
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 4/30/2010 11:57:40 AM
Author: Jas12
Lulu--you look terrific! You don''t look preggo at all in the 17 week.
but i bet at the time you thought you did?
Ditto - you look like I did at like 11 weeks in that 17 week photo. I can only imagine how big I''m going to get! Anyway, you look adorable - love the belly shot and the fact you can see you naval - so cool! Your pregnancy is flying by!
Such cute belly pics!!

I haven''t posted a BPF since 21 weeks. Now that I''m 29 weeks, I figured it was time again. lol

As usual, JT is in on the action. He can''t stand to see a camera that he''s not in front of.
IRL you can actually see a faint line that goes straight down behind my belly (from the side) DH thinks it''s hilarious that you can see where I "used to stop."

Hi everyone! I don't have a lot of time, so I haven't caught up with everyone's news, but I just wanted to drop in to say thanks for all of the well-wishes, and share my birth story.

First, though, I'll mention that our son's name is Connor Mason, not Connor Samson as I had first listed. We changed our mind the next day to have his middle name be Mason before we finalized the paperwork. Just thought that it sounded better ...

Anyway, we went in on Wed. morning 4/28 for my scheduled induction. I had progressed to 3 cm dilated by then, but they still decided to do the Pitocin at 8:30 am, since I was there and 12 days overdue. The Pit wasn't so bad, and I got an epidural when I was around 4 cm. It was great at first, because it was like a "walking" epidural - I could still feel my body, but the contractions weren't causing me any pain. Since the baby was still floating and hadn't dropped at all, I decided to sit up in bed and rock my hips back and forth to get him moving down.

However, after a couple of hours, the pain started to hit me like a ton of bricks - the only part of my body that was numb was my right leg, otherwise I was in excruciating pain. They brought back the anaesthesiologist, and had them up the dose of the epidural. An hour later, I was still in so much pain that I was rolling around in bed and crying. So, they gave me lidodcaine through the epidural, which was supposed to make me totally numb from the waist down. Instead, my legs were numb, but I could feel everything in my abdomen and back, and every contraction - I was only around 6 cm dilated. Most of the pain was in my pubic bone and lower back - apparently, the baby was descending, and his skull was hitting those bones, and epidurals are apparently not as effective for bone-on-bone contact, is what the nurse told me.

Still, after hours of crying and begging for it to be over, they brought in the head anaesthesiologist - it turns out that most of the catheter had slipped out of my back, so I had barely received any of the epidural medication. They reinserted it, but I was already in transition by that point, and the new epidural didn't bring me much relief. I was still crying and begging for it to be over, and the nurse started mentally preparing me for a c-section, since it had been 9 hours of labor and I was only up to 7 cm dilated. Finally, my OB came in (she had been in other deliveries while all this was going on) and said that I was at 8 cm, and would I like to try pushing. She could feel the baby's head, and she had me try a light push - she could fell my cervix peeling back around his head when I pushed, and the pain went away once I was pushing, so she had me start the pushing phase at that point.

After only 30 minutes of pushing that felt great after all the pubic bone pain, the baby came out! I had been so worried since I pushed for 4 hours during my previous delivery, but she really had her hands guiding the baby out, and he progressed really fast. I was lucky that by this time the epidural was numbing my vaginal area, so I could feel enough to push, but I didn't have that "ring of fire" pain.

As it turned out, my enormous 41w5d baby turned out to weigh 9lb 13oz! That's 3 whole pounds more than my last baby that took 4 hours to push out! I have no idea how it was easier to push out a baby that large, but I guess it really is easier to push out a second baby.

Anyway, the OB made a slight episiotomy on the scar tissue where my last one was because the baby's head was so big, but it was tiny, only required 2 stitches, and there was no extra tearing.

Even though the vaginal recovery hasn't really been painful at all, the uterus contracting has been awful - it feels like being in active labor. Apparently, when the uterus shrinks after a second birth, it is more painful, and becomes more painful with each delivery.

Outside of the anaesthesia debacle, the nursing staff and my OB were fantastic. I delivered this baby at a different hospital than my first, and overall, the care experience was much better (even though my epidural did work during my first delivery, so I wish it had this time as well).

Anyway, little Connor is the total opposite of big brother Andrew - Andrew was small, delicate, blond, blue eyes. Connor is huge, robust, dark eyes and black hair. They both had tons of hair, though, which explains all of my heartburn :)

Also, Connor is a great eater, but not a great sleeper - also the opposite of his big brother.

Andrew adores him, and watching Andrew dote over him melts my heart. He already calls Connor his best friend, and wants to help me do everything with the baby - he is such a sweetheart.

