
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

NF - YEY! Thanks for the super-cute belly shot. You look amazing
I love seeing cute round high bellies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blen - yey on the scan and ONE healthy bebe. Great news!
Date: 11/3/2008 8:56:12 PM
Author: pavelover
Awww Neatfreak- you look so amazing!!!!!!! How are you feeling? I am glad to 'see' you! I lost track- when was/is your next/last appt? Are they going to take you off of bedrest in a couple of weeks? Are you still working from home?

Aww thanks EDD partner! I'm feeling ok for the most part. Reallly uncomfortable pains in my thighs sometimes, it feels like I did one too many reps on the thighmaster or something! And it's getting really hard to move around, especially to go from lying down to standing up, but realistically I am doing well!

My next appt is an ultrasound on the 11th and then a regular dr. visit on the 13th (I go to the perinatologist for my u/s) so we'll just have to see. But I should make it at least till then because my last ffn test was negative and that is supposed to be accurate for 2 we'll just have to see!

I am going to be taken off bedrest at 34 weeks as far as I know, so just a few more weeks! I am very happy about that, I can't wait. But then it feels so much more real you know? You are so lucky that you still have a few more solid months! I don't feel ready at all.
Date: 11/3/2008 9:06:52 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
NF Wonderful belly woman! You are carrying really high, which is good since that means they haven't dropped, right? Your belly almost points to the sky! Looks great
. You are so little that if it gets any bigger though I think you will have a hard time staying upright
... do you notice a change in your balance etc? I notice it a little now and my center of gravity hasn't shifted much yet.

It's funny you say that DD because I was just wondering whether I was considered "high" or not. Theoretically I will still drop with the twins, but I guess not every woman does, so it can't be counted on. I really do notice a difference in my balance though. I drop things, bang into walls (that's because I am horrible at gauging how much extra room I need for my stomach!), and trip over things all the time. My DH says that it's a good thing I am on house arrest because otherwise he's worried I would hurt myself out in public.

And I certainly have a hard time staying upright, that is for sure!
Date: 11/3/2008 9:42:19 PM
Author: neatfreak
I really do notice a difference in my balance though. I drop things, bang into walls (that''s because I am horrible at gauging how much extra room I need for my stomach!), and trip over things all the time. My DH says that it''s a good thing I am on house arrest because otherwise he''s worried I would hurt myself out in public.
Too funny! I bet you bump things all the time... right now I underestimate the size of my butt and bump things
I can only imagine what it will be like when my belly really starts growing.
Awe, Blen, what an adorable baby!!!

Neat, you make a super cute pregnant lady!
Neat You look fantastic!!
NF -- you have a beautiful twin belly!! FWIW I have little scars all over my belly right now from all of the times I ran into something
My skin was so thin down there that it made a mark no matter what I hit!

Blen -- great u/s pic!

Just dropping in to say a quick hi to everyone
I am still a walking zombie, but I am learning how to sleep a bit better when the girls sleep (*when* they sleep, haha). I wanted to tell you all that I ended up gaining 68 pounds with this pregnancy -- certainly a high number, but healthy for twins (esp big ones
) -- and to date I''ve lost 36 of those pounds doing absolutely nothing (except BFing). I''ve actually been eating MORE b/c I have room to now! I know a lot of you have reasonable concerns about wight gain/loss and I wanted to share (in the end, it''s all about healthy babies, right??) I''d definitely be a good candidate for a tummy tuck though -- you should (ok, shouldn''t!!) see all the extra skin hanging around now -- ewww. Too bad I can''t get a multiples discount or something!

Hope you are all feeling well!!
Date: 11/3/2008 8:26:45 PM
Author: neatfreak
Allright...drumroll please...

I apologize in advance for the outfit choice, but at least I put on a bra for you.
And for size perspective my chest is well past DD stage at this point...

