
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

hi guys- don''t know where to start as i am extremely behind...I think everyone sounds like they''re doing great except the couple of you who are having morning sickness- or maybe just one bluekeet? Hope it goes away for you very very soon. I''m with Pandora and would ask the Dr. for help.

Pandora sorry your bosses are making your life more stressful- did you get to talk to the lawyer yet regarding their last tactics? I am sorry that you cannot get the uppa baby very easily. I did order one and am very excited to use it- did you have a budget in mind? maybe with the current sale on the uppa you could justify the 20 percent? I dunno I agree that it would suck to pay it and I would not like that. What about the musty? I heard that is available where you are I am pretty sure and I remember one of the mom''s really liking on here. ARe you feeling better physically? I think I remember you said that you are or were feeling better prior to your letter from work. I hope that progress continues.

NYCBK sorry that ppl are bugging you about the twin thing- I could imagine it''s a pain- although I am not having twins and have no personal experience of IVF I kind of agree that ppl are probably just genuinely curious- It is amazing what ppl will come out with , though.

Blenheim, I am sorry that you got some potentially scary news at the u/s. It is not easy at all to handle these things during our pregnancies and I really hope that your news turns out to be a "nothing" if you know what I mean. How was the trip and how are your contractions? I forgot until reading back, that you had your shower too! What fun! We have been getting some nice gifts too- it''s so much fun, no?

Mamalala congratulations on your news! That is so exciting and you guys are already 5 months along. Nice to have you here!

Sabine, sorry for the scare on thanksgiving with the gas. I can''t believe how painful gas pains can be and how confusing too!!! I am so glad that everything is o.k.

Hi Neat- how are you? I saw you asking ? re: c section on the mommies board- are you scheduling a date? I''m glad you are getting great advice over there. What is going on with your bp now? And if you and the boys are all healthy- can you please tell us about your new sparkly you mentioned? such fun and takes away the feeling sorry for myself feelings I am having...

Mela- I love your coat, the shower pics and the stuff you made- I couldnt find the stroller cover that lindsey mentioned. I guess I didn''t look back far enough? It sounds like you are doing great- time is flying too, huh? so nice. Sounds like you are going to have a great vacation! We went on a "babymoon" this weekend- to San Francisco. It was fun and so nice to have some solid time before the baby comes. I just reread and saw that your spotting stopped- hooray! and also that you have a rash- boo!! hope it goes away soon.

Hey have we heard from Gemma- or Kay? I know Kay had her baby- did Gemma write that she did? I''m guessing they are just busy with the babies but I am a little fuzzy on the details for Gemma.

DD - congrats and good luck on your job interview- that sounds so great- Glad to hear that you are feeling well overalll-

Lindsey, congratulations on the u/s and finding out you are having a girl!

Kelley1975 Congratulations!!! Glad to have you here- I think that''s a nice space between children- I am not sureif I am going to be able to wait long since I am 37, but I would like to have a nice gap- we''ll see. Can''t predict the future.
My baby will have to go the nicu after birth as he has TOF and PA but I will try not to pick your brain as I don''t want to drive you crazy- I am 35 weeks and getting more anxious about things to come- I am also getting more ready to have the baby out of my belly- feel kind of guilty but I''m pretty uncomfortable and miss my sleep-

Fieryred- sounds like the bachelorett party went off without a hitch! good for you.

Robbie- that is so exciting you got to hear the heartbeat! I was really hoping and thinking you would but I didn''t want to post yesterday and say something to get your hopes up- I remember my 8 week visit and I was so happy and relieve to hear the heartbeat!such a joy!!

Courtneylub- I have some weird twinges of pain like you are describing- Im pretty sure it''s the ligament pain everyone is talking about but mine seemed to start alot later than everyone elses.

Cdt- that''s so fun that you got to tell your fam and that they are so excited for you!

Things are kinda quiet for me- weekly nst(had one today and it was good- said maybe I was a little dehydrated cause they saw some uterine irritability but I am trying to drink up-) See the dr. next week and then maybe each week after that?
U/s last week showed the baby was 4 lbs 14 oz. I am happy with his weight and am getting anxious in some ways to have things get moving. Got my first cold of the pregnancy and it''s kinda miserable. But overall I am doing great.

Ok well catch you guys later!

Suzanne 35 weeks today!!!
Mela, I''m 9w2d today!
Yay for hearing the heartbeat Robbie. Isn''t that music to your ears??
Date: 12/1/2008 5:27:21 PM
Author: pavelover

Hi Neat- how are you? I saw you asking ? re: c section on the mommies board- are you scheduling a date? I'm glad you are getting great advice over there. What is going on with your bp now? And if you and the boys are all healthy- can you please tell us about your new sparkly you mentioned? such fun and takes away the feeling sorry for myself feelings I am having...

