
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

So Cal - I didn''t feel the baby at all until nearly 21 weeks and I have a very low posterior placenta. By 30 weeks I would quite happily have turned her off at times!

Phoenix - I''m a natural back sleeper and no matter how often I feel asleep on my left hand side I always woke up flat on my back... The OB and midwives said not to worry about it and that if I was starting to get short of breath because of it I would turn over myself because it would be uncomfortable. As of 3 weeks ago, I can''t sleep on ANY side - so I would enjoy any sleep you get in any position right now!
Indypitty, thats great news! Yay for the strong heartbeat. How exciting to be able to tell everyone now!
Ebree-So cute that you can tell what''s what! I can''t at all. I think its all the extra padding I have

Mandarine-Have fun in your trip! That is a really cute picture. You look fantastic!

Indy-Congrats on the great appointment! I didn''t get to hear her heartbeat until 15 weeks. My doctor wouldn''t do it before then since she says moms worry when they can''t find it and also because of the aforementioned padding.
Date: 5/14/2009 3:16:15 PM
Author: ChinaCat

Ebree- Pickles, hmmm? I just had some FRIED PICKLES at lunch, and nope, I don't feel bad about it!!! Aren't you getting a burger today, or was that yesterday?

Just reading the words FRIED PICKLES made my mouth water. I love, love LOVE fried pickles. And I got a burger yesterday, but I'll be having one tonight as well.

Indy- Yay for a heartbeat! That's great news.
you ladies definitely have me intrigued w/ the accupuncture thing...i''ll have to find a place near me. Especially since the massage didn''t do much...i''ve been in REALLY bad pain most of the afternoon
And my dr''s suck!!! It''s a practice w/ like 8 doctors and i''m so sick of seeing a different dr everytime....and they are totally making me feel like i''m the worst person on the planet for taking the pain meds. I was crying when i left because they act like i''m making this sh*t up!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me, i wanted to be working out on my way to the hospital..hehhee...not in bed and in pain! They really pissed me off today.

sorry had to vent!
Vizla, what''s your due date? We must just be days apart, but I couldn''t find it in your old posts (you should add yourself to the preggos in waiting list). That''s just another way we''re pregnancy twins! I for one have just eaten my daily overdose of potato chips. Now I am sleepy. But I''m going to be good and get up and chop up everything for our dinner (rice and beans unless I can''t find an onion) so when DH gets home from his bike ride I won''t have just been a lazy blob. Then I''ll probably say, see, look how much work I did . . . you don''t mind doing the rest, do you?

I''m not sure my snoogle did me right last night. Instead of vague lower back ache, I have a tender spot basically where my left love handle would be if I had one (thank goodness we haven''t gone there yet!). Not sure what we call those muscles. What''s up with that?
Date: 5/14/2009 6:22:39 PM
Author: cdt1101
you ladies definitely have me intrigued w/ the accupuncture thing...i''ll have to find a place near me. Especially since the massage didn''t do much...i''ve been in REALLY bad pain most of the afternoon
And my dr''s suck!!! It''s a practice w/ like 8 doctors and i''m so sick of seeing a different dr everytime....and they are totally making me feel like i''m the worst person on the planet for taking the pain meds. I was crying when i left because they act like i''m making this sh*t up!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me, i wanted to be working out on my way to the hospital..hehhee...not in bed and in pain! They really pissed me off today.

sorry had to vent!
Sweetie, I''m so sorry - that really sucks and makes me so incredibly angry

Sadly you can''t measure pain levels on any test and it''s so easy for people to say ''just live with it''. Hmmm, I''ve seen my mother (she has MS) suicidal over the pain she is in - and then how different she looked and felt when she was put on diamorphine (basically heroin) for a couple of months.

I have been very fortunate that my pain consultant - even if he can''t do anything more than chat to me and get me research papers - at least tells me how well I am doing when I confess to maxing out my med allowance that week. NO-ONE and I mean NO-ONE out of the 8 or so specialists and doctors I have been seeing had ever made me feel guilty or bad or like I''m making things up - and they have all just assumed that if I didn''t HAVE to take my meds I wouldn''t.

I would give/pay a huge amount to be able to pick my child up when she gets to the age of two or so, to be able to go climbing like I used to, to be able to go on long walks with my husband and have the sort of life that most people my age take for granted. Filling myself with large amounts of narcotics for the last 7 years has meant that I can have a full-time job and a relatively normal life - funnily enough I don''t take them for kicks, geez the only real effect you get is constipation not some kind of euphoric high!

Sadly, many, many doctors are incredibly ignorant when it comes to pain and analgesics. Grrrr, I am fuming for you - ignore them and please don''t make yourself feel bad!
Happy birthday sweet Mela!

