
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Indy - still thinking of u..keep checking to see if any updates...stay strong

I totally agree with u mela..exactly what I was trying 2 say..seems like we''ve come so far but still a ways to go. Hopefully soon there will be a breakthrough.
Indy my hubby is going to drink some scotch for you tonight! And we are going to make a donation to the March od Dimes too.

And because I know that Indy wouldn''t want us all being too consumed by her situation right now:

Pandora How are you settling into you new house? How''s the m/s going?

LIA How''s the bedrest going, will it last much longer?

Jen Any changes?

SBDE how far along are you now? I haven''t seen a belly shot lady
Are you going to regale us any time soon?

Blenheim I think we need belly shots from you too miss 14 weeks.

Erika I haven''t seen you in a while and I know you would have chimed in for Indy if you were lurking, but I hope you aren''t too busy and can pop in some time. I''d love to hear an update from my other pregnancy twin.

Pave when is your next checkup with the specialists? Have you learned anything new lately?

Liiiiisa We need a belly shot, you are now far enough along to share I think! How''s everything going?

Kay got a baby yet?

It is Thanksgiving here in Canada this weekend so we are heading out to pig out on a big dinner tonight. I think being preggo gives me an excuse to eat a lot, don''t you?
Where is LIA? She hasn''t checked in for over a week.

LIA, hope you''re doing well! Check in when you can.
I''m getting anxious for these October babies to arrive....

Pictures of cuties are so wonderful to see.

Happy and healthy deliveries, Mommies!!
Hi all,

Having one of those days here...just feel like I am about to lose it emotionally. For those of you that were on bedrest or some type of house arrest, what did you do to pass the time and/or feel productive? Up until today I''ve been just kind of bored, but doing ok. Today I feel like I am going to totally lose it soon if I don''t get out of the house. I do have a doc''s appointment tomorrow, so I will talk to him then, but I have a feeling that he''s going to want me to stay in the house, and I am already going stir crazy.

I feel so horrible about feeling bad too because I know that it''s for the good of my boys, but unfortunately it''s not really making me feel any better about it today.

Any tips? I''ve been doing the whole get up in the morning and get dressed routine already, but I''m really at a loss for what I am going to do with myself for the next 6 weeks if it comes to that. I can only read so many paperbacks and if I don''t get my spirits up a little my motivation for doing my school/work work is going to drop fast.
Indy, your posts are touching and beautiful...even during this incredibly sad time. You''re an inspiration to us all.

I love the names....the idea behind them really touched me.

Your husband is a keeper and I burst into tears after reading what he said to you over the strawberry pancakes. That''s just what it''s all about. *Sigh*
NF, I''m sorry you''re having a difficult time with the bed rest. The first week is the hardest to get through. Bed rest seems so daunting but it does get better. Like you''re doing, get up and change, brush, etc. in the morning and lay down somewhere other than your bed. I spent most of my time online, watching TV (I was lucky the Olympics was on), cross stitching, and reading my pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding books. Try to pick up a hobby like knitting or cross stitching...something fun to help you pass the time. I don''t have any great tips. It does get boring. Hang in there! Hugs.
Thanks again everyone for your good wishes and kind comments, and a super-huge thanks for honouring my sons with your donations. We are planning to keep giving to the March of Dimes as well, so that hopefully when your children (and hopefully someday our future children) are grown and ready to have kids of their own, this issue will be a thing of the long past. So your donations honour all of our children, in that sense.

NF, about bedrest, I was only on it for 10 days, so I'm no expert. But what I did was get up and get dressed and move to the couch. Then I'd alternate 2 hours of work-I-enjoy with 2 hours of leisure (a movie? a nap? a magazine?), then back to 2 hours of work, etc. I even participated in meetings over skype a couple of times. Glad I set that up in advance just in case! It came in handy. But yeah, variation was what made the time fly for me.

