
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Charger, as i said previously my mom went into labor with my sister who was breech, before they did a csec... she had a HUGE male nurse try to turn the baby. it took him a while and i guess he was sweating like crazy but it worked and she was able to deliver vaginally.

would your hospital consider that before a csec...aka when you are in labor? i would prefer trying that and then knowing you can get a csec if you NEED to rather than scheduling IF turning in labor could work.

it seems like hospitals have thrown out older methods of doing things in favor of just scheduling csec's... of course the most important thing is safety for the mom and baby but i always figure if stuff used to work, maybe it still would. anyway just a thought.

jas...sooo look fabulous lady!
blushing...yay for both teams!!! the stripes! before birth, G was saying how tough i was and how i really didn't need an epidural because i was so tough etc etc. well hello a few hours of back labor and he wasn't saying anything after that other than WHERES THE NEEDLE!??!...hehee. men are funny.
pupp... if Greg said that to me i would have stopped on the way home and eaten a big ass McD's meal right in front of him complete with lip smacking sounds.

the photos look great ladies.
Mara & Charger --my MIL said the same thing happened with her. My BIL was apparently breech, but in those days a c-section was a really big deal and never scheduled so they just let her go into labor and he turned. Another option is to see what breech position they are in. Many OBs are cool with doing a breech delivery with extra monitoring if the baby is curled up bum first. Just a thought charger. You might still have options if a v-birth is really important to you.

Lucy--you have an adorable belly!

Soexcited-- YAY!!!!! Congrats!!!! how ya doing?!

I had a few contractions last .....night that woke me up...i stayed up to see if another was on the way, but nope. Falsies. boooo. This happened with Co too. I had days, well weeks actually, of false labor. I hope that won''t happen again.
Yesterday was my original DD (based on a 28 day cycle) but since i more often have a 30-32 day cycle i am not actually ''due'' till the end of the week. So i am sticking with that to preserve my sanity

thinking of you and hoping that you''ll be meeting your babe VERY soon!!

lucy - such a perfect bump!

charger - I kept checking this thread hoping for an update. I''m sorry that it''s not working out how you hoped, but you are so utterly right that what matters is a healthy delivery! hope that you have a great final week of pregnancy!!!
Awe all of the bumps look so cute! I didn''t get a chance to upload my BPF but I will this week! Tomorrow is our big day when we find out if our little Shim is a she or a him!

Any advice on how to get the baby moving for the ultrasound? I how Shim cooperates so we can find out the sex, but most importantly get all the healthy pictures of the heart, brain, ten fingers and ten toes :)

Everyone at work seems to think I am carrying a girl, so time will tell!
Date: 6/7/2010 9:47:47 AM
Author: AllieLuv83
Awe all of the bumps look so cute! I didn''t get a chance to upload my BPF but I will this week! Tomorrow is our big day when we find out if our little Shim is a she or a him!

Any advice on how to get the baby moving for the ultrasound? I how Shim cooperates so we can find out the sex, but most importantly get all the healthy pictures of the heart, brain, ten fingers and ten toes :)

Everyone at work seems to think I am carrying a girl, so time will tell!
Did they tell you to drink a bunch of water? My OB had me drink some ridiculous amount of water 2 hours before the appt (I think it was 32oz).
Jas- Good luck!! Sounds like you are not far away!

Allie- Try drinking something with sugar (ie ginger ale or fruit juice) about 45 min before the ultrasound- I have done that before my ultrasounds and it seems to get the little one moving. Also, during the ultrasound the sonographer can position your body (ie lay on your side versus back) to get the baby to move into position in order to examine what they need to even if the baby is sleeping. How exciting- good luck tomorrow!!
Date: 6/7/2010 10:16:39 AM
Author: fiery
Date: 6/7/2010 9:47:47 AM

Author: AllieLuv83

Awe all of the bumps look so cute! I didn''t get a chance to upload my BPF but I will this week! Tomorrow is our big day when we find out if our little Shim is a she or a him!

