
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

If it makes anyone feel better about L&D, I''m still letting people take a peek at my hoo-ha. The UPS guy may never be the same.
Date: 9/9/2008 7:06:02 PM
Author: jas
If it makes anyone feel better about L&D, I''m still letting people take a peek at my hoo-ha. The UPS guy may never be the same.
Jackie, FANTASTIC story!! You've handled this entire thing like a champ and now you get to have your perfect prizes! Simply precious--I'm so looking forward to watching them grow and hearing your stories. You're doing great, mama!

Indy, I'm so sorry you are hearing things that you don't want to hear but I have to agree with Jackie and TGal. When the time comes, you will go along with whatever needs to be done to make sure you and especially your SONS are safe. There was a student there during my delivery and I couldn't care less. He actually was "in charge" of delivering my placenta! I guess they have to learn somehow and that is the risk you take by going to a teaching hospital but there are some damn good ones in this country so it's worth the extra bit of annoyance. The good thing is that you know all of this months in advance so you have time to process it and come to grips with it before you actually deliver. It's good that there is more than one doctor in the practice so hopefully you can come up with something that makes you feel more comfortable.

Regarding your glucose test, try to do it first thing in the morning. Have some toast 2 hours before the test but don't eat too much of anything. You're not supposed to fast before the 1 hour test but I don't think you should eat too much either. Good luck and keep us posted!!
NF, glad to hear things are going well. Yay for feeling your babies move! Good luck with your glucose test!

Indy, good luck with your glucose test too!
Jas, LOL. Thanks for posting your story - you sure have some crazy people in your life. Your boys are adorable though, and you look amazing. Seriously.

Indy, hang in there. That sounds really stressful. Hugs.

snlee, the baby''s pretty well off if you do go into labor, right?
I thought you were blond too, but just realized that I''m thinking of jcrow for some reason.

The handmade stuff looks amazing.

Mela, congrats again!

Pave, that''s great!

Lisa, hang in there. I hope that everything''s ok. I''ll be thinking of you tomorrow.

I feel bigger. I think I''m basically the same size as I''ve been for weeks, only my belly''s starting to feel harder and less bloated. I was thinking that maybe I''m eating too much, but I think I have the same amount of fat padding as before. Is it too early to start to get an actual bump? (9w5d) I know that the baby''s still small and my uterus is far down, but are my other organs starting to get shoved out of the way or something?

In very happy but completely inappropriate news, I''ve been able to poop normally for the last couple of days.
Blen, I think my tummy truly popped somewhere between 11 and 13 weeks? So it may still be bloat, but maybe not!

NF, glad yer boys are doing great! Hilarious about the jumping shirt. The bi-weekly u/s are to check for twin to twin transfusion syndrome (the big killer in monochorionic pregnancies), but so far everything looks great! They have to regularly check bladder function, amniotic fluid levels and weight differentials, as well as blood flow to see if TTTS is starting because it''s just very important to catch it early, before one of the kiddos is totally shrink wrapped and bloodless.

Did anyone else have their sugar test this early? The nurse actually didn''t say why, although I think it must be because of twins + the very high incidence of sugar problems in my family (maternal grandma, both uncles with diabetes and my mom had hypoglycemia while she was pregnant). I read on '''' that sometimes they send you earlier if you are high risk.

So basically, the thing people don''t like is that the glucose stuff is nauseating? Is that it? Anything else I should expect? Curly, I sadly didn''t know any better, and scheduled the appt for 2:15. They''ll give me the solution before the u/s, and check me afterward. Oh well.
oh man JAS I laughed and I cried reading your post. Thanks for sharing.

Indy - hang in there friend. You sound like you are worn out
. Try to take care and rest up for your boys as best you can. And about the birth, I guess it''s one of those ''hope for the best but be prepared for the ''other-stuff-that-we''re-not -going-to-call-"the worst"-stuff''. Cautiously optimistic.
Not worry until there is something to worry about.
YAH! That noodle stuck for me. Regardless, Congrats on 16 weeks!!! It seems like just yesterday we were calling you a jerkstore in the TTC thread.