Speaking of bedrest, some comic relief today. Since there's no point in bedrest anymore, DH and I took a trip to a neighbouring town for ice cream and a walk (strong contractions every 5 minutes the whole time with unbelievable pressure on my pelvis... then we get home and... nothing). On the way, I said to him "You know, wouldn't it be funny if I ran into a colleague? I feel like I'm playing hooky". After all, as far as they know, I'm supposed to be on strict bedrest.

And who do I bump into 5 minutes after we get out of the car?

My boss.

She gets this school marm look on her face and says "Well, Indy! Fancy seeing you here."

And amazingly, I was totally overwhelmed by guilt, as though I HAD been doing something wrong. It was pretty funny. I just explained the situation to her and said the upside was I'd be back in the office soon.

She called me a "Trooper", looked vaguely concerned, and told DH to make sure I didn't overdo it.


We are staying fairly upbeat today, with a few bouts of tears from both of us. DH made me collect all the dozens of u/s pics and the baby knitting and hide them away somewhere for a while since they keep getting him choked up. It is also a little hard at first to see people with small babies, but that instinct is easy to get over with a little concentration. I just say in my head "Small babies are WONDERFUL! EVERYONE should have one, and maybe we will too someday." And then I feel happy for people again. I am determined that each bouncing baby I see in someone else's arms should be a source of joy to me and a testament to life.

My new idea is to have a necklace made with two identical tourmalines (Oct birthstone) as something to remember the boys by. I am also thinking of dedicating my book to them, although I'll decide if that feels 'healthy' when the page proofs arrive in a couple of months. It is important to confront and remember and not make them 'something we don't talk about', but it is also important not to obsess. If that makes sense.

LIA! Lisa! I'm wondering about you ladies.

I'm really so fond of all of you and touched by all of you. I will still lurk after the boys are born so I can see all of your beautiful babies. Please take extra extra extra joy from them as I'm sure you all too naturally will, and remember how precious they are.
Indy~I cannot put into words how sorry I am for what you are going through. I am continually amazed at your beautiful posts and your and your husbands remarkable attitudes during such a hard time. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you.
Indy, I''m absolutely devastated for you. I''m so sorry.
NF, I know that I''d do miserably on bedrest, so I really feel for you. Do you know how to knit or crochet? I feel a lot more productive just sitting on my butt if I''m producing something at the same time.

Stupid question - does bedrest mean that you''re supposed to lie down all the time, or is sitting okay? I usually think bed = horizontal.

Indy, that is awkward. I''m glad to hear that you can at least get out of the house.

DD, what about your belly shots, missy? Thanksgiving dinner sounds so good. I guess I can oblige your request though, if you promise to ignore my lack of bra. I''ll throw in one from last week that I never posted. When I walked into work on Friday, the girl who sits nexts to me told me that I looked a lot more pregnant than I did when she last saw me on Wednesday. I don''t really feel bigger, but I can see a difference in the pics. Of course, some of it could be clothing.

I started this weekend off in a funk. Someone kind of stabbed me in the back at work on Friday (and I cried at work for the first time), although from what I''ve heard about her I should have been expecting it. And, like others here, I''m really feeling for Indy.

So now that I have my energy back, I''ve been trying to be really productive. It''s helped a lot with my mood. I''ve done 3 loads of laundry, cleaned the upstairs (still need to clean downstairs), caulked all of the windows, fixed a down spout, helped my hubby fix the fence (dogs made a hole and kept escaping), and chopped down a bunch of seedlings in the back yard that were trying to grow into our fence. The latest belly pic is me standing in front of the pile of them, and doesn''t include the chopped up parts that we were able to cram into our compost bin. We''ve also been spending too much money on convenience food, so I just finished making a pot of chili and I''m about to start on Thai green curry so that we have our fridge stocked with yummy food.

Indy, I am amazed and in awe of your positive attitude during such a hard time. You''re truly an inspiration. My thoughts continue to be with you.
Date: 10/12/2008 6:36:39 PM
Author: Blenheim

Stupid question - does bedrest mean that you''re supposed to lie down all the time, or is sitting okay? I usually think bed = horizontal.
Not a stupid question. It depends on what kind of bed rest you''re on. My doctors wanted me to be horizontal as much as possible. With less strict bed rest, sitting may be okay.

