Date: 4/9/2009 9:23:07 AM
Author: Courtneylub
In our infant care class last weekend, we were taught those 'Happiest Baby on the Block' 5 ways to stop a baby from crying and it seems like it works like a charm. Found a video!
Blen -Date: 4/9/2009 11:48:14 AM
Author: Blenheim
Thanks everyone! I think that George is the most beautiful baby that I''ve ever seen in my entire life, and I''ve been trying to figure out if he actually is or if it''s the hormones talking.
Mela - If your mw isn''t certain about positioning, could you go ahead and ask her if you can get an u/s done?
We need to make a decision in the next hour or so, so that he''s able to notify clients (to move appts) and pack if we let him come on Friday.
Date: 4/9/2009 11:48:14 AM
Author: Blenheim
Ebree - we have a cosleeper set up next to the bed that we have yet to use. It feels too far away to have him sleep, and has become a pillow and book repository.I love bedsharing so far. I''ve been sleeping fine for 2-3 hour stretches and then waking up when he starts to make hungry noises (smacking lips and rooting around) but before he starts screaming, and I like that it''s been minimizing the amount of screaming that he needs to do to get my attention. Screaming makes my body ache - I knew that it produced a hormonal response in mamas, but I''m amazed at how physical it feels. DH likes that he''s able to sleep through this, because the hungry noises don''t wake him up while screaming would. He does worry about rolling onto George if he''s between us, so George has just been sleeping between me and the side of the bed (where the cosleeper is, so there wouldn''t be a fall if he were to somehow move).![]()
Date: 4/9/2009 12:15:00 PM
Author: Blenheim
Aw, thanks Mela! And while I've been calling George a 'surprise breech', my middie's been calling him a 'quasi-surprise breech' which is probably more accurate because of the fact that she was never 100% certain. If your middie is sure about Romeo's () position, you need to CALM DOWN!![]()
We used this same setup for the first weeks too and it was pretty good. I didn''t sleep very soundly with him in bed with us, which started to wear me out after a couple of weeks for sure. I am not sure if you have been reading the mommy thread, but we ended up moveing Hunter to his own room (right next to ours) at 4 weeks b/c he was so loud! I never slept and it was getting terrible. Interestingly, I still wake up when he is making smacking sounds etc. and he rarely cries for me to come feed him, so it has worked out well even though I would have preferred to co-sleep.Date: 4/9/2009 12:20:33 PM
Author: EBree
Date: 4/9/2009 11:48:14 AM
Author: Blenheim
Ebree - we have a cosleeper set up next to the bed that we have yet to use. It feels too far away to have him sleep, and has become a pillow and book repository.I love bedsharing so far. I''ve been sleeping fine for 2-3 hour stretches and then waking up when he starts to make hungry noises (smacking lips and rooting around) but before he starts screaming, and I like that it''s been minimizing the amount of screaming that he needs to do to get my attention. Screaming makes my body ache - I knew that it produced a hormonal response in mamas, but I''m amazed at how physical it feels. DH likes that he''s able to sleep through this, because the hungry noises don''t wake him up while screaming would. He does worry about rolling onto George if he''s between us, so George has just been sleeping between me and the side of the bed (where the cosleeper is, so there wouldn''t be a fall if he were to somehow move).![]()
That sounds like a pretty good setup. We''re planning on having a cosleeper next to the bed, and while I''d rather have him in bed with us, I''m terrified of one of us rolling over on him. I''m sure that fear will pass with time and experience, but their little bodies are so fragile and my husband is a sound sleeper. At some point, we''ll probably set it up the way you have it (him between me and the cosleeper).
Congrats on getting into 3rd tri!!Date: 4/9/2009 12:20:33 PM
Author: EBree
That sounds like a pretty good setup. We''re planning on having a cosleeper next to the bed, and while I''d rather have him in bed with us, I''m terrified of one of us rolling over on him. I''m sure that fear will pass with time and experience, but their little bodies are so fragile and my husband is a sound sleeper. At some point, we''ll probably set it up the way you have it (him between me and the cosleeper).
Date: 4/8/2009 1:50:34 PM
Author: Sabine
I''ve attached a pic of her sitting on the chair looking at little Gabe like, is that thing really alive?
Date: 4/9/2009 6:09:06 PM
Author: indypitty
Mela ~ Oh my god I totally love the pics you just posted of your nursery colors / fabrics! I mean LOVE it! Have you posted pics of the nursery itself? I would love
to see it. I have to admit I have a secret longing for a girl, because I already have the nursery planned in my head!