!

I feel like dead weight in my bones, deep in my bones and so wiped-out.

I felt some milder form of this w/ Olilvia and this time around I am totally disabled.

And only at 5.5 weeks.

Poor Olivia has been cooped-up w/ me at home for 5 straight days. Today we are supposed to do Gymboree but how?

Erica - yay to the cheese NF relieved me about that too. I had no idea it had to say "pastuerized."

TGAL - yay to your Korean-self! So sleepy must go off to the corner somewhere to rest.....

Indy - sometimes the TTC thread is easier for me b/c I can add a one liner here and there.

Jas - Holy moley woman - 6lbs each???? Any belly shots of that?

Snlee - 30 weeks and staying put!!! Here''s to not working.

DD - I feel like a blimp, really. And sleeping is very uncomfortable (still having hot flashes and night sweats, WTH??).

SBDE - I too felt Olivia at 16 weeks! I thought it felt like an electrical shock at first......and then I put my hand over her and *boom* she kicked again.
This is the beg. of what became a "kick-fest" of a pregnancy. That kid kicked DH in the neck and head while he was trying to feel her! She often had these volley-attacks where there were like 20 flutter-kicks in a row.

I have 1 more week until to put my carcass down somewhere now.
SBDE yippee for feeling the baby!

Lisa I cannot wait for your u/s results. I am positively DIEING to know if you have mulitples in there. For purely selfish reasons I hope you have twins, since I love the idea of twins and I love hearing about twin pregnancies and babies, but for your sake I am hoping a singleton. Since you are so old and decrepit, like the mummy in that new movie
, being "advanced maternal age" and all
, are there added complications for you if it is multiples??
How exciting spde about feeling the baby. Didn''t it feel like it took forever to finally get there? Can''t wait for the rest of ya to start feeling them.

You know, I''m normally not the type to "worry" about people I''ve never met, but I was thinking last night about Ephermery. She hasn''t posted for a month now and I really hope all is OK.
SBDE, yay for feeling the baby! I''m glad that the m/s is getting better.

Lisa, I love your description of how Olivia''s kicking felt the first time. I am crossing my fingers for multiples, also for purely selfish reasons. A part of me is sad I''m not having twins because I really don''t think I want to do this again. Urgh. I hope you feel less crappy soon. It''s too bad that you''re already experiencing those symptoms at 5.5 weeks. Poor Olivia, cooped up during the summer.

Snlee, I like how you phrased things. It''s true, it''ll be all about the baby soon enough, and since no one really knows about my pregnancy in real life, I feel even more self-absorbed on PS. My husband is already tired of me talking about how poorly I feel. I need to be more like my old stoic self.

DD, I''ll have to start checking out maternity clothing soon. I was window shopping online when I realized that I have more than enough dresses to tide me over. Pants, skirts, and tights will be the tricky part. The thing about the Bella Band is that I have to hoist up the backside periodically, otherwise I have a saggy seat. But I''m definitely happy to stay in my regular jeans for a while longer. I know there are no new baubles in my near future, so as a consolation prize, I''m going to try and keep my wardrobe up to my standards.
Date: 8/12/2008 12:16:11 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
SBDE yippee for feeling the baby!

Lisa I cannot wait for your u/s results. I am positively DIEING to know if you have mulitples in there. For purely selfish reasons I hope you have twins, since I love the idea of twins and I love hearing about twin pregnancies and babies, but for your sake I am hoping a singleton. Since you are so old and decrepit, like the mummy in that new movie
, being ''advanced maternal age'' and all
, are there added complications for you if it is multiples??
Yes, mummies I love mummies!

Well, I guess what makes me high-risk is not only my age. I haven''t wanted to bring this up but I had an awful complication w/ Olivia and am dreading
if this happens again.

I had unexplained, severe itching all over but mainly on my abdomen and trunck (up to elbows) that started @ 22 wks.

I thought it was urticaria (hives) and often presented this way. I was tortured! I saw the perinatologist every other week and went to dermatologists and was even
getting a refferal to UCLA!

It felt like a tingling that presented at night mostly and advanced to full-blown itching and hysteria. I would rip-up my skin.

We thought it was cholestasis (high bile-acid build-up in skin) but tested neg. (liver panel and BAT). Then we thought PUPPS (puritic urticaria......can''t recall) basically rash.

Most women who get PUPPS or cholestasis get it in last trimester. I was a freak!

I went to triage and got solu-medrol shot (prednisone shot). And was on varying doses of prednisone for the rest of the pg. Cat. C med!!!

It took weeks to find a Dr. who would manage the steriod med. and I was in Hell.

So I am hoping that that was a fluke of last pg. and won''t reccur. I would take extended m/s anyday over that.

