
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

HI ladies-
quick note

Lindsey-cute pic! And cute belly! We shorties do show sooner than others, I think- I am about 5''2"- although I have never posted a picture here I have been showing for a really long time- Also glad the u/s went well and you never had time to stress about it- yay. saved yourself some stress.

Robbie that''s funny your mom thinks you look thinner- aren''t moms a hoot sometimes?

Blen so sorry to hear about your dh''s job. I hope you guys get it sorted out whatever is right for all of you- but it would be nice if you could take this as an opportunity to get closer to family. any chance of renting out your current place until the dang market figures itself out?

Neat I was checking on hear earlier to see what the dr said about your bp? what ever happened? I guess I have the answer since you are on here with us. I will have to go back and reread.

Had my appt today- still every 2 weeks for now- I thought I would be moved up to every week but nope. I swore the baby dropped today as it seemed like I had an extra few inches at the top of my uterus and I was having soooo much pressure down below- It felt like ligament pains but in my vag area- anyone experience this? It was hard to walk. I dunno, the dr. did a cervix check but said I was long and closed. I was convincing myself maybe the baby was coming. I think it was wishful thinking in a way. Guess I''m going to be waiting a while longer.
Anybody know if a cervix check can stimulate things/or cause labor to start? My doula told me not to let them check me using their hands and only use a speculum. I asked the dr. if there was any other way to check me and he said no. He also said there was no risk to having my cervix checked. So I just let him do it. But I felt like maybe he wasn''t telling me the whole story? I dunno. confusing.
Date: 12/2/2008 11:28:49 PM
Author: pavelover

Neat I was checking on hear earlier to see what the dr said about your bp? what ever happened? I guess I have the answer since you are on here with us. I will have to go back and reread.

Had my appt today- still every 2 weeks for now- I thought I would be moved up to every week but nope. I swore the baby dropped today as it seemed like I had an extra few inches at the top of my uterus and I was having soooo much pressure down below- It felt like ligament pains but in my vag area- anyone experience this? It was hard to walk. I dunno, the dr. did a cervix check but said I was long and closed. I was convincing myself maybe the baby was coming. I think it was wishful thinking in a way. Guess I''m going to be waiting a while longer.

Anybody know if a cervix check can stimulate things/or cause labor to start? My doula told me not to let them check me using their hands and only use a speculum. I asked the dr. if there was any other way to check me and he said no. He also said there was no risk to having my cervix checked. So I just let him do it. But I felt like maybe he wasn''t telling me the whole story? I dunno. confusing.

Nothing is happening is the story! My BP is still high and was higher this AM than yesterday, but not high enough that my doc is going to take the babes yet. Other labs are all clean, so it''s only the BP. I have to go back tomorrow again for another NST to make sure the boys are still happy little clams and to do another BP reading. I''ve also been doing them at home, but not sure how accurate mine are...

And YES a cervix check can certainly stimulate things. But it''s also standard practice at this point in pregnancy...but it can stir things up if things are ready to get going. But I don''t think it would cause labor to start if it wasn''t already coming soon ya know what I mean?
Lindsey Also agree, please have admin take out your last name! I LOVE Lily, that was on our list for girls. I also really like Clara.

It''s funny that everyone mentions that people are not supportive about name choices. Maybe we''ve just been lucky to choose non offensive names or something but no one has told us they hate them yet!
Hi there,

I have posted my birth story in the Mommies thread for those who are interested!

Phillippa (Pippa for short) was born on 1st November. I posted in the Mommies thread but there was a bit going on over here! Sorry to be MIA-hopefully the story explains why some of that is!

Lindsey, I love the name Lily, but I''m biased since that''s our girl name
Didn't see anything in the forum policies about posting last names? It it's against the rules, I'm happy to remove it. Otherwise I'm fine with it -- I have a public blog with my full name, a facebook account, myspace account, and I design web sites with my full name as well. And you'll only find two google hits that are actually mine
I know that you gals are just looking out, thanks.
Robbie- that is funny about mom..but maybe she is playing the game too and suspects it but doesn''t wanna say anything bc she wants u to tell them when ur ready?? Or am I reading too much into that lol..I have a tendency to do that ;)

Pave- so glad they are hanging in there and everything looks good..I would be upset if I thought doc could disrupt things too but hey I guess they know what they are doing?

Neat- is there anything doc is saying as to why the bp is up but bloods are fine and everything else is good..or is that a normal thing that can happen? But sooo glad they still baking..even though not sure u r lol

Blen- sooo sorry hun about the whole job situation ..its such a terrible time but one can only hope things can''t get worse and will just get better and to have to deal while preggos though so try to stay positive as best u can!

