
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 11/1/2008 12:17:50 AM
Author: *Lindsey*
Ugh no kidding, I was in maternity pants at a little over 11 weeks. I tried them on and refused to take them off -- I wore them right out of the store!

Yup that is one of my two chi''s, that is Scarlett O''Hara.
My other baby is Elizabeth Taylor.
You look great Lindsey!! Had anyone told you that you look like Julianne Moore?? I could be spelling her name wrong. But that first pic, you look just like her. That''s meant as a compliment as I think she''s very pretty.. I love Chi''s my best friend has two, they are so cute.
Date: 11/1/2008 12:17:50 AM
Author: *Lindsey*
Ugh no kidding, I was in maternity pants at a little over 11 weeks. I tried them on and refused to take them off -- I wore them right out of the store!

Yup that is one of my two chi''s, that is Scarlett O''Hara.
My other baby is Elizabeth Taylor.
Now you have to post pictures of your puppies for me to see! This is Seamus and Dreamer, my first-borns

Little Dreamer in the snow.

I took another test this morning (can you tell I couldn’t sleep) and there are two lines again. I want to go buy some more tests but FI won’t let me leave the house at this time.

If we are, I’m disappointed with myself for not being more careful to make sure this didn’t happen before getting married but I’m not angry (7 years, never w/out protection, and the 1 time we get brave…) To me children are a blessing and I know if I am pregnant, then I consider myself lucky.

I’m just really, really scared because I don’t feel ready and it wasn’t part of our plans. I just barely finished school and I have student loans plus credit cards and a car to pay for. I’m afraid financially what this will be like for us now.

As for my FI, he’s been talking about having children for the past 3 years. When I told him yesterday, all he kept saying is “it’ll be ok.” I finally asked him that’s it? That’s all I get? It’ll be ok? And his response (paraphrasing of course) was that he feels like bouncing off the walls and going to Wal-Mart to buy a crib and borders for the second bedroom and he wishes the grocery store was open to buy me some fruit and he wants to call everyone he knows. But then he sees me and I look so worried and so scared and he feels like maybe he should feel that way too but he doesn’t so instead all he says is “it’ll be ok.” And he talked about our support unit and how happy his parents would be. I told him if he’s happy, then I need him to show me he’s happy so that I’m not so scared.

I called my mom this morning and told her. I didn’t want to until I went to the doctor but I just needed to talk to her. She made me feel better (I was worried about what she was going to say).

Anyway, I need to make an appointment with the doctor and confirm. My medical insurance won’t cover this. I have the very basic $10 off paycheck insurance because I’m hardly ever sick. This month is open enrollment (perfect timing huh?). I’m guessing I should change my insurance before going to the doctor or does that matter??
Blen.... SO CUTE! thanks for posting that pic.
Lindsey you're so pretty! You have my dream-skin (at least of white skins)... all peachy and creamy. You look out of a magazine in that shot with your dog on the couch.

Fiery, like everyone said, it is totally normal to have lots of ambivalent feelings even when the baby was planned. there is no right or wrong way to feel and you just have to figure out what the right thing is for you. we are all here if you want to talk it out. no judgement.

Your doctor is unlikely to ask you to come in to confirm your pregnancy, since they use the same dip-sticks that we do. Most of us have found that the doctor says to come in at around 8 weeks of pregnancy (you're probably about 4-5 weeks now). Some say to come at 12 weeks. If that's what they say, then you should just call them if you have any STRONG period like cramping (mild cramping is totally normal) or bright red spotting that turns into heavy bleeding. (some spotting, especially if it's brown, is also totally normal).

YES, change your insurance. while all pregos are covered by the govt, I think, you probably want the best coverage you can get. Look at me... you just never know what might happen.

I can't believe this has gone on for a month already. It was Oct1 that I went home on bedrest I think. yesterday my contractions were every 3-4 minutes for most of the day with a sick tummy (sign of labor I'm told), but I didn't want to call unless they got painful and they let up to every 6-8 later in the evening. I don't want another false alarm.

I think my colostrum came in too.

