
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Sabine, are you going to keep working after the baby is born? I''m facing that dilemma right now.

Fiery, I agree that you''ve just got to put your foot down. I''d say something like, "Oh, I didn''t mean to say that they wouldn''t allow more than one person, just that that''s the most I''m comfortable with. I really don''t want an audience when I''m giving birth so I''m going to limit it to my husband and mom." Then if she pushes it, just don''t call her until the baby is born.

I''ve been worrying about the next event I think could involve my unstable MIL . . . the (admittedly months away) baby shower. I''d like to have it at FIL''s house, but think he wouldn''t be comfortable with her there. When she''s not raging about how we won''t meet her dangerous felon husband, she alternately cries about how she still loves FIL and wishes she could have made him happy (when she broke up the marriage because of her emotional affair). No joke. She''s that crazy. Who says that to their kids? I was resigning myself to just having to suck it up and invite her . . . she''s the baby''s grandmother after all . . . but I''ve decided, no, there are no "musts" when it comes to instability. She threw me a wedding shower just to have the felon "accidentally" show up, thus forcing me to meet him. When I hosted Thanksgiving, she stormed out screaming at me just because I told her that no, nothing had changed, I still wouldn''t him. Then she ignored me for 9 months after sending me a harsh email to which I didn''t respond. She has never acknowledged what is wrong with her actions, never apologized . . . I would be a fool to expect her not to ruin my baby shower too. If DH feels strongly about it, then the three of us are going to have to sit down and speak honestly, and she will have to accept our boundaries (still no guarantee, but better than the fake relationship we have now). But if he wants to continue just having lunch with her every so often and giving her the run around the rest of the time without addressing the elephant in the room, then I won''t take the chance of her ruining anything for me and the baby from now on.
Ok, quick update from me.

Had my 20 week appointment yesterday, everything looks good. This was not the 20 week scan, that''s not till next week. But my AFP test numbers came back great, and they had to retest my thyroid and that number was normal. I have gained 10 lbs
. I know that''s not necessarily a lot, but it still sounds weird to hear.

I am a bit nervous about the scan. I had a friend recently lose her baby at 19 weeks- which I think perhaps was a termination due to the amnio results. The loss in of itself had me in tears for days. But on top of it thinking it was b/c of something wrong is throwing me off. Then a girl I work with came into my office today and went on and on about how I "had" to do the amnio b/c of her nephew and his disabilities- which she then proceeded to describe in great detail. I know everyone has different opinions and I usually can shrug off other people, but I am a bit freaked out about the fact that I didn''t do the amnio. There''s nothing I can do about it now, and I know why I made my decision, but am feeling a bit sensitive about it today.

Other than that, things are pretty good. I was visiting my 2 best friends this weekend for my birthday. They are both about 8 months preggo and this is the first time we''ve all been together pregnant. It was so much fun. They are HUGE though- just the bellies- but I am SO not prepared for that!!! Somehow bellies on PS never look that big! Funny thing was when I first got there, everyone was like I can''t even tell you''re pregnant, but by the end of the weekend it was obvious. Funny how it changes so quickly!!

Only thing- I have some pretty intense pain in my right ribs. Feels really really sore, even just sitting here. Had it yesterday, then it was gone and now it''s back. Anyone experience this or know what it is? Ribcage expanding maybe? Man, it HURTS!
STILL not feeling the little wiggle worm, but am feeling some light fluttering, so hopefully soon.

Sorry for the personal ramble.
Date: 3/25/2009 4:35:42 PM
Author: Kay

What the heck is a hoodleberry?

hahha. I make up words all the time. Adding ''berry'' to anything makes for a fun new word.

I also like to rename people or things. Ex BFs all got renamed. That way, when I refer to them in my head, there is no ''association'' (negative or positive) to them. Just plain fact: ie.e "Ahhhh, BRU! "Gordon" works there!" See, no feeling. lol.

Anything can also be called a "how-are-ya". That''s an awesome one. ie. "Husband dearest, can you please pass me the how-are-ya over there? Thanks."

