
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 11/3/2008 10:30:59 AM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 11/3/2008 10:23:42 AM
Author: fieryred33143
Good to know Robbie!

Mela-Good luck as well! The woman making the appointments tells me it may be too soon to visit the doctor but I don''t think I can wait any longer. If they were open on Saturday, I would have gone then
. I just want someone ''official'' to say yes you''re pregnant and everything looks good.

Just so you know fiery, it''s really too early for them to do anything but have you do a pee on a stick test or blood test in the office. Just so you know before you go.
That''s exactly what the lady making the appointments said to me LOL. She told me that what I did at home is what they''ll do at the office.
Date: 11/3/2008 10:34:13 AM
Author: fieryred33143
Date: 11/3/2008 10:30:59 AM

Author: neatfreak

Date: 11/3/2008 10:23:42 AM

Author: fieryred33143

Good to know Robbie!

Mela-Good luck as well! The woman making the appointments tells me it may be too soon to visit the doctor but I don''t think I can wait any longer. If they were open on Saturday, I would have gone then
. I just want someone ''official'' to say yes you''re pregnant and everything looks good.

Just so you know fiery, it''s really too early for them to do anything but have you do a pee on a stick test or blood test in the office. Just so you know before you go.

That''s exactly what the lady making the appointments said to me LOL. She told me that what I did at home is what they''ll do at the office.

Yeah...that''s why they ask you to wait to come in usually because they don''t do anything else, lol! But it''s a good place to get your questions answered.
All these appointments are making me jealous!

I really wish I could go once a week to hear that heartbeat. I hate waiting 4 weeks in between visits. It''s so nerve racking.

We go next Friday and then should get to find out the sex the week of Thanksgiving! I just know it''s a girl.
Ooh, Courtney, that''s so exciting! I can''t wait to find out if you''re right!
Date: 11/3/2008 10:46:05 AM
Author: Courtneylub
All these appointments are making me jealous!

I really wish I could go once a week to hear that heartbeat. I hate waiting 4 weeks in between visits. It''s so nerve racking.

We go next Friday and then should get to find out the sex the week of Thanksgiving! I just know it''s a girl.
Really soon you will start feeling the baby move and then you won''t need to hear a HB anymore to know its there. I started feeling it around 16 weeks (only when I was lying still and concentrating) and by around 22 weeks it was doing karate chops all the time. Now I feel it all the time, and sometimes it is even annoying when I am trying to sleep! LOL! It''s hard to worry when you are getting punched in the gut.

kay, glad to see your update. I had similar issues with BF (low supply and LO getting frustrated and not wanting the breast). Hang in there. What kind of formula are you using? And wow, you did well for typing with one hand. Hope the recovery gets better--I also didn''t do much, never too a sitz bath,etc. At 5 wks pp, I finally feel better, but still a poochy stomach and some spotting. I never thought it''d take so long!
Date: 11/3/2008 11:18:08 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 11/3/2008 10:46:05 AM
Author: Courtneylub
All these appointments are making me jealous!

I really wish I could go once a week to hear that heartbeat. I hate waiting 4 weeks in between visits. It''s so nerve racking.

We go next Friday and then should get to find out the sex the week of Thanksgiving! I just know it''s a girl.
Really soon you will start feeling the baby move and then you won''t need to hear a HB anymore to know its there. I started feeling it around 16 weeks (only when I was lying still and concentrating) and by around 22 weeks it was doing karate chops all the time. Now I feel it all the time, and sometimes it is even annoying when I am trying to sleep! LOL! It''s hard to worry when you are getting punched in the gut.

Oh I can''t wait! My mom says she felt me at 12 weeks and she thinks it''s "strange" that I haven''t felt the baby yet. I said "No,''s strange that you felt me that early!"
Date: 11/3/2008 11:37:26 AM
Author: Courtneylub

Date: 11/3/2008 11:18:08 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Really soon you will start feeling the baby move and then you won''t need to hear a HB anymore to know its there. I started feeling it around 16 weeks (only when I was lying still and concentrating) and by around 22 weeks it was doing karate chops all the time. Now I feel it all the time, and sometimes it is even annoying when I am trying to sleep! LOL! It''s hard to worry when you are getting punched in the gut.

