
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Me and my babies daddy
This was made from our crib sheets (the PB Kids gingham) and diapers and the two "peas" are actually rattles -- so cute!!

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And a few of the flowers ...

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My mom gave a gift to me that contained a Victoria''s Secret gift card and a Starbucks gift card -- so I can feel normal again after this pregnancy!! -- and a BIG bottle of Excedrin Migraine. Hubby''s face here cracks me up!!

ellaila_0137 (Small).jpg
I think that''s about it for photos I can post that don''t have other people in them!

Thanks, MrsS! I''m sure you looked adorable with your little belly poking out
My dress is from Destination Maternity. I got it about a month ago or more, and I started to get nervous the other day that it wasn''t going to fit anymore! Thankfully it did. Good luck with your appt. tomorrow! Just a few more weeks till you find out the sex -- probably your next appt, right?

So, TGal, how was Hawaii?? Did you feel OK travelling?
Love your shower pics ellaila!! You look so pretty, love your dress. Your hubby is too cute!! Looks like it was a wonderful shower, the cake is just adorable!!
MrsS, do you have the urban or the original? They are so cute.

Ella, your shower looked awesome (as do you mama!) What a cute theme.
ella, you''re shower looks so fun...

tacori, this is the one I have..they didn''t even make the Urban when I bought mine. but those Urban''s are cute too. I may have to get the lite one just for fun, but with a late march/april maybe i highly doubt i''d really need it.
link to bundle me
Your shower was beautiful!!! You and your hubby look so happy. What a pretty and glowing lady you are; I love the peas in a pod theme. Too cute!
Wow Ellaila, what a gorgeous shower! May I save a few of those pics in my "shower ideas" folder? I have 2 friends who are trying right now & both of them were instrumental in throwing me two GORGEOUS baby showers & a stunning bridal shower, so I am compiling ideas (since I suck at that sort of thing) should they get pg one day. You look gorgeous and tiny for a twinsie (or singleton) momma to be, and that house that your shower was in is really nice! I want it!

Tacori: Your belly is so cute too. I can''t wait to find out what you are having! My doctor had me take one OTC Prilosec a day during my last 6 weeks. It was AMAZING, the heartburn disappeared completely. I ran out & it came back..but as soon as I took it, i was symptom free. Love the stuff. Also, weirdly enough, as soon as I had Delaney, heartburn was gone. Cracked me up.

Mrs S: Thanks for the weight gain props in the WWT. I did a good job this time of regulating my cr@p intake, and didn''t gorge on the stuff I did last time(candies, cookies, cakes, etc.) I did eat a lot of things I don''t normally (burgers, fries, shakes) but I tried to keep it to a minimum & watched my portion sizes. I don''t look like I had a baby, but my skin around my tummy is poochy & flabby if I bend over/slouch. I think that kind of damage takes a while to heal (9mo up, 9mo down) and will get better with time & exercise. At any rate, its winter so WOO HOO I have time.

Well, I''m tired. Delaney is a party animal at night. No...actually she''s good, but she just wakes up at 1am & 4am to eat. She''s also a NOISY sleeper. Grunts & groans and makes snorting noises. Cracks me & dh up. She''s silent during the daytime, but this noisy little thing at night.

Last night I *think* she smiled at me. She was staring in my eyes (oh love that) and I was smiling at her & she broke into a HUGE grin for me. She''s almost 4 wks, so I don''t know if that''s too soon, if so, it was a gas smile I guess--but what a preview! Like my son, she smiles with her whole face and eyes. She is also starting to mimic too. If you stick your tongue out at her, she sticks hers out. Its a riot. I have to upload more pics.

Oh funny...Sesame Street is doing a "Six Feet Under" skit. LOL. Its got the music from the series, but the six feet are actually feet under a table & count is counting them. I guess they know adults watch this stuff. har har har.
Thanks, everyone! It was a beautiful shower and I felt good that day (bought some new makeup, which helped! Yay for bronzer and lip gloss!), so I''m really happy with how it turned out!