I haven't had a chance to download any pics yet, but I will try to get some up either tonight or tomorrow. I will try to post a pic of the two of them together.

Sorry I don't have much time, but DH just came back from the store with Andrew, and now my 3 yr old needs some attention. It's definitely harder to take care of a newborn when you have an older one who also needs your attention, but it makes it all worth it when you see them together - so cute!

I will try to check in more this week - my in-laws just left today, and my mom is coming in town tomorrow, so it's tough with people around all the time, but I just wanted to send good thoughts to all the other preggos on the thread - hope you all are doing well!
Vesper~ I think Connor Mason sounds better too. Youch to the epi problems!! That pubic bone pain is excruciating with big babies. Supposedly that''s why even throughout the early portion of my current pregnancy I''ve had such pubic bone pain. The big babies push it too far and it often becomes dislocated. Glad that you didn''t have to get a c-section. But, youch again to pushing out that big boy!!

I have appts tomorrow with the peri and the ped cardiologist and then with my regular ob on tues. If you have any extra dust, please shoot it this way!

Hope you''ve all had a good weekend!
Vesper, congrats again on the birth of Connor Mason. I LOVE the name Mason but it rhymes with our last name so it''s off our list.
I''m glad Andrew is enjoying his little brother!

LIA, what a great belly! I''m jealous - mine seems like the size of someone who is full term.

Without further ado - here''s my belly from last week (25 weeks) - assuming DHs computer fix worked.

PM-is that a baby or a torpedo in your belly? So cute! I feel like I still just look like Carlos is taking over my body vs. Aidan. I can''t wait to have a real bump!
Just a quick drive-by to post a pic of Connor Mason - unfortunately, his face was totally swollen and bruised from 5 hours of him smashing his face into my pubic bone. He actually looks pretty different now that the swelling has gone down - I will take more pics this week and post a new one when I get a chance.

The whites of his eyes were all dark red with burst blood vessels from the impact - poor baby. They''re almost totally healed now, though. This pic is from when he was less than an hour old:

Just one more of big brother Andrew holding Connor and singing to him the day after he was born - I just think that they are so cute together!

BTW, I just wanted to mention that I loved the belly pics ladies!!!

vesper CUTE CUTE boys you have and love the name. ITA on the uterus contracting. it hurt so much more than i remembered it did with my first. take care!!
vesper, just a quick chime in to what a birth story and Connor is sooo cute!! look at those little lips. hope the healing goes quickly and with less pain!

BPF''s look great, ladies!!
vesper - connor is a doll and poor baby (and mama) for having such a rough journey - glad to hear that he''s nearly recovered from the experience and you sound like you''re doing great with two little ones at home. the picture of the two boys is priceless
andrew sounds like an excellent big brother! and boo on the post-birth labor-like uterine shrinking.

pupp - your belly looks smooth and gorgeous!!
lia - cute bump and I love your son''s guest appearance!
shiny - you are looking great and I''m sending over lots of dust and good thoughts for your appointments. hope that it''s only good news for your little girl!
Jas, those pictures are fantastic! You make me want to do a maternity shoot. And your son is ADORABLE!

Vesper, sorry about the epidural debacle. I''m glad it''s over and you have a gorgeous baby to show for it. I love that pic of Andrew holding Connor. He looks elated!

Lovelylulu, I always love your belly pictures. My *mugshots* are taken the same place every time. There''s a chip in the floorboard that DH makes me stand in front of and I stand there looking terribly annoyed while he queues everything up and then last minute I muster up a *smile*.

HH, I popped out around 20 or 21 weeks. I would load a collage but DH puts the pictures in photoshop and I STINK at photoshop. I seriously feel like my belly is abnormally large. Some days I go to baby center just to look at pics of other bellies to feel better.

SS, I love how your little guy is in all of your shots. He''s looking all casual like he has no idea he''s in the shot.

Cara, I must have been having an off-day. I really thought you meant they didn''t tell you the gender...and you seemed so calm about it.
VESPER: awesome birth story and just look at that gorgeous baby! i''m so sorry to hear about the epidural (that''s one of my worst nightmares!). i''m totally dreading the PP uterine contractions...i''ve also heard they are worse with later pregnancies...

SHINY: you look great! sending lots of dust your way for good appointments!

