
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 4/8/2010 5:16:45 PM
Author: snlee
Date: 4/8/2010 5:12:39 PM

Author: Hudson_Hawk

Well ladies, 36 hours of labor and.....

She''s being sent home again.

oh no! I''m sorry to hear. Do you know any other details? I wonder why they haven''t started pitocin since it''s been so long. I know it''s an evil drug but after 36 hours? I guess her water hasn''t broken.

No idea, I''m assuming there''s some medical reason for it...
Date: 4/8/2010 12:21:56 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Mara, what''s the difference between your belly and stomach??
lol i dont know!! it made sense when i was writing it haha. maybe i meant to put a / .

overall no stretch marks anywhere from under boobs to''s that? hehe.

and i can''t believe that MP has been sent home 2x. i don''t remember if she wants to go all natural but at that point i''d be like DRUGS NOW. 36 hours is insane!
36 hours is insane. MP''s water hasn''t broken ?? Why not strip the membranes?? I am trying hard to figure out why she got sent home.. MP if you are reading this, my heart goes out to you sweetie. Hoping you are getting some sleep!!
Date: 4/8/2010 3:20:27 PM
Author: snlee
MP, you''re a trooper! Micha, please come out sooooon!

jcrow, wow, so glad everything turned out okay! Can''t wait to hear what you name her and all of the details! 6 lbs 8 oz is a very good size for a baby delivered at 36 weeks. I remember when we were talking about big babies. Maybe you would have had a big baby if you had gone full term. D was born at 36 weeks and weighed 6 lbs 7 oz. Not sure if I would have been able to push him out if he were over 8 pounds! At the hospital the pedi said baby didn''t look like a premie, am I sure I got my dates right? Funny how we are both 5 feet, delivered around the same time, and our babies are very similar sizes. I''m glad things are going well!

i know what you mean. at the ob appt tues, they estimated her to be a little low in weight at 5 lb. 13 oz, but when she was born she was actually larger. i know if she would have been full term, i really don''t think i could have delivered her naturally. yes, i had her at 36w4d. she would have been full term april 10.
Congrats, JCrow!!
Congrats jcrow!

MP: So sorry you were sent home....take it easy and TRY and get some sleep....even though I''m sure it''s impossible at this point.
jcrow~ Congrats again! Looking forward to pics!!

MP~ I really hope that Micah is resting comfortably in your arms by now!!

I''ve been sick for a few days and finally made an appt with my GP today. I have bronchitis and pneumonia (that apparently I''ve had for a while). Of course I''m very limited on what meds I can use. I''m really wondering if Baby''s problems have been caused or exacerbated by my own illness. It would be wonderful if I got over this crap and her little heart was beating perfectly. She''s still moving around a lot. My leaping Lily!
Congrats JCROW!! I am glad everything went well. It is great that you were already effacing when you were induced, I am sure it helped things along. Did you end up with a v-birth?
Still no Micah.

I had contractions at work from 7am until I left at 2pm yesterday, and I was having to breath through them by the end. I stayed home as long as I could but the pain got worse and worse, no matter how much I breathed, and then I had a bit of mucous plug at around 9pm. At 10-ish we went to triage, they checked me and monitored the baby. I was only 2cm and 90% effaced. At the time I was ok with that, it was still early, so we walked a bit and came back in two hours. No change. So they gave me a sedative and sent me home to try and sleep. It was 2am.

I sort of slept. I would wake up to breath through every contraction and DH would, too, to rub my lower back which helped a LOT. I stayed in bed as long as I could, until I finally got sore from being in bed and tried to get up around 11. I couldn''t get out of bed, at all. I burst into tears, it hurt SO MUCH, and DH finally managed to help me up and to the bathroom. I passed the rest of my plug right then, and I felt ok, so I wanted a shower. (I was so sweaty and nasty from all the labor.) DH wanted to stay with me but I felt ok, so he let me do it alone. I was fine until the end, when I very suddenly got tunnel vision and the next thing I knew, I was on the bathroom floor outside the shower. I still don''t remember falling, at all, but the bruises on my entire right side say otherwise! DH FREAKED and got me up and sped back to the hospital...where they proceeded to tell me it was because my blood sugar was low and the baby was fine, I was still at 2cm and I could "go walk". I can''t even begin to tell you how angry I was, and still am, but the L&D was full of "emergency" patients that did not include women falling down and hurting their baby. So I came home, AGAIN.

The fainting was NOT blood sugar induced. I told them I was having a contraction when it happened, and every contraction since then has made me light headed and given me tunnel vision, despite eating. I know my damn body. I get it, they didn''t have room for me at the time and the baby was ok, my BP was normal and all that. But seriously, wtf? Do I need to injure myself to make them just do their damn job and do something for me?

