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Thanks NF, for replying. They''re keeping her there until she reaches 28 weeks. I guess at that point they''re more or less safe?Date: 2/6/2009 6:35:05 AM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 2/5/2009 5:37:42 PM
Author: brooklyngirl
Thank you everyone for the well wishes!
There isn''t really much to update at this point, as everything remains as is. Still no dialating or contractions. The only issue is constipation and gas... and nasty prune juice![]()
NF - NYC wants to know at how many weeks you had the steroid shot, and what the reason for it was, if you don''t mind sharing. Thanks!
DD - NYC says she thinks of Indy quite often, and people who don''t know anyone in that situation, or haven''t been in that situation will never know what it''s like to have twins. So, don''t get offended by them, because they just don''t get it.
She will write more tomorrow (by herself) as she finally getting a working phone.
I don''t mind at all. I did have it much later than her though, at 27 weeks. They gave it to me simply as a precaution. It was the weekend that my perinatologist checked me into the hospital to be monitored after she found out that my cervix was very short. So anytime they check someone in with potential signs of impending pre-term labor they give the shots at my hospital. Turns out that I just have a short cervix because it didn''t budge one bit from 27 weeks until I had my schedule c-section at 38 weeks!
Do you by chance know why she is in for 3 weeks at least? Is something actively going on? Or is it just a precaution because she''s not as far along as they would like?
Ditto. The tests err on the side of false positives, so a negative is more reliable. I think the NT combined with blood work identifies 90% of babies with spina bifida and downs and some other baddies. That said, CVS (sampling placenta) can be done at 12 weeks which is a much less traumatic time to consider termination in the face of abnormalities, IMHO, and the added risk of m/c from amnio is only 0.7% when done by experienced people. So that consideration isn''t huge. But waiting until 18 weeks to do amnio would be torture for me!Date: 2/6/2009 12:57:47 PM
Author: mela lu
China - I can''t speak for you, but I know what *I* would do in your shoes. Nuthin''! Your initial tests came back good, so IMHO, forgetaboutit! I would only follow up if there was just cause to. Hope that helps![]()
Lysser I am not generally prone to anxiety, but I would also be very tired and stressed out from what you describe! So if it makes you feel better to know your reaction is NORMAL, there you go... that is, if you accept my reaction as a good indicator of normalDate: 2/6/2009 12:53:32 PM
Author: littlelysser
Hey ladies. I''ve been lurking around but not posting much. This pregnancy has been really really hard so far. I''m almost 10 weeks and yesterday had another spat of heavy bleeding, clotting, and cramping. Long story short, I went in to my doc and we heard HB on the doppler, but I''m just so emotionally exhausted. I''ve thought I was losing the kid on no less than three different occasions. And I think I''m going to lose my mind over the next 7 months. I''m just exhausted.
Date: 2/6/2009 1:15:09 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Mela- What in the world are TICK TIGHTS? Ugh, something new for me to worry about?
OMG I cannot stop laughing at tick tights. That does sound so much worse than thick thighs.Date: 2/6/2009 2:58:48 PM
Author: ChinaCat
ETA: Mela, very glad to hear you don''t actually have tick tights!!!! Sounds much worse. And I saw you in your bikini in Mexico, you look pretty awesome girl. No tick tights in sight.
Welcome to pregnancy Sapphire Cutie! You will be pregnant for the next 8 months and never really know that everything is okay. Actually, I am not surprised you had no u/s. Most people don''t get one until 12 weeks if they do the NT scan. Most people don''t see the doctor until they are 10 weeks! So start practicing the fine art of blind faith... it will come in handy.Date: 2/6/2009 2:28:57 PM
Author: Sapphire_Cutie
Well... I must say that Im very disapointed. I had my 1st Dr. appt yesterday and they didnt do the U/S like they said they were gunnaBut they took a history and had NO problem taking TEN viles of blood lol. They did schedual my U/S tho. Its on Feb 17th. FI is very upset cuz he wont be comming home from a buisness trip in Cali til the following evening. So yesterday was blah and i want the 17th to hurry up and get here. Its hard knowing that your preggo and NOT being sure that everything is OK![]()
Sorry! I forgot. I saw it originally and meant to post but then forgot!Date: 2/6/2009 3:09:22 PM
Author: Sabine
Okay, I just read a whole boatload of posts, and can not remember who wrote what!