Everyone, thanks for your condolences re my grandma. Zoe, this may sound horrible, but oh my, thank goodness it WASN'T the grammy that I'm so close with. This grammy wasn't my favourite person so that makes it a little easier. Just wish I could be there for my family.
Lindsey, you look amazing. And can you come decorate for me, pretty please?

Fiery Red, it''s really good that your fiance is excited about it - that''s one less hurdle to get over. It''s also great that you have your mom''s support.

Since you are concerned about finances, keep him from running out and buying all that stuff. If your and/or his parents are excited and know that things are tight, there''s a decent chance that they may offer to buy one or more of the larger items if they''re financially able to. Plus you can get so much stuff cheap from friends with older babies, on Craigslist, ebay, and at yardsales. Day care''s expensive, formula (if you go that route) and diapers are kind of pricey, but I think that a lot of the rest can be as expensive as you make it.

I think that everyone tends to feel a little panicked financially with a baby on the way, but if things are truly tight there are government programs to provide healthcare and food to pregnant women and infants. (Assuming you''re in the US, but I think that things are probably similar in other countries.)

Doctors generally don''t do much testing to confirm that you''re pregnant (other than just asking you if you already took a test), and generally won''t see you until you''re 8-10 weeks along. (Weeks are counted from your last menstral period, so 2 weeks is when you conceived, 4 weeks is your missed period, and then you can count up from there. If you have long cycles, just count from the time that you conceived and add 2 weeks.) It sounds like there''s only really one time that you may have conceived, but if that''s in doubt they may also do a dating ultrasound to try to figure out how far along you are.

Since you''re talking about open enrollment, I assume that you have group health insurance? If so, pregnancy cannot be counted as a pre-existing condition, so you''d get whatever maternity coverage the new plan offers. Make sure that you have good coverage. It doesn''t matter if you change your insurance before or after going to the doctor in terms of coverage for subsequent prenatal care, but it would make a difference in whether that visit is covered, if you currently don''t have maternity coverage (and I''d check on that - that''s surprising to me for a group policy). If the coverage switches over at the first of the year, you may not have coverage until that point and you may need to pay out of pocket for one or two visits.
Date: 11/1/2008 8:33:38 AM
Author: Blenheim
Fiery Red, it's really good that your fiance is excited about it - that's one less hurdle to get over. It's also great that you have your mom's support.

Since you're talking about open enrollment, I assume that you have group health insurance? If so, pregnancy cannot be counted as a pre-existing condition, so you'd get whatever maternity coverage the new plan offers. Make sure that you have good coverage. It doesn't matter if you change your insurance before or after going to the doctor in terms of coverage for subsequent prenatal care, but it would make a difference in whether that visit is covered, if you currently don't have maternity coverage (and I'd check on that - that's surprising to me for a group policy). If the coverage switches over at the first of the year, you may not have coverage until that point and you may need to pay out of pocket for one or two visits.

Fiery just to add to what Blen said, you NEED to figure out if you are switching from a group plan to another group plan or if your plan now is something other than a group plan (you say it's coming out of payroll right? So it's probably group, but you need to make sure). If so, what Blen says is correct and it isn't considered pre-existing. BUT if you are switching from any other type of coverage (i.e., individually purchased) TO a group plan, there are loopholes and you may not be covered for a certain period with preexisting conditions (it's often 180 days) and unfortunately the loopholes allow them to consider pregnancy as one in this case. So if your plan now isn't considered a group plan you just need to do some research before switching. Ask your benefits office at work, they should be able to explain everything for you. Also, your FI's insurance might be an option if he has a better plan, but often you'd need to get married first before being added. But then often you can be added at any time. Something to consider.

Also make sure that the new plan even covers maternity because many many plans don't cover it or don't cover it well, so if it's expensive but doesn't cover maternity you might be better off with another plan. In that case I would be happy to help you explore what plans/help your state offers for prenatal care, as you very well might be covered there.

And please don't beat yourself up over this! It's life. Things happen. Just remember that you have a very loving and supportive partner. I've found that men just don't ever quite know what to say about this stuff, but it doesn't mean he doesn't care!

