
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Fisher, I''m definitely bloated, but most of my work pants still fit (getting to be on the tight side by the afternoons though). I''ve worn my one pair of secret belly fit maternity jeans a few times, but they''re too big so I have to wear them with my tummy sleeve to hold them up and then I feel like I have a million layers on my stomach which I don''t like. Luckily I had a bunch of pants that were really too big for me since I''d lost weight over the summer. They''re not so big anymore, but I''m hoping they''ll be able to get me through the point when I can wear maternity pants without them falling down. The pants my friend gave me are amazing though and I might start wearing those immediately. They''re drawstring so I can tie them tight enough so they don''t fall down.

Yay, Lindsey! Yeah, most of the stuff my friend gave me is more casual than what I''d normally wear to work, but it''s not so casual that I don''t think I can get away with it. I''m lucky that my work is business casual and I rarely have to wear a suit.
I can still wear a pair of regular pants from Target, but they''re tight of course. But why are they tight around my butt and thighs? I''m not carrying the baby there! grrrrr Feel like I''m wearing leggings!
OMG Courtney you are hilarious.

But you''re right, gaining weight in all these terrible places are NOT hilarious. I''ll show you an example:


Here I am, with and without clothing, at 14w4d. i find it harder to capture the "bump" without clothing. The bare skin just looks like fatty fat-fats to me...

anyhoo. without further adieu....

and one more for the road...


OMG THE SIZE!!!!!!!!! (so embarrassed right now!) lol. SORRY for blinding you!!!!!!!

Mela- what a cute bump! Omg u r so tiny woman lol! Im just getting wider than I alreayd was and that''s wide!lol. My belly seems to be expanding from top to bottom not in the middle. Weird.
AFM- got my u/s this morning but couldn''t see a thing! Urgh. Ob said she saw them moving and dh said he saw it but it was such a blurry blob mess...she said the got new machines and next time should be better. Can''t wait til 20 wks to get upgraded to the upstais u/s place where they got the god stuff ;)

Neat- hangin in there??
Mela, you look so great! Really!
Thanks Courtney and NYC.
I''m feeling pretty good (aside from the 2 weeks of spotting
) - but I''ve been able to eat fruits and veggies again since the nausea has subsided.
I''m REALLY happy about that - since fruits and veg were the staples of my diet pre-preggo.
Hi everyone -- just checking on my lovely preggo gals :) I try to keep up w/the reading, but not so good about writing (it''s a bit hectic here

Mela -- great pics! your bump is adorable, not fatty-fats-fats looking at all

Sabine -- congrats!! my eyes have gone haywire and haven''t returned to their original state, so i guess i''m permanently blinder now -- and i lost my only pair of glasses the other day so i''m going to have to go back to the eye doc too, even though u aren''t supposed to until at least 3 mos after pg. In my case it can''t wait, so if you''re like that, i''d suggest you go too...

neat -- how''s it going? are you around or having babies??? i''m thinking about my fellow twin mommy even when i''m not here much, just so you know!

sbde -- you''re so close!!!! wow the time flies around here!

hi to everyone else -- one of the girls is crying so i gotta cut this short...

Awe, Mela, your bump is cute! Yay to being able to eat fruits and veggies again!

NYC, that sucks that you couldn''t see anything.

Neat is supposed to update me when she goes into labor so that I can update all of you and I haven''t heard anything yet.

Please send "no morning sickness" vibes my way through Sunday! DH and I are leaving tomorrow morning to spend Thanksgiving with my Aunt, Uncle and Cousins in NY. It''s about a 7hr car ride each way (which will really suck if I''m puking) and my family doesn''t know yet that I''m pregnant. I''d be up for telling them all at Thanksgiving (since we won''t see them again until the summer
), but my parents and sister won''t be there so it wouldn''t be fair to tell other family before them. It might be kind of hard to keep it a secret if morning sickness hits though. So far, nothing beyond food aversions and occasional spurts of nausea, but I know I''m not out of the woods.

