
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

HH--your belly is cracking me up. Where is that kid hiding?? Come out come out wherever you are! I am expecting that one day your abs will just say "we surrender" and out you''ll pop!

Lovin--try not to stress too much about all those numbers. I hope things happen naturally for you. Labor dust your way!!

And if i can rant on this point for a min (this is a general observation, not directed at you LS).... back in the day no one knew what size their baby was estimated to be and most babes came out just fine. I think those estimates can be useful in specific cases (i.e. history of difficult birth etc.) but damaging in others. Birth has a mental component. If you go into it thinking "oh gawd, all the #''s say this baby won''t fit thru" it''s kinda hard to relax in labor and have trust in your body. And relaxation is key to dilating & pain management. So it really annoys me when Drs start to instil fear in moms before they even go into labor--esp since estimates are often way off. Ya some babies get stuck & you deal with it during the birth, but some 10 lbers are birthed in 13 mins like my friend''s little girl last month. You just never know!
Okay, i am done


Hope everyone is feeling good. I am so happy it''s mother''s day weekend. I am not sure if DH has anything planned, but i fully intend to sleep in and let him get up with my son. I plan to eat chocolate. I plan to buy myself something nice and I plan to not feel guilty about any of it
Jas, I dunno. I swear I looked about 8 months gone yesterday and today? Nada. I must have farted a lot in my sleep last night or something.
here I am 15 weeks and feeling like a WHALE! I got on the scale yesterday and I have only gained 3lbs so how the heck is my ass so huge? Sorry about the sad and pathetic look on my face...I am going through a rough time at work. But on a happier note...whenever I am feeling down I get a little pin prick of a kick from Shim. I feel like he/she is saying "It's okay mama...everything will be fine".

ETA: I don't know why every picture I take on my BB comes out sideways when I upload. Can a techie help?

Cute bump, Allie!
HH~ Your belly cracks me up! Are you very tall?? Maybe he just wedges up in your ribs.

Allie~ You look so cute! And you butt appears tiny to me!! My phone takes pics sideways and there is something in the setting that you can change but not sure what it''s called.

Ditto jas about the drs giving too much info that could cause unnecessary stress. I think it''s fun to "know" the weight, and in my case the supposed weight was actually a lb under what JT actually was. I do think head circumference, which doesn''t have the margin of error that weight does, is a great indicator though. But even then, babies come out one way or another! I''ve said before, my grandma had 5 babies over 10 lbs vaginally. She''s only about 5''4" and maybe 130-140 lbs during her child bearing years.

I''ve got lots of baking to do today. We''re doing a Mother''s Day brunch on Sat for my mom. Then we''ll have MIL over tomorrow night so that I actually get a day off on Sun. I''ve never actually had my "own" Mother''s day. My mom says it''s selfish.

Hope you''re all feeling well today! Many of you will be celebrating your first Mother''s Day, hope you love it!
HH- Aidan is indeed the amazing disappearing baby. Must be that long torso!

Allie- The bump looks great!
Date: 5/7/2010 11:16:34 AM
Author: somethingshiny
HH~ Your belly cracks me up! Are you very tall?? Maybe he just wedges up in your ribs.

Allie~ You look so cute! And you butt appears tiny to me!! My phone takes pics sideways and there is something in the setting that you can change but not sure what it''s called.

Profile views are very deceiving
I had to get a RhoGam shot my butt on Wednesday and I shuddered when I saw my huge hieney in the mirror.
Date: 5/7/2010 9:00:16 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Oh, and it''s BPF!!! Once again I''m the incredible shrinking pregnant woman. Aidan is shy and is hiding somewhere in there. I swear, I was ENORMOUS yesterday! I even felt him a few times

SS, I love the name Lily!

HH where is that baby hiding? I am tall (5''10") and I wish I looked as slender as you
Allie, if you don''t mind me asking, why did you have to get Rhogam now? I thought that was in the third trimester?
I wouldn't say I'm really tall, about average 5'7" or so but my torso is LONG. My legs fit into petite sizes. But I also have pretty wide hips so I think he's just got lots of room in there.
Holy crap! I just realized that I''m supposed to get Rhogam at 28 weeks and at my appt yesterday (almost 27 weeks), they didn''t even mention it! GGRRRRRR!!!! Seriously, what if I didn''t know I was supposed to get that???