Hey pave! It's been a long day. I went back to the doc this morning and my BP was even higher than last week (last week when it was "high" it was 130/80, then friday back down to 120/70, now today it was 138/88!). So the doctor is worried about it. But all my labs came back normal, so we are a bit puzzled. He's on call tomorrow and I am going in in the early AM for a BP check to see if it's high again...and if it is I probably will be headed to the hospital at least for monitoring and maybe for babies...we just have to see! No date scheduled yet as we are just taking it day by day.

As for my sparkly, it's gorgeous! I haven't had a moment to take some real life pictures (and it doesn't really fit on any of my fat fingers right now!) but here is a vendor photo for now. The stones are just amazing IRL. It's a nice thing to look at right now...but I don't want to wear it even on the 1 finger it kind of fits on because I am scared that I might swell more and have to get it cut off! So it's in it's little box right now waiting to be adored in a few months.

The contractions slowed down a lot on Friday and are still at most 1 per hour, which makes me feel a lot better.

Pave, I''m feeling a lot more confident that the shadow is probably nothing. The heart function is fine, and the function of other organs, which is the main reason we go the u/s in the first place. It was great getting gifts. There''s a distinct possibility that hubby could lose his job (his company is making layoffs) and so we''re really trying not to spend much money right now. I''m excited to have a car seat, and I was able to take some of the blankets back (I think we ended up with 14 total, but I''m not able to return quite a few of them - hand me downs, no idea where they purchased them, etc.) and use a coupon to buy an extra base for $15 out of pocket. I''m excited not to have to shop as much for clothing (which really does nothing for me, unless it''s hand knitted - I think I''m weird). And we have almost all of the NB/small size diapers that we need - about a dozen more prefolds, a package of disposables for when the baby''s still pooping out mec, and we''re set for the first couple of months. We got enough cash to buy a breast pump and a bunch of diapers, too. Yay!

About belching... my problem is farting.
And a bunch of my coworkers at lunch were talking a couple weeks ago about how rude it is when people fart near other people and about how they need to go to the bathroom and do it there, but I just can''t help it most of the time! They were talking about this one younger guy at work who walked into one of their cubicles, farted, then ran out laughing so at least I don''t think that they were talking about me, but still. I''m even more self conscious about that now.

Names... It''s a lot easier to deflect when you can say "How can we name the baby when we don''t even know what sex it is?" I accidentally let one of the name choices slip by accident last week (Henry), and my mom really doesn''t like it. And she kept suggesting a bunch of names that I really don''t like as alternatives. A lot of them weren''t even real first names. At least Henry has that going for it.

Sabine - I really like the book Beyond Jason & Jennifer, Madison & Montana: What to Name Your Baby Now for name ideas. You can look up the names you like in the back and see what lists they''re on to find similar names. One of the sections has alternatives for overly popular names, which gives Maisie, Indiana, and Madalena for Madison (I prefer Magdalena). I''ve ended up going to that much more than most of the online places, and I like it much more than the other name books I''ve seen. Just having a bunch of names in alphabetical order is a little overwhelming.

Robbie - that''s great about hearing the heartbeat!

Bluekeet - if it makes you feel any better, I only had to deal with morning sickness for maybe a week max. There''s hope that it won''t last forever.

Mela - that looks like such a cute shower.

DD - The "how are you feeling?" at work makes me uncomfortable too. As does, "How''s it going, mama?" A bunch of people are tacking "mama" onto everything that they say to me, which aggrevates me. I''m at work, people!

Maybe you could break the pregnancy to the people at the interview by asking that they not ask you any hard questions, because pregnancy brain prevents you from thinking. That''ll get you the job for sure.

Kelley - congrats!

FieryRed - that bachelorette party sounds like a blast. Yikes.

Yay for a heartbeat!!

How exciting!!
OMG that is gorgeous. Such a stunning band, love it. Hoping your BP stabilizes.
Hey NF maybe it is "white coat" high blood pressure... surely you are worried about it now so when they test it may be high! Make sure next time that you are given time ti sit relax and deep breath before they do it so you are sure it is accurate.

Blenheim haha! I was thinking of saying it this way: "I will need a special chair because of my hemmeroids" or "I''m sorry if I burp and fart a lot, I am pregnant."
Thanks for all the name resource suggestions!

Neat, that ring is gorgeous! Hope the bp goes back down tomorrow, but if it''s baby time, then that''s exciting too!

