
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

sbde~ Big congrats and dust for a happy and healthy pregnancy!

charger~ GREAT job on keeping the GD under control so well and really watching your weight gain!!

Swimmer~ Hope your absence means you''re at the hospital!!

My MS has come back
I''m almost 31 weeks and puking again. I''ve lost 3 lbs in the past week and a half or so which puts me at 5 lbs under pre-preggo weight. I was adamant that I keep a check on my weight gain because of how heavy I am to begin with, but this is just ridiculous!

Baby is still doing great! We go back to the dr on Monday.

I realized last night that I have begun to lose my mind. If I don''t get away for a bit, it will be completely gone. I don''t feel like I''ve bonded with baby yet. I was so surprised to find out I was preggo to begin with and then we found out about the heart problems so it just never happened. Now I feel like this baby is coming in 2 months and I don''t "know" her yet. JT is testing me every day and I''m getting really stressed by that and then there''s the remodeling which has now crossed into "too much!" and I have 3 little house guests coming on June 5th for 2 weeks. I''m really overwhelmed. Sorry for the vent.

Hope you''re all feeling well today!
thank you for the warm welcome Blushing_B & something_shiny!

charger- those mat shoot photos sound beautiful! i have the medela PIS and loved it. i actually nursed my son for 14 mos and only stopped because of the new pregnancy, otherwise i would likely have continued longer. i found that the lansinoh nursing pads were the most discreet and thin so i preferred them.

jena17 - don''t worry so much about the weight gain, your body will do what it needs to do for the baby. i''m having the opposite problem because i have gained no NO weight in 12 weeks but i was the same in my previous pregnancy and ended up gaining a total of 32 pounds at the end. just try to eat healthy and eat when you feel hungry.

somethingshiny - you know what, i didn''t feel bonded with my son until a few weeks AFTER he was born! not all moms feel like they know their babies so soon - but i promise you, the time will come and she will be the light of your life. i hope you can relax a bit and get through the anxiety!


hopefully we get the results of our NT scan sometime next week. btw, i should know this, but how come some of the preggos get their betas tested so regularly early on? i never had any such test in either of my pregnancies, so was just wondering.
SBDE-re betas. I have no idea, I''ve never had my numbers checked, or if they did check them it wasn''t information they passed along to me. I think for people with no issues with conception or miscarriages it''s not a normal thing to check. I could be wrong though. My doc didn''t even want to see me until 8 weeks. They said a positive HPT was confirmation enough and a pee/blood test in the office was unnecessary.
swimmer, good luck! Any update from your appointment this morning?

pupp, sorry to hear about your BH contractions. I feel your pain!

I''m back from my big u/s and it''s a GIRL!!! This is according to 2 techs and 1 doctor but I still don''t believe them 100%! Funny, the same tech who told me boy at 16 weeks told me girl today.

I''m still having frequent contractions so I''ve been resting as much as possible. Cervix looked good today. Baby looked good. They did see a bright spot on the heart, which is a soft marker for downs. Our chances are 1 in 1700, which is still a low chance. Also this is very commonly found in Asians. 1 in 3 vs 1 in 10 for general population. Amnio is an option but we''re not going to worry about it.

I also found out that the risk of m/c in an amnio is 1 in 1600 now, not 1 in 200, like I thought.
Snlee, congrats on the girl!

We had the same soft market, but our risk was 1:550. I''d much rather have your numbers. We also passed on the amnio.
SNLEE congrats on your boy GIRL!!!! What a ride!!! I hope your little boy isn't too disappointed... Is he old enough to process these things? Sorry about the contractions, and I hope they calm down.

jena i think you just have to go with it on the weight. Eat as healthy as you can but listen to your body and don't go crazy depriving yourself. Also some women put on more weight during the second tri and kind of taper off towards the end, but either way don't despair!

sbde - congrats! I got my betas tested early on b/c of a prior miscarriage, but on my first brief pregnancy there was no bloodwork or anything scheduled until the first appt at 8 weeks. I also managed to get an early ultrasound this time - or really two ultrasounds b/c the first at 5.5 weeks was a little early, so I had another at 6.5 to get a strong heartbeat. HOWEVER I am superglad I did get those early appts because my doc also convinced me to go on the nausea medicine over the first two appointments, and that was pretty darn useful for the rest of the first tri. In any future pregnancies I will be making myself known to the docs early on for that purpose at least. The objective part of me doesn't really think that early monitoring of this pregnancy was really warranted, what with early miscarriages being SO COMMON, but it sure was nice to get that reassurance so I took it! Part of the justification for it has to be just mental health of the mother and to assure her that the docs care about her situation since there is still so little they can do if something were to go wrong. I guess it might also start the process of them figuring out what is going wrong if there is some kind of fixable problem causing the early losses but most of the time it is just random and unfixable...