I''m just trying to get caught up on this thread. Forgive me for not shouting out individually. I''ve always compared this thread to a game of double dutch. It''s tricky to jump in, but once you''re in and you catch the rhythm, it''s FUN! right?

a little about me: I was 7w2d when I miscarried in June.

Currently, I''m 3wks 3 days. only. Sticky vibes please!
Jas, I loved reading your story....Thanks for the sweet compliments!!! I LOL''d at the "anti-Dani"!!! HA!!!

Congrats Pandora!!! Sticky vibes to you, Mela!!!!

I hope all of the rest of the preggos are doing well!!!! Hang in there everyone!!!!
IG, the only complaints that I've heard about the GD test is that it's nauseating. Of course, I haven't been through it, so I'm probably not the one to tell you what to expect.

Do twin mommas pop earlier?

And just to clarify, I'm not really talking about popping. I'm not sure if I look pregnant to other people (probably not), but I can tell that I'm bigger. I just took a picture to kind of show what I'm talking about - my stomach muscles are engaged, but I'm not sucking it in or anything. My belly is of course a little bigger if I don't engage my stomach muscles.

ETA, before non-first tri preggos start hating me - "to other people" meaning coworkers and friends who see me on a daily basis, not to random strangers.

Blen: Twin mommas most definitely pop earlier...and progressively look bigger and bigger than their preggo with single peers.

That being said though you could certainly be feeling the preggo bloat that early...but unlikely you''re truly "showing". But you never know, everyone''s body is different.
NF, that's what I've assumed about twin pregnancies. I've been bloated since 8 dpo, enough that I can't button my pants. So it's probably still bloat? It's starting to feel harder, and I was wondering if that meant that it's like, an actual belly. I think I'd feel better about being bigger if it's at least displaced organs or something, not just retained water. I have no illusions that I'm showing baby.

DH just looked over my shoulder, at the picture, and said "You have kind of a goofy belly. It's angled. It's cute. It's different shaped." Thanks for making me feel better there...

And he's looking over my shoulder again - "I'm not talking to you again. You can't even take a simple compliment." Did anyone else see a compliment in his statement!??
My class went really well, thanks to everyone who asked. This isn''t my first time teaching, and based on my reviews from my last class, I am very welll iked by the student-types... so I felt like I took to the larger format well! They are still getting to know me and my style. Usually I get laughs from the class every coupld of minutes, but this time it took them until the end of the class the start realizing I was making jokes and that it was okay to laugh
I think it''s going to be great. This class I am co-teaching, but the one I teach Thursday is just me and a small gorup of 25 students so that will be interesting as well, since the other class I taught was 80. Now I''ll have doen a large, medium, and small class.

Indy I''m sorry you are so busy mama! And I am really glad you love your docs, that is so important. I hear you on wanting a natural birth and disliking medical *stuff*, but in your case I think you need to wrap your head around it and submit to the situation. Once you get used to the new reality it won''t metter as much, but if you are like me, there is that adjustment period to a new plan that takes a little while and then it''s full steam ahead! Here''s a question: What % of twins are actually born vaginally? I am betting a very low %. Although I am against unnecessary intervention, but part of my can''t understand why tey go through the whole "let''s TRY vagianl" thing when it may be a foregone conclusion that it will be c-section. I mean, all that stress and pressure isn''t exactly conducive to labour anyways, so why not call a spade and spade and do a planned c-section?

Blen I think you are having the lovely bloat that forced me into maternity clothing at 15 weeks
At your stange the uterus is still tucked in behind the pelvic bone, so it can''t really be causing a bump yet, but your guts are soo full of... well... you know... that THEY stick out! haha... Now at 15 weeks I am just starting to get a real baby pooch, and I can feel the top of my uterun just below my belly button and the sides of it too, esp. in the morning when I have a full bladder. Unfortunately for me, since I am a *fluffy* gal, I do not have a pretty bump, but rather "two spare tires" as my similarly endowed friend called her belly durign pregnancy! LOL! I am eagerly waiting the day my uterus get above my belly button and I start actually having ONE tummy instead of two

Lisa I am so sorry you are in a fog, but I eagerly await the next u/s. I hope whatever the news you get, it is clear cut and without ambiguity--either one health baby, or two health babies measuring similarly and looking good!