Twins at 31w 3d...
I am a lurker and I love reading about all of your tales of pregnancy. I especially love seeing the babies! I have a question regarding breast size and pregnancy. I am currently a 32 F. I am 5 feet tall and 127 lbs. For 2 weeks of every month (eta, I am on bcp - Loestrin and Primrose oil vitamin relieves the pain a little bit, but not much), my breasts are in pain. They swell up/are very fibrocystic. My back hurts so bad. It is almost debilitating (sp?). I hate getting dressed when they are like this. This is for half the year! I love to run, but it seems running makes it worse. My breasts have definitely been getting bigger through the years - not because of weight gain, I just think some women do not stop growing till in their late 20s/early 30s (I will be 31 in January).

Anyway, I am just curious for those that are/were very large breasted before pregnancy, were/are your breasts in constant pain. Did they get that much bigger during pregnancy. I am wondering if they will go down after pregnancy. I would love to get a reduction, but if I do so before, I may not be able to breast feed and then I would not have that to help them go down and I may need to reduce after. If I don't get it done before pregnancy, omg, what size will I be? L, M, where does it end?
Also, do you keep buying bras during your pregnancy? I currently wear the Le Mystiere full coverage but it is $68 each one! Do you know no American companys make small band sizes (ie under 34) and bigger than a D? So you have to get from overseas companies and then the cost is a lot...Anyway, sorry, off on a tangent....your help is appreciated...
Date: 11/4/2008 10:38:18 AM
Author: merrijoy
Date: 11/3/2008 8:26:45 PM

Author: neatfreak

Allright...drumroll please...

I apologize in advance for the outfit choice, but at least I put on a bra for you.
And for size perspective my chest is well past DD stage at this point...

Twins at 31w 3d...
I am a lurker and I love reading about all of your tales of pregnancy. I especially love seeing the babies! I have a question regarding breast size and pregnancy. I am currently a 32 F. I am 5 feet tall and 127 lbs. For 2 weeks of every month (eta, I am on bcp - Loestrin and Primrose oil vitamin relieves the pain a little bit, but not much), my breasts are in pain. They swell up/are very fibrocystic. My back hurts so bad. It is almost debilitating (sp?). I hate getting dressed when they are like this. This is for half the year! I love to run, but it seems running makes it worse. My breasts have definitely been getting bigger through the years - not because of weight gain, I just think some women do not stop growing till in their late 20s/early 30s (I will be 31 in January).

Anyway, I am just curious for those that are/were very large breasted before pregnancy, were/are your breasts in constant pain. Did they get that much bigger during pregnancy. I am wondering if they will go down after pregnancy. I would love to get a reduction, but if I do so before, I may not be able to breast feed and then I would not have that to help them go down and I may need to reduce after. If I don''t get it done before pregnancy, omg, what size will I be? L, M, where does it end?

Also, do you keep buying bras during your pregnancy? I currently wear the Le Mystiere full coverage but it is $68 each one! Do you know no American companys make small band sizes (ie under 34) and bigger than a D? So you have to get from overseas companies and then the cost is a lot...Anyway, sorry, off on a tangent....your help is appreciated...

DON''T do anything before you get pregnant, that is what all the doctors recommend. Because even if you don''t BF, they will lose shape and change during your pregnancy and probably grow back a bit. Mine were a 32D before and are now about a DD (maybe a bit bigger), but I am also having twins so I don''t know if that affects things or not. I bought a few new bras at the beginning of the pregnancy (which is when I went up to a DD) and now just have some bra extenders that make the straps longer but my size hasn''t increased again.

Also, FWIW, there are a lot of cheap bras available from bali, etc. that come in the small strap/big cup combination, but they never have them in stock in stores. I ordered mine from Amazon for this pregnancy because I also didn''t want to spend my usual $60-80 on a bra I was potentially only going to wear for a few months. So I got a few 32DD bras that were only like $15-20. Not the best quality but they''ve been fine for the pregnancy.
Date: 11/4/2008 10:46:14 AM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 11/4/2008 10:38:18 AM
Author: merrijoy

Date: 11/3/2008 8:26:45 PM

Author: neatfreak

Allright...drumroll please...

