
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Ella, your photos are awesome! Still, I felt so ugly during my pregnancy I am don''t regret not doing them...yet anyways. I treated myself to some new face stuff at Nordstrom''s. I have been so paranoid on what I CAN use and what I can''t I basically haven''t used anything. I also got some Benefit eye brightner (can''t remember the name) from Sephora. Seems to make me look less tired. SIL and I did major food shopping. I stocked up on all the basics. I think we are going to carve pumpkins tonight. I will just carve "It''s a" and leave a blank until I come back from the hospital. I just want to baby to hurry up and get here!

TGal, one of my worst fears is I will have to go through labor AND a c-sec but I guess you just can''t predict these things. I am so glad for your friend (maybe a little jealous too!)
Ohhh, Ella, you are too cute!! Your pics are wonderful, and you really look great!!!
Aww (blush) -- thanks lili, Diver, Tacori, and Dani!

We did our hospital tour this morning, and .... it was so boring. The only good thing to come out of it is that there was a couple there who has been in both of our multiples classes too so we finally spoke to them at length and exchanged email addresses. It''d be good to keep in touch with another couple having twins at roughly the same time we are (she''s just a few weeks ahead of me!). So that was cool

Tacori and others who have pets and are worried about introducing pets->babies, we just found out about a CD called Preparing Fido. I guess it''s a CD of different baby noises to get your pets (and YOU!) accustomed to the noises that will be in the house so they don''t freak out. That couple said it''s pretty good not just for that but also to get you to differentiate the different noises babies make -- I guess the tracks are called things like "cooing" and stuff, so you know that those noises are normal!

Tacori, have fun with your pumpkin carving!! You''re so creative and artistic, I''m sure that even your little jack-o-lantern will be a masterpiece!
Beautiful pictures, ellalia! You two look so happy and in love with each other, and with those babies!
Your pics are so beautiful. The love you have for eachother and your babies just comes through loud and clear in these lovely pics.
Hi Mommas and Mommas to be!!
It''s good to see everyone doing so well! I love the energy on this thread :)
Ella.. wow! can''t wait to do mine. I didn''t do any pics when i was 1st pregnant

I wish i did though. But there''s always next time

speaking of next time......
I''m due mid June! i''m 5 weeks preggi!
I''ve tried to hold out but I really need to share with someone!
it''s too soon to share with family. but man, i want to scream - Pregnant lady coming through!!!

As I type this, I''m so worried about what happened last month. I don''t want to jinx anything you know..
I''m keeping my fingers crossed and thinking positive. Stick baby! Stick!!
I guess i''m lucky to be able to conceive ''easily'' 2x''s in a row! We must be fertile folk!
DH and I were not ''trying'' but just threw caution into the wind and let nature take it''s course.
I wansn''t as antsy about finding out (like last time). But as my BFP passed without the P, well, i just
had to confirm - you know what i mean!!

Wish me luck! Hopefully the next 9 months (8 now, i guess!) will bring me a bundle of cuddly warmth

Awwwwe, Congrats Mommabear! Wonderful news
Awwwee MommaBear, that's great news

Hehe, I was thinking to myself that you are preggo before even finish reading your post.
Congrats and here's to 8 healthy months to come.
this is wonderful news mommabear. I have several friends who got pregnant again during their first cycle''s after a m/c too. I can totally understand the desire to want too share too and so glad you did. i will be saying a prayer that things go smoothly for you this time and you''ll have your bundle of warmth early next summer. congrats again.
also want to check in on miss late night check in from her..hmmm

tick..tock...tacori, thinking of you....if your not off having your baby, you will be soon
Congratulations, MommaBear! We won''t tell anyone your secret! Shhh!

If Tacori isn''t giving birth, she may be having a difficult night being kicked and being let know in other ways that her baby won''t stand for much more of this confinement stuff! If it''s not here today, her time is close!

Congratulations MommaBear!!! Very exciting!!

Thinking of you Tacori. Wondering if this is it?? Good luck!!
I''m out of town, so real quick...

Ella, I love the pics! Beautiful!


CONGRATS MommaBear!!!!!!
Ella, Your pictures are beautiful! Love them!

MommaBear, what great news! Congratulations!
Sorry to disappoint ladies....still preggo
. I am exactly 39 weeks today so hopefully it will be SOON. My next appointment is tuesday. I really don''t think the baby has dropped so maybe my body needs extra help to get things started. My SIL was in town so that is why I haven''t been on as much this weekend.

Ella, you are so sweet. Thank you. Depending on when I DO give birth I might not have time to do anything complicated.

Momma, I am SO excited for you. Let me know when you wantto be added to the list. We can wait if you ate worried about being jinxed. DH and I are BOTH June babies so start researching alexandrites

Deb, I tell the baby to head south. Already not listening to his/her mom! Haha.