Have I given away too much? Who still wants to be my friend? hahaha
Date: 3/25/2009 4:49:45 PM
Author: mela lu

Date: 3/25/2009 4:35:42 PM
Author: Kay

What the heck is a hoodleberry?

hahha. I make up words all the time. Adding ''berry'' to anything makes for a fun new word.

I also like to rename people or things. Ex BFs all got renamed. That way, when I refer to them in my head, there is no ''association'' (negative or positive) to them. Just plain fact: ie.e ''Ahhhh, BRU! ''Gordon'' works there!'' See, no feeling. lol.

Anything can also be called a ''how-are-ya''. That''s an awesome one. ie. ''Husband dearest, can you please pass me the how-are-ya over there? Thanks.''

Have I given away too much? Who still wants to be my friend? hahaha
ROFL, that''s hilarious! I''ll still be your friend -- I like a little zaniness in my life.

ChinaCat, I had weird rib pain in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. I think it is from the muscles and tendons in that area being stretched.
Mela- I think I''m on your wavelength, cause I just follow right along with your made up words and don''t even think twice about them. Though now that it''s been brought to my attention, your posts do take on a Dr.Seuss quality- I love it!!!! I will totally still be your friend. You make me laugh.

Kay- Thanks for the rib info. Probably what it is, but man it hurts!!! Just one of the many lovely parts of being preggo, I guess!
Date: 3/25/2009 6:11:21 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Mela- I think I'm on your wavelength, cause I just follow right along with your made up words and don't even think twice about them. Though now that it's been brought to my attention, your posts do take on a Dr.Seuss quality- I love it!!!! I will totally still be your friend. You make me laugh.

Kay- Thanks for the rib info. Probably what it is, but man it hurts!!! Just one of the many lovely parts of being preggo, I guess!
China, have a google of 'rib flare'.

I really hope it's not - it's what I have... originally at the front and back. Like a pain just below my right-hand boob and exactly the same spot on my back (about an inch to the right of my spine. It started around 20 weeks and has just got worse and worse - it's why I'm going in to beg for a facet joint injection tomorrow.

The only exercise the physio could suggest was to raise the arm on the bad side over your head and bend towards the good side. It does help - but there is only so much time you can hold your arm above your head!

It happens where your ribcage starts expanding and the joint where your ribs attach to the vertebrae gets inflamed. The cure is anti-inflammatories which you can't have when you are preggo.
I'm told it goes away when the baby is born.

Heat works well for me - plus having a cushion to put behind that bit of your back, especially in the car. I've tried acupuncture but it didn't seem to work too well sadly and DH is getting good at massage!

I really hope that it isn't this, or that yours goes away!
China - I forget when, but I spent about half a week convinced I had mysteriously broken a rib. I don't think that they do much for broken ribs, so I never got it checked out, and then it went away on its own. EDIT - just read what Pandora said, and I had back pain in about the same location in my back along with it. If it gives you any encouragement, mine did go away on its own after about a week. It was just BRUTAL while it was still going on.

Fiery - I agree that your FI needs to step up and set boundaries with his mom. How aggrevating. Studies have shown that labor slows down with a bigger audience or if you don't feel safe, which is yet another argument for not having her there. I really don't get why people just assume that they can come and see that - it's so intimate, why would they automatically be involved?

Pregnancy rage - Oh yeah. I feel like I've done a remarkably good job controlling it, but I feel pissed off at someone about 50% of the time. I also gave a supervisor an extreme death glare today. It's the same one who was bragging about only gaining 25 lbs with twins and criticizing my weight gain - someone mentioned to her that I'm planning on a home birth, and she looked at me and said, "Oh really? Well afterwards, you'll have to let me know how that turns out for you."

Mela - yowchers. Getting baby headdown - inversion (visit, using heat/cold/music to guide baby into position, ECV, chiropractic stuff, acupuncture. In general it has pretty good success rates, but obviously not 100%. And I feel you on the itchy skin - I can't sleep half the time because I feel too itchy. I've given up wearing a shirt to bed which helps some.