OK so we started the registry this weekend!! Yay for my hubs agreeing to go to the awful baby store and zap things. And he liked the crib that I liked so that is good!! But I may have been going a little insane trying to figure out what to put in the registry since then. Sleep sacks, swaddle wraps, onsies, how to know which size and which fabric? So confuseling! Even which furniture do we really want to buy new and which will we make do with old things....
Snlee, congrats on your girl, how exciting!

Sbde, congrats on your pregnancy!
sbde, wanted to say congrats again and welcome! good to see you here!
SBDE You sly cat! I didn`t know you were preggo again! Goodness I cannot imagine being pg again right now
but I know of 2 people IRL with kids the same age as ours who are expecting in June and October, so lots of women are doing it I guess! We were originally thinking about TTC2 in the fall, but now I am thinking we will wait longer. We just got settled into our new city and my job and I want to have better roots down here before I unplug again for mat leave. So we are thinking TTC2 next summer, so not for another year. I am so happy for you!
sbde - congratulations and welcome back!!!

snlee - hurray for a little girl!!! and for some great numbers!!!

jena - ditto the others - don''t worry about the weight. it is inevitable and necessary to have a healthy little bundle. Just try to avoid doing things like eating an entire bag of chocolate covered pretzels (speaking from personal experience
) and you''ll be great!!


I have now made it to the point in pregnancy where I need to use the loo in the middle of the night
. every night.
Snlee congrats on joing TEAM PINK!!!!

Lovely - I can''t believe you are just starting to use the bathroom several times a night. I am up at least 2 or 3 times per night and I''m only 17 weeks!
Blushing - I''m a wee (ha!) bit stubborn, so I''ve while I''ve had to use the bathroom for a while, I just didn''t. Kind of like the other night when my arm fell asleep from sleeping on my side, but I just stayed as is because rolling over is now getting to be akin to freeing a beached whale

swimmer - thoughts to you and your little man!!
Too funny - well, I also have a weak bladder - thanks mom (she has one too).
I was constantly using the bathroom even I became pregnant and all my friends would laugh and say, "wait unti you''re pregnant - you''ll be going all the time!" Yep, they were right!
snlee, congrats on team PINK now!! I thought you were having a girl.
Lulu--consider yourself lucky. I''ve been twice-nightly loo trips for about 2 mos now
. One of the joys of carrying lower i guess.

jena--i don''t think anyone likes the way their arms and legs look preggo.
Just know that some of that padding is water and stores for BFing and goes away shortly after birth. I think 16 lbs by 20 weeks sounds right on target to me! I am up 30 lbs at 36 weeks and will probably gain a few more lbs by delivery (gains slow in the final month usually). I too wanted to stay in the 30-35 range and i am pushing it. You can work out and still gain what you should gain in my personal experience. I worked out at my regular intensity (5 days week weights and cardio) until about the 6-7th month and then slowed down a bit to my current routine of 3 times a week/less intensity. Did you work out before? If you did, you can just continue as long as you feel good. If not, i think the advice is to keep to low impact, modified exercise.

swimmer--hope that babe is making an appearance !

SBDE--Welcome!! we had almost the same timing with our kiddies. My son will be 24 mos when #2 comes next month. It''s amazing how much more he understands about the baby as the weeks go on. Yesterday he heard a baby cry at the YMCA and said to me "she crying because she can''t talk" ! I guess he''s been listening to my baby prep
. But i agree, they have no idea how much things are going to change for them. i am so excited, but sad that i won''t have as much time with my monkey #1.