I apologize in advance for the outfit choice, but at least I put on a bra for you.
And for size perspective my chest is well past DD stage at this point...

Twins at 31w 3d...
I am a lurker and I love reading about all of your tales of pregnancy. I especially love seeing the babies! I have a question regarding breast size and pregnancy. I am currently a 32 F. I am 5 feet tall and 127 lbs. For 2 weeks of every month (eta, I am on bcp - Loestrin and Primrose oil vitamin relieves the pain a little bit, but not much), my breasts are in pain. They swell up/are very fibrocystic. My back hurts so bad. It is almost debilitating (sp?). I hate getting dressed when they are like this. This is for half the year! I love to run, but it seems running makes it worse. My breasts have definitely been getting bigger through the years - not because of weight gain, I just think some women do not stop growing till in their late 20s/early 30s (I will be 31 in January).

Anyway, I am just curious for those that are/were very large breasted before pregnancy, were/are your breasts in constant pain. Did they get that much bigger during pregnancy. I am wondering if they will go down after pregnancy. I would love to get a reduction, but if I do so before, I may not be able to breast feed and then I would not have that to help them go down and I may need to reduce after. If I don't get it done before pregnancy, omg, what size will I be? L, M, where does it end?

Also, do you keep buying bras during your pregnancy? I currently wear the Le Mystiere full coverage but it is $68 each one! Do you know no American companys make small band sizes (ie under 34) and bigger than a D? So you have to get from overseas companies and then the cost is a lot...Anyway, sorry, off on a tangent....your help is appreciated...

DON'T do anything before you get pregnant, that is what all the doctors recommend. Because even if you don't BF, they will lose shape and change during your pregnancy and probably grow back a bit. Mine were a 32D before and are now about a DD (maybe a bit bigger), but I am also having twins so I don't know if that affects things or not. I bought a few new bras at the beginning of the pregnancy (which is when I went up to a DD) and now just have some bra extenders that make the straps longer but my size hasn't increased again.

Also, FWIW, there are a lot of cheap bras available from bali, etc. that come in the small strap/big cup combination, but they never have them in stock in stores. I ordered mine from Amazon for this pregnancy because I also didn't want to spend my usual $60-80 on a bra I was potentially only going to wear for a few months. So I got a few 32DD bras that were only like $15-20. Not the best quality but they've been fine for the pregnancy.
Thanks,...Did you have breast pain before you got pregnant? Do you have pain now? if so, Has it been the whole time you've been pregnant? (eta, do you know the name of the bra you bought? I would love to get something cheaper, I wonder if it has the lining like the Le Mystiere and others have, I work in a cold office and like to keep myself somewhat decent LOL.)
Date: 11/4/2008 10:55:23 AM
Author: merrijoy
Date: 11/4/2008 10:46:14 AM

Author: neatfreak

Date: 11/4/2008 10:38:18 AM

Author: merrijoy

Date: 11/3/2008 8:26:45 PM

Author: neatfreak

Allright...drumroll please...

I apologize in advance for the outfit choice, but at least I put on a bra for you.
And for size perspective my chest is well past DD stage at this point...

Twins at 31w 3d...
I am a lurker and I love reading about all of your tales of pregnancy. I especially love seeing the babies! I have a question regarding breast size and pregnancy. I am currently a 32 F. I am 5 feet tall and 127 lbs. For 2 weeks of every month (eta, I am on bcp - Loestrin and Primrose oil vitamin relieves the pain a little bit, but not much), my breasts are in pain. They swell up/are very fibrocystic. My back hurts so bad. It is almost debilitating (sp?). I hate getting dressed when they are like this. This is for half the year! I love to run, but it seems running makes it worse. My breasts have definitely been getting bigger through the years - not because of weight gain, I just think some women do not stop growing till in their late 20s/early 30s (I will be 31 in January).