PUPP: awesome belly!!

all is well with me....23 weeks and just trucking along. getting a little nervous about contractions/bed rest, etc. they hit hard at 26 weeks last time... still contracting away, but nothing crazy yet. will be checking again in another couple of weeks. this kid is a mover and a shaker, but nothing like my son was!
Vesper- What a birth story. I always LOVE reading about everyone''s experiences. No two are ever the same. But wow- you are a trooper, mama and your little bundle of joy is just darling, as is his proud big brother.

cara & snlee- yay for team blue!

Jas, lulu, LIA, PM & Shiny- great pics!

BB- glad to hear that all is well!

I had a lovely weekend which included a sunny hike with friends, and then a pregnancy bath & massage (HEAVEN!) Also took some time to organize the gifts from my shower the week before.

Bebe didn''t move around much this weekend, which had me a bit concerned. I admit that I haven''t been doing the kick counts, as (s)he is usually pretty active after I eat and I gauge the activity then. But I did actually lie down after 2 meals over the last two days and concentrated on counting. It took awhile to reach 10 "kicks", but they did happen. But then I REALLY felt movement this morning at bootcamp- while the gals did their situps, I hung out in child''s pose and cat stretch. Bebe just went to town and jabbed away!

All is well on the house front- our inspection went without a hitch so it looks like this is going to happen! Oh boy...
Thanks everyone!

Love all the belly pictures! Everyone looks great!

LIA, you look awesome! Good to see you posting more often. REALLY hope you don't have to go on bedrest again.

lulu, what a big difference. you have such a cute belly!

Charger, glad the inspection went well!

vesper, your boys are so adorable! sorry you had some many issues with the epi. I pushed for 4.5 hours with my son and I've been hoping the 2nd time is much shorter! you give me some hope! and a bigger baby too! interesting to know about the uterus contracting being more painful the 2nd time around. didn't know that!

Blushing, have a great appt! have fun seeing your little ones!

jas, love your pictures!
CHARGER: glad you''re doing well. glad the decreased movement was just a fluke. i wonder if it''s because the baby is getting bigger and there is less room to move??

SNLEE: hi!! did you make a decision yet regarding the shots? i''ve been thinking about you!
LIA: I thought the same thing! At 32.5 weeks, space is getting tight in there. I also have an anterior placenta, so there''s a bit of cushioning going on. I''m currently eating lunch at my desk, and can feel movement. (S)he sometimes gets groovy during mealtime.

Oh yes, forgot to mention earlier that we have infant CPR class tonite. And then our final birth class is tomorrow. Next up later this month is breastfeeding class and the hospital tour. WOO HOO!
Charger, woot for feeling real movement, yes so hard with the anterior placenta. Have fun in your classes!

Lulu, you look awesome!

Jas, you are hot stuff! great photos!

Yeah team blue Cara!

Love your photos Meresal!

Vesper, thank you for sharing your story, your boys look adorable together!

Pupp, you are gorgeous!

Good to see LIA doing well and Lindsey too!

Drk, Hoping to not go over as much as you!

AGBF! thank you for reminding me to post! No finite plans, just going with the flow, will only discuss induction at 42 week mark and then it depends on monitoring. I figure he is easier to take care of in here and am sort of relishing having my life still totally my own, I can work out and meet up with friends spur of the moment still and I bet that sort of thing will change soon. I''m still working and having no contractions so it seems hard to believe that he is coming soon! My swim team told me this morning that they can see he is dropping, (I did vertical fly kick for 45min to try to get him to move down), all I can tell is that little man likes the right side, HIS BUTT IS TOTALLY VISIBLE on my side! so very very odd to me, but not much is stranger than his hiccups with his head so far down...

My belly at 39+ weeks!

Date: 4/22/2010 3:23:51 PM
Author: AllieLuv83
Still waiting for your big news HH!

But in the mean time can we please talk blood pressure?

My pre-pregnancy blood pressure was somewhere in the 90/60 range a little higher sometimes.
As soon as I got pregnant, really starting at 7 weeks my blood pressure has been 130/80 consistently from machine to machine, from doctor to doctor. I AM TERRIFIED. My MW doesn''t seem to be too concerned. She said it if goes higher than 140/90 (either of the numbers) she will send me in for further testing. I am going to try to cut out salt to see if that makes a difference but I just wanted to see what kinds of experiences you guys had with BP and whether it led to Pre-E.
Same thing happened to me as soon as I got preggo. I think it was the extra blood volume, which I imagine varies from woman to woman. Don''t worry about it unless your caregivers worry.
Date: 4/30/2010 10:35:15 AM
Author: lovelylulu
and here''s a little side-by-side comparison of week 17 vs. week 32+

can''t imagine what week 40 is going to look like.
LULU you look great and you need to post that picture in the "real life perspective" thread, look at the BLING!
Monkeypie What a delivery. I am so sorry about all the pain you endured but I am happy that you are on the mend and I hope you will soon be enjoying running around with your baby in tow!