Tao- it's aggrevating, but that sounds pretty normal. I'm not sure why they won't just let you send your old records so that they can see that they already did that testing though.

Kay - I'm surprised - I would have thought that Alexis was longer than that from the picture! I think that 20 inches is about average. But she looks soooo long.

My "breech" baby was hiccuping in my left hip last night. It was late enough that I just shot off an email to my middie instead of calling her. With the hiccups, the location of the heartbeat, and the position of the legs, she's now thinking its vertex (left occult posterior). Instead of cramming in an u/s, we're going to meet over the weekend for another exam to verify. Maybe we'll even get to do a bit more Captain Morgan action.
She said that if I go into labor before then (which she doubts), the baby should move down plus my cervix will be thin enough that she'll be able to feel the baby's head/butt through it, so we'd be able to confirm vertex at that point.

Dh and I have lately moved from using normal terminology for "DTD"/"BD"/"GOF"/what-have-you to calling it "making a prostaglandin deposit". Are we sexy or what?

Wanted to check in with you. I remember you saying your work was super busy this week, and I''m sure that''s all that has you away, but I''ve gotten used to seeing your posts pretty frequently, and just wanted to let you know we''re thinking about you and your hubby and your baby!!
Blen, Pandora- Thanks for the input. Geez, Pandora, you can''t catch a break can you????? Well after your description, I am really really hoping it''s what Blen had! Right now it comes and goes and it''s only in the front, not in my back. But I am going to pay attention. Ugh.

Blen- Your posts are getting crabbier and funnier! So is vertex better than breech? I assume so, but don''t know what vertex is.
China - I don't know much about baby positions, so I found this helpful website that describes them:

Blen - interesting you mention the hiccups. My baby just had hiccups on the lower left side too. Am I to assume that the location of the hiccups are in line with the baby's ribcage? I'm trying to get familiar with baby so that I can get a better understanding of its positioning. I always, ONLY, EVVVVVVVVVVVVvER get kicks on my lower right side. Only. Ever. Always. I wonder what that means - position wise?

I'm glad your getting another Cap'n Morgan in this weekend
Good luck! Mee hopes she can cop a good feel
. Also, I'm McLovin' your "prostaglandin deposit" term. Thats a mouthful!! It sounds like 'prostate goblin' to me.

I'm not letting my Dh give me his prostate goblins until April 21st. I really want a fellow Taurus baby
rather than an Aries. Poor DH. 4 more weeks of nutin. I figure after April 21st, we'll more than make up for this "dry spell".
Thanks Mela, will check it out.

Btw, I am an Aries and methinks Aries are very very cool. However, on second thought, Aries are very difficult and headstrong children. Hmm. Oh god, definitely don''t want one of me as a little kid. Ok, go Taurus!!!!!

Funny but I totally think of my bug as a Leo, and I was thinking the other day how discombobulated I will be if he comes early or late and I end up with a Cancer or a Virgo. Silly, I know, but it would kind of throw me. But the bug is due smack dab in the middle of Leo, so should be safe.
LOL Mela! Prostate goblins!

I''m a Taurus and I think we''re pretty great. Looks like my little one will be a Taurus also unless she''s really early!

Ok I''m having that heart racing thing happen again so I need to go lay down.
China - thanks, I guess?
I feel like I'm just a major crab these days, and I'm trying so hard to control it around people. I guess I'm not doing as awesome as a job as I thought. ETA, because I forgot to answer your question - vertex means headdown, which is definitely preferable.

Date: 3/25/2009 8:43:27 PM
Author: mela lu
China - I don't know much about baby positions, so I found this helpful website that describes them:

Blen - interesting you mention the hiccups. My baby just had hiccups on the lower left side too. Am I to assume that the location of the hiccups are in line with the baby's ribcage? I'm trying to get familiar with baby so that I can get a better understanding of its positioning. I always, ONLY, EVVVVVVVVVVVVvER get kicks on my lower right side. Only. Ever. Always. I wonder what that means - position wise?

