
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congrats Blushing!
Date: 6/3/2010 3:08:22 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Yay for Team Purple!!!!!!

And to Lulu and others re: husband''s comments. Just tell him what Rachel said on Friends, which I proudly shouted at anyone who dared to make such stupid comments.
Say it with me now:


Ha! That is basically my sarcastic retort. Sometimes he deserves it, but I must confess that his sometimes entirely benign comments just irk me
Blushing---YAY! That''s soooo fun. How lucky to have one of each!!!!
double post
Date: 6/3/2010 9:48:06 AM
Author: fiery

I reserve the right to change my votes if E_B agrees with anything I voted



(For the record, I was thinking a B/G combo for Blushing. Of course the one time I''m right, I don''t have proof!)
How did i end up 39 weeks?!?!
My Hip feels 45 weeks pregnant but otherwise i don''t think i am ready. eeeks. No choice in the matter. Actually, due to the stress of the multiple weird ultrasounds i''ve had, i just really need to know this baby is going to be okay so the only way to do that is to have him/her. We''ve decided to labor at home as long as we can with the midwives and then proceed to t he hospital. Both middie and pedi are fine with me staying home if i like but just to play it safe i think we''ll make the quick trip across the street for the delivery. We''ll have to go there anyway following the birth to check out all the ultrasound findings.
So send me some PS dust for a healthy little babe & a quick labor!!!

Here''s a bump pic contribution . a little early b/c i am running errands all day tomorrow & won''t be at the comp. It was taken this past weekend, so i owe ya one for 39 weeks

Jas12-- are so close already.
Can''t believe you are just a little more than a week away.
I hope this little one doesn''t plan to stay longer like Co ^.^
Love your basketball belly!
Lots of labor and delivery dust to you.
Jas! Just popping in to say, "YOU GO, HOT MAMA!!!!!" RAWR! You look awesome!!!!!

Oh, Blushing!!!!! A boy and a girl???? CONGRATULATIONS! I have always secretly and openly hoped and dreamed for twins - a boy and a girl. Then I''d be done!!!! Wooohoooo! Oh, that is so precious!!!!!! Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!!

Thanks ladies!!! I promise I''ll write more''s been such a crazy, busy day sharing the news with everyone and trying to get work done! But, it sounds like everyone is doing well which is what I like to see!

BTW - Jas - you look fantastic!
Blushing- How wonderful
Boy/girl twins are just so sweet. Congratulations!!

Jas- You have one cute belly, 39 weeks or not! Maybe you can take a teeny bit of solace in that you look adorable, even if you don't feel so hot.

Re: preggo vs. fat. Well, I feel super chunky these days (and I have issues with weight gain at baseline, so this is not a shock). My husband is already sick of me telling him that I feel fat (and he smartly disagrees every time and tells our baby "Jumper" to do whatever is needed to grow well.) It's going to be a long 10 months
Jas, wow you''re at 39 weeks already?!?!?! Where did the time go??? You look FANTASTIC!!!

I''m sad, I haven''t felt Aidan much today
Blushing, CONGRATULATIONS on teams blue and pink!!!
So glad both babes are healthy and I'm thrilled that you are getting one of each!!

jas, looking gooooooooood!!! Gorgeous belly!
Hello ladies!
Just quick popping in via phone-

Alek Tyler arrived at 12:28 this afternoon! He is 9lbs 1oz and 20" long!!
Congrats So Excited! Welcome Alek Tyler! Can''t wait to hear more and see pictures!

Jas, you look great! Sending you tons of labor dust! I have lots of contractions to spare. You can have them all!
Congrats to So Excited on Alek''s arrival! Can''t wait to see pics and hear your story.
Mama Jas, you look awesome at 39 weeks- not much longer now...

A quick update from me: i''ve been doing everything I can over the last two days to get bebe to turn- visited the chiro/acupunturist yesterday which was interesting. The "adjustment" was a bit painful, but I just kept breathing and got thru it. The acupunture was soothing- something I wouldn''t have thought! I''ve also been doing this "inversion" move that DH read about on the website, and just went for a swim.

I''m admitted at 6:30a tomorrow for the external cephalic conversion and am hopeful that they''ll either see that bebe has already turned or that what I''ve been doing will help the procedure go smoothly, bebe stays put and I''ll be sent home after a couple of hours of fetal monitoring. Thinking positive thoughts!

Too funny that Fiery & SS''s gender guesses have been BOY. I felt very strongly early on that it was a boy, but have lately been feeling GIRL. We''ll soon find out!

I''m 37 weeks today- where did the time go??? I''m contributing my pic a bit early as I don''t know what tomorrow will have in store for me. I''m off to pack my hospital bag in case I end up staying to meet bebe...

oops, didn''t mean to post that front view!
here''s one from the side- and please excuse the moving boxes. nope, we''re not in our new place yet (hopefully next week!)

YAY BPF!!! Here''s the standard HH office bathroom shot!