Jas awesome story as usual. You are nicer than me. I would have murdered my in laws if they acter like that!

Mela I am sending you lots of sticky vibes. I have a good feeling about your little bean. Well, your little bundle of cells
The first tri is so hard, such an interminable wait, and I imagine it will feel longer in some ways for you, so do whatever you can to distract yourself and enjoy yourself! I am wishing you lots and lots of morning sickness, cuz, you know, it''s a good thing right! LOL! Kidding.... I wish you a wonderful and happy 9 months and beyond.
Blenheim Here is a fun thread on the ovusoft website, it is belly shots from the first trimester. I looked at it a lot to ge ta feel for when I would really start to show. The answer is... not in the first tri! LOL!
Blen, cute picture! It''s probably bloat since it''s still early on. Yes, baby would be ok being born around now. However, my doctor said that he wouldn''t be able to come home till around 36 weeks. At 37-38 weeks the baby is considered full term so in my perfect world, I''d got into labor at 37-38 weeks.

Indy, regarding the glucose test. During my 1 hour one, I only had to drink stuff containing 50mg of sugar. Not bad at all. Didn''t make me nauseated. I had to sit in the lab''s waiting room and wait. The 1 hour test is really not that bad. Sounds like they will let you go get an u/s done in between? That''s good. For the 3 hour test, I drank stuff containing 100mg and it made me a little bit nauseated but not too bad. The worst part for me was it was BORING!

Mela, lots of baby dust sent your way!
Date: 9/9/2008 7:06:02 PM
Author: jas
If it makes anyone feel better about L&D, I''m still letting people take a peek at my hoo-ha. The UPS guy may never be the same.
Date: 9/9/2008 7:45:10 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Blen, I think my tummy truly popped somewhere between 11 and 13 weeks? So it may still be bloat, but maybe not!

NF, glad yer boys are doing great! Hilarious about the jumping shirt. The bi-weekly u/s are to check for twin to twin transfusion syndrome (the big killer in monochorionic pregnancies), but so far everything looks great! They have to regularly check bladder function, amniotic fluid levels and weight differentials, as well as blood flow to see if TTTS is starting because it''s just very important to catch it early, before one of the kiddos is totally shrink wrapped and bloodless.

Did anyone else have their sugar test this early? The nurse actually didn''t say why, although I think it must be because of twins + the very high incidence of sugar problems in my family (maternal grandma, both uncles with diabetes and my mom had hypoglycemia while she was pregnant). I read on '''' that sometimes they send you earlier if you are high risk.