I'm glad your getting another Cap'n Morgan in this weekend
Good luck! Mee hopes she can cop a good feel
. Also, I'm McLovin' your 'prostaglandin deposit' term. Thats a mouthful!! It sounds like 'prostate goblin' to me.

I'm not letting my Dh give me his prostate goblins until April 21st. I really want a fellow Taurus baby
rather than an Aries. Poor DH. 4 more weeks of nutin. I figure after April 21st, we'll more than make up for this 'dry spell'.
LOL Mela. BTW, one of my buddies told me that my appointment last night sounded like something out of a porno.

Positioning- check out this link. The pictures and diagrams really help me visualize stuff. The LOP baby a little over half way down the page best makes sense for me right now (based on heartbeat plus some of the movement), only apparently my baby doesn't have a discernable neck and the butt feels rather large and round.
I told my middie that the baby is probably just deformed, and she took me seriously and pointed out that they didn't find any abnormalities at my 20 week scan. So, that rules out 2 heads, no butt and no necks, which was one of my thoughts.

Oh - hiccups are usually basically where the head is. When I talked with her today, m/w said that hiccups in the left hip were consistent with the back of the baby's head/shoulders being there.

The GAP has really cute onesies with zodiac signs on them, but how are you supposed to know in advance which one to get if you're not getting a scheduled induction or cesarean?

Courtney - is your heart racing doing any better?
Blen- Oh sorry, I meant to say I love your crabbiness- I meant it in the best way. It''s crabby in the way that we all understand- like we are watching a movie and are rolling laughing b/c it''s something we all understand. I love preggo crabbiness- it makes me laugh. Hope you weren''t offended!

Oh, and I have one of those Zodiac onesies from the Gap- it was actually the first baby gift I received. I love it, it''s so cute. I am pretty smack dab in the middle, so I guess it was a safe bet. I have been giving them as gifts and they are a big hit. Easier when you give them after the baby is born, of course. They are unisex and have a little cartoon of the sign and a little thing about the sign. So my Leo one is light green, has a cute lion on it and says "LEO: Born leader. Loves the limelight." Great gift idea!

Courtney- Did you ask your doctor about the racing?
China - Not at all, I chose to take it as a compliment.
I was really close to buying one of those onesies today and managed to restrain myself. But they''re SO CUTE!
Date: 3/24/2009 9:52:29 AM
Author: Mandarine

Courtney My birthday is April 28th! and my nephew's is the 30th ;)

Fiery, I am semi-convinced my DH married me because of my cooking skills...LOL. The man loves to eat and I love to cook, so it was a match made in kitchen heaven! haha. There are many easy things you can make and the more you cook, the easier certain things become! You think they are girls? My sister said the same thing about the one laying on its side. Hmm...I'd love two girls, but then again, I'd love any combination!

Pandora, I am so sorry you're in pain
I hope they can do the injections and that makes you feel better!

Fisher, Thank you so mcuh!!!
Isn't it crazy how fast the little ones grow?. I don't 'feel' pregnant...I guess nobody really does this early on, so seeing them is just amazing!. DH said he thought one of them was a boy...I told him that was a leg! haha, men!

Blen, Thanks!. I'm happy you slept well!!! You are so so so so so close!!!/ Does anyone here have your contact info so we can get news??

Tao, Congrats!!! Welcome to the group!!

Natalina, I don't really know the difference between bloat and bump...but I feel bloated, so I guess I'm bloated. My jeans don't really fit comfortably anymore and I have gained about 2 lbs so far. I'm trying to eat super healthy, but just more often and what not. I have been taking pictures and you can definitely see a difference, but not enough for anyone to guess I'm pregnant (so I'm probably teh only one that notices...hehe)

Phoenix, Congrats on the ultrasound!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't it wonderful??. I'm still on Cloud 9

Sunkist, Thank you!!! When is your first appointment??? It's so exciting to hear/see the little ones, I can't wait for you to get your own set of pictures!

