
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Oh my gosh, icekid, how super scary. Crossing my fingers for you.
Date: 4/27/2010 12:54:47 PM
Author: AGBF

4/27/2010 12:45:34 PM
Author: vespergirl

My favorite pregnancy book written by a doctor is ''I''m Pregnant!'' by Lesley Regan, MD (professor of obstetrics). It''s got incredible week-by-week pictures of the fetus from the beginning, and also talks about what the mother goes through physically and emotionally month by month.

I''ve gotten it for all of my friends when they get pregnant, and they have all loved it.
vespergirl-is this your last day before being induced? I walked in on a discussion that made it sound as if you might be induced on Wednesday, which would be tomorrow. How are you doing?

Hey Deb, yes, tomorrow''s the day - we head to the hospital tomorrow morning, so hopfully by this time tomorrow I''ll be holding my new little guy! I will try to at least post a pic & the baby''s info on Thurs.

I''m a little sad that it''s coming down to an induction, but I''m nearly 42 weeks, so I know that it''s safer for everyone to just go in and get induced at this point ...
Icekid, how scary and awful! I''m so sorry to hear that. I''m sure that you''ll be fine, but you obviously don''t need a scare like this right now - unbelievable.

Lulu & Charger - I''m glad to hear that you''re both doing well at 32 weeks along!
Date: 4/27/2010 8:14:25 PM
Author: vespergirl
Icekid, how scary and awful! I''m so sorry to hear that. I''m sure that you''ll be fine, but you obviously don''t need a scare like this right now - unbelievable.

Lulu & Charger - I''m glad to hear that you''re both doing well at 32 weeks along!

Thanks, vesper. I''ve been checking for updates from you daily. That boy is just too comfy. Time to meet his big brother tomorrow
ICE!!!! I am so sorry about the needle stick! Hope that everything comes back ok and the next two days fly by.

Vesper-Good luck tomorrow!!!
icekid~ That is scary! Lots of prayers and dust that everything''s okay. I was completely freaked out when I was grazed by a used needle by a very low risk patient.

vesper~ Good luck tomorrow!!! You will be holding your little guy very soon!! Try to get some sleep tonight. We will be thinking of you!!

-I am so sorry! I would be out of my mind with anxiety! I am glad that you are keeping your head. I will be awaiting the news on your blood tests and vespergirl''s baby news tomorrow. I wish both of you restful nights!

(I stuck myself with a needle once, but it was back before there was AIDS! I still remember that the patient had otitis media. That shows how traumatic it was for me. We are talking about before I graduated from the 1970''s when I worked as a phlebotomist!)

ice, so sorry! How scary! Hope everything turns out okay.

vesper, good luck tomorrow. I hope your induction goes well! You''ll be holding your son VERY soon!

I can''t wait to see baby at my u/s tomorrow! Hopefully we''re lucky and we get to find out the sex! Any guesses?
octoberbride, I really liked Your Pregnancy Week by Week, A Girlfriend''s Guide..., and Belly Laughs for a fun read.
icekid im so sorry
like you say, you''re probably ok, but its awfully unnecessary stress. Thinking of you, lots of {{{{{DUST}}}}}
Icekid! What hassle you don''t need, and I sure hope it is nothing to worry about.

Snlee I will vote GIRL for you. That''s my coin toss. Good luck! Preterm-labor beasties stay away!

Vesper hope all goes well for you tomorrow! Good luck!

So... I think I have been feeling the little flutterbug some over the last week or so. Hubs and I went mattress shopping this weekend, and I would jump on a bed (OK, not literally, but I wasn''t the most graceful getting horizontal) and then little flutterbug would flutter back in response. And I''ve gotten more each day since. Tomorrow we have the big ultrasound and possibly get to find out flutterbug''s gender. Any votes from the peanuts? I''m clueless, still stuck in surreal-land and hoping this jump starts me a little
Plus hubs and I have gotten a big nowhere on names so this at least will hopefully narrow the task at hand a bit.
Cara, I''m voting team PINK for you!
- I hope that you get the results soon and that all is well. so sorry for the scare!!!

snlee - I had zero intuition for my own, but for you I''ll say girl. Do you have any guesses

cara - the flutters are pretty amazing
. I''m in the midst of the organ-smooshing squirms. and while it''s not always the most comfortable it''s still an incredible thing!!

vesper -- happy birthday to your little man
nothing but calm and safe labor vibes being sent over the potomac!
Jeeze Ice, that really really sucks. I hope everything checks out OK (I''m sure it will).