MrsS & Lisa, soon. I can''t be preggo forever luckily! I am just mentally preparing for an induction so I am not driving myself crazy.
ah, i''d forgotten you said your SIl was going to be in town. when your 39 weeks preggo and disappear for more than 12 hours I for one get anxious with speculation. have you decided on an induction date if you don''t go into labor during the next 7 days? we can start a countdown for you
seriously though, hang in there, it really can happen any minute so don''t get discouraged you''re really in the home stretch!!!
Date: 10/21/2007 2:03:05 PM
Author: mrssalvo
ah, i''d forgotten you said your SIl was going to be in town. when your 39 weeks preggo and disappear for more than 12 hours I for one get anxious with speculation. have you decided on an induction date if you don''t go into labor during the next 7 days? we can start a countdown for you
seriously though, hang in there, it really can happen any minute so don''t get discouraged you''re really in the home stretch!!!

If the doctor STILL agrees I want to be induced the 29th (next monday). I know it isn''t giving myself a lot of time to go on my own but honestly I just want to get it over with and have my mom here for support as long as possible. I guess I will try to make that appointment at my next one (not sure the procedure). Hopefully he''s still ok about it. I am worried that if my cervix is still long and closed he will change his mind.
So if all goes according to plan I will have my baby within 8 days!!!!
Sorry to have jumped the gun, Tacori! Soon, though! Very, very soon!

Date: 10/21/2007 2:13:31 PM
Author: AGBF

Sorry to have jumped the gun, Tacori! Soon, though! Very, very soon!




Thanks Deb!
Momma just saw your due date on the other thread. That is my hubby''s birthday!!!
tacori, I''m so hoping your dr. won''t change his mind. when I went into labor with my first, my water broke at 3:00am, went to the hopsital and 4:00am and waited 4 hours and still only dilated to 1cm. so they gave me pitocen. not too much different than being induced and she was 2 weeks early, but since my water broke they really wanted to get that baby out w/in 24 hours. anyway, i''m still hopeful you''ll go into labor on your own. either way, only 8 more sleeps at the latest
I like the way you think MrsS! How funny people now look at me like they have NEVER seen a pregnant lady before. SIL and I were out to eat and when I stood up to leave the two ladies at the table next to us said "whoah, look at her! She''s really pregnant!"
Then at Lowes the cashier told me how I was so huge and the baby is going to be so huge. Well, I am 39 weeks and have a small human curled up inside my small torso but thanks....she was an idiot!
Hi All -

I''m jumping into this thread since my DH and I have just started talking about when to start trying - which we think will be spring of next year!
I''ve been a lurker on this thread for a while and decided to jump in on the conversations going on here. I think this thread is a wealth of knowledge for something that a lot of us are unfamiliar with or unsure about. Like many of you, this will be my first pregnancy and I want to make sure I''m prepared! ;)

I know some of you were mentioning prenatals earlier and I was wondering how many months in advance should I start taking them and what are the generic brands to take? Also, how far in advance should you have a pre-conception examination?
Date: 10/21/2007 5:07:49 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
I like the way you think MrsS! How funny people now look at me like they have NEVER seen a pregnant lady before. SIL and I were out to eat and when I stood up to leave the two ladies at the table next to us said ''whoah, look at her! She''s really pregnant!''
Then at Lowes the cashier told me how I was so huge and the baby is going to be so huge. Well, I am 39 weeks and have a small human curled up inside my small torso but thanks....she was an idiot!
Seriously, people can be so ignorant. I would''ve loved it if you had actually said, "My excuse for being "huge" is that I''m growing a person in my torso -- now what''s your excuse for being an idiot?"

Congrats Mommabear! Yes, I''d wait to tell anyone else your news just yet, but definitely feel free to vent away here with excitement -- we''ve all been there and know how hard it is to keep such exciting news a secret!

Welcome blushingbride
I think most places (Target, CVS, etc.) probably have their own generic versions of prenatal vitamins -- just check with the pharmacist there to make sure that the generics have all the essential stuff (high folic acid, low vitamin A). And as you probably read a few pages back, you probably want to get one with DHA as well. As for a preconception examination, do you have any reason in particular to worry about conceiving, so that you''d need a special appt. beforehand? I never did anything special -- just my regular yearly gyn exams. I guess I''d just call my dr. if I were you and see what he/she says about having to do anything beforehand. Sorry I''m not much help here -- we got pregnant pretty much off the bat, so we didn''t do too much prepwork!
Just popping in to see how Mommy Tacori is doing I''m so excited for you! Here''s hoping that your final preggo days go by quickly and that delivery goes smoothly.