You look great! Cute little baby bump. Yay for having more energy an being productive. Thai green curry sounds yummy!
Two more pictures...

I finished the back of the baby sweater that I''m knitting last week. Now for the front, and then the sleeves.

Last night, I made a pair of wool soakers out of a soft, old wool sweater that I felted. If you''re cloth diapering, you can use wool soakers as a diaper cover. This is the type of diaper cover that our grandparents probably used. (My mom used plastic pants on me.) They help to wick the wetness away from the baby''s skin and, if washed in lanolin once every few weeks, are fairly water proof. I have enough sweater left for another pair of soakers, and maybe an additional project.

Sweater back and soaker.JPG
Date: 10/12/2008 6:42:03 PM
Author: snlee
Date: 10/12/2008 6:36:39 PM

Author: Blenheim

Stupid question - does bedrest mean that you're supposed to lie down all the time, or is sitting okay? I usually think bed = horizontal.

Not a stupid question. It depends on what kind of bed rest you're on. My doctors wanted me to be horizontal as much as possible. With less strict bed rest, sitting may be okay.

You look great! Cute little baby bump. Yay for having more energy an being productive. Thai green curry sounds yummy!

It's not a stupid question Blen. For me, as of right now, I am allowed to sit up or even sit at my kitchen table to work. So bedrest is a bit of a misnomer for me because I am not restricted to lying down. House arrest might be more appropriate...but then again I am not supposed to be doing much except for sitting or lying, no housework, getting up only to get food, water, or to pee, etc.

Indy and Snlee Thanks for the ideas ladies! I have been mostly on my couch because we have the tivo and better cable out here.
I really like your idea Indy of alternating work and relaxing...I should try that. I like schedules so that might help me and make me feel better.

Indy A big
to running into your boss! That would totally happen to me too, and I completely understand the feeling of guilt even when you shouldn't feel guilty. Overachiever and responsibility guilt anyone? Glad to see that you are hanging in there. Sounds like you and your hubby have a fantastic relationship.
Indy, I''m so sorry to hear your latest updates.

I hope that both you and your husband come through this the best you can. You appear to have a great team of doctors and I hope they make everything as easy as they can for you.

Huge hugs and DH and I will be thinking of you all.

nycbk - I''m high-risk as well, so I understand the extra worry that can cause. Ultimately, neither you nor your doctors can control everything, so best to research and pre-plan what you can and then think philosophically about the rest. I hate to ask this, but I find your posts really hard to read, could you possibly write them out in full as I''m not very good at working the shorthand out.
Other news...

We''ve moved into the new house and are now living in a sea of boxes. Slight nightmare - I put my e-ring and w-band in a box in my make-up bag and then packed them in a box with my horribly expensive bottle of Aqua di Parma''s Profumo (that they don''t make any more) and... yup, I can''t find them anywhere. So I''m without rings, make-up or perfume. Aaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhh.

I saw my psychiatrist on Friday which was very useful and made me feel a lot better as I''m horribly down at the moment. We discussed my meds and they are feeling that they want to get me to 14 weeks if possible and then have me go back up to my normal dose as they''re a bit worried.

We also discussed what would happen after the birth and they will book me a place in the Mother & Baby Unit of the local psychiatric hospital as a precaution in case of post-partum psychosis. He says they''ll give me a high percentage probability when I see them at the hospital tomorrow, but that he thinks it highly unlikely. But, he thinks I now have a 90% chance of a severe post-partum depression as I''m getting depressed in pregnancy, so they will organise support teams to come in from the start. I feel immensely lucky to live where I do. Mental health care is a cinderella service here in the UK and I am so fortunate to be able to access one of the best we have.

Tomorrow I see the Maternal Mental Health Team at the hospital and then on Wednesday I have my main booking appointment. I''m running a huge event for work on Tuesday evening and on Friday I''m leaving for our honeymoon in Sri Lanka for two weeks.

