
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

that is great news about your mom. hang in ther girl with the guys are right to just take it one day at a time. Please know we are here for you and you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
Glad you got great news about your Mom. I am praying for you and your cubs, hang in there!!!
Indy -- I''m so happy to hear from you and hear your mom''s great news! That''s got to be a HUGE weight off your shoulders for now. You have a great attitude about everything that''s going on, and I hope you can continue to stay NF, I have read a lot of stories like yours with happy endings! You and those boys of yours are constantly in my thoughts...

Re: stomach sleeping, yes you will definitely know when to give that up! Before I got a body pillow, i started using extra regular pillows for support and that helped a lot. I can''t wait to lay on my stomach again!

Mela -- i''d love it if you were the next PS twin mommy :)

I forgot to mention yesterday that I was really sick and so are my boys, but it seems to be a pretty quick virus running through our house (my 8 yr old got it first and felt better in about 5 days), so I hope it works like that for me. I can''t imagine how hard it would be to deliver babies while under the weather... oh yeah, and I think my contrax have actually slowed down some more if that''s possible! Maybe DTD was the key to *staying* pg haha (if only i''d known sooner...)

36w 1d
Oh yeah, where the heck is KAY???????

I hope that means we have a new PS baby....
Indy, I''m so glad to hear that your mom is doing well! I know you said it would be a miracle to make it to the safe zone, but you''ve got all the PSers praying for you. That''s got to be good for something.
indy - thanks for the update. we''re all so concerned about you, so any news is good to hear. I''m so sorry that you are going through what you are going through. It''s is just so heartbreaking, but I''m praying for a good outcome. On a happier note, I''m glad to hear about your Mum. Best wishes to Independant Mum!

Stay in touch....
SanDiego -- thanks for that update -- that''s GOT to mean good news (i hope i hope!!) ps good to "see" you again!

Kay -- I hope you are a proud new mommy by now, but if not, i hope you have an easy labor and delivery!! Can''t wait for an update!

Indy that is wonderful news about your mom, and miracles do happen, so I am still sending all my positive energy and support your way!
Dear Indygirl thank so much for stopping by and sharing the terrific news about your mother you all must be so relieved.
Indygirl yours and husband strength in coping with your extremely worrying situation is inspiring. I pray that your cubs continue their life jouney ond day at a time.
San Diego - That sounds promising!

Indy - Good to hear from you, and that''s really great about your mom. I''m hoping for a miracle for you and the cubs.

Mela - That chart''s confusing, with not being able to use what I''d consider my age and month of conception. It says girl. Gut says girl. No sweet cravings though, and I''ve recently gotten over the sweet aversions. (Normally I''m a chocoholic.) I''m not really craving sour either. Protein, sure. With lots of veggies.

The boys at work today were trying to convince me that the baby really wanted me to eat half a dozen donuts and a steak. Um, no.

Nothing really going on here. 14w0d.
Date: 10/9/2008 4:02:00 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady
Date: 10/9/2008 3:55:44 PM

Author: sk8rjen

Oh yeah, where the heck is KAY???????

I hope that means we have a new PS baby....


I haven''t even been able to get her on the phone. I sent her an email without response & texted her yesterday when I was shopping near her house... no word yet! I hope it means baby is here too!

*eta.. I just tried calling her, she''s not answering... sooooo maybe she''s at the hospital!
Exciting! Kay, thinking of you!

Sorry, ladies, no baby here yet!

Nycbk, that is such great news!You must have been so relieved to hear both their little heartbeats.

Neatfreak, I am so glad to hear you FnF test was negative!I hope you are not going too stir crazy.Try to enjoy the forced rest a bit.

Pandora, I think Velociraptor sounds like a stellar name.

Yay for closing on your house! (I’ll have to go check the other thread.)

Lisa, it is a very personal decision, but I could not relax until after I had the amnio.I wanted to test for multiple serious conditions, not just Down’s, since I am past 35.The m/c risk is so low, that it was an easy decision for us to make.Your doctor’s position seems odd.I agree it is probably not a good ide to give your kids the same birthday on purpose.

Jen, sounds like you are growing a couple of big healthy girls.I’m sorry your cervix is not cooperating better after all those contractions.LOL re DTD.We stopped about 2 months ago because I was nervous about doing something to make the cervix “ripen” too early.This weekend I announced to DH that it was time to get this baby out so he was off the bench.It was a bit awkward at first with my huge belly, but we managed to make it work.

Poor guy was just so happy to get some action now because he knows there will be another break after she is born.