This is the second worrisome thing. First, they didn''t tell me that I had cysts on my ovaries until I was 23 weeks even though they found out at 13 weeks and now this. I just called the office and the nurse line was concerned that it was missed. Now I have to go back in next week to get the shot.
SS, great news about the heartrate! And good to hear that big babies are good sleepers!

LovinSparkles, how are you feeling? Just wanted to add my voice to the choir (esp the very wise Jas) that the us can be wildly off. My sister was told her baby would be 8.5lb, he was born 2 days later at 6.2...this was at a NY Presby, then a dear friend was harassed for months that she wasn''t gaining enough and that her baby would be 5lbs. She was 8 and change! This was at Brigham and Women''s! So two of the top 5 hospitals in the US couldn''t get it close to right! My OB used her fingertips to predict somewhere around 8lbs but she said that the us were not as accurate as asking the OB nurses/midwives who have been at it for decades. She promised me that our baby would show up in the next two weeks! reassuring since my dd was either W or today... Are you tall? DH and i are, and our babe measured 98th percentile in length from the very start; length and weight don''t mean much, just head circ!

Drk! I could kiss you, I''m a house! would take a photo, but that would involve getting dressed...oh well.

Cara, the dress is from last year at Macys, just a regular maxi dress. My goal was to spend no more than $200 on maternity wear and I''m sticking to it! Now the belly is pulling my suit too low (hard to do boobalicious flip turns) so I wear a non-cotton sports bra over my speedo or under. Seriously, just get a cheap size 40 in any brand and you will be good to go, you could even put your tankini top over the suit? Yeah, I am not the exercise fashionplate! But working out every day, either an hour of swimming/vertical kicking or 45min on the elliptical set to highest incline makes me feel like I am powerful enough to get this big baby out. I really hope that it gives you that feeling too!

Amber, great advice about expectations. My one fear is pitocin induction for exactly those reasons, but will be thrilled to get him out healthy! Why can''t we just be marsupials?

Blushing, I read that we are just supposed to avoid salicylic acid. You are good to go with Cetaphil. safety guys rank everything if you want more details.

HH and Allie you look adorable! HH, I love the idea that they can taste the amnio...whoa.

Charger, how you doing? DH got the side eyes at our CPR/First Aide class for touching the "baby" and asking "baby, do you have insurance?" I thought it was funny... Another pedi question to ask is about weekend office hours. Thank you for that link.

LIA and Snlee, good luck with your shot decisions.

Puppmom, I have no words for your MIL''s baby registry...perhaps she is also expecting?
With my anterior placenta I only felt him around the sides for ages, seeing feet even! but now that he is so big i can feel him in the middle too, well, at least his bony butt.

Ctek, I see you lurking and am counting on you to have a girl!

I''m on maternity leave! woot woot! Anyone else going to see Babies this weekend at the theater?
Date: 5/7/2010 11:51:34 AM
Author: puppmom
Allie, if you don''t mind me asking, why did you have to get Rhogam now? I thought that was in the third trimester?

I had some cramping and spotting...since I am rh- they gave me the shot. Another one at 28 weeks and then after birth as well!
Date: 5/7/2010 12:49:26 PM
Author: AllieLuv83

Date: 5/7/2010 11:51:34 AM
Author: puppmom
Allie, if you don''t mind me asking, why did you have to get Rhogam now? I thought that was in the third trimester?

I had some cramping and spotting...since I am rh- they gave me the shot. Another one at 28 weeks and then after birth as well!
Gotcha, my doc did mention if I had any spotting, I may need the shot. I called my doc''s office back and they were apparently waiting for my blood results before scheduling my shot. I get the blood work on Monday as part of my glucose screen. I''m still a little skeptical - were they really gonna call me to schedule the shot as soon as they got the results?
I''m having chicken curry for lunch again...gotta train him to like thai and indian!
Date: 5/7/2010 12:57:54 PM
Author: puppmom
Date: 5/7/2010 12:49:26 PM
Gotcha, my doc did mention if I had any spotting, I may need the shot. I called my doc''s office back and they were apparently waiting for my blood results before scheduling my shot. I get the blood work on Monday as part of my glucose screen. I''m still a little skeptical - were they really gonna call me to schedule the shot as soon as they got the results?

