
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Meresal, congrats on baby C - he is perfectly gorgeous!!!

I am so happy for you that you had such a quick L&D - one push, that is amazing!

Hope you are getting some rest, and can''t wait to hear the details.

Take care!
OK, I have to admit that I am jealous of Meresal
After a weekend full of walking, baking, DTD, eating spicy food, and bouncing on the yoga ball, I haven''t had any more progress. My husband is secretly happy, because he really wants the baby to hold off until after his big meeting on Monday. Hopefully that means that the little guy will decide to come tomorrow morning

I am looking forward to my OB visit tomorrow to see if I''m progressing at all - if not I''m going to get my scheduled induction date
Congrat meresal! Wow, a dream L&D! One push! That''s amazing. He''s beautiful!
congrats meresal!! he is just precious!!

awww, versper hang in there mama! hopefully you''ve progressed somewhat with all that you''re doing to help things along.
Congratulations, Meresal!! So glad everything was quick and smooth for you! He''s absolutely adorable...enjoy your little buddy.
Wow Mer,


I hope your labour experience can be shared out to our other expecting PS mommys to be!

Congrats on Baby C.
Congratulations Meresal! He''s absolutely gorgeous! And WOW on the 1-push delivery!
I usually just lurk here - but I just wanted to add my congratulations to Meresal and my envy - if I had a guarantee that my labour would be like that, I would sign up today :)
YAY congrats mere!!! C is so cute and he looks totally ready to meet the world! one push wow, i hope you had little if no tearing...they told us that the 1 hour 45 min of pushing out J's head is why i only had a tiny tear. and i hope healing goes quickly!! can't wait to hear the story.

still waiting for MonkeyPie's update and birth story..!! does anyone have an update on how they are doing?
Wow, what a fast and easy labor Meresal!
C is adorable!
Congratulations Meresal! He''s GORGEOUS!

As for MP, she''s still recovering. Micah is doing great and MP''s hubby has really stepped up to the plate in taking care of him. I''m sure she''ll explain more when she''s feeling better and up and around, but she had some nasty reactions to some of the drugs and has been pretty immobile since she got home. I think she''s starting to feel better though, so hopefully we''ll get the whole story soon!
thanks for the update Freke!! glad to hear things are going ok with the bebe and hope MP feels better soon, yay for fabulous husbands. i am sure her story will be a doozy!
Date: 4/18/2010 1:29:36 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Congratulations Meresal! He''s GORGEOUS!

As for MP, she''s still recovering. Micah is doing great and MP''s hubby has really stepped up to the plate in taking care of him. I''m sure she''ll explain more when she''s feeling better and up and around, but she had some nasty reactions to some of the drugs and has been pretty immobile since she got home. I think she''s starting to feel better though, so hopefully we''ll get the whole story soon!
Thanks for the update Freke - I had been worried about MP since we hadn''t heard from her - I''m sorry to hear that she''s been having a tough time.

MP, if you''re out there, I hope that you feel better soon!
YAY Meresal!! Pretty sure everyone here prays for the 1 push and out delivery!!!! Goodness, my first was 3 hours of pushing, a 1/2 hr nap, then 2 1/2 more hours!

Can''t wait to hear the rest of the story, C is a cutie!
haven''t dropped by in a while and it seems to be raining babies over here!

MP - congrats mamasita -- hope you feel better soon and can''t wait to see you around again!

jcrow - wow! what a story...and i LOVE her name. did you post a pic that i missed?

mere - wow! 1 push?! he is just absolutely precious!!
Congrats Meresal!!!
Congrats Mere!!! You are a champ... One push?? wow!!! C is a reall cutie pie!!!!
Congrats Meresal
he''s beautiful
Congratulations Meresal! I am so happy to hear that labor was quick, and your son is so precious. I am so happy for you
Date: 4/18/2010 7:40:41 PM
Author: *Lindsey*
Congratulations Meresal! I am so happy to hear that labor was quick, and your son is so precious. I am so happy for you

How are you doing?
I was thinking about you.
Not much longer for you right?
Meresal ( and Mr. Meresal)

Your baby is sooo cute. Congratulations
Congrats MP and Mer!!

