
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Awwwww....they are sooo precious.
You did good mama

So does Max look more like you?
Awww, your sons are so adorable. I just can''t stop staring at them.

My good news from today:
I''ve been looking for Craigslist for months hoping that someone would get rid of one size pocket diapers, and basically gave up last weekend. Well, today someone posted 13 one size pockets, a wet bag, and a couple extra hemp liners for a ton cheaper than they''d be new. The woman selling them tried cloth diapering for a little while and then didn''t like it, so they''re in really good condition. Woohoo.

And the aggrevating news:
I think I pulled something in my hip while walking the dogs in the mega amounts of snow yesterday, so I''ve been laying on the couch all day (except for the diaper trip). And then, a couple of hours ago, I started having some contractions that seemed less than 5 minutes apart. When I decided to open an online ctx timer, they went away for about an hour. They haven''t gone back down to less than 10 minutes, so I think I''m okay for now (minus the hip), but I wish they''d just go away.
aww blen so some good news (diapers) and some are more than halfway there mama..relax and take care of yourself! so are those braxton hicks contractions or what?

neat- btw..i think max totally looks like you
Hoping they calm down blen.
Good score on the diapers.
What adorable boys!!!! Congrats mr and mrs neatfreak!!!! Glad everything went smoothly and your all doing well!
Congratulations Neat, they are beautiful babies...much happiness to you during this sweet time!

Christmas babies, how fun!
Thanks, guys. I took some cramp bark tincture at the recommendation of my m/w and it seems to have helped. They''ve gone away for the time being.

Nyc, last we checked they''re not doing anything to my cervix, so I think so. But I keep hearing that BH are painless and not all of these are. My ob is only concerned if they get to 5 min apart and stay there, although I think my mw is a little concerned that they could cause slow changes to my cervix without making it to the 5 min apart stage. Hence the tincture.
Neat Congratulations! I can''t remember if I wrote yesterday or not but I was here ogling with everyone else! I am so happy for you guys and super happy to see a new pic today! Amazing!!!! Thinking of you guys.

Blen sorry to hear about the ctx again but I am glad you are in touch with your mf and taking care of everything. The diapers sound great! I didn''t even think to look on Cl for that stuff. A long time ago I was there all the time looking for a stroller, but I fell out of the habit. thanks for reminding me. We are going to try a combination of gdiapers and some kushies- and maybe some disposables too. For sure while he''s in the hospital I know it will be disposables-

neveah welcome and congratutlations!

Kelly thats so exciting that you got to hear the heartbeat. I remember how much fun that was! GL at the 12 week scan!
Blen- I don''t know what tincture is?? I hope there''s no need to worry here about those contractions...but I don''t like the sound of that...its the worrier in me coming out. Keep getting checked as long as they last...even though cervix looks fine assuming cervix issue needs to be caught in time if there is an issue. Keep us posted.

Pave- how are you doing?
Pave, CL can be great, although sometimes I''ll go weeks and weeks without seeing anything we need. I got infant covers off there as well, since we''re going to go with infant covers and prefolds until the baby grows out of them and then use a mixture of pockets and prefolds from then on. Basically, pockets if we''re on the go or someone else is looking after the baby (they''re easier), prefolds if it''s just us at home.

I was looking at the gdiapers at the store last week and I''m really tempted to buy an infant pack, but not sure if they can go into regular infant covers or if you need the ones that they sell. We''re only looking at disposables for while there''s meconium, so I don''t feel like buying their covers to use for less than a week.

NYC, tincture is basically an herbal extract. (I didn''t know that until she recommended I take some.) It''s available here at the local coop and at Whole Foods - who would have known? I''m feeling a lot better now that I''ve passed the 24 week mark, although I know that I definitely do NOT want to give birth right now or anytime particularly soon.

How much longer until your next scan?
Neat - thanks for sharing that scrupteoulishious pic of your babies!!!!!!!!!!! They are rediculously beautiful!!!

Blen - yikes. Those would have me worried too. I really really really hope that the bark stuff helps. Take it easy girlfriend...I''m thinking very calm uterous thougths for you...calm ute...calm ute.

Pave - Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Mela, thanks. I admit I was sceptical, but the cramp bark tincture really helped. Of course, if I knew they were 5 min apart and staying there it would be a hospital trip for sure.

I just realized that I haven''t posted belly pics in a while. Presenting my new belly and my new haircut, with a picture from when my belly was looking flatter and my hair was looking more pixie-like, for comparison''s sake:

Cute belly shot Blen. I love your new hair cut!!
Neatfreak those boys are lovely! Looks like raternal twins to me, but I guess you can''t really tell until the geentic test? Are you planning to do that still?

Blenheim boo hiss for contrax, but with such a large uterus already I am not surprised you are having BH!! You are bigger than me at 30 weeks! LOL!! No, you just stick out further, my uterus is still much longer/wider but fairly compact.

As for me: I had a "fun" weekend. Late on Friday I started getting stomach cramping and sure enough I got food poisoning!
Slep about 2 hours all night friday, then saturday felt like I had been run over by a mack truck. Barfed about 4 times in thay 24 hours, but was able to keep simple fluids down so I wasn''t worried. I will say that puking with a big uterus is NOT comfortable, and from all the stimulation and dehydration (it took until last night before I think I became fully hydrated again) I was having a lot of BH contrax. Very disturbing! So I know how you must feel Blenheim! As for them hurting, my m/w said some say they hurt and some say they don''t, so even that isn''t a good indication of how serious they are, I think. Anyways, I''m feeling better this morning but woe is me!! yesterday was my DH''s family party and it was going to be one of my big ol''bindge on sweets days for this holiday season, but I couldn''t partake because my stomach was still upset!!
I guess I will need to add another day somewhere to make up for ut
Blen- cute cute belly girl! I can''t wait til the belly pops like that :)) thanks for the tincture tip..will jot that down just in case. Glad you are feeling better don''t scare us like that ;)

My anatomy scan is dec 31st @9am...I can''t wait of course..goin nuts as always but a week left.
DH says that I already have a pregnant waddle, but I maintain that it''s the bum hip preventing me from walking normally. The funny thing is that just this week I was getting reactions from "the u/s must have missed one of the twins" to "oh, you''re pregnant?"