Blen, glad your contractions are tapering off!

Pave, you are getting so close!

I had a weird experience today. I was in the Harley Davidson store looking for a gift to give my dad for Christmas that will let him know we''re pregnant. The only thing I could find was a onesie that said "I love my grandpa" and I didn''t want to get that, so I ended up asking the sales girl. She showed me some more baby stuff, and I explained that I wanted something to give my dad to tell him I''m pregnant, like a teeshirt or hat that says Grandpa. She ended up showing me a book called "Why Grandpa rides a Harley", which is really cute and I bought, but as I was checking out, she told the other sales girl that I''m pregnant and getting it to tell my dad. I was okay with that, but then the other sales girl said "Congratulations! Were you trying?" It seemed really odd to me that she would ask that! And when I said yes, in shock, she was like, oh, that''s great. What would she have said if I said no?!? It didn''t bother me that much, but I did think it was really odd.
Date: 12/1/2008 5:32:06 PM
Author: robbie3982
Mela, I'm 9w2d today!
Awww yey Robbie! I had my first u/s at 9w4d and the RELIEF I felt after hearing that heartbeat was astounding. I felt so much better after that appt and honestly never doubted the pregnacy again after hearing the hearbeat. Waiting till 12 weeks felt quite easy for me after that. I hope your wait goes speedily.

Neat - DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. I love your new band. Gorge. wow. Can't wait until you get to wear the sucker for reals!
GL with the BP!

Pave - nice to see you here! Good luck - you only have 5 more weeks. Insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: 12/1/2008 8:55:22 PM
Author: Sabine

I had a weird experience today. I was in the Harley Davidson store looking for a gift to give my dad for Christmas that will let him know we''re pregnant. The only thing I could find was a onesie that said ''I love my grandpa'' and I didn''t want to get that, so I ended up asking the sales girl. She showed me some more baby stuff, and I explained that I wanted something to give my dad to tell him I''m pregnant, like a teeshirt or hat that says Grandpa. She ended up showing me a book called ''Why Grandpa rides a Harley'', which is really cute and I bought, but as I was checking out, she told the other sales girl that I''m pregnant and getting it to tell my dad. I was okay with that, but then the other sales girl said ''Congratulations! Were you trying?'' It seemed really odd to me that she would ask that! And when I said yes, in shock, she was like, oh, that''s great. What would she have said if I said no?!? It didn''t bother me that much, but I did think it was really odd.
Sabine - that is WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who asks that?
neat gorgeous band!!!
Hi Neat your ring is gorgeous! What kind of stones are they? I can''t wait to see it on your hand- not too much longer now. it reminds me of the bezel on your engagement ring. We bought me some earrings yesterday- about .80 tcw- they are sparkly and I am happy- not sure if it was a smart purchase but oh well(re: quality/price)- I will try to post pics but I am messing around with my iphone while I try to find the battery charger for my camera and they are not turning out too hot-

Ok so maybe I should have started this post with your health----- sorry. I am bummed that your bp is not cooperating right now- but I am glad your ob is on top of things and will check again tomorrow- your like right there at 36 weeks almost, right? just about. it''s still incredible that this is really gonna happen soon. Some kids were running around the toy section of macy''s screaming(well maybe not screaming but just whining) But i wanna buy this I wanna buy this, etc. I said to dh- can the baby stay inside for another year? shoot, I''m ascared. j/k well sort of not really though. At least they wont talk for a while- omg I don''t know what is wrong with me tonight. I hope you guys are getting my humor. Ok I better stop now before I say something I wll regret more.
KUP on your progress tomorrow. We are here pulling for you and can''t wait to hear the news when the time is right!!
Pandora, has your M/S let up at all? I hit 18 weeks today, and just this last week I have totally stopped vomiting, even without taking my medication. I still have an aversion to a lot of foods, and I still gag/retch first thing in the morning if I don''t put food in my mouth within ohh.... 90 seconds of getting out of bed. But it''s getting better! Are you improving at all? I hope that you do soon!
Hi Blen- I can so relate to the work thing as my dh''s first round of layoffs are like next week and he thinks he is probably gonna be on the block- It''s my first experience with the layoffs/being his wife so I am not sure if he is just being pessimistic or he really has a feeling if you know what I mean(he and his boss do not get along and he says this can be enough- also he says there are lots of good workers so they have to decide somehow). I will cross my fingers for you guys, though.