Have a great holiday, everyone, if I don''t get a chance to post again until after!

Have a GREAT Thanksgiving weekend Robbie!!! Crossies that you don't get hit with m/s...
I have a good feeling that you won't - as you're already in your 9th week! HEE! ETA: My m/s started with a vengeance in week 5.

I'm re-reading the book "the Secret" right now and re-remembering the power of our positive thinking. So Robbie, just focus on how GREAT you're feeling, and how happy you are to be with the man you love, and carrying your child together
. All that good stuffs will prevail.
Robbie- so is neat already in the hospital??
Have fun in ny! Hope thanksgiving dinner goes well with u ;)...I know it will with me lol..can''t wait!
Have a great weekend Robbie - and fingers crossed on the m/s.

Seems like you may get off lightly. I was hit hard in week 6 - I'm now week 15 and still throwing up if I'm even a hour late with the next dose of my anti-sickness meds.

Cute pic mela - looks about the same size bump as mine!
Mela--you look beautiful! We have some really beautiful pregnant psers!

Robbie--sending vibes your way! Positive thoughts! "I will not puke. I will not puke."
Date: 11/25/2008 11:20:32 AM
Author: nycbkgirl
Mela- what a cute bump! Omg u r so tiny woman lol! Im just getting wider than I alreayd was and that's wide!lol. My belly seems to be expanding from top to bottom not in the middle. Weird.

AFM- got my u/s this morning but couldn't see a thing! Urgh. Ob said she saw them moving and dh said he saw it but it was such a blurry blob mess...she said the got new machines and next time should be better. Can't wait til 20 wks to get upgraded to the upstais u/s place where they got the god stuff ;)

Neat- hangin in there??

Hanging in here!
But pretty miserable, can't seem to get comfy anywhere doing anything!

I'm sorry you couldn't see anything on u/s! It'll get easier to see what's going on once you've seen a number of them, I promise.

I'm still here far no sign of labor but I have noticed other changes in how I am feeling and my DH says he thinks my belly has dropped a bit (but the boys are still way up in my ribcage so I can't have dropped that much). So I just hit Robbie up to be the official PS notifier in case something goes on soon!
Neat, I''m sending you my phone #. I just realized that if you have access to email, you''d probably have access to PS as well, so it might be easier for you to text when you have news.
Neat- im glad u hangin in there even though its hard..let those boys bake as long as they can ;)

Im ok with not seeing them as long as doc says they ok and moving and cervix looks good :) can''t wait til 20 wks!

<------14w2d...officially 2nd trimester :)
Urgh. hang in there Neat. Sucks that you are so uncomfortable
. Hopefully, it''ll all fade into a distant memory once your bouncing little boys arrive
Neat-Glad to see you hanging in there!

I''m feeling a little blah today. My friend''s bachelorette party is this weekend and as I predicted, no one is going. It''s the weekend of Thanksgiving. I don''t know what she was expecting. We had a chance to do it this weekend but she said no. So of course she''s feeling bummed so I have to be extra peppy on Saturday (so far only myself and one other girl will be there) and I am in no mood to be peppy.

I''ve been a grouch these past few days, in case no one has noticed (or if you have noticed and going what the heck is her problem). LOL Mr. Fiery isn''t too thrilled with the new attitude right now and because I have an attitude, I don''t care
haha. Fiery. I''d be willing to bet you''ll have quite a few more ''grumpy'' times in the next 9 months. lol. Our poor DH''s.
Robbie! How did your hair turn out????
Fiery, I like to call it "not putting up with crap" instead of "grumpy" or "moody".
Iwanna, I missed my haircut because we went to see Twilight and I didn''t take the previews into account
. So now I can''t decide if I''m going to reschedule or just let it grow out more. I think one of my pregnancy symptoms is being indecisive.
Fiery, great u/s pic!