HH 24 weeks.JPG
Congratulations Soexcited!!!!!

And am I right to think that little baby Alek came on his due date?!?!

Can''t wait to hear more!!!
Jas - love, love, love your bump!!! you truly do look amazing!!! can't be long now, right?!?

Charger - I'll be thinking about you and the babe all day. I hope that you've already successfully managed to get him/her into the proper position!!! Happy FULL TERM

HH - Hurray for popping
Maybe Aiden will be more active today!! It is Friday after all!

bliss - glad to see you popping in here -
your ultrasound pic!!!

icekid - I remember that stage - it fell right around the holidays for me - but, worry not, soon you will be sporting a nice, round, undeniably pregnant bump!!

As for me, I'm days shy of being 38 wks and am really ready to meet this babe!! My husband went to our local firehouse last night to make sure that he properly installed the car seat and that was the final thing that *needed* to get done pre-birth. so we are now ready (read: we're so *not* ready, but we can at least take her home from the hospital
) now if we could only settle on a name.

These last weeks of pregnancy are something of a mental and physical rollercoaster. I had a pretty easy breezy pregnancy, but as of last week, my feet/ankles started swelling, the lower back pain kicked in, my heartburn is raging, and I'm just getting very preoccupied with the when will it happen. I'm trying to stay distracted, but that's tough when I can't move around nearly as much as I'd like to . . . sorry to vent. Just feeling very laden down these days.

My BPF - Lulu Dares to Wear Horizontal Stripes:

Stripes or not you look great Lulu!!!
A quick delurking to congratulate Blushing on covering the bases!!!

And I lurve me these belly bumps! Y''all make my Fridays!
Yayy Blushing!!! That''s awesome!!!!!!!!!Congratulations!

Beautiful bellies ladies!!! The pics make me miss my belly! (even with now having an hernia and muscle separation thanks to it!)
Congratulations, Blushing! How exciting!! Have you given thought to how you''ll decorate the nursery?? Lots of dust for your little ones growth!

So Excited! HUGE CONGRATS on the arrival of Baby Alek! I can''t wait for your birth story and I hope the itching has subsided now!!

Jas, HH, lulu, and Charger~ Such cute bellies!! Everytime I see all of your pics, I feel extra huge. I can''t believe how big I am and I''m a few weeks behind some of you!!

My bff called last night and asked if she could do a maternity photo shoot with me today. She''s recently really gotten into photography and I think it will be fun. Not sure I''ll end up with much in the way of pictures, but it''ll be so nice to have a few hours to myself.
Congrats and welcome to the world Alek!

Jas- I always think you are the cutest preggo. Hang in there.

Charger- You look awesome, and what a pretty girl you are.
Good luck.

Lulu- Whatevs, the stripes are super stylish. You look amazing, as usual.

Can''t believe you guys are so close!!!!!
Blushing - CONGRATS on boy and girl
So exciting!!!

You ladies look GREAT!!!
cdt - gonna start posting over here regularly

china - thanks lady! happy friday!!
Date: 6/4/2010 11:45:47 AM
Author: lovelylulu
cdt - gonna start posting over here regularly

china - thanks lady! happy friday!!
give me another 3 weeks
fair enough! fair enough!!

Blushing- Congrats on team blue & team pink!!!!!


Lulu- wishing you a comfortable last couple of weeks before delivery!


Everyones baby belly looks so cute!!!


Heres my belly taken last week at 25 weeks- i think if my belly gets any bigger it feels like its going to explode! haha!

Good Morning!

So Friday''s "turning try" didn''t work. I have a stubborn bebe who likes his sitting position. DH said that it was gnarly to watch- My OB pretty much straddled me, bore down on my belly and tried one direction and then another. I just laid there with my eyes closed, trying to breathe through it. WOW, it was tough! We gave it a good shot (and I have a sore belly to prove it!), but this kid just doesn''t want to move.

She then had the frank "we''ll need to schedule a c-section" talk with us, and really it''s the only option we have at this point. It would be a miracle if bebe turns head down. She left us for awhile so we could digest what happened and talk about it (i was pretty emotional and just drained from the procedure). Sure, it''s not the way I planned to deliver, but in the end it''s all about getting bebe out safe and sound.

I was monitored for about an hour and then sent home to rest.

C-section is scheduled for week after next, so we have this upcoming week to finish up our packing and get into our new house. The initial work is done (painting, crown molding, etc...), but we''ve run into a plumbing problem that is being addressed ASAP- that work begins tomorrow. Then we can move in and get somewhat settled before bebe is born.

This will be my last week at work, so it''s all about wrapping up loose ends- my boss kinda freaked out when I told her the news, but oh well. They''ll just have to deal.

So yeah, there''s a lot on our plate right now but we''re taking it all in stride. DH has been wonderful! He''s making breakfast now and then it''s packing time.

I''ll be popping in as much as I can until my c-section to keep track of all you fabulous preggos.