
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Those little sugar babies are so much cuter than that fetus ornament!

WOOT congrats Lilly!!!!
Ok... Here we go...

Last Saturday, DH and I had a crawfish boil at our new house. Everyone showed up arounbd 3 and things were going great.

At 3:45pm I had this weird cramp in my very low pelvis. I thought it was odd, but didn't say anything until about 30 minutes later when I had another one. The were two moms at the party, one was a nurse with a 3 week old and the other has had 2 kids. I asked them what they thought, and the nurse insisted that I was going to have the baby in the next 24 hours. I shrugged them off as gas pains and we went about our afternoon with all of our friends.

At 5pm, the cramps became worse. More like a period, less like gas. At this point I went into the back yard to pull some weeds and called my sister, who was still in the hospital from her own delivery
, to ask her opinion. She insisted that it was labor and my parents who were with her in CA began to look at flights back to Texas.

Again, I just shrugged it off thinking that it would go away, and went back to our party. By about 5:30, people could tell I was in a little bit of pain. Luckily, they began to leave on their own, and by 7 everyone except for DH and his brother were here.
I excused myself to the couch, where I clutched the armrest and swore under my breath for the next hour. I did this for an hour, while trying to time my contractions. They were all under 10 minutes apart, but would just from 4 to 2 to 9 to 7 and so on. I should mention that after MP's ordeal, my biggest fear was being sent home from the hopital.

I reached 7:30PM, and realized that the longing of a cold tile floor and bending at a 90 degree angle over a counter, weren't *normal* pregnancy symptoms. If it wasn't labor, then there was something wrong and I needed to be checked out. I called the answering service at my doctor's office, and they called me back 30 minutes later. I explained that I had absolutely no signs of labor... no mucous plug lost, no bloody show, no back pain, and no water break... but that I had horrible cramps. She told me it was my decision, but that she would reccomend going to the hospital.

So... with that ok... I grabbed DH, threw him in the shower, and told him to meet me at the car in 10. We were on our way. My contractions were still erratic, but had a pattern. One strong lasting 2 minutes, followed 2 minutes after by a medium contraction lasting 1 minute, and then a minute later another medium contraction lasting a minute. Little did I know... this WAS my consistent.

*WARNING: LOTS of exclamation points ahead*

9:00PM We arrived at the emergency room, and I was whisked away, as DH went to beg the valet to take his truck. I was checked into Traige and hooked up to the machines. My very first contraction was a HUGE one. It lasted the length of the screen. (We took a picture) The nurse immediately checked me, and I was 4cm! Woohoo, not going home!

9:30PM The nurses admitted me and wheeled me to my delivery room! My delivery nurse got me all hooked up to the new machines and checked me again... I was now 5cm! Things were moving very quickly, so we called for the epidural right then. The only contraction that really hurt was the *big* one, but I didn't want to take the chance of missing my window.

10:30PM Epidural guy arrived... the only thing I felt was the numbing needle, which apprently was the size of a toothpick. I didn't feel any of the epidural being inserted or placed. He did an INCREDIBLE job! He is on my thank you card list!

11:00PM My epidural kicks in. Greatness! I was even given my own little button, which I could use once every ten minutes. I think I only used it right before I started pushing. I didn't want any unnecessary surprises. The nurse said that she would be back in an hour to check on things, so DH laid down to take a nap, and I watched the end of SNL.

12:00/Midnight Nurse returns and asks how I am doing. I assured her that I was fine, and she said she'd be back in 30 minutes. Not 30 seconds after she left the room I had a contraction, and I *felt* the baby move extremely low. She came right back in to check me, and I had moved to 10cm!!
She explained that what I was feeling so low was my water bag, but that the baby's head was right behind it, and pushing with quite a bit of force. This is when I got really excited. I was shaking and my teeth were chattering uncontrollably!

My parents were still 4 hours away, and I was still perfectly comfortable, so we decided to wait it out and see how low baby C would get on his own.

12:30AM IL's arrive. We sat around. Watched Caddyshack and a few episodes of SouthPark. Nurse checked me again and water still hadn't broken. As she was messing with it, I felt a pop and there it went. Not much came out though, because the baby's body was blocking the rest of the sack.
Again we decided to just hold off and see how things go. I wanted to give my parents as much time to get there as possible.