Sabine that is so strange that the person asked you if the baby was planned- ppl are so dumb sometimes. Maybe she had a baby that was unplanned or knows someone right now? Still totally rude. Btw, I love the idea of how to tell your dad! So cute. I have no will power for stuff like that.

Thanks Mela yup not too much longer- just crazy. you didn''t mention how is your rash? better?

Oh what about Lisa I havent'' seen her here in forever...anyone know how she is doing?
Thanks for the ring compliments ladies! Pave, I don''t know what the stones are. The seller (Dover Jewelry) said that they were RB''s, but they do have a bit of the chunkier look to them, so if they are RB''s they are an earlier cut. I really want to get it appraised at some point to try and get some more info on time period. All it says inside is PLAT. It''s 1.20 ctw, and I luuuuuurve it. Perfect push present.

So my paranoid self just got back from L&D because I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest. My BP was still high, but not higher than earlier, so that''s good. They did some more labs for peace of mind and sent me home. Apparently it is totally normal to feel your heart race while pregnant because of the extra blood. Who knew!

Hope everyone is having a good night!
Robbie- congrats on h/b yay..loved those moments!

Sabine- that ? Is worse than my twin? rude and inappropriate!

Mela- wow u had your shower so early? I don''t even want to think about it until about 30wks.. I hope u had a great time!

Neat- I don''t get what''s happening with the bp but I hope its all fine. Loooooove that ring..drool!

Court- I have those sneezing pains all the time!! I still get freaked out about when I feel a sneeze I usually pick myself up from the postion im in...but yeh its really scary..even though im sure its not harmful..I did ask nurse she said it was fine just trying to sneeze in a diff position lol

Pave- nice to hear from u..35 weeks wow! Almost there..just a lil longer ;)

AFM- same old here...still a little mental bc I wait for these u/s''s like crazy..I booked the 3d/ gender determination for next wed after ob hopefully will know who we have there :)
Date: 12/1/2008 10:47:37 PM
Author: neatfreak
Thanks for the ring compliments ladies! Pave, I don''t know what the stones are. The seller (Dover Jewelry) said that they were RB''s, but they do have a bit of the chunkier look to them, so if they are RB''s they are an earlier cut. I really want to get it appraised at some point to try and get some more info on time period. All it says inside is PLAT. It''s 1.20 ctw, and I luuuuuurve it. Perfect push present.
neat, those are single cuts and your ring is lovely! Is the setting antique or antique style? I cant tell, though it is obvious to me that they are indeed single cuts. Divine. Enjoy...
Neat-Beautiful band!!
Date: 12/2/2008 12:09:47 AM
Author: surfgirl
Date: 12/1/2008 10:47:37 PM

Author: neatfreak

Thanks for the ring compliments ladies! Pave, I don''t know what the stones are. The seller (Dover Jewelry) said that they were RB''s, but they do have a bit of the chunkier look to them, so if they are RB''s they are an earlier cut. I really want to get it appraised at some point to try and get some more info on time period. All it says inside is PLAT. It''s 1.20 ctw, and I luuuuuurve it. Perfect push present.

neat, those are single cuts and your ring is lovely! Is the setting antique or antique style? I cant tell, though it is obvious to me that they are indeed single cuts. Divine. Enjoy...

Thanks Surf! I was thinking they were single cuts too based on the way they reflect dim/candlelight type light. Gorgeous! The ad implied that it was antique (i.e., it said "Antique Deco Eternity Band", but no date was given in either the ad or the in house appraisal that came with it. But it was such a steal (after discounts I paid less than $600) I didn''t really care if it was really an antique or not! But there is a tiny bit of softness to the platinum edges of the ring making me think it is antique. Who knows. But I love it!
Kaleigh, Blen, Fisher and NYC hearing that heartbeat was awesome.

Neat, keeping my fingers crossed that your BP stays in check. That ring is beautiful! Great find and a total steal at that price! I definitely had the heart beating out of the chest sensation a few weeks ago and asked the Dr. about it at my first appointment. I was kind of hoping that I was past that, but I guess it can happen at any point during pregnancy. Even knowing that it was normal, I was still really freaked out when it happened.

Blen, glad to hear that the contractions have slowed a bit.

Sabine, that''s really weird. People say the strangest things sometimes.

Thanks, mela! I think with holidays coming up and everything that we have going on (painting, new carpet, new furniture, wrapping presents, baking 16 dozen cookies, etc) the next 3 weeks are going to fly by.

Pave, good luck next week. I''ll keep my fingers crossed for your hubby.
I''m feeling fluttering right now as I type this!!! I felt it a bunch last night and realized it was my little girl moving around!