Lara, I am hoping an episiotomy won’t be necessary.My OB says he does them very rarely.They try to do a lot of massage while the baby is coming out to avoid the need. I must admit that crowning is the part of labor that makes me most nervous.

Fisher, I say get it while you can early in pregnancy! Until the nausea hit around week 8, we were acting like normal.The second trimester was great until I was diagnosed with placenta previa and told absolutely no sex.Once that resolved, we were good up until about week 32, when I got nervous about all the PTL scares going on here.Now I figure I better get a little action before she comes and we have to take a break again.It doesn''t creep me out knowing that she is there, after all, that’s how she got there in the first place.

Dreamer, those are great test results -- congrats!

Blen, sounds like you timed the two announcements well.Congrats on having all the cats out of the bag.

Qtie, I think sweet = girl too.I normally crave salty or savory foods, not sweets, but I have been a chocolate junky this whole pregnancy.

Mela, if you think you look big now, just wait!I felt huge at first, but now I look back and laugh.Of course, between your family history and the PS odds, you might well have twins.


Courtney, congrats on 11 weeks!I waited too long to get a pregnancy pillow – it was so much better after I got one, because I can hug the pillow and lean forward so it feels kind of like sleeping on my stomach, which is how I normally sleep.

Indy, that is great news about your mom!I am so sorry to hear you are still contracting all the time.Hang in there.You and the cubs remain in my thoughts.

Robbie, it is good to see you back on here.

Sorry I have been MIA.Work was so crazy the past two days.I actually worked from 8 am to midnight yesterday trying to finish everything.Today, of course, I have been a useless wreck.I went in for my weekly check-up this morning, and my cervix is 1 cm, 50% effaced and the baby is at -2.The NP thought that was good progress for one week since I was totally closed last week.She thinks it will be another week unless I start having contractions, but does not think I will go all the way to 10/20 and have to be induced.

I’m going to spend the next 3 days trying to get the house a little bit more ready for baby, but I have the feeling I will just be lying around a lot.I start a project, and 15 minutes into it I feel like I have to sit down.Assuming the baby does not come early, I will go into my office on Monday for at least a half day to try to finish tying up the last of the loose ends.I know I have to stop, but I hate having undone projects on my mind.

Kay so glad 2 hear from u...we are very eager to hear the LnD story n see the pics as u can tell lol...u need 2 rest n stop working so much girl let everyone else take care of things and of u! So exciting that the big day is getting close ..yay!!
Kay -- so glad you checked in! I know what you mean about tying up the loose ends -- I keep on trying to do every single non-baby-related project i''ve needed to finish (or start!) since we moved into our house last year! Looks like you and I have made exactly the same amount of progress (1cm, 50% effaced), but I have no numbers from the week before to compare to, so I think you are in the lead
Maybe our "race" will end up in a tie like, oh, say, *tomorrow*? haha i wish. keep us posted!
36w 1d
Date: 10/9/2008 8:07:03 PM
Author: Kay

Lara, I am hoping an episiotomy won’t be necessary.My OB says he does them very rarely.They try to do a lot of massage while the baby is coming out to avoid the need. I must admit that crowning is the part of labor that makes me most nervous.

Kay, hang in there! It definitely sounds like you'll be going into labor in the next week or so. What you wrote above could have been written to by me. That's exactly how I felt before going through childbirth. I can honestly say after having had a natural birth and episiotomy, it isn't bad at all. My MW said they hardly do episiotomies (like 5 in 5 years!) and they did lots of massaging with oils during my labor. I still had to have one done. The crowning part wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Don't worry! With an epi, you'll be fine.
jen, I hope you feel better soon!
Date: 10/9/2008 10:22:24 PM
Author: sk8rjen
Kay -- so glad you checked in! I know what you mean about tying up the loose ends -- I keep on trying to do every single non-baby-related project i''ve needed to finish (or start!) since we moved into our house last year! Looks like you and I have made exactly the same amount of progress (1cm, 50% effaced), but I have no numbers from the week before to compare to, so I think you are in the lead
Maybe our ''race'' will end up in a tie like, oh, say, *tomorrow*? haha i wish. keep us posted!
36w 1d
Jen, I''d love to make a "date" with you for tomorrow, but I think I still have a ways to go. I''m not sure I have had any contractions yet, at least they weren''t strong since I don''t know I had them. DH and I both have a feeling it will be Oct 16 or 17, but who knows. Oh well, maybe I''ll finish one of the window treatments I need to do.
Date: 10/9/2008 11:31:06 PM
Author: snlee

Date: 10/9/2008 8:07:03 PM
Author: Kay

Lara, I am hoping an episiotomy won’t be necessary.My OB says he does them very rarely.They try to do a lot of massage while the baby is coming out to avoid the need. I must admit that crowning is the part of labor that makes me most nervous.