Anyway, I am just curious for those that are/were very large breasted before pregnancy, were/are your breasts in constant pain. Did they get that much bigger during pregnancy. I am wondering if they will go down after pregnancy. I would love to get a reduction, but if I do so before, I may not be able to breast feed and then I would not have that to help them go down and I may need to reduce after. If I don''t get it done before pregnancy, omg, what size will I be? L, M, where does it end?

Also, do you keep buying bras during your pregnancy? I currently wear the Le Mystiere full coverage but it is $68 each one! Do you know no American companys make small band sizes (ie under 34) and bigger than a D? So you have to get from overseas companies and then the cost is a lot...Anyway, sorry, off on a tangent....your help is appreciated...

DON''T do anything before you get pregnant, that is what all the doctors recommend. Because even if you don''t BF, they will lose shape and change during your pregnancy and probably grow back a bit. Mine were a 32D before and are now about a DD (maybe a bit bigger), but I am also having twins so I don''t know if that affects things or not. I bought a few new bras at the beginning of the pregnancy (which is when I went up to a DD) and now just have some bra extenders that make the straps longer but my size hasn''t increased again.

Also, FWIW, there are a lot of cheap bras available from bali, etc. that come in the small strap/big cup combination, but they never have them in stock in stores. I ordered mine from Amazon for this pregnancy because I also didn''t want to spend my usual $60-80 on a bra I was potentially only going to wear for a few months. So I got a few 32DD bras that were only like $15-20. Not the best quality but they''ve been fine for the pregnancy.
Thanks,...Did you have breast pain before you got pregnant? Do you have pain now? if so, Has it been the whole time you''ve been pregnant? (eta, do you know the name of the bra you bought? I would love to get something cheaper, I wonder if it has the lining like the Le Mystiere and others have, I work in a cold office and like to keep myself somewhat decent LOL.)

They hurt like heck for the first 12 weeks or so, and now don''t hurt at all. But every woman is different. I''m also carrying a LOT of baby up front, so it might just be that the pains associated with that are greater than the breast pain...who knows.

I''ve bought a bunch of brands. None of them are nearly as high quality as the nice bras from Nordstrom''s, i.e., they aren''t something I would buy if I wanted long term bras, but they are fine for a few months.
Are there any remedies to relieve heartburn?
Date: 11/4/2008 12:55:16 PM
Author: fieryred33143
Are there any remedies to relieve heartburn?

You can take tums while preggers. And oddly chewing gum has helped me recently...
Hi All,

I'm back from Sri Lanka - had a great time, although rather tempered by the news I got from work before I left.

Now back in the thick of that and to be honest not really coping too well. I had a mini-meeting today and have told them that I will only attend meetings in future if I am accompanied by a work colleague of my choice (I have one I trust 100% who is also the union rep) and that I want everything in writing. Things are set to get unpleasant pretty soon I think. I also found out that a couple of other people I really thought would be on my side were involved all along, which was rather disheartening to find out.

On the pg side, I've got an OB appointment on Thursday, plus I'm seeing my wonderful GP that morning. On Friday I've got the NT scan and blood-tests and then next Monday a case conference with my Mental Health Team.

I'm feeling incredibly low at the moment and DH is trying very hard to keep me going and staying positive, but it's not working very well. I have a feeling my GP will have a fit and sign me off work for some considerable time. I'm really stressed and torn over that as I worry it will screw things up more, but then frankly all I really want to do at the moment is go to bed for about 3 months and then wake-up and it all to be over.

Sorry, this is a bit of a depressing post. I'd love to tell you all more about the honeymoon, but I don't feel I want to think about it and maybe damage happy memories right now (I bought a lot of new pet rocks
), so forgive me if I save it up for a while.

Congratulations to all the new mothers and babies - what a lot I missed!

Congrats also to Robbie and to Fiery on your BFPs!

Indy, you kind of did go to Sri Lanka - or at least I thought about how you were doing pretty much every day, and much as I wish you weren't in your position, you are helping me to keep things a little in perspective.

I just want you to know that I am thinking of you honey. I am so sorry that you are going through such a horrid time. This should be such a happy time for your and your husband.

