
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 3/23/2009 4:55:38 PM
Author: mela lu
My latest ETSY purchases
I''m addicted.

Awww, mela, those are adorable. Just be sure Romeo isn''t teased at the playground for wearing Mary Janes.
Date: 3/23/2009 4:58:37 PM
Author: EBree
Date: 3/23/2009 4:55:38 PM

Author: mela lu

My latest ETSY purchases
I''m addicted.

Awww, mela, those are adorable. Just be sure Romeo isn''t teased at the playground for wearing Mary Janes.
HAHAHAHA. "Hey Romeo - where''s Juliet? Plaaaaaying with your BALLERINA SHOES?"

hhahaaa. Sadly. That won''t stop me.
Date: 3/23/2009 5:04:41 PM
Author: mela lu

Date: 3/23/2009 4:58:37 PM
Author: EBree

Date: 3/23/2009 4:55:38 PM

Author: mela lu

My latest ETSY purchases
I''m addicted.

Awww, mela, those are adorable. Just be sure Romeo isn''t teased at the playground for wearing Mary Janes.
HAHAHAHA. ''Hey Romeo - where''s Juliet? Plaaaaaying with your BALLERINA SHOES?''

hhahaaa. Sadly. That won''t stop me.
OMG Mela that made me LOL

Those are really cute!
fiery, I like Flora! What does FI think?

Here''s what has to say about it:


Gender: F
Origin: Latin
Meaning: "flower"

The name of the Roman goddess of flowers and spring, who enjoyed eternal youth, is one of the gently old-fashioned girls'' flower names we think is due for a comeback. Also the name of a saint, Flora has long been a favorite in Scotland where it was the name of the young heroine who helped Bonnie Prince Charlie make his way to France. Florence, Fleur, and Flower are translations, but we like Flora best of all.
I haven''t given him the list yet. I''m making him a nice big meal today which I haven''t done in a really long time. And then bam! hit him with a name list.

LOL I''ll let you know how it goes
Congrats Mandy and Phoenix on your healthy little beans! Phoenix, your dd is my birthday! =)

Fiery, I like Bianca and I really like Lucia!

Mela, those booties are too cute!

Ebree, I get really bad heartburn as soon as I start eating, and I feel full really fast but also hungry, so I''ve been eating a little at a time throughout the day, or just taking breaks when I eat.

I took today off to recover from our road trip (after spending over 7 hours in the car each way and dealing with a flat tire, I really needed it) and I got sooo many errands done today (mostly to do with getting ready to move). I''m so exhausted now. I think it''s bedtime.
Date: 3/23/2009 2:56:04 PM
Author: phoenixgirl
I'm back from my U/S and baby is doing fine!

Yay for another healthy set of arms, legs, and a heartbeat! I can't wait to see your adorable baby blob.


Those healthy little peas are absolutely precious.
Mrs, she is gorgeous!! Parker is jealous of her hair! My poor guy is still just sporting a little peach fuzz.
Congrats and enjoy your little bundle of joy!
Congratulations Mrs! Welcome baby Sage! She''s beautiful! Love her hair!
Amber, congratulations!

Hope I didn''t miss any other newly pregnant ladies. I can''t keep up with this thread.

I love all the belly Friday pics! All of you look great! I really miss being pregnant but am nowhere near ready for #2 so I will live vicariously through you ladies!
DD - Ditto to Mela said about loving to hear from you. You''re making me really look forward to it, even though it''s going to be long, intense, and painful!

Courtney - still working. I have to work up until I''m in labor unless I have a doctor''s note, but my midwife said she''d be happy making up something for me if I ever feel I need it. But, for now at least, I want to maximize time off while baby is here which means working as long as possible.

Fiery - I LOVE Flora, Lucia, Augusta (obviously), Bianca, Allegra, and Marisol. Everyone has such great suggestions. I''m too tired to try to think of any of my own.

I''m pretty convinced that baby is a girl, and even went out after work today to purchase my first girl piece of clothing - this hoodie, in navy and kelly green. I think it''s adorable (more so in the other color), and it was only $5.
I''m saving the receipt and not washing it until the baby''s here, though!

