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Date: 3/24/2009 8:49:20 PM
Author: Blenheim
Middies just left. Baby has moved up substantially since last week and I need to schedule an u/s for suspected breech.![]()
Nycbk, thanks – we are enjoying her. My OB is supposed to be one of the best in this area, so that made me a little more comfortable when he suggested forceps. Recovering from the episiotomy really sucked, though.
Sunkist, sorry you are so tired. Unfortunately, that does not change after the LO arrives. A was not crying yet when that pic was snapped, but she was wailing a couple of frames later!
Blen, I’m keeping my fingers crossed the baby is not really breech. Lol re the Captain Morgan exam. A really did have a lot of vernex – DH insisted on calling it “cheese.”
Taovandel, sorry for the frustration with switching doctors, but hopefully you will really like your new doctor.
Phoenix, that might be a thumb sucking picture. The Dr. pointed out A sucking her thumb during one of my US scans.
Courtney, thanks. I knew babies don’t pop out pretty, but it was still a shock just how strange she looked.
Snlee, thanks. How is your LO doing?
Amber, I''ve had the stuffy nose right from the start and it''s still there - basically it''s all the muscous membranes swelling up due to the hormones. Once your blood volume increases as well you''ll find a lot more than just the inside of your nose will swell up - the joys of pregnancyDate: 3/24/2009 5:16:11 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Sunkist, I''m supposedly 5w2d (I am soo confused by all these EDDs, going from 11/22-11/24), and my boobs are a bit sore, and I don''t know if the veins have always been here or not, but I see them- then again, I''m translucent pale!I''ve noticed my nipples went from itching like crazy to now super sore when pinched (or just squeezed)- not that we''ve experimented,
and now they look bigger, and seem to always be out, which drives me batty. I''m still feeling random crampies as well, not consistently like I was before, but off and on. No spotting of any kind for me as of now (knock on wood), nothing else different aside from stuffy nose/runny nose constantly and the jugs.![]()
I kind of wish I felt more symptoms, but it''s still early days yet. My first appointment is 3/31.
And that isn't the only or even the most important reason. It is a very emotional, vulnerable, and stressful time and you only need people around you whom you trust and who make you feel safe and secure!Date: 3/25/2009 10:05:50 AM
Author: fieryred33143
Thanks ladies for the input. I'm going to tell my nurses to be my bodyguards. I think at this point we can make sure she doesn't make her way into the delivery room. At first FI didn't think of it as a big deal but then I reminded him of where babies typically exit from and then asked him if he really thought it would be appropriate for his mother to witness that so now we're on the same page. We just have to come up with a plan for afterwards.![]()
It's my fault because I created a monster. FI doesn't get to go to all the appointments and since she isn't working she would ask to tag along. I didn't mind. All of the appointments were kind of uneventful and it was nice to have someone to chat with while I was waiting. But I think she sees that as her opportunity to be there throughout the entire thing. She asked when was my next appointment (you know, so she can ask the doctor if she can be in the room with us) and I told her it was on Monday but I'm going alone. She didn't say anything but I wouldn't be surprised if she showed up. I didn't tell her what time but she knows I always have morning appointments (because of work).![]()
Date: 3/25/2009 3:49:21 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Mela- Just hi!I love all of your posts- your names, your cute Etsy finds. BRU- BABIES R US!!!!!![]()
If you look back through past posts you will see this is pretty normal - you often can''t hear a heartbeat until 10+ weeks and it can just freak people out if you can''t get one.Date: 3/25/2009 3:07:32 PM
Author: taovandel
Man, thankfully only my FI (when I give birth, Husband) will be in the room with me. My mom and dad said they would happily wait outside and same goes for the in-laws. I couldn''t imagine anyone wanting to be in the room.
I want that time to be with our baby. Like you said, I wouldn''t want them to be ''hot potato-ing'' the baby all over the room.
The reason I have to switch doctor''s is because I normally only see a general pract. A friend recommended me to her gynecologist. When I met with my doctor--she ran all the normal test (Urine and Blood) and said she would send the information along to the new doctor.
When we made the appointment with the new doctor they said I wouldn''t even get to see the Doctor until the next visit. The first visit they would take blood and urine and prescribe me prenatal vitamins.
Like it was said before--I guess they only trust their own tests. I''m just disappointed because I will be 8 weeks by that appointment and I still will not have heard the heart beat!
IMHO there actually is a good reason to avoid having visitors in the first few hours after birth. After 9 months of being in his/her cozy cocoon, your baby is suddenly in a brand new environment, and I imagine it is a scary and confusing time for the baby. There is so much that happens in the first 30-60 minutes after delivery: delivering the placenta, stitches for you if necessary, the baby is examined, weighed and cleaned up, you may move to a new room, etc. After the initial craziness, you need quiet, private time with your newborn to comfort her and to try to initiate breast feeding as soon as possible. Breast feeding requires privacy for you (other than the nurse who will likely be assisting) and quiet and lack of distractions for your baby. Not all babies just take to breast feeding easily – it can really require some work. Your FI needs to sit down with his mother and explain these things, and he needs to do it before your next appointment. (I wonder if she had / wanted to have her MIL in the room when she gave birth to her son and tried to BF him for the first time!)
About 2 months before A was born, DH and I informed our respective parents that we wanted a week alone with the baby before we had visitors. I was in a different position because none of our family lives in town. If they lived here, I would have been okay with my parents and his coming to see the baby at the hospital (after I had a little time to recover from the birth) if they could go back to their own places after. Unfortunately, when they come to town they stay with us, and I did not want anyone in the house right when I came home from the hospital. I want to have at least a week to rest, recover from labor, and just let DH and I bond with our daughter and get used to our new life. The inlaws were actually ok with that (or at least they did not complain to me). I could tell my mother was disappointed (by the silence on her end of the phone when I told her), but she abided by my choice.
Tgal, thanks, I think she cleaned up pretty well too. From watching the baby shows, I expected slime (especially blood), but nothing like that! I wasn’t sure what to think when they first held her up for us to see – she looked like some kind of alien creature with the big purple lips and the white slime coating. This is terrible of me to say, but I was much more excited when they gave her a bath and handed her back clean so I could finally see what she really looked like.
Sabine, thank you! It must be so hard on you having to stand most of the day. I didn’t have that issue to contend with, but can sympathize with having to be high energy all day at work and then crashing as soon as you get home.
Mela, thank you. My DH is actually ¾ Italian, but he says he was born with blond hair too (it’s dark brown now). A’s hair is already starting to darken – it is now light brown with some gold highlights. Be careful about watching Baby Story – I had to stop because the episodes were just making me more nervous about L&D. A was 19” long at birth. I do not know if that is considered long for a newborn. She was at 26.5” at 4 months, which is extremely long for that age. I am a bit nervous because I am 5’ 10.5” and I was only 16” long at birth, so I can’t imagine how tall A will be if she keeps up this pace! BRU = Babies R Us, my second home. What the heck is a hoodleberry?