1:15AM I paged the nurse because I had another contraction where I felt like the baby got lower. She came in, and the baby had indeed dropped even lower. She wanted to do a *practice push* to see how quickly things could move along once we got started... she stopped me immediately after trying, and went to page the doctor for labor. We couldn't wait any longer.

2:00AM Doctor comes in and it takes her about 5 minutes to get everything in order. I had the biggest smile oin my face and the shaking/teeth chattering returned! I was so excited to meet our little guy. We waited for the next contraction, and the nurse started counting, 1...2...3... and in between 9 and 10, baby Christopher was born! I couldn't believe it was over already!

Christopher Allen was born at 2:11AM on Sunday, April 18, 2010.

I think every one of the nurses, other than my L&D nurse who already knew it was my first, almost dropped to the floor when they found out that this was my first child. They all sternly recommended that for any future pregnancies, I immediately head to the hospital if I have any symptoms of labor. Apparently I could be a high risk for an unplanned at-home birth.

So, apparently my prior dreams of a 5 minute labor and a 10 minute labor weren't all that crazy afterall! Loved every single minute of the 38 weeks and 3 days that it took to meet our little man...
Mere I hope my labor is half as easy as yours! Congrats again, now where are those pictures of lil Chris?
Meresal, thanks for sharing your labor story - you are incredible! I love the name Christopher Allen too.

So Excited, those marzipan babies are adorable!

As I suspected it would be from what I knew of it already, your labor and birth story was absolutely astounding! It is the kind of inspiring story that should be written up in books for pregnant women! I hope that many of them find it on the Internet :-).

I would say that you are at very high risk indeed if you get pregnant with baby number 2! One of my close friends had a four hour labor with her first (that she felt was endless) and then a close call with her second. Given the duration of your first labor, you might not even make it out the door of your house unless you planned carefully with number two!

Hearty congratulations on Christopher Allen!


So Excited-
Did you make those beautiful marzipan babies? They are gorgeous! I love marzipan! Years ago when I gave a baby shower for a good friend who was adopting a baby boy from Bolivia, I ordered marzipan llamas, decorated in blue, from a bakery. I never dreamed of making them myself!

Mere~ I''m still amazed at how quickly you progressed! Thanks for posting your story.

28+ weeks now. In the past 3 days I''ve started having real contractions, not just BH. Luckily they''ve all subsided within an hour or so but still unnerving. Another thing to keep an eye on.

Hope you''re all feeling well today!
Congrats again meresal! Sounds like you had dream L&D! Glad it went so well! Welcome Chris!
Mere, oh how I hope I have such a labor! Besides the obvious pain, it sounds like you had a very calm experience. I''m so happy for you!
Date: 4/27/2010 8:33:58 AM
Author: puppmom
Mere, oh how I hope I have such a labor! Besides the obvious pain, it sounds like you had a very calm experience. I''m so happy for you!
Seriously! That''s amazing Meresal!
Has anyone experience a recurrence of nausea around 19 weeks? My m/s was uber mild to non-existent during the first tri, I had maybe one day where I was nauseous and a constant feeling of my stomach being off, but that was it. Well I woke up yesterday and proceeded to hold back every bite of food I ate for the rest of the day. I had a few close calls that required a lot of mental focus to get through. I thought it might be a bug because I was having issues on the other end as well, but I woke up today queasy again. It's subtle and comes in waves with the baseline being an overall crappy feeling. I never imagined I'd be dealing with this at almost 5 months. I'm assuming Aidan must be hitting a growth spurt and my hormones are surging. I hope this doesn't mean the other hormonal stuff is going to come back. I was feeling mentally and emotionally stable for the first time since October (m/c'd in November and got pg again in December). I'm also exhausted all of a sudden like I'm back in the 1st tri. So sad and annoyed
meresal, fantastic story!! So glad you had such an easy time of it--it reminds me of my second L&D experience so yes, I agree with everyone that you should get to the hospital immediately the next time around! Congratulations!!!
Hi ladies - I hope you don''t mind me popping in and outing myself as a lurker, but I just had a quick question for you preggos and moms - I just received word that my best best friend is pregnant and I''d love to get her some books or something to help her out and was hoping you had some suggestions on what was actually useful.

Her MIL already recommended "What to Expect..." but I seem to recall PSers having more current recommendations.

Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions you have!!
I didn''t care for the What to Expect book because I felt it always gave the worst case scenario versus a realistic view. I loved the Girlfriend''s Guide (thanks Swimmer!) and I''ve heard good things about Jenny McCarthy''s "Belly Laughs". We also got "My Boys Can Swim" for DH and he like it.
Date: 4/27/2010 9:51:51 AM
Author: october2008bride
Hi ladies - I hope you don''t mind me popping in and outing myself as a lurker, but I just had a quick question for you preggos and moms - I just received word that my best best friend is pregnant and I''d love to get her some books or something to help her out and was hoping you had some suggestions on what was actually useful.

Her MIL already recommended ''What to Expect...'' but I seem to recall PSers having more current recommendations.

Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions you have!!
Vesper recommended "A Girlfriend''s Guide to Pregnancy" and I like.
Thanks Puppmom and HH for those recommendations - I appreciate it!!
Date: 4/26/2010 10:40:29 PM
Author: AGBF

So Excited-
Did you make those beautiful marzipan babies? They are gorgeous! I love marzipan! Years ago when I gave a baby shower for a good friend who was adopting a baby boy from Bolivia, I ordered marzipan llamas, decorated in blue, from a bakery. I never dreamed of making them myself!

No, unfortunately my artistic talent doesnt range to that level. I just thought they were cute and since we''re all baby crazy I decided to share. I wish I could for what she is getting $$$ for making the "originals"... they are like $2000.00 for a one of a kind!!
Jcrow - Emily is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing your story (aka. notes). Congrats again!!!

Meresal - I think we''d all be so lucky if our birth stories were as smooth as yours. Welcome Christopher Allen!!!

HH and Cara - thanks for clarifying. Also, HH sounds like your Dr. is feeling pretty positive about things, but at the same time, I can see why you''re still considering the amnio. I''m the type of person who absolutely needs to know everything so, I''d probably do it if I didn''t already have a miscarriage under my belt. I wish you the best in whatever you decide.

Octoberbride - I really like "Your Pregnancy Week by Week" and "A Girlfriend''s Guide...etc." My friend has "Belly Laughs" and while it''s good, it''s a very short book.
"Belly Laughs" is a quick, easy read (I finished it in one night) but good for multiple laughs. I''d borrow it from someone if you have the chance vs. buying it, or maybe pick up a used copy via Amazon.
My favorite pregnancy book written by a doctor is "I''m Pregnant!" by Lesley Regan, MD (professor of obstetrics). It''s got incredible week-by-week pictures of the fetus from the beginning, and also talks about what the mother goes through physically and emotionally month by month.

I''ve gotten it for all of my friends when they get pregnant, and they have all loved it.
Hi Ladies

oct - ditto to blushing on the pregnancy week by week. it''s pretty informative and i like that there''s a glossary so I can quickly look up why this or that is happening . . .I''d also recommend baby bargains because it was super helpful to me when I was having to make baby *gear* selections and if this is your friend''s first kid, it''s a great resource!

jcrow - emily is sooo cute and I absolutely love your DH''s perspective on the L&D.

meresal - i so enjoyed reading your story! so many congratulations again!! A wish and I prayer that I have a one push labor. I went to school in NOLA so I''m also a huge fan of crawfish boils

lucy - hurray for little girls and get ready for the endless stream of ridiculously cute clothing that is about to start flooding your place. seriously.

blushing - your bump is adorable and your pregnancy is moving right along

so excited - i love your avatar - is that your daughter?

vesper - floating eh? I hope that he floats right on out soon enough!!

LIA - I hope that they can keep the early contractions at bay without bedrest and glad to see you popping back in!

snlee - sounds like the shots are a good idea - hoping for a nice, plump, full-term babe!!

something - yikes - hope that your early contractions continue to cease and desist!!


As for me, same old same old which is perfectly, perfectly fine! at 32 weeks my belly is truly its own thing. I''m keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep fitting into my current maternity clothing as I would hate to have to buy things for the last month. such a waste. my weight gain has been pretty reasonable - I just got back from an appointment and I''m up around 21 lbs (thank you sweet nurse for rounding down "due to clothing") and so far no strech marks. though I know that there''s still plenty of belly growth and girth to come . . .

this past weekend was another marathon of projects. the highlight of this go-around included a battle with an ikea closet organization system
i am normally a huge fan of ikea and a very DIY gal, but this thing was such a PITA! we were ultimately victorious and now we have a much better use of space.

still trying to decide on a name . . .

