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Ditto!!Date: 1/26/2010 9:35:39 AM
Author: vespergirl
Kimberly, I just wanted to say that your new house is beautiful!!!
ginger - Try not to worry. I had an internal check at 5:00 pm 37w5d and was closed closed closed! Nada...I had my son at 4:38pm 37w6dDate: 1/26/2010 10:59:26 AM
Author: gingerB
radiantgirl/chinacat - awww....can''t wait to meet your munchkins!
kim - your house is gorgeous!!
jcrow - with all the hospitals i''ve worked at, the L&D/maternity sections are always really nice. usually very homey/hotel like with softer lighting, carpeting/wood paneling. very soothing.
lovelylulu - since you started with insurance with your doc, maybe he''ll ride out the rest of your pregnancy with it? woouldn''t hurt to ask.
steph - so excited for you!!! can''t wait to hear your stroy and ''meet'' your new little man. and your current little man sounds like a complete doll, what a sweetie!
mara - i have been studiously ignoring the belly pic hints i admit. actually hubbs is on my case about overexposure on the net and even if i cut my head out, he doesn''t want someone to recognize our house etc... etc... he really doesn''t ask much of me so, what can i say? your crooked belly pic made me laugh though cuz that is the exact same view i have. wonder if there is something about the right side that bebes love so much since it seems all our little ones like to cozy over to that one side.![]()
as for me, still nothing. i know i''m only 38 weeks this week, but it''s kind of anxiety inducing to not have any signs of progression. any ladies out there who DID NOT have braxton hicks or mucous plugs or anything at this point and still delivered more or less on time? i almost wish i hadn''t had the 37 week u/s because now that i know how big his head isi''m even more anxious about not being too late y''know? ignorance really can be bliss
we now have several talks a day with gingerbaby re: the importance of being on time![]()
Date: 1/26/2010 10:59:26 AM
Author: gingerB
as for me, still nothing. i know i'm only 38 weeks this week, but it's kind of anxiety inducing to not have any signs of progression. any ladies out there who DID NOT have braxton hicks or mucous plugs or anything at this point and still delivered more or less on time? i almost wish i hadn't had the 37 week u/s because now that i know how big his head isi'm even more anxious about not being too late y'know? ignorance really can be bliss
we now have several talks a day with gingerbaby re: the importance of being on time![]()
Date: 1/26/2010 12:45:18 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Good luck tomorrow.
I know how you feel about no progress. I am super anxious now at 39w5d with no progress. So I hope you get some progress soon.
I am going do more walking in hope to get things going.
Date: 1/26/2010 1:10:00 PM
Author: Mara
still here! i have an appt at noon with my dr that i wanted to cancel because i feel like i will just be depressed if she says there''s no progress since last week. but she had no other appts later this week (closer to due date) so this is the one i got stuck with. after this i won''t see her til next week when i am overdue. but whatever, i figured i''ll keep it since my mani/pedi place is right near to the clinic so i might as well kill two birds with one stone and then i can ask her some other random Q''s i have been wondering about like why is my belly so crazy low and what the process is if i am 5/1/1 and go in and am like only 2cm dilated and don''t they send me home, do they put the pill on my uterus, what. i pride myself on asking my dr the most random weird Q''s but i think she secretly likes it.![]()
but on the other hand i feel like there must be progress happening. last nite my back was killing me and i had horrible menstrual like cramps most of the night. but right around 3-4pm usually things peter out. same with when i have contractions. it''s funny but happens every night. i just figure one night it won''t stop and then we''ll know. i do still have chronic back pain this morning, its not comfy.
also belly is extremely heavy now and when i walk i feel like he might just fall out. my friend told me that is close to the end. i hope so! i am joking with greg that we''ll wake up one morning and he''ll be in bed with us going ''hi mom and dad'' hahaa.
yesterday i went out to walk and it started to rain. i made it 2 blocks, bah. today i wanted to walk before my appt and guess what, its raining! BOO.
i am enjoying my last few days (?) off before the kiddo comes though. i don''t recall who said it on here (ginger?) but i am really aware of how this is the ''last time we will XYZ''..whatever. these are the last days that we will have just the two of us (three with portia) ever again. and we''ve been together 10 years, so it''s a long time it''s just been the two of us. thinking about it makes me a little emotional actually. even though we got lucky on the first try, we never were sure we even wanted kids for so long that it almost sometimes seems surreal that we are just about to become parents.
Date: 1/26/2010 1:10:00 PM
Author: Mara
MP...i mean to ask this yesterday but i guess i''m too focused on ''why isnt my child coming out yet'' hahaa. you said you had some sort of procedure scheduled i think today but were worried about your high fluid levels? did you ask your Dr if doing the procedure is still ok given the high fluid levels? and is your Dr worried at all about the levels? i don''t remember the background, too many posts. anyway i hope all is well.
Thank you! I have to be in at 5am, with the surgery scheduled for 7, so bright and early but that''s good since I doubt I will sleep a wink tonightDate: 1/26/2010 4:43:54 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Good luck tomorrow Steph!! What time do you go in??
MP hope your procedure went well.
Mara, hoping your doc said progress IS being made, sure sounds like it.
To everyone else that is due, hoping it won''t be too much longer!!!![]()