What blood results are they waiting for? Are they checking for antibodies? I didn''t have any blood test besides the one to identify my blood type and I am sure antibodies when I had my first blood draw way back at 5 weeks.
Pupp that makes no sense, if you''re RH- you need the shot at 28 weeks regardless. Ugh, sometimes I hate doctor''s offices. The admin side, not the practitioner side. It''s like doctors and businesses do not mix. I want to go back to the days where you paid your doctor in eggs and candles or something. I have to have my shot at 28 weeks too, I''ve been lucky thus far in that I''ve not had any spotting.
Right that is what my understanding was as well. I actually got into an altercation with a student that caused some belly trauma. The bleeding was most likely from the seksi time with DH and my cervical polyp which I never knew I had. But better safe than sorry is what they say!!
HH, I was seriously annoyed. I''m not buying the part that they were on top of it. I called back and made my appt to get the shot on the 17th. I''ll be 28 weeks exactly according to my LMP but more like 28 weeks 4 days based on O. Thank goodness someone (as in me
) is on top of my pre-natal care.

Allie, if you hadn''t brought up the Rhogam, I probably would have forgotten until it was too late. So THANK YOU!!!!
You got into an altercation with a student that caused belly trauma? Good lord, I thought you were a photographer!
Date: 5/7/2010 12:10:56 PM
Author: swimmer

Ctek, I see you lurking and am counting on you to have a girl!

I''m on maternity leave! woot woot! Anyone else going to see Babies this weekend at the theater?
Check back in 3 years! Maybe 2.5 at the least. DH so badly wants boys, two of them! I keep telling him that the more he wishes for boys, he will end up with two daughters.
Date: 5/7/2010 2:06:43 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
You got into an altercation with a student that caused belly trauma? Good lord, I thought you were a photographer!

I am a teacher for moderate/severe special needs by day and moonlight as a photographer by night

My couples usually listen and very rarely hit me :)

Lets just say there was an angry boy and a desk and I was on the receiving end...I feel bad for the desk. It never did anything wrong to anyone!
Me being the nervous first time mother called the doctors office all in tears. They sent me to triage but I put up a strong front for DH poor guy was so worried. We saw the bean swimming around, the internal exam was uncomfortable, I was kinda unkempt if you know what I mean
I wasn''t expecting it. There was a ton of pressure.

The doctor said "so you want to know the sex?" I said sure...and then she says "I can''t tell you because I can''t see anything" we got a great potty shot but we were unable to see the turtle head or the three lines. So who knows! I am just happy that Shim is okay!
You had an NT scan, right? Did they do a profile shot of the body? Can we guess the angle of the dangle??
No profile shot
the baby was not cooperating. We could barely even get the image of the nasal bone!

ETA: But c'mon how can nothing be there? I mean unless its a girl I would guess we would see something, even if it was a girl.

When you go in for your anatomy scan, drink some OJ about 15-20 minutes prior. It''ll get the LO moving.
HH--i have no idea if there is scientific proof that kids like the stuff their moms ate while preggo and nursing. But thru 9 mos of pregnancy and 16 mos of BFing i ate *tons* of spicy stuff. What does my 2 yr old like? Spicy anything. Cajun and oriental (wasabi) trail mix type things are like candy to him. He loves curries and strongly flavored stuff. So maybe it''s true!! Yum, keep going for that thai and indian. Those are my two favourite cusines actually

Allie-Yikes, so happy Shim is okay!!!!!! bummer about the gender, hope you geta look next time
Hi, ladies-since tomorrow is Mother's Day and my brother's birthday (our late mother always said that he was her Mother's Day gift , something of which I reminded him in his birthday card this year) I thought I would

check this thread today! I wondered if any of you were likely to be about to receive a baby as your Mother's Day gift this year! (I was thinking about swimmer, in particular, since I believe she has crossed the 40

week mark.) It doesn't look as if things are urgent yet, though, swimmer. No contractions yet?

vespergirl, I don't know if I commented on your sons' photos yet, although I have admired them for ages. They are both very handsome; although I knew your older son, Andrew, from earlier photos, he is no

longer a toddler and looks ready to be a big brother to Connor Mason!

I have enjoyed reading all of your stories, as always.

Date: 5/7/2010 7:14:43 PM
Author: Jas12

Allie-Yikes, so happy Shim is okay!!!!!! bummer about the gender, hope you geta look next time

Thanks Jas! Shim seems to be doing well...the triage doc measured the shin bone and he/she was measuring right on track. Moving around all nutty, even though it was about 6 hours since I had eaten last. I can''t wait to see the little bean again and finally find out if Shim is a She or a Him :) Then we can start to think up baby names!