
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Mela-We will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending good vibes! Best of luck for a quick and easy L&D!
Woohoo tomorrow is the day. Best of luck sweetie. I will be praying for a quick snd smooth L&D. Having an open mind is so wise. You just want your baby to be delieverd safe and sound. You are in good hands.
HUGS to you!!!!
Hope you have a quick and easy delivery tomorrow. Get some rest momma.
Im sooooo excited mela!
Date: 5/30/2009 10:44:53 PM
Author: mela lu
This is SO not how I pictured my L&D to go...but I can''t really play ''what if'' at this point. The safe and timely delivery is the most important thing. Who knows, I could wait and wait and wait only to have a stalled labour, HUGE baby, meconium, higher chance of C-section and more difficult recovery. Why would that be better?
Mela, delurking to say best of luck tomorrow!! And you are right to have the concerns above... My friend''s wife went 2 weeks overdue before consenting to induction, labored for three days with two pitocin (sp?) drips before needing a c-section to deliver their 11.5 lb (!!) son... in addition to the extra-hard recovery for the mom, weeks later they were still really, really sad about needing a surgical procedure instead of a natural birth process. Long story short, don''t be sad! Healthy Romuna and healthy mela are most important, many will be routing for you tomorrow, and can''t wait to find out the proper name sometime soon
WoooHooo Mela! I never voted in your poll since I mainly lurk but put me down for GIRL!! Good luck tomorrow! Can''t wait to "meet" your little one!
Mela, I wish the very best luck to you, DH, Baby, Melalu, and your cooter balloon! I''ll be thinking of you all!!
The best of luck tomorrow, mela! I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible and you''ve got your baby in your arms in no time.
YEAH MELA..I''m so excited for you! I will have a piece of Birthday cake
for you (Sunday), and while I celebrate my son''s Birthday, I will be thinking of you and your "boy" who will be born on the same day! I know you wanted emeralds to be the birthstone..but you like pink too right?? lol
Have a wonderful childbirth and happy..good vibes being sent your way!!
good luck mela and baby!
AHHHHHH Mela!!!! I''m so excited for you!!! I rarely post on this thread, but I had to sign in this morning to see your update! Best of luck to you and your little one!!! Can''t wait to meet him/her!!!!
Good luck Mela!!! Can''t wait to hear your birth story and "meet" Luna!
Mela- HOORAY for it finally being game time for little Romeo''s arrival. Can''t wait to hear about your little darling.
mela, so excited for you. Hope it goes quickly and smoothly! Good luck!
Yippe Mela! I hope it goes fast today! I was in the same position as you with being induced and having it be so not what I hoped for... but you will still have an exciting and interesting and magical and
birth experience, no matter what! And you will have your Baaaaybeeee!! Can''t wait to meet HIM!!
Good luck Mela, hope everything goes great for himer
Mela! Wishing you sooooooooo well today! Can''t wait to hear the deets and meet your lil one. The anticipation is getting to us- you really are like Seinfeld leaving us wanting more,haha. Here I am waiting patiently!
Mela--sending you ''quick labor'' vibes. Sound like you all have a good ''plan'' in the works and i hope it goes smoothly. Your PSer friends are all anxiously awaiting the news...
mela, so excited for you! Good luck!
Mela, I was induced (41 weeks) and it was an awesome experience! I was closed as well. Never dropped or lost my plug. I like to joke that I would still be preggo. Even with almost 3 hours of pushing my labor was only 8.5 hours long. My water broke on its own while I was at the hospital and there WAS meconium in my water. Thankfully everyone was prepared and my daughter was healthy.
mela, good luck!!! sending tons of smooth L&D dust your way!!
awww shucks! i thought there miiiiiiigggghhhhtttttttt be a mela update... i have a wicked work week ahead and don't know how much i'm going to be able to post ..... i'm just going to have to sneak some ps time at night! hope mom and baby are doing awesome! we'll miss you over here!!

thanks again to everyone for the thoughts on maeve. i just love that you could call her mae or eve....

just two more weeks until we find out X or Y (i'll be almost 22 weeks.. anyone else think this is really late?? - i'm so jealous of all of the girls who already know!) .. speaking of, you ps girls are probably the only ppl i think i will tell... we are going to keep it a secret from everyone else. :P yes, we are going to be *those* people....... :)

congrats to brgirl!!! i love the name alex.. he's beautiful!



mela, Hope you''re holding your sweet baby in your arms right now!!
I keep checking for updates!

22 weeks is late to find out--I''d go crazy if I have to wait that long. I''m scheduled for the u/s when I''ll be 20 weeks 1 day.
Mela-thinking of you and can''t wait for your update!!!!


On a really random note, I''m having a "the artist formely known as Prince" moment and changing my username to just fiery. Just wanted to let everyone know!
Go Mela, Go Mela, Go!! Can''t wait for the update..
Brgirl, Ales is adorable.

Mela, I hope you are holding your new little one by now.

We have our 16 week appt tomorrow, which probably isn''t going to be that exciting (although I look forward to hearing the heartbeat). But then we get to schedule the 20 week appt to find our if it''s a boy or girl! DH and I went shopping this weekend and picked out furniture and bedding, but are waiting to find out what we are having to place the order.
our 20 week u/s is the last Friday of June....I tried to get the lady to move the appointment up. I'll admit it I was even tempted to lie and say I was out of town and to move it up to Monday or something like that.

I'm getting annoyed by tiny little things now. This lady at work had 2 kids, 10 years ago. She always says things that make me feel like crap. She's amazed that I don't have some feeling about what the kid is (I do and have told her that) but she keeps on insisting that I've said I have no feelings about it. She also claims she felt her first daughter at 6 weeks. Ummmmm, that's impossible so says everyone I've ever met and every single thing I've ever read. The baby is like half the size of a pea. I have only felt fluttering a few times and I'm still not 100 percent sure it was the baby and I'm at 16 weeks--so again, she's trying to make me feel bad.

I said that I had lost 1 lb since my last appointment and she said she lost 25 lbs with her pregnancy.

It's sooooo annoying! Is it wrong that I'm hoping for a girl just to prove her prediction of a boy wrong?