
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

forgot to add a few things when i wrote last...

On the topic of softened stools

Just a heads up for anyone with bowel issues---My doc and homeopath suggested I not take a natural stool softener if it could at all be avoided b/c for some ppl it will create a dependency during/ after the pregnancy (my mom had this problem) but if you normally have really good digestion/elimination it shouldn''t be a big issue.

In place of the softener I have been eating around 5-6 pitted prunes each day--they really, really help and have been a lifesaver. I also juice green veggies in the morning for breakfast--however I don''t enjoy this swamp water drink too much and it''s reallllly not appealing now that i am pregnant--but it is a good way to get things moving and get tons of veggie intake.

Ella--i totally understand your preference for carbs--i am sure with twins you need tons of them to engergize you through the day!!! An aquaintance of mine who had triplets said she would have to get up in the night during her second Tri just to have a bagel and peanut butter or something--she was hungery 24/7 and fruit and veg simply did not cut it!
I feel that way at 3:00 each day!

Saw ''Knocked Up'' recently--cute and crude at the same time. A fun, don''t have to think, date night movie
Jess, definitely take it easy and catch the babydust I''m throwing your way!

Jas, I just got myself a body pillow too. I am a back sleeper and am trying to train myself to sleep on my side. So far, I''m not all that successful.

As for feeling the baby...I felt something yesterday that I think was it. It DID feel like gas...but yet different. My stomach just sort of "turned". I haven''t felt it again. I figure it will be just a matter of time before I''m getting beat up by the kid, so I am enjoying this guessing game whlie it lasts.

Ella, well that salad sure sounded healthy. Inspired me enough to order one for dinner last night when I took my overdue preggie friend out. She felt a lot better afterwards, which was good. Healthy eating went downhill when we both ordered a cheesecake. Ah well.

I work from home so I figure I can take it easy after the amnio. I''ll keep my eyes closed too. Most of the accounts I''ve read said it''s not that bad painwise, but the creepiness factor is definitely up there!

Tacori, hehehe...yes go toward the light indeed. I told my friend that her baby is looking for a way out since it is looking up and into the cervix.

I have a feeling this second trimester is going to fly by, since it''s the best one. And I know the 3rd one is going to draaaaaaaaaaaaag.
Well, I'm back and happy to report that my chewable vitamins actually taste good! Not chocolate sundae good, but vitamin good. Know what I mean?

Also, I swear I have more energy this morning! Probably the placebo effect, but I'm excited to continue taking these. I want to be a strong, healthy home for my future bean.
Tgal, I know I mentioned I came out face up before. My mom always teased me that I was so excited to see the world. Cheesecake=calcium girl! No worries.

Ebree, maybe I am the only one, or maybe b/c I am preggo but both kinds of prenatals did NOT give me more engery
I think I am just a tired person by nature. Niether upset my stomach (which can sometimes be common) but I got no energy surge. Still waiting for "nesting" to kick house needs a good cleaning
I''ve said it before but I''ll say it again -- any food can be justified (in moderation of course) when you''re pregnant! I mean, ice cream is *recommended* by doctors! Yeeeha!

Jas, I''ve got the Snoogle too, and it''s been a lifesaver. It''s been the only thing to keep me comfy sleeping on my side (I''m a belly sleeper).

TGal, how far along are you again? I think that if what you felt in your belly felt like something "different," then it was probably TTot saying hi! You know your body and what feels right and what feels different so go with your instinct -- your maternal instinct now!
And yes def. enjoy the 2nd trimester - this third tri is kicking my butt day in, day out. (BIG YAWN)

I don''t think prenatals gave me energy either (?). I know that iron pills are supposed to help with fatigue, so I''m starting to think that I may take them after all. Just gotta be sure to eat a FiberOne bar every day and to drink even more water (if that''s possible!).

lili, when is your amnio scheduled for?

Hey, we need some new u/s photos posted here! Anyone have any good ones?
I might have some good u/s photos next week!

Ella, I am 17 weeks pregnant. I told a friend this morning that I had a gas somersault, and she said she thinks it was the baby. But the bugger has sure been quiet since.

I agree with food in moderation. That''s what TGuy is always telling me. He goes on and on about how he doubts the italian women stop drinking wine, the greeks feta and the japanese sushi. Still, I do try to err on the side of caution for the most part. And today I had an Ella inspired salad with a couple of omega 3 hard boiled eggs! TGuy made me a grilled ham and cheese sandwich for an afternoon snack. Yum!