Let''s see if I get anything right...
CDT, I''m totally freaked out that I look just as big as you do and I''m only at 14 weeks. I''m so scared that I''m going to be huge! I would love to look like you at 21 weeks!
Courtney, you are just adorable!
Natalia, feel free to come play anytime! For dating, at my first appt. I explained that my lmp date was probably really off because I had long cycles and that I had a good idea when I O''d...they held off giving me a due date until the first ultrasound, where I measured exactly at what my O date said I should, so that ended up being what we used.
China, we are definitely finding out, I''m way too much of a control freak to not! If I were you, I wouldn''t do an amnio, but I also didn''t do the NT scan either...
Mela, I really like Luna Vanentina and the boy name you had that I now can''t remember.
Lysser, I''m so sorry you are continuing to have spotting/cramping. It is soooo scary. Have the dr.''s given you any explanation for what is going on? Hang in there, and feel free to come here and vent/cry/scream any time you need to. I really LOVE Mira as a name.
As for me, I''m sick again and barely made it through the school day, but now it''s finally time to go home! DH and I were really looking forward to spending some quality time together this weekend since he has been ridiculously busy during the week, but now it looks like I might end up spending the majority of it in bed. Yuck.
Continued outgoing well-wishes to NYC, Pandora, and Indy (wherever she is).
ETA, Fiery, are you ignoring my request for hints as to your bump screenname, or did you just not see it?![]()
Who is her fave M singer? I can only think of Micheal Jackson, and somehow I doubt that...Date: 2/6/2009 5:01:24 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Fiery- Does it have something do with your certain favorite singer?Probably not, but for some reason it totally tickles me that you are so
about him.![]()
LOL! No. Its really just a bunch of letters together and then "bride" haha.Date: 2/6/2009 5:01:24 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Fiery- Does it have something do with your certain favorite singer?Probably not, but for some reason it totally tickles me that you are so
about him.![]()
Oh I agree, as I said I would be worried in your position too, anyone would! I guess the only thing to watch is how much it is getting in the way, and whether it gets better as your pregnancy progresses and you stop having such scary times! Pregnancy is hard for all of us, and it is extra hard for the worrywortsDate: 2/6/2009 5:36:34 PM
Author: littlelysser
DD - Yup, you were correct - I was on a low dosage of Celexa before we were TTC. I was taking it for anxiety...which is still around, clearly. I know a number of folks who took various antidepressants throughout their entire pregnancy and they have very healthy, adorable babies...So it is something I might consider. Although at this point, I don''t think the anxiety I''m feeling is particularly unreasonable given the crap sandwich this pregnancy has been so far. But I''m most definitely considering it!
Date: 2/6/2009 5:59:01 PM
Author: fieryred33143
DD-Marc Anthony![]()
That''s the baby! I started feeling it at around 16-18 weeks, only when I lay on my side in the morning. It will get stronger!Date: 2/6/2009 8:57:04 PM
Author: fieryred33143
I asked the ladies this on the bump but I trust you guys more
Lately I''ve been feeling as if someone is flicking the inside of my belly. It doesn''t happen often but does happen when I''m either hunched over (I have bad posture, especially when reading legal agreements) and mostly when I''m sitting.![]()
I''m only 18 weeks so I''m not convinced its kicks but just wondering if maybe it is?? I figured the baby is small so if I could feel the kicks it wouldn''t be insanely huge kicks. But maybe its just gas or something??
Normal normal normal. Unless you bleed or have intense pain don''t worry. The right side is the most common side to feel round ligament pain, too, which is common pain as the uterus starts to expand early on!Date: 2/6/2009 6:40:22 PM
Author: natalina
When you guys were first pregnant, did you have a lot of cramping? Ever since I was expecting AF, I''ve had light pre-period like cramps. I have not had any spotting or bleeding at all. Is this normal? Or could it be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy? It seems like it''s mostly on my right side.