It''s the strangest, but most wonderful feeling!
Awwww Courtney!! The flutters
The start of something beautiful!!!!!

Pave - my rash has not changed - thankfully. They look like little bites. I find as long as I don't scratch them, they are manageable. PS. LOVE your avi!!!!!!!!! So cute.

NYC - that was not MY babyshower
, it was a shower I hosted for my BFF who is due in two weeks!! I'm waaaaay to early yet for a shower. I'm still not even buying anything!! I think I'll wait till around the 24 week mark to buy.

Bought a GREAT pair of black maternity pants. I should really photograph them. They are SO comfy and stylish. Hell, for the price I paid for them, they should wash and iron my clothes too
. LOL.

Mela 15w4d
Yay Courtney
How exciting!

Mela-Where did you get the maternity pants?

My back is still killing me today. I may go to the doctor on Thursday but don''t think there''s much they can do. I think I might have pulled something. The doctor recommended I take two extra strength tylenols and increase my fluid intake so I''m going to give that a shot.
Date: 12/2/2008 10:10:19 AM
Author: fieryred33143
Yay Courtney
How exciting!

Mela-Where did you get the maternity pants?

My back is still killing me today. I may go to the doctor on Thursday but don''t think there''s much they can do. I think I might have pulled something. The doctor recommended I take two extra strength tylenols and increase my fluid intake so I''m going to give that a shot.
bFiery is is a sharp pain tha tstarts in your lower back, maybe off to one side, and then occassionally radiates down one leg?
Date: 12/2/2008 10:17:48 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 12/2/2008 10:10:19 AM
Author: fieryred33143
Yay Courtney
How exciting!

Mela-Where did you get the maternity pants?

My back is still killing me today. I may go to the doctor on Thursday but don''t think there''s much they can do. I think I might have pulled something. The doctor recommended I take two extra strength tylenols and increase my fluid intake so I''m going to give that a shot.
bFiery is is a sharp pain tha tstarts in your lower back, maybe off to one side, and then occassionally radiates down one leg?
Hi DD. No it isn''t. It''s just upper back pain, right in between my shoulder blades.
Date: 12/2/2008 10:10:19 AM
Author: fieryred33143
Yay Courtney
How exciting!

Mela-Where did you get the maternity pants?

My back is still killing me today. I may go to the doctor on Thursday but don''t think there''s much they can do. I think I might have pulled something. The doctor recommended I take two extra strength tylenols and increase my fluid intake so I''m going to give that a shot.

Heya - I''m in Toronto, Canada. I got my pants at a maternity boutique called "Kick". They are made by a company called Noppies.

Date: 12/2/2008 10:23:33 AM
Author: fieryred33143

Date: 12/2/2008 10:17:48 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Fiery is is a sharp pain that starts in your lower back, maybe off to one side, and then occassionally radiates down one leg?
Hi DD. No it isn''t. It''s just upper back pain, right in between my shoulder blades.
Ahhhh... sounds like big boobie pain perhaps, or shifting posture from the change in gravity
. You don''t need to suffer and pain meds aren''t the only answer... have you ever been to a physiotherapist? They are amazing at helping you figure out what is causing the pain and they give your excercises that I personally have found work wonders for back pain. You should try that!
Date: 12/2/2008 10:42:22 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 12/2/2008 10:23:33 AM
Author: fieryred33143

Date: 12/2/2008 10:17:48 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Fiery is is a sharp pain that starts in your lower back, maybe off to one side, and then occassionally radiates down one leg?
Hi DD. No it isn''t. It''s just upper back pain, right in between my shoulder blades.
Ahhhh... sounds like big boobie pain perhaps, or shifting posture from the change in gravity
. You don''t need to suffer and pain meds aren''t the only answer... have you ever been to a physiotherapist? They are amazing at helping you figure out what is causing the pain and they give your excercises that I personally have found work wonders for back pain. You should try that!
Thanks! I will try that. I was actually considering going swimming but as Florida usually is, one day its hot the next its cold. I''m hoping it''ll be warm in the Keys this weekend to go for a swim!

My mom thinks its posture pain too
Okay, belly shot time! Here is a shot from today, 27 weeks and 2 days. OMG, I am pregnant! haha No mistaking that bump now I guess! Still carrying long and compact, though... which IMO isn''t a "cutsy" as the really round bumps some have (Blenheim!!)

I think I am finally starting to bond a little with the baby!
I feel the baby move all the time now, and there is pattern to it during the day (usually about 20 minutes after I eat there is an uproar in there
), and we have little "interactions" that consist of the baby doing something odd and me trying to figure out what the heck he/she is up to!