DD, Mela, Fiery, Sabine, Ebree Thank you!!!
You guys are all so sweet!


Sorry if I missed anyone! I hope you are all doing great!!!
Haha!! I bet you my hubby will be saying the same thing. Thinking he sees the "stuff" at our first ultrasound. Boys. They crack me up!!

Congratulations again.

How are you feeling?

ETA: I just had a happy thought: tomorrow is belly pic day again. Yipppeee!!
wow....this thread does move so fast!!!!!!!!!! Maybe once I get my energey back I can keep up better!

Speaking of energy....I am ridiculously tired/sleepy. It seems like it gets worse and worse everyday. I swear I could easily fall sleep while My MIL keeps asking me if I''m eating well, taking my vitamins, etc...because she didn''t feel so tired. Well, I''m not her obviously and I know that I''m tired and has nothing to do with eating my greens!
. I''m hoping this eventually goes away, at leats for a while. I can''t imagine being this tired for the next 30 weeks or so!. I feel bad for DH too. I''m in bed sleeping before he even starts needless to say there isn''t much of anything going on

Fisher Thanks for asking about me
. Other than tired, very thristy and short of breath (that seems to be getting better)...I''m doing good!. No m/s or any kind of nausea (knock on wood!). It''s strange because I know I''m pregnant, but it''s not like I necessarily *feel* pregnant!. Can''t wait to get pass the 12-week mark and can''t wait for you to come over!. I see you started Clomid...I have very high hopes for you this cycle! So think positive thoughts only!!!

Gotta get some stuff for my boss so I''ll stop by later! have a great day everyone!!

Hey all, I was home sick from work with the stomach flu on Monday and Tuesday and yesterday I was still feeling crappy and was super busy catching up at work. Holy cow did I miss a lot! I only really had time to skim, but Blen, I''m really glad to hear that it sounds like baby isn''t breech! Phew!

I finally bit the bullet and switched to a middie group. The more I heard about midwives vs obs the more I realized that that''s what I wanted and if work has a problem with my appointments taking longer, then they can go f themselves (how''s that for pregnancy rage, lol). I''ll have my last appointment with my OB next week (along with my glucose test. blegh) and then I''ll have my first middie appt at the end of April! Hopefully 4 weeks will give them plenty of time to have everything transferred over. The midwife group is located in the hospital so I think that just going to appointments there will hopefully help me to get used to the hospital a bit more than if I''d only been there for the tour (which is next week already! holy cow!).

I listed the original bedding I bought on ebay on Craigslist on Tuesday and had 2 replies within a few hours and someone stopped out and bought it last night! We actually made money on the deal (ok, it was only like a dollar, but at least we didn''t lose any!). I also listed my crinoline and hoop skirt from my wedding, but so far no bites. I really need to get rid of them though. Those things take up so much room!

Our nursery is really starting to come together! Our crib came in on Monday and I read DH the directions on how to put it together while trying not to puke. BIL dropped off the changing table that they used for their 3 kids and we got in the extra valance we ordered. I think I want to wait until we get a glider to put up our wall sticker though just in case I change my mind about where everything''s going to go.
Blen you sound pretty sexy to me

Robbie-I''m glad you got a middie group! It sounds like its a good match for you!

Mandarine-2nd tri is supposed to be the honeymoon stage where you get your energy back. I''m at week 24 and that energy will come back any day now
Blen - thanks for that belly positioning website. Very helpful!

Mandy - Your energy will return. I was really really tired until about week 16. Like, "couldn''t lift my feet to walk up stairs" kind of tired. Then, the surge of energy came back and has been here ever since. I get tired at night - so I hit the hay early...but that is normal.

Fiery - remember what I said about a HUGE growth spurth in the 24th week. I felt like I had the flu or something because it was so draining! Sure enough, just a spurt and then I was back to my old self. Anyone else around 24 weeks get that?