Merrijoy I started as a DD and now I am a G cup, I suspect I will hit a J cup when I start BFing. My breasts never hurt pre-pregnancy and the nipples were only a little sore for the first trimester (like sore in the sense of making DH be careful
). I am no doctor, but I bet good money that the pain you are feeling is related to hormones and you need to switch hormonal birth control, or go off hormonal birth control all together! You don''t need to be in constant pain, I''d move the earth to find a solution in your shoes, don''t just accept "It''s normal" as an answer. Granted, I have a 38" band measurment and so I have a much larger frame than you have, but my mom is a 34G and she has never had breast pain in her life. There are a million different cocktails of hbc, some may not cause that side effect for you. Search it out girl, it''s not worth being in pain half you life!

On the bra note, I buy mine from a local specialty shop and they are super expensive (~$120). When I got pg they recommended that I no longer wear underwire because it can irritate the milk ducts as they are forming, and I will say it is much more comfortable anyways since the belly digs into the underwire now. I just care for my bras well and wash them every 2 days is a special gently soaking formula, so the cost is ok since I don''t have many.

Pandora I''m so sorry about what you are going through. I think that if you need a break, take a break, and worry about the rest later. As Indy always says, one day at a time, right? {{{HUGS}}} PS: are you going to post your pet rocks? I''d love to see them.
Date: 11/4/2008 12:55:16 PM
Author: fieryred33143
Are there any remedies to relieve heartburn?
Tums are magic, and also I found that I could no longer drink fizzy drink AT ALL in the first trimester. Avoiding any type of carbonation really helped me a lot. Also, keep a little food in your stomach all the time. I found that my stomach was just really acid in the first tri and I needed to plan carefully to keep it from feeling poopy. You may need to cut back on coffee too
since it is very acidic, or perhaps be sure to only drink it when you eat something very basic to counteract it''s acid (like oatmeal... there''s other examples on google).
Pandora We are happy to have you back! I still can''t believe that in this day and age your employer is doing this to you. I completely understand about just wanting to go to sleep and ignore it all...I hate confrontation and being treated unfairly. It just makes my stomach churn.

Let us know if we can do anything for you, even just be here to vent!!!
Isaac and Samuel were born yesterday at 23 weeks and 6 days. The labor went smoothly and quite fast (after 5 weeks on and off in early labor, I guess my body was ready). My sons were born within a split second of each other. We held and cuddled them and sang to them and tried to keep them warm until they passed away, Isaac about an hour later and Samuel some time after that. We are so grateful for the fleeting time we had with them before they died, it was nothing short of beautiful. I will never forget their long fingers and their little feet and their sweet soft cheeks and the way they smelled. Our love for our sons is boundless and we''ll always remember them.

We will bury them together on Thursday.

Thanks to all of you for your company and support during this difficult pregnancy.

I will post this on the thread on ''Hangout'' as well. Thanks to Dreamer for starting that. It was a source of encouragement and comfort to me during the long last month.
Oh IG. I am so sorry. I wish you and your family the very best. I believe in Heaven and know your boys will be there safe and secure. You are so strong and such an inspiration.
Indy, I am so terribly sorry for your loss.
Indy, I''m so sorry for your loss
Indy, I''m so sorry for your loss. I''ll still be keeping your family in my prayers to help you survive this difficult time.
Indy, I''m so sorry for your loss.
My heart breaks for you. Your boys are loved every much and have an amazing mother and father. Your family is in my thoughts.
Oh Indy, I am so sorry for your loss, my prayers are for you, your DH and your two precious sons.

Lots of love to you sweetheart,

Indy I am so very sorry. I will continue to pray for you, your DH and your beautiful boys.

You, your DH, and sons are in my thoughts and heart. I ache for what you''re going through...I really do. I''m very sorry.
Indy, my heart is so heavy for you and your boys. Truly, there are no words... continued thoughts and prayers with you and your family.
Indy, i''m so sorry for your loss. I am amazed by your strength. I will light candles for your little angels after Mass on Sunday.