Mandarine - wow, they''ve come a long ways in two weeks! Congrats!

Phoenix- congrats on the heartbeat!!

Ebree - I''ve heard similar things about eating from other women, but just haven''t experienced it myself. Sorry - that sounds frustrating.

Mela - I''m cracking up here picturing your Romeo wearing the Mary Janes.

As for me-
Earlier today, I was almost certain that I''d be in full-fledged labor by now. But I''m not.

I already mentioned my system cleaning itself out. I woke up at 3:30 and alternated between running to the bathroom and just laying there for an hour. Around 4:30, I figured that I might as well be doing something if I couldn''t sleep. So, I folded and put away 2 loads of laundry, washed dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and re-treated the butcherblock countertops. I went back to bed for about 45 minutes, just laying there, and got back up to do more laundry, rearrange the guest room, and mop the first floor - including under all of the furniture. Wow, I sound like a crazy woman. I was having some contractions through all of this, but not all that often - every 15 min, maybe? It was finally 6:45, so I woke hubby up, showered, and went to work. By the time I left, and for the next 2.5 hours, I was having contractions 10 minutes apart, and then 5 minutes apart, but I kept working anyway because most of them were pretty painless and I didn''t want to be like the girl in the Father of the Bride II with all of her false alarms. I was also having back pain, which can be a sign of labor, or it can be a sign of being up half the night scrubbing things.
And then the contractions got further and further apart, and I''m now down to like 2 per hour. And I''m freaking exhausted. I better sleep really well tonight, or just have this baby already. I don''t think I can take another two weeks of craziness. Or another 4, for that matter.
As for me-
Earlier today, I was almost certain that I''d be in full-fledged labor by now. But I''m not.

I already mentioned my system cleaning itself out. I woke up at 3:30 and alternated between running to the bathroom and just laying there for an hour. Around 4:30, I figured that I might as well be doing something if I couldn''t sleep. So, I folded and put away 2 loads of laundry, washed dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and re-treated the butcherblock countertops. I went back to bed for about 45 minutes, just laying there, and got back up to do more laundry, rearrange the guest room, and mop the first floor - including under all of the furniture. Wow, I sound like a crazy woman. I was having some contractions through all of this, but not all that often - every 15 min, maybe? It was finally 6:45, so I woke hubby up, showered, and went to work. By the time I left, and for the next 2.5 hours, I was having contractions 10 minutes apart, and then 5 minutes apart, but I kept working anyway because most of them were pretty painless and I didn''t want to be like the girl in the Father of the Bride II with all of her false alarms. I was also having back pain, which can be a sign of labor, or it can be a sign of being up half the night scrubbing things.
And then the contractions got further and further apart, and I''m now down to like 2 per hour. And I''m freaking exhausted. I better sleep really well tonight, or just have this baby already. I don''t think I can take another two weeks of craziness. Or another 4, for that matter.
Whoa Blen! Talk about some big time nesting!! I''m impressed!
Mandy the pics of your bebes are adorable!!!!! They look soooo cute
I want a picture like that :)
Blen If I didn''t know better...that surge of nesting sounds EXACTLY what I would imagine happening before going into labour. Hmm. Strunge indeed. Maybe someone at your work gave you some bad mojo and "scared" the labour out of you?!

I hope you do sleep well tonight - because if labour is around the corner, then you''ll need all the rest you can get. Try having a nice warm bath before bed. I find that knocks me out.


Someone take me off ETSY. Yoinkes. I''m looking at itty bitty leg warmers right now.


Ps. Fiery - how did the "name dropping" go? You little monkey! I love your scheme. Going straight to your hubby''s heart through his stomach. GENIUS!
Blen When the contractions are real, they will hurt a fair bit, even in the beginning. So if you are still okay to go to work etc., then it is probably still the prodromal/early labour preparing your cervix!
Date: 3/23/2009 8:06:53 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Blen When the contractions are real, they will hurt a fair bit, even in the beginning. So if you are still okay to go to work etc., then it is probably still the prodromal/early labour preparing your cervix!
That''s why I never bothered to call my midwife... I was just really hoping it would be something because I''m not looking forward to labor after a bunch of nights like the last one! Hopefully tonight will go better.