Falling has also killed my contractions. I am barely having any and now half of them don''t even hurt. The ones that DO hurt, hurt really bad so I can''t sleep, I just doze. I also can''t lay down because the pain of getting up makes me scream.

I am so infuriated. I have now been in labor for over 36 hours.
Awww, MP I just want to hug you right now! I can just feel every single ounce of frustration that you are going through, just from reading your post.

Just think you will definitely had a story to hold over him the rest of his life! And sometimes the hardest things to get through in life--will be the most rewarding. Just keep thinking, eventually at the end of this craziness he will be in your arms forever.

ETA: I don't understand why they didn't just admit you and start it strictly because there is no room?
MP, hugs! Your poor thing! I''m so sorry you are going through this. I am glad you didn''t seriously hurt yourself when you fell. I am so frustrated for you! I don''t understand why they won''t admit you and start induction. No room? Can''t they put you on standby so when there IS a room available, you can get in? I really hope your labor progresses much fast and Micah makes his appearance very soon!!!
Date: 4/8/2010 9:25:26 PM
Author: jcrow
Date: 4/8/2010 3:20:27 PM

Author: snlee

jcrow, wow, so glad everything turned out okay! Can't wait to hear what you name her and all of the details! 6 lbs 8 oz is a very good size for a baby delivered at 36 weeks. I remember when we were talking about big babies. Maybe you would have had a big baby if you had gone full term. D was born at 36 weeks and weighed 6 lbs 7 oz. Not sure if I would have been able to push him out if he were over 8 pounds! At the hospital the pedi said baby didn't look like a premie, am I sure I got my dates right? Funny how we are both 5 feet, delivered around the same time, and our babies are very similar sizes. I'm glad things are going well!
i know what you mean. at the ob appt tues, they estimated her to be a little low in weight at 5 lb. 13 oz, but when she was born she was actually larger. i know if she would have been full term, i really don't think i could have delivered her naturally. yes, i had her at 36w4d. she would have been full term april 10.
D was born at 36w4d too! My co-worker also gave birth at 36w4d and her son was 7lbs, 14oz! Can't believe it. Hope you are doing well! Enjoy this special time!
YOU need an advocate to speak on your behalf. I think after that fall, being so light headed... YOU should have been kept in L&D for monitoring... Having you go home is nuts...

Your husband sounds wonderful. He''s a great guy. I wonder if someone in your family can act on your behalf if need be. I am sure your husband will be busy helping you through contractions going foward.

So just something to think about...

YOU have rights. And should have been kept, as you fell.

I will stay up with you. I know we all are so behind you and want Micah to have a safe and smooth delivery...

Huge hugs....

I promise it will all be worth it....
MP I agree that is ridiculous..!! I know you are in pain, so is your DH speaking up on your behalf? You really need someone extremely strong-willed and vocal advocating for you to be admitted. Did they say why they wouldn''t admit you?That is so baffling...after this long. And your fall? You really should be monitored at the very least. I am really surprised at what is going on... surely it can''t be good for you to just be fruitlessly laboring so long?

And what do they say about it killing your contractions so far? Are they worried? I guess if your water hasn''t broken...but they should be monitoring the baby.

Seriously I would drive back over and raise hell til they admitted you. They can either break your water and/or put you on pitocin to get things going..not sure how you feel about either of those.
Oh MP, my heart goes out to you!

36 hours, a fall and you didn''t get admitted? I don''t recall if you were going with a midwife or OB- regardless, can they intervene on your behalf? Oh, i''m so frustrated for you!

I hope that at this point you are back at the hospital and are being monitored. Sending you lots of hugs, dust and good vibes, hun!
Date: 4/8/2010 2:55:53 PM
Author: jcrow
jcrow here reporting from the hospital... we welcomed a baby girl into our family at 1:46 am wednesday, april 7, 2010. she weighed 6lbs. 8oz.

it''s been quite a ride, but we''re both doing well. i went in for a routine ob appt. at 1:30 on tuesday. i was 2 centimeters dilated and 60% effaced and they noticed protein in my urine and my blood pressure was slightly elevated. ob sent me over to labor and delivery to run lab work and do a 24 hour urine collection to check for protein. before even doing the collection, the ob called to say that my lab results showed that i had preeclampsia and needed to be induced immediately.