Diver, it was actually at a golf club, not someone''s house -- I wish I knew people with houses that pretty! Thankfully the weather was nice that day so we got to appreicate the views -- one side overlooked the golf course, while the other had a great skyline shot of Boston. Really lovely! As for shower ideas, take away! Other things that were there: everyone who brought diapers got entered into a raffle and the winner (chosen by moi) won a basket of goodies; there was bingo, which for some reason didn''t go over well (the type where people fill in all the squares themselves before we start opening gifts, but a lot of people just didn''t get that concept!); also on the table were sheets of paper that said something like "What did your mother do for you while growing up that embellsihed your life?" and we got to take those home -- some were really sweet, some were funny (my best friend from childhood wrote, "fed me, burped me, and moved me into the same neighborhood as [ellaila]"
). My friend who organized coordinated *everything* -- invites, cake, favors, her gift, the decorations -- it was all just too too cute!!

That''s hilarous about the Six Feet Under thing on Sesame Street!! It''ll be interesting to watch that show from a grown-up''s perspective since they say that it definitely has lots of adult humor in it as well that kids obviously don''t catch on to.

And even if it is technically too soon for Delaney to truly be smiling at you, I''m sure she was

Dumb question for mommies (or mommies-to-be who know!): can you please explain to me how to make up the crib?? So from the bottom up, it''s mattress, then a quilted mattress cover, then a crib protector sheet, then a sheet? Is that it? I know they recommend doing two levels of protector and sheet so that if there''s an accident, you can just take off the top one, right? I feel like this shouldn''t be complicated yet I''m so scared of doing it wrong!

Also, the past two nights I''ve slept SO well -- Sat. night I slept four hours before getting up to pee and last night I slept for FIVE hours before getting up! That''s the most sleep I''ve had in seven months. So of course now I''m all panicking and wondering if the babies have dropped or something and so now I''m feeling less pressure on my bladder?? (Or maybe I was just so darn tired from the long weekend that my body decided sleeping was more important than peeing?) Even if the babies drop, that doesn''t mean labor is imminent or anything, right? I want them babes in there for another eight weeks (though my back and hips really want them out now!)!
Ella: Delaney dropped at 10 weeks...LOL just kidding, but seriously, she was so low for so long it was torture. Your cervix is closed up tight right? No worries honey!
so, just got back from the dr. waiting an hour, they were unually busy today for a 5 min appt. I heard the heartbeat and that was about it. The most exciting part was scheduling the ultrasound for Nov. 4 week until we find out the sex

ella, I never did the 2 layers but I know a lot of moms do. I just did the mattress cover and the sheet. i never had the multiple protecters that they make today.
I have an u/s the same day, MrsS :) So are you getting a regular u/s or are you doing amnio that day? If it''s regular u/s, then I hope that little boy or girl of yours cooperates and shows off his/her goods for the camera!

Diver, yep, the cervix is good and closed and long (or at least it was a week ago). I think I''m just getting the "OMG, it''s gonna happen soon!" jitters and getting freaked out by any potential symptom of it ...

Speaking of ... Ms. Tacori, how you doing?
ella, I''m not doing the amnio so it will be a regular ultrasound for me. i hope the little one shows us it''s good too. otherwise i''ll be begging for a second ultrasound on a different day
Tacori: I hear you on the baby not having anywhere to go except out when you have a short torso. I will have the same problem too since I am an inch shy of you
DH is afraid that my small torso cavity is not going to be enough room for the baby to grow and stun the baby''s growth

Ella: You looked absolutely radiant at your shower. I''m pretty sure your mat. picture will just be stunning. I love your baby rattles by the way. They are just the cutest. I thought there were dolls or something. Where did you get them?