It all went away after delivery. What if twins = more intense itching???
Date: 8/12/2008 12:26:31 PM
Author: TravelingGal
How exciting spde about feeling the baby. Didn''t it feel like it took forever to finally get there? Can''t wait for the rest of ya to start feeling them.

You know, I''m normally not the type to ''worry'' about people I''ve never met, but I was thinking last night about Ephermery. She hasn''t posted for a month now and I really hope all is OK.

I know me too TGal. But I AM the worrying kind. I was thinking about any possible way to touch base with her but haven''t come up with anything not insane yet...

Eph if you are out there reading we are thinking about you!!!!!!!
Lisa here''s hoping it doesn''t recurr! My friend had a horrid rash when she was preggo too and it drove her mental! Don''t know if it was the same thing, but it sounds similar. Went away when she popped out her son.

Ahhh the joys of pregnancy! LOL!

Butting in my non-preggo head, but Lisa, I JUST read up on PUPPPS (EEEK!), and they said it occurs mostly in women pregnant with boys (about 70%), and tests found that the male fetal genes or something actually affect the skin! Crazy!

So, is that what you had? I saw pictures, and just felt so badly for all those women!
Date: 8/12/2008 1:42:42 PM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 8/12/2008 12:26:31 PM

Author: TravelingGal

How exciting spde about feeling the baby. Didn't it feel like it took forever to finally get there? Can't wait for the rest of ya to start feeling them.

You know, I'm normally not the type to 'worry' about people I've never met, but I was thinking last night about Ephermery. She hasn't posted for a month now and I really hope all is OK.
I know me too TGal. But I AM the worrying kind. I was thinking about any possible way to touch base with her but haven't come up with anything not insane yet...

Eph if you are out there reading we are thinking about you!!!!!!!

Eph, you are in our thoughts and we miss you!
Date: 8/12/2008 12:26:31 PM
Author: TravelingGal
How exciting spde about feeling the baby. Didn''t it feel like it took forever to finally get there? Can''t wait for the rest of ya to start feeling them.

You know, I''m normally not the type to ''worry'' about people I''ve never met, but I was thinking last night about Ephermery. She hasn''t posted for a month now and I really hope all is OK.
is there a way to contact her--for example if we dug up an old post and then (through the profile) contacted the "user".
I wonder if she is purposely staying away, but if one of us could reach out, it might not be a bad idea.

Can''t believe the "newbies" are starting to feel the LO''s This must mean I''m an oldie preggo--just about 6 more weeks.
Date: 8/12/2008 2:17:19 PM
Author: janinegirly
Date: 8/12/2008 12:26:31 PM

Author: TravelingGal

How exciting spde about feeling the baby. Didn''t it feel like it took forever to finally get there? Can''t wait for the rest of ya to start feeling them.

You know, I''m normally not the type to ''worry'' about people I''ve never met, but I was thinking last night about Ephermery. She hasn''t posted for a month now and I really hope all is OK.
is there a way to contact her--for example if we dug up an old post and then (through the profile) contacted the ''user''.

I wonder if she is purposely staying away, but if one of us could reach out, it might not be a bad idea.

Can''t believe the ''newbies'' are starting to feel the LO''s This must mean I''m an oldie preggo--just about 6 more weeks.

There is no way to PM or contact her through PS without trying to get the admin involved and I don''t know if that is overstepping? I may have found her on ebay, in which case I assume all is well because that person purchased baby gear in the past few weeks!
NF how do you find someone on ebay? No huge details needed, just wondered what clues you into someones identity there..
Date: 8/12/2008 1:58:50 PM
Author: AmberWaves


Butting in my non-preggo head, but Lisa, I JUST read up on PUPPPS (EEEK!), and they said it occurs mostly in women pregnant with boys (about 70%), and tests found that the male fetal genes or something actually affect the skin! Crazy!

So, is that what you had? I saw pictures, and just felt so badly for all those women!

Amber I didn''t know that stat about boys!

LOL b/c obviously I had Olivia and I haven''t seeen anything close to a penis on her body yet!

I actually read the opposite and that female fetuses create excess estrogen that could be responsible.

I didn''t have those horrible raised pustule thingys TG!

I did scratch myself up pretty good. Have a couple of remaining scars to prove it!

Re: Ephemery, I went back a couple days ago and re-read her posts prior to vanishing. To me it sounds like she went in as antepartum and could still be there!
That or she del. and baby is still in NICU and they are crazy busy. Here''s to hoping she & baby are well.
sbde, glad the m/s is much better! Yay for feeling the baby move! I felt baby movements at 16 weeks too but I wasn''t positive it was the baby until week 18.