Indy, I''m so glad you are continuing to check in. I think of you and the cubs daily and am truly amazed with all the extra days you''ve made it through. I can''t believe it''s been a month already. If you don''t go into labor, when do you see a doctor again?
Indy Thanks for checking in again. We''ve been thinking about you in my household, my hubby always asks how you are doing! It is quite crazy that it''s been a month already, you are one strong momma!
Indy, oh my goodness, you are on quite the roller coaster of good and bad news. I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother’s passing. It must be so hard for you not to be able to go and be with your family. Your family has had such a tough year. I am very glad to hear that your mom is doing better. It is so cool that you get to use an image from one of your favorite artists for your book.
I may have to keep this brief, as I am typing one-handed with a sleeping baby cradled in my left arm, so please forgive me if I miss anyone. We took Alexis to the Ped on Friday, and she had gained 4 ounces since our visit on Monday. The Ped is pleased with her progress and thinks most of the jaundice has passed at this point. We go back in 2 weeks for another weight check. Our lives have been totally turned upside down living on her schedule, but when I look into her little face, it is all worth it. I can’t stop nuzzling her head – I love the way she smells and she is so soft.

Fisher, Courtney, Dreamer, CDT, NF, Mela, Indy, SDL, Jen, NYCBK, Snlee, Lindsey, Lili, Burk, Pave, Janine – thank you for the compliments on my LO – I think we’ll keep her.

Dreamer, I met with the lactation consultant at the hospital twice, but that was mostly about latch issues. We didn’t abandon BF until we got home and had to force feed her lots of food quickly. Thanks to lots of pumping, my milk supply has come in, although I cannot produce enough yet to keep up with her growing appetite. She cries and fusses and tries to pull her head away when I try to BF. She prefers the slow flow bottle because it gives her milk as soon as she starts sucking – BFing is more work and does not give her the same instant gratification. I have been pumping and bottle feeding her breast milk along with formula, so at least she gets the benefits of my milk. I get kind of emotional when I try to put her to breast and she cries like I am torturing her when I try to force her mouth on like the lactation consultant showed me, so I don’t try as often as I should. There is a BF support group that meets twice a week at my hospital, so I am going to try to go on Monday. BTW, your first-borns are so adorable – I especially love the pic of little Dreamer in the snow!

Neatfreak, I hope you enjoyed your time away from the house, however brief. I am sorry to hear about your mother’s losses. She sounds like a strong woman and she got you in the end! Congrats on the negative fnf test!

Jen, thanks for sharing your L&D story. Sounds like you had a fab nurse and MIL did not make too much of a nuisance out of herself. My DH cried too when he first saw our little girl – it’s quite something isn’t it? I just love the pics of your two beautiful little redheads cuddled up together in the hospital bassinet.
What a beautiful family you have, and 5 kids, wow!

Lindsey, unfortunately I do not have any details on the connection between RH incompatibility and jaundice – just that the nurses said it was common. I’ll be thinking about you and hoping those transfusions do the trick. Even a “normal” pregnancy is so fraught with emotion and uncertainty, that I can’t imagine the stress of dealing with a high risk situation. Hugs. Love your baby bump!

Pave, congrats on a good u/s!

Courtney, cute belly! I hope the specialist can offer you some relief from the headaches.

Blen, cute belly pics! I love Josephine – it was on my short list of names.

I am finding that the bad thing about having a baby is that I am so focused on taking care of her, pumping, etc. that I don’t take the time to take care of myself to properly recover from labor. I have been through a few surgeries and other procedures, and normally when my body has been put through the wringer I would be in bed for at least a few days just resting and recovering. I am supposed to be using the sitz bath twice a day, but it has been more like twice a week. I am also supposed to put my feet up as often as possible to help with the severe edema, but who has time to put her feet up with a newborn in the house? My MIL is coming on Monday to stay with us for 5 days, and I am really looking forward to the visit because she is a nurse and will be very helpful. Also, it is fun to be able to show off the LO to her grandparents. My parents were here for 2 days this past week, and they were just gaga over Alexis.
Kay it sounds like you are doing all the right things! The BF groups should be great too, my friend went to one and loved it. I think you have to pump ALOT to really get your supply up, but it isn't a finite thing, the more you pump the more it will increase!