(but I just had the leftover cheesecake.)

In other good news, my friend who I took out last night because she was feeling down from all the face up baby/non labor problems went into labor (we think) just a bit ago. I had to laugh because we''ve seen each other quite a bit since she was due, and yesterday I told her that I found it ironic that every time I saw her, I''d think "this is time I see her she is going to be a mom!" Then of course I''d see her the next day and the next and no baby. So I told her I was going to say "see you tomorrow." As I was getting out of her car, she said "I''ll see you this weekend most likely," and I exclaimed sternly, "I''LL SEE YOU TOMORROW." and got out of the car.

I think the reverse psychology might have worked!!
Date: 10/18/2007 8:56:31 PM
Author: TravelingGal
I might have some good u/s photos next week!

Ella, I am 17 weeks pregnant. I told a friend this morning that I had a gas somersault, and she said she thinks it was the baby. But the bugger has sure been quiet since.

I agree with food in moderation. That''s what TGuy is always telling me. He goes on and on about how he doubts the italian women stop drinking wine, the greeks feta and the japanese sushi. Still, I do try to err on the side of caution for the most part. And today I had an Ella inspired salad with a couple of omega 3 hard boiled eggs! TGuy made me a grilled ham and cheese sandwich for an afternoon snack. Yum!

(but I just had the leftover cheesecake.)

In other good news, my friend who I took out last night because she was feeling down from all the face up baby/non labor problems went into labor (we think) just a bit ago. I had to laugh because we''ve seen each other quite a bit since she was due, and yesterday I told her that I found it ironic that every time I saw her, I''d think ''this is time I see her she is going to be a mom!'' Then of course I''d see her the next day and the next and no baby. So I told her I was going to say ''see you tomorrow.'' As I was getting out of her car, she said ''I''ll see you this weekend most likely,'' and I exclaimed sternly, ''I''LL SEE YOU TOMORROW.'' and got out of the car.

I think the reverse psychology might have worked!!
That''s great Tgal, let us know how she does!

Thought this would be fun for all of our expectant Mom''s

When I was pregnant:
There was no internet
No cell phones, pagers mostly
Pre- Natal vitamins were by presciption only
No diaper Jeannies or whatever they are called
Strollers were heavy and were a PITA to collapse to fit in your car
No pack and plays
US were not 3 D, pictures were crummy
Vbacs were just coming of age

No birth plans
Maternity clothes were hideous, think huge tents...
No Baby Gap, No Old Navy..
The only book was What to expect when you''re expecting before it was revised, scary.

Thought it would be fun for you gals to see how things have progressed!!
Lisa: I know, we are so lucky. I think the best life-saver for me is the internet. I can get just about any information I need. Of course the downside to that is that I may get too much information and some information can really scare the bebegees out of me

Tacori: I thought you were already "nesting" when you finished that fabulous nursery.
I'd probably be "nesting" as in sleeping during my last few weeks. I'm already so lazy right now. Been putting off my weekly cleaning already
Anyway, just want to say that you'll most likely have a baby girl since you've already had many dreams of your little girl. I think it's your little one talking to you.

Jas12: That's so sweet of your hubby for making that comment. I doubt mine would be half as sweet. In fact, I'm already prepping myself for some "call the green peace" comments. All I can tell him is that my claws will really come out if he upsets me.
I'd take the stranger's comment as a compliment. He/she may be tipped off by your pregnancy glow that you have glowing.

TGal: Hehe, I am actually not afraid of needle. The sick side in me will probably want to see where the doctor poke the "javelin" and see what the amniotic fluid looks like. I think I felt a single pop too the other day, but that's it though. I did feel stomach "turned" like you, but that could be a stomach spasm if my stomach is still where I think it is

Ella: My amnio is scheduled for next Thursday. Since Friday is my day off, I have 4 days to recover should I feel any cramping. Then I have my sonogram the following Thursday -- hopefully we'll get some good pictures there. So anxious about them. These two appointments are a big milestone. The last appointment, which was about 2 wks ago, was pretty uneventful. I was hoping that the doctor would do another ultrasound, but no luck there. We did get to hear the heartbeat, which is pretty interesting. Also, I did find out that I did put on four pounds, which was good to hear since I've been trying to get my weight up for the last couple of years. I ate like a pig since I found out that I was preggo at 6 wks, but didn't seem to gain any weight at my 9 wk appointment. I guess it took some time for the calories to build up because I went up 4 lbs at my 13 wk appointment. Let's see what I weigh in at next week. So where are those maternity pictures?