Lisa, hope you don''t have any complications this time around. Since I''ve had PTL, I''ve been wondering if it''ll happen again with a future pregnancy. I can''t wait for your u/s!

Lots of NT scans this week - good luck!

LIA, how are you doing? Hope the bed rest isn''t too bad. I think the first week is the worst. Hopefully you won''t have to be on bed rest that long.

jen, how are you doing?
Snlee - my understanding is that each pg. is a diff. entity but it does make me nervous. I can''t stomach the idea of all that angst
again. From my observation women w/ PTL do have varied second/third pregnancies.

The only scary issues that seem to recurr are incompetent cervix not b/c of PTL, placenta previa and genetic abnormalities.

Most PIH, PTL and fetus specific issues (non-genetic) are specific to that pregnancy.

My mom had GDM (gest. diabetes) and was on a strict diet w/ pg. #2 and on bedrest for PTL & GDM from 24 wks on w/ pg. #3 go figure?
Date: 8/12/2008 2:26:39 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
NF how do you find someone on ebay? No huge details needed, just wondered what clues you into someones identity there..

It helps if someone has the same user ID...
Date: 8/12/2008 2:35:10 PM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1
Snlee - my understanding is that each pg. is a diff. entity but it does make me nervous. I can''t stomach the idea of all that angst again. From my observation women w/ PTL do have varied second/third pregnancies.

The only scary issues that seem to recurr are incompetent cervix not b/c of PTL, placenta previa and genetic abnormalities.

Most PIH, PTL and fetus specific issues (non-genetic) are specific to that pregnancy.

My mom had GDM (gest. diabetes) and was on a strict diet w/ pg. #2 and on bedrest for PTL & GDM from 24 wks on w/ pg. #3 go figure?
Thanks Lisa. That makes sense - each pregnancy is so different. Are you/were you a nurse?
No, medical social work. I handled all high-risk OB and NICU cases.

So I''m slanted toward the extreme end of the spectrum.

There is a sort of formula w/ pg. complications and it''s pretty easy to guess what could happen next.

I can tell that so far yours is a mod./mild PTL. As long as your home on BR then you''re doing great.

Even if u were in the hosp., most of the PTL cases went home in a couple days.

We generally saw any mom who was hosp. after 2-3 days b/c that seemes to indicate a longer hospital course (not always).

With interventions these days PTL is completely manageable.

A case comes to mind of a mom w/ a prior 24 wk delivery and susequent loss who was newly pg. and contracting at 16 wks!

She was admitted, placed in Trendelenberg (head down position) on a bedpan for the duration of the pg. and she made it to 34 weeks like that!

Cases like that give me hope. Talk about boredom! And embarassment. Poor thing couldn''t even clean her own bedpan!

I followed her as antepartum anything is tough and if she did del. early there would be that connection for the NICU duration.

The system worked well.
I've been thinking about Eph too. I'm glad she's been buying baby stuff (if it's her... lordy, what stalkers we are!) because that's definitely a good sign. Good sleuthing, NF

DD, I totally hear ya on the feeling 'fat fat fat' thing. My thighs! My thighs! I hope your exercise plan makes you feel better. My NT scan is on Thursday. To be honest, I'm most excited about the possibility of finding a membrane. I cannot tell you what a relieft that would be. O.M.G. When is your scan? It may take me a few days to post pics because we leave on our move on Friday.

Lisa, Lordy! That rash sounds like hell! ARGH. Poor you. Did you see that article about itchiness in the New Yorker a few weeks back? Go on and look it up. It was fascinating!

Amber, just wanted to thank you for the 'hotslings' tip the other day. We went online and each ordered one. The one DH loved was 50% off, but I ended up splurging on one that wasn't on sale. oops!

So, I'm feeling REALLY emotional the last couple of days. I just feel so angry, and then I have 30 seconds of "Why meeee? Why do I have to worry about labouring still born babies AND about a high chance of birth defects AND about my mom dying AND about how I won't be able to fly to see her if she needs me AND about how I'm going to find another job when I can't travel to interviews AND about the fact that I can't stay in in the country if I'm not working but DH loses his green card if we leave AND about moving 3 times in the next few months AND feel miserably pregnant all at ONCE!??! WHY MEEEE!" Talk about self-absorbed pregnoid! Then I get a grip and tell myself to chill out and be positive, which usually works. But then I feel so sad about my mom, and then excited about having kids, and then TOTALLY exhausted, then frustrated with DH about some stupid packing thing, then sad again. I feel like I'm on a roller-coaster!

Would a tiny shred of stability and certainty be too much to ask? At least I have DH. I am so thankful for him.

And now I have to call a man about a job. I don't think I'm up to this! Help me ladies!