Ella: you are GLOWING in those pics, girl!!


Diver: Can''t wait to see pics of pretty Miss Delaney
Hi Everyone!!! Just doing a quick drive by! I have soooo much catching up to do.

NJC, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Can''t wait to see pictures of Jonathan.

Tacori, I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you. I hope it happens soon!!!

MommaBear, that is GREAT news!! After everything you''ve been through, I hope you have a very sticky bean this time. Sending you lots of good vibes!

Ellaila, WOWEEE!!!!! Awesome photos. I can''t believe you are carrying twins. You look fantastic!!

It sounds like everyone is doing well from my quick skim of the posts. TGal, I had an amnio because it IS diagnostic, not just a screening. I''m old and nervous and I too would have terminated had there been a problem. Don''t let anyone make you feel bad for being honest, especially here where we''ve all discussed some pretty intimate details about our lives and our emotions. I''m with you 100%. I''m sure it will all go smoothly and you''ll get great results.

Just a story--not to scare anyone but it''s a story! My friend was due on October 4. NO PROGRESS at all. Finally went in to be induced on October 12. Got the cervidil put in and then began the pitocin early morning of October 13. Labored ALL DAY. Finally went to give birth at around 9 pm. Pushed for 2 hours to no avail. Her baby girl was delivered by c-section at 12:44 am on October 14. The baby weighed NINE POUNDS and my friend is teeeny tiny! No wonder she couldn''t push her out. Unfortunately, she got crazy black eyes and broken blood vessels in her eyeballs so she looked like hell but I went to see her 5 days after giving birth and she is in great shape--walking around, breastfeeding like a champ, looking amazing. Granted, she has a baby nurse to help her out for 2 weeks so she looked well rested and was even going out to dinner with her husband but my point is that even if you HAVE to have a c-section, it''s ok. My friend was sooo determined to have a vaginal birth but was open to whatever might happen and she''s not upset about the interventions and is recovering realy quickly. Just some food for thought for those of you who are gearing up to give birth. I know people go in with birth plans but you have to be open minded because anything can happen and the most important thing is to have a healthy baby, regardless of how they get it out of you!!!!

I''m still loving being a mommy except my little pumpkin is growing toooo fast!! Lily is already 5.5 months old and is growing every day! She''s eating rice cereal now along with her fomula and will be starting veggies next week!! She can sit up and roll over both ways--sounds like a dog! She is constantly "talking" and giggling. She''s just such a joy and pleasure to be around. She has an amazing disposition that I hope will last forever. No teeth yet but lots of drool and everything is going in her mouth so I have a feeling that is right around the corner. Where did my little baby go?!?!? I literally can not wait to do it again. I''ll post some photos soon!

Just wanted to give you all my best wishes. Can''t wait for Tacori''s announcement. If it''s not a girl, I''ll be shocked!
Ella, I know. People say such stupid things. I just let those things toll off my back but then obsess about them later.

CGirl, thanks for the check in. I am still hanging in there. Hopefully it won''t be much longer now.

Curly, you and me both! It is like watching a pot boil. Be sure to post new pics of Lily. I bet she is a beauty! When do you think you will TTC again? I really am ok (always have been) if I need a c-sec. I honestly just want to get it all over with and meet my baby! I started feeling sick again which is NO fun. Now I am sick AND huge (vs. 1st tri when I just felt sick). This pregnancy business takes its toll for sure. I can''t wait to announce all the details and will try not to leave you all hanging. I still think it is a girl too but what do I know

Well I haven''t eaten all day so I should try to eat something. I''ll check in later.
Tacori, don''t take any of those negative comments to heart or dwell on it. Just vent on here and get it out of your system. My sister is always venting to us when she was pregnant with her baby about things people would say to her. I can''t believe some of the stuff she heard. When she was 8 months pregnant, some of her coworkers would come up to her and looked at her small stature and then her tummy and gave her a sympathic head shake and said "Oh, I''m so worried for you". And one of her so-called friend kept telling her to stop so much because she''s getting fat. It''s stupid because my sister she had a small portion on her plate earlier and went back for a second serving. The funny thing was that girl herself had a huge heaping serving and was on her second serving herself when she told my sister to curb her eating; and get this she wasn''t even pregnant at the time. Oh, a karma''s a b*tch, cuz shortly after she said those things to my sister, she herself got pregnant and was eating incessantly

Anyway, hope this week is it for you. Full moon is just around the corner.
Go get some herbal tea and DTD
^^I''ll place my bet that Tacori has her baby around the Fullmoon too.
I believe in fullmoons starting labor especially since that is how it worked for me. Back to lurkdome.
Oh Lili & Vegas I hope the full moon will work for me. When is it? The 26th?