Mela, seriously! By the way, you just inspired me to add Baby Legs to my registry. Haha.

Fiery - meant to say, good luck with the names! It sounds like you have a great plan in place.
Oh wow Blen...things to look forward to! I''m the same on the plan for work as you are. I sure hope you get some good rest tonight. I hope you don''t through this every night!
Blen- I really hope you can get a good night''s sleep tonight. I can''t imagine having to go through labor after a night like you just had, much less several in a row! What am I talking about- I can''t imagine going through labor at ALL at this point
! Guess it''s good that mother nature gives you 9+ months to get used to the idea, eh?

Mela- OMG, the thought of you putting a baby boy in those Mary Jane booties is hysterical! So cute, though!

Fiery (and Mela)- I have to say that I am so jealous of your latin names! I am hispanic and having grown up with a latin surname and many many aunts and uncles with beautiful romantic latin names, it''s a definite soft spot for me. But alas, I fell in love with a German boy and our last name just sounds silly with a latin name. We were joking the other day about naming a little boy Alejandro Ramon Santiago Kohler (not our last name but close)- ha! Just silly! You lucky ducks!

Mandarine- two little peas in two little pods! How cute! So happy for you that all looks good! Are you showing at all yet? I''m curious how much faster things happen with twinsies.

Question for all of you (and it may be silly, but bear with me): Do I need to be careful about working a really long day at this point? In my job I am on my feet all day, and I really want to put in some extra time tomorrow because my team and i have so much to get done. I am the one "in charge", so it would be 100% voluntary. The catch is I have to be there 1p-10p, so I can''t leave if it feels like too much. I''d like to go in at 8am, so 8am-10pm total. I used to do this frequently (I really like my job), but never had to think about anything more than how tired my feet would be by the end of the day. Would this be risky? I have no reason to think I am high-risk, or anything abnormal. I''m 11 weeks 4 days today and so far have had no symptoms at all (knock wood), and we saw the heartbeat 2 weeks ago.
I hope you get some rest before the baby gets here!

I had my 1st doctor''s appointment--which was just to confirm my pregnancy. They also drew blood and gave me my prescription for vitamins.

It made everything so much more real! Can''t wait til I can hear the heartbeat!
Welcome taovandel! What is your estimated due date?
Date: 3/23/2009 8:51:28 PM
Author: natalina
Question for all of you (and it may be silly, but bear with me): Do I need to be careful about working a really long day at this point? In my job I am on my feet all day, and I really want to put in some extra time tomorrow because my team and i have so much to get done. I am the one ''in charge'', so it would be 100% voluntary. The catch is I have to be there 1p-10p, so I can''t leave if it feels like too much. I''d like to go in at 8am, so 8am-10pm total. I used to do this frequently (I really like my job), but never had to think about anything more than how tired my feet would be by the end of the day. Would this be risky? I have no reason to think I am high-risk, or anything abnormal. I''m 11 weeks 4 days today and so far have had no symptoms at all (knock wood), and we saw the heartbeat 2 weeks ago.

Nat - I''m no expert, but I would say don''t overdo it. I would listen to what your gut feeling is - and go with it. If your gut tells you to get up at 4:30am and clean the house like a MollyMaid (ahem, blen
) then by all means....but if you are at all second guessing your body, then err on the side of caution. The first trimester is hard enough (with all the baby''s major systems developing) without taxing your body unecessarily. In the end, do what you think is right. I just worry about you because you feel so "normal" that you may overdo it without realizing it
my expected due date is November 18th or 19th.

My birthday is November 22nd.

In related news, my EDD is May 22

my birthday is May 14

oh, and I was born on Mother''s Day. My baby *could* come on Mother''s Day too.
Mela- thanks for your input. I guess I''ll play it by ear. And my birthday is May 27th, so maybe your little one will be a bit late and we will share! I''ve always loved my birthday because it''s usually Memorial Day weekend- family, cookouts, weekends at the lake...
. Although, I guess that holiday wouldn''t apply in Canada? Umm, yeah, history was never my best subject....