Hope your little (Luna) baby comes along sooner than the middie thinks. Have a great bday!!


Two boys. Sweet. Enjoy every moment!! (I''ve proven myself right again, whatever I think the baby/babies are, I''m totally wrong).

I think Peony has at least one boy, so Peony, be prepared for two girls at this rate!
Date: 5/14/2009 6:22:39 PM
Author: cdt1101
you ladies definitely have me intrigued w/ the accupuncture thing...i'll have to find a place near me. Especially since the massage didn't do much...i've been in REALLY bad pain most of the afternoon
And my dr's suck!!! It's a practice w/ like 8 doctors and i'm so sick of seeing a different dr everytime....and they are totally making me feel like i'm the worst person on the planet for taking the pain meds. I was crying when i left because they act like i'm making this sh*t up!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me, i wanted to be working out on my way to the hospital..hehhee...not in bed and in pain! They really pissed me off today.

sorry had to vent!

CDT- I TOTALLY understand how you feel. Although I am not preggo, I suffer from a condition (interstital cystitis) that causes me to have chronic pelvic pain....I have tried EVERYTHING my doctors have recommended ( I've been dealing with this for years), and so far, nothing has worked for me. I just believe that when traditional methods (i.e doctors, meds, etc) are not working, its time to look into other options. My sister in law suggested acupuncture, and I decided to give it a try. Although it did not help me a ton (I do think I have a condition which is very hard to treat), I do feel that it relieved a bit of my pain. I have heard from many people that have had good success with it for various problems. So I would definitely explore this option if I were you. It doesnt hurt, and worst case scenario it doesnt do anything for you and that's it. But at least give it a try! Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon!!!!:) Keep me posted!!
Date: 5/14/2009 3:43:06 PM
Author: indypitty
Happy Birthday, Mela!

Congrats on the twin BOYS, Mandarine! How exciting!!!

Well, I went in for my second apointment today (9w6d). We were so excited to finally hear the heartbeat! The bad news is she couldn't find it because of my tilted uterus, which I knew could prevent us from hearing it. The good news is we then got a transvaginal u/s and everything looks great!!! The HB was 162 bpm and she said the baby is measuring exactly at 10 weeks. What a huge relief!!! We even got some pictures. I am sooo glad that wait is over. I posted a few weeks ago because I was worried since I was having so few pg symptoms and feeling really good. I can't believe there really is a baby growing in there!

We haven't told anybody yet, as I am overly cautious. Now I feel llke we can finally spill the beans. Happy day!
Yay for seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat!!
I know how you feel.... we're just about at the same stage... I'm 10 weeks today, but had my first ultrasound at 8 weeks. Amazing feeling to hear that heartbeat, huh? It really makes everything seem that much more real. It was kind of surreal for me to see a baby in there too....since I had hardly any pregnancy symptoms at 8 weeks. I'm glad your appt. went well!

Circe - I'm on (mostly a UK site - but very wide-ranging - TTC, Pregnancy by Trimester, Mommies' Clubs etc), and FF's Pregnancy Circles. I sometimes check out too.
Date: 5/14/2009 7:33:33 PM
Author: Pandora II

Date: 5/14/2009 6:22:39 PM

Sadly, many, many doctors are incredibly ignorant when it comes to pain and analgesics. Grrrr, I am fuming for you - ignore them and please don't make yourself feel bad!

Pandora- IMO, most doctors realize that many patients have legitimate pain. However, we also deal with drug-seekers everyday, too. We can't just be "legal drug dealers," so we try to use narcotics judiciously. You have to siphon through the people who are in real pain vs those who want to get high (not implying that you nor cdt are in this category!) and it becomes very tiresome. You could not believe how manipulative people are, though! Mixing phenergan and dilaudid is always a favorite

Mela- Happy Birthday!! I hope Romeo (I am voting team BLUE!) arrives soon

Pandora and Dani - thanks for making me feel better. I can''t even tell you how sad it made me for the doctor to just be like...move more, you won''t hurt??? WTF? The urologist wants me doing NOTHING and the OBG wants me to be more active??? It''s absolutely insane and even my DH was fuming because it''s like a freakin ping pong game w/ these dr, no one communicates (even when they say they will). The best is the OBG i saw yesterday, she''s like "you shouldn''t be in all this pain"...but I AM!!!! THAT''S THE THING!!!!!! SO HELP ME!!!!!!!! And like I mentioned, it doesn''t help that I see so many different OBGs. And then the pain med thing, well like Pandora said, they act like I''m some druggie looking for a high
They''ve managed to make me feel like i''m the worst mother ever and my kid isn''t even here yet

And I just cannot sleep...been up since 3:30...between the pain and just feeling sad, no sleep for me!! I don''t know, i''m super frustrated and i hate doctors right now...
Hmmm, I may or may not be around for a while...