So basically, the thing people don''t like is that the glucose stuff is nauseating? Is that it? Anything else I should expect? Curly, I sadly didn''t know any better, and scheduled the appt for 2:15. They''ll give me the solution before the u/s, and check me afterward. Oh well.
Actually, the thing I didn''t like was the nurse sticking me with a needle to draw blood.
What they had me drink was a sickly sweet glass of orange flavored stuff -- I didn''t enjoy it, but it was not that bad. My Dr. had me schedule appointments with the lab around one of my regular OB appointments. I went to the lab to drink the stuff, then I went to see my Dr. (same floor), I had a short wait, and then went back to the lab at the one-hour mark to have blood drawn.
I just joined this thread as I just found out yesterday that I am pregnant! I don''t know how far along I am but probably about 2 or 3 weeks. I took a HPT to get the results. I am really excited and anxious! I am also feeling all other kinds of emotions that I can''t even describe right now. This is the most amazing thing I have ever found out! I called the GYN to make an appointment yesterday. Now I guess I am on the hunt for books to read. Any suggestions??? I know there are thousands out there and I don''t wanna go overboard so maybe buying 2 or 3 will
Date: 9/10/2008 6:38:55 AM
Author: Class n Sass
I just joined this thread as I just found out yesterday that I am pregnant! I don't know how far along I am but probably about 2 or 3 weeks. I took a HPT to get the results. I am really excited and anxious! I am also feeling all other kinds of emotions that I can't even describe right now. This is the most amazing thing I have ever found out! I called the GYN to make an appointment yesterday. Now I guess I am on the hunt for books to read. Any suggestions??? I know there are thousands out there and I don't wanna go overboard so maybe buying 2 or 3 will
Welcome Class n' Sass... I read your other thread and if you tested yesterday around 20 days past ovulation (which was what you mentioned in you thread) then you are actually already 5 weeks pregnant if you can believe it! Congrats! That's an ovulation based date, your doctor will start counting from your last missed period, so you may even be "further" along according to his/her calculations, if you ovulated later than cd-14! You mentioned that you were charting with FF, they give you adue date estimate... what's yours?

I bought a book but haven't found it super useful so far... but it is called "Your Pregnancy Week by Week". I just find it isn't telling me many things I didn't know from looking on and so I don't know if it was worth the money. And it is a little full of doom and gloom about what can go wrong, but overall it is pretty good I guess!
I bought ''What to Expect'' (Oxfam bookshop for $4) and ''Your Pregnancy Diary''.

To be honest, none of them have the level of detail I want. I suppose they are written for the general public and most people on PS are well above the norm in terms of intelligence and education - plus we all tend to be knowledge hounds and want the whole in-depth thing.

The info on TTC was very basic - and although there is good stuff on L&D there''s not much for early on. The internet is far more helpful.
Date: 9/10/2008 6:38:55 AM
Author: Class n Sass
I just joined this thread as I just found out yesterday that I am pregnant! I don''t know how far along I am but probably about 2 or 3 weeks. I took a HPT to get the results. I am really excited and anxious! I am also feeling all other kinds of emotions that I can''t even describe right now. This is the most amazing thing I have ever found out! I called the GYN to make an appointment yesterday. Now I guess I am on the hunt for books to read. Any suggestions??? I know there are thousands out there and I don''t wanna go overboard so maybe buying 2 or 3 will

Welcome CS!!!

I have to agree with the others...the books aren''t really worth the $ IMO. I have learned just as much from babycenter. Actually some of the wording is almost verbatim from one of my books.

Out of all the books I was given I like "My pregnancy week by week" the most because it''s a hair more scientific, with pictures about whats going on. But I still don''t read it very often.
That''s so funny that we all thought the books didn''t give enough detail. I just check those websites I posted each week and that is more than enough info, but I agree that the Week by Week one does have some other good information.

QUESTION: Okay, the book I have says that week 16 (this week for me) marks the time when we should stop sleeping on our backs because the uterus squashes the big vein etc etc. This is the same reason that they say you should sleep on the left, though as we have discussed before, sleeping on the right isn''t the end of the world! How seriously should I take this prohibition? I like to sleep on my back and it is still comfortable for me now. I know soon enough my uterus will smother me if I lay on my back
but until then, as long as it is still comfy, do you think its okay to sleep that way??
Date: 9/10/2008 10:32:11 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
That''s so funny that we all thought the books didn''t give enough detail. I just check those websites I posted each week and that is more than enough info, but I agree that the Week by Week one does have some other good information.