Still sick as anything, but have discovered that if I cut the anti-sickness tablet in half I don''t feel quite so knocked out, and haven''t had any more bleeding since last Wednesday.
Indy What can I say that has not already been witten by all of the caring ps members already? I was really upset on Friday eve when I came home and read all the posts. I was trying to explain to my dh but it''s a little confusing to non ps''ers our relationships here and how much we share with each other here. I haven''t written sooner as I just needed time and was wishing I could think of something truly helpful to contribute.
I am so amazed by your strength and your continuing to be concerned about the rest of us here. It''s incredible that you think of my little boy and hope that somehow your babies could help ones like mine. I hope some day that can be true for future babies.
Your outlook and realistic/honest view of childbirth/pregnancy is I don''t even know what to call it. I haven''t heard you once utter why me(us)- I know you are in a good place as far as having a supportive and wonderful husband- I am so glad you guys can be there for each other to get through this together.
Hope it wasn''t too akward running into your boss. I''m sure she does understand, though. I know what you mean about the gallows humor- I have been there too. When we had our wedding last year right after my m/c I was sort of happy that I would be able to celebrate with alcohol at my wedding after all.
Your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I''m wishing for whatever you guys are- maybe first a miracle, and if not, that these times go as smooth as possible for all of you. I love the names for your boys that you have picked out. Very fitting. I am still trying to talk my dh into Jonah as a middle name(ever since you wrote about it here) for our little boy as I know he will be going through some things he wouldn''t orignally choose, but hope that he can be strong and fight.
Again I will be thinking of you guys.
i''m here i''m here! and still pregnant, of course!

i''m sorry to be so MIA lately...i''ve been so sad about everything going on that i''ve really distance myself and have been trying not to read the updates. probably not a great coping mechanism, but one none-the-less...

indy, you are an absolute inspiration. i am thinking of you, and like the others, cannot get through your posts without tears in my eyes. i wish nothing but the best for you.

nf, pave: sorry to hear about the L&D scares. believe me, i can relate! i had six visits to L&D for my ptl within about 4 weeks and had numerous u/s, shots of terbutaline, large doses of ibuprofen, IV fluids, and steroid shots for my little guy.

nf: i so hear you on the bedrest. i finished 9 weeks, and as of last tuesday (35 weeks), i was allowed to get up and move around a bit more. starting this coming tuesday, i will be 36 weeks, and officially OFF OF BEDREST (makes 10 weeks of complete or modified BR total...NOT FUN). i agree with everyone knitting kept me totally sane. i was bored out of my mind, but somehow the days just pass. i did have a breakdown every once in a while and dh and i would cheat a bit. he would load me into the car (i always figured that walking to the car was no different than walking to the bathroom!!), and i would ride shotgun while he ran errands. i would stay in the car while he''d go shopping, etc. not the most fun excursions, but it REALLY did help. i think that you just have to find a comfort level with your body and your bedrest. once i reached about 30 weeks, we would even sometimes go out for a quick dinner. always somewhere where dh could drop me off out front and we knew i could go in and sit down right away. again, depends on what your comfort level is...

i hope everyone else is doing well... i''m sorry not to do individual shout-outs to everyone!!

kay, and jen, can''t wait to hear/see your babes...i know they''ll be here soon!!

as for me, i''m doing pretty well. it''s been so wonderful to be up a little more this week!!! i have even taken the dogs for a short walk. hard to believe how incredibly deconditioned you can get after 9 weeks of not moving! :)
i **THINK*** i lost my mucous plug last night, but am not 100% sure. definitely wasn''t bloody, but sure was snot-like. my contractions since i''ve been up and around are slightly stronger, and i''m feeling them lower and more in my back, which makes me think SOMETHING might be going on. hard to tell though, b/c they''ve been about every 5-10 minutes for the past 2 months (seriously)... i''m looking forward to my next appt on wednesday so i can be checked...