Not a sign of a contraction or anything - but waters have broken about 10 minutes ago. Somewhat of a shock - was just about to leave to go to physio appointment, stood up to put on coat and thought blimey as a mini waterfall hit the floor...

Anyway, have rung hospital who have told me to come in and see them and we''ll make a plan for the next 48 hours. Grrr, I so did not want to give birth over the weekend - perhaps if I track down the anaesthetist and chain him to one of the beds....

Oh, did I mention - I''m petrified!
Woohooo Pandora

Lots of labor dust to you.
I delivered my LO within 4 hours to my water breaking and I didn't have ant contractions either until 1.5 hrs after the water broke.
Date: 5/14/2009 9:30:09 PM
Author: icekid

Date: 5/14/2009 7:33:33 PM
Author: Pandora II

Date: 5/14/2009 6:22:39 PM

Sadly, many, many doctors are incredibly ignorant when it comes to pain and analgesics. Grrrr, I am fuming for you - ignore them and please don''t make yourself feel bad!

Pandora- IMO, most doctors realize that many patients have legitimate pain. However, we also deal with drug-seekers everyday, too. We can''t just be ''legal drug dealers,'' so we try to use narcotics judiciously. You have to siphon through the people who are in real pain vs those who want to get high (not implying that you nor cdt are in this category!) and it becomes very tiresome. You could not believe how manipulative people are, though! Mixing phenergan and dilaudid is always a favorite

Mela- Happy Birthday!! I hope Romeo (I am voting team BLUE!) arrives soon
Oh, trust me - I do know the problems, my father is a doctor and deals with these people everyday! I used to work for him and got faxes daily from local pharmacists of people who were ''doing the rounds'' and coming in with prescriptions every day from different doctors.
Pandora, how exciting! You are a tough cookie, so I''m sure once the initial shock wears off your body will take over and make your brain stop worrying. :)

I will be anxiously waiting to hear your good news!
Best of luck Pan!
Woohoo, Pandora!!
Good luck! Hope you have a fast and easy labor and delivery.
OMG PANDORA!!!!!!!!! (Sidenote: I''m SO jealous!!!)


Stay strong. Stay positive....and go with the flow.

OMG Daisy is almost here! I cannot wait to meet her!

Pandora!!! Loads of labor dust to you! I can''t wait to meet Daisy
Pandora- Best of luck for a fast, easy delivery!!!! YAY!!!!

CDT- Im really sorry. I do understand what you're going through. Please try the acupuncture- you'll never know until you try....You really need to be your own advocate, especially when it comes to your own health/body. I also understand that experiencing chronic pain is EXTREMELY DEPRESSING. I cant even begin to explain to you what I have been going through since my pain got really really bad about 6 months ago. Its terrible. But hopefully your pain is temporary- maybe that will help you get through it? For me, I really feel like there is no end in sight. Its a chronic, pretty much lifelong disease. I'm really at my wit's end with it all (sorry for my mini-vent). So again, I totally understand you!!!

Look into the acupuncture, and maybe you would feel better if you talked to someone about your feelings? I should really take my own advice. I havent done this yet, but I plan on it....I am very much a firm believer in the mind-body-spirit connection. When you dont feel well physically, it really mentally brings you down and breaks your spirit. So I do think that therapy can help immensely.

I hope things get better for you soon.
Pandora Good luck girl! Remember, the pain of labour is not the same as your back pain... there is a purpose to it, you get breaks between contractions, and it is over in a short period of time! Believe me, it isn''t as bad as you expect!! Can''t wait to meet Daisy!!
WOHOOO PANDORA! Hope the birth goes smoothly!!!

I think the stat is something like 10% women have their water break *before* labor has started. But is seems to be REALLY common amoung PSers.
-baking induced labor
-early water breakage.
(things that make you go hmmmmm
YAY!! Good luck Pandora!!
Delurking to say WOO HOO PANDORA! Here's hoping for a smooth and easy entry into the world for darling Daisy!
Best wishes for a smooth delivery, Pandora!
popping in to say I''m thinking of you Pandora...good luck today and prayers for an easy, safe and happy delivery!!
Another lurker wishing you a safe (and wonderful) delivery!
Oh wow Pandora! Best of luck. Can''t believe you''ll be meeting Daisy soon! Wishing you a smooth delivery!
Yay Pandora!!! Lots of good thoughts coming your way for a safe and easy delivery!!!