4/27/2010 12:45:34 PM
Author: vespergirl

My favorite pregnancy book written by a doctor is 'I'm Pregnant!' by Lesley Regan, MD (professor of obstetrics). It's got incredible week-by-week pictures of the fetus from the beginning, and also talks about what the mother goes through physically and emotionally month by month.

I've gotten it for all of my friends when they get pregnant, and they have all loved it.
vespergirl-is this your last day before being induced? I walked in on a discussion that made it sound as if you might be induced on Wednesday, which would be tomorrow. How are you doing?

I highly recommend Baby Bargains (8th edition)- great useful book
Date: 4/27/2010 12:52:19 PM
Author: lovelylulu
Hi Ladies

oct - ditto to blushing on the pregnancy week by week. it''s pretty informative and i like that there''s a glossary so I can quickly look up why this or that is happening . . .I''d also recommend baby bargains because it was super helpful to me when I was having to make baby *gear* selections and if this is your friend''s first kid, it''s a great resource!

jcrow - emily is sooo cute and I absolutely love your DH''s perspective on the L&D.

meresal - i so enjoyed reading your story! so many congratulations again!! A wish and I prayer that I have a one push labor. I went to school in NOLA so I''m also a huge fan of crawfish boils

lucy - hurray for little girls and get ready for the endless stream of ridiculously cute clothing that is about to start flooding your place. seriously.

blushing - your bump is adorable and your pregnancy is moving right along

so excited - i love your avatar - is that your daughter?

vesper - floating eh? I hope that he floats right on out soon enough!!

LIA - I hope that they can keep the early contractions at bay without bedrest and glad to see you popping back in!

snlee - sounds like the shots are a good idea - hoping for a nice, plump, full-term babe!!

something - yikes - hope that your early contractions continue to cease and desist!!


As for me, same old same old which is perfectly, perfectly fine! at 32 weeks my belly is truly its own thing. I''m keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep fitting into my current maternity clothing as I would hate to have to buy things for the last month. such a waste. my weight gain has been pretty reasonable - I just got back from an appointment and I''m up around 21 lbs (thank you sweet nurse for rounding down ''due to clothing'') and so far no strech marks. though I know that there''s still plenty of belly growth and girth to come . . .

this past weekend was another marathon of projects. the highlight of this go-around included a battle with an ikea closet organization system
i am normally a huge fan of ikea and a very DIY gal, but this thing was such a PITA! we were ultimately victorious and now we have a much better use of space.

still trying to decide on a name . . .
Lovelylulu- Thank you, yes it is... figured it was time to change it up from the diamonds to something better! - I didn''t realize that we were so close in DD... I know how you feel on the maternity clothing thing.. it was torture to buy what I have and since we dont plan on having any more munchkins it would be a complete waste of money for me. - I would much rather finish the nursery than buy clothes. - YAY for rounding down the weight gain... seeing the scale kills me every time!
SE - she is gorgeous!
Hola preggos!

Many thanks for the nice words about our new casa. We’re really excited! Our inspection is Thursday, and then we’ll officially be moving forward if all goes well…

32-week appointment was today, and also recently had my final ultrasound (included 3D/4D). Bebe kinda cooperated, and we were able to see most of his/her precious little face! I spotted DH’s forehead/nose and my lips/chin. Also got some stats that I hope no one minds I note- just to keep track of things:
Baby’s weight: 2lbs, 15 oz
Belly measuring on track with week
Mama has gained 13.25 lbs to date

Oh yeah, my shower was this past weekend! Oh my, it was so awesome to spend time with friends. Everyone had a great time and I’m so touched and humbled by their generosity. I get verklept thinking about it!

*Mere- what an AMAZING birth story. You went from zero to 60 in no time. Welcome, little C!
*SS- I bought the majority of my clothes on ebay. Do you have to dig a bit, but there’s great deals to be had!
*Vesper- Almost there, mama!
*JCrow- What great birth notes! Papa Crow did a great job, and Emily is just darling. Hope you’re doing well!
*Swimmer- I too wonder about how BH feel. I’ve heard the same things as Jas- tight belly!
*SoExcited- THANKS for posting about your previous picotin experience. It’s great to hear many perspectives! And your daughter is a cutie-pie.
*Allie- YAHOO for great screening results- glad to hear that all is looking well
Lucy- congrats on TEAM PINK!
*HH- I recall getting a case of exhaustion during week 20-21. Good thing it didn’t last long!
*snlee- do you have a hunch on the gender of your LO?
*LIA- it was so nice to see you pop in- take care of yourself!
*pupp- let’s see some nursery pics- I love checking out the nursery thread
*Lulu- we’re also stuck on names. It’s double the fun since we have to pick for each gender!