MrsS: That''s so exciting about feeling your baby move and about finding out the sex so soon. One month is going to go by so fast. Question, did you have the NT or the triple AFP test?
Date: 10/15/2007 5:03:16 PM
Author: lili

MrsS: That''s so exciting about feeling your baby move and about finding out the sex so soon. One month is going to go by so fast. Question, did you have the NT or the triple AFP test?

hi lili,
no, i didn''t do the NT and decided today to not do the AFP. I had a false positive with my first and it really freaked me out. I did the test again with my second and all was fine. This time around I just don''t think I can handle another false result. I did ask my dr. and he asked me if we found out there was something wrong would we terminate. We wouldn''t, so he agreed there was no real reason for me to do it. he said if i were higher risk he''d recommend the amnio but since I''m still considered low risk and my chances for downs are still less than 1% that he would support my decision. he said we''ll get a diagnosic result in my ultrasound next month so we''ll just wait until then.
MrsS. That''s good. No need to give yourself the added stress and pain if it''s not necessary.
So has your m/s gone away yet?
Hey ladies. Baby''s still in me. We went to the movies last night and I was having contractions the whole time. It hurt really low (like my pants were really tight) and my back was KILLING me. I tried to time the the best I could and I had a few more when we got home then they stopped. I have a doctor''s appointment tomorrow so hopefully he will do an internal and let me know what (if anything) is going on in there. I feel like the baby must have dropped b/c my cervical pressure is pretty uncomfortable. Also my upper thighs (where my legs meet my torso by my bikini line) hurts. Is that normal?

Finally went and bought some nursing bras. I figure this way I am really ready. They had some nice ones with underwire but the nurse at my BF class said to avoid those (even though the SA said they were fine). I rather play it safe.

Ella, I followed Chrono''s advice (which is probably pages, and pages back by now). I have a mattress pad (fitted), regular sheet, the the "ultimate" crib sheet (that is basically an all in one). I know they sell the white ones at BRU but I bought a pretty blue one (matches our walls) online at the place Chrono suggested. Also I bought a PNP sheet there too. I like them b/c they are like one big pillow case so I figure they are safer than the normal ones (for coming undone).

Diver, can''t wait to see pics of miss delaney! Can''t say I haven''t gorged on junk food....errr....oh well. I am hoping my HB will be cured with delivery too!

Lili, it''s tough being short. I guess the good thing is our bellies get REALLY round. I seriously feel like I got a basketball under my shirt. Don''t worry. Your body will MAKE room for baby. We did do the AFP test and luckily it was negative. Since it was just a blood test we decided we would want to know so we could prepare. It is a personal choice obviously. Something we went back and forth about.

MrsS, how exciting. I can''t wait til next month when you will finally know pink or blue.

How cute are you? Your shower looked soooo fun!!! I hope you enjoyed every minute of it, and that you got great stuff!!!! You and your hubby are adorable!
MRS DANI!! Did I miss your wedding thread or did you not post any pics yet?? Please post the link here if you have one! If not, then get on it, girl -- we want to hear all about it!! And see photos of you and Mr. Dani

Tacori, contractions and back pain ... oooooooohhhhh!!! Definite signs of labor! Can''t wait to know what the doctor says tomorrow -- good luck!! I actually bought a nursing bra months ago when I felt like my ribs were being pushed constantly, and it''s definitely more comfy than having the underwire. I had to suck it up and order a coat today from Old Navy b/c it''s getting *chilly* here and I don''t have a jacket that fits me anymore, and the stores don''t actually even have them in stock yet. Kind of bummed to have to spend $$ on a coat that I''m going to wear for only two or three months, but oh well -- I need it!

I registered for the ultimate crib sheets at BRU (I''m pretty sure that''s what it is), but now I''ll go back and find Chrono''s thread and reread it to see if I ordered the right thing and to see if I need anything else.

We had our second childbirth class tonight, and we''re starting to get so excited!! Not that either option looks very fun but between c-sec and vag birth, I really hope that we can go vag. I''ll see at the u/s in a few more weeks whether Baby Girl has flipped, but if she hasn''t, then I''m going to be bummed b/c that will mean that a c-sec is a more likely possibility. I may check that web site (spinningbabies?) to see what I can do to get her to go head-down...