I've been checking this thread everyday hoping to see pictures of you, Diver's Delaney, and of course Njc's Jonathan. Hehe, I love seeing pictures

Lots of baby dust to Ebree, Snlee, and DivaDiamond007.
I can''t wait for you ladies to have your "big" 20 week scan. It was really the first time I felt like I bonded with the baby
Makes you realize what a miracle this whole process is. Its so amazing!

Lili, I believe "nesting" happens days within labor and let me tell you I feel like I need to lay down just from climbing a flight of stairs
I am so tired!

TGal, I hope your friend went into labor. I didn''t think the 3rd trimester on a whole felt long just the 9th month. Longest month of my life!

Lisa, we are lucky to have everything that we do. I can''t imagine all the things my (possible) daughter will have when and if she has kids. Probably really cool moniters and labor sensors.
TGal, keep us posted on your friend!

Kaleigh, my Mom always tells me those type of things too about what used to be/what is now. Like how they drove home from the hospital with me on her lap -- no car seats, no seat belts! Scary.

Congrats on the weight gain, lili! I didn''t put on much weight my first trimester either (and it wasn''t from m/s because I didn''t have any), and it was starting to worry me, but believe me, you''ll catch up later!

Good luck with your upcoming biggie appts (lili, TGal, and MrsS, you''re all soon, right?)!! How exciting! It''s so great when the babies start to look like babies and not just blobs on the u/s. The u/s during our amnio was a Level II, and it was SO clear and easy to see -- we could see every single vertebrae in the spine, and it just floored us. So incredibly cool to see a real little person/people inside of you!

As for my maternity portraits, I narrowed it down last night to my top favorite, umm, 25
I felt funny posting some here since I just posted my shower pics and I don''t want to hog this thread with photos of me! But maybe this weekend I''ll post some ...

Tacori, do you walk much? I think walking is supposed to help bring on labor, isn''t it? Also, I know there are certain teas that can help. As well as DTD (acro I learned recently from njc and Chrono)
kaleigh, that list is too funny. honestly, a few of those things weren't even around when I was preggo six years ago with my first. Old navy maternity clothes had just come out mid-pregnancy for me.

tacori, i thought of you this morning. i was at the playgound with a friend who told me her preggo friend went down one of the slides there over the summer, she was 2 weeks overdue (she was planning a home birth, no intervention etc) anyway, the little bump in the slide must have done the trick b/c when she reached the bottem her water broke. she went home and delivered her baby. soooo, maybe you should head to the playground

ella, post away...there are never too many pics and you're not manopolizing the thread in the least. can't wait to see some of your favorite shots...
More later, but real quick...Ella post those pics!!!!!
Ella, I don''t walk a ton but I stay active (run errands, go shopping, etc...) My doctor said there is really no natual way to induce (though I have heard raspberry tea) He said MAYBE sex would help but that was it. Honestly the thought of having sex right now is not that exciting. I still have 9 days for things to happen on there own. The nurse in one of my classes said MOST women deliver 4 days before to 4 days after (basically those 8 days). Next week I might change my tune and try everything. Can''t wait to see your pics. Start a new thread if you are worried but I don''t think anyone will mind!

MrSS, how funny. I still have my plug so I am not sure if my water can break first.
Might be worth a try though

I think I will start to panic next weekend.
Post away and don''t keep us waiting too long
Let me say that if you should decide to start another thread for your maternity pictures, then you definitely need to fill that thread by posting all of your favorite shots
Anyway, I can''t wait for the appt next week to see the level II sonogram (not too much the amnio though). We were already floored when we saw the "blob" at the 9 wks appt, so this experience will be an interesting one indeed. Do they normal give you snapshots of the u/s during the amnio?

I hear you on being tired after climbing up the stairs. I was so out of breath when I took the stairs instead of the elevator at work. I figured since I''m not getting much of my walking in during the day, that''s the only bit of exercise I''ll get to build up what little muscles I have. It is getting a little better though now that I know how to breathe properly when climbing. Better get used to get cuz my house is 2 stories too. Wouldn''t want to be stuck up in the second level near the end of my pregnancy.