Kay, hang in there! It definitely sounds like you''ll be going into labor in the next week or so. What you wrote above could have been written to by me. That''s exactly how I felt before going through childbirth. I can honestly say after having had a natural birth and episiotomy, it isn''t bad at all. My MW said they hardly do episiotomies (like 5 in 5 years!) and they did lots of massaging with oils during my labor. I still had to have one done. The crowning part wasn''t as bad as I thought it would be. Don''t worry! With an epi, you''ll be fine.
Thanks, Snlee. I guess I''ll get through whatever I have to. She is so active, I wonder what she is doing in there and what she is thinking. I can''t wait for her to get out her so I can actually meet her.
Eph is past her due date now. I hope she pops in once the baby is here!!

Good luck Jen and Kay.... baby time is coming soon!!!
I''ve had to wear my jeans unbuttoned all day! Tummy is starting to really grow, though it doesn''t look that way to anyone else yet.
Date: 10/10/2008 2:24:54 PM
Author: Courtneylub
I''ve had to wear my jeans unbuttoned all day! Tummy is starting to really grow, though it doesn''t look that way to anyone else yet.
Get thee some maternity pants! You will be amazed at how much more comfortable it is.

I started wearing mine at 10 weeks
Courtney yay for big bellies :)...its a beautiful thing and I can''t wait to be in my "mumu" lolol..everyone else will notice soon enough as long as u see the difference ;)
Date: 10/10/2008 2:24:54 PM
Author: Courtneylub
I''ve had to wear my jeans unbuttoned all day! Tummy is starting to really grow, though it doesn''t look that way to anyone else yet.

I had the bloat really early on too, it''s so much fun isn''t it? My favorite trick was the rubberband through the jeans loop and then over the button. It was the only thing that worked for me as I was too small otherwise to wear maternity pants that early so they fell off me. The rubberband is helpful though!
NF and snlee and others experienced with pre-term labour signs... Indy commented in the support thread I started in hangout that the medical interventions aimed at stopping ptl only work for a couple days and they are a little dangerous... but you two and others were given treatments when you showed signs of ptl. What is the difference, were you guys only showing *signs* of ptl whereas Indy is having full on ptl? Just wondered if you knew about the difference or about the nature of the meds you were on and why they may not work when ptl is too advanced...
Date: 10/10/2008 2:37:38 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
NF and snlee and others experienced with pre-term labour signs... Indy commented in the support thread I started in hangout that the medical interventions aimed at stopping ptl only work for a couple days and they are a little dangerous... but you two and others were given treatments when you showed signs of ptl. What is the difference, were you guys only showing *signs* of ptl whereas Indy is having full on ptl? Just wondered if you knew about the difference or about the nature of the meds you were on and why they may not work when ptl is too advanced...
dreamer, good question. I can say that in my case, at 28 weeks, I was having contractions that shortened my cervix. I was first given Terbutaline to stop the contractions. Then given the steroid-in-the-butt shot to speed up the development of the baby''s lungs in case he''s born early, and an antibiotic in case I have a minor infection (many women''s preterm labor is caused by a small bacterial infection, so as a precaution they give me the antibiotics), and Nifedipine/Procardia to stop the contractions. I was on Nifedipine for 7 weeks. It didn''t stop my contractions but it prevented further change with my cervix. Once off the med, I made it 10 days before delivering my baby. From what the doctors have told me, the medicines I was given are not dangerous for the baby. I don''t really know the details on Indy''s case so I can''t tell you much. But I believe since Indy is carrying twins, her cervix shortened drastically, and she''s a 20 weeks, the treatment plan I (jas, LIA, and maybe jen and NF?) was put on wouldn''t work for her. I think a lot of it has to do with how short your cervix is and the gestational age of the baby/babies.
Date: 10/10/2008 2:37:38 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
NF and snlee and others experienced with pre-term labour signs... Indy commented in the support thread I started in hangout that the medical interventions aimed at stopping ptl only work for a couple days and they are a little dangerous... but you two and others were given treatments when you showed signs of ptl. What is the difference, were you guys only showing *signs* of ptl whereas Indy is having full on ptl? Just wondered if you knew about the difference or about the nature of the meds you were on and why they may not work when ptl is too advanced...