OH, and we got our maternity portraits back!! But they''re in an executable program, so I can''t really get individual photos ... unless I can maybe do screen shots and then save those? Hmm. But anyhow, there are some that came out really great! Our kitty climbed onto the backdrop at one point and just sat right in front of us and was gazing into the camera, so there are some funny "family" shots of us all -- my friend actually had one framed at the shower for us (the photog is her coworker, that''s how she got the single print). I''ll try tomorrow to see if I can get some of the shots to show you guys. I really do recommend getting them done -- I think that even if you feel like you don''t look good, when you see the shots and see yourself through others'' eyes, you''ll be really surprised at how beautiful your body really is! (And remember, there''s no flaw that can''t be fixed in Photoshop!)
Date: 10/15/2007 5:03:16 PM
Author: lili

Ella: You looked absolutely radiant at your shower. I''m pretty sure your mat. picture will just be stunning. I love your baby rattles by the way. They are just the cutest. I thought there were dolls or something. Where did you get them?
Thanks Lili! The rattles (they are plush like little dolls) are from this site -- it''s where she got the favors and other decorations too:

Invitations were adorable too -- they were from miraclemunchkins:
Well Ella, I *think* they were contractions. hard to tell. They were painful but not tears rolling down my face painful. My lower back doesn''t usually bother me so much so that is also what made me think they were. Most my BHs aren''t painful at all...the anticipation is going to drive me insane!

Just to warn you they told me to shop for nursing bras at 38 weeks and buy a cup size LARGER than you are then. Scary! They look so huge. Anyways so you probably will have to buy a few more. The sleeper ones are SOOOO comfy.
Oh gosh, Tacori, it sounds like labor contractions. Maybe your cervix is ripening? I''m thinking it''ll be your turn soon. I''m waiting for the day Tacori disappears from this thread for a few days.
Date: 10/15/2007 11:47:21 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Just to warn you they told me to shop for nursing bras at 38 weeks and buy a cup size LARGER than you are then. Scary! They look so huge. Anyways so you probably will have to buy a few more. The sleeper ones are SOOOO comfy.

you know, right after your milk comes in your breasts do get huge, but after a week or two of nursing when the supply is established they go down a bit, at least for me they did. I wore the nursing bra''s with my first and just used my regular bra''s with my second, the little hook on the nursing bras were too much trouble the second time around so i just lifted up my bra and it worked fine. I also didn''t have any leaking problems with baby #2, but did with my first. I just think like pregnancy everyone and every baby is different, there just isn''t really a perfect way to predict what exactly your body will do.

tacori, with each day you are getting closer. can''t wait to hear what your dr. says today!!!
Date: 10/15/2007 10:29:45 PM
Author: ellaila
MRS DANI!! Did I miss your wedding thread or did you not post any pics yet?? Please post the link here if you have one! If not, then get on it, girl -- we want to hear all about it!! And see photos of you and Mr. Dani

Tacori, contractions and back pain ... oooooooohhhhh!!! Definite signs of labor! Can't wait to know what the doctor says tomorrow -- good luck!! I actually bought a nursing bra months ago when I felt like my ribs were being pushed constantly, and it's definitely more comfy than having the underwire. I had to suck it up and order a coat today from Old Navy b/c it's getting *chilly* here and I don't have a jacket that fits me anymore, and the stores don't actually even have them in stock yet. Kind of bummed to have to spend $$ on a coat that I'm going to wear for only two or three months, but oh well -- I need it!

I registered for the ultimate crib sheets at BRU (I'm pretty sure that's what it is), but now I'll go back and find Chrono's thread and reread it to see if I ordered the right thing and to see if I need anything else.

We had our second childbirth class tonight, and we're starting to get so excited!! Not that either option looks very fun but between c-sec and vag birth, I really hope that we can go vag. I'll see at the u/s in a few more weeks whether Baby Girl has flipped, but if she hasn't, then I'm going to be bummed b/c that will mean that a c-sec is a more likely possibility. I may check that web site (spinningbabies?) to see what I can do to get her to go head-down...