will type more later... thanks for all the well wishes, good thoughts, dust and prayers. they surely helped get me through! now only if we could decide on a name for our little one!
what a birth story! i''m glad to hear that everyone''s doing well. enjoy your LO and can''t wait to see pics and hear more- including her name.
Date: 4/8/2010 10:22:09 PM
Author: somethingshiny
I''ve been sick for a few days and finally made an appt with my GP today. I have bronchitis and pneumonia (that apparently I''ve had for a while). Of course I''m very limited on what meds I can use. I''m really wondering if Baby''s problems have been caused or exacerbated by my own illness. It would be wonderful if I got over this crap and her little heart was beating perfectly. She''s still moving around a lot. My leaping Lily!
I''m so sorry to hear, SS! you''ve got a double-wammy there, but sounds like she''s as active as ever.
Please take care of yourself.
MP Do you have a midwife? Somehow I thought that you did. I have two friends who had long drawn out labours like you describe. It is so hard on the mama but it is not uncommon. Both had healthy babies in the end! You can do it, but if you will feel better in the hospital, get your most demanding and loud relative and get back there and don''t leave until they admit you.
j crow - amazing story and I'm so very glad that both you and the baby are doing wonderfully!! (and that you moved before early induction

I cannot wait to hear more, see pictures and learn what name you've chosen

so many congratulations to your family!!

ETA: as a gal with an april birthday and a diamond birthstone - your daughter is a lucky little one

oh. my. goodness.

36 hrs.

a fall.

with bruises.

no admittance.


I am most definitely hoping by the time you read this post that it is all OVER and Micah is cooing in your arms.

So much support sent your way!!!!!
something - I''m so sorry to that you''re sick. hope that only great news of good health is coming your way over the next few days. you are in my thoughts!

MP, I’m so sorry that your body is being so difficult. I hope that this labor ends soon and Micah makes his long awaited appearance!

SS, it’s been a rough couple of weeks, huh? I hope that you’re feeling better soon. Take care of yourself this weekend.

Meresal, nursery pics! Pretty please?!?!

JCrow, I’m so glad everything is looking good. Your little gal would have been one BIG gal had she been born full term. Wow! I can’t wait to hear more. Tell your DH thanks for keeping us gals updated…what a guy!

So I had my OB appt last night. She mentioned that the u/s tech saw cysts on my ovaries at my NT scan. Uh, thanks for waiting until I’m 23 weeks to tell me! Anyway, the girl who did my anatomy scan a few weeks ago didn’t measure my ovaries so they’re sending me for another scan. I’m glad to get another look at my little guy but the cysts are making me nervous. My doc said she’s not concerned and, for once, my internet research didn’t scare the crap out of me. Anyone else have experience with ovarian cysts during pregnancy?
Date: 4/9/2010 8:54:07 AM
Author: puppmom

MP, I’m so sorry that your body is being so difficult. I hope that this labor ends soon and Micah makes his long awaited appearance!

SS, it’s been a rough couple of weeks, huh? I hope that you’re feeling better soon. Take care of yourself this weekend.

Meresal, nursery pics! Pretty please?!?!

JCrow, I’m so glad everything is looking good. Your little gal would have been one BIG gal had she been born full term. Wow! I can’t wait to hear more. Tell your DH thanks for keeping us gals updated…what a guy!

So I had my OB appt last night. She mentioned that the u/s tech saw cysts on my ovaries at my NT scan. Uh, thanks for waiting until I’m 23 weeks to tell me! Anyway, the girl who did my anatomy scan a few weeks ago didn’t measure my ovaries so they’re sending me for another scan. I’m glad to get another look at my little guy but the cysts are making me nervous. My doc said she’s not concerned and, for once, my internet research didn’t scare the crap out of me. Anyone else have experience with ovarian cysts during pregnancy?
Puppmom, I have ovarian cysts as a result of PCOS. When I was having trouble conceiving this baby (my second child) they finally did an US of my ovaries, and found the classic "string of pearls" pattern of cysts in my ovaries. Because I was not pregnant yet, I needed Clomid to conceive (it helps release eggs in you have PCOS) and I got pregnant on my second cycle.

Since you are already pregnant, I''m not sure how that can effect the baby, but if you do have PCOS, it could make conceiving difficult in the future, as well as having other impacts on your health. I don''t know if ovarian cysts can just develop during a pregnancy and then go away, but you should definitely talk to your doc about it.
SS, I''m so sorry to hear about your illness - I hope that you feel better very soon! Perhaps your respiratory issues are affecting the baby? Maybe when that clears up so will the baby''s arrhythmia.