It's just that these meds are only proven effective in 48 hour doses or so. So if they can *stop* the PTL with the meds within 48 hours, they work. If the PTL can't be stopped within 48 hours with the meds, they don't really do any more good. Many docs keep people on them for weeks at a time anyway, but no studies show that this is more effective than just 48 hour doses. I think it just makes doctors feel better...

But you CAN use them multiple times if needed, it's just that a continuous dose doesn't work if it can't be stopped initially with the drugs according to the research.

I also wasn't in PTL, so they were given to me as a precaution. So really, they did nothing for me since I wasn't in PTL to begin with.

And in Indy's case it's just that basically there is no way to stop PTL for weeks at a time. Either it will stop on it's own with the help of the meds or it won't. So if it won't, there is no way to prevent it for weeks at a time until her cubs are of a viable age. So basically she has to hope that the contractions she's having won't cause her to go into active labor. There are certainly people who have hung in there in her situation, but unfortunately the stats aren't on her side right now.

She's also too early for the ffn test that Snlee and I both had that gave us some peace of mind. It can't be given too early because the protein they test for is naturally present in the body in early pregnancy. So if you give the test that early, you'll always get a positive.
Thanks you two, that is about what I was thinking.

Every once in a while it becomes obvious how much of medicine is guess work and "trying something" just in case... I don''t mean this as a criticism, but it is certainly sobering since so many of us have a real blind faith in medicine. The fact is in many cases the doctors are just making their best guess and trying things out in hopes that it will work! And that is so dependent on the skill of the doctor. This is why it is so important to be an informed consumer with medical treament.
Date: 10/10/2008 4:12:29 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Thanks you two, that is about what I was thinking.

Every once in a while it becomes obvious how much of medicine is guess work and ''trying something'' just in case... I don''t mean this as a criticism, but it is certainly sobering since so many of us have a real blind faith in medicine. The fact is in many cases the doctors are just making their best guess and trying things out in hopes that it will work! And that is so dependent on the skill of the doctor. This is why it is so important to be an informed consumer with medical treament.

It''s true...very true. Right now we are doing just that, "trying" out progesterone suppositories due to data from one (albeit large and well done) study because my doc and I have decided that the evidence for it is strong enough that it outweighs any potential negatives (the negatives basically just being that we don''t KNOW if it works and it hasn''t been PROVEN safe in pregnant women by a randomized trial). Now if I go full term we certainly won''t know if they helped, but I am willing to try anything to keep my boys baking longer!
Hi Ladies,

What NF says is true. Those drugs only work for 48 hours at a time. Doctors do all kinds of 'heroic' things like emergency cervical cerclage or putting women on those horrible drugs for weeks at a time, because it feels better for both the patient and the doctor to be doing 'something' rather than 'nothing'.

The thing is, PTL often stops on its own (just as often as it "stops" with the tocolytic drugs) and so it can feel like the drugs must be the cause of it stopping. But the evidence (and there's a tonne of it) says otherwise. A woman says her cerclage kept her baby in for 10 critical extra days. My lack of a cerclage kept my babies in for an extra 10 days too. See? Difference is, her cerclage tore her cervix when her contractions started up again. Who knows if that will affect her next pregnancy.

It's kind of like leeching. Makes you understand why people kept up with the leeching thing for centuries, even though...

Anyway, I'm just stopping in to report that I'm back from the doctor and 1.5cm dilated, so it's game over for our tiny sons. We are just waiting for active labor to get going, which I feel like will happen at any time (feeling lower back pain, contractions feel different).

The doctors are wonderful and explained what will happen through the labor and afterward. They are ready for me at the hospital and provide wrap-around support throughout and afterward. The head doctor said I could call him day or night, 24 hours, regardless of who was on call if I felt I wasn't getting what I needed from the on call doctors or if wanted support or had questions.

We were hoping that our sons might be able to save other peoples' babies through organ donation (something we both believe in for our own bodies too), but apparently this is not possible. That made me extra sad.

Right now, we're just trying to stay in the sunshine, go sit in beautiful places (bedrest is pointless at this stage), and let ourselves feel our grief without letting it overwhelm us. We have decided, when this is over, to take a trip. Possibly trekking in Morocco.

We will always love and remember our tiny palm-sized sons. I'm a little afraid to see and hold them when they are born, but I think it is for the best in dealing with the grief.

I have decided to call them Isaac and Samuel, because, like Sarah and Hannah, I longed and prayed to be blessed with children, and God gave them to me and then he took them back.

Such is life.
Indy, I don''t know what to say to make it better, but just wanted to let you know that you and your husband are amazing people and your sons have touched many hearts here. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you through this difficult time.