Tao- my mom''s bday is Nov 22, too!
I slept a lot better last night, phew. I''m off to work now.
Date: 3/24/2009 7:25:30 AM
Author: Blenheim
I slept a lot better last night, phew. I''m off to work now.

Have a good day at work, Blen!!

How wonderful that your babies are doing well. And goodness, they have grown a ton since your last ultrasound!! They look like babies now!! (I mean, if you kind of squint a little.)
So excited for you, and to know they''re in their own sacs is wonderful. That''s part of the biggest stress/scare of having twins, so I''m totally thrilled for you!!!
My EDD is due date is April 30th and my b-day is April 27th! My dad''s is April 26th and there''s a funny story behind that. My dad was working on his birthday when my mom was pregnant with me. His friends called him to tell him my mom was in labor, so he rushed home from work to find my mom NOT in labor, but a surprise party for him. The next day when he got the call that my mom was truly in labor, he didn''t beileve them. Took a while for them to convince him! I thought it would be funny if Alila were born on the 28th.
Fiery, I LOVE Flora as a name - it was my number one girl's name choice for years and years, but DH didn't like it and it didn't go well with his surname. I was so sad to have to give it up.

It's also great if you have Spanish in-laws as it's impossible to massacre - or at least it was in Italian.

Blen, sounds like things are hotting up there - I'm thinking girl for you as well.

Mela, my CD buddy, I love the booties - so cute! I'm glad you are looking forward to the birth, can you look forward to it for me too please

I'm seeing my physio on Thursday and I'm going to beg and plead for an injection of anaesthetic and cortisone into the costovertabral joint in my back (since I've discovered it's totally safe in pregnancy) - it is starting to ruin my life. I can't sit easily anymore, I can barely walk or stand and since it hurts to lie on my left side and I'm too big to lie on my back anymore I'm forced to sleep on my right side all the time. I ended up crying all round the supermarket on Sunday afternoon and DH is not good when I'm in pain (bodes well for labour
) and stressed about it. I am just desperate at this point and not sure I can do another 8 weeks of it without upping my codeine intake to levels that they want to avoid. Sorry, I'm being pathetic and whingy at the moment...

ETA: I'm an August birthday and DH is November, but my father is 70 on May 5th, DH's father's birthday is May 25th, DH's grandmother will be 95 on May 18th (she was conceived on my grandmother's 91st birthday
) and one of our best friends who is desperate for a baby, but his gf says no at the moment (she is 25 years younger than him) is 55 on May 23rd - same day that my brother gets married, so we have a lot of people hoping for Daisy to share their birthday.

EDD is the 19th May. I'd be really happy if it was May 5th or May 18th - May 5th is very appealing right now!

32 weeks today.
Good Morning Ladies

It''s a rainy day and I really want Starbucks but I didn''t want to get my hair wet. Boo. On a sort of baby related note, besides wanting to keep my house clean I am also nesting by wanting to cook and bake. The problem is that I''m not a cook
. So yesterday I made FI steak and onions with mashed potatoes. As simple as that sounds it took me forever but it came out really well. Now I get the whole engagement chicken thing. The man was happy

Blen-I love that hoodie! It is too cute!! I''m glad you were able to get some rest last night. You def. deserve it.

Mela-Of all the names he only vetoed 3
. He was in such a good mood he even started talking about what to do with the nursery! Quick someone give me a dummy-proof recipe for meatloaf!
That would be such a great mother''s day gift for you

Natalina-It''s hard to say because everyone''s body is different. Up until this past Sunday I was able to stay on my feet for a long time. I can''t do that anymore. But your body will tell you when you''ve overdone it. I would make sure to keep a bottle of water around you so that it helps with any swelling (just in case) and try to take a few 15 minute breaks.

Tao-Congrats on the 1st appointment!

My EDD is July and my birthday is in January. Before we were, um, surprised by the news
Mr. Fiery always talked about trying to conceive in either March or April so that we can have a January baby. Aside from it not working that way, I have absolutely no idea why he thinks it would be a good idea to have 3 Capricorns in the house (he''s also a January baby).