anyway, i will try to check in more often. is it sad that i kind of miss you all when i''m not around??? :)

LIA 35wk,5d
LIA, yay for almost being fully off bed rest! It sounds like you may have lost your mucous plug (but I am just guessing, as I didn''t notice losing mine). Since I had contractions every 5-10 minutes for 2 months like you, I know what you mean when you say it''s hard to tell if you''re getting closer to labor. With me, once off my medicine, my contractions slowly got stronger and when I was really in active labor (or at least transition phase), there was a HUGE''ll know. You were taking Procardia right? Are you off it now? Good luck with your appointment next week. Keep us posted. I hope you do check in more often especially since we''ll all be wondering if you''ve gone into labor! You are getting so close! I am so excited for you, as I am for Kay and jen as well!

I can''t wait to meet the new October PS babies!
thanks so much snlee...
i can''t remember when i last posted, but i did read your labor story. you are one amazing woman! i cried while reading it. truly inspirational. and derek sure is a cutie. thanks for still hanging around on this''s great seeing you pop in...
NF I think I would go batty on bedrest too... like others, the first idea that popped into my head was taking up a new hobby that occupies your hands and mind. I am not a knitter, but whe nI was separating from my ex and needed something to do tha twas occupying but not too much so, I got back into arts and crafts a lot. I like to take little pieces of paper ripperd out of magazines and then decuopage them to make paintings, kind of like pointalism. Anyhoo, is there something like that that you can do? Knitting, cross-stitch... the list is endless and something may strike your fancy. Small bouts of work liek Indy suggested may help too, but I always find I can''t do the type of work you and I do when my mind is bothered, it''s just too hard to focus. It sounds like you are pretty far ahead in your programme for your years, so if you need to take a couple months where you aren''t very productive in the end it probably won''t ,matter. If you can''t work, its better to give yourself permission NOT to work than to agonize over every second you don''t work, KWIM? I was basically unproductive the summer of my 3rd year when I brok up with my ex, and in the end it didn''t matter...

INdy Okay, that is like an epidsode of a television show or something. OF COURSE you run into you boss! Man alive, that must have been an awkward conversation! I think you and DH are really doing a great job coping with things, and I totally hear you on wanting to walk the line between being healthily commemorative/remembering and becoming too obsessive in the long run. I think you will find that balance, and possible some days you will tip a little into the "too much" direction, but it will even out. I do love the necklace idea, it would be a personal rememberance and also a thing of beauty, which they are. Very fitting.

Blenheim you have a lovely baby bump for only 14 weeks! I think you will be one of those lucky ladies who has a perfect round protruding bump. I am noticing that I am carrying long and compact (like my bump starts high and ends low but doesn''t protrude much), probably because I am taller and larger boned. Women all carry so differently. The up side is that my belly doesn''t get in the way much, the down side is that even now at 20 weeks I still only juuuust barely look pregnant in most clothing. Seriously, I think the majority of people don''t notice. I''ll post a pisture as soon as I take another, probably tomorrow.

Pandora the care you are getting is amazing, and all I can say is take all you can get! I''m so sorry that you are getting depressed so soon in your pregnancy... in the long run if you have some months of down, as long as you get the best care and are not in danger, once your child is here it will probably seem worth it and a distant memory. How far along are you? 14 weeks must be getting close so you don''t have too long to go until you can resume your medications. Are you taking a leave until then? Would that help do you think?

LIA I''m so glad your baby is sticking in there, can you believe you are almost 36 weeks??!? Wonderful, you are getting so close!
Thanks ladies for the continued ideas. Unfortunately (and don't kill me here I know there is much love for these crafts here)but I hate knitting and cross stitching. Just can't stand it. I do love crafts, but the things I love are more in line with refinishing furniture, etc. Not exactly things I can do on bedrest unfortunately...I do have a few small projects for the boys nursery (crib skirts, etc.) that I want to sew, but that's an afternoon at best and first I have to get hubby to go to the craft store and get what I want. I feel so bad for the poor man having to do everything around the house that I hate to ask him...I will just have to bite the bullet and do it.