Vesper That pubic pain sounds like what I had going on for the last month or so of my pregnancy! Nasty! And I am glad you pushed out such a big baby without problem. Apparently positioning of the baby matters more than the size, so perhaps Connor was just in a better position? Anyways, I'm glad it went so well!

Meresal and jcrow Congrats ladies!!
vesper~ Adorable pic of the boys together!! I love how Andrew looks all-consumed with his new brother.

Love the additional belly pics.

Pupp~ My belly is the same shape as yours although you can''t really tell from my tiny pic. It''s soo all out front!

Great news from my appts today. I saw the 3 sonogram techs, a medical student, a peri, a ped cardiologist, several nurses and probably a maintenance man and the concensus is THE HEARTBEAT IS PERFECT!! The irregularity is just gone. For 8 weeks, it was consistently skipping every 3rd beat. No matter what time of day, if I had eaten, if I was laying flat or just lounging back, etc, it was always every 3rd beat. At my last appt with the peri, he said the improvement he hoped to see would be a skip every 5th or 6th then every 10th or 12th until after birth. But today, completely gone!! Thanks for all the dust and prayers!!! I''m so happy!!
Date: 5/3/2010 8:36:28 PM
Author: somethingshiny
Great news from my appts today. I saw the 3 sonogram techs, a medical student, a peri, a ped cardiologist, several nurses and probably a maintenance man and the concensus is THE HEARTBEAT IS PERFECT!! The irregularity is just gone. For 8 weeks, it was consistently skipping every 3rd beat. No matter what time of day, if I had eaten, if I was laying flat or just lounging back, etc, it was always every 3rd beat. At my last appt with the peri, he said the improvement he hoped to see would be a skip every 5th or 6th then every 10th or 12th until after birth. But today, completely gone!! Thanks for all the dust and prayers!!! I'm so happy!!
That's great news ss! What a relief! So happy for you and your little girl!
LIA, I''m pretty sure I''m going to get the shots but I''m going to wait another 2 weeks to make my final decision. When are you going to decide if you''re going switch and get the "real" shot? I''ve been thinking about you too and sending you lots of good thoughts!
Date: 5/3/2010 8:36:28 PM
Author: somethingshiny

Great news from my appts today. I saw the 3 sonogram techs, a medical student, a peri, a ped cardiologist, several nurses and probably a maintenance man and the concensus is THE HEARTBEAT IS PERFECT!! The irregularity is just gone. For 8 weeks, it was consistently skipping every 3rd beat. No matter what time of day, if I had eaten, if I was laying flat or just lounging back, etc, it was always every 3rd beat. At my last appt with the peri, he said the improvement he hoped to see would be a skip every 5th or 6th then every 10th or 12th until after birth. But today, completely gone!! Thanks for all the dust and prayers!!! I''m so happy!!

such fantastic news
I''m so happy for you and your babe!!

snlee - from what you''ve wrote, it sounds like you are making the right decision. stay put babies!
Date: 5/3/2010 7:57:37 PM
Author: dreamer_d

LULU you look great and you need to post that picture in the ''real life perspective'' thread, look at the BLING!

ha! thanks dreamer
and when I was originally posting I almost pointed out that my ring was looking mighty fine that day
. can''t wait to see your upgrade!
Swimmer- You look amazing! Can''t wait to meet your little man, whenever he is ready to make his appearance.
Date: 5/4/2010 10:03:43 AM
Author: Clairitek
Swimmer- You look amazing! Can''t wait to meet your little man, whenever he is ready to make his appearance.

Ditto Ctek! So cute Swimmer and even cuter in person!

I''m so happy to hear the baby''s heartbeat news
Date: 5/3/2010 8:36:28 PM
Author: somethingshiny

Great news from my appts today. I saw the 3 sonogram techs, a medical student, a peri, a ped cardiologist, several nurses and probably a maintenance man and the concensus is THE HEARTBEAT IS PERFECT!! The irregularity is just gone. For 8 weeks, it was consistently skipping every 3rd beat. No matter what time of day, if I had eaten, if I was laying flat or just lounging back, etc, it was always every 3rd beat. At my last appt with the peri, he said the improvement he hoped to see would be a skip every 5th or 6th then every 10th or 12th until after birth. But today, completely gone!! Thanks for all the dust and prayers!!! I''m so happy!!

What great news, SS. oh happy day!