Anyone have the 3D scans? still worried I will get alien-like pics this early but I want to know the gender sooo badly maybe its worth it :-?
nycbkgirl, how far along are you? I''ve had 3 of the 3D ultrasounds now, I''m 18 weeks. All of the pics do look a little alien-ish, sorry. But if you want to find out the gender, don''t let that stop you from having a US. Even in the 3D US I had at 17 weeks, the baby is perfectly formed, but at that "age" the baby hasn''t put on any fat yet -- so she looks a bit malnourished. However with the 3D US, it''s actually harder to tell the gender, because the amniotic fluid makes everything wavy looking. In two of my ultrasounds, they switched to a traditional view to do the gender shot. They look for the labia, and it''s much clearer on a traditional US I think. Here are two pics from my US last week.

The US technician pointing out the goods...

NY, I would wait on the 3D US...that''s what I''m doing. In fact, the place where we want to go for it says we have to be at least 24 weeks for the 3D I believe.
Thanks linds for postin the pics!...all I really want at this point is gender determination so I guess I don''t need 3d for that..and I would only be 16w3d when my appt is I think I should wait and cancel for now..and just do the traditional one..I don''t want to see 3d yet I think lol..just wanna know who im havin in there so we can start the name process..and with twins its extra exciting to know who it is..bc im crossin fingers for boy and girl! ob said gender only @ 20wks! I don''t know why she can''t do it at 16?? But thanks again for pics..does look like a baby but not what I want to see in 3d yet ;)
Thanks court- yes I will wait def!
I went in for the 2d US at exactly 16 weeks 3 days to find out the gender and there was no question at all. They really had to wiggle her around because her legs were crossed and feet tucked under her butt.
DD-LOL @ taking 6 months to get that beautiful bump! Someone today told me that I''m showing. I wanted to mention that I''m only 8 weeks and what they are seeing is bloat but instead I said aww thanks

Blen-Really sorry. I hope everything turns out well and I''m keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

Lindsey-Great belly shot! You''re so pretty! I really like Lily Evangeline!

On top of my back *still* being in pain, I now have a cold! Living in S. FL is great because of the weather...except when it goes from 80s to 50s in an hour. It never fails, I always get sick but now I can''t drug myself with Nyquil
Date: 12/2/2008 9:57:33 PM
Author: Blenheim
Hubby received news this evening that his entire office is shutting down, which will mean no job for him starting in a week and a half. So, I''m the primary breadwinner for the time being. He should be able to file for unemployment though, and by my calculations he''ll qualify for the maximum amount for the maximum allowed time (6 mo). We also have about 6 months expenses in savings. We should be able to get by.

I''m so tempted to say screw this and and put our house on the market and start looking for jobs back ''home'' where there''s a higher chance of him finding a job and where we''re near family, but this would mean trying to sell a house in a horrible economy and looking for jobs with less than a year at my current company (which could look bad) and while pregnant and showing and having to negotiate for maternity leave that''s not covered by FMLA. Bah.
Blenheim, I am so, so sorry to hear your news. I really feel for you both.

I hope that your DH can find something else soon (and here''s hoping for something bigger and better than before as well).

Big hug to you.
Robbie - I didn''t start parking in the preggo spots until it was obvious I was pregnant. I''m only 5'' tall and was a skinny minnie prior to pregnancy so I was a good 20 weeks before it was obvious. The only time I did it before then was when I stopped in the pharmacy to pick up my Zofran - to keep from puking on my way into the store! The story about your mom is funny!

Wishing all of the other preggos the best of luck!

Robbie, I think it''s hilarious that your mom told you that you look like you''ve lost weight. Maybe she''s just trying to get you to keep going to Curves cause she likes when you''re there!

Lindsay, great belly shot! I love your names, especially the last two!

Blen, so sorry to hear about your husband. It sounds like you guys have a couple of workable options, but it really sucks to have things up in the air at this point.

Neat, we haven''t heard much from you today...does that mean it''s baby time?!? Hoping the bp has gone down if it''s not time yet!

NYC, good luck with seeing the "gender" ASAP. I''m seriously dying here knowing that I''m not going to have any u/s till 20 weeks.

Nothing much new for me today. I was talking to the school nurse alone in the faculty room, and decided to tell her just in case something came up. She was so excited! I really can''t wait to tell more people!!!

5 weeks today!
Just a quick check in and then I''m off to get some work done. I had to travel for work today to a different location so I got to get a rental car. I love getting rentals, but today I was really excited because they upgraded me to a mustang! It seriously made my day. LOL.
Oh Blen,

You and your hubby are in our prayers. It will be worked out and you''ll all three be just fine.

Big, big hugs to you!!
Blen, so sorry to hear about your hubby''s job.