Approaching 36 weeks here and feeling it. I had a home-visit appnt with the midwife yesterday (to check the house for things like ambulance accessibility/layout etc.) she says it''s good to go.
My blood pressure is going up a little each week and i am consistently measuring small so i have another appnt on tuesday and if the same trend is present i go in for yet another ultrasound. However, it''s all precautionary. Middie thinks baby is just burrowing deeper in the pelvis instead of popping me out in front so it''s hard to get a good measurement and the sensations i have confirm this too. Yesterday i was doing wide ballet type squats and i could feel the head waaaay low and a hand down there too!
Just a brief update, Swimmer had her little one this morning and is doing well. I''m sure she''ll check in once she''s got her feet under her. I just didn''t want anyone to worry, cause well, we preggos worry a lot!

Swimmer, so happy for you and the hubs. Can''t wait to hear your story and meet your little man!
Date: 5/12/2010 11:53:44 PM
Author: dreamer_d
SBDE You sly cat! I didn`t know you were preggo again! Goodness I cannot imagine being pg again right now
but I know of 2 people IRL with kids the same age as ours who are expecting in June and October, so lots of women are doing it I guess! We were originally thinking about TTC2 in the fall, but now I am thinking we will wait longer. We just got settled into our new city and my job and I want to have better roots down here before I unplug again for mat leave. So we are thinking TTC2 next summer, so not for another year. I am so happy for you!
haha DD! you''ve been MIA from the toddlers thread lady - the folks there have known for weeks

thanks for the well wishes, we''re pretty excited - honestly even though we planned for this i really think i will be in for it when i''m dealing with 2 little ones come november. it was good timing in THEORY but we''ll see how tough the reality of it will be. J will be 22 mos old when baby #2 is born, so let''s see how it goes!

HH: aah, i was thinking along those lines too. your explanation makes sense, i didn''t see dr''s in either of my pregnancies until week 8 too.

snlee: what a rollercoaster ride!! congrats on joining team PINK - so thrilled for you - you''ll have one of each, which is ideally what i''d like but it''s not really in my control now is it :) i''m glad you''re resting up and not worrying too much about the marker seen on baby''s heart. tons of prayers and well wishes for a happy healthy girl!

cara: thanks for the congrats! sorry about your earlier miscarriage, i''m so glad to hear things are progessing well this time and i totally agree that the early monitoring was well worth the piece of mind it brought you. yay for the registry! so much fun. we didn''t register with baby #1 but to tell you the truth, lots of onesies and swaddles are what they need most in those early weeks.

vespergirl, lovelylulu: thanks for the well wishes!

jas12: thanks for the kind words! there are quite a few PS mama''s with about the same age gap between kids, so i have totally been following their posts and will be doing the same with yours to see how you''re managing 2 little ones. how cute is co re: she''s crying because she can''t talk haha. i love toddler logic, it is so often just spot on. i can''t believe you''re already 36 wks!
congrats swimmer!!!!
yeah swimmer and welcome baby swimmer
Congrats Swimmer! Can''t wait to hear the details and see pictures!
jas - I definitely consider myself a lucky duck when it comes to this pregnancy!! especially since my husband was reading the other evening about how it is not uncommon for incontinence to strike during the third trimester
so peeing once an evening is nothing to complain about for certain!
Thanks for the update, HH! I thought Baby Swimmer must have been born days ago.

Yay, Swimmer! I can''t wait to hear your story.
Date: 5/13/2010 2:21:37 PM
Author: puppmom
Thanks for the update, HH! I thought Baby Swimmer must have been born days ago.

Yay, Swimmer! I can''t wait to hear your story.
Alright, maybe not DAYS ago since she just posted on the 10th.
Yay, congrats Swimmer!
Hello Mommies. Babies R Us is having another sale online the promotion code is: 936862
The code is for $10 off $50 and you can stack them up to $90 off of $450.

Just thought I would pass the info along :)
CONGRATULATIONS Swimmer!!!!!!!!!
and welcome to baby swimmer! Can''t wait to hear your details and birth story!
Yay Swimmer!!! Congrats!! Welcome baby swimmer!!! Hope you are doing well!!!
Does anyone have a suggestion for a heartburn remedy other than tums?
Congrats Swimmer!
congrats swimmer!! welcome baby swimmer.