Oh I can''t wait! My mom says she felt me at 12 weeks and she thinks it''s ''strange'' that I haven''t felt the baby yet. I said ''No,''s strange that you felt me that early!''
Well I don''t want to be a doubting Thomas, but given that the baby is about 5cm at 12 weeks I am very sceptical when people comment that they "felt their baby" that early! The norm is 16-20 weeks, which is when the baby actually has bones and thus can exert a little force! Still, at 16 weeks it was more like little taps or flutters and only when I was still. It''s only more recently that I started feeling full on pokes, which are disconcerting! It''s a reminder you have a little "guest" in there!
Help! I think I''ve just been outed at work and I''m not sure what to do! I''m not sure if any of you hangout on the GP board on, but for those that don''t, a lot of girls have bfp buddies (bfpb''s). I have 3. 2 of mine told me that they wanted to send me something when I got my bfp. I didn''t feel comfortable giving out my home address, so I gave my work one. First bfpb told me not to open in front of coworkers if I didn''t want them to know. The second package showed up today. I got a call to come down to reception to pick it up. I had to ring the bell because no one was behind the desk. When I rang it, the head of HR at our location and the receptionist came out. She hands me the package, head of HR asks, are those shirts? (I''m in marketing and all kinds of fun things delivered frequently and everyone always wants to know what my packages are). I said, I have no idea what''s in it. Receptionist says, "It''s baby gifts." Head of HR says "Baby gifts?" I probably had a look similar to this:
. I figured there was no way the receptionist could know what was in it, so I just said, I had no idea what it was. As I walk out to my car (was on my way out to lunch) I look at the front and written rather largely it says "baby gifts." AGH! I was so not ready to be telling work at 5 weeks. I''m guessing that HR guy wouldn''t say anything to anyone since he''s HR, but I''m worried about the receptionist. It''s not the end of the world if work knows, but I really didn''t want to tell anyone IRL until after Christmas when I''m over 12 weeks. I don''t want my boss to find out through the grapevine. Our parents don''t even know yet. What would you do? Ask the HR guy to speak to the receptionist and keep it on the DL? Say nothing to anyone? Am I freaking out over nothing? Would you assume that someone receiving a package labeled "baby gifts" was pregnant?
eek! Robbie - could you say that its something you ordered for a friend who''s expecting?
I could, but I''m just not sure if lying is the right move. I seriously have no idea what to do!
Date: 11/3/2008 12:01:38 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 11/3/2008 11:37:26 AM

Author: Courtneylub

Date: 11/3/2008 11:18:08 AM

Author: dreamer_dachsie

Really soon you will start feeling the baby move and then you won''t need to hear a HB anymore to know its there. I started feeling it around 16 weeks (only when I was lying still and concentrating) and by around 22 weeks it was doing karate chops all the time. Now I feel it all the time, and sometimes it is even annoying when I am trying to sleep! LOL! It''s hard to worry when you are getting punched in the gut.


Oh I can''t wait! My mom says she felt me at 12 weeks and she thinks it''s ''strange'' that I haven''t felt the baby yet. I said ''No,''s strange that you felt me that early!''

Well I don''t want to be a doubting Thomas, but given that the baby is about 5cm at 12 weeks I am very sceptical when people comment that they ''felt their baby'' that early! The norm is 16-20 weeks, which is when the baby actually has bones and thus can exert a little force! Still, at 16 weeks it was more like little taps or flutters and only when I was still. It''s only more recently that I started feeling full on pokes, which are disconcerting! It''s a reminder you have a little ''guest'' in there!

I''ve had weird "flopping" or "light fluttering" feelings in my ute(rus) since week 8ish. It''s kinda like when you see blood or are really high up and your stomach gets "light" (for lack of a better example). I know it''s not the baby, per se, but more like gas and ''things'' moving and shifting and changing down there. It just happened about an hour ago. I get them throughout the day...I think of them as little reminders that the ol'' body is a changing

In unrelated news, I''m no longer bloated. It''s all gone. I''m actually feeling quite svelte in comparison to weeks prior.
haha. you''re so honest!!
I''d lie through my teef. Personally, I''d rather be in control of who knows what, and when. But that''s just me. I''d just laugh it off and tell that receptionist that your BFF''s baby gift arrived - and you''d completely forgotten that you''d ordered it!
"Silly me!"
Mela I totally agree that early on you feel lots of sensations in the uterus, it is growing and extra blood is there, and the tendons are stretching... eve nthat is fun and a total reminder for sure! When you start feeling to baby, it feels a lot different than those early"sensitivities"... it is literally like someone poking you from the inside! haha

Robbie If it were me I would say nothing. It''s none of their business, and if they want to be gossips then let them, and were they to gossip to your boss or something, it is just that! Gossip! I wouldn''t assume a coworker was preggo because of baby gifts, and if someone else assumes that then who cares? If someone is rude enough to ask, you can trot out the phrase someone else on here suggested, "Well, if there were anything to tell, I would tell!" My DH''s coworkers were bugging him for ages about when he was going to knock me up... people always talk, and they probably talk about you anyways since you got married recently. So this will just be more of the same, I bet... talk.
DD - I can't WAIT to feel the baby moving! Sigh.

We got our first baby gift this weekend. My BFF's mom (my second mom) had prophesied that I'd have a boy before I was even PG. Apparently she bought me a pair of BLUE baby addidas soft soccer shoes and soccer ball ages ago, and has been dying to give it to us. She broke down this weekend. LOL. it's so cute! Our very first baby item~!!!!! (except the Ikea Frog toy I bought that sits in the to-be-nursery). HEE!!!
I just popped in here, to see how the pregnant mommies are feeling?????