Robbie - glad to hear you''ve transfered care. From one middie-lover to another, good choice
. It''s important that we all have the kind of care suited for our own personal philosophies. Glad to hear
I cannot believe how organized you and DH are! You''re nursery sounds great - can''t wait for pics!!!

Mine won''t be "done" until I start my mat leave and dedicate some time to it.

Looking forward to Belly Friday tomorrow!
Mela 31w6d
Good morning, everyone!

Kay- That is one beautiful baby girl! Thank you for sharing your birth story and photos. I was just telling my husband about your post last night, and about all of the vernix! He said he read the same thing in one of his 'for fathers' baby books.

Phoenix- Aww, look at your little gummy bear! Congratulations on seeing the HB! I feel you on the pregnancy rage- I've had my moments.

Taovandel- Welcome!

Blen- I hope that baby boy or girl turns his/herself in time for the big day! Thank you for the spinning babies link, I'm going to read it more carefully today. My little bug flips and flops back and forth, if I'm reading his kicks right. Is that normal for 25 weeks?

China- I have the same rib pain, and it's similar to what Pandora describes, but it isn't as intense (and I don't feel it in my back). It's right under my right breast, and it feels like something's stuck underneath it, if that makes sense. Sore. It comes and goes for me, too.

Fiery- Blah to your MIL thinking she has a golden ticket into the delivery room! I'm sure you'll get it sorted out- you have every right to have the birth YOU want to have.

Robbie- I'm glad you're feeling better!

I'm so sorry if I missed anyone. I've been experiencing fatigue again, starting last week. It hit me pretty hard these last few days, and I'm thinking it's just a growth spurt like mela mentioned.

Have many of you bought your nursery furniture yet and if so, would you mind sharing what you bought?

Last night, DH and I went shopping for furniture after I read on a website that it can take 10-12 WEEKS to be delivered. AHH! We found a really good looking set (crib, dresser that doubles as a changing table) at a local baby store and the owner had the crib in stock! Yay! But the dresser will take approx. 6 weeks to be delivered- not quite 10-12, but I was hoping to walk in and find a pristine floor model available for sale. We actually did look at a 'gently loved' set by Munire, but I think we're going to go with the set DH (and I!) liked the most by Baby's Dream (just $60 more for a new set) if we don't find anything else when we hit up another store tomorrow.

The Baby's Dream set isn't super expensive, but it isn't cheap, and I'm wondering if it's worth it to pay $$$ for a good, lasting quality rather than something less expensive if there's a chance baby is just going to destroy it with teething, toys, etc. I think so (especially if it lasts through TWO babies!), but some community weigh-in might help me feel a bit better about it!

25 weeks today!
I almost forgot: Gliders! We need to order one of those, too. The only problem is that DH and I don''t agree on the style at all. I like the ones that are big and plush like living room chairs, and he likes the taller, wooden ones that have the removable padding. We both kind of dislike the other''s choice, and end up rolling our eyes when we should be making a decision.

I found a nice looking one made by Best Chairs that was sort of the best of both worlds, but it just had plain wooden arms. It looked great, but I wonder if I''d miss arm padding. WDY(''all)T?
Date: 3/26/2009 11:13:24 AM
Author: EBree
I almost forgot: Gliders! We need to order one of those, too. The only problem is that DH and I don't agree on the style at all. I like the ones that are big and plush like living room chairs, and he likes the taller, wooden ones that have the removable padding. We both kind of dislike the other's choice, and end up rolling our eyes when we should be making a decision.