Good luck today, Vesper!!!

Congratulations, Mereseal, what a story!!! You lucky gal!!!
Sending Vespergirl easy labor dust!

Goodluck today

I can''t wait to see pictures and read your birth story.
Good luck Vesper!
Date: 4/27/2010 7:08:40 PM
Author: icekid
hello lovely preggos... I have still been reading, but not posting here much yet!

I got stuck with a bloody needle at work today
The day was going relatively well, with my all-day sickness being better than it has been in weeks! And then, I was in the operating room taking care of a patient and ended up getting stuck with a needle. Unfortunately, she is a former IV drug user. Literally I just froze in place after it happened. We are pretty certain she does not have hepatitis from recent studies, but the HIV is still not back. And the darn intern ordered the wrong test. So HIV should have taken one hour to run, and instead it will be 1-2 days. Really, it was a pretty low risk needle stick overall. But still obviously highly traumatic to me! Sigh. We take care of a lot of these types of folks in my residency and they really do not appreciate the risk that we take. So I am not taking the (nasty) anti-retroviral meds and hoping that we are correct that she is unlikely to have HIV. My head hurts just thinking about it.
Icekid: I am so sorry that happened. What a PITA that the intern ordered the wrong test. You should bop him on the head, lol.

I''m sure everything will be fine but it''s still not a worry you need right now. I hope you get your test results back soon. (HUG)
Mer: Congrats on your bouncing baby boy!
I only hope that I have as easy and uncomplicated a labor as you did.

Enjoy your new man and post some pics when you get a chance!
Go Vesper!

Icekid - that sucks! I stuck myself with bloody needles about 5 times during my anesthesia residency. Once was in the ICU after I put in a central line on a patent with esophageal varices, and I didn''t know if the were from hepatitis or not. I spent 3-4 days waiting for blood test results on her since I didn''t realize occ health would organize and follow up on results even after hours or on weekends and I was trying to get the ICU to do the correct tests myself. I''m a little less clumsy these days, thankfully.

4/28/2010 10:10:22 AM
Author: drk

Icekid - that sucks! I stuck myself with bloody needles about 5 times during my anesthesia residency. Once was in the ICU after I put in a central line on a patent with esophageal varices, and I didn't know if the were from hepatitis or not. I spent 3-4 days waiting for blood test results on her since I didn't realize occ health would organize and follow up on results even after hours or on weekends and I was trying to get the ICU to do the correct tests myself.
Kate-I think you take the prize for inadvertent needle sticks. I could never have made it through a residency as an anesthesiologist-based on having to deal with fear of disease from needle sticks alone-never mind the fatigue, stress, and the intellectual rigor! You are amazing! And so are all the other physicians among us!


can''t wait to hear the gender results for snlee and cara! i vote boy for snlee and girl for cara...

meresal: thanks for sharing your amazing story! congrats again.

ice: i''ve also had SEVERAL needle sticks. it just sucks. keeping my fingers crossed for you that all the results come back negative...

lucy: congrats on the girl!!!

lulu, charger: thanks for the welcome backs. :)
cara, I am going to say BOY for you! Yay for feeling baby!

I think it''s a girl but I could be completely wrong again. I am frequently wrong about guessing the sex. With my son, I totally thought he was a girl. So far I''ve gotten almost all GIRL guesses (2 BOY guesses) this time around and my family wants a girl. DH and I don''t have a strong preference. We''d be thrilled with either, we just want a healthy baby.
SNLEE: i''m always wrong! i was POSITIVE my little bun was another boy. positive. so i wouldn''t put too much stake in my guess. :) can''t wait to hear. good luck with the appointment, by the way. let us know what you decide!
LIA, you and lili are the only two guessing boy so far. I''m leaning towards taking the shots but still not 100%. I''ll think it over the next 2 weeks or so. Also, if my cervix gets shorter within the next 2 weeks, I wouldn''t have to make a decision. They don''t recommend the shots. I''d get a cerclage, which I''m not too thrilled about. The risks are scary and there''s only a 40-60% success rate for emergent cerclages.
cerclage SCARES THE CRAP out of me. I have to start having monthly cervical measurements taken at my next visit due to surgeries I''ve had on it in the past.
HH, from my understanding it''s only good to put in a cerclage up until 24 weeks or so. If there''s no change in the next month then you probably won''t end up having one. Hopefully your cervix stays nice and long!
Oh thank god! I''ll be 23 weeks at my next appointment!