Nycb, it comes in both droplet and tablet form, and the tablets specifically said on them not to take while pregnant. So my guess is that it''s one of those things that you should speak with a mw/ob before taking to make sure that it''s appropriate given the circumstances. Hopefully your babes cooperate during the next scan!

DD, that stinks! I really hope that you feel better soon.
Awe, Neat, that picture just brought the biggest smile to my face! They are so adorable! So glad you are recovering well and enjoying your time together!

Blen, sorry to hear about the cx! CUTE belly shot! It looks like you are carrying really low!

Dreamer, oh no! Food poisoning is the worst! Take it easy and stick to all the bland foods you can until you are back at 100%!

I''m hanging in there with my cold. Vicks and saline rinses are my new best friends, and I already went through 2 boxes of kleenex with lotion. I''m freaking myself out because my stomach is hurting, and I KNOW it''s from all the nose blowing/sneezing, but I get so paranoid that it''s cramps instead.
Dd-that sux! What was the poisoning from?? I had it one time from sushi
..I hope u feel better.

Blen- o ok I thought it was just a natural product ..but I also hope I don''t need it ;)

Sabine- sorry about not feeling good..but lots of coughing and sneezing will give u cramps and stay positive ;)
Oh, Sabine, I''m sorry. Looks like several of us are kind of laid up this weekend, huh.
And thanks! I think I''m carrying really low too. I''ve been told (by diff people, of course) that since I''m carrying so low it has to be a boy, and that since I''m carrying so high it has to be a boy.
I''m getting a kick out of all the conflicting stuff people say to me. But objectively, looking at my belly vs other pregnant bellies, I''d agree that I''m carrying pretty low.

Nyc, it is a natural product, but natural products aren''t always safe - quite a few medicines were developed from things like herbs or bark because people a long time ago noticed that they had medicinal properties. I feel fine taking this b/c my mw recommended it, but thought I''d mention that you probably should talk to someone if you''re thinking of it because it may be contraindicated or something else might be more appropriate. I also hope that you don''t need it.
Hi ladies and thanks for all the welcomes!

I don''t have my 1st OB appt until 10 wks.... I''m around 6wks. When I spoke to my OB on the phone to make my 1st appt she said to buy the One A Day prenatals... they also come with DHA vitamins and to take both of them. (I have been taking prenatals since May though... just not the DHA)

So for those who take it.... I need some help!!! So far I have been feeling okay. Not getting sick but nauseated throughout the day. It''s doable. However, the DHA vitamin, when I burp it.... this is SO gross... tastes like fish. It makes me gag and my eyes fill up with tears. Now, I LOVE fish, but this side effect is disgusting.

I wanted to get rid of them, but then of course I read up on how good they are for the baby''s brain and eyes and I would feel guilty not taking it. Does anyone have any tricks that worked? I was thinking of washing it down with orange juice since that taste is so strong it should mask everything else..???

Any advice?
neat awwww, your boys are precious!! glad to hear that recovery is going smoothly. take care and rest up!!
Oh, i just love the new picture of the two little baby Neats! They are adoreable little ones - keep the pictures coming when you can Neatfreak - so glad to hear you are doing well!!!
Welcome Neveah! First, 6 weeks is when my CONSTANT nausea, my own version of m/s started. If yours gets anywhere near as bad as mine, don''t be afraid to call the dr. Mine has me taking B6 3x a day, and it is helping!

Second, I could be totally off, but don''t people take the DHA supplement for the same reason as they take fish oil? I''ve been taking the Nature Made fish oil supplement, and I definitely don''t have fishy burps, so maybe just look into a different brand? GL!
NF, Dexter and Max are adorable! Glad you are doing well! Enjoy this special time!

Blen, cute belly shots! You look great!

Dreamer, glad you''re feeling better.
how cute is your belly?

yeah, you are carrying pretty low.
good thing about that is that you probably won''t experience as much rib pains later :)

love your hair by the way.
Congrats and lots of sticky dust your way!

As for the DHA pills, I didn''t take any.
I just eat things that have a good concentration of omega-3 -- salmon and tilpia, avocadoes, DHA fortified eggs, almonds, and flaxseed on my P&B sandwich.
Congrats Neat!! The boys are beautiful. Glad you''re doing well.

Blen~Cute belly!
So, I''m completely guilty of lurking in this forum (I have to live vicariously until we finish grad school), but I''ve been following along and wanted to wish Neat a BIG congrats! Your sons are just so so adorable.

Courtney, re-read Pandora''s ''hint''.
Neat hoping you are healing and will be home soon. Your boys are soooo preicous am so glad all is well. Get lots of rest!!!
Date: 12/20/2008 6:03:43 PM
Author: neatfreak
You guys are all so amazing, so as a reward here is another picture from today! We are all doing really well, just enjoying our time together. Let me tell you that all the discomforts of pregnancy are so totally worth it when you look into the eyes of your kid(s) for the first time. Really amazing.
Congratulations Neatfreak!