I found a nice looking one made by Best Chairs that was sort of the best of both worlds, but it just had plain wooden arms. It looked great, but I wonder if I'd miss arm padding. WDY('all)T?
Gliders... Might I also recommend La-Z-Boy (do you have those in the US?)... we got a rocker recliner from them and it was great. Also, I really really recommend the full plush ones with padded arms, I find it really easy for BFing. I think the wooden arms wouldn't be as comfy AT ALL. I sit with one elbow resting on the padded arm and then put a regular pillow angled accross my lap and partly up on the arm, which creates a slight incline on the pillow from my lap to the boob. And then put Hunter's head on the higher end towards my boob so he is in the perfect position to eat! I couldn't do this with wooden arms. We debated a long time about the style of the chair, and then settled on the one that was the most *practical*. You will be sitting in it 8 to 12 hours a day! One other option if you buy from a place that has the chairs in store is to wait to buy until after you have the baby and know what BFing is like and what positions you like. We were going to get one of the wooden chairs, but after I had BFed for a few weeks it became apparent that such a chair wouldn't be good for me at all!
Ebree, we didn''t go with high-quality lasting furniture for our nursery. Don''t get me wrong, the crib seems very sturdy and I have confidence it will last through another kid or 2, but it only converts to a toddler bed ( We realized that while it would be awesome to have nice furniture sets for each of our kids, it''s not something we need. I never had matching furniture until DH and I bought our set recently. If we decide later on that we want to have sets for our kids, we''ll hit up Ikea, or if we have money to burn, a nice furniture store. Our baby gets to use the dresser that we used to have in our room before we got our new stuff (Ikea dresser I got at a garage sale years ago) and a hand-me-down changing table from my SIL. It all coordinates, but it''s not a perfect matching set. I''ve heard a few people suggest Lazy Boy chairs instead of gliders. I think I might want to look into that. I have no idea how much they cost (Dreamer?), but if no one buys off of our registry, I imagine it won''t be too much more and we''d end up with a much nicer chair.
This is actually an interesting ''poll''. I''m curious to see what people are doing.

We are using 100% hand-me-downs in the nursery. Ikea change-table and crib (from a friend) and dresser-system that was MINE from childhood! haha. Now THAT is milage!

OB we''ve got new bedding and a new mattress, but otherwise...we''re making due.

The only big fat question mark is what I''m going to do for a chair/glider/BF spot. The part of me in denial feels like I can try out the numerous armchairs in my house and mom''s house. ONE of them should do?! right?! ...if not, I''ll probably buy something cheap and cheerful.

I believe in investing heavily into certain long-term pieces of furniture/art/gadgets, but not so much for the more transient stuff. Baby stuff feels transient to me.

I may sing a different tune later though. Those are my thoughts right now.
Hi Ladies! We went to DH''s parents'' last weekend and are at my parents now, so I am really out of the loop with everything going on here! I just wanted to hop on quick to tell you all that we finally told our parents! They are so excited and my mom could not BELIEVE I kept it a secret from her for so long (in a good way)! DH is working over here today and I am off, so mom and I are going running around to check out baby things! Such a relief to finally have SOMEONE IRL to talk to about it! Still not planning on dropping the bomb at work for a while. How long can most women go before it would be obvious?

12 weeks today, NT scan is Monday at 3pm. That will be our first ultrasound and chance to see the baby! Although we did hear the heartbeat at 9 1/2 weeks. Feeling good still, no symptoms other than I think my sciatic nerve is acting up already! I''ve never ever had any issues, but it''s been pretty bothersome the past few days. Is this strange to be acting up so early? I don''t think I''ve even gained any weight yet- maybe just a couple pounds (but I had a few extra to begin with

Oh, and I posted a few days ago asking what you all thought about working a long day...Well, I did it and it was okay at the time (14 hours on my feet in heels), but MAN was I wiped out the day after! Eesh, won''t be doing that again anytime soon! And to think I used to be able to do it no sweat!

Hope everyone is well! Can''t wait to have time to catch up on how everyone is doing! Funny, but I miss you guys after being away a few days!

Blen- thinking about you and hoping you are feeling good and baby is getting into the right position!