Plus, someone at work noticed I was pregnoid today (Amber's term? Lovin' it). I felt embarrassed for some reason. I guess I'm just feeling really sensitive and if I let go of enforced cheerful optimism for a minute, then the whole big mess kind of washes over me and I get kind of upset. So, back to the enforced cheerful optimism!

People have got through MUCH, much worse. I can do this. And do it cheerfully too if I put my mind to it.
Indy - Good god woman you are pregnant! And all that stuff is upsetting and unnerving to anyone let alone someone percolating life!!!! Why are you worried about birthing stillborns? Or birthdefects? Oh yeah right you''re pregnant!!! And whoremonal!!!!

I have the Ergo baby carrier and it is fabulous if your kid doesn''t achieve the 90% in weight at the first visit like mine.

There is an infant insert and the whole apparatus sits on your hips to properly distribute the weight. I think it can be used up to 40llbs.

You can wear the kid in front, on side and on back like a form-fitting backpack. And it''s not hot like the big fabric bands.

I had an organic sling initially but Olivia kept sliding down into a little ball and it hurt my shoulder.

I''m amazed I have been able to sit upright all morning to type
Date: 8/12/2008 2:20:22 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 8/12/2008 2:17:19 PM
Author: janinegirly

Date: 8/12/2008 12:26:31 PM

Author: TravelingGal

How exciting spde about feeling the baby. Didn''t it feel like it took forever to finally get there? Can''t wait for the rest of ya to start feeling them.

You know, I''m normally not the type to ''worry'' about people I''ve never met, but I was thinking last night about Ephermery. She hasn''t posted for a month now and I really hope all is OK.
is there a way to contact her--for example if we dug up an old post and then (through the profile) contacted the ''user''.

I wonder if she is purposely staying away, but if one of us could reach out, it might not be a bad idea.

Can''t believe the ''newbies'' are starting to feel the LO''s This must mean I''m an oldie preggo--just about 6 more weeks.

There is no way to PM or contact her through PS without trying to get the admin involved and I don''t know if that is overstepping? I may have found her on ebay, in which case I assume all is well because that person purchased baby gear in the past few weeks!
Yeah, it''d be overstepping, as the moderators are very strict about privacy...however, good sleuthing! Hopefully all is well then.
Hi guys!

I don;t know what happened, but this past week I feel as if I''ve time traveled back to the first trimester (which I would sorta LOVE size-wise!) -- I''m exhausted! After last week''s school check-in day, I remained laid up the next day and then I''ve had to focus at the rink since we had a test session yesterday (always stressful and tiring). I have had zero energy left for anything else it seems. My next appt is Thursday, so I''m looking forward to seeing how the girls are doing and if they are still big. I''ve had lots of cramping and bh''s lately, so I am hoping they''ll at least check my cervix with the u/s since i know they don''t want to mess with anything. So my family shower is this Sunday, and DH is going to drop me off and announce to everyone what we are having (since it''s mostly his family) before he leaves :) I''m looking forward to no longer editing everything i say ("babies" instead of "girls" etc). His family will be shocked b/c I think most of them think we''re having boys :) We need to find a creative way to tell them, though -- ideas?

Snlee and Pave -- thanks for asking about me :)

Jackie -- glad the boys are cooperating and growing big!

I hope everyone else is doing great too! I''m going to go try to catch up on what I haven''t read yet... bbl!

27 w 6 d

ps I''ve had 3 people in the last couple of days tell me that I was either going on bedrest or not making it all the way (to term) -- umm, when did people stop saying nice things to preggo chicks? Doesn''t that seem rude to tell someone they''re bound to have preemies or not be able to work? maybe i''m being hyper-sensitive, but I would have preferred they stick to "wow you''re big" or something like that.
Date: 8/12/2008 3:58:01 PM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1
Indy - Good god woman you are pregnant! And all that stuff is upsetting and unnerving to anyone let alone someone percolating life!!!! Why are you worried about birthing stillborns? Or birthdefects? Oh yeah right you''re pregnant!!! And whoremonal!!!!

I have the Ergo baby carrier and it is fabulous if your kid doesn''t achieve the 90% in weight at the first visit like mine.

There is an infant insert and the whole apparatus sits on your hips to properly distribute the weight. I think it can be used up to 40llbs.

You can wear the kid in front, on side and on back like a form-fitting backpack. And it''s not hot like the big fabric bands.

I had an organic sling initially but Olivia kept sliding down into a little ball and it hurt my shoulder.

I''m amazed I have been able to sit upright all morning to type
9.gif the Ergo, however it was too hot here in the spring in Ca to wear Amelia in it much, as she sweated like crazy in it. I use it a lot more now that her head is out and she can get some air.