I need bra help. I''m currently spilling out of my 34DD bras (was a 34C before getting pregnant with the m/c pregnancy). I haven''t tried on anything bigger yet since I swear they just grew today, but I remember when looking for the DD''s that I had a really hard time even finding those. It seems like 34DDD is not a common size. Any idea where I can find one that isn''t expensive? I don''t want to spend a ton of money on something that won''t last more than a few months at most. What the heck am I going to do when my milk comes in?!
Date: 12/3/2008 7:42:22 PM
Author: robbie3982
Blen, so sorry to hear about your hubby''s job.

I need bra help. I''m currently spilling out of my 34DD bras (was a 34C before getting pregnant with the m/c pregnancy). I haven''t tried on anything bigger yet since I swear they just grew today, but I remember when looking for the DD''s that I had a really hard time even finding those. It seems like 34DDD is not a common size. Any idea where I can find one that isn''t expensive? I don''t want to spend a ton of money on something that won''t last more than a few months at most. What the heck am I going to do when my milk comes in?!

Amazon has lots of inexpensive bras in weird sizes. That''s what I had to do.

And Sabine no news/babies yet! Still here!
Thanks for the support. All things considered, we're in a really good place. We're used to mostly living on one salary, although admittedly it's the higher salary and the one that we're losing, have a decent amount in savings, and can get health insurance through my job. Our current plan, once he's no longer working, is for him to look for jobs both here and home while doing some cosmetic repairs to the house, and then contacting a realtor. But moving seems so chaotic when you throw a very pregnant me, or more likely a baby (houses take a while to sell here), into the mix.

My mom said that we could move in with her, and I had to point out that I still have a job here and that we'll have to pay the mortgage whether we're here or there. Plus 3 adults, a baby, 3 dogs (ours), and 2 birds (hers) in a 2 bedroom condo seems to be utter chaos. One of my coworkers said that we should totally do it and invite a camera crew in to do a sitcom. I just think my mom really wants us to be closer by.

I've gotten increasingly crampy throughout the day and ctx are getting kinda painful, although still infrequent, and my cervix keeps hurting, so the OB wants to see me tomorrow morning to measure stuff and make sure I'm not effacing.

NF - hopefully no news from you is good news? ETA: Nevermind!

DD and Lindsey - really cute bellies! DD, there's such a difference since that last pic.
Lindsey - I don't think it's against forum policies to post last names, it's just everyone's concerned about safety and who knows who could be lurking here. If you've thought it through and are comfortable with it, no problem. I love Lily Evangeline too. Clara's nice, but I wonder if it's too sing songy with your last name. I don't think it works incredibly well with a middle name of Evangeline, because Clara ends in a vowel and Evangeline begins in one, so it's a little harder to enunciate. At the same time though, Lily Evangeline is the same way and it doesn't bother me. I like Lauren but it does seem very 80's. And Natalie's cute.

I got my first rude belly comment yesterday. One of my coworkers told me that I have a really cute belly then asked me how far along I was. Then her eyes got really wide and she said "OMG, you're going to be out to HERE by the end" while holding her arms out really far. Ok, thanks lady.

Robbie - that's funny about your mom! And the mustang sounds fun.
Just when I got pregnant, the local grocery store replaced the preggo parking with Starbucks parking. Hubby was PISSED. He totally wanted to use that. He parked in the preggo parking when we were registering at BRU, which I was okay with because it was drizzling and we kept walking out to the car to try out car seats in it. The shorter distance was nice then. But in general, I'm not using it because I'm perfectly capable of walking and walking is (for the most part) good for pregnant women! If I were horribly nauseated, or supposed to be practically on bedrest, or were towards the end of pregancy and totally achy and miserable, or pregnant with a toddler in tow, that would be a different story. But at the same time, how many 20 year old guys do you see parking in the preggo parking? You have much more of a right to use it then they do.

NYC - good luck with finding out the sex. That's exciting! I hope it works out for you.

Gemma - congrats!
Blenheim That is so lame about your hubby's job, you are lucky to be in a position where you can weather that economic storm though... small consolation, but a positive none the less! PLease post as update asap about your appointment tomorrow with the OB! I am hoping you are just a big ol' wimp and too sensitive to the cramps, so it is actually nothing

NF Glad you are still hanging in there girl! Very odd about the BP, but if everything else looks clear it sounds like you can batten down the hatches a little longer, eh?