Pandora and others with aches/pains- sending you lots of feel-good vibes. I feel so bad that you guys have to deal with pain like that all the time.
We are a long way off from buying nursery furniture, but I plan on buying a new coordinated set that is pretty high quality and will hopefully last through 2 kids. DH is not looking forward to the experience (I am super picky about furniture, I think we went to every furniture store within a 2 hour drive when we got our house.) I don''t really know anyone who would give us hand-me-down furniture and I personally prefer to have everything matching. I know that there is a good chance it will get beat up (it''s kids furniture after all), but I am ok with that. I have a dog that has chewed on most of the furniture we have! I believe dogs will be dogs and kids will be kids, so I am not the type to freak out if something gets scratched up - I just want it to look nice to begin with. I also think that it''s pretty likely that my parents will gift us some of the furniture. The one piece that I will not be buying new is a cradle - my dad built one when I was born and it was used for me and my brothers and I plan on using it for our baby too. I know it''s in the attic at my parent''s house and I plan to get it out when we go for Easter.
Natalina - I could have hidden my pregnancy until about week 14. See pic. :)
Congrats on letting your little cat outta the bag!!
GL with the u/s!! Enjoy it!

If you''re suffering from sciatic pain already, I''ll suggest prenatal yoga. Ever since I started doing it 2 x week, I feel AMAZING. Zero aches and pains. There was a time I could barely walk.

Thank you for weighing in dreamer, Robbie and mela!

Re: Gliders- I'll definitely look into LaZBoy, thanks for the suggestion! I agree with you about the arm padding. The more I think about it, the more I'd prefer comfort to a sleek look, which is what I liked the most about the glider with the wooden arms. I don't want to drop $500 on an uncomfortable piece of furniture, especially one as important as a rocker.

Robbie- LOVE that crib. The one we're looking at converts into a toddler bed and then a twin, which I like the idea of. DH wasn't sold on the crib -> full bed idea, because he thinks by that point, we'll just need to shell out for a new bed anyway. I have no idea what to expect!

mela- I love the idea of using my childhood furniture, but we're hundreds of miles from where we grew up. We're basically starting from scratch.

ETA: I missed your post, November! And you make a good point- I'd like to be able to use the crib (at least) for two kiddos, if it survives the teething phase of the first, that is!
We also didn't buy anything new for the nursery except the chair! In laws bought us a rather fancy pants crib, and we are using a dresser we already had as a change table/dresser. We also put a single bed in that room (from Ikea) that we had fron when I commuted and worked part time in another city.

IMHO you really really really need a very comfortable and luxurious place to BF. In the early days, positioning baby is no simple feat! Newborns are so floppy there may only be *one* position that works for you! I thought I would BF in bed, hence the cosleeper, but that didn't work well for me. So for 3 weeks I ended up sitting on the side of our bed BFing because I was silly and didn't want to shell out for the chair. Caused back pain and made me soooooo loath to get up to feed Hunter!

Also, after labour, your bum will be sore, and you may have hemmeroids or your tailbone may be injured. This makes sitting very painful and it can take upwards of a month for it to heal completely. My tailbone still hurts! A nice chair makes it more manageable.

Anyways, we didin't buy a chair because, like mela, I thought I would BF anywhere. But when you feed at 12:30am, 3:30am, and 6:30am (or 12, 2, 4, and 6!), you don't want to be just anywhere! You want to be comfortable so that it doesn't feel like such a chore. So we bought a chair and it changed my life!

Something you may not have thought about is after you BF at night, you want your baby to go to sleep right away if possible. And this means that it is easier to have the chair you BF in close to the place that baby sleeps so that you can transport baby to her bed without waking her! At night, the last thing you want to do is wake sleeping baby because then you have to sit there another 10 minutes while she falls asleep again.

Anyhoo, I totally recommend buying a chair. It isn't just for BFing, we firgure. Later on, we will read stories to our kids sitting in it, and rock them to sleep probably until they are over 2 years old. Then it will go in the media room for watching TV, since it is also a recliner. Because it isn't one of those wooden ones that really don't match anything else, we figure we will get longer term use out of it. Robbie we got ours in canada and it was on sale for $700, so they are probably less in the US. We got this chair: with a micriofibre fabric. I puffy heart it!