QUESTION: Okay, the book I have says that week 16 (this week for me) marks the time when we should stop sleeping on our backs because the uterus squashes the big vein etc etc. This is the same reason that they say you should sleep on the left, though as we have discussed before, sleeping on the right isn''t the end of the world! How seriously should I take this prohibition? I like to sleep on my back and it is still comfortable for me now. I know soon enough my uterus will smother me if I lay on my back
but until then, as long as it is still comfy, do you think its okay to sleep that way??
Dreamer - I slept on my tummy until I absolutely could not do it anymore. From there I moved to my back and then waaaay later to my side. I asked by doc about squishing the baby and he said I wasn''t squishing the baby by laying on my tummy, but it would be uncomfortable for me. I also asked him about back sleeping and he said that if you do have some problem with it you will know right away - i.e. you''ll see ''stars'' and feel light headed. If you lay on your back and feel fine then you are and there''s no worries. Towards the end of pregnancy your belly will be too big to lay on either your tummy or back so you''ll probably be more comfortable on your side. I found my right side to be most comfortable because my little guy had his knees and feet in my ribs and it hurt too much to lay on my left side.

Re: books - I had What to Expect, Your Pregnancy Week by Week, The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy and Belly Laughs. All good. Girlfriends and Belly Laughs are great when you are feeling down. I also checked a few websites weekly to keep track of average fetal growth.

welcome class and sass!
thanks jackie for the great story!! the "out-laws" are so ridiculous. i don''t know how you put up with it!
blen: great pic!!
indy: SO glad to hear that your new docs are so fabulous!!
nf: how funny about your shirt jumping! i''m always wondering if other people are noticing that. :)

dd: as far as sleeping on your back, my ob always said that as long as you''re able to breathe and don''t feel uncomfortable, the baby is getting enough oxygen too. if you start to feel symptomatic (short of breath or lightheaded or anything), then it''s definitely time to roll over!! i STILL wake up and find myself on my back! oops. but apparently the baby is growing just fine and looking well....

also, regarding med students, etc., i TOTALLY get not wanting to have them around. i WAS one just over 4 years ago and i still am not crazy about having one at my birth. but one thing to remember is that it can be a good thing too. generally med students are assigned WAY fewer patients (like ONE) to watch over than residents and attending physicians. this means they can spend a lot more time on your issues and generally are VERY very vigilant about any potential problems. and of course, they are always very closely supervised... so it CAN be a good thing !! :)
Date: 9/10/2008 12:31:58 PM
Author: lover in athens

also, regarding med students, etc., i TOTALLY get not wanting to have them around. i WAS one just over 4 years ago and i still am not crazy about having one at my birth. but one thing to remember is that it can be a good thing too. generally med students are assigned WAY fewer patients (like ONE) to watch over than residents and attending physicians. this means they can spend a lot more time on your issues and generally are VERY very vigilant about any potential problems. and of course, they are always very closely supervised... so it CAN be a good thing !! :)
LIA my midwifery clinic also trains student midwives (there are three universities in Ontario that train midwives and they have to do a year placement as part of that training, like residency). Anyways, our midwife asked f we would be okay with having a student present, and I said, "Of course!" I don''t really care. But then the midwife says, "Yeah, and don''t worry, I have prefected the hip check maneuver... you know, if necessary I just hip-check the student out of the way and take over!" LOL!
Attention Neatfreak and Jen I recently read a scholarly article about recent research on delivering the second twin if the first is head down. Apparently, the old conventional wisdom was that if twin B was breech, they would try to turn it and deliver it head down (or else jump to the c-sec). This ''wisdom'' was based on very skewed data from the 50''s-70''s, when, e.g., many people didn''t know they were about to deliver twins (which obv affects outcomes).

The article suggested that, if your doctor is skilled and experienced at breech births, it is much safer for Twin B to be delivered breech than for them to try to turn him/her. Sadly, most doctors know longer know how to do a breech birth, but if yours does, you may want to look up this research and tell your doc that you''d like to deliver B breech if necessary, rather than have them try to turn the baby.

I can find the cite for you if you want.

DD, what I was told is that it''s 50/50 with twin births. About half go the ol'' fashioned way and half are c-sec''ed. I haven''t checked carefully about how often they ahve to resort to a c-sec for Twin B, but I will definitely look into that! I gather that most docs will either try to turn Twin B or else deliver the second baby breach. My guess is that if they think it''s not going to go well for the both of them, they just advise you to do a c-sec for both. But what I''ve been told is that if A is head-down, regardless of B, then old fashioned is a go! Then they only move to c-sec if something comes up in the meanwhile.