Indy It is amazing that it has been a whole month already! The contrax not doing anything is strange but great. At this point, every little extra day buys so much... you must be almost 24 weeks! I know that is no guarantee of anything, but it is still a milestone. Hang in ther lady!

Belly shot time: Well to prove to Blenheim that she indeed looks more preggo at 16 weeks than I do at 23, I shall post another belly shot. As you can see, I am carrying very compactly and loong. My belly goes from my sternum to my crotch!
To my friends who know me and know I usually have a svelt waist, they now say I look totally preggo: my belly is taught like a drum. But I still think to strangers they probably just think I have an apple-type body! I think in a couple more weeks it will be obvious because my fundus is now almost past my belly button, and once that happens I think I will start to round out a little. It is getting harder to stretch backwards, and because I am carrying so compactly, my stomach is really compressed... if I eat to much, or usually it is if I drink too much liquids, I can't breath very well at all since it is all squishing my lungs! I am still amazed at the wide variety of ways that women can carry, I never thought I would carry like I am! The wonders of pregnancy.

Here is a shot from today, 22w6d! Time is flying by.

PS Neatfreak I'd love to see your twin belly if you feel like sharing!

Date: 11/1/2008 1:19:21 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

PS Neatfreak I''d love to see your twin belly if you feel like sharing!

Lol, that would require me putting on a bra and something other than my hubby''s PJ''s.

But I''ll consider it.
Date: 11/1/2008 1:34:40 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 11/1/2008 1:19:21 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

PS Neatfreak I''d love to see your twin belly if you feel like sharing!

Lol, that would require me putting on a bra and something other than my hubby''s PJ''s.

But I''ll consider it.
LOL! C''mon, get all dolled up for us and put on a bra!
Ok, DD, I guess you win. Oh the plus side, maybe you''ll stay more compact throughout the pregnancy and will be less uncomfortable at the end. Plus I''ve been having killer round ligament pain from all the stretching - yuck.

NF, I''ve posted a bra-less pic before. Post a twin belly pic!

DH''s cousin left me a voicemail offering to throw us a baby shower over Thanksgiving, so I guess we need to think about registering! Wow! Is it seriously already that time?
Date: 11/1/2008 3:01:14 PM
Author: Blenheim
Ok, DD, I guess you win. Oh the plus side, maybe you''ll stay more compact throughout the pregnancy and will be less uncomfortable at the end. Plus I''ve been having killer round ligament pain from all the stretching - yuck.

NF, I''ve posted a bra-less pic before. Post a twin belly pic!

DH''s cousin left me a voicemail offering to throw us a baby shower over Thanksgiving, so I guess we need to think about registering! Wow! Is it seriously already that time?

Lol, but you don''t have DD''s (BEFORE the babies!).

And no, it''s not that time already usually! Baby showers are usually sometime in the third tri...but maybe they just want to get a head start!
Point taken, NF.

We''re traveling home for Thanksgiving, and generally only make it to that area 2-3 times a year. They probably don''t want to ask me to travel in the 3rd tri and are trying to work around when we''re in town, which makes sense. I''m excited!

Hubby and I had a disagreement earlier about whether we have room in the bathroom for a changing table. I say no. Has anyone seen a changing table that has dimensions no greater than 21x24"? Cause that''s the space we have.
Date: 11/1/2008 3:01:14 PM
Author: Blenheim
Ok, DD, I guess you win. Oh the plus side, maybe you''ll stay more compact throughout the pregnancy and will be less uncomfortable at the end. Plus I''ve been having killer round ligament pain from all the stretching - yuck.
I don''t think it would be less uncomfortable, since it means the organs are being really really pushed around
My close friends carried a lot like this and the only realy plus supposedly is less stretch marks... who knows! In the end, we always suffer
Hi fiery,