Another vote for Jenny McCarthy’s book (laugh-out-loud read), and Baby Bargains. A HUGE NO on what to expect!
hello lovely preggos... I have still been reading, but not posting here much yet!

I got stuck with a bloody needle at work today
The day was going relatively well, with my all-day sickness being better than it has been in weeks! And then, I was in the operating room taking care of a patient and ended up getting stuck with a needle. Unfortunately, she is a former IV drug user. Literally I just froze in place after it happened. We are pretty certain she does not have hepatitis from recent studies, but the HIV is still not back. And the darn intern ordered the wrong test. So HIV should have taken one hour to run, and instead it will be 1-2 days. Really, it was a pretty low risk needle stick overall. But still obviously highly traumatic to me! Sigh. We take care of a lot of these types of folks in my residency and they really do not appreciate the risk that we take. So I am not taking the (nasty) anti-retroviral meds and hoping that we are correct that she is unlikely to have HIV. My head hurts just thinking about it.
Ugh, I''m so sorry icekid.
Not something you need to worry about when you''re pregnant. I will keep my fingers crossed for a negative HIV... *HUGS* to you.
Date: 4/27/2010 7:08:40 PM
Author: icekid
hello lovely preggos... I have still been reading, but not posting here much yet!

I got stuck with a bloody needle at work today
The day was going relatively well, with my all-day sickness being better than it has been in weeks! And then, I was in the operating room taking care of a patient and ended up getting stuck with a needle. Unfortunately, she is a former IV drug user. Literally I just froze in place after it happened. We are pretty certain she does not have hepatitis from recent studies, but the HIV is still not back. And the darn intern ordered the wrong test. So HIV should have taken one hour to run, and instead it will be 1-2 days. Really, it was a pretty low risk needle stick overall. But still obviously highly traumatic to me! Sigh. We take care of a lot of these types of folks in my residency and they really do not appreciate the risk that we take. So I am not taking the (nasty) anti-retroviral meds and hoping that we are correct that she is unlikely to have HIV. My head hurts just thinking about it.

Oh, icekid, Im soooo sorry!!! I also was stuck by a dirty needle during a crash section a few years ago....And lets just say the patient wasnt the most, ahem, low-risk pt.!!!! I know that feeling, and its horrible!!!!! I was on pins and needles waiting for the HIV and hepatitis to come back!!! I hope everything is ok!
ps- why will the HIV take so long, cant they do a rapid?? *Big hugs*
Date: 4/27/2010 7:26:29 PM
Author: Dani
Date: 4/27/2010 7:08:40 PM

Author: icekid

hello lovely preggos... I have still been reading, but not posting here much yet!

I got stuck with a bloody needle at work today
The day was going relatively well, with my all-day sickness being better than it has been in weeks! And then, I was in the operating room taking care of a patient and ended up getting stuck with a needle. Unfortunately, she is a former IV drug user. Literally I just froze in place after it happened. We are pretty certain she does not have hepatitis from recent studies, but the HIV is still not back. And the darn intern ordered the wrong test. So HIV should have taken one hour to run, and instead it will be 1-2 days. Really, it was a pretty low risk needle stick overall. But still obviously highly traumatic to me! Sigh. We take care of a lot of these types of folks in my residency and they really do not appreciate the risk that we take. So I am not taking the (nasty) anti-retroviral meds and hoping that we are correct that she is unlikely to have HIV. My head hurts just thinking about it.

Oh, icekid, Im soooo sorry!!! I also was stuck by a dirty needle during a crash section a few years ago....And lets just say the patient wasnt the most, ahem, low-risk pt.!!!! I know that feeling, and its horrible!!!!! I was on pins and needles waiting for the HIV and hepatitis to come back!!! I hope everything is ok!

ps- why will the HIV take so long, cant they do a rapid?? *Big hugs*

They should have ordered the rapid HIV! But the intern ordered the wrong one and the patient refused to let us stick her again for more blood and then left
I appreciate the good thoughts though, Dani and HMG! I know you two know how scary this is.