MP, wow, I can''t believe what you''re going through. The staff at that hospital sounds awful. It totally sounds like they were just overcrowded/understaffed, because I can''t imagine that they didn''t admit you at 41 weeks with contractions and dizziness. I am hoping that by now you are admitted, and have hopefully delivered baby Micah. My thoughts are with you right now.
Date: 4/8/2010 10:49:59 PM
Author: dreamer_d
Congrats JCROW!! I am glad everything went well. It is great that you were already effacing when you were induced, I am sure it helped things along. Did you end up with a v-birth?

yes i was able to have a v-birth. i''ll have to read over my husband''s notes, but i think i was in hard labor for 2 hours.
Aimee, I really hope the hell you''ve been through is over and Micah is with you. Auntie Steph is NOT HAPPY! If I were any closer I would have come over and been your advocate and raised hell!

Pupp, I''ve never been diagnosed with cyst problems but let me tell you, I''m starting to wonder if I might have an issue with my left ovary because every so often I get this horrendous localized pain right around where it is. Sometimes it''s after I pee, other times it''s in the middle of the night. I can''t really equate movement to it so I''m not sure if it''s RLP or something else. My god does it hurt though. I do know that my luteal cyst was in the left ovary though and the pain did coincide with the placenta development/LC going away so perhaps it''s from that? Who knows. I wish you luck, the good thing is there are effective pain meds that you can take while pregnant if one bursts and you''re in severe pain.
Vesper, I was a little confused because she definitely said cysts plural. It only took us 4 or 5 cycles to conceive so I''m hoping that''s a good indication that it''s not PCOS but I guess that could develop anytime?? My ultrasound is on Monday so hopefully they''ll tell me right then and there how many, what they measure, etc. I certainly don''t want to wait until my next OB appointment to find out.

HH, that pain sounds awful. My doc did say that the biggest concern with cysts is pain management. She said if they grow to the right size they can cause a lot of pain. I had a similiar low belly pain in early pregnancy and we attributed it to the iron as I was also REALLY constipated at the time. The pain was terrible and would prevent me from standing up straight. I could tolerate it if I laid with my knees to my chest - another reason why I thought it was a gas pain from the iron in the prenatals.

The good news is the baby looked great on the anatomy scan and his heart is pumping just right so I''m grateful for that.
Congratulations, JCrow!
Thanks for the good thoughts, ladies. I''m really glad I can come here and post any time. I don''t feel like I should be putting all of this on DH, ya know?

MP~ I''m completely baffled too. I guess if you''re not in active labor, they can get away with not admitting you. But, if you''re falling due to blood sugar (or anything really), I''d think it would be in the best interest of everyone involved to admit. I am praying that you and Micah are both okay and that you meet him very soon.

pupp~ I''ve had cysts my entire "adult" life. I had them removed along with endo about a year and a half before I got pregnant with JT. They started to return prior to that pregnancy and it was perfectly fine. It''s been several years since then and they have been back for sometime (one of the reasons I was so surprised I got preggo again). The cysts haven''t affected the pregnancy at all. The only time I''ve heard of a cyst affecting an existing pregnancy is when one got really big and had to be surgically removed because it left no room for the baby. BUT, that cyst was as big as a softball upon conception. So, don''t worry. Cysts are very common.
So, I''m 39 weeks today, and according to babycenter, the LO is now the size of a watermelon. It feels like he is, for sure. Unfortunately, at my appt. on Tues., I was STILL only 1 cm dilated & 50% effaced, so there hasn''t been any progress the past week. I go back on Mon. for my 39 week appt., and hopefully there will be some progress to report ...

Now, I need to have a little FIL vent. I had invited my MIL to stay with me from 38 weeks until I have the baby, because my DH works 40 miles away, and I wanted help with my 3 yo in case I go into labor early. Well, she shows up last Saturday with FIL in tow
I know that I should be happy that I have help with DS for the last couple of weeks before the baby comes, but the reason that I only invited MIL, & not FIL too, is because MIL is help, and FIL is company.

He putters around the kitchen, unable how to figure out how to make coffee, then when it''s made, he can''t find the sugar, and he won''t change any of DS''s poopy diapers (he''s potty trained for #1, but not #2 yet). He just has an air of helplessness about him, and it irritates me - I know that I''m being bratty and I''m probably just really hormonal right now, but I feel like I need competent doers around me right now. But, I do have to say, to his credit, he has done some really helpful "man work" around the place that MIL & I would not have done - he put together a bookshelf for the nursery, and is doing tons of yardwork. Also, DS adores him and tracks him like his shadow, so I really don''t see DS at all except to feed & change him. They play all day long, which is very helpful, so I know I should be more grateful ...

Anyway, thanks for listening to my hormonal pregnant lady vent - I know that I probably being hard on FIL, because he really is a nice guy, I guess that I was just planning on having some girls'' bonding time with MIL, and it''s weird to have a wrench thrown in my plans ...