I replied to your post in BWW, but just wanted to add that I am thinking about you and hope that things work out the best for you.

xx Bobbin
Good Morning everyone

I''m going to the doctor this Thursday. Anything I should be expecting? I know they are doing blood work (and also my annual exam
). I have a ton of random questions for her regarding diet, exercise, scheduling appointments, hair relaxers (told you it was random
Date: 11/3/2008 9:07:54 AM
Author: fieryred33143
Good Morning everyone

I'm going to the doctor this Thursday. Anything I should be expecting? I know they are doing blood work (and also my annual exam
). I have a ton of random questions for her regarding diet, exercise, scheduling appointments, hair relaxers (told you it was random

Well, if it's a doctor you've never seen before I would use the appointment to interview them. Make sure their thoughts are in line with yours regarding pain management, birth plans, etc. if those things are important to you. You'll want to make sure you mesh with them over these issues, otherwise you might be pretty upset at the other end of things if your doctor is totally anti pain meds and you want them, or vice versa.

Like for me, I'm in health policy research. So I know quite a bit and LOVE to do research on everything. So I needed to make sure I had a doctor who would be supportive of the fact that I will always look things up on my own and stay informed, etc. because some doctors get really offended when you "question" their knowledge or recommendations. So now my OB is a guy who is very evidence based himself and actually really likes it when I bring him in studies to read! It's a good match.

So that's what I would do. And know that there are tons of resources out there for you (including all of us!) to answer any more questions you have!
Fiery, my first appointment is Thursday too! Some docs will do an ultrasound to date the pregnancy at the first appointment. I know that mine is since I didn''t wait for AF to show up after my m/c before I started trying again. If you''re going to have one of these early ultrasounds, it most likely won''t be with the kind of transducer that you see on tv. Most early u/s are done internally. It doesn''t hurt or anything, but it can be kind of disconcerting if you''re expecting the other kind.
Hi Neat and Robbie!

I''ve been to this doctor several times before and I love her. Sadly, she won''t be my doctor as she is too far away from home. I go to her now because she''s about 15 minutes from work. I am doing research now on finding a doctor in my area. But I made the appointment with her anyway because I am due for my pap and I''m hoping she has suggestions on doctors in Broward (or that she can at least go to a local hospital on the day of).

Thanks for the tips!
Fiery, do you have any idea of your EDD?
What a coinkidink!!! My FIRST appt (with my Middie) is on Thursday TOO!

This is where we basically interview each other to make sure we''re in line. Thank GOD I went to my GP to sneak in an u/s. I don''t know how I would have gone this long without confirming a heartbeat!

Mela 11w3d
Is EDD estimated due date?

I used a few calculators online and the majority have said between July 8 to July 15. I''m guessing I''m about 3 weeks, maybe even less.

Good luck with your first appointment!
Ooh a trio of appointments on Thursday!

Fiery, yup, EDD is estimated due (or delivery) date. It''s actually pretty rare to find out any earlier than 3w3d, so I don''t think you could be less than 3 weeks. July 8th would actually put you at almost 5 weeks. My EDD is the 4th of July and I''m 5w2d today.
Good to know Robbie!

Mela-Good luck as well! The woman making the appointments tells me it may be too soon to visit the doctor but I don''t think I can wait any longer. If they were open on Saturday, I would have gone then
. I just want someone "official" to say yes you''re pregnant and everything looks good.
Date: 11/3/2008 10:23:42 AM
Author: fieryred33143
Good to know Robbie!

Mela-Good luck as well! The woman making the appointments tells me it may be too soon to visit the doctor but I don''t think I can wait any longer. If they were open on Saturday, I would have gone then
. I just want someone ''official'' to say yes you''re pregnant and everything looks good.

Just so you know fiery, it''s really too early for them to do anything but have you do a pee on a stick test or blood test in the office. Just so you know before you go.
Just wanted to add that the confusion about how far along you are usually comes from not knowing that you count from the first day of your last period, so you''re actually already pregnant for 2 weeks at the time of ovulation. It makes no sense, but that''s how they count it