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Seriously! That''s amazing Meresal!Date: 4/27/2010 8:33:58 AM
Author: puppmom
Mere, oh how I hope I have such a labor! Besides the obvious pain, it sounds like you had a very calm experience. I''m so happy for you!
Vesper recommended "A Girlfriend''s Guide to Pregnancy" and I like.Date: 4/27/2010 9:51:51 AM
Author: october2008bride
Hi ladies - I hope you don''t mind me popping in and outing myself as a lurker, but I just had a quick question for you preggos and moms - I just received word that my best best friend is pregnant and I''d love to get her some books or something to help her out and was hoping you had some suggestions on what was actually useful.
Her MIL already recommended ''What to Expect...'' but I seem to recall PSers having more current recommendations.
Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions you have!!
No, unfortunately my artistic talent doesnt range to that level. I just thought they were cute and since we''re all baby crazy I decided to share. I wish I could for what she is getting $$$ for making the "originals"... they are like $2000.00 for a one of a kind!!Date: 4/26/2010 10:40:29 PM
Author: AGBF
So Excited-Did you make those beautiful marzipan babies? They are gorgeous! I love marzipan! Years ago when I gave a baby shower for a good friend who was adopting a baby boy from Bolivia, I ordered marzipan llamas, decorated in blue, from a bakery. I never dreamed of making them myself!
vespergirl-is this your last day before being induced? I walked in on a discussion that made it sound as if you might be induced on Wednesday, which would be tomorrow. How are you doing?
Date: 4/27/2010 12:45:34 PM
Author: vespergirl
My favorite pregnancy book written by a doctor is 'I'm Pregnant!' by Lesley Regan, MD (professor of obstetrics). It's got incredible week-by-week pictures of the fetus from the beginning, and also talks about what the mother goes through physically and emotionally month by month.
I've gotten it for all of my friends when they get pregnant, and they have all loved it.
Lovelylulu- Thank you, yes it is... figured it was time to change it up from the diamonds to something better! - I didn''t realize that we were so close in DD... I know how you feel on the maternity clothing thing.. it was torture to buy what I have and since we dont plan on having any more munchkins it would be a complete waste of money for me. - I would much rather finish the nursery than buy clothes. - YAY for rounding down the weight gain... seeing the scale kills me every time!Date: 4/27/2010 12:52:19 PM
Author: lovelylulu
Hi Ladies![]()
oct - ditto to blushing on the pregnancy week by week. it''s pretty informative and i like that there''s a glossary so I can quickly look up why this or that is happening . . .I''d also recommend baby bargains because it was super helpful to me when I was having to make baby *gear* selections and if this is your friend''s first kid, it''s a great resource!
jcrow - emily is sooo cute and I absolutely love your DH''s perspective on the L&D.
meresal - i so enjoyed reading your story! so many congratulations again!! A wish and I prayer that I have a one push labor. I went to school in NOLA so I''m also a huge fan of crawfish boils![]()
lucy - hurray for little girls and get ready for the endless stream of ridiculously cute clothing that is about to start flooding your place. seriously.
blushing - your bump is adorable and your pregnancy is moving right along![]()
so excited - i love your avatar - is that your daughter?
vesper - floating eh? I hope that he floats right on out soon enough!!
LIA - I hope that they can keep the early contractions at bay without bedrest and glad to see you popping back in!
snlee - sounds like the shots are a good idea - hoping for a nice, plump, full-term babe!!
something - yikes - hope that your early contractions continue to cease and desist!!
As for me, same old same old which is perfectly, perfectly fine! at 32 weeks my belly is truly its own thing. I''m keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep fitting into my current maternity clothing as I would hate to have to buy things for the last month. such a waste. my weight gain has been pretty reasonable - I just got back from an appointment and I''m up around 21 lbs (thank you sweet nurse for rounding down ''due to clothing'') and so far no strech marks. though I know that there''s still plenty of belly growth and girth to come . . .
this past weekend was another marathon of projects. the highlight of this go-around included a battle with an ikea closet organization systemi am normally a huge fan of ikea and a very DIY gal, but this thing was such a PITA! we were ultimately victorious and now we have a much better use of space.![]()
still trying to decide on a name . . .
Date: 4/27/2010 7:08:40 PM
Author: icekid
hello lovely preggos... I have still been reading, but not posting here much yet!
I got stuck with a bloody needle at work todayThe day was going relatively well, with my all-day sickness being better than it has been in weeks! And then, I was in the operating room taking care of a patient and ended up getting stuck with a needle. Unfortunately, she is a former IV drug user. Literally I just froze in place after it happened. We are pretty certain she does not have hepatitis from recent studies, but the HIV is still not back. And the darn intern ordered the wrong test. So HIV should have taken one hour to run, and instead it will be 1-2 days. Really, it was a pretty low risk needle stick overall. But still obviously highly traumatic to me! Sigh. We take care of a lot of these types of folks in my residency and they really do not appreciate the risk that we take. So I am not taking the (nasty) anti-retroviral meds and hoping that we are correct that she is unlikely to have HIV. My head hurts just thinking about it.![]()
Date: 4/27/2010 7:26:29 PM
Author: Dani
Date: 4/27/2010 7:08:40 PM
Author: icekid
hello lovely preggos... I have still been reading, but not posting here much yet!
I got stuck with a bloody needle at work todayThe day was going relatively well, with my all-day sickness being better than it has been in weeks! And then, I was in the operating room taking care of a patient and ended up getting stuck with a needle. Unfortunately, she is a former IV drug user. Literally I just froze in place after it happened. We are pretty certain she does not have hepatitis from recent studies, but the HIV is still not back. And the darn intern ordered the wrong test. So HIV should have taken one hour to run, and instead it will be 1-2 days. Really, it was a pretty low risk needle stick overall. But still obviously highly traumatic to me! Sigh. We take care of a lot of these types of folks in my residency and they really do not appreciate the risk that we take. So I am not taking the (nasty) anti-retroviral meds and hoping that we are correct that she is unlikely to have HIV. My head hurts just thinking about it.![]()
Oh, icekid, Im soooo sorry!!! I also was stuck by a dirty needle during a crash section a few years ago....And lets just say the patient wasnt the most, ahem, low-risk pt.!!!! I know that feeling, and its horrible!!!!! I was on pins and needles waiting for the HIV and hepatitis to come back!!! I hope everything is ok!
ps- why will the HIV take so long, cant they do a rapid?? *Big hugs*