Any advice on how to get the baby moving for the ultrasound? I how Shim cooperates so we can find out the sex, but most importantly get all the healthy pictures of the heart, brain, ten fingers and ten toes :)

Everyone at work seems to think I am carrying a girl, so time will tell!

Did they tell you to drink a bunch of water? My OB had me drink some ridiculous amount of water 2 hours before the appt (I think it was 32oz).

Fiery, I have heard of others being told to drink an insane amount of water as well. When I made the appointment the receptionist specifically said that I didn''t need to have a full bladder for this one. I often wondered why you needed a full bladder this far along. I understand at the 12 week appointments that is done in order to push the baby out of the pelvic cavity but the baby is out completely by now.

I was thinking of drinking some OJ and having a bagelful, since our appointment is at 7:45am, I doubt I can stomach much more at such an early hour!
LOVE all of the belly pics! Everyone really looks fantastic!

SoExcited, wow! I feel like your baby came out of nowhere. I don''t know why - I knew you were due soon. Congrats! Cute name - I can''t wait to hear more.

Charger, I''m sorry the attempt at turning the baby was unsuccessful. You have such a great attitude and I think it''s fantastic that you''re focusing on having a healthy baby. That is the outcome we all want after all. I''m sending some turning dust your way - there''s still time!

Lovelylulu, any day now! Do you and DH have a *short list*? Before DH and I finally decided on Nolan - we just planned to bring a short list to the hospital. I can''t wait to hear what you decide! That''s my favorite part of hearing about births.

CDT, welcome! I can''t wait till you start posting more. As a second time mom, I think you can give us all a lot of good advice!

Mara, DH is lucky I don''t like Big Macs BUT I did eat a HUGE donut on the way home and it was DELICIOUS and worth every single calorie!

Allie, no real tips to get baby to move but the U/S techs seem to do a pretty good job of it. They''ll have you empty your bladder or they''ll push on your belly with the wand. Generally speaking though, I think they tend to move most when you''re lying down so you should be good. I think you should probably shy away from anything too sugary because you do need SHIM to stay still for some of the important measurements.

As for me, DH and I had childbirth class yesterday. We signed up for the all day marathon session because our weeknights are pretty hectic. I do yoga Mondays and DH is a musician and he writes and/or practices Tuesday and Wednesday. Those, along with frequent doctor visits, have a us pretty booked up during the week. It was a LONG day but I learned a lot! The best part of the class was that the nurse lectured all of the DHs about controlling the visitors. That was definitely a talk that my DH needed. He''s going to have to be the gatekeeper and he''s a bit of a softie. The other thing I got out of class was good information about pain management. I''m going to try to avoid the epidural - not because I want to be a hero but because the idea of being trapped in the bed gives me anxiety. I went med-free the first time BUT I was 17 (and a lot tougher than I am now) AND my labor was 9 hours start to finish (that includes the huh, was that a contraction stage) - only 3 hours from water breaking to delivery. Oh, and on the grooming front - the ladies in the videos were NOT groomed so that made me feel better.
I still think I''ll *try* to wax - if for no reason other than the fact that I think it''ll feel better in the weeks after birth in terms of cleaniness etc. to be hair free.
The full bladder still helps push the baby forward so that they can get a better shot of the sex. Also, I''ve read before that when the bladder is full it''s easier to see through it (although not sure if that''s totally necessary with the high tech machines). GL!
Do you think I should call and ask about the full bladder?
Definitely ask about the full bladder. Our doc and tech said a full bladder is necessary to measure your cervix. At my practice, they like to see that your cervix is nice and long on your U/S.
Just called but they never answer their phones so I left a message. Hopefully someone will call me back before the end of the business day!
Just got a call back. No full bladder for me. Wish me luck ladies. I will report back after the ultrasound!
good luck allie!!
Best of luck Allie! I'm going to guess BOY for you! So exciting!!!!