Lindsey - I was just thinking of you and wanted to ask for an update. Hope you''re both doing well!
Congratulations Meresal! ONE PUSH!! Wow! You go momma!!
I know this is late but now that I have a little bump, I thought I would share a belly pic. Here's my 14 week shot.

The one on the left is with my 1st just for comparison.

So my rings are TIIIIIGHT. I can barely get my engagement ring over my knuckle and my wedding band digs into my finger fat. What the hell is the deal? I know I need to lay off the salt but I figure this should not be happening at 3 months pregnant. Is anyone else having the same problem?
I look like a chubby unwed mother
Congrats, Meresal! Little C is just precious. Your parents must be on cloud 9! I can''t wait to hear your birth story.

Freke, thanks for the update on MP. Gosh, I''m glad to hear things are looking up but so sorry that she had a rough go at it. Not fair.

Vesper, you''re next! I hope this kiddo makes his entrance in a couple of days!

I love all the belly pics this week! I hope I look as good as Meresal right before I give birth! I''ll figure out one of these days how to get a photo up. We have all of these security settings on our home PC since we have a teenager and they''re such a hassle to get around!

Allie, my rings are tight on and off. Today, they''re good but I''m guess being VERY pregnant this summer, I''ll have to retire them for a bit!

As for us, we got the first coat of paint on the nursery this weekend. My girlfriend and I did all of the trim and the walls in just a few hours. DH was so worried about me being around paint but we used water based primer and latex paint that didn''t have that ethyl stuff in it. I''m usually the anxious one! Anyone else paint themselves? We wanted to use low or no VOC but the color choices were so limited at Lowe''s and Home Depot and they can''t color match for some reason with the low VOC. It feels good to have something done. I''m only 24 weeks but I feel like we have to get things done while I''m still able to help. My motivation is going to go south in no time.
Meresal congratulations!!! Hope you are recovering well.

You too MP.

Allie, I gave up my rings a month ago and I am 17 weeks now. First I went down to one ring and that helped for a few weeks, but then had to retire them both. Like not buttoning my pants at 5 weeks, and busting out of my clothes at 10/11 weeks with a little belly, whether or not it was supposed to happen then, it happened! Anyway, make peace with it. Better than getting something stuck on your finger and needing it sawed off, with summer coming up and all.

Snlee, you look great! Very similar to last time on the belly progress.

Vesper, hoping there is progress for you soon! Though maybe your husband will get his Monday work in unless you are starting labor now.

Jena, wow feeling the baby already? I am starting to suspect maybe I feel something in the morning when I am still lying in bed, but it is not quite flutters or anything distinctive. Could be random uterus or ligament twinges, maybe. Time will tell. Still waiting for something distinctive!

HH, gender scan soon! Mine is not this week but the next one. I am really stumped as to what we are having! Also I haven't quite adapted to the idea that there is a little *person* coming (I know, I know, the brain is slow these days!) so maybe the *boy* or *girl* designation will help. I will be more definitive than a few of your FB voters and vote... boy. Going with the recent PS boom and all.

Blushing, I haven't registered yet but I've been thinking about it. Though I'm not sure if there will be a shower or not, so maybe it would just be an organization list for hubs and I! I'm thinking of Babies R Us and amazon. I wish we had a baby BBB around here cause regular BBB was great as a wedding registry, but we don't. I don't want to deal with Target return policies, and will probably not go with one of the fancier stores. Amazon also has the universal registry thing which sounds great for adding just a few items from someplace like babyGap or pottery barn or something rather than having to go whole hog there.

We did actually buy our first baby item
yesterday. A Bob stroller. They were on sale at REI, and are fully returnable so I didn't feel *too* locked in if we change our minds, but it sure was scary to not have done exhaustive field testing of all the possible models before pulling the trigger. Just went with the rec's on here and some online research. And immediately started second guessing when we want to dinner with a couple with a different stroller that was more bugaboo-like and loaded up like a beast of burden. It looked pretty functional in terms of how they were using it. Ah well. I think we'll use the jogger/hiker features so Bob it is (maybe!)
I am thinking I need to do something about this...only problem is that my wedding band is eternity

Maybe I will buy a plain wedding band to wear until my eternity fits again.
HUGE congrats meresal!! hes beautiful!!
meresal, ONE PUSH!?!?!?! Wow, amazing! Congratulations, you have quite a cutie pie!