Robbie I bit the bullet and spent the money and bought ONE $120 no-underwire bra for my now G-cup
(*)(*).... I just wash it in the sink every 2 days using the gentle cleaner. It looks a little worse for wear, but what do I care?? And it is important to me to wear a supportive and comfortable bra. Lke you I started as a DD and got this one around 13 weeks, I think? I also went up one size on the back so it would last longer. It still fits, so it is possible yours won't get too much bigger after the initial spurt. I think I am going to buy another one soon and it will last until nursing bra time. Apparently the store I frequent, which is a specialty lingerie store, carries up to a J-cup so I should be fine
DD, actually I think I have a crazy high pain tolerance. I've been told by a doctor that I couldn't run through an injury not because it would further hurt things or prevent things from healing, but because it would be too painful. The thing there was that I had been running on it and coping just fine. And another time, I ran lots of miles on a broken foot for 2 months before seeing a doctor because I just wanted to get through the cross country season. That took forever to heal. After the broken foot incident, I've been a lot more careful about paying attention to my body and seeking help if there might be a problem. And period-like cramps are one of the signs of preterm labor, and I have a short-ish cervix to begin with, so I'm just trying to play it safe. And hopefully it turns out to be nothing at all.

G-cup? Wow. I had an initial growth spurt early on, small amounts of steady growth, and then another growth spurt about two weeks ago. I got some bra extenders which are helping, but I really need to just go out and get new bras.
Look for bras on eBay. Seriously. I wear a 34 or a 36DDD/F and bras that are $60 or $70 in the store are $20 on eBay, brand new with tags.
Wow about the cup size increases. I''m looking forward to some growth when that time comes, but I don''t want to topple over, either. I guess a belly will round it out though and make more like a weeble, who will wobble, but not fall down.

I can''t even imagine what a D would feel like, much less a DD or G!!!

My sister in law went up three cups while pregnant and she got bras off ebay, new of course, but it worked really well for her, and she was sick initially when her cups first went up, so it was easier for her to shop online than to drag around in stores.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. DH has his holiday party for work next weekend and there''s a specialty bra store out that way so I think we''ll stop there so I can at least try some on before buying to make sure they''re the right size. I find the whole sizing thing to be confusing. Who knew that DDD was the same thing as F?! The weird thing is that looking at me I don''t think you''d ever guess that''s how big they are, but maybe I''m just in denial.

I''m guessing that once I determine the size is correct I''m going to just have to shop online. Any suggestions on brands/styles that give nice support and shape and don''t look like grandma bras? I''m so not looking forward to this. I had a hard time finding bras I liked when every store carried my size.
Fishie - don''t worry, your butt may get bigger as a counterweight so you don''t topple over. It''s awesome.
Date: 12/4/2008 7:43:40 AM
Author: robbie3982
Thanks for the suggestions guys. DH has his holiday party for work next weekend and there''s a specialty bra store out that way so I think we''ll stop there so I can at least try some on before buying to make sure they''re the right size. I find the whole sizing thing to be confusing. Who knew that DDD was the same thing as F?! The weird thing is that looking at me I don''t think you''d ever guess that''s how big they are, but maybe I''m just in denial.

I''m guessing that once I determine the size is correct I''m going to just have to shop online. Any suggestions on brands/styles that give nice support and shape and don''t look like grandma bras? I''m so not looking forward to this. I had a hard time finding bras I liked when every store carried my size.
I was an A before pregnancy and I went to Victoria''s Secret to get measured and buy a couple of nice, new ones. When she told me I was a C, I was shocked!!

I personally love Gap favorite bra ever was Gap Body.
oh Blen - when it rains it pours. I''m SO sorry to hear about your Hubby''s job. this is such poor timing, all things considered. Combined with your cx''s and cramps...what a shi!storm. I can''t really offer any solid advice, as you know best, but I would say at this point - take the road of least resistance. It''s amazing how much stress can affect our bodies - so as Pauly Shore said in Encino man, "Stress less Bro".

I just quoted Encino Man.

As for your belly - you have THE CUTEST belly. Rock it with pride. Ignore that lady.

Lindsey - Love your names. All of them. My BFF is Natalie - so I''m parial. Lauren seems to be making a HUGE comeback lately. HUGE. Clara is gorgeous as is Lily (also pretty popular) so you really can''t go wrong. Have fun picking! you have a great stock pile to work with!

Neat - stiiiiiiiiiiiiiil hangin'' in there, you trooper!

As for boobies. I cannot complain, but I did just graduate to a "C" cup. From a small B to a full C. Not complaining, but hate that I just bought a bra that may only last a couple months. So on that note, I empathize. Robbie - sounds like you got a lot of great leads on less expenisive Bra vendors. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!

So, I''m slowly working on my push present. I cannot make up my mind, so I *think* I''m going to keep it simple with the notion that I can always "improve" it later. The project involves my 1.13ct, O colour Old mine Cut Diamond. I''m working with WF. Tee hee. I''ll report more when I have something to report.

Off to the flowershop for my last 2 days of work before starting back f/t with my graphic design job.
I''m going to miss doing flowers, especially during the Christmas season.

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