Mela, you look adorable! I''m really looking forward to getting a baby bump, but definitely not the other extraneous weight gain...I just hope my future bump is as cute as the ones I''ve seen on here!

Courtney and Mela, have you looked on ebay for cute maternity professional clothes? I found a cute ebay store yesterday that sold stuff nwt for pretty reasonable prices. I''m not allowed to buy any yet, because I know once I start I''ll never stop, so I''m trying to make myself wait till after Christmas at least.

Neat, I''ve been thinking about you and hope you find a way to stay comfy till the boys finally show up!

My question of the it normal to still have cm?
Sabine - I''m not sure about the CM, and Dreamer (I presume) is away doing family stuff for her Grandpa...but I would guess that ANY kind of CM is possible! I had a lot of wet undies up until my BFP, and shortly thereafter. Since then, my CM has changed a lot throughout the weeks. Nothing surprises me anymore

As for ebay - I never thought to look there, but living in Canada is a bit of a pain in the As$ with duties, etc., not to mention making returns if something doesn''t fit. The way my body is shaping up - I feel like I''d have to try something on first. Unless of course, there are some cute tents on ebay LOL

Mom and I are going shopping tomorrow for a few key items.
Date: 11/25/2008 4:06:36 PM
Author: Sabine

My question of the it normal to still have cm?

Yup! I''m guessing you haven''t gotten to that part of Belly Laughs yet. She calls it the snail trail.
snail trail. ewwwwwwwwwwww. lol.
Sabine--Thanks! And I don't know what CM is so I'm not ignoring the question promise! Thanks for the suggestion to go on Ebay too. I'm going to need shirts soon. My pants are still ok but the shirts are not. Stupid bloat

LOL Courtney. I actually feel kind of bad now because FI's mom just called (she's been calling A LOT lately) and asked if I noticed he was tearing up at the u/s. And of course I missed it. Dang. He's a really big guy so when he gets sappy its cute (and hilarious

P.S. What do they do during the NT scan? I had someone call and schedule an appointment. I read online it checks for Down Syndrome but wondering if its an u/s?? Oh and getting a call one day after my drs appointment that just says "hi you need to call back to schedule an appointment with a specialist" made my heart race.
Date: 11/25/2008 4:36:16 PM
Author: fieryred33143
Sabine--Thanks! And I don't know what CM is so I'm not ignoring the question promise! Thanks for the suggestion to go on Ebay too. I'm going to need shirts soon. My pants are still ok but the shirts are not. Stupid bloat

LOL Courtney. I actually feel kind of bad now because FI's mom just called (she's been calling A LOT lately) and asked if I noticed he was tearing up at the u/s. And of course I missed it. Dang. He's a really big guy so when he gets sappy its cute (and hilarious

P.S. What do they do during the NT scan? I had someone call and schedule an appointment. I read online it checks for Down Syndrome but wondering if its an u/s?? Oh and getting a call one day after my drs appointment that just says 'hi you need to call back to schedule an appointment with a specialist' made my heart race.

An NT scan is indeed an u/s. They take measurements, mostly to examine the amount of space at the back of the baby's neck, which can be an indicator of downs. I believe they also do a blood test too, but not sure because we opted to skip the scan and the blood tests.
Fiery- nt scan is really cool in my opinion...they take a lot of time examining the baby and u get to watch all the beautiful details :)...they took 5 drops of blood from my finger as well..and that gives u a ratio of ur risk for downs..then u can decide whether u want to do the amnio/cvs (which is more invasive). The pics from the nt scan were the best ones I''ve had so far :)...good luck.

I remember the doctor explaining the tests for down syndrome and explaining that we didn''t have to do it as there''s nothing that can be done if they found something. But I signed up for it anyway. I don''t remember why. I think I just looked over at Mr. Fiery and he did one of those "sure why not" shrugs so I said ok.

Thanks for the note on the photos!