And about the midwifery students, strangely, I really don''t think I would feel as weird about midwifery students being present as medical students! Maybe because I feel like the med students will be all "Wow cool! Freak of nature! Check it out!" while they stare at my hoo-ha and my babies, while the midwifery students would be more... midwiferish? And therefore more in line with my personal feelings about the process. (I would definitely be going with a midwife and a birthing center if that were an option... I think you and I have similar feelings about our situations in that respect).

That''s probably totally unfair to the medical students!

OK, gotta run. Speaking of midwives! I have to get to my appt for the retroactive referral.

Thinking of y''all! And thanks for everyones'' good wishes.
Congrats and welcome CnS! As for books, I like Your Pregnancy Week by Week and The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy. I agree with the other ladies that and has lots of useful information. I love babycenter! I also have The Pregnancy Journal; A Day-To-Day Guide to a Healthy and Happy Pregnancy, which tells you what''s happening on a daily bases. It''s a bit hard to keep up with. I always end up reading weeks at a time.

dreamer, regarding sleep position. I love sleeping on my back too. I remember asking my doctor about sleeping on my back and she said it''s fine till 5 or 6 months. After that you can try propping pillows under your back so you''re still kind of on your back but tilted to the side.
Curly -- washing and organizing clothes can probably wait, but it might be a good idea to get that bag packed
That''s something I''ve been needing to do too -- I think I''ll feel better knowing it''s all together just in case!

Mela -- congrats!!! sticky vibes to you!!

LIA -- I finally got the pics on the compter today, so I''ll see what I can do about posting them -- I can''t quite get over how *big* my face has recently gotten, so i''m not sure abot posting shower pics! That sucks about your pool, but on the bright side at least it''ll be done and not something to worry about later...

Blen -- i''m sure *you* can tell if you''ve changed, but you are so doggone tiny!! FWIW, I bloated immediately and showed really early -- the twin thing is pretty true, but i can blame part of it on previous pgs too...

DD -- I''ll see if I can find a decent shower pic to post (see above to LIA) SO glad you had a great first class! Re:back sleeping -- sometimes i wake up on my back, but it''s b/c i can''t breathe! My hips both hurt so much that i change sides every time i get up to go to the bathroom, and i really try not to get stuck on my back, but sometimes i think i''m too darned tired to work on turing over anymore...

Lisa -- I hope you got good news at your u/s!

Kay -- kitty pics upcoming -- how did the massage go?

Jackie -- loved part 2 of your story! No suprise about people being stupid after delivery -- i hated visitors who overstayed their welcomes! Your ILs are a real piece of work. Thank goodness you have such a great DH and perfect, healthy babies!

Indy -- thanks for that info! My doc is *not* willing to do a breech delivery (we talked about it again yesterday) but at least is now willing to consider a VBAC since Sophie''s trying to be head-down :) Sounds like you''ve got your hands full right now -- careful not to overdo it! The new docs sound perfect -- and congrats on the confirmation that your boys are boys

Neatfreak -- glad you had an uneventful appt and your boys are doing well! It''s so fun when they are so active (well, until they start to hurt anyway

Dani, TGal, Tacori, MrsS, et al - i love it when you check in on us -- i still kind of miss the old thread the way it was b/c I''m not good at getting over to the mommy thread, but i suppose i''ll be there soon enough... hope you all are doing well!

Class n sass -- congrats!! any chance you''re having twins? haha

Snlee -- you are almost off bedrest!

ok, here are a few pics of our newest family member, Pluto...

pluto pic to post.JPG
Aren''t babies cute when they''re sleeping? :)

pluto 2 to post.JPG
One more...

pluto 3 to post.JPG
OH Man that kitty is C-u-t-e! Give Pluto a squeeze for me!!!! :)