DD You are right, a few months isn't a huge deal. But I DO feel like my brain is turning to mush already...I do have a hard time concentrating on my analyses or writing papers when my mind is occupied. Ugh. I am going to have to get over it though because I really want to send two papers in for publication before the boys are born so it's off my list!
Indy, there are no words. I am truly sorry. I admire you so much right now, but just can''t think of anything to say except you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have not gone through what you have, but have been in my own depths of true devastation and somehow life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.

Maya Angelou once wrote "Life had taught me undeniably that surrender, in its place, was as honorable as resistance, especially if one had no choice."
Date: 10/12/2008 10:39:53 PM
Author: neatfreak
DD You are right, a few months isn''t a huge deal. But I DO feel like my brain is turning to mush already...I do have a hard time concentrating on my analyses or writing papers when my mind is occupied. Ugh. I am going to have to get over it though because I really want to send two papers in for publication before the boys are born so it''s off my list!
Well, I can totally understand that type of goal too! I think once you really sit and force yourself to work on it then you''ll see that you can get a lot done. Set small easy goals at first (for me it''s writing the methods and results, since that''s the most "rote" compared to the intro), and as you get more done it will be more and more motivating because the end will be in sight! As for the brain mush... don''t worry, it grows back
LIA, thanks for checking in! Glad to hear you''re hanging in there. Hopefully, all these stories of preterm labor ladies who made it through to well into the safe zone will help make nycb feel better too! My situation is so extreme only because it happened so early. That is very rare.

Blen, your belly and your knitting are adorable.

Pandora Hurray for the new house! I''m very sorry to hear that you are having such a tough time. We''ll be brave girls together, right? And get through our trials.

Ivana Thank you. That quote from Maya Angelou is very fine and true. I used to read Marcus Aurelius when I went through tough times, who takes a similarly wise - if more masculine - perspective on such things. Looking beasts in the eyes, even if they are about to devour you, is a way of living with dignity and grace.

It''s off to the cardiologist today. My doctors think I may have developed some kind of heart thing to keep the gestational diabetes company. I hope that would go away after I give birth too, but I didn''t really ask enough questions to understand what it is / might be. It''s probably nothing anyway. Gosh, with all these appointments, it has been great that our landlords loaned us their car until December. This town is so small that I would normally have been walking everywhere or taking the bus, but right now having the car is a god-send. Not to mention enabling trips to neighboring towns for a change of scene, which really helps too.

We are hanging in there! I''ve had moments where I get so afraid of what the labor will be like that my legs start shaking. But then I just steel myself and say ''It''s an ordeal. Ordeals are time limited. We will get through it and then it will be over. I can do this.'' A few deep breaths, and the fear goes away. Fear breeds fear and physical tension. So mastering it as soon as it comes on seems critical.

Maybe that realisation will help me in future labors (with hopefully happier outcomes) or other ordeals too. It is always good to take some good from everything, even what is most terrible in life.

Thinking of you ladies, each and everyone. Your joys bring me comfort.
Blenheim, I just wanted to say, your stuff is really good (the knitting, I mean)!
Can anyone recommend a great pregnancy pillow?
Date: 10/13/2008 9:20:53 AM
Author: Courtneylub
Can anyone recommend a great pregnancy pillow?

Honestly for me, I didn''t like the pregnancy pillows I borrowed. The most comfortable thing I''ve found is just a cheap $10 body pillow from Target!
Date: 10/12/2008 7:30:26 PM
Author: Pandora II
Other news...

We''ve moved into the new house and are now living in a sea of boxes. Slight nightmare - I put my e-ring and w-band in a box in my make-up bag and then packed them in a box with my horribly expensive bottle of Aqua di Parma''s Profumo (that they don''t make any more) and... yup, I can''t find them anywhere. So I''m without rings, make-up or perfume. Aaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhh.
Pan, in case you were having trouble obtaining that perfume, this internet company has it...