Lovely - saw pictures of your nursery on the other thread and it turned out amazing! I just love your style and how you put it all together. You have a great eye for decorating (and photography). Hopefully, your baby girl inherits those qualities from you!
You are due the same time my sister-in-law is due, as well as another good friend of mine.

Jas - you are so close!!! Those contractions sound like the end is near and you'll be holding your baby soon enough. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread!

Charger - sorry the turning didn't work. With twins, I've come to terms that I'll be having a c-section unless there is a miracle that they are both perfectly in position, but I doubt it. Anyway, all I care about is them being healthy, but always envisioned having a vaginal birth. Oh well! Hang in there and I'll be checking this thread for you too!

Puppmom - what'a short list? ...and you go girl for giving it go with no epi - can't say I'm that brave, but at the same time, the thought of that needle scares me!

So Excited - almost forgot to congratulate you on baby Alek - can't wait for pics and the birth story!
Good luck Allie! I''ll be stalking all morning to see the results!

BB, by short list, I just meant not deciding on a specific name but having a list that we would be happy with and winging it when we get to the hospital. I can''t wait to hear what you decide with the twins!
Date: 6/7/2010 3:06:23 PM
Author: puppmom
Good luck Allie! I''ll be stalking all morning to see the results!

BB, by short list, I just meant not deciding on a specific name but having a list that we would be happy with and winging it when we get to the hospital. I can''t wait to hear what you decide with the twins!
Gotcha - that''s what I thought you meant. It''s been crazy Monday and I''m trying to read things quickly. As for us, we are leaning towards Ana and Aden (with HH''s Aiden, there will be two!). We also like Adam for a boys name and Eva for a girl, but we can''t put those two names together. LOL! so, we are still finalizing.
Took me a minute to figure out why you can''t put Adam and Eva together! Long day!
Ana is one of my FAVORITE girl names. I''ve always loved Anna Claire.
Ana and Aden go together so well!
Thanks Puppmom! Ana and Aden do have a nice ring to it. My Grandmother's name was Ann, and my sister and mom both have Ann as their middle names. I like Ana better, but it's still part of the "Ann" family so, it works.

One thing I didn't realize was that Aiden was voted most popular boys name this year (I think it was this year) so, I was nervous about having 5 other Aden's in my son's class at school. We thought spelling it a little different would help a little if that's the case.
we are off to the doctor''s office :)! We both called "Boy" this morning.
Allie, I''m so excited for you! The anatomy scan day was the best day of this pregnancy by far. It was so much fun!!

I need to vent - I AM SO SICK OF BRAXTON HICKS CONTRACTIONS!!!! There, now I feel better.
blushing - i love both ana and aden and think that they are particularly nice as a pair!!!

allie - where''s that update!!

pupp - vent away! I haven''t had any braxton hicks or any kind of contraction that I''ve been aware of and honestly, I kind of want a little preview so it isn''t totally shocking when it kicks in for real.

Just got back from my 38 week appointment. Not much change from last week. I''m around 2.5 cm dilated and the babe is engaged. Still very much possible to go over my due date though. . . All I can say is THANK GOODNESS the heat and especially the humidity that had been making me a very unhappy 9 month pregnant lady has been replaced by amazing, amazing (70s, sunny, dry) weather. so much more comfortable. now, if I didn''t have to be at work
Lulu - Can't believe you're 38 weeks! Wow, time seems to fly, eh? Glad to hear the weather has improved. Hope it stays that way!

Lulu's post brought a question to my mind. Are most people leaving work before their due date, or working as late as possible? If leaving beforehand, how far in advance? Two weeks?

Since my due date is 1/10/11, I can't see going back to work after the holidays, but I suppose it is something to consider., I''m having the worst time walking and breathing. Sometimes, I am fine and don''t feel winded or lightheaded and other times, I only need to walk a short distance before I''m huffing and puffing away (and my heart is racing). My doctor said I have two babes pushing on my diaphram and feeling that way is normal, but I am only 20 weeks! How am I going to make through the other 20?