Question about sonogram.
Did you guys have to drink 64oz of water before the appointment?
Date: 10/19/2007 4:55:57 PM
Author: lili

Question about sonogram.

Did you guys have to drink 64oz of water before the appointment?

lili, i just looked at the sheet with the info about my upcoming ultrasound. it says 1st or 3rd trimester OB ultrasounds do not need to drink water but if having a 2nd trimester ultrasound you are supposed to drink 24oz of liquid (anything but milk) 30min. before your appt. strange though b/c I don''t remember having to have a full bladder when I did the 20 week ultrasounds my other pregnancies
. i''m going to have to call and comfirm on monday. i would hate to have to have a full bladder, when they tell me that I always have to *go* that much more.
lili, my doc has the new ultrasounds where you can have an empty bladder. It was awesome not to force down a bunch of liquid. Check with your doctor.
I had to have full bladder for just the first two or so ultrasounds -- so at like 9 and 12 weeks -- but then after that, I didn't. I agree with Tacori -- call the place and find out (or they should tell you specifically beforehand when they do their reminder call). No point in putting yourself through that agony if you don't have to!
*tap tap tap* Ella, where are those photos!

My friend delivered at 9:30 this morning. She got to 10 cm early in the morning...about 5 am I think. After pushing for two hours, they told her she could push for one more hour or get a c-section. The baby refused to budge. He was delivered at 9:30 am by c-section and was 8.5 pounds.

I am happy for her, although not surprised she had a cesarian. I had read that babies who are face up AND looking up are almost always delivered by csection. I didn''t tell her this though...didn''t want to add to her stress!
Date: 10/19/2007 6:10:36 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
lili, my doc has the new ultrasounds where you can have an empty bladder. It was awesome not to force down a bunch of liquid. Check with your doctor.

you know, my ultrasound with my first 2 were with a different dr. which makes me wonder if they had the newer ultrasound and for some reason this one is older. I''m still gonna call on monday and find out b/c I certainly would much prefer to be able to enjoy the experience with and empty bladder..
Your friend must be so happy to have that baby out, TGal! Congrats to her

OK, here are a few of my portraits ...

First off, me and my cute hubby!

Moi! (Though I liked the idea of the gauze "top," it doesn''t look too great in a lot of the photos unfortunately. I think we probably needed another roll to fill me out more!)

I like both of these -- not sure which I like better!

ellaila_3 (Medium).jpg
Woopsie!! Way too big and fuzzy! Here it is smaller ...

And one more of me and hubby!

And the last one -- me again!

oh ella, the pics are just amazing. you look so beautiful and just glowing. I would have such a hard time choosing which one''s to pick to keep. Between you and diver, I really think i''m going to do some this time around. I just have no idea who. we''ll have to work on that when i''m further down the road. thanks so much for sharing them with us.
Thanks, MrsS! I think I did them at *just* the right time in my pregnancy -- I felt good, my belly was big but not obscenely big, and I really don't think that I'd be up for doing the photos any later than where I am now. So for me, it was about 6.5 months, but with one baby, you could probably do them at 7.5-8 months and look gorgeous. I think Diver was somewhere between 7-8 months, and she looked absolutely stunning!

I've seen photos of you from when you and DeeJay met up, and you're adorable -- I think you should totally do them. If you don't like how they come out, then you didn't really lose much -- but if you love them, then think what you've gained! What a cool thing for little babyS to have one day -- fabulous photos of Mom with him or her in the belly!

ETA: that black tubetop thingie I'm wearing is actually my belly band -- another good use for it!
Ella!!!! gorgeous!!!!

have D on my lap, typing 1 handed...will do more later & D pics.

Just checking in our our pg mommas...big hugs to you all!!!
Hot Momma!! Ella, those pics are stunning. I really like the one in the gauze. It really showcase your cute belly

The one with you and hubby in the white t-shirts is really sweet. Thanks for sharing.
That''s great news TGal. So happy for your friend
Wow, 8.5lb. Is this her first?

Anyway, thanks ladies (Tacori, Ella, MrsS) for your input regarding the sonogram. I did read on the internet somewhere that a full bladder is typically required for early pregnancy scan. Since this is almost the half way mark, I think maybe a full bladder is not needed. I''ll definitely call and see what they say.
Would hate to have to hold it in during the sonogram. I remember StehpensBride saying something having to empty her bladder in the middle of her
sonogram and they were able to see just fine with a full or empty bladder.