Love, Linda
Robbie I wouldn''t lie because they are going to find out eventually...but at the same time I just wouldn''t bring it up and chances are they will totally forget. If someone asks you about it you can say "I''ll make sure you know when I have something to tell". Not lying, but also not giving the secret up...
Thanks for the advice Mela, DD and Neat. I think I''m going to go with ignoring it and hoping no one brings it up. Maybe saying something like, "oh, my friend''s due any day now," if they ask about the package. Not a lie since I do have a friend due any day now, but also deflecting them away from asking about me.
Date: 11/3/2008 1:32:11 PM
Author: robbie3982
Thanks for the advice Mela, DD and Neat. I think I''m going to go with ignoring it and hoping no one brings it up. Maybe saying something like, ''oh, my friend''s due any day now,'' if they ask about the package. Not a lie since I do have a friend due any day now, but also deflecting them away from asking about me.

Perfect. Sounds good to me!
Date: 11/3/2008 1:35:45 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 11/3/2008 1:32:11 PM
Author: robbie3982
Thanks for the advice Mela, DD and Neat. I think I''m going to go with ignoring it and hoping no one brings it up. Maybe saying something like, ''oh, my friend''s due any day now,'' if they ask about the package. Not a lie since I do have a friend due any day now, but also deflecting them away from asking about me.

Perfect. Sounds good to me!
Date: 11/3/2008 1:32:11 PM
Author: robbie3982
Thanks for the advice Mela, DD and Neat. I think I''m going to go with ignoring it and hoping no one brings it up. Maybe saying something like, ''oh, my friend''s due any day now,'' if they ask about the package. Not a lie since I do have a friend due any day now, but also deflecting them away from asking about me.
Yup, that''s what to say. I bet it won''t even come up....
PERF Robbie
OMG Robbie. Good solution. I actually did something slightly similar before I came out at work - I mentioned to a colleague that I got a lot of knitting done that weekend, so of course she asked what I was knitting. I told her that I was knitting a baby sweater, then tacked on that my mom's bf's daughter is expecting. Which was 100% true, it just didn't mean that the sweater was for her.

My news of the day: I have ONE big baby. Phew. I also have a referral for an anatomy US.
Excuse the picture quality on these, but I was taking photos of the print out. Actual EDD is 04.09.09-04.10.09, depending on whose wheel you look at.
ETA: 17w4d today

17w4d US.jpg
Blenheim how great! And what a cutie. I measured a week "ahead" at the 12 week and by the 21 week anatomy scan it was back to "normal"... interesting to see the error rates associated with those gestational age estimate... 1 - 2 weeks for each! Good thing you were charting, they may have moved your due date otherwise and you may have been induced for being "overdue"!
Allright...drumroll please...

I apologize in advance for the outfit choice, but at least I put on a bra for you.
And for size perspective my chest is well past DD stage at this point...

Twins at 31w 3d...

NF - awesome belly! Thanks for obliging us.

DD - I was thinking the same thing about charting help preventing against due dates getting moved. I was expecting a long skinny baby, cause that''s what I was like, and apparently that''s what I''m getting for now at least - there is of course time for it to change before the birth. The OB was really good about it - he said that my body''s built for birthing bigger babies. And I have all confidence in it.

I got more religous preaching than I was expecting though, even after my m/w''s warning, and it honestly prevented us from clicking very well. If I had to transfer care, I don''t know if I''d want to transfer to him.
Awww Neatfreak- you look so amazing!!!!!!! How are you feeling? I am glad to "see" you! I lost track- when was/is your next/last appt? Are they going to take you off of bedrest in a couple of weeks? Are you still working from home?

Blen your u/s looks great! I have heard that the dates can be off and then be fine the next time. Can''t wait until your anatomy scan.

Dreamer you are looking good too!! I wish I carried a little more compact- and had more room in my torso- I am out to there, and I still have a little over 2 months- I can''t imagine my belly stretching much more but I know it will!

Hope you all are doing well! Things are quiet on my end which I am happy with. I have my ob appt tomorrow. Hopefully I can talk to them more about not being induced-wish me luck!!
Date: 11/3/2008 8:26:45 PM
Author: neatfreak
Allright...drumroll please...

I apologize in advance for the outfit choice, but at least I put on a bra for you.
And for size perspective my chest is well past DD stage at this point...

Twins at 31w 3d...
Awww, great pic NF!!
NF Wonderful belly woman! You are carrying really high, which is good since that means they haven''t dropped, right? Your belly almost points to the sky! Looks great
. You are so little that if it gets any bigger though I think you will have a hard time staying upright
... do you notice a change in your balance etc? I notice it a little now and my center of gravity hasn''t shifted much yet.

Blenheim You are tall so I bet you will have no troubles birthing a big baby! My friend is only 5''1" and both her kids were 9lbs! She actually had some issued with #2, his shoulder had to be dislocated to get him out and I can''t help but wonder if her size had something to do with it, her hips are really narrow. I have broad "childbearing" hips, so I think I won''t have any troubles

Pave Okay, where is YOUR belly shot missy!

Pandora I noticed you are back! When you get a chance I''d love to hear about your honeymoon and hear how your pregnancy is going!
Great picture NF, love your belly picture.