OH, and we got our maternity portraits back!! But they're in an executable program, so I can't really get individual photos ... unless I can maybe do screen shots and then save those? Hmm. But anyhow, there are some that came out really great! Our kitty climbed onto the backdrop at one point and just sat right in front of us and was gazing into the camera, so there are some funny 'family' shots of us all -- my friend actually had one framed at the shower for us (the photog is her coworker, that's how she got the single print). I'll try tomorrow to see if I can get some of the shots to show you guys. I really do recommend getting them done -- I think that even if you feel like you don't look good, when you see the shots and see yourself through others' eyes, you'll be really surprised at how beautiful your body really is! (And remember, there's no flaw that can't be fixed in Photoshop!)

LOL....I know, I know, I have to get on posting pics for you guys....I am a computer idiot so I need Brian (aka, Mr. Dani-LOL!) to help me!!! Promise I will do it soon!!!! I wanna see some of your preggo pics too!!!
Date: 10/16/2007 8:58:09 AM
Author: Chrono
Oh gosh, Tacori, it sounds like labor contractions. Maybe your cervix is ripening? I''m thinking it''ll be your turn soon. I''m waiting for the day Tacori disappears from this thread for a few days.

Me too!
I was laying on the sofa last night thinking "soon I will have a baby. My life will NEVER be the same" Obviously this was planned and I do feel ready but is so close now! Making me a little nervous.

MrsS, I hope mine stay larger since I spent $100 on nursing bras. It would be a shame only to use them for a few weeks. Oh well. Guess I will find out soon enough!
Update: Well no change in my cervix
I am as tight as a drum. Baby hasn''t even dropped yet! He told me not to be discouraged but did say I need to decide on an "end date." Basically any day after my due date to induce. He said the sooner I do it the more likely I would need a c-sec but at the same time there is no reason to wait after 41 weeks. AND if I just tell him I can''t do this anymore he''ll do it at 40 weeks, 1 day (if that is what I want). So now I need to decide when that date should be (just in case). Any ideas?
I still have 12 days so there is still time to go on my own. We''ll see. Besides that everything is good (HB, blood pressure, belly measurement).
I''d see how it goes, you don''t have to decide this minute. Hopefully you''ll go on your own. Best of luck to you, won''t be long now!!!
Date: 10/16/2007 7:54:17 PM
Author: Kaleigh
I''d see how it goes, you don''t have to decide this minute. Hopefully you''ll go on your own. Best of luck to you, won''t be long now!!!

Hopefully not. I still have time. I think they want to know next week. But a lot can happen in 7 days right?!?
Tacori, sounds like it was still a good appt. though I know you wanted to hear a more definitive "This is when it''s going to happen!" statement! The full moon is on 10/26, which is right near your due date, so ... could be! This coming weekend could be your last weekend as non-parents!! WOW!

I told my boss today that starting next week I''m going to work four days a week and work from home two of those days. I''ve told her from the get-go (and many times since then) that mid-October was when my dr. recommended I cut back on my hours, so this shouldn''t be a surprise to her. Just physically going to work exhausts me lately, and driving and walking and all that is getting to be pretty uncomfortable. The elevator was out at work yesterday, and even though it''s just one flight up, I was wiped out from having to climb! I need to take care of myself in order to keep those babies in there till 37 weeks, so even if my boss has an issue with it (which she won''t), tough cookies. My babies'' and my own health are more important to me than my job, for sure! I''m 29 weeks tomorrow, and I''m basically almost the same as someone full-term with one baby in terms of weight gain, the size of my uterus, the pressure on certain body parts, etc. -- and I''ve got another two months to go!! So if I feel 9 mos. pregnant when I''m 7 mos., I can''t even imagine what I''m going to feel like when I''m truly 9 mos. pregnant!!

As for nursing bras, I only got one b/c my normal underwire bras were killing me! I figure I''m going to have to buy more eventually though, and that one was really cheap at Motherhood (like $12 or something), so no biggie if I don''t get too much wear out of it.

EDD: 1.2.08 (twins)