Today, my department went to lunch together. We were only walking two blocks away and I had to stop and take a break. I wonder if this is more a problem for twin mommies or have you ladies also experienced this?
blushing - I''m not a twin momma, so I''m not sure how your pregnancy will progress, but, I definitely had periods of time throughout this pregnancy when everything was more difficult and then other times when things were *much* easier. Even now, last week was a killer and while I''ve only gotten through a day and a half of this week, I''ve been feeling much better. hoping that this is just a tough *phase*

however, that said, physical things certainly do become more challenging and you just simply can''t do things like you used to. It''s a lesson (especially on the weekends) that I''m still learning!!
Lovelylulu, 2.5cm is so exciting! I mean, you''re halfway through the *early labor* in terms of dilation with no contractions. Woot! Woot! I''ll be honest, my BH aren''t *painful*. They can be uncomfortable but they mostly just scare the crap out of me. AND, they sort of derail my whole evening when they get frequent enough that I have to drink lots of water and lie down. Hopefully, it means my uterus will have lots of practice and make my delivery easy...wishful thinking, huh?

BB, I wouldn''t worry about the next 20 weeks and here''s why - I have good days and bad days. Symptoms, aches and pains come and go. Several times this pregnancy - I''ve thought "Great, THIS is how I''m going to feel for such and such remaining weeks?!?!" then, the next day I''ll feel different or better. Since about 25 weeks I''ve had days here and there with awful indigestion, terrible stomach muscle cramps, shortness of breath, slight swelling, difficulty sleeping but none of them seem to last. The only thing that seems to hang on is my crazy urge to pee every 30 minutes - and I heard that just gets worse.

LV, I hear ya on not wanting to go back to work after the holidays. I plan on staying until the last possible moment so I can get the most time at home with the baby. The one thing you may want to consider is what the impact could be for you if you''re on leave on 12/31. If that''s your company''s year end, it may impact your pay, bonus, paid time off etc. Maybe the time off at the holidays will give you the second wind you need to finish out those last few days at work.

Allie, where are you? The suspense is killing me!
Thanks Lovely and Puppmom - it''s nice to know that you ladies are experiencing similar things. I''m guessing that it all depends on what position the babes are in and that will determine my "good days" and "bad days". Anyway, I just wasn''t expecting for all this to hit me so early - I figured it would start at 25 weeks and up. I want to work up until the end, but it might have to be from home come August and September.

Oh and about the weekends, I''ve definitely started taking things more easy on my days off. Normally, I like to pack them full of errands or activities, but my friend who is a labor and delivery nurse said that the two biggest factors for pre-term labor are dehydration and a high activity level. Obviously, I need to cut down and relax more, much more.

Alie, where are you my dear???!!!!!!!
Hey Girls!!!

We are officially joining team blue :) we saw a little weenis today on the ultrasound!!!
Congrats Allie and welcome to the team!!!!

I''m so fracking tired right now. I''m away on business and being on my feet is sucking the life out of me. The time difference isn''t helping much either. I woke up at 4 am (west coast time) yesterday. Vegas is the most depressing place on earth at 4am. I''m resting now before I have to go out to a few cocktail receptions and dinner. Bah! Last night I barely made it through my entree and had to excuse myself before dessert to go to bed. I think I was asleep before I hit the pillow. The good news is I leave tomorrow. YAY!

BB-sometimes I can buzz around like a bee getting stuff done and other times (like now) I feel like a heifer with mono. I huff and puff, waddling around for a bit and then I need a nap.

25 weeks today! Oh! And some of the supposedly "first tri signs" are finally catching up with me. My boobs continue to grow and I''m not sure I can classify my nipples as "Caucasian" any more.
Allie, congrats! Team Blue is a happy place!
I logged on just to see if you updated. I couldn''t wait until the morning!

Heifer with mono...hehehe.